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Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic2 Uniforms have many uses in our lives. Section B It’s impolite for a student to wear a hat in class. I think he should take off his hat in class. It’s suitable for him to wear a business suit in the office. You should take off your shoes when you enter someone’s home in Japan. Listen and answer 1.What’s the second man wearing? He is wearing jeans. 2.Can you tell me what the man should wear? He should wear the special shoes. 3.What should you do when you enter someone’s home in Japan? We should take off our shoes. 4. What happened to Kangkang? What should he wear on that occasion? His feet hurt. He should wear sports shoes. Mr. Lee: What’s the matter, Kangkang? Kangkang: My feet hurt, but I don’t know why. Mr. Lee: You should wear your sports shoes. Kangkang: Yes, Mr. Lee. Mother: You should take off your shoes when you enter someone’s home in Japan. Daughter: Yes, Mom. Attendant: Sorry, sir. You have to change your leather shoes. Customer: Oh, sorry. Could you tell me where the special shoes are? Attendant : This way, please. Gatekeeper: Sorry, sir. You can’t wear jeans here. Man: I’m so sorry. Can you tell me what I should wear here? Gatekeeper: You should wear a business suit. 1a Listen, read and say It is important to wear suitable clothes on every occasion. That’s true. People should dress correctly. You should wear a business suit. You should take off your shoes when you enter someone ’ s home in Japan. You should wear your sports shoes. Can you tell me what I should wear here ? Could you tell me where the special shoes are ? I don ’ t know why. Key sentences gatekeeper n. 看门人,守门人 The gatekeeper is a kind-hearted man. 门卫是个好心人。 customer n. 顾客 My father asked me to see the customer to the door.   我父亲要我送顾客到门口。 attendant n. 侍者 The attendant stands there waiting for customers.   服务员正站在那儿等顾客。 1b Work alone Read 1a again and complete the passage. It’s _______ for the man to wear jeans to go to the formal party. So the gatekeeper tells him what ___ ______ ____.In the gym, the customer asks the attendant where he can ______ his shoes. And according to the third picture, we know it’s polite to _____ ___ our shoes before entering someone’s home in Japan. In the last picture, we see it’s necessary for us to wear sports shoes on the playground, or we may _____ ourselves like Kangkang did. So we should dress ________ on every occasion. impolite he should wear change take off hurt correctly It’s impolite that they fight with each other. It’s impolite (for them) to fight with each other. Do you think they are polite? It’s funny that a monkey performs ballet. It’s funny (for a monkey) to perform ballet. I think it’s suitable that people wear business suits to meet business partners. I think it’s suitable (for people) to wear business suits to meet business partners. 2 Work alone Make sentences with the following information, using “It’s + adj. + that ...” or “It’s + adj. + (for sb.) to do sth.” true, necessary, suitable, important, right wear business suits keep quiet listen to the teacher do some exercise obey the traffic rules be famous 3 Work alone Listen and choose the kinds of clothes that are mentioned in the conversations. ( ) 1. A. sportswear B. sweater C. Tang costume ( ) 2. A. warm clothes B. formal clothes C. fashion clothes ( ) 3. A. cap and pants B. dress and shoes C. T-shirt and sports shoes ( ) 4. A. fashion clothes B. school uniform C. jeans and blouse ( ) 5. A. scarf B. coat C. hat A A B B C Suppose you would go to a party. What should you wear? When you go out to do some exercise, what should you wear? Please discuss in groups of four. Then report your answers to us. Activity What to wear attend a party do some exercise Activities Exercises in class 单项选择。 ( ) 1.It’s dangerous for you ______ that tall tree. A. climb B. to climb C. climbing D. climbed ( ) 2. — Could you tell me______? — In Beijing. A. where does he work B. when does he work C. when he works D. where he works ( ) 3.______ is important for children to get a good education. A. This B. That C. What D. It ( ) 4.— Could you tell me ______ tomorrow morning? — Well, it will start at 9 o’clock. A. when the meeting will start B. where will the meeting start C. where the meeting starts D. when the meeting would start B D D A Exercises in class 句型转换。 It is important that we listen carefully to the teacher in class. (改为同义句) It’s important ___ ___ ___ listen carefully to the teacher in class. Black clothes are suitable for a fat person. (改为同义句) ____ suitable ____ a fat person wears black clothes. Where did she park her car? Do you know? (合并为一句) ___________________________________ Which is the way to the Great Theatre? Could you tell me? (合并为一句) _______________________________________________ for us to It’s that Do you know where she parked her car? Could you tell me which is the way to the Great Theatre? Summary 1.Go on learning object clauses: Can you tell me what I should wear here? Could you tell me where the special shoes are? 2.Go on learning the patterns “It’s + adj . + that …” and “It is + adj. + (for sb.) + to do sth.” It is important to wear suitable clothes on every occasion. It’s impolite for the man to wear jeans to go to the formal party. 3. Talk about suggestions of dressing on different occasions: You should wear a business suit. You have to change your leather shoes. You should take off your shoes when you enter someone’s home in Japan. You should wear your sports shoes. People should dress correctly. 4. Regret: I’m so sorry. Summary Homework Collect some information about wearing suitable clothes in different countries. The end. Thank you! 本文档支持任意编辑,下载使用,定会成功!

