河南专用2020版中考英语八下第11课时Units1-2课件人教新目标版 3

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河南专用2020版中考英语八下第11课时Units1-2课件人教新目标版 3

第11课时 八年级(下)    Units 1~2 知识点1 imagine的用法 核心精讲过关 知识点2 interest的用法 知识点3 常见的询问“某人/某物怎么了”的用语 难点一 run out of与run out 难点二  be used to doing sth./used to do sth. 与 be used to do sth./be used for doing sth. 难点辨析突破 难点三 alone与lonely 难点四 raise与rise 词汇拓展 1.foot( n .)→     feet     ( pl .)脚;足 →     on foot     步行 2.knife( n .)→     knives     ( pl .)刀 3.interest( n .)→     interesting     ( adj .)有趣的 →     interested     ( adj .)感兴趣的 →     have an interested in/be interested in sth.     对某事感兴趣 必备知识梳理 →     places of interest     名胜古迹 4.her( pron .)→     hers     (名词性物主代词)她的 →     herself     (反身代词)她自己 5.our( pron .)→     ours     (名词性物主代词)我们的 →     ourselves     (反身代词)我们自己 6. important ( adj .)→     importance     ( n .)重要性;重要 →     unimportant     ( adj .)不重要的 7.lonely( adj .)→     alone     ( adv .)独自;单独 8. difficult ( adj .)→     difficulty     ( n .)困难;难题 →     have difficulty (in) doing sth.     做某事有困难 9.kind( adj .)→     kindness     ( n .)仁慈;善良 →     kind of     稍微;有点儿 10.feel( v .)→     felt     (过去式/过去分词)感到;觉得 →     feeling     ( n .)感觉;感触 11. satisfy ( v .)→     satisfaction     ( n .)满足;满意 →     satisfied     ( adj .)满意的;满足的;欣慰的 →     be satisfied with     对 …… 感到满意 12. imagine ( v .)→     imagination     ( n .)想象力;想象 →     imagine (doing) sth.     想象(做)某事 13. excite ( v .)→     excited     ( adj .)激动的;兴奋的 →     exciting     ( adj .)使人兴奋的;令人激动的 →     be excited about     对 …… 感到兴奋 14. train ( v .)→     training     ( n .)训练;培训 →     trainer     ( n .)教练员 15. lie ( v .)→     lay     (过去式) →     lain     (过去分词) →     lying     (现在分词)躺;平躺 16.hurt( v .)→     hurt     (过去式/过去分词)(使)疼痛;受伤 17.hit( v .)→     hit     (过去式/过去分词)(用手或器具)击;打 18.climb( v .)→     climber     ( n .)登山者;攀登者 19.carry( v .)→     carried     (过去式/过去分词)拿;提;扛 →     carry on     继续 →     carry out     实行 20.own( v .)→     owner     ( n .)物主;主人 21. able ( adj .)→     disabled     ( adj .)丧失能力的;有残疾的 →     ability     ( n .)能力;才能 重点短语 1.     have a cold/fever     感冒/发烧 2.     have a stomachache     胃痛 3.     lie down     躺下 4.     take one ' s temperature     量体温 5.     take breaks/take a break     休息 6.     get off     下车 7.     to one ' s surprise     使 …… 惊讶的是;出乎 …… 的意料 8.     in time     及时 9.     save one ' s life     救某人的命 10.     right away     立即;马上 11.     get into     陷入;参与 12.     take risks/take a risk     冒险 13.     be used to     习惯于 …… 14.     run out(of)     用尽;耗尽 15.     cut off     切除 16.     get out of     离开;从 …… 出来 17.     be in control of     掌管;管理 18.     give up     放弃 19.     clean up     打扫(或清除)干净 20.     cheer up     (使)变得更高兴;振奋起来 21.     give out     分发;散发 22.     come up with     想出;提出(主意、计划、回答等) 23.     put off     推迟 24.     hand out     分发 25.     call up     打电话给(某人);征召 26.     used to     曾经 …… ;过去 …… 27.     care for     照顾;非常喜欢 28.     try out     参加 …… 选拔;试用 29.     fix up     修理;装饰 30.     give away     赠送;捐赠 31.     take after     (外貌或行为)像 32.     set up     建起;设立 33.     make a difference     影响;有作用 34.     raise money     筹钱 35.     volunteer to do sth.     自愿去做某事 习惯用语 bus No. 26第26路公交车 without thinking twice毫不犹豫 Animal Helpers动物助手 between a rock and a hard place左右为难;进退两难 情景交际 Unit 1 谈论健康问题和事故及给出建议 1.—What ' s the matter? —I have a stomachache. 2.—What ' s the matter with Ben? —He hurt himself. He has a sore back. 3.—Does he have a toothache? —Yes, he does. 4.—What should she do? —She should take her temperature. 5.—Should I put some medicine on it? —Yes, you should./No, you shouldn ' t. Unit 2 提供帮助 1.—Hi, Tom. I ' m making some plans to work in an old people ' s home this sum- mer. —Really?I did that last summer! 2.—...what did they ask you to help out with? —Mm...things like reading the newspaper to the old people... 3.I ' m making some signs to put up around the school. 4.She volunteers there once a week to help kids learn to read. 重点语法 1.情态动词should和shouldn ' t的用法。 2.用could或should提出建议。 3.动词短语。 4.一般将来时的用法。 一、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1.As a translator,     understanding     (understand) the true meaning that people want to express is very important. 2.Thanks to the hard     training     (train) he received, the young man got first prize in the weight-lifting competition. 3.Steven asked me to be a reporter for the school newspaper. I have never been so     excited     (excite) in my life. 4.The sign     means     (mean) that there is a sharp turn in front. You ' d better slow down when driving. 词汇语境运用 5.If my broken bike can be     repaired     (repair), I won ' t buy a new one. Then I can save some money to buy my mother a gift. 6.We can overcome any     difficulty     (difficult) if we pull together. Teamwork can create magic and bring us unexpected results. 7.Everybody should try to help the     disabled     (disable). Because helping others is helping yourself. 8.We will have to depend on     ourselves     (we) when we grow up. So we must learn to be independent. 9.     Lying     (lie) on the beach is really comfortable. It is a good way to relax our- selves. 10.I don ' t think the bike is worth     fixing     (fix). It is too old and out of style. 二、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 strong break own raise passenger notice hit control situation imagine 1.Our radio club hopes to play some music during our lunch     break     . But first of all we have to get the headmaster ' s agreement. 2.The leaders believed     strongly     (strong) that the purpose of the program was to give people a chance to learn more about Chinese culture. 3.My uncle has a large house and he is the     owner     of the house. 4.Please look at the     notice     , so you ' d better not go there at night. 5.It snowed heavily last night, so a car     hit     a tree by accident a moment ago. 6.You need to     control     your feelings, or it ' s not good for your health. 7.The Red Cross     raised     a lot of money for those who suffered from the earth- quake. The money would be used to rebuild their hometown. 8.College graduates are in a     situation     between finding jobs and getting further education. They find it ' s hard to make decisions. 9.There are too many     passengers     on the bus. You ' d better hold on the handles. 10.Joy ' s mom looks young and beautiful. It ' s hard to     imagine     she is already in her forties. 1.matter ( n .)问题;事情; 事态;关乎 …… 的事情 ( v .)事关紧要;要紧;有重大影响 What ' s the matter?怎么了? 如:Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to improve matters. 很遗憾,我们无力改善目前的状况。 As long as you ' re happy, that ' s all that matters. 熟词生义讲练 只要你幸福,这就是最重要的事情。 2.lie ( n .)→lies( pl .) 谎言 ( v .)→lay(过去式) →lain(过去分词)躺;平躺;处于; 位于;存在 tell a lie=tell lies撒谎 lie down躺下 如:The whole thing is a lie.这整件事就是谎言。 The town lies on the coast.这个小镇位于海滨。 3.rest ( v .)放松;休息 ( n .) 休息;剩余部分 have a rest休息一下 如:What do you want to do for the rest of your holiday? 你打算做些什么来度过剩余的假期? 4.hurt ( v .)→hurt(过去式/过去分词)(使)疼痛;受伤; 对 …… 有不良影响 ( adj .)(身体上)受伤的 如:Many people with low incomes will be hurt by the government ' s plans. 很多低收入的人将受到政府这些方案的打击。 a hurt look/expression伤心的眼神/表情 5.off ( prep . & adv .)离开(某处);不工作;从 …… 去掉; 被取消;减价的 get off下车 put off推迟;拖延 show off炫耀 如:The wedding is off.婚礼被取消了。 6.trouble ( v .)使苦恼;使忧虑;使烦恼 ( n .)问题;苦恼; 疾病;疼痛 make trouble制造麻烦 get into trouble陷入困境 have trouble in (doing) sth. (做)某事有困难 如:What is it that ' s troubling you?是什么事使得你愁眉苦脸? I ' ve been having trouble with my knee. 我一直膝盖痛。 7.rock ( n .)岩石;摇滚乐; 碎石;可信赖的人;靠山 →rocky( adj .)岩石的;多岩石的 如:My father is my rock. 我的父亲是我的靠山。 8.volunteer ( n .)志愿者 ( v .)义务做;自愿做;举荐 volunteer to do sth.志愿去做某事 如:They volunteered me for the job of reporter. 他们擅自指定由我担任记者。 9.notice ( n .)通知;通告;注意; 声明;预告;警告 ( v .)注意到;意识到 put up a notice张贴公告 如:notices of births, marriages and deaths 出生喜报、结婚启事和讣告 You must give one month ' s notice.你必须一个月前发出通知。 10.blind ( adj .)瞎的,失明的; (对某事)视而不见的,未察觉的;盲目接受的;不能自制的;无理 性的;看不见的,隐蔽的 ( v .)使失明;使眼花;使目眩;使思维混沌;使失去判断力 如:We must not be blind to the pain of others. 我们不能对他人的痛苦视而不见。 His sense of loyalty blinded him to the truth. 他的赤诚忠心使他看不清真相。 11.open ( v .)开;打开 ( adj .)开着的;敞口的;公开的;诚恳/坦诚的 如:The hall of the old house was open to the sky. 旧房子的门厅是露天的。 She was always open with her parents. 她总是与父母无话不谈。 12.change ( n .)变化;改变; 找给的零钱 ( v .)变化;改变; 更换;兑换 change into变成 如:Don ' t forget your change!别忘了找给你的零钱! We change our car every two years. 我们的车每两年更换一次。 13.interest ( n .)兴趣;关注; 吸引力;趣味;业余爱好;利息 ( v .)使感兴趣;使关注 →interested( adj .)感兴趣的 →interesting( adj .)有趣的 have/take an interest in (doing)sth.对(做)某事感兴趣 lost interest in (doing)sth.对(做)某事失去兴趣 be interested in对 …… 感兴趣 如:There are many places of interest near the city. 这座城市附近有许多名胜古迹。 Her main interests are music and tennis.她的主要爱好是音乐和网球。 The rise in interest rates will push prices up.利率的提高将促使价格上涨。 一、根据语境,在横线上写出黑体单词的汉语意思 1.This bank charges one percent interest on all money borrowed from it.  利息     2.The debate is open to the audience.  公开的     3.All shirts have/are 10% off.  削价的     二、单句填空 1.It ' s great fun going hiking, but on the other hand, we shouldn ' t turn  a     blind eye to the possible risks. 2.Supported by his research, Professor Li suggests that EQ might  matter     (mat- ter) more than IQ in one ' s future success. 三、完成句子 No matter what difficulties she met, her father always supported her. He has been a  rock in her life     (她生命中的靠山). 知识点1 imagine的用法 核心精讲过关 1.You     can ' t imagine     (不能想象) what our daily life will be if there is no water. 2.Being so shy, he just imagined     walking     (walk) into the teacher ' s office to give the gift he made to his teacher.   imagine的用法: v .想象;设想。其名词形式为imagination。imagine的常见用法: (1)imagine doing sth.。如: The little girl imagined dancing on the stage.这个小女孩想象着自己在舞台上跳 舞的样子。 (2)imagine+that从句/what从句/how从句。如: You can ' t imagine how excited I was at that time.你想象不出我当时有多么兴 奋。 知识点2 interest的用法 1.Not only the young but also the old are getting interested     in     WeChat(微信). 2.My students think it     interesting     (interest) to learn English by using news. 3.One of my     interests     (interest) is reading—it gives me much knowledge and broadens my horizons.   interest的用法: 词性 含义及用法 例句 动词 意为“使感兴趣;使关注”,及物动词,其后可直接跟宾语。常用短语:interest sb./oneself(in sth.)使某人/自己(对某事)感兴趣 English interests him a lot.他对英语很感兴趣。 可数名词 意为“业余爱好”,与hobby同义 Music and dancing are his interests.音乐和舞蹈是他的业余爱好。 不可数名词 意为“兴趣;趣味”,常用短语:with interest有兴趣地 Nothing could awake his interest.什么都不能引起他的兴趣。 拓展 interesting .我对读书不感兴趣。我只对画画有兴趣,我觉得它非常有趣。 常用短语 ①a place of interest名胜 ②have/take/show(an)interest in...对 …… 感 兴趣 ③take no/little interest in...对 …… 不/不太感兴趣 注意 表示“对 …… 感兴趣”可用be interested in...或have(an)interest in...。两者可换 用。如: Jack is interested in playing chess.=Jack has(an)interest in playing chess.杰克对下 国际象棋感兴趣。 一言辨异 I have no interest in reading books.I ' m only interested in painting.I think it ' s very 知识点3 常见的询问“某人/某物怎么了”的用语 1.—What ' s wrong     with     you? —I fell off the bike and hurt my leg. 2.—Hi, John.What ' s     the     matter? —It ' s Lucy, my dog. Her leg is hurt. What ' s the matter?意为“怎么了?”,常用来询问身体有什么不适或有什么不顺 心的事,也可以用来询问某物出了什么故障,后面可接with sb./sth.,表示“某人/ 某物怎么了?”。 拓展 某人怎么了?   若表示询问某人患了何种疾病,其常用答语为:主语+have+a+身体部位-ache; have+a+疾病;have a sore+身体部位。如: —What ' s the matter with you?你怎么了? —I have a stomachache.我胃痛。 难点一 run out of与run out 难点辨析突破 1.—We ' d better take action now because time is     running     (run)out. —OK. Let ' s start! 2.The energy from the sun and wind is very cheap and it will never     run out     (用 尽). 用完, 用尽, 耗尽   如:Be quick!Your time will run out.快点!你的时间快用完了。 He has run out of his money, so he has to walk home.他的钱花完了,所以他不得不走回家。 注意 run out of还可表示“从 …… 跑出来”之意。如: I saw him running out of the house.我看到他正从房子里跑出来。 难点二 be used to doing sth./used to do sth.与be used to do sth./be used for doing sth. 1.—I don ' t care what you     used     (use) to be like. In this camp, there ' s only one hairstyle—short!Understand? —Yes, madam! 2.(2018河南驻马店泌阳一模)The phrase “beat a call” is used     to show     (show) support for people or things. It came from Japanese. 3.Mary used to     live     in the countryside, but now she is used to     living     in the city.(live) 4.This place     used to be     (曾经是) a factory but now it is a park. 5.共享单车被广泛用于短距离出行,给我们带来很多便利。 The shared bikes are widely     used for     taking short-distance trips. They bring great convenience for us. 短语 含义及用法 例句 be used to doing sth. “习惯做某事”,to为介词,其后跟名词、代词或动名词。可用于现在、过去、将来、完成等多种时态 More and more people are used to reading news on the Internet.越来越多的人习惯在网上看新闻。 used to do sth. 1.“过去常常做某事”,只用于过去时。to为不定式符号,其后接动词原形 2.否定形式:didn ' t use to;usedn ' t to 3.疑问句形式:Used sb. to...?Did sb. use to...? My mother used to tell me stories when I was young.我小时候,妈妈经常给我讲故事。 be used to do sth./be used for doing sth. “被用来做某事”,是被动语态结构。相当于 be used for doing sth. Knives are used to cut things.=Knives are used for cutting things.刀子是用来切东西的。 难点三 alone与lonely 1.The boy did his homework with the help of his father in the past.But now he can do it     alone     by himself. 2.Though he is     alone     at home,he doesn ' t feel     lonely     because he has many things to do. 一言辨异     Mike lives alone in the lonely village, but he is never lonely. He has many friends. 迈克独居在这个偏僻的村子里,但他从未感到孤独。他有许多朋友。 adj . adv . alone 意为“单独的,独自的”,表示客观情况,常作表语,不带有感情色彩 意为“单独,独自”,相当于by oneself lonely (1)表示人主观上感到“孤独”,常作表语和前置定语,感情色彩浓厚 (2)修饰地点,意为“人迹罕至的,偏僻的”,仅作前置定语 难点四 raise与rise 用rise或raise的适当形式填空 1.The population of that city     has risen     to 100 million so far. 2.He watched the smoke     rising     from his cigarette. 3.They hold a party to     raise     money for WWF to save wild animals. 4.(2018河南驻马店泌阳一模)I wish I could be the frog I     raised     in the game as I would like to be able to go on a trip whenever I want to. 5.If you need to go to the restroom in class, please     raise     your hand. 易混词 含义及用法 例句 raise(及物动词)(raised,raised) 提起。其后可接宾语,强调“某人把某物举起来” raise one ' s hand举手 增加 raise salaries提高薪水 筹集(资金);征集(人员) raise money筹钱 raise an army组建一支部队 抚养,养育 raise pets养宠物 rise(不及物动词)(rose,risen) 上升。其后不能接宾语,强调“某人/某物自己站/升起来” The sun rises.太阳升起。 The river rises.河水上涨。 增长。其后不可接宾语 The price rises.价格上涨。

