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Section B(1a-1d) 任务一:写出下列形容词或副词的比较级和最高级 1.cool  cooler   coolest  2.healthy healthier   healthiest  3.large  larger   largest  4.hot  hotter   hottest  5.popular more popular most popular  6.good/well  better   best  7.many/much  more   most  8.little  less   least  任务二:用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Some of my friends don’t like to watch TV news, because they think it is the most boring(boring) in all programs.  2.Jim wants to eat in the small snack bar today, because it is  cheaper  (cheap) than others.He has little money.  3.In my report, there are  more (many) students who like pop music than those who like classical music.  4.Tom’s father is  twice  (two) as tall as him.  5.The oil now is even  more expensive (expensive) than before.  This elephant weighs many times more than this panda. 这只大象比这只熊猫重许多倍。 剖析 (1)此处time表倍数。time作可数名词, 意为“次, 回”。 several times 几次 the first time 第一次 拓展 ①time意为“时间”时, 为不可数名词。 waste time浪费时间 ②time的复数times意为“时代, (历史)时期”。 The times are different.时代不同了。 ③time常用短语: at that time 在那时 at times 有时 by the time 到……的时候  every time 每次 in time 及时 on time 按时 all the time 一直, 始 终 at the same time同时 have a good time 玩得开心, 过得快乐  take one’s time 不急, 慢慢来 (2)该句中的more是副词much的比较级, 修饰谓语动词weigh, 之 后跟“than...”, 不是“more than+名词”结构。该句是“……倍数+形容 词/副词的比较级+than”结构, 表示“比……几倍”。 That costs about five times more than transport by sea. 所需费用将比海运的多四倍。 The room is three times larger than that one. 这个房间比那个房间大两倍。 She can earn four times more money than she did ten years ago. 她现在挣的钱比十年前挣的多三倍。

