外研版八年级下册英语教学课件-Module 3 -Unit 3 Language in use

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外研版八年级下册英语教学课件-Module 3 -Unit 3 Language in use

3 Unit 3 Language in use Can you make up sentences with the words “just, already, yet”? Language practice I've just made a model spaceship. Astronauts have already been to the moon. Has it arrived yet? We have not found life on any other planets yet. 1. Complete the news with already, just and yet. Spaceship on Mars! Astronauts have (1)________ been to the moon but they have not been to any other planets.However, a spaceship has (2)________ arrived on Mars and it has (3)________ sent back photos of the red planet.Is there life on Mars? We do not know (4)________. already just already yet 2. Look at these sentences. ·The spaceship has gone to Mars. It has gone there, but it has not come back yet. ·Astronauts have been to the moon. They went there and then they came back. Now choose the correct answer. 1 Astronauts have been/gone to the moon and returned. 2 The spaceship has been/gone into space. It will travel for ten days. ____ _____ 3 The astronaut has been/gone to the space station. He will come back tomorrow. 4 The spaceship has been/gone to the space station. It brought back two astronauts. 3. Complete the sentences with the expressions in the box. have/has been have/has gone 1 A spaceship __________ to Mars.It is coming back to the earth next year. 2 Lots of astronauts __________ to the space station.They found it very interesting. 3 Some astronauts __________ to the moon twice. 4 Two British astronauts __________ to the space station. They will come back in January. has gone have been have been have gone 4.Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Nicky:I've just (1)________ (watch)a great TV programme about space.Did you know that scientists have (2)____________ (discover)water on Mars? Bill: Yes,I did. And scientists (3)____________(try) to find life on Mars now. Nicky:Yes, they're looking for life but they (4) ______________(not find)anything yet. Bill: There were some new photos of Mars in the newspaper today.(5)________ you ________ (see)them yet? Nicky:Yes. They're amazing! watched discovered are trying haven't found Have seen 5. Work in pairs. Roleplay the conversation in Activity 4. 6. Complete the email with the words in the box. been just met never read written yet FROM:Liu Dan TO:Li Fang SUBJECT:I've found a great book. Dear Li Fang, I've (1)________ finished reading a great book at school. I haven't (2)________ anything as good as that for a long time! It's a story about the solar system. In the book, the writer imagines that astronauts have (3)________ to Mars.I've (4)________ thought about that before and I think it's very interesting. just read been never I haven't (5)______ anyone famous in my life but I hope one day I can meet an astronaut. I've (6)________ to a Chinese astronaut for more information about space and his experience of space travel. I hope he will write back. He hasn't (7)________.Maybe he is too busy. I'm still waiting. Best wishes, Liu Dan met written yet 知识点 as...as 和……一样 as...as中间用形容词或副词的原级。其否定结构为: not as/so...as意为“不如……”。 eg:Mike can speak Chinese as well as Li Ming. 迈克说汉语可以和李明说得一样好。 Jack doesn't run as/so fast as Nick. 杰克没有尼克跑得快。 eg:She is as tall as her sister.她和她的姐姐一样高。 —I don't think history is more useful than physics. —I disagree.In my opinion,history is ________ physics. A.as useful as   B.not so useful as C.less useful than D.the most useful of 典例 A 【点拨】由答语“I disagree.”可推知答案。 魔法 记忆 as...as还可用在某些固定结构中: as...as possible/sb.can 尽可能…… as long as 只要 as far as 就……来说 as soon as 一……就 ______I know,more and more people in the world are learning Chinese.(潍坊) A.As well as    B.As often as C.As soon as D.As far as 典例 1 D 【点拨】as far as I know意为“据我所知”。 魔法 记忆 只要我们共同努力,中国梦就一定会实现。 As _______ as we work hard, China Dream is sure to come _______.(福州) 典例 2 long 【点拨】as long as意为“只要”;come true意为“实现”。 true 7. Listen and complete the notes. 1 The astronaut joined CNSA ________ years ago. 2 He has flown in a spaceship ________ times. 3 He felt ________ when he was in the spaceship. 4 He has been to the space station ________. 5 The earth was blue and very ________ when he saw it from the space station. 6 He decided to be an astronaut because he has always been __________ in space. six two excited twice beautiful interested Interviewer: Today’s programme is about space travel. I’m talking to an astronaut from CNSA. Hello, we’re interested to hear about your experiences in space. When did you join CNSA? Astronaut: Six years ago. Interviewer: And how many times have you flown in a spaceship? Astronaut: Two times. Interviewer: How did you feel when you were in the spaceship? 魔法 记忆 Astronaut: I enjoyed it. It was very exciting. Interviewer: Have you worked on the space station? Astronaut: Yes, I have. I’ve already been there twice. Interviewer: Have you seen the earth from the space station? Astronaut: Yes, I have. It’s very blue, and very beautiful. Interviewer: How wonderful! How did you feel when you saw it? Astronaut: I was so happy. I wanted to cry. Interviewer: I’m sure. Tell me, why did you decide to become an astronaut? 魔法 记忆 Astronaut: I’ve always been interested in space. It’s so exciting! Interviewer: Do you think there’s life on other planets? Astronaut: Yes, I do. The universe is so big. There are so many galaxies, and so many solar systems Interviewer: But we haven’t found anything yet. Astronaut: We’ve only just begun to look. Give us time! Interviewer: (laughing)Another hundred years maybe? Well, thank you for talking to us. It’s been great to talk to you. Astronaut: Thank you. 8. Complete the word map with the words and expressions in the box. astronaut discover moon news reach  spaceship yet Now add more words about space to the word map and write five sentences. SPACE solar systemspace travel 9. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. astronaut discover moon news reach spaceship yet In July 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first (1)_______ to walk on the (2)________.People all around the world watched their televisions and waited for the (3)________ to (4)________ the earth.We have now (5)__________ a lot more about our solar system, and we have sent (6)_________ to Mars, but no one has walked on that planet (7)________.But I believe one day someone will! astronaut moon news reach discovered spaceships yet Around the world Names of the days of the week Many European languages use the names of the heavenly bodies for the days of the week. For example, in English, Saturday is named after the planet Saturn, the sixth planet from the sun. Sunday is the day of the sun, a traditional day of rest. Monday gets its name from the moon and is the day of the moon. Module task: Making a poster about space travel 10. Work in groups. Choose a subject, for example, the first moon landing or China's manned space travels. Look for some photos and information about it. 11. Write captions for the photos and use the information you found in Activity 10 to write a description of each one. 12. Give your poster a title. Put it up for your classmates to see. Homework Make a poster about space travel.

