人教新目标版英语八下Unit 2《I’ll help to clean up the city parks》练习题3

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人教新目标版英语八下Unit 2《I’ll help to clean up the city parks》练习题3

Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks 基础导练 Ⅰ. Translation 1. 赠送;捐赠 _______________ 2. 丧失能力的;有残疾的 _______________ 3. 募集;征集 _______________ 4. 拿;提;扛 _______________ 5. 想象;设想 _______________ 6. alone _______________ 7. feeling _______________ 8. satisfaction _______________ 9. difficulty _______________ 10. make a difference _______________ Ⅱ. Complete the following sentences. 1. 他张贴了一些海报求购旧自行车。 He put up some signs _____ _____ old bikes. 2. 他想出的主意效果非常好。 The ideas that he came up with _____ _____ fine. 3. 她打电话给父母告诉他们她的未来计划。 She _____ _____ her parents and told them about her future plan. 4. 我想帮助孩子们。 I’d _____ _____ help kids. 5. 他们决定设立救助中心来帮助那些无家可归的人。 They decided ___ ___ ___ Help Center to help the homeless people. 6. 我们需要想出一个好计划。 We need _____ _____ _____ _____ a plan. 7. 你可以在食品库分发食物. You could _____ _____ _____ at a food bank. 8. 我愿意让生病的孩子快乐起来。 I’d like to _____ _____ sick kids. 9. 他们总是自愿贡献他们的时间来帮助他人. They always _____ their time _____ _____other people. 10. 他咳嗽的厉害,他的医生让他戒烟. He has a terrible cough. His doctor asked him _____ _____ _____ smoking. 能力提升 Ⅲ. Choose the best answer from the given choices. 1. Lisa is ___ in reading and writing. A. interest B. interests C. interested D. interesting 2. My computer has broken down. I’ll have it ___ now. A. repairs B. repairing C. to repair D. repaired 3. They even put up signs ___ shop assistants. A. giving away B. asking for C. giving out D. handing out 4. —Peter, I think we need to buy a new car. —Oh, no. We are ___ out of money, you know? A. trying B. going C. getting D. running 5. David got up early ___ the early bus this morning. A. catch B. catching C. to catch D. catches 6. If you do your best, I'm sure you’ll ___ do it well. A. can B. could C. are able to D. be able to 7. He’s always ___ at home, but he doesn’t feel ___. A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonely C. alone; lonely D. lonely; alone 8. Jack, you should learn ___ after yourself. A. looking B. look C. to look D. looks 9. They finished their homework ___ the same time. A. of B. in C. with D. at 10. I found it hard ___ out the problem. A. work B. to work C. working D. worked Answers Ⅰ. 1. give away 2. disabled 3. raise 4. carry 5. imagine 6. 独自;单独 7. 感觉;感触 8. 满足;满意 9. 困难;难题 10. 影响;有作用 Ⅱ. 1. asking for 2. worked out 3. called up 4. like to 5. to set up 6. to come up with 7. give out food 8. cheer up 9.volunteer; to help 10. to give up Ⅲ. 1-5 CDBDC 6-10 DCCDB

