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Unit 1 What’s the matter?‎ 词汇:‎ 一、 翻译 1. 感冒____________________‎ 2. 躺下____________________‎ 3. 发烧____________________‎ 4. 胃疼____________________‎ 5. 量体温__________________‎ 6. 下车____________________‎ 7. 使......惊讶的是___________________‎ 8. 同意做某事__________________‎ 9. 造成麻烦____________________‎ 10. 摔倒___________________‎ 11. 给.......缠上绷带__________________‎ 12. 洗脸____________________‎ 13. 休息几天____________________‎ 14. 穿上________________________‎ 15. 流鼻血______________________‎ 16. 爬山________________________‎ 17. 切除________________________‎ 18. 晒伤________________________‎ 19. 冒险________________________‎ 20. 用完;耗尽_____________________‎ 二、 根据汉语意思完成下列句子 1. Tell me your ____________ (苦恼), maybe I can help you.‎ 2. I had a cold, so I had to go to the ______________ (医院).‎ 3. I didn’t see her because there were too many ___________(乘客) on the bus.‎ 4. Alice usually ____________ (下车) the bus at the Red Hill Station.‎ 5. At last, Jim __________ (同意) to help me with my English.‎ 6. This morning, my mother had a ________(胃疼). But now she is feeling better.‎ 7. My mother bought two ___________(公斤) of eggs in the supermarket this morning.‎ 8. Thanks to these ____________(乘客), the doctors saved the man in time.‎ 9. Little Mary is too young to look after ________(她自己).‎ 10. To my __________(惊讶), he passed the exams at last.‎ 三、 用所给词的适当形式填空,使句子或对话完整、通顺 1. ‎- Should I _______ (eat) an apple a day?‎ ‎ - Yes, you should.‎ 2. Li Hua cut herself when she _________ (cook) dinner last night.‎ 3. Lily is weak, so she often _______ (have) a cold.‎ 4. My brother ______ (eat) too much for dinner yesterday evening.‎ 5. Grandfather has a fever and he is _______ (take) some medicine now.‎ 6. Do you know the __________ (important) of learning English?‎ 7. At last, Mrs Green made a __________(decide) to buy a new computer for her daughter.‎ 8. Mr.Smith agreed _________(go) to the school party with us in the end.‎ 9. Mr.White is badly ill in hospital and he even has _________(breathe) problems.‎ 10. The little dog’s ________(die) makes Bobby very sad. ‎ 11. The book told us the __________(important) of making good decisions.‎ 12. Be careful, children! Don’t hurt __________(you) when you play with knives.‎ 13. My aunt will soon get used to _________(live) in the country.‎ 一、 根据所给句意及首字母提示完成下列单词拼写使句意通顺完整 1. ‎- My head feels very hot.‎ ‎ - Maybe you have a f________.‎ 2. We enjoyed o___________ flying kites in the park yesterday afternoon.‎ 3. If you have a stomachache, you should l_____ down and rest.‎ 4. Mary has a sore throat and she c________ last night. She should drink some hot water 5. There is a driver and twenty p___________ on NO.15 bus.‎ 二、 用下列所给词填空,使句子完整,通顺 drink, medicine, toothache, take, stomachache 1. My right leg got hurt, so the doctor put some _____________ on it.‎ 2. My head feels hot. I should __________ my temperature.‎ 3. I am thirsty. I want to _________ some tea.‎ 4. David went to see a dentist because he had a ___________.‎ 5. I ate too much junk food yesterday, so I have a ___________ now.‎ die, dying, dead, death 1. Mary cried when she heard about her grandpa’s __________.‎ 2. After the flood, we could see many _________ animals everywhere.‎ 3. Fifteen people _______ in the traffic accident yesterday.‎ 4. The old lady is _________. We must send her to the hospital right away.‎ used to, be used to 1. Frank ___________ be very fat, but now he is getting thin by doing exercise.‎ 2. People in Sichuan ______________ eating hot food.‎ 语法:‎ 一、 单项选择 1. I have _________ bad cold and have to stay in _______ bed for two days.‎ A. a; the B. the; the C. a; / D. the; /‎ 2. ‎-What’s the matter with Jenny? ‎ ‎-She talked a lot and didn’t drink enough water. Now she has a sore _________.‎ A. headache B. stomachache C. back D. throat 3. Mary, you________ finish your homework first, and then you can play with your friends.‎ A. can B.can’t C.shouldn’t D.should 4. ‎-I have a bad toothache. -I think you should __________.‎ A.drink a lot of hot water B.lie down and rest ‎ C.have some hot tea with honey D.see a dentist ‎5. -My mother is ill, and I need to look after her at home. -_____________.‎ ‎ A.You are welcome B.Have a good trip ‎ C.I’m sorry to hear that D.I hope so ‎6. I had a ______ sleep last night. Did you sleep ______?‎ ‎ A. good; well B.well;good C. well; well D. good; good ‎7. It’s important for us ______ English well.‎ ‎ A.learning B.learn C.learned D.to learn ‎8. The teacher came in ________ a book under his arm.‎ ‎ A.by B.with C.for D.carry ‎9. The doctor save the woman’s life __________.‎ ‎ A.on time B.in no time C.in time D.with time ‎10. The old man needed _______ to the hospital right away.‎ ‎ A.went B. go C.goes D.to go ‎11. - I cut my knee. -You should put a bandage _____ it.‎ ‎ A. with B. on C. in D. about ‎12. What’s the matter with Jack? He has ________ nosebleed.‎ ‎ A a B. the C. an D. /‎ ‎13.What happened to Alice? She cut ______ when she was cooking dinner.‎ A. himself B. herself C. myself D. yourself 1. Take the medicine and rest for _____ days.‎ A. a few B. few C.a little D.little ‎ 2. One of his _____ is bigger than ________.‎ A. tooth; another B.tooths; another C.teeth; the others D.teeths; the others ‎16. Tim is lucky dog. Only he survived the traffic ______ last week.‎ ‎ A.accident B.situation C.trouble D.expectation ‎17. The three Americans are used to _______ Chinese food, especially dumplings.‎ ‎ A.eats B.eat C.eating D.to eat ‎18. They _______ working until it was late at night. Finally, they finished the job.‎ ‎ A.kept on B.gave up C.fell down D.cut off ‎19. _______ the doctor, the little boy came back to life at last.‎ ‎ A.Thanks B.Thanks of C.Thank for D.Thanks to ‎20. It’s easy ________, but difficult ________.‎ ‎ A.say, do B. to say; do C.say; to do D. to say; to do ‎ ‎ 一、 句型转换,按要求改写下列句子 1. Henry has a fever. (划线部分提问)‎ ‎ __________ __________ ___________ with Henry?‎ 2. You should drink some hot water.(划线部分提问)‎ ‎ _________ _________ I _________ ?‎ 3. We should eat some fruit.(改为否定句)‎ ‎ We _________ eat _________ fruit.‎ 4. I have a sore throat.(改为一般疑问句)‎ ‎ _______ _______ ______ a sore throat?‎ 5. Should I get some sleep?(做否定回答)‎ ‎ _______, _______ __________.‎ 6. James should see a dentist.(划线部分提问)‎ ‎ ________ ________ James __________?‎ 1. What’s wrong with his brother? (改为同义句) ‎ ‎ What’s _______ _______ with his brother?‎ 2. Mike hurt himself in the PE class yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)‎ ‎ _______ Mike _______ himself in the PE class yesterday?‎ 3. You should eat something before taking the medicine.(改为否定句)‎ ‎ You __________ ________ _________ before taking the medicine.‎ 4. He used his knife to cut up the watermelon.(对划线部分提问)‎ ‎__________ _________ he ________ to cut up the watermelon?‎ 5. You should take more exercise to keep healthy.(对划线部分提问)‎ ‎________ _________ I do to keep healthy?‎ 6. You should put some medicine on the cut.(改为否定句)‎ You _________ put ________ medicine on the cut.‎ 7. Grace’s throat is sore. (改为同义句)‎ Grace _____ _______ _______ _______.‎ 8. My little brother hurt himself playing soccer yesterday.(改为否定句)‎ ‎ My little brother _______ ______ himself playing soccer yesterday.‎ 9. What’s the matter with Lisa?(同义句)‎ ‎ What’s Lisa’s _________? ‎ 一、 根据汉语意思补全句子 1. 鲍勃,你怎么了?‎ ‎ What’s _______ ________, Bob?‎ 2. 昨天安娜感冒了。‎ ‎ Anna _______ _______ _______ yesterday.‎ 3. 你嗓子疼吗?‎ ‎ Do you ________ ________ ________ ________?‎ 4. 冰箱的食物不够我们吃。‎ ‎ There isn’t ________ ________ for us in the fridge.‎ 5. 汤姆今晚有太多的家庭作业要做。‎ ‎ Tom has ________ _________ homework to do tonight.‎ 6. 令医生惊讶的是,这个男孩几周后自己步行走出了医院。‎ ‎______ his doctor’s __________, the boy walked out of the hospital on his own a few weeks later.‎ 7. 你应该喝一些水,然后躺一会儿。‎ ‎ You ________ drink some water and _______ _______ for a while.‎ 8. 你应该先量体温。‎ ‎ You should ______ _______ ___________ first.‎ 9. 你有任何烦恼时,都可以向老师寻求帮助。‎ ‎ When you ________ _________ ________, you can ask the teacher for help.‎ 10. 朱迪花完了所有的钱,所以她不得不步行回家。‎ Judy ________ ________ _________ money and had to walk home.‎ 情景交际:‎ 补全对话,每空一词 A:Good morning, what’s your name?‎ B: Tom.‎ A: What’s the matter ________ you?‎ B: I’m not feeling well. I have a ___________ and I can’t eat anything.‎ A: _________ did it start?‎ B: Yesterday afternoon.‎ A: Now open your __________ and say “Ah”, please.‎ B: Ah... is it serious?‎ A: No, it isn’t. Just stop eating sweet food and take some medicine. You will feel better ________.‎ B: Thank you.‎ 根据首字母提示补全对话 A: Hi, Rose! What are you doing?‎ B: Oh, Mary. Look! This dog got hurt. I want to help it.‎ A: What’s the matter with the dog?‎ B: It h_______ its leg.‎ A: What h_________ to it?‎ B: A car h_________ it just now.‎ A: How are you going to help it?‎ B: I want to t______ it to the animal hospital.‎ A: Good idea. I like animals, too. L______ me help you.‎ B: Thank you.‎ A: You’re welcome.‎ Kevin: Hey, Jimmy, you don’t look w______ today. What’s the matter?‎ Jimmy: I have a headache.‎ Kevin: Oh, do you have a fever?‎ Jimmy: No, I t________ it is just a cold.‎ Kevin: Did you go to a d_________?‎ Jimmy: No, I think some medicine can make me feel b_______.‎ Kevin: Maybe. I think you should d_______ more hot tea with honey and rest.‎ Jimmy: OK.‎ Kevin: If you s______ don’t feel well tomorrow, go to a doctor.‎ 综合运用:‎ 阅读下面的短文,从下列词中选择合适的动词并用适当形式填空 feel, tell, hurt, stay, hit Last Saturday, I called my cousin, Lily. She told me she was in hospital because a bike (1)_________ her. I was sorry to hear that. Then I went to the hospital to visit her. Lily (2) _____ her right arm. She lay one the bed and was very sad. The doctor (3)________ us: “It isn’t serious but Lily should (4)_______ in hospital for a day.” After hearing that, Lily (5)________ better. Lily’s parents were very busy, so I took care of her in the hospital.‎ 阅读文章 Last year, Lily moved to the house next to mine and became my new neighbor. Last week. she had a stomachache and had a physical examination(体检). She got stressed out to wait for the result.‎ I put a wonderful CD of light music outside her door with a note inviting her to my house. After she came to my house, we looked at photos, watched TV, drank coffee and I gave her a message(按摩). I told her everything would be OK. We both enjoyed the time and she seemed much less stressed.‎ Yesterday, she came to my house again with a smile on her face. She told me her illness was not too serious and she would be better soon after taking some medicine. Hearing this, we hugged(拥抱) together with tears in the eyes.‎ It was only a small investment(投资) of time but I got some wonderful results. Give others in trouble a hand and you will also get some happiness.‎ 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)‎ 1. ‎ Lily is the writer's cousin.‎ 2. ‎ Lily had a toothache and she went to the hospital.‎ ‎3. The writer invited Lily to her house and they had fun.‎ ‎4. Lily’s illness was serious and she had to stay in the hospital for a few days.‎ ‎5. The writer thinks that it's good to help others A tired person may get me easily, especially when he goes to crowded places with polluted air. In hot summer, people turn on the air- conditioner(空调) as soon as they return home. They will get me easily Here is another example. After school, a strong boy played football for two hours. Though tired, he still went to a cinema. Then he went back home and took a cold shower at once.‎ I caught this great chance to go into his body. He started sneezing(打喷嚏)and coughing. For two days he couldn't go to school. He wanted to eat nothing and was not so active(活跃的) as before. His mother made him take some medicine twice a day. She looked after him well. As he had a good rest, I began to feel worried. I knew I had to leave him soon. But I couldn't give up easily, and I tried to stay in his body. Unluckily, it was my turn to feel painful now, because he became much stronger than me. I got weaker and finally my time was over.‎ Do you know what I am?‎ 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案 ‎1. What am "I" in the passage?‎ A. A cold B. A dog. C. Poor eyesight(视力). D. A body.‎ ‎2. Where did the boy go after playing football?‎ A. To his classroom. B. To a shop. C. To a cinema. D. To his friend's home.‎ ‎3. What did the boy do after he couldn't go to school?‎ A. He played football as usual. B. He ate a lot of food every day.‎ C. He wore fewer clothes than before. D. He stayed at home to have a good rest.‎ ‎4. From the sentence "I got weaker and finally my time was over", we know_________‎ A. illness likes to stay with a weak person. B. the person might be dead.‎ C. the person must get worse after being ill. D. the person will recover(康复) from illness.‎ ‎5. Which- of the following is NOT true?‎ A. The boy's mother made him take some medicine twice a day.‎ B The boy's father took good care of him at home.‎ C. For two days the boy couldn't go to school.‎ D. The boy was active before the illness.‎ 根据上下文及首字母提示补全单词,使短文完整、通顺 Once there was a bird made of stone. She lived in a place (1) b_________ two mountains. The bird was so heavy that she couldn’t (2) f______. But she enjoyed looking up at the trees every day. She hoped that one day she could fly and (3) e________ the beautiful countryside from up high.‎ But that dream disappeared after a fire. All the (4) p_________ and animals that lived there died. The stone bird was very (5) s_____ and couldn’t stop crying. She cried and cried. Finally, she (6) b___________ a drop of water.‎ When the (7) s______ came out, that drop of water went into the sky and became a happy little could. Then it could fly over trees and (8) s______ everything below.‎ Since then, the little could has travelled all (9) o________ the world, enjoying the views of all the forests and beautiful (10) c__________. And it is now very careful to pour its rain down on the trees.‎

