人教PEP版八年级下册英语同步课件-Unit 3-Section A(1a-2d)

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人教PEP版八年级下册英语同步课件-Unit 3-Section A(1a-2d)

Section A (1a-2d) To learn to make polite requests -- Could you please (take out the rubbish)? -- Yes, sure. / No problem. / OK, but I want to (watch one show first). To learn to ask for permission -- Could I use your computer? -- Sorry. I’m going to work on it now. -- Could we (get something to drink after the movie)? -- Yes, you can. / No, you can’t. You have (a basketball game) tomorrow. To learn new words: rubbish, fold, sweep, floor, mess, throw, neither, shirt… Make polite requests; ask for permission Do you often help your parents do chores? do chores = do housework chore:日常琐事; 杂务 clean the living room do the dishes make the bed take out the rubbish fold the clothes sweep the floor Do you do these chores at home? Discuss it with your partner. 1. do the dishes 2. take out the rubbish 3. fold your clothes 4. sweep the floor 5. make your bed 6. clean the living room 1a __________ make the bed? Yes, sure. Could you What will your mother say if she wants you to do the chores? ___________________ _______________?sweep the floor Could you please OK, but I want to watch TV first. Could you please ____________? … Listen. Who will do these chores? Check Peter’s mother or Peter. Chores Peter’s mother Pete r Do the dishes Sweep the floor Take out the rubbish make the bed fold the clothes clean the living room √ √ √ √ √ √ 1b Listen again and fill in the blanks. Peter’s grandma is coming over. So Peter’s mother and Peter ________ clean the house. Mom needs to __________ the kitchen. She can ____________ and _____________. Peter needs to ________ the rubbish, ______ his _____ and ______ his ______. His mom has to _________ ___________ before his grandma arrives, too. need to clean up do the dishes sweep the floor take out make bed fold clothes clean the living room 听力原文 Pick out the expressions in the passage. 1. 洗餐具 2. 扫地 3. 把垃圾拿出去 4. 铺床 5. 折衣服 6. 打扫客厅 ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ 听力原文 礼貌、委婉 地提出要求 肯定回答 1. Can you do the dishes? 2. Could you please sweep the floor? Here are two questions asked by Peter’s mom. Which sounds more polite to you? *情态动词can 和 could 都能用来提出要求, could 语气较为委婉,客气 *Could you please + 所要求的内容:一个 礼貌、委婉地提出要求的句式 A: Could you please sweep the floor? B: Yes, sure. Can you do the dishes? A: Well, could you please do them? I’m going to clean the living room. B: No problem. Example: Make conversations about the chores in 1a. 1c Listen. Peter asks his father if he can do four things. What does his father say? Check yes or no. Peter wants to… Peter’s father says… go out for dinner. Yes no go to the movies. Yes no stay out late. Yes no get a ride. Yes no √ √ √ √ 2a 2b Listen again. Why does Peter’s father say “no”? Draw lines to the reasons in the chart below. Peter wants to… Peter’s father says… His father’s reasons go out for dinner. Yes no I have to do some work. go to the movies. Yes no You have to clean your room. stay out late. Yes no I need to eat breakfast. get a ride. Yes no You have a basketball game. √ √ √ √ 听力原文 礼貌、委婉 地提出要求 肯定回答 否定回答 1. Could I go out for dinner with friends together? 2. Could I go to the movies after that? 3. Could you please make your bed? 4. Could you give me a ride to town now? *Could I do...? 礼貌地征询许可 *Could you (please)...?礼貌地提出要求 A: Could I use your computer? B: Sorry. I’m going to work on it now. A: Well, could I watch TV? B: Yes, you can, but first you have to clean your room. Make conversations between Peter and his father. 2c Work in pairs 3. What do you think the meaning of “mother clean” is? 1.What chores does the sister want her brother to do? Read the dialogue in 2d, then answer the questions below. The sister wants her brother to take out the rubbish, fold the clothes and do the dishes. Perhaps their mother is on her way home. Open. 2. Where do you think their mother is? Sister: Tony, you please few help could out with a things? Brother: I at finish Could watching least this show? Sister: No. I two TV hours of is think enough for you! Brother: Fine. What want do you do me to? Sister: you take the rubbish clothes Could fold the and do the out dishes? Brother: much So? Sister: Yes, Mom will be because back from shopping minute any now. And happy she won’t be if she this sees mess. Brother: But house is clean already the pretty and tidy. Sister: Yes it’s but clean it’s not well “mother clean”! a few things? Tony, could you please help out with Could I at least finish watching this show? No. I think two hours of TV is enough for you! Fine. What do you want me to do? clothes and do the dishes? Could you take out the rubbish, fold the So much? Yes, because Mom will be back from shopping any minute now. And she won’t be happy if she sees this mess. tidy. But the house is already pretty clean and Yes, well, it’s clean, but it’s not “mother clean”! Read the conversation in 2d and learn it by heart. Then try to put the conversation in right order. 1. Read the dialogue aloud for a few minutes by yourself; 2. Role play in groups; 3. Role play in front of the class. 2d Tony’s sister wants him to ___________ a few things. Because her sister thinks their mother will be __________ shopping ________ now. And she won’t be happy if she sees this _____. Although the house is already ____________, it’s not _______________. Fill in the blanks according to the conversation. back from any time mess clean and tidy “mother clean” help out with Could you please do …? Would you do …, please? Would you like to do …? Please do … Can you do …? Would you mind doing …? How to make polite requests? How to give polite answers? Yes, sure. / Sure. / Of course. / Certainly. / No problem. / My pleasure. Sorry, I can’t. I have to … How to ask for permission? Could I do …? Can I do …? May I do …? Shall I do …? — 我能借点钱吗? —可以。 — Could I borrow some money? — OK. — 我能搭你的便车吗? — 不好意思,我今天没时间。 — Could you give me a ride? — Sorry, I have no time today. 1. Could you please help out with a few things? *help out: *help out with sth *help sb out •Is there anything I can do to help out? 我能帮上忙吗? •The kids are always good about helping out with the chores. 孩子们总是善意地帮着分担家务。 •If you haven’t got time to finish I’ll help you out. 如果你来不及做完,我会帮你一把。 “(帮……)分担工作” “帮助(某人)做某事” 2. I think two hours of TV is enough for you! *two hours of: 虽为复数,但表达的是一个整体概念 *当时间、长度、距离或其他可数名词表示 一个完整概念做主语,谓语动词用单数 •Two months is quite a long time. 两个月是挺长的一段时间。 •Thirty students is not a big number for a class. 30人对一个班来说算不上是大数目。 3. …because Mom will be back from shopping any minute now. *any minute: (口语) “随时,马上,任何时刻” (事情可 能在极短的时间内发生或眼下就要发生) *类似: any second/ moment/ time •The guests are arriving any time now, but we are still not ready. 客人们即刻就到,但我们还没有准备好。 4. And she won’t be happy if she sees this mess. *mess: n. “杂乱;不整洁”,一般用单数 *常用短语:in a mess, make a mess, a complete / total mess, clean/ clear/ tidy up the mess, What a mess! •Your hair is a mess. 你的头发很乱。 •If the dog makes a mess, you clean it up! 要是狗把东西弄脏了,你来收拾干净! Translate and write them down. 1.我可以和朋友们一起出去吃饭吗? 2. - 请你洗餐具,好吗? - 对不起,我不能,我得做作业。 Could I go out for dinner with friends together? - Could you please do the dishes? - Sorry, I can’t. I have to do my homework. 3. 你能倒一下垃圾吗? 当然可以。 Could you please take out the rubbish? Yes, sure./ Of course./Certainly. 4. 你能铺一下床和叠下衣服吗? 不行啊,我明天有考试。 Could you make the bed and fold the clothes? Sorry, I can’t. I have a test tomorrow. 课时重点回顾 • Do chores: do the dishes sweep the floor take out the trash make the bed clean your room fold the clothes • Make polite requests: Could you please clean your room? – Yes, Sure! – Sorry, I can’t. I have to… • Ask for permission: --Could I … –Yes, you can. / No, you can’t. Now 2 miniutes to test your spelling. 1. English-Chinese rubbish, floor, mess, shirt 2. Chinese-English 倒垃圾;折叠;打扫;扔;频繁;也不; 尽快 When finishing, exchange your papers to see who does the best. 1.Help your parents do some chores at home and make a dialogue between you. 2.Preview the new words and expressions. 3.Preview the story on page 19.

