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U2P1 1:生活(n):live 活着的,作定语(adj):living 活着的,作表语或补语(adj):alive 短语:生物:living things 例句:保持我们活着:keep us alive 例句:我们活着:we are alive 生活,生命(n-pl):life-lives 短语:拯救某人生命:save one's life 短语:丧生:lose one's life 日常生活:daily life 2:呼吸(n-v):breath-breathe 短语:深呼吸:take a deep breath 短语:喜欢呼吸纯净的空气:enjoy breathing pure air 3:危险(n):danger 危险(adj):dangerous 短语:在很大的危险中:in great danger 短语:一个危险的仆人:a dangerous servant 4:污染(n-v):pollute-pollution 短语:空气/水/噪音污染:air/water/noise pollution 短语:污染空气/水:pollute the air/water 5:科学(n):science 科学家(n):scientist 6:打架,战斗(v):fight 战士,斗士:fighter 短语:和污染战斗:fight against pollution 短语:为自由而战:fight for freedom 短语:污染斗士:pollution fighters 7:自然(n-adj):nature-natural 短语:自然与环境:nature and environment 短语:自然的空调:natural air conditioners 8:物理(n):physics 物理的(adj):physical 短语:物理老师:physics teacher 短语:教我们物理:teach us physics 短语:一个物理变化:a physical change 化学(n):chenistry 化学(adj):chemical 短语:化学老师:chemistry teacher 产生一个化学物质:produce a chemical 一个化学变化:a chemical change 9:噪音(n-adj):noise-noisy 短语:制造噪音:make noise 短语:更少吵闹:less noisy 10:危害(n-adj-adj反义):harm-harmful-harmless 对某人有害(三种):do harm to sb = be harmful to sb = be bad for sb 对...有好处(两种):do good to = be good for 11:叶子(n-pl):leaf-leaves 围巾(n-pl):scarf-scarves 生命(n-pl):life-lives 气体(n-pl):gas-gases 12:交流(v-n):communicate-coommunication U2P2 1:让/使某人做某事:make sb/sth do sth 让/使某人怎样:make sb/sth + adj 例句:使街道更加漂亮:make streets more beautiful 例句:使树叶变得难吃:make leaves taste nasty 2:保持某人/物怎样:keep sb/sth + adj 例句:保持我们教室干净:keep our classroom clean 例句:保持安静/健康:keep quiet/healthy 例句:保持我们活着:keep us alive 保持门/窗开/关着:keep the door/window open/closed 3:来自(城市国家)(两种):come from = be from 4:感谢某人做某事:thank sb for doing sth 例句:谢谢你帮助我(两种):thank you for your help = thank you for helping me 5:与某人交谈:communicate with sb 6:互相(两种):one another = each other 7:砍伐树木:cut down trees 8:也,还(三种):as well as = and = and...as well //as well as放在句中,and放在句中,and...as well放在句末 例句:树不仅清洁空气也使空气凉爽:(三种)trees cool the air as well as clean it = trees cool the air and clean it = trees cool the air and clean it as well 9:攻击(v):attack 损坏(v):damage 摧毁(v):destroy 10:替代,替换(v):replace 释放(v):release 减少(v):reduce 生产(v):produce 11:一个半年(两种):one and a half years = one year and a half 两个半小时(两种):two and a half hours = two hours and a half 12:参军:join the army 入党:join the party 加入俱乐部:join the club 加入某人:join sb 例句:你能不能加入我们:would you like join us? 参加(两种) +:join in = take part in + 群众性活动 短语:根连在一起:join roots together 13:把某物递还给某人:pass sth to sb 14:经营,运作公司/工厂:manage/run a company/factory 保持机器工作,运转(两种):keep the machine runnning/working 15:尝起来怎么样:taste + adj 美味(三种):delicious/nice/good 味道差(三种):terrible/awaful/bad 16:采访某人/面试某人:interview sb 一个面试:an interview 17:警告某人不要做某事:warn sb not to do sth 18:关于:on/about 19:通过做某事保护某人:protect sb by doing sth 例句:树通过产生一种化学物质保护自己:trees protect themselves by producing a chemical 保护某人免于某事:protect sb from sth 例句:保护我们免于火灾/危险:protect us from fire/danger 保护某人免于做某事:protect sb from doing sth 例句:警察保护我们免于受到坏人的伤害:The police protect us from getting hurt by bad people 20:生产,产生(v):produce 产品(n):product 21:几乎不,否定副词:hardly 几乎没有(两种):hardly any = almost none/no 几乎从来(两种):hardly ever = almost never 例句:我几乎不能相信自己的眼睛:I could hardly believe my eyes 22:举例(三种,后面加):forexample, + 句子/such as + n/n短语 = like + n/n短语 23:动词变ing四种形式:+ing/去结尾不发音e+ing/ie结尾变y+ing/辅元辅结尾双写+ing U2P3 1:日常的(adj):daily 日报:daily paper 2:耐心的(adj):patient 不耐烦的(adj):impatient 耐心地(adv):paintly 病人(n):patient 3:舒适的(adj):comfortable 不舒适的(adj):uncomfortable 舒适地(adv):comfortably 4:放松(v-adj人-adj物):relax-relaxed-relaxing 5:疑惑(v-adj人-adj物):puzzle-puzzled-puzzling 6:清洁,净化:clean up 清洁,净化(n):cleaning 做一些清洁:do some cleaning 一次彻底的净化:a thorough cleaning 短语:保持教室清洁:keep the classroom clean 7:冷冻,冰冻(v-过去式-过去分词):freeze-froze-frozen 冰冷的(adj):freezing 冷冻的(adj):frozen 极冷的天气:freezing weather 冷冻食品:frozen 8:彻底的(adj-adv):thorough-thoroughly U2P4 1:刷牙:brush one's teeth 2:打开/关闭水龙头/电视/灯:turn on/off + the tap/TV/lights 处于开启、关闭状态:be on/off 3:把A倒入B:pour A into B 4:浪费/节约水/纸张/时间/钱:waste/save water/paper/time/money 5:遵守/破坏规则/法律:obey/follow/break the rule/law 6:以...的速度:at the speed of 平均速度:average speed 加速(v-过去式-过去分词):speed-sped-sped 7:到某事的时间了:It's time for sth 例句:到上课/晚餐的时间了:It's time for class/dinner 到做某事的时间了:It's time to do sth 例句:到起床的时间了:It's time to get up 8:把A加入B中:add A to B 9:大量的(两种):a huge amount of = huge amounts of 10:仍然是:remain the same 11:看四周:look around look up两种意思:查阅字典/向上看 寻找:look for 照顾:look after 看着:look at 当心/向外看:look out 12:记得不要做某事:remember (not) to do sth 例句:记得不要浪费时间:remember not to waster the time 13:回答,答复(v)(两种):reply = answer reply的过去式:replied 14:一滴水:a drop of water 把我降落到溪水里:drop me into the water 15:降落(v):fall 漂流(v):float 上升(v):rise 流动(v):flow 16:你说某物是什么意思:what do you mean by sth? 17:增加:increase 保持:remain (the same) 减少:decrease 18:水的化学符号是H2O:The chemical symbol for water is H2O 19:休息(v):rest 短语:好好休息:have a good rest 20:工厂(三种):works/plant/factory 作品(n):works U2P5 1:服务(v):serve 服务(un):service 服务(pl):services 仆人(n):servant 短语:在军队服务:serve in the army 短语:一个好仆人:a good servant 短语:因为它的食物和服务而著名:be famous for its food and service 短语:公共/汽车服务:public/bus services 2:电(n-adj-adj另):electricity-electric-electronic 短语:电动玩具/灯:electric toys/lights 短语:电子计算器:electronic claculator 短语:电子词典:electronic dictionaries 3:愚弄(v-adj):fool-foolish 自己(n):self 自私的(adj):selfish 孩子(n):child 孩子气的(adj):childish 4:解释,说明(v-n):explain-explanation 短语:一个说明:an explanation 耐心地/礼貌地/清楚地向某人解释某事:explain sth to sb patiently/politely/clearly //5是adj-adv和前文重复,不抄 6:照顾某人(三种):take care of sb = look after sb = care for sb 当心某人/物:be careful with sb/sth care for的两种意思:照顾/喜欢 7:看得见的(adj-反义):visible-invisible 8:改变(v-adj):change-changeable 短语:多变的天气:changeable weather 把A变成B:change A into B 9:风俗习惯,海关(n):custom 顾客(n):customer //10与以前重复,不抄 11:勇气(n):courage 鼓励(n):encourage 鼓励某人做某事:encourage sb to do sth 12:电池(n-pl):battery-batteries 13:包含,含有(v):contain 容器(n):container //Batteries are packets that contain electricity 14:每日的,每天(adj/adv):daily 日报:daily paper 日常生活:daily life 每月的(adj/adv):monthly 月刊:monthly magazines 每月的(两种):monthly = every month 年收入:yearly income 短语:周报:weekly paper 每年的(两种):yearly = every year 每周的(两种):weekly = every week U2P6 1:发电站:power station 火车站:railway station 2:账单:bill 清单:list 菜单:menu 3:粗的(adj-比较级):thick-thicker 胖的(adj-比较级):fat-fatter 更瘦:thinner 4:形式,形态/形成:form 短语:能量的不同形式:different forms of energy 短语:养成一个好习惯:form a good habit 5:把A连到B上:connect A to B A被连到B上:A be connected to B 例句:细电线被连到粗电线上:Thin wires are connected to thick wires 6:叫某人...:call sb/sth + 名称/称呼 短语:把细电线称作电缆:call thin wires cables 7:在某种程度上(两种):in a way = partly 8:对,答对了:That's right 你是对的:You're right 没关系(两种):That's all right = It doesn't matter 9:A:我能做某事吗:A:May I do sth? B:是的,你可以/不,你不可以/恐怕你不可以:Yes,you may/No,you may not/I'm afraid you can't 10:看起来像:look like look like指:外在/外貌 怎样的...:be like be like指:外在/外貌或内在/性格 what用:what...look like/be like how后用:how...like 天气怎么样?(两种):what's the weather like? = How is the weather? 11:打开/关闭:switch on/off 12:测试,测验(v/n):test 做一个测试:have a test 13:在某人脸上:on one's face 14:在某人身上耍一个花招:play a trick on sb U2P7 1:开会(两种):have a meeting = hold a meeting 2:列清单(v):list 列一个清单:make a list 3:对某人免费:be free to sb 免费:for free 4:建议(v-n-pl):suggest-suggestion-suggestions 建议某人应当做某事:suggest that sb (should) do sth 5:在A和B中间:between A and B 6:讨论(v-n):discuss-discussion 做一个讨论:discussion 7:选择(v-n-pl):choose-choice-choices 做出选择:make a choice 8:决定(不)要做某事:decide (not) to do sth 决定(v-n):decide-decision 作出决定:make a decision 9:负责做某事(三种):be responsible for sth = be in charge of sth = take charge of sth 10:总共,总计(两种):in all = altogether 11:上/这/下学期:last/this/next term 12:团队(n):team 团队合作(n):team work 13:就某事和某人达成一致:agree with sb on sth 14:秘密(n):secret 秘书:secretary 15:考虑做某事(两种):consider doing sth = think of doing sth 16:想到,想起:think of 例句:你能想到一个例子吗:Can you think of an example 你认为某人/物怎么样?(两种):what do you think of sb/sth? = How do you like sb/sth 17:仔细考虑:think it over 仔细商谈:talk it over 18:应当做某事(两种):should do sth = ought to do sth 不应当做某事(两种):should not do sth = ought not to do sth 14:经验/经历(n):experience experience作经历时是:cn experience作经验时是:un 20:建议(v-n):advise-advice 接受某人的建议:take one's advice 一条建议:a piece of advice 例句:你给我们的建议是多么有用啊:What useful advice you're given us! 建议某人不要做某事:advise sb (not) to do sth U2P8 1:珍贵的(adj)(两种):precious = valuable 价值(n):value 珍贵的(比较级):more precious/valuable 2:出版(v):publish 3:记笔记:take notes 4:投票给某人:vote for sb 5:设计(v):design 设计师(n):designer 6:阅览室:reading room 读者:reader 7:景色,风景(n):view 例句:我想要一个有好风景的房间:I want a room with a good view 8:a bit,a little第一种用法,与另一个形式相等:a bit/little + adj/adv原级 = kind of + adj/adv原级 短语:有点忙:a bit busy = kind of busy a bit/a little第二种用法:a bit/little + 比较级 9:有某人/物:with sb/sth 例句:一个有着好风景的房间:a room with a good view 没有某人/物:without sb/sth 例句:我们离开水不能生存:We can't live without water 例句:孩子们不应该在没有家长陪伴下烹饪:Children shouldn't cook without their parents 没有做某事:without doing sth 例句:他们匆忙地离开了没有说再见:They left in a hurry without saying goodbye 10:赢得地1/2/3等奖:win the first/second/third prize 赢得(v-过去式-过去分词):win-won-won 赢得(v-过去式-过去分词):win-won-won 11:向某人寻求某物:ask (sb) for sth 短语:向我们征求建议:ask us for advice/suggestions 短语:向我们求助:ask us for help 短语:向我们讨钱、食物:ask us for money/food 向我们请假:ask us for leave 12:班长:monitor 校长(n):headmaster 13:保持/打破世界纪录:keep/break the world record 14:if作如果用于什么句子:条件状语从句 时态:一般现在时 if作是否用于什么句子:宾语从句 等于:whether 时态:看具体情况 例句:我不知道kitty明天是否会来:I don't know if Kitty will come tomorrow 例句:如果她要来,我会告诉你:If she comes,I'll tell you 15:青年时期(n):youth 天才,天赋(n):talent 委员会(n):committee U2P9 1:编辑(v-n):edit-editor 短语:一名编辑:an editor 主编:the chief editor 2:推选某人为:elect sb to be + 职位 选举某人作为:elect sb as + 职位 3:安排(v-n):arrange-arrangement 安排做某事:arrange to do sth 4:(使)结束(两种):conclude = come to an end 5:同意某人:agree with sb 认同某事:agree on sth 就某事与某人达成一致:agree with sb on sth 同意做某事:agree to do sth 6:我不知道(两种):I have no idea = I don't know 我有一个好主意:I have a good idea A:我们去购物吧?:Shall we go shopping? B:好主意:That's a good idea 7:简短(adj-adv):brief-briefly 短语:一个简短的自我介绍:a brief self-introduction 短语:简短地介绍自己:introduce myself briefly 8:文章(n):article 段落:paragraph (文章中的)段落,章节:passage 乘客(n):passenger 9:聚集(v):gather 一起(adv):together 短语:相聚:together 10:就某事向某人抱怨/投诉:complain to sb about sth 例句:顾客就不好的服务向经理抱怨:The customer complained to the manager about the bad service 抱怨,投诉(n):complaint 短语:做一个投诉:make a complaint 11:我赢得了一等奖:I won the first prize 我过了驾驶考试:I passed the driving test 我在考试中得了A:I got an A in the exam 我的同学选举我作为班长:My classmates have elected me to be monitor 恭喜:Congratulations 做的很好,好样的:Well done 这是一个好新闻(两种adj):That's wonderful/good news 我为你感到高兴/快乐(3种):I'm happy/glad/delighted for you 你值得赢/通过:You deserved to win/pass 12:我们输了足球比赛:We lost the football match 我驾驶考试失败了:I failed the driving test 我没有通过考试:I didn't pass the exam 我在考试中得了"D":I got a "D" in the exam 我的钱包丢了:I lost my wallet 有个人把我的车偷了:Some one stole my car 噢,我很抱歉:Oh,I'm sorry 真遗憾,真可惜(2种):What a shame!/what a pity 真糟糕(2种):That's terrible = how awaful U2P10 1;人(n-pl-adj-adv):person-people-personal-personally 来自(2种):by oneself = in person 个人而言:personally speaking 个人信务:personal information 2:位置,场所(v-n):locate-location 例句:你能告诉我sp的位置吗:Could you tell me the location of sp? 短语:位于城市中心:be located in the city center 短语:位于小岛上:be located on the island 3:经营(v):manage 经理(n):manager 成功做某事(3种):manager to do sth = succeed in doing sth = be successful (in doing) sth 4:戏剧性事件(n-adj):drama-dramatic 5:感觉(n-adj):sense-sensible 幽默感:sense of humor 你很明智:You are sensible 一个明智的人:a sensible man 6:死(v-过去式-过去分词):die-died-died 死的(adj):dead dead用法(2种):be + dead/dead + n 死亡(n):death 某人的死亡(2种):one's death/sb's death 7:预定一个房间/一张票/一张飞机票:book a room/a ticket/an air ticket 8:进入场所(2种):walk into + 场所 = enter + 场所 9:允许某人做某事:allow sb to do sth 被允许做某事:be allowed to do sth 例句:我的妈妈不允许我玩电脑游戏:My mother doesn't allow me to play computer games 我不被允许玩电脑游戏:I'm not allowed to play computer games 10:消失在视野中:out of sight 视力:eyesight 观光:sightseeing 观光(v):sight 11:马上,立即(2种):at once = immediately 12:服务(n):service 表面(n):surface 13:在某人/物旁边:beside sb/sth 除了某人/物(包括在内):besides sb/sth 14:醒(v):wake-woke-woken 醒来:wake up 弄醒某人:wake sb up 例句:查理弄醒了我:Charlie woke me up 15:节约(v):save 浪费(v):waste 拯救某人生命:save one's life 失去某人生命:lose one's life 安全的(adj):safe safe用法(3种):be + safe/feel safe/keep sb safe from danger U2P11 1:火灾警报:fire alarm 火灾(安全)出口:fire exit 消防车:fire engine 火灾安全规则:fire safety fules 2:突然发生巨响:go off go out两种意思:灯/火熄灭 / 出去 3:序数词用法(三个词):the/one's + 序数词 + cn单数 短语:我第12岁生日:my twelfth birthday 4:湿的:wet 干的:dry wet(v-过去式-过去分词):wet-wet-wet 干的:dry-dried-dried 5:带某人/某物去某地(地点名词):take sb/sth to sp 例句:带狗去公园:take the dog to the park 带某人/某物去某地(地点adv):take sb/sth + 地点adv 随身带某物:take sth with sb 6:带某物给某人(2):bring sb sth = bring sth to sb 带某人/物到某地来:bring sth/sb to sp 带来(v-过去式-过去分词):bring-brought-brought 7:带领,引领(v-过去式-过去分词):lead-led-led 带领某人去某地:lead sb to sp 领导,领袖:leader 8:借来(v-过去式-过去分词):borrow-borrowed-borrowed 从某人处借来某物:borrow sth from sb 借去(v-过去式-过去分词):lend-lent-lent 借某物给某人(2种):lend sb sth = lend sth to sb 9:表示一类人:the + adj 盲人:the blind 聋哑人:the deaf 10:全心全意为人们服务:serve people heart and soul 11:属于某人:belong to sb 例句:这本书属于我:this book belongs to me 例句:这是我的书:this is my book 例句:这本书是我的书:this book is mine 12:回答(v):reply 重复(v):repeat 再利用(v):reuse 重建(v):rebuild 复习(v):review 13:主人,房东:host 客人,旅客:guest 14:喊(v):shout 哭(v):cry 惊叫(v):exclaim 狗叫(v):bark 15:毛巾(n):towel 毯子:blanket 窗帘:curtain 16:麻烦,困境(un):trouble 处于困境:be in trouble 脱离困境:be out of trouble 17:反对,反抗(prep):against 违反规定:against the rules 短语:违反大自然:against nature 短语:抗击污染:against the pollution 18:...后(三个单词):段时间+later+句子 数秒后:seconds later 片刻后:minutes later 短语:几小时后:hours later 几年后:years later 19:问路(3种,不用宾语从句):where is sp? = which is the way to sp? = how can I get to sp? 问路(4种,宾语从句):Could you tell me where sp is/the way to sp/how I can get to sp/the location to sp 20:描述(v-n):describe-description 21:沿着(prep):along (横)穿过:across (内部穿过):across 横穿过马路:walk across the road 沿着河边走:walk along the river 从门/窗进入:go throw the door/window 22:一...就:as soon as as soon as 常考时态(2种):主将从现/主过从过 23:5种感官:look/smell/taste/sound/feel + adj 看起来像:look like 感觉起来像:feel like 24:警示,提醒某人(5种):Be careful = take care = look out = watch out = mind 25:before/after作为连词的用法:before/after + 句子 before/after作为介词的用法(2种):before/after + doing / before/after + n U2P12 1:快乐(n):joy 喜欢,欣赏(v):enjoy 喜欢做某事:enjoy doing sth 玩得开心:enjoy oneself 有能力的(adj):able 使能够(v):enable 使某人能够做某事:enable sb to do sth 勇气(n):courage 鼓励(v):encourage 鼓励某人做某事:encourage sb to do sth 2:远(adj-比较级(两种)):far-farther/further 出国进修:go abroad for further studies 进步某人的学习:further one's study 3:烘焙(v-n(人)-n-pl):bake-baker-bakery-bakeries 4:吸引(v-adj-n):attract-attractive-attraction 5:参观,游览(v-n(人)-pl)(2种):tour-tourist-tourists visit-visitor-visitors 6:旅游胜地:tourist attraction 旅游目的地:tourist destination 7:既然,由于(2种):now that = since + 句子 既然后的句子的特性:是听说双方共知的原因 例句:既然所有人多在这,让我们开始我们的会议吧:Now that everyone is here,let's begin our meeting 例句:由于你很累,为什么不休息呢:Since you are tired,why not have a rest? 8:遍及全世界(2种):all over the world = throughout the world 9:因为某人/某物而闻名:be famous for sb/sth 例句:上海因为外滩而闻名:Shanghai is famous for the Bund 例句:这个饭店因为它的食物和服务而闻名:The restourant is famous for its food and service 被认为/被誉为:be known as sth 上海被誉为购物天堂:Shanghai is known as shopping paradise 10:城市是国家的首都:城市 + the capital of + 国家 伦敦-英国:London-Britain/England/the UK 东京-日本:Tokyo-Japan 巴黎-法国:Paris-France 华盛顿-美国:WashingTon-America/the USA 柏林-德国:Berlin-Germany 11:one of用法(两种):one of + cn复数/one of + the + adj最高级 + cn复数 + 范围 12:在某个范围内最...中的第...:the + 序数词 + adj最高级 + 范围 13:告诉某人不要做某事(2种):tell sb mustn't do sth = tell sb not to do sth 14:国王:king 女王:queen 王子:prince 公主:priness 城堡:castle 宫殿:palace 15:和...一样(两种):as + adj原级 + as = the same + n + as 短语:一样的年龄(两种):as old as = the same age as 短语:一样的身高(两种):as tall as = the same height as 短语:一样的体重(两种):as heavy as = the same weight as 短语:一样的长度(两种):as long as = the same length as 短语:一样的大小(两种):as big as = the same size as 16:从A到B:from A to B 17:国内外:home and abroad 艺术与文化:art and culture 18:为某人提供帮助(2种):provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb 19:给某人某物(2种):give sb sth = give sth to sb 20:到处,各处(2):everywhere = here and there 21:用某人自己的话:in one's own words 22:茶:tea 可乐:cola 酒:wine 咖啡:coffee 奶酪:cheese 23:音乐会:concert 电影节:film festival 展览:exhibition 地标:landmark 24:出国进修:go abroad for further studies 出国度暑假:go abroad for summer hoildays 出国观光:go abroad for sightseeing 出国玩乐:go abroad for fun 25:展开,张开(v-过去式-过去分词):spread-spread-spread 展开你的翅膀:spread your wings 例句:把黄油涂在面包上:spread the butter on the ground 26:组织(v-n):organize-organization 27:举世闻名(adj):world-famous 众所周知,非常有名(adj):well-known 28:农业(n-adj):agriculture-agricultural 景色,风景(n):scene 景色优美的(adj):scenic 29:极好的(adj):excellent 庄稼(n):crops 等级,水平:level 30:步行去某地(2):walk to sp = go to sp on foot 骑车去某地(3):ride a/one's bicycle to sp = go to sp by bicycle = cycle to sp 乘坐公交车去某地(2):take a bus to sp = go to sp by bus 乘坐火车去某地(2):take a train to sp = go to sp by train 乘坐飞机去某地(2):take a plane to sp = go to sp by plane/air 乘坐地铁去某地(2):take an/the underground to sp = go to sp by underground 31:在某种程度上(2):in a way = partly 用这样/那样的方式:in this/that way 在某些方面:in some ways 挡在路中:in the way 在某人去某地的路上(2):on the way to sp = on one's way to sp 顺便说一下:by the way by the way的作用:用于切换话题 32:对某人有影响:have influence on sb U2P13 1:法国(国家-语言-国籍-人民(pl)):France-French-Franch-French 美国:America-English-American-Americans 德国:Germany-German-German-Germans 中国:China-Chinese-Chinese-Chinese 日本:Japan-Japanese-Japanese-Japanese 英国:Britain-English-British-British 英格兰:England-English-English-English 法国人(n-pl):frenchman-frenchmen 英国人(n-pl):englishman-englishmen 2:主动提供某人某物(2):offer sb sth = offer sth to sb 主动提出做某事:offer to do sth //3:疑问词 + sb + 情态动词/will do sth = 疑问词 + to do与上学期笔记重合 4:与...不同:be different from 与...相似:be similar to 与...一样:be the smae as 5:有能力的(adj):able 使某人能够做某事:enable sb to do sth 能力(n):ability 6:比起B更喜欢A(2):like A better than B = prefer A to B 比起...更喜欢...:prefer doing to doing 喜欢/选择(单三形式,2个动词):likes/prefers 喜欢/选择(过去式,2个动词):liked-preferred 某人最喜欢(2):sb like.... best = one's favourite 例句:我最喜欢英语(2):I like English best = English si my favourite 7:曾经做过某事:used to do sth used可以看成:did/didn't + use 用某物做某事(2):use sth to do sth = use sth for doing sth 某物被用来做某事(2):be used to sth = be used for doing sth 习惯于做某事(2个动词):be/get used to doing sth 8:在...中受欢迎:be popular among + n复数 9:领导,带领(v-过去式-过去分词):lead-led-led 带领某人去某地:lead sb to sp 领导(n):leader 领先的,重要的(adj):leading 10:埃菲尔铁塔:the Eiffel Tower 比萨斜塔:the Leaning Tower of Pisa 凯旋门:the Are de Triomphe (跨过)英吉利海峡:(across) the English Channel (穿过)海峡隧道:(through) the channel tunnel 11:介意做某事:mind doing sth 使某人想起某事:remind sb of sth 12:上床睡觉:go to bed 去上学:go to school 去工作:go to work 13:在家:at home 在工作:at work 在上学:at school 14:吃药:take the medicine 药(n):madicine 医药的(adj):madical 15:吃早/中/晚饭:have/est breakfast/lunch/dinner 16:窄的(adj):narrow 宽的(adj):wide 17:某人自己做某事(2):on one's own = by oneself 18:法国:France 参观法国:visit France 从法国来:from France 法式食品/餐馆:French food/restaurant 法国人:the French 短语:他们是法国人:They are French 讲法国话:speak French 19:加,添加(v):add 添加(n):addtion 另外:In addition, + 句子 20:尝试(v-过去式-过去分词):try-tried-tried 努力做某事:try to do sth 尽某人最大努力:try one's best to do sth 尝试做某事:try doing sth 试一试:have a try 再试一次:have another try U2P14 1:一个成人(2):a adult = a grown-up 成人(pl)(2):adults = grown-ups 2:看着某人/某物:look at sb/sth 看一部电影:see a film 看电视/一个足球比赛:watch TV/ a football match 看书/杂志/新闻报纸:read books/magazines/newspapers 3:考虑做某事(2):think about doing sth = consider doing sth 4:继续做另外一件事:go on to do sth 继续做同一件事:go on doing sth 5:关注某人/某物:pay attention to sb/sth 6:安静的(adj-n):silent-silence 7:独自生活:live alone 感到孤单:feel lonely 8:公平的(adh-反义):fair-unfair 公平竞争:fair play 9:建筑工人:builder 建筑物:building 10:在空中:in the sky/air 11:谢天谢地:thank goodness 12:诗人(n):poet 诗(n):poem 诗歌:poetry 13:与某人闲聊(2):chat with sb = have a chat with sb 14:假装做某事:pretend to do sth 15:横穿街道(3):cross the street = go across the street = walk across the street 生气的(adj)(2):cross = angry 16:像...一样:be like sb/sth + p.p 17:训斥某人:scold sb 罚某人放学后留校:put sb in detention 18:令人觉得无聊(2)(adj):boring = dull 人感到乏味:bored 短语:一场无聊的电影:a boring film 短语:一个让人觉得枯燥无味的人:a boring man 19:interesting两种意义:人有趣/物有趣 一个有趣的人:a interesting man 人感兴趣的:interested 对做某事有兴趣:be interested in doing sth 对做某事显示出兴趣:show interested in doing sth 20:物令人愉悦的:pleasant 人满意的:pleased 对某人满意(2):7be pleased with sb = be satis fied with sb 乐事(n):pleasure 帮助前的感到荣幸:with pleasure 帮助后的感到荣幸:It's my pleasure 21:耐心的(adj-反义-adv):patient-impatient-patiently 对某人耐心:be patient with sb 病人,是否可数:patient cn 22:诚实的(adj-反义-n-反义n):honest-dishonest-honesty-dishonesty 例句:她是一个诚实的女孩,她从不说谎:She is an honest girl.She never tells lies 例句:没有人喜欢Tom因为他不诚实:Nobody likes Tom because he is dishonest 例句:诚实是最重要的东西:honesty is the most important thing 23:你们为什么不做某事呢:why don't you do sth? 为什么不做某事呢:why not do sth 我们为什么不做某事呢:why don't we do sth? 我们做某事好吗:Shall we do sth? 让我们做某事吧:Let's do sth 这是一个好主意/听起来不错:That's a good idea/Sounds good 24:新闻(un/cn):news un 一则新闻:a piece of news 真是好消息:What good news it is! 报纸(un/cn):newspaper 纸(un/cn):paper 一张纸:a piece of paper 25:海洋:Ocean 大海:sea 湖:lake 江河:river 池塘:pond 瀑布:waterful 井:well查看更多