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Period 1 Section A 1a — 2d 1. 太空博物馆 ________________ 2. 国家科学博物馆 _____________________________ 1. 历史博物馆 ____________________ 2. 不同的地方 _______________________ 3. 曾经去过…… ________________ 4. 搭建帐篷 ______________ Preview space museum the National Science museum history museum somewhere different have been to put up a tent Translate the phrases: 1. A: 你曾经去过水上公园吗? ____________________________________ B: 不,我没去过。______________ A: 我也没去过。____________ 2. A: 我曾经去过艺术博物馆很多次。 ____________________________________________ B: 我也是。_________ 3. 我从来没去过科学博物馆。 _________________________________________ Preview Have you ever been to a water park? No, I haven’t. Me neither. I have never been to the science museum. Me, too. I have ever been to the art museum many times. Translate the sentences: I like traveling. I have ever been to Beijing. I have ever been to many fun places there. space museum history museum amusement park nature museum water park zoo Warm-up and lead-in. A: Have you ever been to …? B: Yes, I have. /No, I haven’t. How about you? A: Me, too. / Me neither. Presentation Listening practice (1b) Look at 1a and rank them 1 to 6. ______ space museum ______ history museum ______ art museum ______ water park ______ zoo ______ amusement park Pre-listening: While-listening: Listen for the general idea: The main idea of the conversation is to talk about _______. A. amusement parks that Claudia and Sarah have been to B. some places of interest that Claudia and Sarah have been to C. museums that Claudia and Sarah have been to C Science Museu m History Museum Art Museum Nature Museum Space Museum Claudia Sarah √ √ √ √ √ √ 2. Listen. Have these students ever been to these places? Check (√) the boxes. 3. Listen and complete the sentences. (1). It’s do something ________________. (2) — Have you ever _______ to a science museum? — No, I haven’t. / Me __________. (3). I ________ there last year. interesting been neither went Listening practice (2a & 2b) Talk about the places where Claudia and Sarah have been to. Pre-listening: C A B D While-listening: 1. Listen for the general idea: The main idea of the conversation is to talk about _______. A. the places where they want to go B. the places where they’d like to go skating C. the places that/ which they have been to, where they want to go and how they are going to get there C 2. Look at the map of the town. Listen and circle the places you hear. A B C D Conversation 1 1. Tina went to the space museum last year. T/ F 2. John has never been to the space museum. T/ F 3. They are going to take the subway. T/ F 3. Listen again and circle T for true or F for false. Conversation 2 1. Linda has been to the amusement park. T/F 2. Linda went to the amusement park yesterday. T/F 3. Linda is going to the amusement park again by bike. T/F Conversation 3 1. Frank had a great time at the water park. T/F 2. Frank’s friend has never been to the water park. T/F 3. Frank and his friend are going skating. T/F 4. Listen again and fill in the blanks. Conversation 1 Names Where he/she has been When he/ she went there Where they want to go How they are going to get there Tina _______ _______ _________ John space museum last year space museum take the subway Conversation 2 Names Where he/she has been When he/ she went there Where they want to go How they are going to get there Kim Linda ________ ________ ________ _________ _________ the amusement park a long time ago ride bikesthe amusement park Conversation 3 Names Where they haven’t been Why they haven’t been there Where they want to go How they are going to get there Tom don’t have Frank Water park enough money River Park ride bikes Conversation 1 Names Where he/she has been When he/ she went there Where they want to go How they are going to get there Tina _______ _______ _________ John space museum last year space museum take the subway Post-listening: 1. Listen and repeat. 2. Retell the conversations. Conversation 2 Names Where he/she has been When he/ she went there Where they want to go How they are going to get there Kim Linda ________ ________ ________ _________ _________ the amusement park a long time ago ride bikesthe amusement park Conversation 3 Names Where they haven’t been Why they haven’t been there Where they want to go How they are going to get there Tom don’t have Frank Water park enough money River Park ride bikes 1. Read 2d and answer the questions. (1). When did Jill go to the film museum? (2). What did Jill learn about? (3). Has Anna ever been camping? In April. He learned about the invention that led to color movies . Role-play No, she hasn’t. 2d … … 2. Role-play the conversation in pairs. Make a survey. Then report like this: In our group, I have been to … I went there with … If you want to go there, you can take … A has been to … She/ He … Make a survey Names Where have you been? When did you go? What did you do? How can people get there? Summary Target languages: Have you ever been to …? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. I have never been to … New words and phrases: amusement park, camera, invention, somewhere We should work hard to make our hometown more beautiful and show the beauty of our hometown to the friends all over the world. 1. Read 1b and 2a after the tape and recite them. 2. Rewrite 2a into a short text. 3. Preview 3a. Homework

