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全册全套优质课件 人教版 八 年级英语上册分单元课件 Unit1- u nit10 unit 1 人教版八年级英语上册单元全套课件 Where did you go on vacation? To learn the past simple tense. To learn to talk about past events. To learn to enjoy different kinds of activities, to enjoy life. Objectives Warming-up We went on a vacation, vacation, vacation. We went on a vacation. And what do you think we saw? And what do you think we saw? And what do you think we saw? Other people on vacation. People on vacation. People on vacation. That’s the only thing we saw. On vacation go fishing go to summer camp visit museums go hiking go to the beach go sightseeing go to the mountains Vacation Activities stay at home Free talk Where did you go on vacation? Who did you go with? Did you have a good time? She visited the USA . She went to New York City. Where did she go on vacation? Where did they go on vacation? They went to the museum . Where did you go on vacation? I went to the Great Wall . Group work He went to summer camp . /kæmp/ Where did he go on vacation? 露营地 , 阵营 Where did you go on vacation? I went to Beijing City. They went to the mountains. Where did they go on vacation? They went to the beach. Where did they go on vacation? Where did she go on vacation? She stayed at home. He visited his grandparents. Where did he go on vacation? 1. stayed at home _____ 2. went to New York City ___ 3. visited my uncle ___ 4. went to summer camp ____ 5. went to the mountains ___ 6. went to the beach ____ 7. visited museums ___ Match the activities with the pictures [a-g]. 1a a b c e f g d b d c g a e f 1. Tina 2. Xiang Hua 3. Sally 4. Bob 5. Tom 4 5 3 2 Listen and number the people in the picture [1-5]. 1b 1 1c Make conversations about the people in the picture. A: Where did Tina go on vacation? B: She went to the mountains. Where did Bob go on vacation? He visited his uncle. Where did Tom go on vacation? He went to summer camp. Where did Sally go on vacation? She stayed at home. She went to New York City. Where did Xiang Hua go on vacation? Where did he go on vacation? He went to the beach. 动词过去式 动词原形 went stayed visited did was had go stay visit do is have 1. — Where did you go on vacation? 你去哪儿度假了?   — I went to the mountains. 我去了山区。 这是一个 特殊疑问句 。由 “ 特殊疑问词+助动词+主语 +动词原形 + 其他 ? ” 构成 。 由于是询问已发生的动作 ( 过去的事情 ) ,所以助动词用 过去式 did ,其后的动词用原形。 Language Points ► —Where did you go yesterday? 你昨天去了哪儿? — I visited my friends. 我去拜访了朋友。 2. I stayed at home . 我待在家里。 1 ) stay 可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词 。 当 它 作不 及物动词时就不能直接接宾语,其后 接 相 应的介 词短 语,表地点 或 表状 态。 e.g. stay in the office 继续任职 ( 掌权 )     stay awake 不睡 ( 醒着 ) stay in the army 留在部队中    stay at home 呆在家中 ► We’re staying in the same hotel. 我们住在同一家旅馆。 2) home 与 house , family 的区别 home 指“家”这个概念,包括“住处”和“家人”。 house 则指“房子”、“住宅”,侧重于建筑结构。 family 则指“家庭成员”。 当 family 作整体概念时,谓语动词用 单数 ; 看作一个个成员时,谓语动词用 复数 。 ► I watched TV at home last night. 我昨晚在家里看电视。 ► This house is very beautiful. 这房子真漂亮。 ► My family is a small but happy one. 我家人不多但很幸福。 ► My family are watching TV. 我的家人在看电视。 3. She  visited  her uncle.   ① 句中 visit 是 及物动词,后直接跟宾语 ,当其后接 表示人 的词语时译为 “ 拜访 ”。当其后接 表示地点 的名词时,译为“ 参观 ”。 e.g. visit the Summer Palace — 参观颐和园 ② visit 还可以作名词“拜访,参观”,构成短语 pay a visit to…/be on a visit to… 译为“访问(某人)” “参观(某地)”     ► We  paid a visit to  our teacher yesterday.      我们昨天去拜访了我们的老师。 Ex:We are _____a visit _____our English teacher now.   A. on ; on    B. to ; on    C. to ; to  D. on ; to  1. My host family tried to cook ______ for me when I studied in New Zealand. A. different something B. different anything C. something different D. anything different 2. The man has ______ friends in this city, so he often stays at home. A. a few B. few C. little D. a little C B I. 单项选择。 Exercises Lucy did her homework yesterday evening. ( 改为否定句 ) Lucy ______ __ _____ _________ yesterday evening. I had lunch at my friend’s home. ( 改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答 ) —____ you ______ _____ at your friend’s home? —______, ___ _____. didn’t do her homework Did have lunch Yes I did II. 根据要求改写下列句子。 3. Jim went to the beach last Sunday. ( 对画线部分提问 ) _____ _____ Jim ______ last Sunday? 4. They played basketball yesterday. ( 对画线部分提问 ) ________ _______ they play basketball? 5. The students had great fun in the park. ( 改为同义句 ) The students ____ __ __________ _____ in the park. Where did go When did had a good/great time 1. 你假期去哪儿了? 2. — 你假期去什么有趣的地方了? — 是的,我跟我家人去了贵州。 Where did you go on vacation? — Did you go anywhere interesting on vacation? — Yes, I went to Guizhou with my family. III. 汉译英。 中考链接 He went _________ (野营 ) with us and taught us how to put up a tent. camping go camping 意为“去野营”。 Homework Make a conversation about what you did last week. Master the words in this unit and preview next part. Section A 2a-2d To learn the past simple tense . To learn to talk about past events. To enjoy the beautiful scenery,to enjoy our beautiful life. Objectives Words review anyone few quite a few most pron . 任何人 adj . & pron . 不多;很少 相当多;不少 adj ., adv . & pron . 最多;大多数 few quite a few anywhere most wonderful anyone Quick eye Review:The rules of the past form play ed work ed want ed need ed 2 decide d live d improve d 3 carry- carr ied study- stud ied worry- worr ied 5 go- went have- had see- saw eat- ate buy– bought take- took win- won hang- hung 4 stop- stop ped shop- shop ped plan- plan ned Where did you go on vacation? I went to ... Pair work Where did you go on vacation? I ... stayed at home went to New York City visited my uncle went to summer camp went to the mountains went to the beach visited museums go fishing go to summer camp visit museums go hiking go to the beach go sightseeing go to the mountains Vacation Activities stay at home Central park 中央公园位于美国纽约中心的曼哈顿地区, 是纽约最大的都市公园,四季皆有不同美 景,独享纽约“后花园”之美称。它不仅 是纽约市民心目中的休闲胜地,也是世界 各地游客向往的著名公园。 Do you know? Listen. Where did the people go on vacation? Complete the chart. People places Grace Kevin Julie New York City the beach at home 2a Listen again. Check ( ) Yes, I did or No, I didn’t for each question. Did you… Yes, I did. No, I didn’t. Grace go with anyone? go to Central Park? buy anything special? 2b Did you… Yes, I did No, I didn’t. Kevin play volleyball? swim? meet anyone interesting? Julie do anything interesting? study for tests? go out with anyone? Complete the sentences using the information in 2b. 1.Grace _____to New York City with his mother.He thought Central Park _____ really nice. He also ______ a hat for his father. 2.Kevin_____ to the beach. He ___________volleyball but ______there. He thought the food __________really good. He also ______ some very interesting people. 3.Julie didn't go out with anyone. He just ______at home and ________for the test. went was bought went didn’t play swim was/tasted met stayed studied A: Grace, where did you go on vacation? B: I went to New York City. A: Oh, really? Did you go with anyone? B: Yes, I went with my mother. Role-play conversations between Grace, Kevin and Julie. 2c Grace: Where did you go on vacation? Julie: I went to Huangshan. Grace: Oh, really? Did you go with anyone? Julie: Yes, I went with my friends. We were very happy. Grace Julie Listen and answer the questions. Q1 : Where did Helen go on vacation last month? Q2 : What did Helen do there? She went to Guizhou with her family. She saw Huangguoshu Waterfall and took quite a few photos. Role-play the conversation. 2d Rick: Hi, Helen. Long time no see. Helen: Hi, Rick. Yes, I was on vacation last month. Rick: Oh, did you go anywhere interesting? Helen: Yes, I went to Guizhou with my family. Rick: Wow! Did you see Huangguoshu Waterfall? Helen: Yes, I did. It was wonderful! We took quite a few photos there. What about you? Did you do anything special last month? Rick: Not really. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax. Helen was on vacation last month. She _____ __ to Guizhou with her family and ____ Huangguoshu Waterfall. It was __________. She took ___________ photos there. Rick didn’t do _________ special last month. He just ______________ ___ most of the time to read and relax. went saw wonderful quite a few anything stayed at home Fill in the blanks According to the conversation. 1. — Did you go to Central Park? 你去中心公园了吗? — Yes, I did . 是的,去了。 这是一个 一般疑问句 ,由助动词提问,回答也用助 动词。由于询问的是发生在过去的事,所以助动词用 过去式 did 。一般过去时的一般疑问句的句子结构: Did +主语+动词原形+其它 ? Language Points 回答 : Yes, 主 +did. / No, 主 +didn’t. 在过去时态中 , 无论主语是第几人称,是单数 还是复数,助动词一律用 did 。 e.g. — Did you/he/she/they go to the park last night? —Yes, I/he/she/they did . —No, I/he/she/they didn’t . 2. Did you buy anything special ? 在英语中, anything, something, nothing 和 everything 是用于指代 事物 的复合不定代词,与之相对应的复合不定代词 anyone, someone, no one 和 everyone ( anybody, somebody, nobody 和 everybody) 用于 指人 。 与形容词连用时 , 形容词 必须放在 复合不定代词之后 ,语法上称作“后置”。 e.g. something important—— 重要的事 I can see someone new in your group. 我看出你们小组里有新人。 There’s nothing interesting in the news today. 今天的新闻里没有什么有趣的新闻。 3. I was on vacation last month. be on vacation 译为 “在度假”, 强调状态 。 而 go to vacation , “去度假 ” , 强调动作 。 我们应该如何区分英语中强调动作和状态的词语: 1 )一般来说,单独的动词 / 短语一般强调动作;而“ be + 分词 / 形容词”则只表状态。如 marry sb. 和 get married to sb. 表动作,而 be married to sb. 表状态。 2 )如果动词是延续性动词,则一般它既可表示 动作, 也可以表示状态。 e.g. live/stay/work… 3 )如果是单独的瞬间性动词,则它只表示动作。 e.g. get up/put on/begin… 4. We took quite a few photos there. 此句中 quite a few 是一个整体结构,表示“相当多”, 修饰可数名词,不能与 a few( 少数几个 ) 混淆。 比较下面例句中 quite a few 和 a few 的区别: e.g. There are only a few books on the table, but I still have quite a few in the bookcase. 虽然桌上只有几本书,但我的书柜里还有很多书。 quite a few 相当多的 ; 不少的 相当于 many ,修饰 可数名词复数。 quite a little 许多的 , 相当多的 相当于 much ,修饰 不可数名词。 quite a few 与 quite a little 5. Did you buy anything special? 复合不定代词分为: 指物: anything, something, nothing, everything 指人 : anyone, someone, no one, everyone/ anybody, somebody, nobody, everybody “ 后置”: 复合不定代词 + adj . e.g. I can see someone new in your group. 复合不定代词 adj . + — Where did you go on vacation? — I went to New York City. — Did you go out with anyone? — No. No one was here. Everyone was on vacation. — Did you buy anything special? — Yes, I bought something for my father. — No, I bought nothing. Summary I. 写出下列动词的过去时 。 stay_________ do_________ stop_________ play_________ is_________ go___________ buy_______ have _______ use_________ visit_________ are_________ study_________ stayed played was did used bought had went visited studied were stopped Exercises II. 根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。 1. He didn’t find a____ __ __ in the bag . The bag is empty. 2 . The movie is very w___ ___ ___ , and I like it very much. 3 . They want to _______________( 某地 ) warm. It’s too cold here. nything onderful go somewhere III. 按要求完成句子。 1. I went somewhere interesting. (改为否定句) I_______ ____ _____________ interesting. 2. She bought something for her father. (改为一般疑问句) _______ she _________ __________ for her father? 3. We fed some hens last night. ( 对 画 线部分提问 ) ________ _______ you ________ last night? 4. bought, something, I, special, last vacation ( 连词成句 ) ______________________________________________. didn’t go anywhere Did buy anything What did do I bought something special last vacation Ⅳ. 翻译句子。 1. 你假期去哪儿了? 2. — 你假期去什么有趣的地方了吗? — 是的,我跟我家人去了山西。 Where did you go on vacation? —Did you go anywhere interesting on vacation? —Yes, I went to Shanxi with my family. 3. 今天的新闻里没有什么有趣的内容。 4. — 汤姆假期去哪儿玩了? — 他去爬山了。 —Where did Tom go on vacation? —He went to the mountains. There’s nothing interesting in the news today. 中考链接 — Helen, did you do ______ last weekend? — Yes, I visited my grandparents in the countryside. A. anything special B. something special C. special anything “特别的事情”, 不定代词的修饰语要后置,疑问句用 anything 。 A Talk about your vacation with your partner. 2. Preview the new words and phrases. 3. Preview the conversation in 3a and the e-mail message in 3b. Homework Section A Grammar Focus-3c Objectives To practice the usage of anyone, someone, everyone, anything, something, everything and nothing. To learn new words: myself , yourself, hen, pig , seem, bored, someone, diary… To sum up t he simple past tense. Where did you go on your vacation? Did you go to the zoo? Were there any…? What else did you do? … Let’s talk! Where did you go on vacation? I went to New York City . Did you go out with anyone ? No, no one was here. Everyone was on vacation. Did you buy anything special? Yes, I bought something for my father. How was the food? No, I bought nothing . Did everyone have a good time? Oh, yes. Everything was excellent. Grammar Focus 1. 你去了什么地方去度假? ______ _____ you go on ________? 2. 我去了纽约市。 I _____ ____ New York City. 3. 你和别的什么人一起去的吗? ______ ______ go out with _______? vacation Where did went to Did you anyone 认真读并观察 Grammar focus 内容,完成下列句子并试着总结一般过去时态的用法。 4. 不,没有别人在这儿。每个人都在度假。 No. ____ _____ was here. ________ was on ________. 5. 你买了什么特别的东西了吗? _____ you buy ________ _______? 6. 是的,我为我爸爸买了些东西。 Yes, I _______ _________ for my father. 7. 不,我没有买什么东西。 No, I _______ _________. No one Everyone vacation anything special Did bought something bought nothing 8. 吃的怎么样? ____ ____ the food? 9. 所有的东西尝起来都很好。 __________ _______ really good. 10. 每个人都玩得很开心吗? _____ ________ have a good time? 11. 哦,是的。一切都很棒。 Oh, yes. ____________ was excellent. How was Everything tasted Did everyone Everything The simple past tense 一般过去时 1. 定义 : 1) 表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态 , 常和表示过去的 时间状语 ( 如 yesterday, last night, in 1990, two days ago...) 连用; 2) 也 表示过去经常或反复发生的动作 ,常和表示 频度的 时间状语 ( 如 often, always…) 连用。 一般过去时 有哪些时间状语可以用来描述过去? 一般过去时常与表示过去的时间状语或从句连用 。 a )时间状语 ago ( two hours ago (一段时间 +ago ) yesterday (句子开头或结尾) the day before yesterday last week, last (year, night, month…) 具体时间( 如 Jan. fourth ) just now at the age of one day long ago once upon a time (很久以前) and so on this morning long long ago Sentences I did my homework yesterday. I play ed soccer last Sunday . I clean ed my room last week. I went to the beach three years ago. I play ed tennis with my friends last weekend. I went to the movies three days ago. 注 :“过去”的概念并不是只指如“ yesterday, last week,… ”等,实际上“ 与现在对立的过去 ”,亦即“ 非现在的以前 ”,哪怕是“过了说话时间的几分钟之前”,只要所要表达的时间与说话时的“现在”形成对立,就必须使用一般过去时来表达。在谈到已死去的人的情况时,多用过去时。  e.g. He was here only  a few minutes ago . 仅仅几分钟前他还在这里。 I came home  just now . 我刚回到家。  I got up very early  this morning . 今天早晨我起床很早。 He was late for school again  today . 今天他又迟到了。 a )动词变化规则 规则变化 : 1. 直接加 ed : work— work ed look—look ed play—play ed    2. 以 e 结尾的单词,直接加 d : live —live d hope—hope d use——use d 3. 以辅音字母 +y 结尾的,变 y 为 i 加 ed : study—— stud ied carry——carr ied worry——worr ied 4. 以元音字母 +y 结尾的,直接加 ed : enjoy ——enjoy ed play——play ed    5. 以重读闭音节结尾的,双写最后的辅音 字母 +ed : stop—— stop ped plan——plan ned   规则动词过去式词尾 -ed 的读音 读音规则 读 音 例 词 在浊辅音和元音后面 /d/ moved /mu:vd/ 在浊辅音和元音后面 /t/ passed /pa:st/ 在清辅音后面 /id/ needed /’ni:did/ am, is— was are— were go— went do— did have— had come— came take— took say— said eat— ate see— saw get— got put— put sleep— slept give— gave write— wrote read— read b ) 动词不规则变化 /red/ buy— bought sit— sat run— ran swim — swam make— made feel— felt hear— heard grow— grew tell— told know— knew find— found begin— began bring — brought stand— stood spend— spent catch— caught teach— taught 动词不规则变化 基本结构 :   be 动词的过去 式 Present Past am was is was are were 单数 复数 I was we were you were (一個人) you were (不只一人) she was they were he was it was 肯定句:主语 +was (were) + 其它 .      e.g. I was late yesterday.  昨天我迟到了。    否定句:主语 +was (were) +not+ 其它 .      e.g. We weren’t late yesterday.  我们昨天没迟到。 Be  动词的一般过去时态构成: 疑问句: Was (Were) + 主语 + 其它 ?       e.g.  Were you ill yesterday?  你昨天病了吗?   肯定回答:   Yes, I was.  是的,我病了。     否定句:   No, I wasn’t.  不,我没病。  特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词 +was (were) + 主语 + 其它 ?     e.g. When were you born?  你是什么时候出生的? A : How your vacation , Lin? B: It pretty good. A: How the beach es ? B: They great. A: How the weather ? B: It hot and wet. A: How the people ? B: They un friendly. A:How the store s ? B: They expensive . was was were were was was were were were were Be— am/is(was) are(were) Be 填空 肯定句 要使用动词的 过去式 , 否定句和疑问句 要使用助动词 do 和  does  的过去式   did 。   肯定句:主语 + 动词过去式 + 其它 .      e.g. I went home at nine o’clock yesterday. 我昨天九点钟回的家。   否定句:主语 +didn’t + 动词原形 + 其它 .      e.g. I didn’t go home yesterday.  我昨天没回家。 实义动词的一般过去时态    疑问句: Did + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其它 .     e.g.  Did you go home yesterday?  你昨天回家了吗? 肯定回答: Yes, I did.  是的,我回了。  否定回答: No, I didn’t.  不,我没回家。 一般过去式的构成形式 肯定式 疑问式 否定式 I worked Did I work I did not work He /She/It worked Did he /she/it work He /She/It did not work We worked Did we work We did not work You worked Did you work You did not work They worked Did they work They did not work 动词一般过去时,表示过去发生的事; be 用 was 或用 were , have, has 变 had ; 谓语动词过去式,过去时间作标志; 一般动词加 - ed ,若是特殊得硬记。 否定句很简单,主语之后 didn’t 添; 疑问句也不难, did 放在主语前; 如果谓语之前有 did ,谓语动词需还原; 动词若是 was, were, 否定就把 not 添。 易 记 歌 谣 Last summer, I ______to the beach with my parents. My vacation _____pretty good . I ____there by bus _____my bus trip______ relaxing. The beach ______ very beautiful . It _______sunny. I _________ beach volleyball and ______swimming. The people ______ friendly and the food was ________. I __________my vacation very much and I _________to go there again. went was went and was was was were delicious enjoyed hope played went Write about your vacation and give a report. 某人 某事 任何人 任何事 没有人 没有东西 每人 一切 someone anyone no one everyone somebody anybody nobody everybody something anything nothing everything 复合不定代词小结: 1. some, any, no, every 与 -one, -thing , -body 可以 组成复合不定代词,他们分别是: 2. 复合不定代词用法 ( 1) some 系列的 不定代词和 some 一样主要用于 肯 定 句 ; any 系列 的不定代词和 any 一样主要用于 否 定 或疑问句 。如: There is ___________ wrong with my bike. 我的自行车出毛病了。 I can’t see _______in the classroom. 在教室里我没看见任何人。 something anyone 不过,在表示 请求、建议或征求意见的疑问句中 常用 some 系列的词 。 eg. Would you like ___________to drink? 你想要一些喝的东西吗? 在表达“ 任何 ”这一含义的肯定句中也要用 any 系列的词 。 eg. I think__________ can do it. 我认为任何人都会做。 anyone something (2) 修饰复合不定代词 something, anyone 等的 adj,adv,to do 不定式等 要放在不定代词的后面。如: Did you meet __________________? 你遇见有趣的人了吗? I have ________ to do today. 我今天没什么事可做。 There’s __________________ in the newspaper today. 今天的报纸里有一些重要的内容。 anyone interesting nothing something important (4) no 系列的不定代词可与 not...any 系列 的不定代词替换。 eg. I bought nothing.= I______buy ___________. 我什么也没买。 didn't anything (3) 这些不定代词作主语时看作单数,谓语动词用 单数形式。 eg. Everyone ______ on vacation last weekends. 上周末 所有的人都在度假。 was Linda: Did you do___________ fun on your vacation, Alice? Alice: Yes, I did. I went to Sanya. Linda: How did you like it? Alice: Well, it was my first time there, so ___________ was really interesting. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box and practice the conversation. anything everything 3a anyone something anything everything nothing Linda: Did you go with__________? Alice: Yes, I did. I went with my sister. Linda: Did you go shopping? Alice: Of course! I bought__________ for my parents , but _________for myself. Linda: Why didn ’ t you buy__________ for yourself? Alice: I didn ’ t really see ____________I liked. anyone something nothing anything anything Dear Bill, How was your vacation? Did you do ________ interesting? Did________ in the family go with you? I went to a friend’s farm in the countryside with my family. __________was great. anything everything nothing everyone no one Fill in the blanks in the e-mail message with the words in the box. anything everyone Everything 3b We fed some hens and saw some baby pigs. They were so cute! The only problem was that there was __________ much to do in the evening but read. Still __________ seemed to be bored. Bye for now! Mark nothing no one Did you… Everyone Someone(write the classmates’ name ) No one eat a nything at a restaurant? read anything interesting? visit anyone in your family? buy anything? keep a diary? Ask your group questions about their last vacation. Then tell the class your results. In our group, everyone ate something at a restaurant ... 3c 2.anyone, someone, everyone, no one, anything, something, everything , nothing 等复合不定代词 的用法。 Summary 1. 一般过去时态的构成、用法, 动词过去式的构成规则。 1.get — 2.say — 3.have — 4.be— 5.tell — 6.think — 7.write — 8.drive — 9.run — 10.read — I. 写出下列单词的过去式。 got said had was, were told thought wrote drove ran read Exercises 11. see— 12. stand — 13. put — 14. eat — 15. buy — 16. drink — 17. sleep — 18. come — 19. play — 20. study — 21. listen — saw stood put ate bought drank slept came played studied listened II. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 We ______ (live) in Japan last year. Jack________ (stop) the car last Sunday. Tom _______ (clean) his room and ________ (study) for the Chinese test last weekend. 4.What ______ you ______(do) last night? 5.On Sunday morning I _______ (play) tennis. lived stopped cleaned studied did do played III. 句型转换。   Lucy did her homework at home.  (改否定句)     2. He found some meat in the fridge( 冰箱 ). (变一般疑问句 )     3. She stayed there  for a week . (画线部分提问)    Lucy didn’t do her homework at home. Did he find any meat in the fridge?  How long did she stay there?   4. She went to the beach last Sunday. ( 变一般疑问句 ) 5.They stayed at home on vacation.( 就画线部分提问 ) Did she go to the beach last Sunday? Where did they stay on vacation? 6. The weather was hot and humid. ( 变否定句 ) 7. Nancy went to the cinema last night. ( 改为同义句 ) 8. The people in New York were friendly . ( 就画线部分提问 ) The weather wasn’t hot or humid. Nancy went to see a film last night. How were the people in New York? Ⅳ. 汉 译英。 1. 最近每个人都很忙。 2.— 你假期做什么有趣的事了吗? — 是的。 我去北京了。 Everyone is very busy these days. —Did you do anything fun on your vacation? —Yes, I did. I went to Beijing. 3. 你假期过得怎么样? How was your vacation? 4. 晚上没有什么事可做,只好看书。 There was nothing much to do in the evening but reading. 5. 我给我父母买了一些礼物,却没给自己买。 I bought some gifts for my parents, but nothing for myself. 中考链接 Learning is a lifelong journey because we can learn _______ every day. A. nothing new B . new something C. something new “每天学习新的东西”,肯定句用 something ,修饰语放在不定代词后面。 C Almost ______ in our group has been to the 2nd Digital China Summit. It’s fantastic. A. someone B . everyone C . anyone “ 我们 组几乎每个人都去过第二届数字中国建筑峰会”,肯定句用 everyone 。 B Homework 1. Write about your vacation in your exercise book. 2. Preview the next part. Section B 1a-1e Objectives To listen about Lisa’s vacation. To learn to ask and answer questions about Lisa’s vacation. To try to write a short passage about Lisa’s vacation. Warming-up Where did you go on vacation? What did you do? Where do you want to go? Why? Where did she go on vacation? She stayed at home. Presentation Did she do anything interesting ? No, she didn’t. How was her vacation? It was boring . It was hot . How was the weather? How was his vacation? It was exciting . They were friendly . How were the people? 不友好的 unfriendly Where did they go on vacation? They went to summer camp. Did they do anything interesting ? Yes, they did. Where did they go on vacation? They went to the beach. Did they see anything beautiful ? Yes, they did. good bad terrible delicious exciting interesting ... ... Brainstorm Use description words to describe about trips of vacation. friendly cheap unfriendly expensive boring tired How the weather? the park? the people? the food? … the stores? the vacation? It was They were exciting . great . hot and wet. expensive. unfriendly . boring . terrible . … were was About vacation B: It was delicious . A: How was the hamburger? A: How were the strawberries? B: They were delicious . A: How was the apple? B: It was terrible . ﹩300,000 expensive( 昂贵的 ) How was the car last year? How were the T-shirts last year? cheap expensive 15RMB 200RMB RMB100,000,000 fantastic expensive How was the bus trip? It was relaxing. Lisa went to Hong Kong with her family. What does Hong Kong look like? Let’s have a look! Look and say How was _________? It tastes __________. food the food delicious How was _________? It was __________. store the store expensive _____ was __________? It was __________. fun park the fun park exciting How _______________? ______________. cake It was terrible How was the cake 1. __ delicious 2. __ expensive 3. __ exciting 4. __ cheap 5. __ terrible 6. __ boring f a c e b d Match the words with the pictures below. 1a  words  words Look at the words in 1a again. Write  words on the left. Write  words on the right. exciting cheap boring expensive delicious terrible 1b Where did Lisa go on vacation? _________________________ 2. Did she do anything special there? What was it? ________________________ Listen. Lisa is talking about her vacation. Answer the questions. She went to Hong Kong. Yes, she went to a fun park. 1c 3. Did she buy anything for her best friend? ____________________ 4. Did Lisa like her vacation? ____________________ Yes, she did. Yes, she did. What did Lisa say about…? her vacation ______ the fun park ________ the stores __________ the people ________ the food __________ Listen again. Fill in the blanks. great exciting expensive friendly delicious 1d Ask and answer questions about Lisa’s vacation. Begin your questions with the following words. • Where did ... ? • What did ... ? • Did she ... ? • How was ... ? • How were ... ? 1e Write a short passage about Lisa's vacation. Lisa had a great vacation. She_____________________________ ( 和她的家人去了香港 ).She did__________________( 一些特殊的事情 )there. She________a fun park. It was_____________.She also _____________( 去购物了 ).Though the things in the store ______________( 很贵 ),she _____________________________ ( 为她最好的朋友买了一些东西) .Lisa thought people there ______________( 友好) and the food there _____________( 美味 ).Everyone ______________________( 玩的开心 ).Everything was excellent. went to Hong Kong with her family something special went to really exciting went shopping were expensive bought something for her best friend were friendly was delicious had a good time I. 填空。 1. The food isn’t d_______, it’s t_______. 2. Let’s d______ the difficult questions. 3. The book isn’t cheap. It’s e________. 4. They went to C______ Park last Sunday. 5. I enjoy r______ the book. elicious errible iscuss xpensive entral eading Exercises II. 用所给词的适当形式 填空 。 1. It _______ (rain) yesterday. 2. Jim ______ (go) to the library this morning. 3. Lily _______ (help) me ___(do) my homework. 4. Lily __________ (buy) a bike last week. rained went helped do bought III. 汉译英。 1. 上次放假,我去香港了。那儿的衣服很贵。 Last vacation, I went to Hong Kong. The clothes there were very expensive. 2. 那儿的人们很友好。 The people there were very friendly. Lily: Joy, _____ was your vacation? Joy: I had a good time. Lily: _______ _____ you go on vacation? Joy: I _____ to Hainan Island. Lily: _____ was the weather ? Joy: It was not hot ____ cold. There were long beaches. Lily: How _____ the beaches? Joy: They _____ fantastic. Lily: I want ____ go to Hainan Island. How Where did went How or were were to Ⅳ. 补全对话 , 每空一词。 1. Listen to 1d after class. 2. Write a diary about what you did on your vacation. Homework Section B 2a-2e Objectives To read Jane’s diary to learn about her vacation. To learn to retell the diary. To keep an English diary to improve our English ability. Where did you go on vacation? Did you go out with anyone? How was the food and weather? Did you buy any gifts? Make your own conversations. I had a summer vacation. Do you want to know where I went and what I did? Penang Where did you go on vacation? I went to Penang. Did you go out with anyone? Yes, I went there with my parents. How was the food and weather? The food tastes delicious but it was so hot. Did you buy any gifts? Yes, I bought gifts for my grandparents. What do you think of paragliding, yellow noodles and Weld Qucy? Jane had a good time in Penang, too. Now let’s read her diary to know something about this beautiful place. 1.What do people usually do on vacation? 2.What activities do you find enjoyable? Discuss the questions with your partner. 2a Read Jane’s diary entries about her vacation and answer the questions. Did Jane have a good time on Monday? What about on Tuesday? Jane had a good time on Monday, but she had a bad time on Tuesday. 2b Monday, July 15 th I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family. It was sunny and hot, so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel. My sister and I tried paragliding . I felt like I was a bird . It was so exciting! For lunch, we had something very special – Malaysian yellow noodles. They were delicious! In the afternoon, we rode bicycles to Georgetown. There are a lot of new buildings now, but many of the old buildings are still there. In Weld Quay, a really old place in Georgetown, we saw the houses of the Chinese traders from 100 years ago. I wonder what life was like here in the past. I really enjoyed walking around the town. Tuesday, July 16th What a difference a day makes! My father and I decided to go to Penang Hill today. We wanted to walk up to the top , but then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train. We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people . When we got to the top, it was raining really hard . We didn’t have an umbrella so we were wet and cold. It was terrible! And because of the bad weather, we couldn ’ t see anything below . My father didn ’ t bring enough money, so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish. The food tasted great because I was so hungry ! Read Jane’s diary entries again. Fill in the chart. Things Jane did or saw Did she like it? (Yes/No) Why or Why not? tried paragliding They were delicious. ate Malaysian yellow noodles Yes Yes It was exciting. 2c Things Jane did or saw Did she like it? (Yes/No) Why or Why not? walked around Georgetown went to Penang Hill Shared/had one bowl of rice and some fish It tasted great because she was hungry. Yes No She liked the old buildings there and wondered what life was like in the past. many people; waited; rained; got wet and cold; couldn’t see anything… Yes Anna: Hi, Jane. Where did you go on vacation last week? Jane: I ______ to Penang in ________. Anna: Who _____ you go with? Jane: I went with my ________. Anna: What did you do? Complete the conversation about Jane’s trip to Penang using the information in the diary entries. went Malaysia family did 2d Jane: The weather was hot and _____ on Monday, so we went _________ on the beach. Then in the afternoon, we _____ bicycles to Georgetown. Anna: Sounds great! Jane: Well, but the next day was not as good. My _____ and I went to Penang Hill, but the weather ____ really bad and rainy. We _____ rode father waited sunny was paragliding a long time for the train and we were _____ and cold because we forgot to bring an ________. Anna: Oh, no! Jane: And that’s not all! We also didn’t bring _______ money, so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish. umbrella enough wet Make a mind map of 2b, and retell the diary according to the map in your group. Thursday, July 18th Today ___ (be) a beautiful day. My father and I ____ (go) to Penang Hill again, but this time we ______(walk) to the top. We ______ (start) at 9:30 a.m. and ____(see) lots of special Malaysian Imagine Jane went to Penang Hill again and had a great day. Fill in the blanks in her diary entry with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. went was started walked saw 2e flowers along the way. About one hour later, we _________ (stop) and _______ (drink) some tea. Then we ______ (walk) for another two hours before we _____ (get) to the top. I ______ (be) quite tired, but the city ______ (look) wonderful from the top of the hill! drank stopped got walked was looked 1. What a difference a day makes! e.g. What a lovely day! 多么好的一天啊! What nice people they are! 他们是多么好的人呀! 这是一个感叹句。英语语法规定,强调名词时,句首用 what 。 Language Points 2. …so we decided to played tennis. 1) decide to do sth. 决定干某事 e.g. They decided to go to Hainan on vacation. I decided to go to Shandong for summer holiday. 2) decide not to do sth. 决定不做某事 e.g. I decided not to go there for a holiday again. 我决定再也不去那里度假了。 3. And because of the bad weather, we couldn’t see anything below. 因为这糟糕的天气,我们看不到(山)下任何东西。 (1) 此句中 because of 为副词,后接短语,它引导原因状语从句,而我们学过的“ because ” 是连词,其后接句子。 because of 介词短语,“因为”,后接名词、代词、动名词或what从句等。 because 连词,“因为”,引导原因状语从句,表示直接、明确的原因或理由。 【 辨析 】because 与 because of We couldn’t go out _____________ the bad weather. 因为坏天气,我们不能出去。 He can’t play with his brother ________ he has class. 因为有课,他不能和哥哥一起玩。 because of because (2) below /b ɪ 'lə ʊ / prep.& adv. 在……下面;到……下面 Below the mountain, thousands of visitors are walking up here. (作介词) 山下 数以千计的 游客在往上爬。 Please look at the news below . (作副词) 请看看下面的 新闻 。 【注意】 below 指的是物体在某物下方,但不一定是正下方,所指范围较宽。反义词是 above 。 【 辨析 】below/above; on/beneath, over/under 4.We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people . 我们等了一个多小时火车因为人太多了 。 too many +pl. “太多的 …… ” 区分: too much+U. “太多的 …… ” much too+adj./ adv. “太 …… ” ( 加深程度) ex.There are _________ people in the street. He eats _________, so he becomes ___________fat. Don't eat __________sugar.It's bad for your health. too many too much much too too much 5.My father didn ’ t bring enough money ... 我爸爸没带足够的钱 …… enough adj. adv. “ 充足的(地),足够的(地) ” 用法规则:名前形副后 eg. The boy is old enough to go to school. 这个男孩足够大能去上学了。 We still have enough time to make this birthday cake look beautiful enough . 我们仍有足够的时间使这个蛋糕看起来足够漂亮。 I. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. There are many _____________ (different) in the two photos. Can you find them? 2. Lucy tried _________ (run) quickly and she did well. 3. It was so far from here to the museum. They decided _________ (go) there by bus. 4. That was an____ ____ ____(enjoy) experience for me. 5. I_______ ____ _(wonderful) who can help us do that. differences to run to go enjoyable wonder Exercises II. 汉译英。 1.  野营过得愉快吗? 2. 我们看不到下面的任何事物,因为天气太糟糕了。 Did you have fun camping? We couldn’t see anything below because the weather was so bad. 3. 我们没带伞,所以被淋湿了,觉得特别冷。 We didn’t have an umbrella so we were wet and cold. 4. 我想知道过去这儿的生活是什么样的。 I wonder what life was like here in the past. —We shouldn't worryabout Mary. —You are right. She is______to look after_____. A. old enough; herself B big enough: herself C. enough old; her D. enough big; her 中考链接 “她足够大可以照顾自己”。 enough 放在被修饰词后面。 A 1. Remember the words we have learnt today. 2. Preview the next lesson. Homework Section B 3a-Self Check To learn to talk about your holiday. To learn to write a travel diary. To use the Indefinite Pronouns and the verbs corectly. Objectives 日记是中考各省市常考的题型。 记叙自己一天 生活中所看到、遇到、想到和做过的事情, 特别是 那些 具有教育意义或值得回忆 、 查阅或参考的事情 ,也可以用来 抒发 自己当天对某些事件的 感受 ,以及对 将来的打算 等。 日 记 1. 格式 :英文日记和中文日记的写法大致相同。一般是第一行写上日期、星期、天气状况。日期通常顶格写,后面是星期,天气状况写在右上角。表示天气情况的词一般用形容词,如: fine, cold, rainy, windy, cloudy, sunny, snowy , foggy 等。正文部分另起一行。 2. 人称 :日记要用 第一人称 写。  3. 时态: 写日记的时间一般是在下午或晚上,有时也有在第二天补记的。所记叙的事情通常发生在过去,所以 常用一般过去时态 。但如果要记叙天气、描写景色、展望未来、议论某事或对话引语等,可以使用 一般现在时或一般将来时 ,以生动再现当时的情景。 4. 日记的写作顺序: 日记一般要按照时间顺序或事情的经过来写。语言要清楚、自然,内容要连贯、完整。 Memory Game 记忆游戏 Did they ...? went to the beach stayed at home went shopping went to New York City went to the mountains went to a park went fishing went to summer camp visited museums f b a d e c h i g Complete the diary entry about a trip to one of these places. Use the words and phrases in the box to help you. 3a hot and sunny tired Beijing duck delicious take some photos beautiful buy something special interesting learn something important August Wednesday , _______ 20th Today the weather was _____________. I went to ______________. It was ________. We _______________. I liked this place because __________________________ __ . hot and sunny August beautiful a Beijing hutong took some photos I learned something important hot and sunny tired Beijing duck delicious take some photos beautiful buy something special interesting learn something important August For dinner we had ____________. It was ________. In the evening, I felt really ______. Beijing duck delicious tired Answer the questions to make notes about a vacation you took. Where did you go? 2. Did you go with anyone? 3. How was the weather? 4. What did you do every day? 5. What food did you eat? 6. What did you like best? 7. Did you dislike anything? 8. How did you feel about the trip? 3b Write a travel diary like Jane’s on page 5. Use your notes in 3b. _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ 3c Thursday, August 1st Today I went to the Palace Museum . It was cool. Then I went to visit the Great Wall . How great it is! I took many photos there . In the afternoon, I went to Tian’an m en Square . The square is very large . Today is Chinese Army Day . So there were many people there and it was very crowded. We had great fun playing there! At last , we traveled around a Beijing h utong on three-wheelers . The Chinese people are very friendly. I felt very happy today, but I was really tired. Sample writing: Sunday, May 25 th I arrived in Chengdu this morning with my parents. It was sunny and warm, so we decided to go for a walk near our hotel. We saw many pretty buildings and lots of good restaurants. For lunch, we had hot pot. It was very spicy but delicious. I love Sichuan food! In the afternoon, we went to see pandas in the zoo. Pandas are my favorite animals because they’re so cute. I was happy to know people are trying their best to save them. In the evening, we went shopping along Chunxi Road and bought many things. I felt tired but happy. Imagine you are all foreigners on vacation in China. You meet each other at the airport on your way home. Talk about what you did on your vacation. 4 Make a survey and complete the chart . Make questions about vacation. Ask the questions yourself. Ask your classmates the questions. Discuss with your classmates the best place for a vacation. 5. Write a report on students’ vacations. Questionnaire Name: Mary age: 12 sex: female date: May 1 Place Summer Palace Beijing Stadium Activities go boating go roll-skating Food fast food noodles Weather sunny cool souvenirs sun glasses a cap Here is an example: A: Did go on vacation with you last month? B: Yes, my family went to the countryside with me. 2. A: Did your family go to the beach with you last weekend? 1 Complete the conversations with the correct words in the box. anything everything nothing anyone everyone no one anyone Self Check B: No. _______ from my family went, but my friend went with me. 3. A: I did n’ t bring back anything from Malaysia. B: ________at all? Why not? 4. A: Did you buy _________ in the shopping center? B: No, I did n’ t.___________was very expensive. 5. A: How was the volleyball game yesterday? B: Great! __________had a fun time! No one Nothing anything Everything Everyone Last August, our class ______(do) something very special on our school trip. We _______(go) to Mount Tai. We _______ (start) our trip at 12:00 at night. Everyone in our class _______(take) a bag with some food and water. 2. Complete the passage with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. did went started took After three hours, someone looked at the map and _______ (find) out we _______ (be, not) anywhere near the top. My legs _______(be) so tired that I wanted to stop. My classmates_______(tell) me to keep going, so I _______ ___ (go) on. found weren’t were told went At 5:00 a.m., we got to the top! Everyone __________ (jump) up and down in excitement. Twenty minutes later, the sun _______ (start) to come up. It was so beautiful that we _______ (forget) about the last five hours! jumped started forgot 1. The weather was _______ ( 晴朗 ) last week. 2. The good news made us _______ ( 感到 ) very happy. 3. I found a girl ________ ( 哭 ) in the corner on my way home yesterday. 4. We had __________ ( 美味的 ) Sichuan food for dinner today. 5. Where did you go on your _________ ( 假期 )? sunny feel crying delicious vacation I. 填空。 Exercises 6. Her sweater was ______________. ( 昂贵的 ) 7. She _______ ( 学习 ) for exams last week. 8. Cathy _________( 听 ) to popular music last night. 9. Jim ______ ( 去 ) to the movies with his friends last weekend. 10. She ______ ( 看 ) an interesting talk show yesterday. expensive studied listened went saw II. 补全对话。 A: Hi, Lucy. How _____ you? B: I _____ fine, thank you. How _____ your vacation? A: It _____ interesting. B: Really? Where ______ you go on vacation? A: I _____ to the mountains. B: _____ you see the monkey? A: Yes, I did. are am was was did went Did 1. I _______ _____(not visit) the Great Wall last summer. I _______ (go) to Qingdao on vacation. 2. — How _____ (be) the beaches there? — Beautiful. didn’t visit went were III. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 3. — ____ Nancy ____ (go) to New York city last weekend? — Yes. She_____ (go) there with her parents. 4. Mary ________ (stay) at home and _______ (study) for the exam last Sunday. 5. — What ______you ______(buy) in Beijing? — I bought nothing. Did go went stayed studied did buy Imagine you are on vacation in the prairie( 草原 ). Write a travel diary. Homework unit 2 人教版八年级英语上册单元全套课件 How often do you exercise? To learn to understand and use wh–questions and adverbs of frequency. To learn new words: housework, hardly, ever, once, twice, Internet, program, full, swing... To learn to do healthy activities more, and develop a good lifestyle. Objectives Lead-in What do you usually do on weekends ? go shopping help with housework watch TV read books do skateboard do exercise What do you usually do on weekends? I usually … on weekends. do my homework does she does her She Group work What do you usually do on weekends? I usually … on weekends. watch TV does he He watch es What do you usually do on weekends? I usually … on weekends. read books read books: 读书 = do some reading do they read They What do you usually do on weekends? I usually … on weekends. go shopping go shopping: 购物 = do some shopping = shop does she goes She What do you usually do on weekends? I usually … on weekends. skateboard skateboard: v . 踩滑板;做滑板运动 = go skateboarding: 踩滑板;做滑板运动 does he skateboards He What do you usually do on weekends? I usually … on weekends. surf the Internet surf: v . 冲浪 Internet: 因特网 surf the Internet: 上网 do they surf They What do you usually do on weekends? I usually … on weekends. exercise exercise: v . 做运动 does she exercises She always usually often sometimes never hardly ever 总是 通常 常常 有时 几乎不 从不 I always do some reading on weekends. always usually often sometimes hardly ever never 从不 , 从未 很少 , 几乎不 有时 经常 , 常常 通常 , 一般 总是 100% 0% Look at the picture. Make a list of the weekend activities. 1. __________________ 2. __________________ 3. __________________ 4. __________________ 5. __________________ help with housework read exercise watch TV go shopping 1a always(100%) _________________ usually _________________ often __________________ sometimes __________________ hardly ever __________________ never(0%) ___________________ exercise, read help with housework watch TV go shopping watch TV go shopping Listen and write the activities next to the correct frequency words. 1b Write a passage using the information in 1b. Rewrite What do our friends do on weekends? Here are the answers. Jim always____________.Mary always _______and she hardly ever______________.But Jack usually ___________, he never______________.His sister Grace sometimes __________________.Also,she often________________________. exercises reads watches TV watches TV goes shopping goes shopping helps with the housework 通过改写短文你发现了什么? 1. 频率副词的位置: 2. 频率副词 ________( 影响 / 不影响)主谓一致。 常用于实义动词之前,其它动词之后。 不影响 Practice the conversation in the picture above. Then make your own conversations about what you do on weekends. A: What do you do on weekends? B: I usually watch TV . A: Do you go shopping ? B: No, I never go shopping . 1c 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 sometimes 频度副词,意为“有时”。同义短语为 at times 。 e.g. I sometimes play computer games. 我有时候玩电脑游戏。 Language points Sometimes some times sometime some time __________ I get up very late. I have read the story __________. I’ll go to Shanghai __________ next week. I will stay here for __________. 巧记 sometimes, some times, sometime 与 some time “ 有时”相聚加 s ( sometimes ) , “ 几次”分开带 s ( some times )。 相聚为“某时( sometime ) ” 分开“一段时间( some time )”。 Sometimes some time some times sometime I. 补全单词。 1. — What do you usually do on w_______? — I often watch TV. 2. The weather here is so cold, I can h______ stand it. 3. Grandpa is pretty healthy because he e_________ every day. eekends xercises ardly Exercises 中考链接 "Left-behind" children ______see their parents, because their parents work in the cities, leaving them behind in the countryside to be cared for by their grandparents. A. always B. hardly ever C. Often “留守儿童几乎看不到父母,因为他们的父母在城市工作,把他们留在乡下由祖父母照顾”。 B Homework Keep a weekend diary showing what you do on weekends. 2. You can write down what you do from the time you get up until you go to bed. Section A 2a-2d To learn to talk about how often people do things. To learn new words: once, twice, Internet, program ,full, swing ,swing dance... Objectives Revision What do you usually do in your free time ? How often do you …? Reading Schedule Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. √ √ √ √ √ √ √ He read s books _____________. every day He always( 总是 ) read s books . How often He plays football_______________ . Exercise Schedule Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. football running running once a week He runs_______________. twice a week She goes shopping ______________. Shopping Schedule Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. √ √ twice a week once a month twice a month three times a month Pie Chart use the Internet 25% 25 percent ???? % 25 percent 35 percent 15 percent Listen. Cheng Tao is talking about how often he does these activities. Number the activities[1-5] in the order you hear them. 2a How often every day once a week twice a week three times a week once a month twice a month Activities a. ____ go to the movies b. ____ watch TV c. ____ shop d. ____ exercise e. ____ read 2 3 4 5 1 Listen again. Match the activities in 2a with how often Cheng Tao does them. How often every day once a week twice a week three times a week once a month twice a month 2b Activities a. ____ go to the movies b. ____ watch TV c. ____ shop d. ____ exercise e. ____ read 2 3 4 5 1 Look at 2b. Make conversations like this : --How often does Cheng Tao watchTV? --He watches TV twice a week. Pairwork -- -- How often do you do these activities? Fill in the chart and then make conversations. Activities How often watch TV every day use the Internet read English books go to the movies exercise 2c A: How often do you watch TV? B: I watch TV every day. A: What’s your favorite program? B: Animal World . A: How often do you watch it? B: Twice a week. 1. Role play in groups; 2. Role play in front of the class We’ll see which group does the best. Role-play the conversation. 2d Jack: Hi, Claire, are you free next week? Claire: Hmm…next week is quite full for me, Jack. Jack: Really? How come? Claire: I have dance and piano lessons. Jack: What kind of dance are you learning? Claire: Oh, swing dance. It’s fun! I have class once a week, every Monday. Jack: How often do you have piano lessons? Claire: Twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday. Jack: Well, how about Tuesday? Claire: Oh, I have to play tennis with my friends. But do you want to come? Jack: Sure! Next week is quite______ for Claire, for she has to ____ many activities. She has piano lessons______ (two) a week and dance class ______ (one) a week. She also has to __________ with her friends. full once twice Fill in the blanks and try to retell the text. play tennis do 1. 本课时我们学习的主要语法点是由 wh- 和 how 引导的特殊疑问句以及其对应的答语。 如: What do/does …? How often do/does …? 等。 e.g. What do you usually do on weekends? 你通常周末做什么? I usually listen to music. 我通常听音乐。 Language points e.g. How often do you go to the factory? 你多久去一次工厂? I go to the factory twice a week . 我两周去一次。 How often do you exercise? 你(你们)多久锻炼一次身体? How often + 助动词 do ( does 或 did ) + 主语 + do sth. ? 疑问词 how often 是问频率 ( 多久一次 ), (在这里 助动词 do ( does 或 did ) 是起帮助构成疑问的作用)与一般现在时或一般过去时连用 , 回答一般是用表示频率的副词或短语。 如: always,sometimes, quite often, never, every day, once a week, twice a month, three times a month, three or four times a month 等。 常考以 h ow 引导的疑问 短语 how often ” 多久一次 “ 用于提问 always ,once a day 等。 how old ” 多大年龄 “ 用于提问 ten years old 等。 how soon ” 多久以后 “ 用于提问将来时中的 in+ 时间段 how long ” 多长时间 “ 用于提问一段时间 how many ” 多少 “ 用于提问可数名词的数量 how much ” 多少 “ 用于提问不可数名词的数量 或提问价格 2. exercise exercise v. 锻炼; exercise n. [U] 运动; [C] 练习 e.g. Let’ s do our exercises . 让我们做练习吧。 Walking is a good exercise . 散步是很好的运动。 Doing morning exercises is good for our health. 晨练有助于我们身体健康。 3. three times a week 表示 次数 的词或短语: once,twice,three times, four times... 对次数提问使用 how many times 区分表示 频率 的短语: once a day,twice a week, three times a month... 对频率提问用 how often 4. Next week is quite full for me. 我下周比较忙。 full 忙的;满的;充满的 . 同义词 --busy e.g. I’ve got rather a full week next week. 我下周会非常忙。 My father has a very full life . 我父亲的生活很忙碌。 拓展: adj. 饱的 5. How come ? 为什么呢? 这是英语中的一个口语,相当于汉语的“为什么”、“怎么会”等,既可以独立使用,也可在后接句子,来询问事情的缘由或状况。 e.g. How come the sky is so blue today? 今天天怎么会这么蓝? A: I didn’ t even eat lunch today. 我今天甚至没吃午饭。 B: Really? How come? 是吗?怎么会呢? What do you usually do on weekends? I always exercise… 2. How often do you…? Once a month / … Summary I. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Next week is quite ____ (full) for me. 2. Mother often goes ________ (shop) after work. 3. How often _____ he _____(do) his homework ? 4. He watches TV _____ (two) a week. full shopping does do twice Exercises II. 请对下面句子画线部分提问。 1. He usually visits his grandpa every winter. 2. I visit my grandparents twice a year . What does he usually do every winter? How often do you visit your grandparents? III. 汉译英。 1. — 他多久去购一次物? — 个月一次。 2. — 周末你通常做什么? — 我通常踢足球。       — What do you usually do on weekends? — I usually play soccer.             — How often does he go shopping? — He goes shopping once a month. 3. 他一个月去两次图书馆。 He goes to the library twice a month. 4. 今天天怎么会这么蓝 ? How come the sky is so blue today? 5. 莉莉正在学习跳摇摆舞。 Lily is learning swing dance. 中考链接 — ______ do you exercise, Tony? —Three times a week. A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How much 一星期三次。 A 多久一次 多长时间 多久以后 多少(钱) Recite the conversation of 2d. Preview the new words we will use in the next lesson. Homework Section A Grammar Focus-3c To ask and answer activities and talk about how often people do them. To learn new words: maybe, least... To use the expressions such as “once a day” correctly and freely . Objectives How often do you exercise? Play a game Once a week? every day ? do homework brush your teeth ( 刷牙 ) cut your hair ( 理发 ) wash your clothes take a shower clean your room visit your uncle/grandmother A: How often do you …? B: once a week/ every day / twice a month /hardly ever / never / sometimes/… What do you usually do on weekends? I always exercise. What do they do on weekends? They often help with housework. What does she do on weekends? She sometimes goes shopping. How often do you go to the movies? I go to the movies maybe once a month . How often does he watch TV? He hardly ever watches TV. Do you go shopping? No, I never go shopping. Grammar Focus 1. 你通常在周未做什么? ______ ___ you ______ do on weekends? 2. 我总是去运动。 I ______ _______. 3. 他们在周未做什么? ______ ___ they ___ on weekends? Grammar focus usually What do always exercise What do do 根据课本内容,完成下列句子。然后总结频度副词及 how often 相关用法。 4. 他们经常帮助做家务。 They _____ ____ with housework. 5. 她在周未做什么? What _____ she ___ on weekends? 6. 她有时候去购物。 She _________ _____ ________. often help does do sometimes goes shopping 7. 你多久去看电影一次? _____ _____ do you go to the ______? 8. 我可能一个月去看一次。 I go to movies ______ _____ a ______. How often movies maybe once month 9. 他多久看一次电视 ? ____ ______ does he watch TV? 10. 他几乎不看电视。 He ______ _____ watches TV. hardly ever How often 11. 你去购物吗? ___ ____ go shopping? 12. 不,我从不去购物。 No, I _____ ____ shopping. Do you never go 频度副词 always “ 总是 ” , 表示动作重复或状态延续。 usually “ 通常 ” , 表示很少有例外。 often “ 经常 ” , 表示动作的重复,但不如 usually 频繁,中间有间断。 sometimes “ 有时 ” , 表示动作偶尔发生。 hardly “ 几乎不 ” , 常和 ever 连用表示强调。 never “ 从未 ” 。 频度 副词通常放在 be 动词、助动词、 情态 动词之 后 , 行为动词 之 前 , 运用时需注意句中时态的一致 。 The weather is usually hot in summer. We usually play football after school. He is often late for school. She never stops talking. My parents are never late for work. She always gets up at 6:30. He sometimes watches TV. I often go to the movies with my friends . I hardly ever go out these days. “次数”的表达方法 一次     once , 两次     twice , 三次或三次以上用基数词加上 times , three times, five times, one hundred times. 表示“ …… 几次 ”的表达方法是: once a day / a week / a month / a year    twice a day / a week / a month / a year three times a day / a week / … 这些表次数的词后与一段时间连用,表示动作多长时间发生几次,即 动作的频率 。 how often 意为 “ __________” ,是用于提问 表示 ____ 的特殊疑问词组。其答语应为表 示 _____ 的副词或副词词组。句子的时态 一般 是 _____________ ,也可以是一般过去时。 Grammar 多久一次 对频率副词及短语提问 使用 how often. 频率 频率 一般现在时态 Complete the questions with do or does . Then match the questions and answers. How often _____ he play soccer? _____ you drink milk? How often ____ they stay up late? _____ Sue eat a healthy breakfast? How often ____ you eat apples? ____ your parents play sports? does do Do Does Do do 3 a a. Yes. She usually does. b. Hardly ever. I don’t like them. c. He plays at least twice a week. d. No, they don ’ t . They ’ re too busy. e. Never. They always go to bed early. f. Yes, I do. Every day. 至少;不少于;起码 答案: 1. c 2. f 3. e 4. a 5. b 6. d at least “至少,不少于;起码”,副词词组,指在数量或程度上。 Questions: __________________________________? (how often / help with housework) 2. __________________________________? (what / usually / do / weekends) 3. ___________________________________? (how often / best friend / exercise) 4. ___________________________________? ( what / usually / do / after school ) How often do you help with housework What do you usually do on weekends How often does your best friend exercise What do you usually do after school Use the words given to write questions. Then ask and answer them with a partner. 3 b What can you do to improve your English? Add more things to the chart. Then ask your classmates the questions and find the best English student. How often do you … Names Frequency read English books? Lin Ying twice a week 3c How can you be a good English learner? read English books sing English songs watch English programs listen to English tapes go to the English corner (参加英语角) chat with foreigners (与外国人聊天) write English diaries ... How often do you … Names Frequency read English books? Lin Ying twice a week Su Lei Hu Tao once a week Hu Tao Ma Li twice a week every day twice a month write to a pen pal watch English movies go to English club keep an English diary Sample Give a report like this: Lin Ying reads English books twice a week. Hu Tao goes to English Club twice a week. Su Lei watches English movies once a week. Ma Li writes to a pen pal twice a month. Hu Tao keeps an English diary every day. I think Hu Tao is the best English student. Then give your own report on your group. join the summer camp watch English movies read English newspapers do some English exercises Who ’ s the best English student? Interview: read English books sing English songs watch English programs listen to English tapes join the English corner   ( 参加 英语角 ) chat with foreigners ( 与 外国人 聊天 ) write English diaries A: How often do you … ? B: Once a week / Every day / Twice a month / Hardly ever / Never / Sometimes / … the best English student I think … is the best English student. … ’ s English is pretty good . ... is very active in class. After class , … His/her good habit s help him/her get good grade s. As for me, I read English … I. 句型转换。 1. She goes to the movies three times a month . (对画线 部分提问) ____ _____ _____ she go to the movies? 2. My mother wants me to play the guitar. ( 同义句转换 ) My mother______ _____ me to play the guitar. How often does would like Exercises 3. We eat meat twice a week. ( 同义句 ) We ________ meat two _________ a week. 4. I always exercise after school. ( 变成完全否定句 ) I _________ exercise after school. 5. I practice the piano every day. ( 对划线部分提问 ) ______ ____ do you practice the piano? have times never How often II. 汉译英。 1. 至于作业,大多数学生每天都做。 2. 没有学生一周做一次或两次作业。 As for homework, most students do homework every day. No students do homework once or twice a week. 3. 他几乎从未逛过商店。 He hardly ever goes shopping. 4. 你多久锻炼一次? How often do you exercise? 5. 她通常 9 点钟上床睡觉。 She usually goes to bed at 9 o’clock. My brother has a healthy living habit. He _____ stays up late, and he is an early bird . usually B . hardly C . often D . always 中考链接 健康的生活习惯 B 通常 经常 几乎不 总是 熬夜晚睡 —How often do youusually go to work by subway? —________. I always take a bus, because there is no subway in this city . A. Sometimes B . Often C . Never D . Seldom C 有时 从不 经常 很少 多久一次 没有地铁 Recite the conversation of 2d. Preview the new words we will use in the next lesson. Finish the exercise book. Homework Section B 1a-1e To learn to understand and use wh–questions and adverbs of frequency. To learn new words: junk,junk food,coffee, health... To eat healthily,To have a good living habit. Objectives How often do you eat vegetables? How often do you eat fruits? How often do you drink milk? How often do you eat junk food? How often do you eat meat? How often do you exercise? What sports do you play? How many hours do you sleep every night? Free talk: Talk about your habits. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果 , 医生远离我 。 fruit Healthy food Brainstorm List some kinds of healthy food. milk fruit vegetables Healthy food is good for our health . be good for 对 …… 有好处 n. 健康 adj. 健康的 Eating junk food is bad for our health. Are they healthy food, too? Junk food Junk food is bad for our health. hamburger coffee barbecue chips instant noodles be bad for 对 …… 有坏处 垃圾食品(Junk Food),是指仅仅提供一些热量,别无其它营养素的食物,或是提供超过人体需要,变成多余成分的食品。垃圾食品包括:油炸类食品、腌制类食品、加工类肉食品(肉干、肉松、香肠、火腿等)、饼干类食品(包括所有加工饼干)、汽水可乐类饮料、方便类食品(主要指方便面和膨化食品)、罐头类食品(包括鱼肉类和水果类)、话梅蜜饯果脯类食品、冷冻甜品类食品(冰淇淋、冰棒、雪糕等)、烧烤类食品。 New words milk coffee 1. __ junk food 3. __ fruit 5. __ sleep 2. __ milk 4. __ vegetables 6. __ coffee Match the words with the pictures below. a f c d e b v. 睡觉 a b c d e f 1a vegetables fruits We sleep every day. chips hamburger Junk food cola chocolate are good for our health. Junk food is bad for our health. A: How often do you drink milk, Liu Fang? B: I drink milk every day. A: Do you like it? B: No. But my mother wants me to drink it . She says it’ s good for my health. Ask and answer questions. Use the words from 1a. 1b Task : divide the food into two groups healthy: unhealthy: cola, salad, soup, hot dog, mushroom, broccoli, milk , hamburger, dumpling, potato chips, fried chicken, onion, junk food, milk, coffee, chips, cola, chocolate, fruit, vegetables healthy: unhealthy: salad, soup, broccoli, milk , dumpling, onion, mushroom, milk, fruit, vegetables cola, hot dog, chips, fried chicken, hamburger, junk food, coffee, chocolate un healthy 不健康的 junk food be bad for health not healthy cola salad soup hot dog tomato onions dumplings broccoli healthy or unhealthy? Listen to the interview about eating habits. Circle your answer to each question. Does Tina have good habits? Yes. No. I don’t know. Does Bill have good habits? Yes. No. I don’t know. 1c Is he in good health? Of course not , he isn’t healthy. Why is he so heavy? Because his eating habit is bad. He eats too much junk food. Activities Every day Three or four times a week Once or twice a week never Eat vegetables Drink milk Eat junk food Drink coffee My eating habits are ___ ___________. good/ OK/bad How are your eating habits? Listen again. Fill in the blanks in the survey. Questions Tina Bill 1.How often do you exercise? 2.How often do you eat fruit? 3.How many hours do you sleep every night? 4.How often do you drink milk? 5.How often do you eat junk food? 6.How often do you drink coffee? every day nine never every day hardly ever never every day nine 3 or 4 times a week never 2 or 3 times a week 4 times a day 1d Who has better eating habits ? Whose lifestyle is better? I think Ti na has better eat ing habits . Because she eats every day. She has two or three times a week. She never drinks Her lifestyle is better. She She She is very healthy. nine hours every night. Although Bill sleeps nine hours every night, he is unhealthy. Bill sleeps nine hours every night, too. Is he healthy? Who can get better grades? Her healthy lifestyle helps her get good grades . Good food and exercise help her to study better . Student A is the reporter. Student B is Tina or Bill. Ask and answer questions. Then change roles. A: How often do you exercise? B: I exercise every day. A: And how often do you … ? 1e 1. But my mother wants me to drink it.  want to do sth. 想要做某事 want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 Do you want to go to the movies with me? 你想和我一起去看电影吗? The teacher doesn’t want us to eat hamburgers. 老师不想让我们吃汉堡包。 Language points 2. She says it’ s good for my health. 她说它对我的健康有益。 1) 此句为宾语从句 , says 后面跟的从句的时态 必须和主句中谓语动词时态保持一致 , 都用 一般现在时。 2) be good for 对 …… 有好处 例如: ► Vegetables are good for our health. 蔬菜对我们的健康有益。 ► Junk food is not good for our health. 垃圾食品对我们的健康有害。 be good to 对 …… 好 He was good to me when I was ill. 我生病时他对我关怀备至。 be good with 善于应付 …… 的 He is very good with children. 他对孩子很有一套。 be good at 擅长于 …… 的 I'm good at playing chess. 我擅长下国际象棋。 eg.1)It's bad for your health . 2)Although he is old, he is/stays/keeps in good health . be/ stay/ keep in good health . =Although he is old, he is/stays/keeps healthy . be/stay/keep healthy. 3.health----healthy----healthily n. adj. adv. 结论: 保持健康→ be/ stay/ keep in good health = be/stay/keep healthy. 3 ) If you want to keep healthy, you should eat healthily. adj. adv. 拓展:加前缀 un 构成反义词 1. I like English very much, so I ____ listen to the tape in the morning. A. usually B. hardly ever C. never 2. Milk is good _____ our ______. A. to; healthy B. to; health C. for; healthy D. for; health I. 单 项选择。 A D Exercises 1. I sleep 8 hours every night.( 画线提问 ) _____ _____ ______ do you sleep every night ? 2. He watches TV twice a week .( 画线提问 ) _____ _____ _____ he watch TV? 3. Jack does his homework every day. ( 改为否定句 ) Jack _______ _____ his homework every day. How many hours How often does doesn’t do II. 句型转换。 4. He is talking to his father. ( 用 usually 改写句子 ) He _______ _____ to his father. 5. My father often reads newspaper after supper. ( 画线提问 ) _____ _____ _____ father often ____ after supper? What does your do usually talks III. 翻译句子。 1. — 你多久喝一次牛奶? — 我每天都喝。 2. 我妈妈想让我喝牛奶。她说它对我的健康有益。 — How often do you drink milk? — I drink milk every day. My mother wants me to drink milk. She says it’s good for my health. 3. 多读书对我们有好处。 It’s good for us to do more reading. 4. 老师不想让我们吃汉堡包。 The teacher doesn’t want us to eat hamburgers. 5. 大声朗读对提高你的英语有好处。 Reading aloud is good for improving your English. — What do you think of working as a doctor? — It's a good job to help people keep _____. A. busy B. strict C. healthy D. generous 中考链接 “ …… 帮助人们保持 …… ” C 忙碌的 健康的 严肃的 慷慨的 Homework 以 My habits (good habits and bad habits) 为题目写一篇短文。(字数不少于 50 字) Section B 2a-2e To learn about the free time activities of the students from No.5 High School. To learn to use adverbs of frequency to write about your habits. To learn new words: percent, through, however, almost, none, less, point… Objectives Make your own conversations in pairs. Revision What do you usually do in your free time? How often do you … ? watch TV go to the movies play computer games exercise or play sports use the Internet go camping in the country Rank these activities according to how often you think you classmates do them (1=most often,6=least often 1最多6最少) go online For me, I most often go online. I least often go to the movies. 2a 百分数 用基数 + percent 表示 50 % fifty percent  百分之五十 3 % three percent  百分之三 In our class, ____students like using the Internet. _____ students like playing sports. ____ students like watching TV. ______ students like doing homework. Let's summarize. All students? =100% Most students? = 51%-99% Some students? = 1%-50% No students? = 0% Pie Chart use the Internet 25% 25 percent ???? % 25 percent 35 percent 15 percent Read the article and complete the pie charts on the next page. What Do No.5 High School Students Do in Their Free Time? Last month we asked our students about their free time activities. Our questions were about exercise, use of the Internet and watching TV. Here are the results . 2b We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day. Forty-five percent exercise four to six times a week . Twenty percent exercise only one to three times a week. And twenty percent do not exercise at all! We all know that many students often go online , but we were surprised that ninety percent of them use the Internet every day. The other ten percent use it at least three or four times a week. Most students use it for fun and not for homework. The answers to our questions about watching television were also interesting. Only two percent of the students watch TV one to three times a week. Thirteen percent watch TV four to six times a week. And eighty-five percent watch TV every day! Although many students like to watch sports, game shows are the most popular. It is good to relax by using the Internet or watching game shows, but we think the best way to relax is through exercise. It is healthy for the mind and the body . Exercise such as playing sports is fun, and you can spend time with your friends and family as you play together . And remember, “old habits die hard”. So start exercising before it’s too late! Read the article and complete the pie charts on the next page. 15 20 20 45 10 90 13 2 85 Read the passage quickly and find the answers to the questions below. 1. How many kinds of free time activities are mentioned in the passage? _______________________________ 2. What are they? _________________________________ Three. Exercise, use the internet/ go online, watch TV Results 调查结果 Comments 调查结论 Topic 调查内容 Para .1 Para. 2, 3, 4 Para. 5 Skim the article and match each paragraph with the following parts. Exercise Watching TV Go online Reading task Read each paragraph quickly and draw a line to get the main idea. Para1. Para2. Para3. Para5. Free time activities Para4. It is about how often students watch TV. B. It is a survey about students’ free time activities. C. It tells how often students do exercise. D. The best way to relax is through exercise. E. It is about how often students go online. Read the article and mark True (T) or False (F). 1. We found that twenty percent of our students exercise every day. 2. Ninety percent of the students use the Internet every day. 3. Most students use the Internet for homework. 4. Only twenty percent of the students watch TV two or three times a week. 5. Do exercise is healthy for the mind and the body. F T F F T Read the article again and answer the questions. 1.How many students do not exercise at all? 2.How many students use the Internet every day? 3.How often do most students watch TV?What do they usually watch? 20% students do not exercise at all. 90% students use the Internet every day. Most students watch TV every day. They usually watch sports, game shows. 2c 4. What does the writer think is the best way to relax? Why? 5. Do you think the students at No.5 are healthy? Why or why not? Exercise, because it is healthy for the mind and the body. No , I don’t think so . Because most of the students use Internet or watch TV on their free time. They don’t like exercising. It’s unhealthy. 1. We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day. percent n. “ 百分之……” 没有复数形式 基数词 +percent+ of... “百分之... 的 ...” 作主 语时, 谓语的数 和 of 后的名词,代词 保持一致 。 Language points ► Seventy percent of the boys like playing computer games. 男生中70%喜欢 玩 电脑游戏。 ► Thirty percent of time pass es . 百分之三十的时间过去了。 2. Although many students like to watch sports, game shows are the most popular. 虽然很多学生喜欢看体育节目,但游戏节目是最受欢迎的。 although 是连词,意为“虽然,即使,纵然”,引导让步状语从句,相当于 though ,大多数情况下两者可互换。 注意: although 引导的从句不能与but 连用 , 有 although 就没有 but (即 although but 不同现) 。 Although it rained, the boys still played outside. = It rained, but the boys still played outside. 尽管天下雨了 , 但男孩们仍在外面玩耍。 Ex.He didn't say sorry to me. He was wrong . ( 合并为一句) He didn't say sorry to me________he was wrong. although 3....but we think the best way to relax is through exercise. through prep. 以,凭借,穿过 eg.Light comes in through the window. 易错点:辨析 through, across ,over ( 见下图) Ex. 选词填空 We walked _________the bridge. Sam liked trekking_______the jungle,because he thinks it's exciting. The birds fly ______the lake. across through over 4.. And twenty percent do not exercise at all ! 百分之二十的学生根本不运动! ► The story isn’t interesting at all. 那个故事一点也没有趣。 ► They didn’t enjoy the vacation at all. 他们根本不喜欢那次旅行。 ► The old man can hardly ever use the computer at all. 那位老人一点也不会用电脑。 not … at all “一点也不”,注意:not代表了所有否定句,次结构可理解为在否定 句末加上 at all 加强否定句语气 。 拓展:在口语中单独说 not at all, 可用来表示 “ 不用谢 ”“ 没关系 ” 。 5. Exercise such as playing sports is fun, and you can spend time with your friends and family as you play together. ► I know four languages, such as, English and Chinese. 我了解四种语言,例如英语、汉语。 ► She likes animas such as rabbits and birds. 她喜欢像兔子、小鸟这样的小动物。 such as 用来举例,意为“例如;诸如此类的;像······那样的”,结构常为:名词+ such as + 例子。 注意:其后面不可列举出所有的事物。 温馨提示: such as 可与 like 通用,所举例子只能为单词和短语,但 for example 所举例 子要为句子。 试对比: He does sports like/such as running every day. He likes sports.For example, he runs every day. 6. … but we were surprised that ninety percent of them use the Internet every day. ► 我们队这个消息感到很意外。 We are surprised at the news. ► 我在这里见到你很意外 。 I am very surprised to meet you here . surprised 形容词 ,意思是“感到惊讶的” , 修饰人, surprising “ 令人惊讶 ” ,修饰物。 常用结构: 1)be surprised at sth 对某事感到惊讶 2)be surprised to do sth 做某事而感到惊讶 3)be surprised + that从句 因……而惊讶 7. So start exercising before it’s too late ! 所以要赶快锻炼起来,不要等到来不及了。 ► Now you know you’re wrong, but it’s too late. 现在你知道你错了,但是已经太晚了。 ► 你应当更加用功,别等到为时过晚而赶不上了。 You should work harder before it’s too late to catch up. start doing sth/to do sth=begin to do sth/doing sth 开始做某事 it’s too late 为时太晚;来不及了 it’s too late与before共同组成从句 ,表示“不要等到为时已晚;不要等到来不及的时候;趁着还来得及 ”。 Phrases summary 向某人询问某事 …… 的答案 每周四至六次 一点也不 …… 上网 至少 每周三或四次 做某事的最好方式 例如 和某人一起度过时光 开始做某事 ask sb. about sth. the answers to four to six times a week not…at all go online at least three or four times a week the best way to do sth. such as spend time with sb. start doing sth. According to the article and the pie chart, write sentences with the percentages using always, usually or sometimes. 1. 90% :___________________________________ 2. 85% :___________________________________ 3. 45% : ___________________________________ 4. 10% : ___________________________________ 5. 13% : ___________________________________ 6. 2% : ___________________________________ 90% of students always use the Internet. 85% of students always watch TV. 45% of them usually exercise. 10% of them sometimes use the Internet. 13% of them sometimes watch TV. 2% of them sometimes watch TV. 2d Choose one of these free time activities or think of your own. Then ask your classmates how often they do this activity and make a pie chart. Show the pie chart to your class. play computer games read books go shopping draw pictures play sports How often do you…? Names of classmates 1-3 times a week 4-6 times a week every day 2e I. 单选。 1. I hardly exercise so I think I’m kind of _____. A. healthy B. health C. unhealthy D. unhealth 2. My sister likes fruits ______ she doesn’t like vegetables. A. and B. but C. or D. also 3. Jim’s parents want him _______ more fruits. A. eating B. eat C. to eat D. eats Exercises 4. We ___ go out to eat but not very often. A. usually B. always C. never D. sometimes 5. ___ do you read English? A. What B. How often C. How far D. How much II. 翻译句子。 1. 你每天晚上睡几个小时? How many hours do you sleep every night? 2. 我们发现只有 15% 的学生每天锻炼。 We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day. 中考链接 ______ the journey was tiring, Jeff thought it was worth both the time and the money. As B. Since C. Unless D. Although “ ____ 旅行很劳累, Jeff 认为付出金钱和时间都很值得。” D 由于 除非 虽然 既然 Write your own health report about “ How healthy are you”? . 2. Recite the new words we have learnt. Homework Section B 3a-Self Check eat junk food once a month A: How often do you eat junk food? B: Once a month. surf the Internet once a week A: How often do you surf the Internet? B: Once a week. Once a month Twice a week Three times a week Four times a week Once or twice a week my father Mr Lin Bob Li Mei Mr White How often does... Look at the information in the chart and complete the report. Activities Days a year Exercise 365 Read books 365 Watch TV for over 2 hours 320 Drink juice 210 Eat hamburgers 95 help with housework 20 Stay up late 15 Go to the dentist 0 3 a Jane is a 16-year-old high school student in the United States. American Teenager magazine asked her about her habits. Jane has a lot of good habits. She always exercises and she reads books __________. Also, she _________ drinks juice and she __________ stays up late. often every day hardly ever However , she has some bad habits, too. She _______ watches TV for more than two hours a day, and she _________ eats hamburgers. Her parents are not very happy because she ___________ helps with housework and she _______ goes to the dentist for teeth cleaning. She says she is afraid! usually sometimes hardly ever never Complete the chart with your own information. In the last column, use expressions like always, every day, twice a week and never. Activities How often? Good habits Bad habits 3b Write a report about your good and bad habits. Say how often you do things. Use the report in 3a as an example. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _ 3c Take the health quiz. Compare your results with your partner’s. Who’s healthier? 1.How often do you eat breakfast? a. Never b. A few times a week c. Almost every day. 2.How often do you eat fast food? a. Never b. A few times a week c. Almost every day 3.How often do you eat vegetables and fruit? a. Never b. A few times a week c. Almost every day 4 4. How often do you exercise? a. A few times a year b. A few times a month c. A few times a week 5. How many hours do you watch TV every week? a. None b. One to four c. Five or more 6. How many hours do you usually sleep at night? a. Less than six. b. Six or seven c. Eight or more 1.a=0, b=1,c=2 2.a=2, b=1,c=0 3.a=0, b=1,c=2 4.a=0, b=1,c=2 5.a=2, b=1,c=0 6.a=0, b=1,c=2 9-12 points : You’re really healthy! Good for you— and your health! 4-8points: You’re smart about your health most of the time. 0-3points: You have to learn more about healthy habits. Don’t worry— you can do it! Are you healthy? Healthy/unhealthy lifestyle? Lisa sleeps eight hours every night. She eats a good breakfast and she exercises every day. She never eats junk food. 读一读 , 判断谁的 生活健康 ? Healthy/unhealthy lifestyle? Pam likes to watch TV. On weekends, she never exercises and she doesn ’ t like fruits or vegetables. She eats junk food . And Pam never goes to the doctor. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Saying Language points 1. However , she has some bad habits, too. She _______ watches TV for more than two hours a day,...... however adv. 然而,不过 可与 but 替换使用,但 however 使用时常在其后加 “ , ” 。 eg. I'd like to go. However, I think I'd better not. more than 多于 =over 相反于 less than eg.I usually sleep more than /over 7 hours at night. 1 Complete the chart with activities you do and don’t do. What about your mother / father? always usually often sometimes hardly ever never I My mother or father Self Check 2 Write five sentences using the information above. For example: I always eat fast food. … 3 Fill in the blanks in the conversation. A: What do Tom and Mike _______ __ do on weekends? B: They sometimes go to the museum. A: _________ __ do they go to the shopping center? B: _ __ _______ ever. Maybe about twice a month. A: _ __ _________ do they watch TV? B: Mike never watches TV, but Tom watches TV _______day. A: Oh, I’m just like Tom. I __ __ _____ watch TV, too. usually How often Hardly How often every always We ______ go out to eat but not very often . A. usually B. always C. never D . sometimes 2. — ________ do you read English? — Every evening. A. How long B. How often C. How far D. how much I. 单项选择。 D B Exercises 3. Maria likes ______ every morning. A . running B. ran C. runs D. run 4. My sister likes fruits _______ she doesn’t like vegetables . A. and B. but C. or D. also B A 5. Jim’s parents want him ________ more fruits. A. eating B. to eat C. eats C eat D. eats 6. —_____ do you eat junk food? —About once a week. A. How B. How many C. How long D. How often B D 7. —You’d better not read in bed. —I’m feeling tired. —But it’s _______ for your eyes. A. good B. bad C. better D. worse 8. I don’t like sports, but I like watching others ___ . A. play B. to play C. while playing D. when playing B A 9. Eating more fruits and vegetables is good ______ our health. A. to B. for C. At D. with 10.—Do you think that you have a healthy habit? —Yes. I _______ my health. A. look at B. look after C. look up D. look like B B II. 连词成句。 how, do, computer, often, play, you, games 2. how, the, movies, does, Jim, often, go, to How often do you play computer games ? How often does Jim go to the movies? 3. do, twice, watch, you, TV, a week 4. most, three, or, a, week, exercise, students , times , four 5. favorite, is, what, program, your Do you watch TV twice a week? Most students exercise three or four times a week. What is your favorite program? III. 选词填空。 — How does Mary usually keep healthy? — She ________ every morning. 2. Lily’s mother _______ go to visit my grandma, about four times a week. often never exercise health do one’s homework exercises often 3. Don’t eat too much every meal. It is bad for your ________. 4. — What does your brother usually do on weekends? — He often ________________ ___ at home. health does his homework IV. 汉译英。 1. 我每晚睡九小时。 2. 我重视我的健康。 I sleep for nine hours every night. I look after my health. 3 . 我有许多 好 习惯。 4 . 我健康的生活方式帮助我取得好成绩。 I have a lot of good habits. My healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades. 5. 好的食物和运动帮助我更好的学习。 6. 我们应该每天多吃一些蔬菜水果。 Good food and exercise help me study better. We should eat more vegetables and fruits every day. How healthy are you? Write about your own habits. Homework unit 3 人教版八年级英语上册单元全套课件 I’m more outgoing than my sister. Objectives To learn to talk about personal traits. To learn to use comparatives to compare people. To learn new words: outgoing, hard-working, competition, fantastic… appearance Personality Likes and dislikes tall , short ,of medium height fat, thin, heavy ,strong, of medium build others: have short hair/a beard /blue eyes wear glasses/a yellow skirt with glasses/big eyes in a red shirt be beautiful, handsome, cute friendly , kind , serious, outgoing, easy-going, calm, wild, athletic, shy, quiet, strict favorite subject/color...... like/dislike to do / doing abilities can/can’t do sth well be good at sth/doing sh height: build: Warming-up 1:What does she look like? She is tall and thin. She has long straight brown hair. She has a big mouth. She wears a pink shirt and black skirt. She is a girl in black shoes. 2:What is she like? She is outgoing and friendly. 3:What does she like ? She likes eating bananas. 4:What can she do well? She can play the piano well. 1:What does he look like? 2:What is he like? 3:What does he like? 4:What’s he good at? Jane Mary Jane is tall. Mary is taller than Jane. Let’s compare. heavy heav ier The dog is heavy. The elephant is heavier than the dog. Lily is _______ than Lucy. Lucy is ______ than Lily. Lily Lucy thin ner fat ter Lin Lin Dang Dang Lin Lin is cuter than Dang Dang. Dang Dang is cute. Jim Bob Jim is young. Bob is younger than Jim. I have long hair I have longer hair than you. tall loudly thin short hair long hair heavy quietly short Match each word with its opposite! 1a Do they look the same? They are twins. They are twin sisters. Why? They are twins. They are twin brothers. Do they look the same? Why? Look at the pictures, talk about the differences. Who is taller, Tina or Tara? Who is heavier, Peter or Paul? Who has longer hair, Tom or Sam? Who is more quietly, Tom or Sam? Who is more loudly, Tina or Tara? Who is shorter and thinner, Peter or Paul? Tina Peter Sam Tom Tina Paul Listen and number the pairs of twins in the picture [1-3]. 1 2 3 1b Let’s have a look at these twins. Look carefully, then let’s play a game. short short er The baby is shorter than the girl. Compare people young young er The little boy is younger than the young man . old old er Ted Vince Vince is older than Ted. Practice the conversation in the picture above. Then make conversations about the other twins. A: That ’ s Tara, isn’t it? B: No, it isn’t. It’s Tina. Tina is taller than Tara. And she also sings more loudly than Tara. 1c Let’s practice! Is that Tom? No, it isn’t. It’s Sam. Tom can play the guitar better than Sam. Who’s Tom? No, it isn’t. It’s Paul. Paul’s thinner than Peter. Peter’s taller than Paul. Is that Peter? Who’s Peter? 1. Both Tom and Sam can play the drums, but Sam plays them better than Tom. 1) both “ 两个、两者都 ……”, 在句中可作代词、 形容词、副词、连词。作副词时常放在 be 动词之后 , 实义动词之前。 Language points e.g. Both (of) his parents are doctors. ( 作代词或形容词 ) =His parents are both doctors. ( 作副词 ) They both went camping in the holiday. ( 作副词 ) Both English and math are very important. (both …and… 短语常连接两个并列的成分 , 可连接名 词、动词、形容词和代词等 ) 注 : both 指两者都 , all 指三者或三者以上都。 2. That’s Tara, isn’t it ? 附加疑问句:陈述句后添加一个附着的简略疑问结构,用以进行确认。 ⑴ 若陈述部分为肯定,便用否定形式进行提问; ⑵ 若陈述部分为否定,便用肯定形式进行提问。 即 前肯后否,前否后肯 ► There’s someone in the room, isn’t there ? ► We can’t say it this way, can we ? ► There ’s someone in the room, isn’t there ? 房间里有人,是吧? ► He didn’t say anything at the meeting, did he ? 他在会上什么也没说,对吗? ► We can’t say it this way, can we ? 我们不能这样说,对不对? 特别提醒:附加部分的动词要和陈述句部分保持一致 Have a try 1._______of the twins have long hair. A. All B. Both C. Each D .either 2.His son never works hard,____________? 3.-Sam hardly ever used the computer yesterday, did he? -______________.He played computer games till midnight. A. Yes,he did. B.No,he didn't C. Yes,he didn't D. No,he did ☺ ☺ does he I. 按要求写出下列各词的正确形式。   1 easy ( 比较级 ): ___________    2 different ( 名词 ): _________ 3 many ( 比较级 ): ______        4 serious ( 比较级 ): _____________     5 friendly ( 比较级 ): _________      easier difference more more serious friendlier Exercises 6  funny ( 比较级 ): _________  7 outgoing ( 比较级 ): ______________      8 quiet ( 反义词 ): _________  9 tall ( 反义词 ): ____________  10 beautiful ( 比较级 ):______________  more beautiful more outgoing loud short funnier II. 句型转换。 This picture looks beautiful, but that one looks more beautiful.( 同义句 ) That picture looks ______ _________ _____ this one. 2. She has longer hair than Emma.( 同义句 ) Her hair is ______ ______ _______. 3.Helen studies hardest in her class.( 同义句 ) Helen studies ________ than ______ _______ student in her class. more beautiful than longer than Emma’s harder any other 1.If you want to be thinner and healthier, you’d better eat ____food and take ____ exercise. more, fewer B. more, less C. fewer, more D. less, more III. 选择。 2.He’s ____ than his brother. strong B. stronger C. the stronger D. the strongest 中考链接 — Which singer do you like, Zhang Liangying or Zhou Bichang? — ________. I love their songs very much. A. All B. Neither C. Both “我非常喜欢他们的歌曲” C 两者都不 都(三者及以上) 两者都 — You are singing to the plants! — That’s true. I believe it helps them grow ______ . A. slower B. better C. harder “我相信这帮助它们长得更好。” B 更好 更慢 更难 Homework Compare one of your friends with you to find your similarities and differences, then write them down. Preview the words of this unit. Section A 2a-2d — Is that Eric? — No, that’s David. Eric is thinner than David and he is better at sports than David. David Eric is thin Eric is better at sports Eric Review The red box is big. The green box is small. The red box is big ger than the green box. The girls dance well. The man and the woman dance better. The man and the woman dance better than the girls. Listen. Are the words in the box used with -(i)er or more? Complete the chart. funny friendly outgoing hard-working smart lazy (run) fast (jump) high (work) hard (get up) early -er / -ier more friendly, funny, fast, high, hard, smart, lazy, early outgoing, hard-working 2a Tina … Tara … is more outgoing than Tara. works as hard as Tina. Listen again. How are Tina and Tara different? Fill in the boxes. Let’s talk about the differences between Tina and Tara. friendlier, funnier, run faster, jump higher, smarter, get up earlier 2b Student A, look at the chart on the right. Student B, look at the chart on page 81. Ask and answer questions about Sam and Tom. Sam Tom smart tall run fast get up early thin funny hard-working friendly 2c ☆☆☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆ ☆☆☆ 1. Sam works ______ ( hard ) than Tom. 2. Tom is ______ __ ( smart ) than Sam. 3. Tina is ______(tall) and ____ ____ ( quiet ) than Tara. 4. Paul is ______ _ (short) and ______ __ ( heavy ) than Pedro. 5. I get up _ ____ ______ _ ( early ) than Tara. 6. Tara is _______________( serious) than Tina. 7. Du Ji a is ____________ _ ( popular ) than others in Class 19. 用形容词的适当形式填空 harder smarter taller quieter shorter heavier earlier more serious more popular Guessing who she/he is? Try to write at least 3 sentences in your paper to describe one of your classmates. And let us guess who she/he is. Remember do not mention his/her name. Example: My best friend has long hair. She is taller than me. She wears glasses. She is a very hard-working girl. 2d Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. 1.Who has shorter hair? Lisa. 2.Who danced better? Nelly. 3.Who sang more clearly? Lisa. 4.What does Anna think is the most important? To learn something new and have fun. Julie: Did you like the singing competition yesterday, Anna? Anna: oh, it was fantastic! Nelly sang so well! Julie: Well, I think Lisa sang better than Nelly. Anna: Oh, which one was Lisa? 2d Role-play the conversation. Julie: The one with shorter hair. I think she sang more clearly than Nelly. Anna: Yes, but Nelly danced better than Lisa. Julie: You can tell that Lisa really wanted to win, though. Anna: Well, everyone wants to win. But the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun . Anna likes the singing competition. It was __________. Julie thinks Lisa, the one with _______ hair, sang _______ ___ and ________ than Nelly. Anna thinks Nelly danced ______ than Lisa. The ________________ thing is to learn something new and have fun. Fill in the blanks According to the conversation. fantastic shorter better more clearly better most important Have a discussion which 在问句中作疑问代词,其含义为“ 哪一个,哪一些 ”。 e.g. Which are the ones you really like? 哪些是你们真正喜欢的? Which is your best friend , Tom or Lucy? 哪一位是你最好的朋友,汤姆还是露西? 1.Oh, which one was Lisa? 哦,哪一位是莉莎? Language points which 也可 引导定语从句 ,在从句中可以 作主语 ,也可以 作宾语 。 e.g. Color the birds which are flying. 给那些正在飞的鸟涂色。 The story (which) he told was very interesting. ( which 作宾语,此时 which 可省略 ) The shop _____ sells flowers is at the end of the street. A . Who B . where C . which ( which 作主语 ) 2.You can tell that Lisa really wanted to win, though. 不过,你能看得出来,莉莎真的想赢。 1 ) though 作副词,意为“ 不过;可是;然而 ”,常用于口语中,一般放在 句尾 。 e.g. —Have you ever been to Australia? 你去过澳大利亚吗? —No. I’d like to, though. 没有。 不过 我很想去。 这是份苦差事,可他还是接受了。 It was a hard job. He took it, though. 拓展 : (1)though 还可以作 连词 ,意为“ 虽然;尽管 ”,引导让步状语从句,此时可以和 although 互换。 e.g. Though/Although he was ill, he worked hard. 他虽然生病了,但仍努力工作。 (2)though/although 不能和 but 连用 , 但可以 和 yet, still 连用 。 e.g. Though/Although he is 90, he is still very healthy. 尽管已经 90 岁了,但他仍然很健康。 2 ) win v. 获胜,赢 + 比赛、奖项等 过去式 :won, 现在分词 :winning, 名词 :winner eg. They won the game yesterday. Zhang Yining won a gold medal in the women's singles. Who is the winner, Sam or Jim? 拓展 : 赢了某人不用 win, 用 beat eg.The LA Lakers beat the Rockets. 试对比: We beat them and won the game. 3.But the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun. 但最重要的是要学到一些新东西并获得乐趣。 the most important 意为“ 最重要的 ”,是 important 的最高级形式。 important 的比较级为 more important 。 e.g. I think English is the most important of all the subjects. 我认为在所有的科目中英语是最重要的。 I. 按要求写出下列各词的正确形式。   1  funny ( 比较级 ) : ___________    2  different ( 名词 ) : _________ 3  many ( 比较级 ): ______        4  serious ( 比较级 ): _____________     5 friendly ( 比较级 ): _________      funnier difference more more serious friendlier Exercises II. 翻译句子。 1. — 那是山姆吗? — 不是,是汤姆。他比山姆的头发短,而且 他比山姆高。 2. 汤姆比山姆更友好。      Tom is friendlier than Sam.         — Is that Sam? — No, that’s Tom. He has shorter hair than Sam. And he’s taller than Sam. 中考链接 ________ we didn't win the basketball game, we were satisfied with our hard work. A. If B. Though C. Since D. Because B 如果 既然 虽然 因为 句意“虽然我们没有赢得篮球赛,我们对自己的努力很满意” Homework 想像 自己未来的形象。用英语写一篇短文 。 ( about 60 words) Many years later, I will be taller, I want to be more beautiful… 2. Preview the new words and expressions. 3. Preview the Grammar Focus. Section A Grammar Focus-3c To learn to compare personal traits of people by using comparatives. To learn new words: as, way, both, physics, however... To compare people,learn from others. Objectives 根据句意填入单词的正确形式: 1. My brother is two years __________(old) than me. 2. Tom is as _______(fat) as Jim. 3. Is your sister __________(young) than you? Yes, she is. 4. Who is ___________(thin), you or Helen? Helen is. 5. Whose pencil-box is _______(big), yours or hers? Hers is. 6. Mary’s hair is as __________(long) as Lucy’s. 7.Ben jumps________ (high) than some of the boys in his class. 8.______ Nancy sing __________ (well) than Helen? older fat younger thinner bigger long higher Does better Review 唱歌 比赛 比 …… 唱得好 头发较短的那个 比 …… 唱 得清楚 比 …… 跳 得好 更多地练习 重要的是学到东西 重要的是得到 快乐 比较你的父母 阅读 2d-3c, 翻译下列短语及句子。 singing competition sing better than the one with shorter hair sing more clearly than dance better than practice more The most important thing is to learn something new. The most important thing is to have fun. Compare your parents. Find their differences in each picture. The more, the better. The man is... The pig is... The horse is The bike goes fast . The car goes ______than the bike. faster Tall, tall er , who is tall er ? I am tall. You are tall er . You are tall er than me. Thin, thin ner , who is thin ner ? He is thin. She is thin ner . She is thin ner than him. Funny, funn ier . Who is fun nier ? You are funny. They are fun nier . They are funn ier than you. Outgoing. More outgoing. Who is more outgoing? Lucy is outgoing. Lily is more outgoing. Lily is more outgoing than Lucy. Let’s chant! Is Tom smarter than Sam? No, he isn ’ t. Sam is smarter than Tom. Is Tara more outgoing than Tina? No, she isn ’ t. Tina is more outgoing than Tara. Are you as friendly as your sister? No, I ’ m not. I ’ m friendlier. Does Tara work as hard as Tina? Yes, she does . Who ’ s more hard-working at school? Tina thinks she works harder than me. Grammar Focus Compare some of your classmates or family members,try to make sentences. My brother is taller than me ,I work harder than him. ...... 1. 什么是形容词的 原级 ? 表示修饰两种东西的程度是一样的 , 用 as… as 表示原级 ,译为 :“ 和 …… 一样 ”。 2. 什么是形容词的 比较级 ? 表示两者相比,一个比另一 个 更 …… , 有比较级的句中有 than , 且仅限于两者比较。 形容词的原级和比较级 原级和比较级区分程度的不同: 原级 是说明两个人物或事物的程度 一样 。 比较级 是区分两个人物或事物的程度 不一样 。 This tree is as ____ as that tree. The green bag is as ____as the blue one. This pencil is as ____ as that pencil. tall big long 原 级 当两个人或两件事物进行比较时,形容词和副词要用比较级,也就是词尾 -er 形式,比较级常常用 than 来连接被比较的两个人或事物。 ► I am shorter than you . 我 比你矮。 ¥ 2 0 ¥ 3 0 cheap cheap er The pink dress is cheap . The black dress is ___________ the pink one . cheap er than The red car is cut e . The blue car ______________ the red car. (蓝车比红车更可爱 ) is cute r than The red apple is big . The green apple is ____________ the red one. bigger than 56.1 kg heavy 58kg Garfield is heav y . Doraemon is ____________ Garfield . heav ier heav ier than Garfield Doraemon 形容词比较级的构成 1. 构成的规则变化 : 2. 构成的不规则变化 : 形容词和副词的比较级 short - shorter small - smaller nice nicer safe safer - - - - - - big thin heavy heavier happy happier 找规律: big bigger thin thinner 1. 构成的规则变化 : 1) 单音节词和少数双音节词一般在词尾 后加 -er 构成比较级 或 - est 构成最高级 . 如: 原级 比较级 最高级 cold –—— cold er –—— cold est bright——— bright er ———bright est young—— young er —— young est 2) 以字母 e 结尾的词只加 –r 或 -st 构 成 比 较 级 和 最高级 。 原级 比较级 最高级 nice —— nic er –—— nic est fine —— fin er —— fin est large —— larg er —— larg est 3) 重读闭音节词末尾只有一个辅音字母 时,先双写 这个辅音字母 , 再 加 -er 或 -est 。 如 : big – bigger – biggest thin – thinner – thinnest 4) 以“辅音字母 + y” 结尾的双音节词,先改 y 为 i , 再 加 -er 或 -est 。如 : easy – easier – easiest happy – happier – happiest 5) 多音节词和部分双音节词在词前加 more 或 most 。 如: delicious — more delicious — most delicious interesting — more interesting — most interesting important — more important — most important 2. 构成的不规则变化 : e.g. good / well – better – best bad / badly/ill – worse – worst many / much – more – most little – less – least far – farther / further – farthest/ furthest old -older/elder-oldest/eldest 讲述 两者有 差异 , 第 一个人物超过第二个 人物 时用比较级 。 基 本句型 : 主语 (‘A’)+ 谓语动词 + 形容词 / 副词比较级 +than+ 主语 (‘ B ’)+…            e.g. A modern train is  faster than  a car. 现代的火车比轿车快多了。   This  book didn’t cost me  more than  that one. 这本书花费我的钱不比那本多。         比较级的用法 在形容词比较级前还可用 much, even, still, far a little 来修 饰 , 表 示“ …… 的多”, “ 甚至 ……”, “ 更 ……”, “…… 一些”。 e.g. This city is much more beautiful than before. She’s a little more outgoing than me. It’s a little colder today. “ 比较级+ and +比较级”意为“越来越 ……” 多音节比较级用“ more and more +形容词原级” 形式。如: ► It’s getting worse and worse . ► The group became more and more popular. “ Which / Who is + 比较级 … ?” 比 较 A 、 B 两事物 , 问 其中哪一个较 …… 时用此句型。如: Which T-shirt is nicer, this one or that one? Who is more active, Mary or Kate? Which one is more popular among students, going to concerts or going to movies ? the+ 比较级 ... , the+ 比较级 ... “ 越 ..., 越 ...” eg.The more,the better. The harder you work,the better grades you'll get. Ex. __________you're,________mistakes you'll make. A.The careful,the less B.The more careful,the less C.The more carefully,the fewer D.The more careful,the fewer ✔ 使用形容词比较级时需注意以下几点: 1 ) than 后面接代词时 , 一般要用主格形式,但在口语中也 可使用宾格形式。 如: ► My brother is taller than I/me. 2 ) 当需要表示一方超过另一方的程度时,可以用 much, a lot, a little, a bit, even, still 等来修饰形容词比较级。 注意 : 比较级不能用 very, so, too, quite 等修饰。如: ► He is much more serious than Sam. 3 )形容词比较级后面往往用连词 than 连接另一个比较的 人或事物 , 但在上下文明确的情况下 , 形容词比较级可单 独使用。如: ► My sister is tall, but my aunt is taller . 我姐姐个子高 , 但我姑姑个子更高。 4 )进行比较的人和物必须是同一类。 ► My books are more than yours. ► I have more books than you . Use the words to write questions and answers. 1 . Julie / tall / you Q : _______________________ A : No, she isn’t . She’s ________ than me. 2 . Jack / run / fast / Sam Q : ____________________________ A : No, he doesn’t. He runs______ than Sam. Is Julie as tall as you? taller Does Jack run faster than Sam? slower 3a 3. your cousin / outgoing / you Q:____________________________ A: No, she isn’t. She’s ___________ __ than me. 4. Paul / funny/ Carol Q : _____________________________ A : No, he isn’t. He’s ___________ __ than Carol. Is your cousin more outgoing than you? more serious Is Paul as funny as Carol? more funnier 1 . Are you taller? 2 . Are you funnier? ___________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Yes, I am. I’m taller now than I was two years ago. Yes, I am. I’m funnier now than I was two years ago. 3b Think of yourself two years ago. Write about how you are different now. Yes, I am. I’m more outgoing now than I was two years ago. Yes, I do. I study English harder now than I did two years ago. Yes, I do. I sing better now than I did two years ago. 3. Are you more outgoing? 4. Do you study English harder? 5. Do you sing better? Compare your parents. Check (√) who is smarter , funnier, etc. in the chart. Then ask your partner about his / her parents. A: Who is smarter, your mother or your father ? B: I think my mother is smarter than my father. 3c Mother Father smart funny work hard outgoing friendly sing well √ old→ fat→ young→ ugly→ high→ low→ light→ white→ sunny→ hot→ cool→ older fatter younger uglier higher lower lighter whiter sunnier hotter cooler Exercises I. 将下列形容词变成比较级形式: II. 词汇。 1. I’m short but my sister is ________(short). 2. My mother has long hair, and my sister has ________ (long) hair. 3.This little baby is _________________(outgoing) than that one. shorter longer more outgoing 4. In some ways we look the same, but in some ways we look ____________( 不同 ). 5. Ann is a very _______( 安静的 ) girl, she hardly makes noise. different quiet 1. The twins ______ lovely girls. A. are all B. are both C. both are 2. I like drawing and I am good _____ it. A. in B. on C. at 3. That box is _______ than others. A. more heavier B . heavy C . much heavier III. 单项选择。 B C C 4. She is three years _______ than I am. A. old B. more old C . older 5. I think a good friend should make me ____. A. l augh B. laughing C . to laugh C A 6 . Lucy is very short, but she is ___ than her sister. A . shorter B . longer C . taller D. older 7 . Frank is ____ friendly than his brother. A . a little more B . a few more C . much D . a little 8 . Sam is ____at Chinese than Jim. A . good B . well C . better D . gooder C A C 9 . This one is too large. Can you show me a _____ one? A. larger B. large C. small D. smaller 10 . —Do you think March is ____than January? — Yes , i t’ s _ ___ warmer. A. better, a little B . well, much C. worse, very D. nicer, quite D A IV. 翻 译 句 子。 1. 刘英是我朋友,她比 我 外向一点。 2. 安跳舞跳的比丽萨好。      3. 我认为她唱歌比丽丽好。 Ann dances better than Lisa.         Liu Ying is my friend. She’s a little more outgoing than me. I think she sings better than Lily.        4. 在学校里谁更用功? Who’s more hard-working at school? 5. 琳达跟杰克一样用功吗? Does Linda work as hard as Jack? 6. 你比你姐姐更外向吗? Are you more outgoing than your sister? 7. 我认为莉莉比她姐姐更聪明。 I think Lily is smarter than her sister. 一 What do you think of English? 一 I think English is as _____ as Chinese. A.useful B.more useful C.the most useful 中考链接 as…as 和 …… 一样,中 间用形容词原 级。 A – Paul, do you prefer weekdays or weekends? – Weekdays, of course.I’m _____ on weekends. busy B. much busier C . more busier D . the busiest 由句意可知, Paul 更喜欢 工作 日,因为周末更忙。故选比较级。 B 1. Make an adjective word list including all the adjective words you know. 2. Write a short passage to compare you and your best friend. Homework Section B 1a-1e To learn to talk about important personal traits in a friend. To learn to listen for the details. To learn new words : talented, truly, care about… Objectives A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 A faithful friend is hard to find. 知音难觅。 Be slow in choosing a friend; slower in changing. 选择朋友要慎重,改换朋友更要慎重。 Lead-in Do you have a friend? Who’s your friend? Why do you choose him/her as your friend? Discuss Is he a good friend? When you fight with others, he helps you fight. When you are tired, he does homework for you. When you are thirsty, he gives you a cup of tea. When you meet a thief, he runs away quickly. Free talk A good friend … __ a. has cool clothes. __ b. is talented in music. __ c. likes to do the same things as me. __ d. is good at sports. __ e. truly cares about me. __ f. makes me laugh. __ g. is a good listener. What kinds of things are important in a friend? Rank the things below [1-7] (1 is the most important). 1a 在 ... 方面有天赋 关心,在意 __ has cool clothes. __ is talented in music. __ likes to do the same things as me. __ is good at sports. __ truly cares about me. __ makes me laugh. __ is a good listener. a b c d e f g Match pictures with their meanings. A : I think a good friend makes me laugh. B : For me, a good friend likes to do the same things as me. C : Yes, and a good friend is talented in music , too. D : That’s not very important for me ... Talk about what you think a good friend should be like. 1b Like about their best friends The same as their best friends Different from their best friends Molly Molly studies harder. Mary They’re both tall . Lisa is quieter . Peter likes to do the same things. popular, good at sports a good listener Listen. What do Molly and Mary like about their best friends? Fill in the first column of the chart. 1c The same as best friends Different from best friends Molly Mary Molly studies harder. Peter plays baseball better than Molly. Peter speaks more loudly. Molly is a little quieter. They’re both tall. They both have long, curly hair. Lisa is quieter. Lisa is smarter. Mary is more outgoing. is popular; is good at sports; They’re both pretty outgoing. Listen again. How are Molly and Mary the same and different from their best friends? Complete the rest of the chart in 1c. 1d Challenge Complete the passage using the information in 1c,1d. Molly's best friend is Peter. They are both _______and good at_______.But Molly studies ________than Peter.Peter plays basketball______than Molly. Though they are both outgoing,Peter speaks ____________than Molly and Molly is a little ________. Mary's best friend is Lisa because Lisa is a good ________.They are both _______and have__________hair. But Lisa is _______ and _________.Mary is_________________. popular sports harder better more loudly quieter listener tall long,curly quieter smarter more outgoing Talk about Molly and Mary and their best friends. A: Molly studies harder than her best friend. B: Well, Mary and her best friend are both tall. 1e Think about four sentences to describe the same or different things between you and your best friend. One sentence should give the false information and the other three should give the correct information. The class will guess who she/he is and which sentence gives the false information. Let’s play a game! 1. ...truly cares about me . 真正地在乎我。 care about v. 担心 。相当于: be worried, be interested 指:忧虑、担心、关心、惦念 ► Do not you care about anybody? 你难道谁也不关心吗? ► I really care about my work. 我真的关心我的工作。 Language points 2. I think a good friend makes me laugh. make sb. do sth. 让 ( 使 ) 某人做某事 (make 后跟不带 to 的不定式 ) ► His words made us feel so exciting. ► The boss made the workers work all day and all night. 3. A good friend is a good listener . listener 本意是“ 听者;听众”,根据语境 a good listener 应译为“ 作为一个好朋友应当乐于倾听朋友的倾诉”。 类似词语还有 : 说话者 speaker 4. Peter likes to do the same things, like to do sth  喜欢偶尔做某事 like doing sth  喜欢经常做某事,或个人爱好  如“ Do you like reading? ”你爱好读书吗?    like + to do 表示想做什么事情,类似于 want , 如“ Do you like to go with me? ” 表示现在愿不愿意去做某事。 I. 句型转换。 1. Peter is thinner than Sam. ( 同义句转换 ) 2. My sister is better at study than I. She is clever. ( 同义句转换 ) Sam is fatter than Peter. My sister is much smarter than me at study. Exercises 3. I study science very well. ( 同义句转换 ) 4. Miss Li is popular in our class. Mr. Wang is more popular.( 同义句转换 ) I am very good at science. Mr. Wang is more popular than Miss Li in our class. II. 用比较级形式填空。 1.Tom’s bike is new, but John’s bike is ______. 2.Tom’s schoolbag is big, but John’s schoolbag is _______. 3.Tom’s house is small, but John’s house is even _______. 4.Tom’s coat is long, but John’s coat is even _________. 5.Tom’s desk is good, but John’s desk is ________. newer bigger smaller longer better 6. He is ________ (young) than I am. 7. Mr. Smith is much _____ (old) than his wife. 8. Chicago is ______ (big) than Paris. 9. This book is ______ (good) than that one. 10. The weather this winter is _______ (bad) than that of last winter. younger older bigger better worse III. 翻译句子。 1. 对我来说,好朋友喜欢做我喜欢的事。 2. 我认为一个好朋友能让我笑口常开。  3. 你的好朋友跟你有什么不同吗?      I think a good friend makes me laugh.            For me, a good friend likes to do the same things as me. Is your best friend different from you in any way?     3. 我最好的朋友莉莉在音乐方面很有天分。 My best friend Lily is talented in music. 4. 我们的父母是真的关心我们。 Our parents truly care about us. 5. 我喜欢丽萨,因为她是一位很好的聆听者。 I like Lisa because she is a good listener. —Mike plays the drums so wonderfully! —Of course. He is_____than any other students in his class. A. talented B. more talented C. less talented D. the most talented 中考链接 由句意“比班里任意一个其他的学生都有才能”可知,要用比较级。 B Homework Write about you and your best friend … What do you like about him/her? The same things between you. The differences between you. Section B 2a-2e To learn to talk about important personal traits in a friend. To learn to write something about you and your friends. To learn new words : serious, necessary, should, as long as, be different from, in fact,the same as… Objectives Which is long er , the yellow one or the red one? The yellow one is long er than the red one. Warming up Which is bi gg er , the mouse or the elephant? The elephant is bi gg er than the mouse. [‘bɪ g ə ] Which is small er , the mouse or the elephant? The mouse is small er than the elephant. Which is h ea v i er , the fox or the bird? The fox is h ea v i er than the bird. Write the comparative forms of the following adjectives. Then use them to write five sentences about you and your friends. popular____________ funny ________ quiet ________ friendly ________ shy ___________ serious ____________ outgoing ___________ smart ________ hard-working __________________ more popular quieter shyer/ shier more outgoing funnier friendlier smarter more hard-working more serious 2a Think about four sentences to describe the same or different things between you and your best friend. One sentence should give the false information and the other three should give the correct information. The class will guess who she/he is and which sentence gives the false information. Let’s play a game! Sample: My friend David is more hard-working than me, but I am funnier than him. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______ write the rest sentences by yourself. Should friends be the same or different? Read about what these people think. Underline the comparative words and phrases in the passage. My mother told me a good friend is like a mirror. I ’ m quieter and more serious than most kids. That ’ s why I like reading books and I study harder in class. My best friend Yuan Li is quiet too, so we 2b enjoy studying together. I ’ m shy so it ’ s not easy for me to make friends. But I think friends are like books — you don ’ t need a lot of them as long as they ’ re good. It ’ s not necessary to be the same. My best friend Larry is quite different from me. He is taller and more outgoing than me. We both like sports, but he plays tennis better, so he always wins. However, Larry often helps to bring out the best in me. So I ’ m getting better at tennis. Larry is much less hard-working, though. I always get better grades than he does, so maybe I should help him more. I don ’ t really care if my friends are the same as me or different. My favorite saying is, “ a true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. ” My best friend Carol is really kind and very funny. In fact, she ’ s funnier than anyone I know. I broke my arm last year but she made me laugh and feel better. We can talk about and share everything. I know she cares about me because she ’ s always there to listen. Match people with their opinions. A good friend is like a mirror. Friends are like books — you don’t need a lot of them as long as they’re good. My best friend helps to bring out the best in me. A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. Jeff Green Huang Lei Mary Smith Fill in the chart with the information given in the article. Name Opinion The same as his/her friend Different from his/her friend Jeff Green Huang Lei Mary Smith A good friend is like a mirror. They are quiet and study hard. Jeff is quieter and more serious than most kids. It’s not necessary to be same. They both like sports. Larry is more outgoing and taller Than Huang Lei. She doesn’t care if her friends are the same as her or different. Carol is funnier than anyone. 1. Jeff is less serious than most kids. 2. Jeff and Yuan Li are both quiet. 3. Jeff thinks it is easy for him to make friends. 4. Huang Lei is taller than Larry. F T F F Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? 2c 5. Huang Lei isn ’ t as good at tennis as Larry. 6. Larry works harder than Huang Lei. 7. Mary thinks her friends should be the same as her. 8. Carol broke her arm last year and Mary made her feel better. F T F F How do you and your friends compare with the people in the article? Write five sentences. I’m different from Jeff because I’m louder than the other kids in my class. My best friend is similar to Larry because she’s less hard-working than me. 2d Which saying is your favorite? Which friend do you think about when you read this saying? Why? Tell your partner about it. 2e 1. A good friend is like a mirror. 2. Friends are like books- you don ’ t need a lot of them as long as they ’ re good. 3. My best friend helps to bring out the best in me. 4. A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. 1. That’s why I like reading books and I study harder in class. That’s why + 句子 “这便是为什么 ……” 、“这就是 …… 的原因” (固定的句式) ► That’s why he was late this morning. 这就是他今天早上迟到的原因。 Language points 2. … you don’t need a lot of them as long as they’re good. 字面意思:只要朋友好,你并不需要许多 → ( 朋友 ) 不在多而贵在好 as long as (固定搭配)连接句子,表示“只要 ……” ► We can talk about this as long as you want. 只要你想 ( 谈 ) ,我们就可以谈谈这事。 ► It’s fine as long as you’re happy. 只要你高兴就好。 3. I don’t really care if my friends are the same as me or different. 此句中 if 不是“如果”的意思,而是“是否”的 意思 ► I don’t care if he likes it or not --- I’m coming! 我不管他喜欢还是不喜欢 — 我会来的! ► Can you tell me if I’m right, Mr. Green? 格林先生,您能告诉我我是否正确吗? 宾语从句 作 care 宾语 4. A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart . hand 引申为“帮助;援助” heart 则为 “情感;感受” ► Can you give me a hand ? 你能帮我一把吗? ► The movie touched the hearts of all the people at the cinema. 这部电影令所有在场的观众动容。 5. I know she cares about me because she ’s always there to listen. be there : (1) “ 在别人需要帮助时,刻准备伸手相助 ” (2) “随叫随到;不离 …… 左右” (3) be there + for somebody ► My parents were always there for me when I was growing up. 在我成长的过程中,我的父母总是随时给予我帮助。 6. My best friend helps to bring out the best in me. bring out (习语)“使显现;使表现出” bring out the best/worst in someone “ 把某人最好 / 最坏的一面表现或显露出来” ► Take a look at your friendships. Do they bring out the best in you? 审视一下你的友谊,他们让你表现出最好的自我了吗? 7.I ’ m quieter and more serious than most kids. serious adj. 严肃的;稳重的 常用短语: be serious about 对 …… 认真 eg: Our English teacher,Miss Zhang is very serious . We should be serious about our jobs. I. 翻译句子。 1. 她很风趣,而且比我更外向。但是,我们都喜欢做相同的事情。 She is very funny, and more outgoing than I am. But we both like doing the same things.          2. 那就是我喜欢读书的原因。 That’s why I like reading books. Exercises 3. 我的老师总能让我表现出最好的自我。 My teacher can always bring out the best in me. 4. 在我有困难的时候,我的好朋友莉莉随时都能 给我帮助。 My best friend Lily is always there to help when I’m in trouble. 5. 只要能做到这一点她就可以万事大吉。 As long as she did this, all would be well. 6. 我们不知道老师会不会参加班会。 We don’t know if our teachers will attend the class meeting. 7. 充满爱与灵魂的故事往往能打动人们的心。 A story with love and soul can always touch the heart. 8. 你为何不伸出援手? Why you don’t reach for my hand? 中考链接 As middle school students, we_____ follow the public rules wherever we go . would B. should C. might D. could 句意为“作为中学生,无论去哪我们都应该遵守公共规则。” B 1.Write about the things that are the same and different between you and a friend. 2.Preview the new words and expressions. Homework Section B 3a-Self Check Look at the following pictures, let’s review the comparative forms. smaller bigger bigger or smaller smaller bigger bigger or smaller stronger thinner stronger or thinner Which is stronger? A or B? Which is thinner? A or B? A B heavier thinner heavier or thinner It’s smaller . It’s shorter . It’s bigger . It’s heavier . It’s longer . She is taller . He is thinner . Who is taller? Who is thinner? a dog a horse Which is taller? A horse is taller than a dog . Who is tall er , the father or the son ? The father is taller th a n the son. Who is short er , the father or the son? The son is shorter than the father. Name Opinion The same as his/her friend Different from his/her friend Jeff Green Huang Lei Mary Smith A good friend is like a mirror. They are quiet and study hard. Jeff is quieter and more serious than most kids. It’s not necessary to be same. They both like sports. Larry is more outgoing and taller Than Huang Lei. She doesn’t care if her friends are the same as her or different. Carol is funnier than anyone. Review Wang Lingling and Liu Lili are best friends. Look at the chart below and compare them. Wang Lingling Liu Lili 3a Wang Lingling Liu Lili tall tall short straight hair like reading like sports popular outgoing outgoing serious hard-working long straight hair popular funny smart 1.  阅读表格中的描述 2. 分析描述词的特点:用形容词还是用动词描述 3. 相似的地方,用 both 表达共同点;不同的地方 , 用 比较的句式表达 4.  试着写出这些句子 5.  检查答案 写作指导 Wang has long straight hair, Liu has short straight hair . Wang Lingling likes reading, but Liu Lili  likes sports. They are both popular in class. They’re both outgoing . Wang Lingling is serious.  Liu  Lili is funnier than Wang Lingling. Wang is more  hard-working  than  Liu , but Liu  is  smarter.  One possible version   Make notes about two of your friends. One friend should be similar to you; the other friend should be different. A friend who is similar to me A friend who is different from me Name: Name: 3b Write two paragraphs describing your friends. 相似的方面 : 用 be both 或  likes 句式结构来描述 不同之处 : 用形容词或副词的比较级形式,用正确的句式对比两人的不同 A is more outgoing than B.  B works harder than A.   写作指导 3 c My friend A is quite similar to me. We are both tall and  thin . We are both quiet and  serious . We like reading  together . We are  hard-working  in class, so we often get  good   grades .   My  friend B is different from me.  She’s  funnier and  more outgoing  than me. She always speaks loudly. She is good at  soccer . She’s smart and she’s a good  listener . One possible version   My friend A and I are similar . Both of us like swimming and reading. We both go swimming at the weekends and then have lunch together. We often share many interesting books with each other. Both of us are interested in cartoon. So we’re good friends. The other possible version   My friend B is quite different from me.  She is more outgoing and more popular than me. She sings better and wins a school competition. Many “fans” are attracted by her. But B is much less hard-working. I always get better grades than she does. We help each other. Read the job ad. Then compare two of your classmates . Decide which classmate is better for the job. Student Helper Wanted The English study Center needs a weekend student helper for primary school students. 4 小学 You must: -be a middle school student -have good grades in English -be good with children -be outgoing Call the English Study Center at 443-5667 for more information. call sb. at... A: So who do you think should get the job , Jenny or Jill? B: Well, Jenny is smarter. I think she should get the job. A: Jenny is smarter, but I think Jill is more outgoing . 1 Put the words in the correct columns in the chart. hard-working run fast quiet serious jump high smart what people are like what people can do hard-working, quiet, serious, smart run fast jump high Self Check 2 Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the words in brackets. My brother is _________(funny) than me. He makes people laugh a lot. I’m outgoing, but my best friend is a lot ________________ (outgoing ) than me. funnier more outgoing 3. My brother is as ____________( serious ) as my sister . They both like to study. 4. My cousin can run __________(fast) than me . She is taller than me, too. 5. Jim is_________________ (friendly) than Tom , so Tom has more friends than Jim. serious faster less friendly e.g. The boss makes the workers work over 13 hours a day. 1. make sb. + v. “ 让(使)某人 做某事 ”。 make sb. + adj. “ 让(使)某人 …… ” e.g. The teacher’s words made the boy happy . Language points 2. be good with.... “ 善于应对 ...” He is good with the old people. be good at... “ 擅长 ...” Mary is good at English. be good to... “ 对 ... 好 ”=be friendly to... She is a kind girl,she is always good to everyone. quiet funny outgoing kind athletic My friend likes sports. She’s very _______. Paul is never _____ ! He can’t stop talking. Lu Xiang is really ______. She is very good at math, physics and chemistry. Mary is a ______ girl. She always makes me laugh . 5. Jane isn’t very _________ . She likes to stay at home and read. athletic quiet smart funny outgoing I. 根据句意从方框中 选择 单词填入句中。 Exercises 1. Seen from the mountain, the town looks ________________ (beautiful). 2. She has made far ________ (great) progress this term than she did last year. 3. She is a head ________ (tall) than I. 4. This room is 3 times ________ (big) than that one. more beautiful greater taller bigger II. 根据所给词的正确形式填空。 1. This year they have produced ___grain __they did last year. A. as less; as  B. as few; as   C. as few; as   D. less; than 2. Which is ___ classroom, this classroom or that one? A. bigger     B. the bigger    C. a bigger   D . bigger D B III. 单项选择。 3. This apple is ______ that one. A. as big twice as       B. as big as twice C. as twice big as       D. twice as big as 4. There are more books in our library than ____. A. theirs                     B. those in theirs C. that in theirs         D. those in their D B 5 . It is thought that the harder ________, ________ result you’ll get. A . you work; the better         B . you will work; the more better C . you worked; a better         D . you were working; more better A 1. 他比我大三岁。 2. 我喜欢像我妹妹那样的人。 3. 我像他一样强健。 Ⅳ. 翻译。 He is three years older than me. I like someone who is like my sister. I am as athletic as he is. Ⅴ. 连词成句。 1. my, math, subjects, favorite, English, are, and 2. parents, his, teachers, both, are 3. he, little, a, outgoing, more, me, is, than My favorite subjects are English and math . His parents are both teachers. He is a little more outgoing than me. 1. Their room is ___ _____ _______ ( 稍大点 ) than yours. 2. I spend ___ ____ ______( 多得多 ) time on Chinese than other subjects. 3. Their life was becoming ______ ___ _____ ______ ( 越来越困难 ). a little bigger a lot more more and more difficult Ⅵ. 根据汉语补全句子。 4. The days get ________ ____ ________ ( 越来越短 ). 5. She wants to buy _________ _______ ( 一些 便宜的东西 ). s horter and shorter something cheap 中考链接 — I know little about this product. — Surf the Internet, and you will get much ______ about it. A. information B . message C . suggestion 信息 A 消息 建议 句 意为“我对这个产品了解不多。 上网你会得到有关它的很多信息。” Homework 1. Write something about your past and now. 2 . Think of your best friend. Write down two ways in which you are similar, and two ways in which you are different. Use comparatives . unit 4 人教版八年级英语上册单元全套课件 What’s the best movie theater? To learn to discuss preferences using superlatives. To learn the usage of superlative. To learn new words: theater, comfortable, close, ticket, worse, comfortably… Objectives Good , better , best, Never let it rest , Till good be better , And better best . GOOD , BETTER, BEST Chant Bad , worse ,worst , Never fight against , Get better and better, And you ’ ll be the best. Review This computer is cheap . This computer is cheaper than that one. This one is the cheapest of all. ¥6999 ¥4999 ¥3999 The weather is bad . The weather is worse . The weather is the worst . This car is the best of the three. good better This apple is the biggest of all . big bigger 10 yuan 20 yuan 50 yuan This pen is the most expensive of the three. expensive more expensive cinema Where do you want to go ?Why? theater radio station m ovie theater = cinema comfortable seats big screen friendly service Blue Moon Super Red Star My house 300 m 400m 500m is close to my home. Red Star Cinema Super Cinema is closer to my home. is the closest to my home. Blue Moon Cinema ¥40 ¥20 ¥10 is cheap . Super Cinema Red star Cinema is cheaper . is the cheapest . Blue Moon Cinema is popular . Blue Moon Cinema Super Cinema is more popular. is the most popular. Red star Cinema has a big screen. Super Cinema Blue Moon Cinema has a bigger screen. has the biggest screen. Red star Cinema has comfortable seats. Super Cinema Blue Moon Cinema has more comfortable seats. has the most comfortable seats. Red Star Cinema How do you choose a cinema to go to? Which is important? Which is not important? comfortable seats big screen friendly service new movies distance from home in a fun part popular cheap tickets How do you choose what movie theater to go to? Write the things in the box under “Important” or “Not important”. comfortable seats big screens best sound cheap new movies close to home buy tickets quickly popular Important Not Important big screens comfortable seats best sound popular close to home cheap new movies buy tickets quickly 1a What is the most important for you in a movie theater? A: I think comfortable seats are the most important for me. B: For me , … and … are the most important in a movie theater. C: But I think … is the most important . D: In my opinion , I think … is the most important . Group work Qualities Movie Theater It has the biggest screens. It’s the most popular near here. It’s the closest to home. Town Cinema It has the shortest waiting time. It has the best sound. It has the most comfortable seats. Listen and match the statements with the movie theaters. Movie World Screen City Town Cinema Screen City Movie World 1b Can you show the answers like this: Movie World has the biggest screens. Screen City is... ... A: What ’ s the best movie theater? B: Sun Cinema. It ’ s the cheapest . C: But I think Moon Theater has the most comfortable seats. D: For me, … E : In my opinion, … Practice the conversation. Then talk about the movie theatres you know. 1c Showtime Cinema. It ’ s the cheapest. But I think Gold Theater has the most comfortable seats. What ’ s the best movie theater? Talk about the theaters in your town It has the biggest screens. It ’ s the most popular . It ’ s the closest to home. It ’ s the cheapest . It has the friendliest service. It has the most comfortable seats. I. 写出下列单词的比较级和最高级。 1. good 2. comfortable 3. big 4. happy 5. cheap 6. many 7. difficult 8. little better best more comfortable most comfortable bigger biggest happier happiest cheaper cheapest more most more difficult most difficult less least Exercises 1. Lily gets up ______ (early) than Lucy. 2. Which goes __________ (slowly), Tom or Jim? 3.This book is _______________ (interesting) than that one. earlier more slowly more interesting II. 根据所给词的适当形式填空。 4. She works ________________ (careful) in her school. 5. Who goes to bed_________ (late) Jim, Tom or Jack? 6. I think turkey is ________________ (delicious) of all. the most carefully the latest the most delicious III. 翻译句子。 1. 电影世界 (Movie World) 有最舒服的座位。 2. 最好的电影院是哪个? What’s the best movie theater? Movie World has the most comfortable seats. 3. Screen City 是离家最近的电影院。 4. 我喜欢 Town Cinema ,因为它有最大的屏幕。 I like Town Cinema, because it has the biggest screen. Screen City is the closest to home. 中考链接 — This T-shirt is a bit expensive for me. — But this is ______one in our shop, sir. A. cheap B. cheaper C. the cheapest 句意为“ — 这件 T 恤对我来说有点贵。 — 但是先生这是我们店里最便宜的。”选择最高级。 C Homework Make conversations with your partner About your favourite cinema and why you like it best. Section A 2a-2d To learn to discuss preferences using superlatives. To learn the usage of superlative. To learn new words: worst, cheaply, choose, carefully, reporter,fresh, comfortably… Objectives ¥ 200 ¥ 380 ¥ 430 better good best Warming up bad worse worst Listen to a reporter interview ing a boy. Circle the boy’s answers. Green City Survey 1.Which is the best clothes store? Miller’s Blue Moon c. Dream Clothes 2.Which is the best radio station? a. 970AM b. 97.9FM c. 107.9FM 2a Listen again. Write the correct store or radio station next to each statement. Clothes Stores _____________It’s the most expensive. _____________ It has the best clothes. _____________ It’s the worst store. ________You can buy clothes the most cheaply there. Miller’s Blue Moon Dream Clothes Blue Moon Dream Clothes Miller’s Miller’s 2b 970 AM 97.9 FM 107.9 FM ___________ It has the worst music. ___________ They play the most boring songs. ___________ The DJs choose songs the most carefully. ___________ It’s the most popular. 107.9 FM 970 AM 97.9 FM 97.9 FM Radio stations Listen again,complete the passage. Miller's is the best clothes store in Green City.It has __________ clothes and you can buy clothes _______________.Blue Moon is ________________.And Dream Clothes is _______than Blue Moon .It has _________service in town. 107.9FM is the best radio station in town. The DJs choose songs________________. They always play __________________music.But 970AM has ________music.97.9FM plays _____________songs. the best the most cheaply the most expensive worse the worst the most carefully the most interesting the worst the most boring Student A, you are the reporter. Student B, you are the boy. Role-play a conversation using the information in 2a and 2b. A: Hello! I ’ m a reporter. Can I ask you some questions? B: Sure. A: What ’ s the best / the worst clothing store in town? B: I think Miller’ s is the best … / ...is the worst . A: Why do you think so? B: Well Miller’ s has …… . 2c Language points 1.worst /   wɜ:st  / adj.&adv. 最差(的); 最坏(的);最糟(的) worst 是形容词 bad , ill 及副词 badly 的最高级。 worse 是形容词 bad , ill 及副词 badly 的比较级。 eg : I think John's homework is the worst. Her writing is worse than her sister. 2.cheaply /'tʃi:pli/ adv. 便宜地 eg : She bought the house cheaply last year. She bought a cheap house last year. cheap -cheaper-the cheapest cheaply -more cheaply-the most cheaply cheap adj“ 便宜的” 3.choose /tʃuːz/ v. 选择,挑选 pt. chose choose...from 从 …… 中选择 choose...as 选 …… 当 choose sb. to do sth. 挑选某人去做某事 固定搭配 choose (not) to do sth. 决定(不)做某事 eg: Can I choose a book from the bookshelf?. They chose Cindy as their group leader. I choose to go there by bus. 拓展: n.choice“ 选择” ,make a choice “ 做出选择 ” 。 eg. I believe you can make a right choice. Role- play the conversation. Greg: Hi, I’m Greg. I’m new in town. Helen: Hi, I’m Helen. Welcome to the neighborhood! How do you like it so far? Greg: It’s fantastic, but I still don’t really know my way around. Helen: Well, the best supermarket is on Center Street. You can buy the freshest food there. 2d Greg: Oh, great. Is there a cinema around there? I love watching movies. Helen: Yes, Sun Cinema is the newest one. You can sit the most comfortably because they have the biggest seats. Greg: Thanks for telling me. Helen: No problem. 1. Role play the conversation in groups; 2. Role play the conversation in front of the class Let’s see which group does the best. Role-play Greg is ____ in town. he doesn’t know his way _______. Helen is telling him some information now: The ____ supermarket is on Center Street. You can buy ___ _______ food there. The ______ cinema around here is Sun Cinema. You can sit ___ _____ ___________ because they have ___ _______ seats. new around best the freshest newest the most Fill in the blanks According to the conversation. comfortably the biggest Talk about the supermarkets, restaurants, … around us from service, quality and prices. Let’s see which group is the best! Ready? Teamwork parks supermarkets hotels food people stores restaurants Welcome to Shanhai! — Do you want to go to the supermarket? — Sure. — I’ll go, too. — OK, great. What’s the best supermarket to go to? — … supermarket. It has the friendliest service. — I think … supermarket is the closest to home. — … For example: 1. It ’s the closest to home. close adj. 靠近的 be close to 离 …… 近, 形容词最高级前经常加定冠词 the 。 close 也可作动词,意为关上 / 闭上 。 ► 我们的新房子离学校很近。 ► 请关门。 Our new house  is close to  the school. Close the door, please. Language points close 作形容词 : 1. His house is close to the factory. 他家 靠近 该厂 。 ( 近 的 , 接近的 ) 2. She is a close friend of theirs. 她是他们的 挚友 。 (关系 ) 密切 的 , 亲密的 3. They live in close quarters. 他们的住房 狭小 。 紧密 的 ; 狭窄的 ; 紧身的 close 作及物动词 : 1. She closed the door softly . 她轻轻地关上门。 (关闭;盖上;合上) 2. The street has been closed for two days. 这条街已被封闭两天了。 关 ( 商店等 ) ;封闭 ( 道路等) close 作不及物动词 : 1. The door closes quietly . 这门关起来不发出什么声音。 ( 关闭;盖上;合上 ) 2. The post office closes at 6. 邮局六点关门。 (商店等)关门,打烊 3. At eleven the conference closed . 十一时大会结束。 (结束) 2. Welcome to the neighborhood! welcome to 是固定短语,其后常跟地点名词表示欢迎到某地。 ► 欢迎来到我的家。 ► 欢迎到我们厂参观。 Welcome to our factory. Welcome to my home. 3. Thanks for telling me. thanks for doing sth. 因做某事而感谢某人 ► 谢谢你提醒我。 ► 多谢您借钱给我。 Thanks for reminding me. Thanks for lending me the money. 4. Is there a cinema around here? around here 附近 ► 我喜欢这儿的周围邻里。 ► 这附近哪儿有公共汽车站? I love the neighborhood around here . Where’s a bus station around here ? —What’s the best movie theater? —Sun Cinema. It’s the cheapest . —Moon Theater has the most comfortable seats. —You can buy the freshest food there. — Thank you for telling me. Summary I. 写出下列词的最高级。 big _______ short _______ cheap ________ bad/badly _____ fresh ________ close _____ good/well _____ new ______ cheaply ___________ carefully __________ popular ____________ expensive _____________ boring ___________ shortest biggest worst cheapest most popular most carefully newest best freshest most cheaply closest most boring most expensive Exercises II. 单项选择。 1. The yellow shoes are _______ than the blue ones. A. expensive B. expensiver C. more expensive 2. A cow is ________ bigger than a mouse. A. much B. more C. many 3. Who’s the _______, Jean, Joan or Jennet? A. thinner B. thinest C. thinnest 4. I’m taller than others in my class. I’m _______. A. tall B. tallest C. the tallest 5. My bike is ______, but his bike is ______. A. new; new B. new; newer C. new; newest 6. —Which is ______ season in Beijing? —I think it’s autumn. A. good B. better C. the best 7. The Yellow River is one of ______ rivers in China. A. long B. longer C. the longest 1. Town Cinema 不拥挤,它有最友好的服务。 2. 我认为她是最有创造力的演员。 3. 97.9FM 是最流行的电台。 97.9FM is the most popular radio station. Town Cinema isn’t crowed and it has the friendliest service. I think she is the most creative actress. III. 翻译下列句子。 中考链接 Of all the students in my class , Lily studies _____. most carefully B. carefully C. more carefully 句意为“在我们班所有的学生们里, Lily 学习最认真。”有明确范围,副词要用最高级。 A Write a short passage about your survey of supermarkets in your city. Homework Section A Grammar Focus-3c To learn to make comparisons using superlatives. To learn new words: worse, service, pretty, menu, act, meal … Objectives friendly sing well hard-working popular thin talented smart funny A: Who sings (the ) best in your class ? A: Who is the thinnest in your class ? B: I think … I want to know you! is the ________mountain in the world. What mountain is 8,844.43 meters high in China? Qomolangma high est is the _______ river in China. long est The Yangtze River Read and guess. are ______ ______ ________ of all the animals in China. the most famous Pandas They are fat and cute, black and white. They only live in China and are more famous than any other animal to Chinese. People over the world love them and we’re doing our best to look after them. Think and guess . It begins at Chang’an. This is an old trading road. is the _______trading route in the world. The main product is silk. old est The Silk Road Plan a trip along the Silk Road using the new language. China is an amazing country. It has the world’s _______ (high) mountains. The Yangtze River is its _______(long). Pandas are the ___________ (famous) of all the animals in our country. The Silk Road is the ____ ___( old) trading road to the world. When we plan a trip, making choices doesn’t mean to choose the ____ ___ __(good) or the _______________(expensive) one, but the __________ (proper) one. best most expensive most proper highest longest most famous oldest Linda Nancy Kate Linda is __________ girl of the three. Kate is ___________ girl of the three. the tallest the shortest Look and say ¥ 50.00 ¥ 100.00 ¥ 150.00 The purple bag is __________________ one of all the bags. The green bag is ____________ one of all the bags. the cheapest the most expensive Look and say Is Tom smarter than Sam? No, he isn ’ t. Sam is smarter than Tom. Is Tara more outgoing than Tina? No, she isn ’ t. Tina is more outgoing than Tara. Are you as friendly as your sister? No, I ’ m not. I ’ m friendlier. Does Tara work as hard as Tina? Yes, she does . Who ’ s more hard-working at school? Tina thinks she works harder than me. Grammar Focus 1. 用法:英语中三者或三者以上相比较,表示“最 ……” 这样的最高程度概念时,要用 “ the+ 最高级” 的结构表示。这种句式一般带有表示比较的介词短语,比如 : in our class, of the three 等。 例如 : Wang Lin is the tallest in our class. This theater is the cheapest of the three. 注意使用最高级时应注意以下几点: 形容词的最高级 (1) 表示 “最 …… 之一” 的句式,要用 one of the + 形容词最高级 + 复数名词。 例如: Jingjiang Hotel is one of the biggest hotels in our city. Lisa is one of my best friends. (2) 当最高级前面有物主代词或名词所有格 时 , 不 加定冠词 the 。 例如: Tom is Lucy’s best friend. Tuesday is her busiest day. (3) 最高级前可加序数词。 eg.The Yellow River is the second longest river in China . (4) 形容最高级修饰作表语或介词宾语的名词,代词时 , 被 修饰的词往往省略。 eg.He is the laziest (student) in our class . (5) 形容最高级用在选择疑问句中, 结构为: Who/Which...,A,B or C? Who is the best English teacher,Mr.Zhang,Miss Li or Miss Wang ? 2. 形容词比较级和最高级的构成 规则变化 一般情况下,单音节或双音节的形容词比较级直接加 -er, 最高级直接加 -est 。 如: clever—cleverer—cleverest cheap—cheaper—cheapest few—fewer—fewest small—smaller—smallest young—younger—youngest b. 以 -e 结尾的形容词,比较级 + -r, 最高级 + -st 。 如: large—larger—largest nice—nicer—nicest cute—cuter—cutest c. 以辅音字母 +y 结尾的形容词,变 y 为 i +er 或 + est busy—busier—busiest heavy—heavier—heaviest easy—easier—easiest happy—happier—happiest dirty—dirtier—dirtiest d. 以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母结 尾的词,双写最后一个辅音字母,再加 +er 或 +est 。 如: big—bigger—biggest thin—thinner—thinnest fat—fatter—fattest hot—hotter—hottest e. 多音节和部分双音节形容词,需在原级前 +more 构成比较级, + most 构成最高级。 important—more important—most important beautiful—more beautiful– most beautiful difficult—more difficult—most difficult 3. 不规则变化: 原级 比较级 最高级 good /well better best bad /ill/badly worse worst little less least many /much more most far farther /further farthest /furthest old older /elder oldest /eldest 最高级规则变化口诀: 最高级,很容易,一般词尾加est 。( cheap-the cheapest) 词尾若有哑音 e , 直 接就加st 。( close-the closest) 重读闭音节, 单辅音字母要双写 。( big-the biggest) 辅音字母加 y , 记 得把y变为i 。( friendly-the friendliest) 多音节,考考你,the most到底加哪里? (popular-the most popular) 复习:形容词 最高级 的构成 A: tall short quick thick light cool warm quiet wild calm -- est B: heavy easy tidy dry busy happy healthy hungry early y -- i-- est C: large late nice -- st big gest D: big hot hot test thin “ 双写” thin nest wet wet test fat fat test 1.We are going to the Green Restaurant for lunch. (划线部分提问) ____________ you going for lunch? 2. Sam is the shortest in his class. (改为同义句) Sam is ________ than ___ _ _ ____ student in his class. Sam is _______ than _____ _____ students in his class. Sam is _______ than______ __ ______ in his class. 3. How do you like Screen City? (改为同义句) _______ do you __________ Screen City? Where are shorter any other What think of shorter the other anyone else shorter 练习:改写句子。 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in brackets. 1.We went to the _______(bad) restaurant in town last night. The menu had only 10 dishes and the service was not good at all! 2.Blue Moon is _______ (good), but Miller’s is ________ ( good) in town. 3.The Big Screen is__________________ ( expensive) than most cinemas, but Cinema City is_____________________ ( expensive). worst good the best more expensive the most expensive 3a 4 . Movie City has the ________ (bad) service, but we can sit the____________________ ( comfortably) there. 5 . Johnny Depp acted the _____ (good) in that movie. He’s much _________ ( good) than others at finding the __________________ (interesting) roles. worst most comfortably best most interesting better Think of three stores in your town and fill in the chart. Then write six sentences using the information in the chart. Service best: worst: Quality best: worst: Prices cheapest: most expensive: A: I think Great World has the best service. B: I think Cool House has the worst quality. 3b Where are we going for lunch ? Think of three places to have lunch near your school. Write the information in the chart. Then decide on the best place to have lunch. 3c Restaurants Danny’s How much is a meal? How far is it from school? 10 minutes by bus Is the service good? Is the food good? A: Danny ’ s is the closest. Let ’ s go there. B: No, it ’ s the most expensive. I think we should go to … I. 根据要求写出单词。 1. bad ( 比较级 ) 2. do ( 过去式 ) 3. best ( 原级 ) 4. expensive( 反义词 ) 5 . big ( 最高级 ) 6 . report ( 名词 ) 7. friend ( 形容词 ) 8. beach (复数 ) 9. quiet ( 反义词 ) 10. store (同义词 ) worse did good/well cheap biggest reporter friendly beaches noisy shop Exercises 3. Lin Sen is _______________________ in the class because he never gets to school on time. ( 最懒的学生之一) 4. Edison was _________________________in the world.   ( 最伟大的发明家之一) one of the laziest student s one of the greatest inventor s The Yangtze River is ________________river in the world . ( 第三长河) the third longest 2. The Atlantic is ________________ocean in the world. ( 第二大洋) the second biggest II. 翻译句子。 1.Hainan is a very large Island .It is the second _________ island in China . (large) 2. Our teacher is as ______ as before. ( busy ). 3.He is __________________ among us. ( careful ) 4.Li Lei jumped far ______ than Jim. ( far ) 5.The busier he is, the ________ he feels. ( happy ) 6.I think Yao Ming is one of ____________ basketball players in NBA. ( hot ) busy the most careful farther happier largest the hottest III. 完成句子。 LeBron James is one of _______ players in the NBA. He is my hero. better B. the best C. worse D. the worst 中考链接 由“他是我的英雄。”可知詹姆斯是最好的 NBA 队员之一。 one of 后面加形容词的最高级。 B — Who runs in your class? — Tom does. None of us can catch him in the race. A. faster B. slower C . fastest D. slowest 由“没人能赶得上他。”可知 Tom 跑得最快。要选择 fast 的最高级。 C Homework 1.Do some exercise by using comparative and superlative degree. 2.Write a composition about restaurants by using comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs. Section B 1a-1e To learn to use the superlatives to describe people. To learn new words: creative, performer… To find others' advantages and learn from them. Objectives This apple is __________ of all . This apple is ___________ of all . the smallest the biggest Linda Nancy Kate Linda is __________ girl of the three. Kate is ___________ girl of the three. the tallest the shortest Look and say Write these words and phrases next to their opposites in the chart. funniest most creative quietest best most boring most creative loudest worst most serious quietest best funniest 1a Tell your partner about people you know. Use the words in 1a. 1b most boring most creative loudest worst most serious Talk about the pictures. 1c Eliza ___ Vera ___ Steve ___ Dennis ____ The Math Teachers ___ Listen to people talking about a school talent show. Match the pictures with the performers. d a e c b 1c Listen again. What do the people say about the performers? Fill in the chart with the adjectives you hear. Names What people say Eliza best, Steve Vera Dennis The Math Teachers funniest creative , the most creative worst, terrible loudest excellent, great 1d Describe the person using the information in 1d: 1.Eliza was the best , She was an excellent and great piano player. 2. ... ... Who was the best performer? Eliza was the best performer. Look at the information in 1d and make a conversation. 1e Who was the funniest performer? Steve was the funniest performer. Hello, everyone! The talent show was very great. I think Eliza was the.... Steve was the... . Vera was the.... Dennis was the... The math teachers were the... Rewrite 1d and make a report. 1. This book is ____ of all. A . cheapest B . cheap C . cheaper D . the cheapest 2. He is much ____ than his brother. A . taller B . tall C . the tallest D . tallest 3. Li Lei is ____ older than Lucy. A . quite B . very C . much D . more I. 单选。 Exercises C A D 4. This is one of ____ films of this year. A. more exciting B. exciting C. the most exciting D. most exciting 5. The weather in Beijing is colder than_____. A. in Guangzhou B. Guangzhou C. that in Guangzhou D. that from Guangzhou C C 6. Paul is very ____. He is ____than his brother . A. heavy; heavier B. heavy; heavy C. heavier; heavier D. heavy; heavyer 7. It has the ______ clothing store in the town. A. goodest B. gooddest C. best D. better 8. This ruler is ____ than that one. A. long B. longer C. the longest D. longest B C A II. 用括号中形容词的适当形式填空。 1. I am very _______. But Tom is ____________than I . Frank is _____________. (tired) 2. Which is _____________ (difficult), physics or biology? 3. This book is ______than the other two. It is________ of the three. (easy) 4. In summer it’s _______ (hot) in Wu Han than in Beijing. 5. The Chinese people have a much _______ (good) life now. tired more tired the most tired more different easier the easiest hotter better III. 翻译句子。 1. 我妹妹是我认识的最有趣的人。 2. — 谁是最好的演奏者? — 伊莱扎是最好的演奏者。 My sister is the funniest person I know. —Who was the best performer? —Eliza was the best performer. IV. 用所给词的比较级或最高级填空。 1. Jean has a ______ (good) family than Mary. 2. The weather is _____ (bad) today than yesterday. 3. It’s _________________ (expensive) TV set in town. 4. Which do you think is ____________________ (interesting) film? 5. Jim is ____________ (funny) boy in our class. better worse the most expensive the most interesting the funniest The artist is so ________ that he can make different changing pictures with sand. common B. careless C. creative D. helpful 中考链接 句意为“这位艺术家那么有创造力,他能用沙子做出不同变换的图片。” C 普通的 有创造力的 粗心的 有帮助的 Write a short article about the performers in 1c. Last night’s talent show was great. The best performer was Eliza … 2. Preview the passage Who’s Got Talent? Homework Section B 2a-2e To learn to talk about the most talented person. To read the passage about talent shows. To learn new words : talent, beautifully, winner, everybody, seriously, all kinds of , play a role, for example… Objectives The Voice of China Have you watched the talent shows? What do you think of them? Lead-in 状元成才路 I think…is the most talented person. What can he / she do? He/She… American Idol Have you watched the talent shows? What do you think of them? China’s Got Talent Have you watched the talent shows? What do you think of them? Have you watched the talent shows? What do you think of them? Britain’s Got Talent Who’s the most talented person you know? What can he/she do? Tell your partner about this person. 2 a A: I think … is the most talented person. B: What can he /she do ? A: He / she … three talent shows Which three talent shows are mentioned? China’s Got Talent Britain’s Got Talent American Got Talent Read the passage below. Which three talented shows are mentioned? Who’s Got Talent? Everyone is good at something, but some people are truly talented . It’s always interesting to watch other people show their talents . Talent shows are getting more and more popular. First, there were shows like American Idol and American’s Got Talent . 2b All these shows have one thing in common : They try to look for the best singers, the most talented dancers, the most exciting magicians , the funniest actors and so on. All kinds of people join these shows. But who can play the piano the best or sing the most beautifully ? That’ s up to you to decide. When people watch the show, they usually play a role in deciding the winner . And the winner always gets a very good prize. However, not everybody enjoys watching these shows. Some think that the lives of the performers are made up . For example, some people who say they are poor farmers are in fact just actors. But if you don’t take these shows too seriously , they are fun to watch. And one great thing about them is that they give people a way to make their dreams come true. Task 1 Read the first paragraph and finish the “true or false”. Read and finish the Tasks below. It’s boring to watch other people show their talents. Talent shows are more and more popular. 3. There are talent shows only in America . Task 2 Read the second paragraph and find out all the superlatives in this paragraph. Best singers, the most talented dancers, the most exciting magicians, the funnies actors. Task 3 Read the third paragraph and translate the following phrases. 1. 编造 2. 例如 3. 事实上 4. 认真对待 5. 使梦想成真 1.make up 2.for exampe 3.in fact 4.take...seriously 5.make their dreams come true What do talent shows have in common? _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ 2. Who decides the winner? _____________ Read the passage again and answer the questions. They try to look for the best singers, the most talented dancers, the most exciting magicians, the funniest actors and so on. The audiences. 2c 3. Why do some people not like these shows? _______________________________ _____________________ 4. Why do some people like these shows? _________________________________ ________________________________ 5. What do you think of these shows? _________________________________ Because they think that the lives of the performers are made up. Because they give people a way to make their dreams come true. They are fun to watch. Underline all the superlatives in the passage. Then write sentences using at least four of them. best singer: In my class, Tom is the best singer because he can sing fast songs very well. 2d A: Who ( do you think ) is the funniest person you know ? B: I think … is the funniest person I know . A: Why do you think so? B: Because …. funn iest most creative best quiet est smart est tall est heav iest friendl iest thinn est bus iest most popular 班级之最 Who’s got talent in your class? Add more talents and write a classmate’s name for each talent. Find out how many students in your group agree with you. Talents Classmates’ names How many students agree? the best chess player the most talented dancer the most interesting writer the fastest runner 2e Who’s Got Talents? 谁是达人? 此句中 who’s 为 who has 的缩写。 have got 表示“具有;具备 之意,相当于 have 。此句字面上的意思是“谁有才华?” 如: ► Have you got time? I’ve got something important to tell you. 你现在有空吗?我有重要的事要告诉你。 ► We ’ve got a lot of work to do, you see, to make our town more beautiful. 你们瞧,我们要把我们的城市变得更加美丽 的话,是有很多工作要做的。 Language points 2. All these shows have one thing in common. 所有这些节目有一个共同点。 common 是名词,意为“ 与 …… 相同 ”。 常用句型: in common with sb/sth 有两个意思: ①与某人(某事物 )一起 。 ② 像 某人(某事物) 一样 。 ► In common with many others, she applied for a training place. ► You are in common with me. (2)have … in common 意为有相同特征 ; 想法 、兴趣等 方面相同 。 ► Their views have much in common with mine. 他们的观点和我的相同。 —The more I get to know Nancy, the more I can realize that we have a lot______. —No wonder she is your best friend. A. in style B. in common C.in need 3. That’s up to you to decide. 那由你自己来决定。 在英语中, be up to somebody 是一个习惯用语,用来表“由某人做出抉择”,句子的主语通常为 it ,有时也用 this 或 that 。 如: ► You can join the club once or twice a week — it’s up to you . 你可以一周参加一次或两次俱乐部的活动 — 这由你定。 ► How much should he pay? That ’s up to him to decide! 他应该付多少钱?那完全由他来决定。 ► It will be up to you to decide which one you want to use. 这取决于你想用哪个。 ► I can tell you that the question will come up, but the outcome will be up to you . 我只能够告诉你这个问题将出现,而结果如何取决于你。 4 . When people watch the show, they usually play a role in deciding the winner. play a role 是一种固定表达, 意为“扮演某一角色;起到某种作用”。若要进一步引出具体的内容,后面应该用介词 in ,表示“在某事或某个方面起到作用或承担某种角色”。 ► John is playing the leading role in this year’s play. 今年的演出中约翰是主角。 ► Schools play the most important role in education. 学校在教育中起着最为重要的作用。 5. However, if you don’t take these shows too seriously, they are fun to watch. take 在此处有 consider ( 认为;觉得 ) 的意思。 take someone/something seriously 就相当于汉语“认真对待某人或某事;把某人或某事当真”的意思。 如: ► He was joking, but your sister took him seriously . 他是在开玩笑,但你姐姐却当真了。 有时老师们把学生作业看得太重。 Sometimes teachers take students’ homework too seriously . 人家托你的事,你别不在意。 When people ask you to do something, you should take it seriously . 辨析: for example 与 such as 讲解来自 《 点拨 》 6. For example, some people who say they are poor farmers are in fact just actors. for example 作插入语,后面的举例常为句子。并用逗号隔开,可位于句首、句中或句尾。 eg.Noise,for example,is a kind of pollution. such as 用来列举同类人或事物中的几个,其后只能是单词或短语且不用逗号。 eg.I like drinks such as tea and soda. 此处 be made up 为被动语态,意为“被编造”。 eg : He often makes up stories . The teacher asked the students to make up a sentence using the word creative. 7.Some think that the lives of the performers are made up. 1. She works ____ than the other students in our class. A. hardest B. the harder C. harder 2. It was not ___ yesterday than today. A. much cold B. colder C. the coldest 3. Wangjiang Park is one of the ___ parks in Chengdu. A. much beautiful B. most beautiful C. more beautiful I. 单项选择。 Exercises 4. It’s summer now. The weather is getting ___. A. hotter and hotter B. hot and hot C. hottest and hottest 5. Don’t worry. The girl can do it ___. A. very good B. very well C. very wonderful II. 完成句子。 1. 当今互联网在我们的生活中扮演着重要的角色。 Nowadays Internet ______ ___ __________ ____ in our life. 2. 森林 里有各种各样的树。 There are ___ _____ ___ trees in the forest. plays an important role all kinds of 3. 去哪儿度假由你决定。 It’s          to decide where to go for vacation. 4. 我们必须认真对待这次学校才艺表演。 We must       the school talent show       . 5. 并非人人都喜欢肥皂剧。         likes soap operas. up to you take seriously Not everyone/everybody 每个人都应该在环保方面发挥作用。 Evervone should ________________the environmental protection. 中考链接 play a role in Homework Discuss all kinds of talent shows you know with your partner. Think about the role they play in our daily life. Preview the next part. Section B 3a-Self Check Let’s review the phrases. And make sentences using them. 1. 有相同特征 _________________ 2. 各种各样的 _________________ 3. 由 …… 决定 _________________ 4. 发挥作用 _________________ 5. 获得奖品 __________________ have … in common all kinds of be up to play a role get a prize 6. 编造 _______________________ 7. 例如 _______________________ 8. 认真对待 _______________________ 9. 给某人某物 _______________________ 10. 实现 _______________________ for example take … seriously give sb. sth./ give sth. to sb. make up come true crowded crowded- more crowded - most crowded creative creative-more creative- most creative good good-better-best fast fast-faster-fastest quietly quietly-more quietly-most quietly Read the article about Greenwood Park. Fill in the blanks with the correct superlative forms of the adjectives and adverbs in the box. Greenwood Park is _________ place to go to on weekends. I always finish my breakfast _______ _____ on Saturdays because I want to get to Greenwood Park before 10:00 a.m. to meet my friends. The park is ________________ place on weekends because almost everyone goes there to see the the best the fastest the most crowded 3a crowded creative good fast quietly street performers. Some people think they are boring, but I think they are ________________ people. However, the place where you can enjoy your time ________________ is at one of the small coffee shops near the park. You can read or relax there. There is something for everyone at Greenwood Park. the most creative the most quietly Why does the writer go to Greenwood Park? To meet friends. To see the street performers. To read or relax in one of the small coffee shops near the park . Best places / things in my town Why? best middle school No. 1 Middle School Because it is the most beautiful school in my town. best supermarket New Century Supermarket the best quality the best service the freshest food 3b Think about some of the best places/things in your town. Why are they the best? Best places/things in my town Why? best restaurant the most delicious food, the cleanest environment Meishi Restaurant best clothes store Cool Time best quality clothes best theater Wan Da Theater biggest screen most comfortable seats Write about your town and the best places/ things there. _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 3c 本文为写自己所居住的城镇上最好的地方或事物,并说 明 原因。因此,时态应用一般现在时态; 应先描述最 …… 的是某个地方,然后说明这个地方最好 的 原因。 应注意正确运用形容词或副词的最高级形式来表达。 写作指导: 写作导图 Best places/things in my town Why best middle school No. 1 Middle School Because it is the most beautiful school in my town. best movie theater Sun Cinema Because it has the biggest screens and the most comfortable seats. You can sit the most comfortably there and enjoy the newest movies. Best places/things in my town Why best restaurant Moon Restaurant Because it has the most delicious food and the friendliest service. best place to relax Fresh Park Because it has the freshest air there. I live in a small town. I like my town. The best school is No. 1 Middle School because it is the most beautiful school in my town. The best supermarket is New Century Supermarket because it has the best quality things and the best service. Make a report The best restaurant is Rui Jia Restaurant because it has the most delicious food and it is the cleanest restaurant. The best clothes store is Fashion Time because it has the best quality clothes. The best theater is Hanhai 3D Theater because it has the biggest screen and the most comfortable seats. I think it is the best place to live. Do you agree? Discuss the towns/cities in China with a partner. Tell the class which town/city you think is the best. Which is the best town / city? …has the best… …is the best because… …is better than…, but…is the most… I think Qingdao is the best city in China because it is the most beautiful. But I think Beijing is the most popular city for visitors . 4 Sanya is in Hainan Province in southern China. It’s still warm in winter. It’s about 15 ℃ in the afternoon. Sanya has beautiful beaches. The price of a hotel room is about 320 yuan a night. 1.Fill in the blanks with the superlative forms of the words in the box. good cheap popular comfortably bad 1. Dumpling House is restaurant in the city. You can get a big plate of dumplings for only five yuan. 2. Spring Park is place in the city on weekends . Many families go there with their young children. Lots of old people like to take walks there, too. the cheapest the most popular Self Check 3. You can rest at Flower Hotel. Their rooms are clean and big. 4. 109.9 FM plays music . The songs are always boring and too loud. 5. PEP High School is school in this town. They have big classrooms, fantastic teachers and an excellent sports center. the most comfortably the worst the best 2. Read the information. Then correct t he mistakes in the sentences below. A movie ticket at Town Cinema is $12.00. It is $10.50 at Screen City, and $10.00 at Movie World. Screen City is always very crowded. Many people go to Movie World, too. But you can always get a ticket at Town Cinema. The seats at Movie World are very comfortable. The seats at Screen City are a little hard. The Town Cinema seats are very uncomfortable. 2. Screen City has the cheapest tickets. 1. Movie World is the most expensive. Town Cinema is the most expensive. Movie World has the cheapest tickets. Movie World is the cheapest cinema. The girl just sits there _____ and thinks about something without a word. A. quiet B . quietly C . comfortable D. comfortably 2. Mr. Li asked us to remember that _____ careful we are, _____ mistakes we will make. A. the more; the fewer   B . the fewer; the more C. the more; the more D. the less; the fewer I. 选择题。 Exercises II. 完成句子。 1 . 我认为海南是冬季最好的去处。 I think Beijing is the best place____ ______ ____in autumn. 2. 美食美客是最受欢迎的餐馆 , 因为那里有最好吃的饭菜。 Meishimeike is the___ __________ __ restraut because it has ____ ____ ________ food. 3. 你认为哪一个公园最美 ? Which do you think ____ ____ _____ _________park? to go to the most delicious is the most beautiful Most popular Homework Review the unit and prepare for a test. Write a short passage about your survey of supermarkets in your city. unit 5 人教版八年级英语上册单元全套课件 Do you want to watch a geme show? To learn to talk about preferences. To learn to make plans. To learn new words: educational, news, plan, hope, discussion, happen , may, expect… To learn different kinds of culture. Objectives What kind of TV programmes do you know? Can you name them? cartoons game shows nature programmes news sports shows 体育节目 What kind of TV shows are they? talk shows soap operas sitcoms = situation comedies 情景喜剧 fashion shows 时尚节目 What kind of TV shows is it? Let’s play a guessing game Match the TV shows with the pictures [a-g]. 1.talk show____ 2.soap opera____ 3.sports show____ 4. sitcom _______ 5.game show_____ 6.talent show_____ 7.news ________ g f c b e d a 1a Listen and number the shows [1-4] in the order you hear them. ____talent show ____talk show ____soccer game ____ news 1 2 4 3 1b Listen again, answer the questions. 1.Which show is after the news? The new talent show. 2.What time does the soccer game start? At 5:00p.m. Practice the conversation. Then make your own conversations. A: What do you want to watch? B: What do you think of talk shows? A: They’re Ok. I don ’ t mind them. B: Then let’s watch a talk show. 1c love like don’t mind don’t like can’t stand ( 不介意 , 不反对 ) ( 无法忍受 ) What do you think of game shows? I love them. What do you think of sports shows? I like them. What do you think of sitcoms? I don’t mind them. What do you think of talk show? I can’t stand it. What do you think of soap operas? I don’t like them. News Report What do you think of … ? Around the World The Same Song Conversation Law Today Man and Nature Tell it like it is weather report What do you think of … ? Make a survey shows number idea news talk shows sitcoms sports shows game shows talent show What kind of shows do you like ? 1. What do you think of game shows? What do you think of ...? “ 你认为 …… 怎么样 ?” 谈论对某事物的喜好程度 , 可选择的回答有: I like it./I don’t mind it./I don’t like it./ I can’t stand it./I like it very much./I love it./ It’s beautiful./They’re fantastic. Language points =How do you like ...? 2) think “ 想 , 考虑 , 思索” (v. 动词 ) 可以和许多介词搭配 , 组成新的意思。 think of “ 考虑”, “ 有 …… 的看法” , 有时等同于 think about. 如: ► What does he think of Beijing Opera? 他对京剧有什么看法? ► My mother always thinks of everything! 我妈妈总是想到所有的东西。 think highly of sb. /sth. 对某人或某物评价甚高 ► Mr. Black thinks highly of his son. 布莱克先生对他儿子评价甚高。 think about “ 考虑” ( 指计划 , 观念 , 看它是否相宜、可行 ) ► He is thinking about going to China. 他正在考虑去中国。 2. Do you want to join me? 你想要加入我吗? 1) want vt. 意为“需要;想要”。 ► I want a sweater. 我需要一件毛衣。 ► The boy wants to go to Taiyuan. 那个小男孩想去太原。 want + n 想要 …… want to do sth 想要做某事 ► If you want to be respected, please learn to respect others first. 如果你想别人尊重你,就请先尊重别人。 want sb to do sth 想让某人干某事 …… ► I want her to go to a movie with me. 我想让她和我去看电影。 3. I don’t mind them. mind v. 介 意 作 及物动词时,后面通常接名词、代词、 V-ing 形式、复合结构、从句等。 ► Would you mind my closing the window? 你 介意我关上窗户吗? ► Would you mind waiting outside for a moment? 您 介意在外面等一会儿吗? 4. I can’t stand it! 我不能忍受它 / 我受不了它! stand 1 )“ 站 , 站立” e.g. Stand up! 起立 2) “ 顺利接受;忍耐 、 忍受” ( 多用于 否定句、疑问句 ) , 后可接 动名词 。 ► I can’t stand the movie! It is too boring! ► Mary couldn’t stand the hot weather. ► Can you stand the pain? ► I can’t stand waiting any longer. ► I can’t stand your being treated like that. My favorite TV show is ______ ( 情景喜剧 ) 。 2. What do you think of __________ ( 谈话节目 ) ? 3. I don’t mind ___________ ( 肥皂剧 ). I. 根据汉语提示完成句子。 sitcom talk shows soap operas Exercises 1. My grandfather likes wearing fashion clothes. He ____________ what young people ________ ( 认为 )him. 2. The old men ____________ rock music. They think it’s too noisy. 3. Her sister _______ soap opera. That’s her favorite. 4. I __________ to go shopping with Mother. It’s crowded in the store. doesn’t mind think of can’t stand loves don’t like II. 填空。 1. 他认为游戏节目比情景喜剧更有教育意义。 He thinks game shows are more educational than sitcoms. III. 翻译句子。 2.— 你认为肥皂剧怎么样? — 我不能忍受这个。但我妈妈很喜欢。 — What do you think of soap operas? — I can’t stand them. But my mom loves them. 中考链接 — Alex, would you mind _____ down the music? It's too noisy. — Sorry, dad, I'll do it right away. A. turn B. turning C. to turn 句意:你介意把音乐的音量调小一些吗?太吵了。 mind 意为 “ 介意;在乎 ” 后面只能跟动名词作宾语 。 B 1.Write a small passage about your favorite TV programmer and why you like it. 2.Memorize the new words learnt in this lesson. Homework Section A 2a-2d To learn to talk about preferences. To learn to make plans. To learn new words: educational, news, plan, hope, discussion, stand, happen, may, expect … Objectives talk show sitcom (situation comedy) soap opera sports show game show Review TV show Practice it with your partner. What kind of TV show is it? It’s a sports show . What do you think of it? I don’t mind it . What kind of TV show is it? It’s a talent show . What do you think of it? I love it . What kind of TV show is it? It’s news . What do you think of it? I can’t stand it . But my father loves it. What kind of TV show is it? It’s a sitcom . What do you think of it? It’s OK. I don’t mind it . ______ sitcoms ______ news ______ game shows ______ talk shows ______ soap operas 1 2 3 4 5 Listen to Lin Hui and Sally’s conversation. Number the TV shows [1-5] in the order you hear them. 2 a Listen again. Complete the sentences. 1. Sally likes to watch ____ __________________ . 2. Lin Hui thinks she can learn _____ ____ _______ from sitcoms. 3. Sally thinks ____________ are more educational than sitcoms. Sally loves ____________ . She plans to watch Days of Our Past __________ . the news or talk shows some great jokes game shows soap operas tonight 2b Ask and answer questions about the TV shows in 2a. Use information that is true for you. A: Do you plan to watch the news tonight? B: Yes, I like watching the news. I watch it every night. A: Why? B: Because I hope to find out what’s going on around the world. 2 c Ask and answer questions about the TV shows in 2a You: Do you plan to watch ... tonight? Lin Hui: Yes, I like ... I watch it every night. You: Why? Lin Hui: Because ... Work in pairs Grace: What did you do in class today, Sarah? Sarah: We had a discussion about TV shows. My classmates like game shows and sports shows. Grace: Oh, I can ’ t stand them. I love soap operas. I like to follow the story and see what happens next. Role-play the conversation. 2d Sarah: Well, I don’t mind soap operas. But my favorite TV shows are the news and talk shows. Grace: They’re boring! Sarah: Well, they may not be very exciting, but you can expect to learn a lot from them. I hope to be a TV reporter one day. Read 2d,answer the questions. 1.What does Grace think of game shows and sports shows? She can't stand them. 2.What are Sarah's favoriteTV programs? Why? The news and talk shows. Because we can expect to learn a lot from them. She hopes to be a TV reporter one day. Language Points 1. Do you plan to watch the news tonight? 你今晚打算看新闻吗? plan vt. & vi . 计划 , 打算,常用搭配为 plan to do sth. 计划做某事 (2) plan 还可作名词,如: make plans 制定计划 according to plan 根据计划。 例如: ► I plan to go swimming tomorrow. ► It is better for you to make plans for your future. 2. I hope to find out what’s going on around the world. 我希望了解世界各地正发生些什么。 hope to do sth. 希望做某事 hope 无双宾语, 但其后可以接一个宾语从句,如 : ► We hope all the people can protect the animals. 我们希望所有人都能保护动物。 3. go on 发生 1 )义同 happen ,常用于进行时态。 eg : What's going on here ? =What's happening here? 2 )持续, 继续 eg : The noise goes on 24 hours a day. After a short rest,he went on . 4. …but you can expect to learn a lot from them. 但是你可以从他们身上学到很多东西。 (1)expect to do sth. 期待做某事 want to do sth. 想做某事 plan to do sth. 计划做某事 hope to do sth. 希望做某事 (2)learn from 后可以接人也可以接事物, learn from sb. 向某人学习 learn from sth. 从某事中学习 ► — What can you expect to learn from sitcoms? — I hope to learn some great jokes. 5 . discussion / dɪ'skʌʃn / n. 讨论,商量 have a discussion about/on sth. 就某事展开讨论 have a discussion with sb. 和某人讨论 eg: They have just had a discussion about where to go on vacation. 拓展: v.discuss discuss sth. ; discuss sth. with sb. ; discuss + 从句。 6 . happen / 'hæpən / v. 发生,出现 常指 ( 不好的事)偶然发生 sth. happens/ed to sb. 某人发生了什么事 eg: A traffic accident happened to his brother yesterday. 区分 take place 意为“发生,举行”,多指计划好的活动举行了。 The sports meeting will take place tomorrow morning. 1. He joined us in the __________ ( 讨论 ) yesterday. 2. Are you for or against the _____( 计划 )? 3. I expect ________ ( 了解 ) something from news. discussion plan I. 根据汉语提示完成句子。 to learn Exercises 1. 你觉得肥皂剧怎么样 ? 我受不了。 ________ do you ______ ___ _____ ______? I ______ ________ _______. 2. 我希望了解世界各地正发生些什么。 I _____ ______ _____ _____ what’s ______ _____ around the world. What think of soap operas can’t stand them going on II. 中译英。 hope to find out 3. Tony 认为谈话节目怎么样 ? 他很喜爱它。 —What ______Tony think of _____ _____? — He ________ it. 4. 我哥哥希望从新闻中了解很多东西。 My brother ______ _____ _______ a lot _____news. does talk show loves hopes to learn from 5. 你认为这条裙怎么样 ? 我无法忍受它的颜色。 6. 你妈妈喜欢访谈节目吗 ? 非常喜欢,因为她认为它们很有趣。 — What do you think of this skirt? — I can’t stand its color. — Does your mother like talk shows? — Yes, she does. She thinks they’re interesting. She loves soap operas. ( 变成一般疑问句,并作否定回答 ) 2. Sally went to bed early last night. ( 变成否定句 ) — Does she love soap operas? — No, she doesn’t. Sally didn’t go to bed early last night . III. 句型转换。 4. Rick’s mother loves sitcoms. ( 变成否定句 ) 5. I wear colorful clothes because I want to be young and beautiful . ( 就画线部分提问 ) Rick’s mother doesn’t love sitcoms. Why do you wear colorful clothes? 3. Dick doesn’t mind talk show . ( 变成 what 引导的问句 ) What does Dick think of talk show? — Please stay with me this weekend. — I'm sorry, but my father and I planned _________ Beijing a long time ago. A. visit B. visiting C. to visit D. visited 中考链接 计划做某事 plan to do sth. C 1. 了解中央电视台有关的电视栏目名称。搜集自己 喜欢的电视节目的相关资料。 ( 包括电视栏目名称 , 主持人以及播出时间 ) 2. Write down your report. Homework Section A Grammar Focus-3c To practice the sentence structures: — What do you plan to do… —I hope to…/I want to…/I plan to…/ I expect to… To learn new words: joke, comedy... To learn to do meaningful free time activities.Make our life colorful. Objectives A: What kind of TV shows are they? B: They’re cartoons . B: I love them. A: I do, too. A: What do you think of cartoons ? I like them very much. What do you think of the __________? Mr. Bean World Cup sitcom Beijing opera talk shows scary movie show your opinions Do you want to watch the news? Yes, I do./ no, I don ’ t. What do you plan to watch tonight? I plan to watch Days of Our Past. What can you expect to learn from sitcoms? You can learn some great jokes. Why do you like watching the news? Because I hope to find out what ’ s going on around the world. What do you think of talk shows? I don ’ t mind them. / I can ’ t stand them./ I love watching them. Grammar Focus 1. 你想看新闻吗? Do you want ___ _________the news? 2. 你觉得谈话节目怎么样? ____ ___ ___ ______ __ talk shows? 3. 你计划今晚上看什么节目? What do you _____ ___ _____ tonight? 根据课本内容 , 完成下列句子。 plan to watch to watch What do you think of 4. 你期望从情景喜剧中学到什么? What can you ____ ____ ______ from sitcoms? 5. 你为什么喜欢看新闻呢? Why do you like _________ the news? 6. 因为我希望了解在世界各地发生了什么事情。 Because I _____ ___ _____ ____ what’s going on around the world. expect to learn hope to find out watching 常见的跟动词不定式做宾语的动词 : 想要 ______ 期望 ______ 希望 _______ 计划 ______ 决定 ______ 开始 _______ 开始 ______ 尝试 ______ 动词不定式的形式: to + 动词原形 e.g. Jack wants to buy some flowers for Mr. Wu. 杰克想给吴老师买些花。 want expect hope plan decide begin start try 动 词不定式做宾语的用法 1. She expects ________ (arrive) tomorrow. 2. Let’s _______ (watch) talk shows tonight. 3. They hope _______ (visit) the Great Wall next year. 4. Do you plan ______ (find) a part-time job? 5. When do you want _____ (go) swimming? 6. My uncle often helps me _____ (learn) English. to find to go to visit watch learn 用动词的适当形式填空。 to arrive A: What do you plan to watch on TV tonight? B: I hope to , but I also want to . How about you? Do you a talk show or ? A: Oh, I want to . Make a conversation and then practice it with a partner. watch sitcom watch news want to watch talent show watch talent show 3a Answer these questions. Give answers that are true for you. What do you think of game shows? 2. What comedy shows do you like to watch? 3. Do you plan to watch a sports show tonight? 4. What can you expect to learn from the news? 3b Answer to Q 1: I really love watching them, because they make me happy and relax. I like to watch The Big Bang Theory and Mr. Bean. They are so interesting. No, I can’t stand it. I think it’s boring. I hope to know what happened around the world. Answer to Q 2: Answer to Q 3: Answer to Q 4: — What can you expect to learn from news report? — I hope to learn what happened around the world. — What can you expect to learn from talent show? — I hope to learn some talents. — What can you expect to learn from sports show? — I hope to learn their sport results and spirits. Ask your classmates questions and write their names in the chart. Find someone who… Students’ names wants to watch a movie hopes to watch a sitcom expects to watch the news plans to watch a sports show never wants to watch a game show 3c 1. Why do you like watching the news? 1) like sb. / sth. 我喜欢我的朋友们。 汤姆非常喜欢数学。 Tom likes math very much. 凯 特不喜欢西红柿。 Kate doesn’t like tomatoes. I like my friends. Language points 2 ) like doing sth . 喜欢做 …… (经常性,习惯性) 我喜欢看电视。 你喜欢打篮球吗? 3 ) like to do sth. 喜欢做 …… (偶尔) 我不喜欢打篮球。 I like watching TV. Do you like playing basketball? I don’t like to play basketball. 2. I don’t mind them. mind 介意; 在乎。表示 请求或是征求 意见 时后接 名词, 动名词或代词 。多用以下句型: Would you mind doing…? Do you mind …? ► Would you mind opening the door? ► Do you mind my dog? 1. A: What do you think of sitcoms? B: Oh, I _________ mind them. A. can’t B. don’t C. am not 2. A: What does she think of the talk show? B: She ________ stand them. A. isn’t B. doesn’t C. can’t I. 选择题。 B C Exercises 3. She wants to _________. A. swim B. swimming C. swims 4. — ____ do you think of the movie? — It’s very interesting. I like it. A. Why B. Which C. How D. What A D 5. It’s too hot in the classroom. We can’t ___ it. We all___ up and go out of the classroom. A. mind; stand B. stand; stand C. sit; stand 6. How about _____ out for a walk? A. to go B. going C. go D. goes B B II. 根据汉语,补全英语句子。 1. — 你觉得游戏节目怎样? — 我忍受不了那些东西。 —______do you ______   ___game shows? — I _______  ________them. 2. 他们对每样东西的看法如何? _______ did they _____  _____everything? What think of can’t stand What think of 3. 我们喜欢在课堂上用英语问问题。 We enjoy_____   __________ __ _______ in class. 4. 你介意把这件事告诉他吗? Would you________  ________him about this? mind telling asking questions in English — Simon , where do you want to eat? — _______________. I eat anything. A. I don't mind B . My Pleasure C . Good idea D . Certainly not 中考链接 由“我什么都吃。”可知不介意在哪吃饭。 A 我不介意 好主意 当然不 我的荣幸 Homework Practice the useful sentences in grammar focus. 2. Master and recite the words in this unit. Section B 1a-1d To learn to talk about TV shows and movies. To learn new words: meaningless, cartoon, action movie… Objectives Do you like watching movies? Do you know the kinds of movies? Which kind do you like best? Why? Warming up The kinds of the movies: action movie [ 'ækʃ(ə)n ] 动作片 sitcom 情景喜剧 comedy 喜剧 cartoon scary movie 恐怖片 Other kinds of movies: science fiction 科幻电影 documentary 纪录片 war movie 战争片 Beijing opera 京剧 What do you think of these TV shows and movies? Choose words from the box and write them under the pictures. Each picture can have more than one word. educational serious wonderful relaxing meaningless enjoyable exciting boring 1a talk show ___________ soap opera _________ sports show ————— News _______ game show __________ exciting serious educational enjoyable boring talent show ___________ comedy _________ action movie ————— scary movie ____________ cartoon __________ relaxing enjoyable educational exciting meaningless Listen and circle the description words you hear in the box in 1a. educational serious wonderful relaxing meaningless enjoyable exciting boring 1 b John Mary Action movies exciting Scary movie Game shows sitcoms Talk shows Listen again. Write down the words John and Mary use to describe the TV shows or movies. exciting meaningless meaningless relaxing relaxing enjoyable boring boring wonderful 1c Show the answers like this: John thinks action movies are exciting, but Mary thinks they are meaningless. ... Tell your partner what John and Mary like to watch and why. Then tell your partner what you like to watch and why. John wants to watch talk shows because they’re enjoyable. I like to watch action movies because they’re exciting. 1d Make a survey Scary movie Action movie comedy documentary Jimmy Sandy ... Jimmy expects to watch action movies because they’re exciting. Sandy doesn’t like to watch scary movies because they’re meaningless. ... Discribe your friend’s favorite movies and write the sentences. Ⅰ. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. People like documentaries, because he thinks they are ____________ (enjoy). 2. I think talk shows are _________________ (education) than soap operas. 3. Don ’ t do the ______________ ( mean ) things again. We don ’ t have enough time. enjoyable more edcational meaningless Exercises 1. The story is very i _______ ___ _.The children likes reading it. 2. Speed is a very successful action movie. I think it’s e ________. 3. I think thrillers are s ________. I don’t want to see them. xciting cary nteresting II. 根据首字母填空。 Homework Make sentences with the description words. 2.Practice the sentences in 2b on P 37 . Section B 2a-2e To learn to talk about culture. To learn new words : culture,famous, appear, become, rich, successful, might, main, reason, unlucky, ready, simple… Objectives Discuss the following questions with a partner. Do you like to watch cartoons? What is your favorite cartoon? Why do you like it? 2 a When people say “culture”, we think of art and history. But one very famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon. We all know and love the black mouse with two large round ears-Mickey Mouse. Over 80 years ago, he first Read the passage and complete the time line on the next page. 2b appeared in the cartoon Steamboat Willie. When this cartoon came out in New York on November 18, 1928, it was the first cartoon with sound and music. The man behind Mickey was Walt Disney. He became very rich and successful. In the 1930s, he made 87 cartoons with Mickey. Some people might ask how this cartoon animal became so popular. One of the main reasons is that Mickey was a common man, but he always tried to face any danger. In his early films, Mickey was unlucky and had many problems such as losing his house or girlfriend, Minnie. However, he was always ready to try his best. People went to the cinema to see the “little man” win. Most of them wanted to be like Mickey. On November 18, 1978, Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Today’s cartoons are usually not so simple as little Mickey Mouse, but everyone still knows and loves him. Who has a pair of ears more famous than Mickey’s? November 18, 1978 Steamboat Willie came out in New York November 18, 1928 he made 87 cartoons with Mickey Mouse. Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame 1930s Read the passage again and fill in the facts about Mickey. Mickey Mouse What does he look like? Who created him? What was his first cartoon? Who is his girlfriend? Why is he popular? A black mouse with two large round ears-Mickey Walt Disney Steamboat Willie Minnie Mickey was like a common man, but he always tried to face any danger. 2c Read the passage again and discuss the questions with a partner. American culture. Ne Zha. 2d 1. What is Mickey Mouse a symbol of? What cartoon character is a symbol of Chinese culture? 2. Do you think Walt Disney is a smart man? Why or why not? Do you want to be like him? Yes , I think so . Because his cartoon is famous all over the world. Yes, I do. 3. Why did people want to be like Mickey? Do you want to be like Mickey? Why or why not? Because it is like a common man, but he always tried to face any danger. Yes, I do. Because I want to try my best to live. 4. Can you think of another cartoon character that is as famous as Mickey? Why is the character popular? Sun Wukong. Because he can face every problem in his life and win at last. Underline the following phrases in the passage. Write your own sentences or questions using the phrases. think of come out 2e What do you think of Mickey Mouse? When the cartoon came out , Mickey was popular. one of the main reasons _____________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ such as ___________________________________ ___________________________________ was ready to _______________________________ try his best _________________________________ I have many hobbies such as dancing , writing and so on. I was ready to pass the exam. He tried his best to do it well. I like to watch news. One of the main reasons is that I can know many new things every day. 1. When people say “culture”, we think of art and history. 当人们提起文化时,我们就会想到艺术和历史。 think of 有考虑;想起;有 …… 想法;对 …… 有意见等意思。在该句中应理解为“想起, 想到”。例如: ► Does the poem make you think of spring? 这首诗有没有让你想到春天? ► How many stars can you think of ? 你能想到多少明星? Language points 2. When this cartoon came out in New York on November 18, 1928, it was the first cartoon with sound and music. 当这部动画片于 1928 年 11 月 18 问世于纽约时,它成为第一部带有音乐的动画片。 come out 在本句中译为“出版”引申为“问世”。此外还有:出来,(花)开出来之意。 ► The book comes out this week. 该书本周上市。 ► Oh, look! The sun’s coming out! 噢,看!太阳出来啦! come 构成的其他短语 3. One of the main reasons is that Mickey was like a common man, but he always tried to face any danger. 一个主要原因是米奇看似一个普通人,但他总是尝试应对任何危险。 one of … 后跟可数名词复数,表示 …… 之一。其后的谓语动词用单数。 ► One of my favorite movies is Mr. Bean. 我最喜欢的电影之一是憨豆先生。 ► One of my best friends is Ann. 安是我最好的朋友之一。 4. However, he was always ready to try his best . 然而,他总是做好尽全力的准备。 1) be ready to do sth 准备做某事 get ready to do sth 与之同义,但前者强调 状态 ,后者强调 动作 。 ► Are you ready to start? 你准备好了吗? ► Please get ready to start. 请作好开始的准备。 2) Try one’s best 尽某人最大的努力 其后跟动词不定式形式,即: try one’s best to do sth. ► Don’t give up. Just try your best. 不要放弃。只管尽你最大的努力。 ► Come on ! Just try your best to let your dream come true. 加油!尽最大的努力去实现你的梦想吧。 5. People went to the cinema to see the “little man” win. 人们去电影院是为了看这个“ 小人儿” 赢。 go to the cinema 也可译为“ 看电影”类似表达如下: go to movies go to a movie go to see a movie 6. Today’s cartoons are usually not so simple as little Mickey Mouse, but everyone still knows and loves him. 此句中 not so…as 结构表示“ 不像 …… 那样 …… ;不如 …… 这么 ……” 。 如: ► It was n’t so good as last time. 这次不如上次好。 ► It’s not so easy as you’d think. 这不像你想的那么容易。 a movie an action movie go to a comedy a documentary a thriller a movie an action movie a comedy a documentary a thriller = see Do you know? I. 根据句意及词首字母写出单词。 1. Cheng Long is a f ________ movie star. 2. My grandfather likes Beijing O _______ a lot. 3. What movie do you like best? My f________ movie is Titanic. 4. Where’s my key? I can’t f ________ it. amous pera avorite ind Exercises II. 翻译句子。 1. 你喜欢什么样的电影 ? 喜剧。 What ____ of ________ do you like? I like comedies. 2. 他不喜欢京剧 , 因为京剧太没意思了。 He ________ like Beijing Opera, because ___ is very _______. kind movies doesn’t boring it 3. 他是我最喜欢的演员 ,我认为他很出色 。 He is my _______ actor. I ______ he is ______. 4. 她认为喜剧很有趣 , 所以经常和朋友去看喜剧。 She ________ comedies are very ______, so she _____ ______ to see comedies ______ her friends. favorite think great thinks funny often goes with III. 单项选择。   1. What do you ________ do?     A. want    B. want to    C. like    D. to like   2.My grandfather __stay ____home and watch TV.    A. like, at       B. like, in       C. likes to, at       D. likes to, in   3. ___ kind of movies _____ Lucy like?     A . What, does   B . What, do       C . What’s, does    D . Which, do   B C A 4.___a word, we can learn a lot __Chinese history.     A . For, for      B . In, about      C . For, about      D . In, for   5.Gina likes action movies, ___she doesn’t like thrillers.     A . and  B . so     C . or      D . but   6. September is ________ month of the year. A . nineth B . ninth C . the nineth D . the ninth B D D 中考链接 — Nowadays more and more foreigners are becoming interested in Kungfu. — That’s true. It’s an important part of Chinese ______. A. invention B. story C. culture D. custom 功夫是中国文化很重要的一部分。 C 发明 文化 故事 风俗 Homework S1 S2 Why action movies comedies Cartoons Scary movies Beijing Opera 1.Write your movie review using the notes in 3b. 2.Make a survey and then make a report. 3.Write a movie review about your favorite movie. Section B 3a-Self Check To learn to talk about culture. To learn new words: army,dress up,take one'place… To learn from traditional Chinese culture.Try our best to face difficulties in our lives. Objectives 1. 想起 __________ 2. 例如 ________ 3. 发行 ; 出版 ___________ 4. 在二十世纪三十年代 _____________ 5. 主要原因之一 ______________________ 6. 努力做某事 ______________ 7. 准备好做某事 __________________ 8. 尽最大努力 _____________ Let’s review the phrases. think of come out in the 1930s one of the main reasons be ready to do sth. try one’s best try to do sth. such as 1. dress up 装扮 ; 乔装打扮 2. take one’s place 代替 ; 替换 e.g. The kids dressed up to take part in the party. e.g. Robots will take our place to do many things . New words e.g. My brother joined the army last year. 去年我哥参了军。 3. army n . 陆军 ; 陆军部队 e.g. I hope you’ll do a good job in the company. 希望你在公司好好干。 4. do a good job 干得好 Mulan didn’t have any brothers. She took her father’s place to join the army. Do you like cartoons? Do you know Mulan? Can you say something about her? Mulan dressed up like a boy. Nobody knew she was a girl in the army. Warming up Fill in the blanks in the movie review. Use the words in the box to help you. fantastic shows action want comes from played about like exciting plan Mulan is an ______________ movie.It ______________ an old Chinese story. The movie is __________ a village girl, Mulan. She dresses up like a boy and takes her father ’ s place to fight in the army. about comes from exciting action 3a I think the actress ________ Mulan ’ s role well. The other actors are also ___________ and they did a good job in the movie. I _______ Mulan very much. The movie _______ her love for her family, friends and country. If you _______ to watch a movie this weekend and you __________ to see something enjoyable, choose Mulan! played fantastic like shows plan want She dresses up like a boy and take s her father’s place to fight in the army. 她女扮男装,替父上战场打仗。 1 ) dress up “ 盛装打扮、乔装打扮 ” 。          e.g. I’d like you to  dress up  for my birthday party tonight.   今晚我希望你为我的生日派对打扮打扮。           Language points Young kids often  dress up  and have fun at Halloween.   万圣节前夜,小孩子通常都乔装打扮,玩得很开心。 2 ) take one’s place 取代某人的位置,顶替。 e.g. Nam believes that no one can take Kin’s place in her heart. 家岚相信,在她的内心世界里没有人可以取代陆坚。 2. They did a good job in the movie. 他们在电影中表演出色。 do a good job 好好干;干得好;干得出色 e.g. I’m sure you can do a better job next time. 我相信你下次会干得更好。 You’ve done a good job of it. 你干得太漂亮了 ! Write notes for your own movie review. The name of the movie:___________ The kind of movie:___________ What the movie is about:___________ What you think of the movie / stars :__________ 3b The name of the movie: ______________ The kind of the movie: _______________ What the movie is about: ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ What you think of the movie/star: ____________________ Ne Zha Cartoon N e Zha was born to be magic. But he didn't accept his fate. He believed he was the master of his own fate. With the help of his master and parents, he tried his best to save people in danger. At last , he became a great hero. Write notes for your own movie review. It was fantastic. 3c Write your movie review using the notes in 3b. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 本文为写自己所喜欢的电影的剧情回顾,因此,时态应用一般现在时态与一般过去时态; 首先,可介绍影片的类型,及主人公等 ; 然后,介绍故事的梗概 ; 最后,表达你对该影片的看法。 写作指导 : What do you and your partner think of these TV shows or movies? Write description words for each one. 4 me My partner Soap operas Talent shows News Sports shows Game shows Talk shows Comedies Scary movies Action movies Cartoons 1. Write questions and answers using the words in brackets. 1. A: ______________________________ B: ______________________________ Q = Question A = Answer Q: what / think of /soap operas A: can’t stand What do you think of soap operas? I can’t stand them. Self Check Q: what show / want to watch / tonight A: talent show 2. A:____________________________________ B:_____________________________________ Q: what / except to learn / game show A: interesting information 3. A:____________________________________ B:_____________________________________ What show do you want to watch tonight? I want to watch talent show. What do you expect to learn from game show? I hope to learn some interesting information . Q: what / hope to watch / tomorrow A: news Q: do / plan to watch / action movie A: no / plan to watch / comedy 4. A:____________________________________ B:_____________________________________ 5. A:____________________________________ B:_____________________________________ What do you hope to watch tomorrow? I hope to watch the news. Do you plan to watch action movie? No, I plan to watch comedy. 2 which of these statements do you agree with ( √ ) or disagree with ( ⅹ )? Give at least one reason by yourself. I think game shows are meaningless. ( ) I can’t stand soap operas. ( ) I think sitcoms and talent shows are relaxing. ( ) 4. I love talk shows. ( ) 5. I think comedies are fantastic. ( ) √ ⅹ √ ⅹ ⅹ I. 翻译词组 。 1. 去看电影 _____________ 2. 动作片 _____________ 3. 京剧 _____________ 4. 看 …… _____________ 5. 大量 , 许多 ____________ 6. 因为 ____________ go to a movie action movies Beijing Opera look at a lot of because of Exercises 7. 事实上 ____________ 8. 找到 ____________ 9. 想起 ____________ 10. 替代 …… 的位置 ___________ 11. 干得好 ______________ 12. 尽最大努力 _____________ in fact find out think of take one’s place do a good job try one’s best II. 根据汉语或首字母提示填写单词。 1. My daughter and son are _________( 学生 ) in No. 110 Middle School. 2. We don’t have classes on w_________. 3. I think someone in Class Nine _______ ( 找到 ) his shoes. 4. Her f_______ ( 最喜欢的 ) fruits are apples and bananas . students eekends finds avorite III. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1. The two __________are very interesting (comedy). 2. He plans__________ ( swim ) tomorrow. 3. Your sister _________ a nice bag (have). 4. Her brother wants ________ a documentary (see). 5. Tom and Kate __________ here (not be). comedies to swim has to see are not IV. 单项选择 。 1. — Do you want to go to a movie? — _________ A. Yes, I want. B. No, I am not. C. Yes, I do. D. No, I haven’t 2. Jack wants _______ the park. A. go to B. to go C. to go to D. goes to 3. My brother likes action movies ______he doesn’t like documentaries. A. and B. but C. or D. so C C B 1. Sally’s birthday is October fifth . ( 对 画 线 提问 ) ________ _____ Sally’s birthday? 2. Peter’s sister likes thrillers. ( 一般疑问句 ) ______ Peter’s sister ______ thrillers? 3. We have an Art Festival each year. ( 否定句 ) We _______ _______ an Art Festival each year. When is Does like don’t have V. 根据要求完成句子。 4. Mary wants to see a movie. ( 对画线 提问 ) What _______ Mary _______ to see? 5. Grandmother wants a birthday party this year. ( 否定句 ) Grandmother ________ ______ a birthday party this year. 6. I want to have apples and eggs for dinner . ( 一 般疑问 句 ) _____ _____ _____ to have apples and eggs for dinner? does want doesn’t want Do you want 1. 你怎样认为连续剧?我受不了。 _____ do you ____ ___ ____ ______? I ____ ____ ____ . 2. 他 不喜欢情景喜剧。 He ______ ______ _______. 3. Evan 对朋友不在乎。 Evan _______ _____his friends. What think of soap operas can’t stand them doesn’t like sitcoms doesn’t mind VI. 翻译练习。 4. 你去哪里度假了?我参观了博物馆。你的假期怎么样? 事实上。相当不错。 ________ did you go ___ ______ _ ? I _______ _______. ____ ____ your vacation? ___ ____, it ___ __________. 5. 我哥哥喜欢体育世界而我姐姐喜欢情景喜剧。 My brother_______ Sports World_____ my sister likes ___ _ _____. Where on vacation visited museum How was In fact was pretty good likes and sitcoms. VII. 连词成句。 1. you, to, do, a, go, want, movie, to ____________________________? 2. thinks, funny, is, he, movie, the _____________________________. 3. of, what, movies, kind, like, you, do _____________________________? Do you want to go to a movie He thinks the movie is funny What kind of movies do you like 4. a, movie, on, my, to, family, often, go, weekends ______________________________ _____________. 5. but, she, like, movies, action, I, likes, comedies. ______________________________ ___________. My family often go to a movie on weekends I like action movies but she likes comedies. VIII. 句式转换。 1. I don’t mind sports shows.( 划线提问) 2. I like game shows.( 否定句) What do you think of sports shows? I don’t like game shows. Homework Make a plan ( 计划 ) for this Sunday. e.g. I will go to see an action movie. I think it’s interesting and exciting. The newest action movie is hero. I will go to see it this Sunday. unit 6 人教版八年级英语上册单元全套课件 I’m going to study computer science. To learn to talk about future intentions. To learn to talk about your dream job. To have a dream and work hard to make it come true. Objectives a pianist an engineer What are their jobs? Warming up a computer programmer an astronaut a professional basketball player a doctor a teacher a cook a policeman a writer a dancer an actor an actor/actress a soldier waiter/ waitress bus driver act ress Wait ress art ist violin ist athlete driv er cook( 厨师 ) dent ist danc er doct or sing er gymnast golf er housewife music ian nurse pian ist police man play er report er writ er soldi er ( 战士 ) fisher man fire man( 消防队员 ) post man bank cl er k shop assistant basketball computer programmer engineer pilot Brainstorming Job names easy fun exciting interesting relaxing boring difficult hard dangerous She/He is a/an… Do you think these jobs are interesting? Rank them [1-12](1 is most interesting ,12 is least interesting ). ___computer programmer ___ cook ___ doctor ___ engineer ___ teacher ___ violinist ___ bus driver ___ pilot ___ pianist ___ basketball player ___ scientist ___ actor 1a Pair work: What are you going to be when you grow up ? 长大 Listen and fill in the blanks. Then match the items. 1.computer programmer a. take _______ lessons 2.basketball player b. study _________ science 3.engineer c. practice __________ every day 4.actor d. study ______ really hard acting computer basketball math 1b A: What do you want to be when you grow up? B: I’m going to be a basketball player. A: How are you going to do that? B: I’m going to practice basketball every day. Practice the conversation in the picture. Then make conversations about the other jobs in 1a. 1c My good friend Peter likes painting. He is good at painting animals. He is very quiet. He is going to be a painter when he grows up because it’s an exciting job . He’s going to paint really hard and paint every day. Ben likes… and Mary likes… Report: Write something about yourself I like _________. I'm good at______________. I'm very ______________. I'm going to be _________ when I grow up because _________________________. I'm going to __________________________ to make my dream come true. Language points 1 . What do you want to be when you grow up ? 长大以后你想做什么? when 此处用作连词,意为“当 …… 时”,用来引导时间状语从句。在 when 引导的时间状语从句中,主语是一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时表示将来。 grow up 意为“成长,长大”, grow 的过去式是 grew 。 want to be “想要成为 …… ” ,其后接职业名称。 2. How are you going to do that? I’m going to practice basketball every day. 我打算每天练习(打)篮球。 (1) 这是一个 be going to 用于特殊疑问句的句子 , be going to 用于疑问句中将 be 放在主语前。 be going to 表示将要发生的动作 , 含有“计划 , 打算”的 意思 , 后跟动词原形。常跟表将来的时态连用。 (2) practice 作动词,表示“(不间断地)练习”,后可用名词作宾语,若跟动词时需用动名词形式。 ► He always want to practice his English with me. 他总想和我练习英语。 (3) everyday 意为“每天”,表示频率,在句中作状语,通常位于句末。 I. 根据句意及所给提示填空。 1. My brother is a d_____, and he works in this hospital. 2. Mike likes playing the violin, so he wants to be a great v________ one day. 3. Qian Xuesen is one of the greatest s_______ in China. 4. Yao Ming is a very famous b________ p_____. 5. I am going to be an ________ ( 工程师 ) when I grow up. iolinist octor cientists layer engineer asketball Exercises II. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 1. 你打算怎样成为一名演员? How ____ you ______ ___ ____ an actor? 2. 你妹妹将来想做什么? What does your sister _____ ____ ___ in the future? 3. 她打算努力学习数学。 She ___ ______ ____ study math _____ . are hard want to be is going to going to be 4. 汤姆想成为一名编程人员。 Tom wants to be a ___________ ____________. 5. 我们会尽力帮助汤姆学习汉语。 We will ____ ____ ____ ___ help Tom with his Chinese. computer try our best to programmer 中考链接 一 Jimmy, what do you want to be when you grow up? 一 I want to be ______ engineer. A. a B. an C. the engineer 是以元音音素开头的单词,因此用 an 。 B 1. listen to 1b. 2. write down the job words. 3. Write a report about your dream job. Homework Section A 2a-2d A: What are you going to be when you grow up? B: I’m going to be a/an… A: How are you going to do that? B: I’m going to.. Free talk What is she going to be when she grows up? She is going to be a tennis player. How is she going to do that? She is going to practice tennis every day. What ? How? When?where? Listen. What is Cheng Han going to do? Check ( √ ) the correct boxes in the picture. √ √ 2 a What Where How When Cheng Han is going to be a teacher. He is going to move to Shanghai. Cheng Han is going to learn how to teach children. He is going to finish high school college first. 2b Listen again. What are Cheng Han’s plans for the future? Complete the chart. B: He wants to be a teacher. B: He is going to move to Shanghai. B: He is going to learn how to teach children. B: He is going to finish high school and college first. A: What does Cheng Han want to be? A : Where is Cheng Han going to move? A: How is Cheng Han going to do that? A: When is Cheng Han going to start? Ask and answer questions. 2c Write down Cheng Han's plan for the future using the information above. Cheng Han wants to be a __________when he grows up. He is going to learn_____________________. And he is going to move to ___________. To make his dream come, he is going to _________________________________first. teacher how to teach children Shanghai finish high school and college Pair work: A: What are you going to be when you grow up? B: I’m going to be a/an … A: How are you going to do that? B:I’m going to.. A: Where are you going to work? B:I’m going to work in… Give a report about your plan for the future. I want to be a ...when I grow up. ...... The Old Man and the Sea 是海明威著名的代表作之一, 1951 年创作于古巴。故事讲述了古巴老渔夫桑提亚哥在海上独自钓到一条巨大的马林鱼并与之周旋、搏斗,历经三天最终捕获大鱼,在返航途中却又遭受鲨鱼袭击的经历。故事弘扬了人类迎接挑战及勇敢面对失败的无畏气概。 Have you read The Old Man and the Sea ? Do you know who wrote it? Ernest Miller Hemingway (1899-1961) , 美国著名现代作家, 1953 年普利策奖、 1954 年诺贝尔文学奖获得者。海明威被誉为美利坚民族的精神丰碑,并且是“新闻体”小说的创始人。其写作风格简洁、硬朗,有“文坛硬汉”之称,对美国文学及 20 世纪世界文学的发展有极深远的影响,代表作包括 《 老人与海 》 、 《 永别了,武器 》 、 《 太阳照常升起 》 等。 Do you know him ? Role-play the conversation. Andy: What are you reading, Ken? Ken: The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway. Andy: Wow, now I know why you’re so good at writing stories. Ken: Yes, I want to be a writer. Andy: Really? How are you going to become a writer? Ken: Well, I’m going to keep on writing stories, of course. What do you want to be? be good at… 擅长于干 …… keep on doing… 继续,坚持干 …… 2d Andy: My parents want me to be a doctor, but I’m not sure about that. Ken: Well, don’t worry. Not everyone knows what they want to be. Just make sure you try your best. Then you can be anything you want! Andy: Yes, you’re right. be sure about… 对 …… 有把握,确信 …… make sure 确信,证实 try one’s best 尽最大努力 Listen and answer the questions. 1. What book is Ken reading? 2. Who is the author? 3. What does Ken want to be? He is reading The Old Man and the Sea . Hemingway. He wants to be a writer. Ken is reading a book called ____________________. He is good at _____________. He wants to be a ______. He _________ keep on writing stories. Andy’s parents wants him to be a ______, but he is _______ about that. Not everyone knows what they _________. Just _________ you try your best. Then you can be anything you want! The Old Man and the Sea writing stories writer doctor not sure Fill in the blanks According to the conversation. want to be make sure is going to Rewrite the conversation Ken is good at writing stories. He wants to be a writer. He is going to keep on writing stories. Andy’s parents want he to be a doctor. But he isn’t sure about it. 1. How are you going to do that ? 你打算怎么做? be going to 表示将要发生的动作,含有“计划 , 打算”的意思, 后跟动词原形。常跟表将来的时间连用。 如 : next Sunday 下星期天 , next month 下个月 , next year 明年等。 ► I am going to play football this afternoon . 我打算今天下午踢足球。 ► I ’m not going to swim this Sunday. 这个星期天我不打算去游泳。 Language points 2. The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway. 海明威的 《 老人与海 》 。 此处介词 by 为 “由 …… 所著”之意。再如: a short story by Lu Xun ( 鲁迅的一部短篇小说 ) 。 3. be sure about 确信; be sure about sth /doing sth 确定某事或者确定干某事 ► You can be sure about their interest in it. 你可以肯定他们对这个很感兴趣。 4. make sure 确保;查明 ► I make sure he will come here. 5. try one’s best 尽最大努力 尽力干某事用 : try one’s best to do sth ► I’ll try my best to pass the exam. 6. Then you can be anything you want! 那么你就能当上你想做的人了。 此句的基本意思是 you can be anything ,不定代词 anything 指代未来所从事的某一职业, you want 用来修饰 anything 。 Sentences pattern: 1. — What are you going to be when you grow up? 2. — I am going to be a/an … — How are you going to do that ? — I am going to … 3. be going to +v 原形表示“打算做某事” Summary Phrases: grow up keep on doing be good at doing be sure about make sure I. 根据提示完成下列句子。 1. My brother is going to be a p______ (a person who controls a plane) when he grows up. 2. Bill’s father is an e__________ (a person who is trained to plan the making of machines, roads, etc). ilot ngineer Exercises 3. Cheng Han is going to m____ (to change the place where you live, work, etc) to New York. 4. She exercises every day to keep f___ (healthy and strong). 5. Yao Ming is a p_________ (doing something as a paid job) basketball player. ove it rofessional II. 问答连线。 1. What are you going to be when you grow up? 2. Are you going to sing country music? 3. How are you going to become a singer? 4. When are you going to start? 5. Where are you going to take singing lessons? c e b a d a. I’m going to take singing lessons. b. I’m going to start next month. c. I’m going to be a singer. d. In New York City. e. No, I’m not. 中考链接 —Will you join in the discussion tomorrow? — ________ Maybe I’ll have a meeting. A. Well, I’m not sure. B. That’ll be great! C. Certainly. D. You’re welcome. 由 maybe 可知不确定 . A 1. Learn the new words and phrases by heart. 2. Make a survey: What do your friends do? What do they want to be? How are they going to do that? 3. Finish the exercises in Learning English . 4. Preview 3a-3c on page 43. Homework Section A Grammar-3c To learn to use be going to . To learn to talk about future intention with what, how, where, when . To have a dream and work hard to make it come true. Objectives Let's play a guessing game! She/He is … 句型 : 1 . What are you going to be when you grow up? I ’ m going to be a / an … 2 . How are you going to do that? practice —— every day study —— ( really hard) take —— lessons Review I ’ m going to 3 . What is he/she going to be when he/she grow s up? He/She is going to be aan … 4. How is he/she going to do that? practice —— every day study —— ( really hard) take —— lessons He/She is going to What ? How? When?where? A: What are you going to be when you grow up? B: I ’m going to be a computer programmer. A: How are you going to do that ? B: I ’m going to take computer lessons and learn math hard . A: Where are you going to work? B: I ’m going to work in Guangzhou . Pair work What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be an engineer. How are you going to do that? I’m going to study math really hard. Where are you going to work? I’m going to move to Shanghai. When are you going to start? I’m going to start when I finish high school and college . Read the sentences carefully. want to be… 想成为,想要成为 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 状元成才路 Grammar Focus What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be an engineer. How are you going to do that? I’m going to study math really hard . Where are you going to work? I’m going to move to Shanghai. When are you going to start? I’m going to start when I finish high school and college. be going to + 动词原形 对于将要发生的事,或打算、计划、决定要做的事,皆 以 “ be going to + 动词原形 ”的句型来表示。 ► He is going to be a doctor when he grows up. ► They’re going to play chess next week. 常 与一些表示将来时间的状语连用。如: tomorrow “明天” , this evening “今天晚上” , next month“ 下个月 ” 。 注意:句型中有 be 动 词, 用 is 还是 am 还是 are ,取决于 主语 . 肯定句 否定句 一般疑问句 特殊疑问句 主语 +be(am/is/are)+going +to+ 动词原形 + 其他 . be going to 的句型 主语 +be(am/is/are)+not+going+to+ 动词原形 + 其他 . Be(Am/Is/Are)+ 主语 +going+to+ 动词原形 + 其他 ? 疑问词 +be(am/is/are)+ 主语 +going+to+ 动词原形 + 其他? 肯定句 的构成和用法 句型 : 主语 +be going to+ 动词原形 如 : I am going to play football next Sunday. He is going to teach in Beijing next year. They ’re going to meet outside the school gate. It is going to rain. We ’re going home tomorrow. 否定句 的构成和用法 句型: 主语 +be not going to + 动词原形 如: We’re not going to have any class next week. It’s not going to rain this afternoon. I’m not going to be a teacher. He isn’t going to see his brother tomorrow. They aren’t going to watch TV this evening. 一般疑问句 的构成和用法 句型: be+ 主语 +going to + 动词 原形? 如 : Are you going to be a doctor in the future? Yes, I am.( 肯定回答) /No, I’m not.( 否定回答 ) Is your sister going to bring you lunch? Yes , she is./No,she isn’t . 特殊疑问句 的构成和用法 : 句型: 特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句 How are they going to school tomorrow? By bike. Wha t is he going to do next Sunday? He is going to read books. When are you going to buy a new bike? Tomorrow. Where is the little girl going ? She is going to her grandma’s home. There be 表 “ 将来 有 …… ” 时用 There be going to be 特别提醒 eg.There is going to be a sports meeting tomorrow afternoon. Ex.______________more people visiting here next year. A.There is going to have B.There be going to have C.Ther is going to be D.There be going to be ♣ Match what these people want to do with what they are going to do. They’re going to practice every day. I’m going to buy a fast car. We’re going to take singing lessons. She’s going to study education . She’s going to study math. I’m going to study science. He’s going to go to a cooking school. He’s going to take acting lessons. 3 a ____1. My friend wants to be an engineer. ____2. My brother wants to be an actor. ____3. I want to be a scientist. ____4. My sister wants to be a school teacher. ____5. Those boys want to be soccer players. ____6. My friend and I want to be singers. ____7. My cousin wants to be a cook. ____8. I want to be a race car driver. e h f d a c g b Fill in the blanks. Then practice the conversation. A: Kelly, what do you want to be you grow up? B: I to be a doctor. A: Wow! are you going to do that? B: I’m to study medicine at a university. A: Hmm … sounds difficult. _______are you ______ to study? B: I’m going to in London. A: are you going to start? B: I’m going to next September . when want How going Where going study When start 3b Complete the chart and discuss it with your partner. What Where How When A: What do you want to be when you grow up? B: I want to be a reporter. A: How are you going to do that? B: I’m going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers. 3c Make a conversation using what,how,where and when. A:What do you want to be when you grow up? B: ... A: ... ... ... Exercises I. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.Our cousin ___________( go) play soccer this afternoon . 2. _____ you ___________( play) basketball with me next week ? 3.The actor _____ going to _________( move ) to Guilin. 4. He admires actors very much. He’s going to take _ ____ __ (act) lessons every day. is going to Are going to play is move acting II. 句型转换。 1.They have a basketball match every Sunday. ( 用 next Sunday 替换 every Sunday ) They____ ____ ___ ____ a basketball match next Sunday. 2.We are going to have a school trip next week. ( 画 线部分提问) ____ ____ you ____ ____ ___next week? 3.I’m going to see my teacher on Teachers’ Day. ( 改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答) — ____ ____ going to see _____ teacher on Teachers’ Day? — Yes, I am. Are you your What are g oing to do are going to have III. 把下列各句译成英语。 1 . 我 叔叔要写一部小说。 My uncle ____ _______ _______ a new story . 2 . 我 哥哥打算学医。 My brother ___ ______ ____ _____ medicine. 3 . 我 要把这本书寄给我的老师。 I ___ ________ ____ ______ this book to my teacher . is going to write is going to study am going to send 1.I’m, going to, walk, school, not, to, _____________________________________. 2. Friday, what, is, do, going, to, next, he _____________________________________? What is he going to do next Friday I’m not going to walk to school IV. 连词成句。 Homework 1.Make sentences with be going to . 2.Make a survey of your friends, relatives, or classmates, write a report about their dream jobs .(50words ) Section B 1a-1e To review the sentence patterns about future intentions by listening to the New Year’s resolutions: What are you going to do next year? I’m going to… How are you going to do …? To learn to make New Year’s resolutions. Objectives New Year's Day is coming! Warming up Let’s make New Year’s Resolution! I’m going to play basketball. I’m going to get lots of exercise. I’m going to get healthier food. I ’ m going to take photos. I’m going to take up a hobby like painting. learn to play an instrument get a part-time job get up early get good grades eat healthier food get lots of exercise travel to Beijing… save some money read more books work harder make many friends New year’s resolutions New Year is coming. A good plan is a good beginning to success. What are your new year’s resolutions? How are you going to do that? New Year's Resolution What are you going to do next year? I’m going to… Sounds interesting. I’m going to… Great! Talk about new year’s resolution with your partners. 1. Learn to play an instrument ( 乐器 ) 2. make the soccer team 3. get good grades 4. eat healthier food 5. get lots of exercise 5 4 3 2 1 Match the pictures with the New Year’s resolutions . resolution n. 决心 1a A: What are you going to do next year? B: Well, I’m going to take guitar lessons . I really love music . A: Sounds interesting. I’m going to learn a foreign language . B : Are you? Great! But foreign languages are not for me. foreign adj. 外国的 foreigner n. 外国人 1b What are you going to do next year? Tell your partner. Listen and circle the resolutions you hear in 1a. 1. learn to play an instrument 2. make the soccer team 3. get good grades 4. eat healthier food 5. get lots of exercise 1c Listen again and fill in the chart. resolution How are they going to do it? Lucy Kim Mike He is going to study hard and do his homework every day. She is going to take piano lessons. learn to play the piano get good grades make the soccer team He is going to practice really hard. (I’m going to go to a summer camp and play soccer every day there.) 1d Make a list of other resolutions and how you are going to make them work. Then discuss them with your group. (P 44) A: I want to be a teacher. B: How are you going to do that ? A: Well, I’m going to study hard and get good grades. B: Sounds like a good plan. I want to get a lot of exercise. 1e I want to be a violinist. How are you going to do that? I’m going to practice violin very hard. Sounds like a good plan. I want to be an engineer. How are you going to do that? I’m going to finish high school and go to a famous university. Sounds like a good plan. I want to be a pianist. How are you going to do that? I’m going to take piano lessons. Sounds interesting. I want to be a soccer player. How are you going to do that? I’m going to join the soccer team. Sounds fantastic. Report My New Year's resolution is that ____________________________. I'm going to _________________. Tim's New Year's resolution is that___________________________. He's going to _________________. ... — What are you going to do next year? — I’m going to… — I want to be… How are you going to do that ? I’m going to… make the soccer team get good grades eat healthier food get lots of exercise learn to play the piano Summary I. 翻译下列短语。 1. 弹钢琴 ______________ 2. 组建足球俱乐部 __________________ 3. 取得好成绩 ______________ 4. 吃健康的食物 ______________ 5. 进行大量锻炼 ______________ play the piano make the soccer team get good grades eat healthier food get lots of exercise Exercises 1. 他明年要组织一支足球队 。 He’s going to make the soccer team next year. 2. 她下个月要吃更健康的食物并多锻炼身体。 She is going to eat healthier food and get a lot of exercise next month. II. 翻译句子。 3. 明年我要上钢琴课 。 I’m going to take piano lessons next year. 4. — 你打算怎样成为一名篮球运动员? — 我打算努力练习打篮球。 — How are you going to become a pianist? — I’m going to practice playing basketball really hard. Homework Write a passage about how you are going to make your city cleaner. Section B 2a-2e To read to learn different kinds of resolutions. To learn the new words and useful expressions To work hard to make our dream come true. Objectives be able to meaning question discuss promise at the beginning of improve 能够做某事 n. 意义 v. 怀疑 v. 讨论 n. 诺言 v. 许诺 在 …… 开始 v. 改善 Words review write down physical themselves have to do with self-improvement take up 写下 adj. 身体的 pron. 他们自己 与 …… 有联系 n. 自我改进 开始做 hobby weekly schoolwork agree with n. 业余爱好 adj. &adv. 每周地 n. 学校作业 同意赞成 Enjoy the poem Dreams — Langston Hughes Hold fast to dreams, For if dreams die. Life is a broken-winged bird, That can never fly. Hold fast to dreams, For when dreams go, Life is a barren field. Frozen only with snow. 译文: 梦想 — 兰斯顿 · 休斯 紧紧抓住梦想, 梦想若是消亡, 生命就像鸟儿折了翅膀, 再也不能飞翔。 紧紧抓住梦想, 梦想若是消丧, 生命就像贫瘠的荒野, 雪覆冰封,万物不再生长。 Discuss the questions with your partner. Did you make any resolution last year? No , I didn’t. Were you able to keep them? Why or why not? No , I wasn’t. Because I forgot them. be able to… 会;能够 2a Read the passage and match each paragraph with its main purpose. 1. To question the idea of making resolutions. 2. To give the meaning of resolution. 3. To discuss the different kinds of resolutions. 2b 1. Do you know what a resolution is? It’s a kind of promise. Most of the time, we make promises to other people. (“Mom, I promise I’m going to tidy my room when I get back from school.”) However, promises you make to yourself are resolutions, and the most common kind is New Year’s resolutions. When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year, we hope that we are going to improve our lives. Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming year. This helps them to remember their resolutions. Others tell their family and friends about their wish and plans. D 2. There are different kinds of resolutions. Some are about physical health. For example, some people promise themselves they are going to start an exercise program or eat less fast food. Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement. ______ Some people might say they are going to take up a hobby like painting or taking photos, or learn to play the guitar. Some resolutions have to do with better planning, like making a weekly plan for schoolwork.______ A B 3. Although there are differences, most resolutions have one thing in common. People hardly ever keep them! ________Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep. Sometimes people just forget about them. For this reason, some people say the best resolution is to have no resolutions! How about you — will you make any resolutions next year? C Write the letters [A-D] in the correct places in the passage. A: There are about making yourself a better person. B: For example, a student may have to find more time to study. C: There are good reasons for this. D: The start of the year is often a time for making resolutions. 2c 1.What is a resolution? 2. When do people usually make resolutions? 3.Why do people usually make resolutions? Answer the questions with short sentences. It is a kind of promise. The beginning of the year. They want to improve their lives. 2d 4. How do people remember their resolutions? 5.How many kinds of resolutions does the writer talk about? 6.Why do you think resolutions may be difficult to keep? 7.Do you agree with the writer? Why or why not? They write down them or tell their family and friends. Three. Because people just forget about them. Yes , I think so. Because doing is better than saying. Why do you think resolutions may be difficult to keep? 2. Do you think the best resolutions is to have no resolutions? Why or why not? Discussion 2. Yes. The resolutions are very hard to keep, so the best resolutions is to have no resolutions. We should make smaller goals and then achieve them step by step. Sometimes people are lazy, impatient… Possible answers: Read the passage again,finish the following tasks. 1 判断正误, 2 补全句子, 3. 写出第三段中 one thing 指代内容, 4 转换同义句, 5 英译汉 1.We make resolutions at the end of the year.(T/F) 2.People write down their resolutions and plans to help them ____________________________ 3.___________________________________ ❀ to remember their resolutions People hardly ever keep them! 4. Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep. Sometimes the resolutions may be______difficult_______people_______keep it. 5.Some resolutions have to do with better planning, like making a weekly plan for schoolwork. __________________________________________. so that can't 一些决心和更好的计划有关,比如制定每周的功课计划。 Find the phrases in the passage. Then write down your own sentences with them. have to do with make promises What does the trouble have to do with you? Do not make promises easily as it will injure you most. 2e have…in common write down for this reason take up We have lots of things in common besides music. Write down the qualities you'd like to have. For this reason, we left the party early. He left a job in the city to take up farming. Fill in the blanks to retell the text. Resolution is a kind of ________. Promises you make to yourself are resolutions, and the most common kind is ____________________. When we make resolutions at the _________ of the year, we hope that we are going to ________ our lives. promise beginning improve New Year’s resolutions There are different kinds of resolutions. Some are about ________ health. Some have to do with ________________. Some are about better planning, like making a _______ plan for school work. Although there are differences, most resolutions _______________________. People hardly ever keep them! physical self-improvement weekly have one thing in common 1. at the beginning of this year 在今年年初 beginning n. 开头 , 反义词为 end ,结束。 at the beginning of 在 …… 开始 at the end of 在 …… 末尾 from the beginning to end 从头到尾 如: He will come here at the beginning of this month. 他会在这月初来到这里。 Language points 2. They are going to start an exercise program or eat less fast food. eat 与 have 这两个动词都可以表示“吃”。 1) eat 可用作及物或不及物动词 , 是日常用语,但用在 日常口语中不够礼貌。让别人“吃”,通常用 have 。 ► Where shall we have our dinner? 我们在哪儿吃饭? 2) 在美国 , eat 既作“吃” , 又作“喝”解。 如 : We eat our soup first. 我们先喝汤。 3)have 是普通用语 , 同样可以表示“吃” , 也可以表示 “喝”。用在非正式的文体中。 如 : ► What time do you have supper? 你们什么时候吃晚饭? ► I do not have coffee in the evening. 晚上我不喝咖啡。 注意: “ 吃药” , 习惯上说 have / take medicine, 不说 eat / drink medicine 。 如 : ► Your son catches a bad cold. He should have some medicine. 你儿子得了重感冒,他应该吃药。 3. Some resolutions have to do with better panning… 有些决定与合理的时间规划有关 …… 句中 planning 为名词,表示“计划、规划”如 : city planning ( 城市规划 ) 。 better plan 意为:合理规划,指通过 制定计划来更加充分地利用时间、空间、精力。 2) Have to do with 表示“与 …… 相关;与 …… 有关联或有 关系”如: ► What dose this problem have to do with what we’re learning today? 这道题跟我们今天所学的内容有什么关系? 4. Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep . 有些时候这些决定可能会太难而无法实现。 1) 句中情态动词 may 表示推测,相当于汉语的“可能;也许;大概”的意思。如: ► You may be right this time, but I’ m not sure. 这一次或许你是对的,但是我无法确定。 2) too…to… 是一个固定结构,表示“太 …… 而不能 ……” ► The kid is too young to play this game. 这个小孩太小,不能玩这个游戏。 3) 句中的动词 keep 表示 “ 履行(诺言等);遵守(惯例等) ” 如: ► People hardly ever keep them! 人们很少履行它们(指计划)。 还有类似的用法: keep a promise( 信守承诺 ) keep one’s promise ( 遵守承诺;说话算数 ) 等。如: We always keep our word. 我们说话是算数的。 练习:用下列短语造句 have to do with (与 …… 有关) make promises (做出承诺) have something in common (有共同之处) write down (写下;记下) for this reason (为此;由于这个原因) take up (开始从事) be able to at the beginning of write down take up have to do with forget about 能够做某事 在 …… 开始 写下,记下 从事,学着做 有关系 忘掉 Summary We like _________ ( 讨论 ) answers in groups in class. Do you often make ________ ( 承诺 ) to other people? Students have too much ___________ ( 学校作业 ) to do every evening. Nancy really wanted __________ ( 提高 ) her English. Middle school students have lots of musical _______ ( 业余爱好 ) like playing the guitar. I. 根据汉语提示,补全单词。 to discuss promises schoolwork to improve hobbies Exercises Do you often make a ______ (week) plan for the schoolwork? At the _________ (begin) of the class, Miss Zhou sang a song for us. Do you know the ________ (mean) of “resolution”? My parents don’t agree ______ (buy) me an iphone. II. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 weekly beginning meaning to buy 中考链接 In his e-mail, David promised _________his daughter during her stay in Japan. visiting B. visit C. visited D. to visit 承诺做某事 promise to do sth. D 1.Learn the new words and phrases by heart. 2.Finish the exercises in Learning English . 3.Preview 3a-4 on page 47-48. Homework Section B 3a-Self Check Objectives To learn to write about your resolutions. To learn the new words: own , personal, relationship... To learn to make plans to do things. be able to at the beginning of write down take up have to do with forget about 能够做某事 在 …… 开始 写下,记下 从事,学着做 有关系 忘掉 Review resolutions own personal improvement physical health how to do better at school make more money do better at home improve the relationships with family and friends. How many kinds of resolutions do you know? What are they? Brain storm Talk about your future jobs soldiers — What are you going to be when you grow up? — I want to be … policeman/policewoman doctors cook Complete the paragraphs about resolutions with the words in the box. take listen make is help learn are 3 a Resolutions ___ promises to yourself. They may ____ to make you a better person and to make your life easier. I am going to ______ four resolutions. The first resolution is about my own personal improvement. Next year, or maybe sooner, I am going to ____ up a new hobby. I think singing ___ a great activity so I am going to _____ to sing. I think this will also make my family happy because they love to _____ to music and sing together. take is learn listen are help make Write your resolutions under the following headings. Ideas for improving my physical health Ideas for improving my relationships with my family and friends 3. Ideas for doing better at school get more exercise, eat less fast food, go to sleep early… spend more time with my family, help my friends more… read more books, study hard, do homework… 3b Use your notes to write three more paragraphs about your resolutions. In each paragraph, write what you are going to do and why. _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 3 c 本文 为写自己新年决心。因此在写句子时 应用一般 将来 时态,用 be going to 结构。 根据 3b 中的要点提示,模仿 3a 中的写作方式, 将 自己 的新年决心依次写在每个相关的决心里。 最后 ,再通读一遍自己的短文,看是否通顺和正确。 写作指导 : Sample writing: The second resolution is about improving my physical health. I am going to try a new sport such as ping pong and play it two or three times a week. Playing more sports will help me to become healthier and I will not fall ill so often. The third resolution is about improving my relationships with my family and friends. I am going to spend more time with my family. Maybe we can take up a new hobby together! Doing more things together with my family will make my family happy. I am also going to help my friends more. For example, I can help them with their English homework if there is anything they don’t understand. Helping my friends will show them that I care about them and that they are important to me. The last resolution is about how to do better at school. I am going to read more books in English. That is going to help me learn more English words. I know I can keep this resolution because reading is fun. We’re going to make the subway better. Then people don’t have to drive to work. 2. _________________ 3 . _________________ 4. _________________ … Imagine you work for your city. Think of a plan to make it cleaner and greener. ( P48 ) 4 We’re going to end burning coal for heating. We will try to look for a kind of new energy. We’re going to plant more trees around the city. We’re going to go to school or work by electric-bike. We’re going to help clean the streets and parks on the weekends. 1 Match the jobs with the school subjects. 1.computer programmer medicine 2.engineer computer science 3.doctor math 4. basketball player science 5.scientist P.E . Self Check A: What do you ________to be when you grow up? B: I want ________ a scientist. A:Wow! That sounds cool. But it’s difficult. ______ are you ________ to do that? B: After I finish high school, I’m ________ to go to university. A: ________ are you ________ to study? B: In Hefei. I’m ________ to study there for four years. A: I think I want ________ a teacher. I’m ________ to teach in Wuhan. 2 Fill in the blanks in the conversation. want to be How going going Where going going to be going 3 Write about your plans. Tomorrow, I’m going to_____________________ Next week, ______________________________ Next month, ______________________________ Next year, ________________________________ have an English lesson. I am going to travel to Dalian. I am going to visit my friend. I am going to move to another city. 1. ____ you ____ a teacher when you grow up? A. Will; going to be   B. Are; going to be  C. Are; /   D. Will; be 2. I don’t know if Tom _____. Maybe he ___ if it doesn’t rain. A. will come; comes    B. will come; will come   C. comes; comes   D. comes; will come B B I. 单项选择。 Exercises 3. He will be back ____a few minutes. A. with  B. for  C. on  D. in 4. What time ____we go to the station tomorrow ? A. will  B. shall  C. do  D. are 5. He will leave Beijing as soon as he ___ the work next week. A. finishes  B . doesn’t finish  C. will finish  D. won’t finish D B A 6. There____ a party this afternoon. A. will be   B. will have   C. is going to have   D. are going to have 7. It____ National Day tomorrow. We ___ a party. A. is going to be; will have   B. will be; is having   C. will be; are going to have   D. will have; is going to be 8. Tom is 10 years old now, next year he ___11. A. is  B. is going to    C. will be   D. will to be A C C II. 根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. My brother is studying _________ ________ ( 计算机科学 ) , and he wants to be a _____________ ( 电脑程序员 ). 2. Li Lei’s uncle is a ____________( 专业的 ) engineer in the factory. 3.I think he can become a good _______( 飞行员 ). 4 . Bai Yansong is a famous _________ ( 新闻记者 )from CCTV . ` computer science programmer professional pilot reporter 1. Cheng Han’s mother is going to hold art exhibitions . ( 改为一般疑问句 ) ___ Cheng Han’s mother ______ to hold art exhibitions? Is going III. 句型转换。 2. I’m going to be an actor when I grow up. ( 就 画 线 部分提问 ) _____ are you going to __ when you grow up? 3. My aunt is going to move to Paris . ( 就画线 部分提问 ) ______ is your aunt going to _____ ? What Where be move 4. We are going to play basketball tomorrow . ( 就画线 部分提问 ) _____ are you going to ___ tomorrow? 5. Her cousin is going to travel around the world. ( 改为同义句 ) Her cousin is going to travel_________________ . What all over the world do 6. are, to, going, next, week, they, do, what? ( 连词成句 ) ______________________________ 7. I’m, going, walk, fast, not, too, to. ( 连词成句 ) _______________________________ What are they going to do next week? I’m not going to walk too fast. A: ________________________? B: I’m going to buy a present( 礼物 ). A: ____________________________? B: I’m going to give it to my English teacher. What are you going to do Who are you going to give it to IV. 补全对话。 A: _______________________? B: I’m going to buy a card. A: __________________________? B: I’m going to buy it in the shop over there. A: Are you going there alone ( 独自一人 )? B: No. _____________________________. What are you going to buy Where are you going to buy it I am going there with my friend 1. 这是我的个人意见 。 This is my personal opinion. 2. 你同意他的想法吗   ? 3 . 我们 的假期刚开始时,雨就整整下了 3 天。 It rained on and on for three whole days at the beginning of our holiday V . 翻译句子。 Do you agree with his idea? 5. 他能帮你的忙 。 He is able to help you. 4. 我的新年计划是改善我和家人还有朋友的关系 。 My New Year’s resolution is improving my relationships with my family and friends. 6. 这次事故我是全部亲眼看到的。 I saw the whole accident with my own eyes. Homework Write a letter to your friend to tell him or her what you are going to do for the next vacation. unit 7 人教版八年级英语上册单元全套课件 Will people have robots? To learn to make predictions. To learn to predict future with the sentence patterns: will + do/there will be . To predict our future and work hard for the future. Objectives I played computer when I was a child. I study computer every day. I will be a computer scientist like Bill Gates. Free talk 大胆畅想未来 Let’s predict our futures. How will the world be different in the future, 100 years from now? People will have robots. Robots can do... Kids won’t go to school. They’ ll study at home on computers. Will there be more trees or fewer trees? I think there will be ________ trees. People won’t use money. Everything will be free. Free Language Goal: Make predictions. How will the world be different 100 years from now? Read these predictions. Check ( ) A for agree or D for disagree. ___A___D 1.People will have robots in their homes. ___A___D 2.People won’t use money. Everything will be free. ___A___D 3.Books will only be on computers, not on paper. ___A___D 4.Kids won’t go to school. They’ll study at home on computers. ___A___D 5.There will only be one country. ___A___D 6.People will live to be 200 years old. 1a Listen and circle the predictions you hear in 1a. People will have robots in their homes. People won’t use money. Everything will be free. Books will only be on computers, not on paper . Kids won’t go to school. They’ll study at home on computers. There will only be one country. People will live to be 200 years old. 1b 一张纸 a piece of paper ↓ live to be... 活 到 …… Translate the sentences according to the listening. 1. 我认为人们将不使用钱了。 I don't think people will use money. 2. 你认为所有东西将免费吗? Do you think everything will be free? 3. 将有世界和平吗? Will there be world peace? 4. 孩子们将不去上学。 Kids won't go to school. A: Will people use money in 100 years ? B: No, they won ’ t. Everything will be free. Will people live to be 200 years old? A: Yes, they will. 1c Ask and answer questions about the predictions in 1a. 100 年后 People won’t use money. Everything will be free. 人们不使用钱,任何东西都是免费的。 be free 免费的, 除此意思外, be free 还有“有空的,空闲的”意思。 ► Many Spaniards believe that music and movies should be free. 许多西班牙人认为音乐和电影应该是免费的。 ► Will you be free tomorrow morning? 你明天早上有空吗? Language points 2. Will people use money in 100 years ? 一百年后人们还会使用钱吗? 这里的 in 100 years “ 在 …… 期间;在 …… 以后”后接一段时间表示在将来某段时间之后。 ► He’ll come back in a week . 他将于 一周之后 回来。 ► I’ll call you in two hours . 我 两个小时后 给你打电话。 3. Will people use money in 100 years? will+ 动词原形表将来 莉萨半个小时之后到。 ____________________________ Lisa will arrive in half an hour. 4. “ there be ”句型一般将来时的表达 : 肯定句 : There will be +名词 ( 短语 ) 否定句 : There will not / won’t be +名词 ( 短语 ) 一般疑问句 : — Will there be +名词 ( 短语 )? — Yes, there will. / No, there won’t. Will there be fewer trees? There will be more people. There won’t be money. Everything will be free. 1. ______ you _______ your winter holiday next week? A. Do... have B. Will... have C. had D. have 2. —When _____ you ____ to Australia? —Next Monday. A. did, fly B. will, fly C. are, fly D. do, fly 3. Which team ________ the next football match? A. wins B. won C. will win D. win I. 单项选择。 B B C Exercises II. 根据要求完成句子。 1 .Tony will go to cinema tonight.(对画线部分提问)   _________ _________ Tony _________ t onight? 2. I think Sally will be a doctor in five years. ( 对画线部分提问 ) _________ ___________ you think Sally __________ ___________ in five years? What will will be What do do 3. There will be fewer people in 100 years. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) ___________ there ____ fewer people in 100 years? 4. There won ’ t be any paper money. ( 改为同义句 ) There will be ______ __________money. Will be no paper There________ a concert in our school hall next week. A. is going to have B. will have C. will be D. is going to hold 中考链接 由下周可知是一般将来时。要用 there will be 。 C Five years ago Today In five years He was…. He is …. He will be…. He played…. He plays…. He will play…. He had…. He has…. He will have…. A task Make a survey about your best friends and finish the following chart. My future is not just a dream ! What will you be? Will you be pretty? Will you be a teacher / doctor or whatever? write a conversation to talk about your dream. Homework Section A 2a-2d To learn to make predictions. To learn to express quantities with more, less, fewer... To live a carbon life to protect our earth. Objectives n. 预言 Free talk Let’s make a prediction about the future. n. 未来 He studies at home ___ __________. on computers 直升机式的帽子可以快速地带你到达目的地 。 Let’s share more fun predictions about the future. 衣服能自动换成时新样式 。 四条腿的裤子保证你随时随地可以休息 。 变成一身健康的古铜色皮肤只需几秒钟 。 Listen and circle the words you hear. There will be (more / less / fewer) people. There will be (more / less / fewer) free time. There will be (more / less / fewer) cars. There will be (more / less / fewer) pollution. There will be (more / less / fewer) trees. 2 a There will be fewer people. ___ There will be less free time. ___ People will use the subways less. ___ There will be more pollution. ___ Cities will be very big and crowded. ___ √ √ Listen again. Check ( ) the predictions you hear. √ 2b Listen again,write T for true,F for false. 1.Here are some students' predictions about the future.( ) 2.There will be more cars and subways because of more people.( ) 3.Less pollution will be good for the earth.( ) 4.Countries will be big and crowded because there will be a lot more people.( ) T T F F Make conversations about the predictions in 2a and 2b. A: What’s your prediction about the future? B: I think there will be more pollution. A: Really? I don’t think so. But I think there will be fewer trees. 2c There will be more trees on the _____. earth Which opinion do you agree? There will be fewer trees in the future. There will be less pollution in the future. There will be more pollution in the future. Nick: What are you reading, Jill? Jill: It ’ s a book about the future . Nick: Sounds cool. So what will the future be like? Jill: Well, cities will be more crowded and polluted. There will be fewer trees and the environment will be in great danger . 2d Role-play the conversation. Nick: That sounds bad! Will we have to move to other planets? Jill: Maybe. But I want to live on the earth. Nick: Me, too. Then what can we do? Jill: We can use less water and plant more trees . Everyone should play a part in saving the earth. What is Jill reading? 2) What will the future be like according to the book? 3) What can people do to save the earth? Read the conversation then answer the following questions. He’s reading a book about the future. Cities will be more crowded and polluted. There will be fewer trees and the environment will be in great danger. We can use less water and plant more trees. Everyone should play a part in saving the earth. Read and try to recite the conversation in 5-10 minutes. 1. Role play the conversation in groups; 2. Role play the conversation in front of the class Role-play Let’s see which group does the best. Fill in the blanks according to the conversation. Jill is reading a book about the future. Can you imagine what ____ the future ____ like? Cities ___ ___ more crowded and polluted. There ___ ___ fewer trees and the environment ___ ___ in great danger. ___ we ___ ___ move to other planets? What can we do to live on the earth? We can use ___ water and plant ____ trees. Everyone should ___ ___ ____ ___ saving the earth. will be will be will be will be Will have to play a part in less more 1. “ there be ” 句型一般将来时的表达 : 肯定句 : There will be +名词 ( 短语 ) 否定句 : There will not / won’t be + 名词 ( 短语 ) 一般疑问句 : — Will there be +名词 ( 短语 )? —Yes, there will. / No, there won’t . Language points Will there be fewer trees? There will be more people. There won’t be money. Everything will be free. 意思 用法 比较级 最高级 few 一些(否定) 修饰 可数名词 fewer fewest little 一些(否定) 修饰 不可数名词 less least many 许多 修饰 可数名词 more most much 许多 修饰 不可数名词 more most 2. fewer 与 less 及 more 表数量的用法 例 : a few days ago , for a few weeks ► He has few friends here. ► There will be fewer trees . few , 形容词 , 带否定含义“ 几乎没有 , 很少的 ”,修饰可数名词。其比较级、最高级为规则变化: few - fewer - fewest 。 “ a few ” 表示“ 一些 ”。 2) There’s little food left. We have to buy some. There’s a little water in the cup. There will be less pollution . little ,形容词 , 带否定含义“ 很少的,几乎没有的 ” “ 小的,幼小的 ”,修饰不可数名词。其比较级、 最高级为不规则变化 : little - less - least 。 “ a little ” 表 一些 ”。 3) There will be more people on the earth in the future. More and more students start to exercise more everyday to keep fit. many “ 许多”,修饰可数名词。 much “ 许多”,修饰不可数名词。 many / more 比较级、最高级为不规则变化: many / much - more - most 3. play a part in 参与某事 ► China plays a more and more important part in the world. 现在中国在世界上担负着越来越重要的角色 ► Everyone should play a part in protecting the environment. 4. What’s your prediction about the future? 你对未来有什么预测? prediction 是 predict 的名词形式。有“ 预言、预料、预测” 之意。 例如: ► Sales were five percent lower than predicted. 销售额比预计的低 5% 。 ► Newspapers predicted that Davis would be re-elected. 报纸预测戴维斯将再次当选。 5. Everyone should play a part in saving the earth. 每个人都应当尽一份力来拯救地球。 play a part in… 是一个固定结构,表示“参与 …… ; 在 …… 中尽自己一份力量” 例如: ► She plays an active part in teaching these poor children. 她积极参加对这些贫穷孩子的教学工作。 ► He didn’t play a part in making this decision. 他并没有参与做出此决定。 will + do 表将来 There be 句型的一般将来时 — Will there be ...? — No, there won’t. / Yes, there will. 3) more, less, fewer 的用法: 可数名词 前用 more/fewer , 不可数名词 前用 more/less. Summary I. 根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. — There will be more cars in the future. — I disagree. I think there will be ______ (few) cars. 2. I think there will be_______ (robot)everywhere in 50 years. 3. There will be more _________(pollution) on earth. 4. I will have ____(little) free time next month than this month. robots pollution less fewer Exercises II. 英译汉,并写一写。 1. — Will people use money in 100 years? —No, they won’t. 2. Kids won’t go to school in the future. They ’ll study at home on computers. 3. Everyone should play a part in planting trees. 4. There will be more trees here in ten years. 5. — Will there be fewer jobs for people? —Yes, there will . 1.— 一百年后人们还使用钱吗? — 不,不用。 2. 未来孩子们不会去上学了,他们将在家里用电脑学习。 3. 每个人都应该参与植树。  4. 十年后这里会有更多树木。  5.— 未来工作岗位会更少吗? — 是的。 1. 明天不用上课 。 There ____ ____ ____ class tomorrow. 2. There will be a sports meeting tomorrow. ( 一般疑问句 ) ___ ______ ___ a sports meeting tomorrow? will be no Will there be Ⅲ. 填空题。 中考链接 每个人都应该在环保方面发挥作用。 (play) Evervone should ________________ the environmental protection. play a part in Make predictions about future life with your partner. 2. Preview the new words and phrases. Homework Section A Grammar Focus-3c To learn to use will + do . To learn to use there will be . To be able to predict city in the future with the words more , fewer, less... Objectives What will the future be like? Cities will be more polluted. And there will be fewer trees. Will people use money in 100 years? No, they won’t. Everything will be free. Will there be world peace? Yes, I hope so. Kids will study at home on computers . They won’t go to school. Grammar Focus Countable nouns Uncountable nouns There will be more people. There will be fewer trees. There will be more pollution. There will be less free time. ’ll = will won’t = will not I’m =I am You’re = you are There’s = there is There’re = there are Don’t = do not Doesn’t = does not 你以前还学过哪些缩写形式呢? In the future, there will be ______fresh water because there will be ______ pollution in the sea. 2. In 100 years, there will be ______ cars because there will be ______ people in the cities. less more more more Fill in the blanks with more , less or fewer. 3a 3. There will be_______ jobs for people because _______ robots will do the same jobs as people. 4. I think there will be______ cities because people will build _______ buildings in the country. 5. In 50 years, people will have ______free time because there will be _____ things to do. fewer more more more fewer more Complete the predictions with what you think will happen. Kids study at school now. In 100 years, ___________________________________ 2. I sometimes see blue skies in my city, but in the future _________________________ __________________________________ Kids will study at home on computers I will often see the blue skies, because there will be less pollution. 3 b 4. Families usually spend time together on   weekends, but maybe in 200 years ____________________________________ _____________________________________ 3. People now usually live to be about 70-80 years old, but in the future _________________________________ People will live to be 200 years o ld . Everyday can be weekend, because they have robots to do everything. I think there will be more tall buildings, and there will be fewer cars and more buses. Draw a picture of what you think a city in the future will be like. Then describe it to the class. 3c What can you see in this picture? 50 years later There will be more people. There will be fewer trees. There will be more pollution. There will be more buildings . There will be more cars. There will be less fresh air. There will be… 将会有 Changes be going to + V 原形 1) 以人为 主语 , 表示 计划、打算去做某 事 , 这种计划 和 打算往往是事前就有的 。 ► She is going to leave tomorrow. ► There is going to be a football match after class. 2) 表示人根据已有的事实和 迹象 , 认为 某 事即将发生。 ► It’s going to rain. R eview Grammar Focus 一般将来时 —— The simple future tense 概念: 1 )表示 将要 发生的动作或存在的状态。 ► We will go to see him tomorrow. 我们 明天来看他。 2 )表示 将来 经常或反复发生的动作 。 ► From now on, I will come every day . 从 现在起,我每天都来。 肯定句 否定句 一般疑问句 特殊疑问句 主语 + will +V 原形 主语 + will +not + V 原形 Will + 主语 + V 原形 特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句 2. 基本句型 简略回答 Yes, I will. No, I won’t. ( 注意缩写形式) Will 句式总结 肯定 否定 一般疑问句 回答 I will have many toys. I won’t have many toys. Will I have many toys? Yes, I will. No, I won’t. He will do a good job. He won’t do a good job. Will he do a good job Yes, he will. No, he won’t. There will be more people. There won’t be more people. Will there be more people? Yes, there will. No, there won’t. They will be happy. They won’t be happy. Will they be happy? Yes, they will. No, they won’t. 3. Will 表示将来时态 , 其后常跟 的 时间 状语。 tomorrow 明天 next week 下周 next year 明年 before 在 ... 之前 next month 下个月 soon 不久 the day after tomorrow 后天 the year after next 后年 the week after next 下下周 ★in ten years 十年后 注意: Will 常用于第二、三人称,但在口语中各种人称都可以用 will 。 否定式: will not = won’t 一般将来时 —— The simple future tense There be 的一般将来时,表示:将来存在 有 ( 1 )肯定句: there will be… e.g. There will be more people. There will be fewer trees. ( 2 )否定句: there won’t be… e.g. There won’t be more papers. There won’t be more buildings. 1. People won’t use money . people 作“人”讲时,是 可数名词 , 单、 复数相同。 a / one people 或 two peoples three people, many people people 泛指 “人们”,是 一个集体名词 . 如: ► There are five people in that room. 那个 房 里有 五个人。 ► Many people like to go shopping . 很多人 喜欢购物。 (×) ( √ ) Language points people 的其他意思 1) We study for the people. 我们 为人民而 学习 。 the people 作“人民” 讲 , 有 “全体”的含义。 2 ) The Chinese people is a great people. 中华民族是一个伟大的 民族 。 people 作“民族” 讲 , 可以 说 a people 。 the village people 乡下人 the city people 城里人 people 指“平民、百姓、居民” 3 ) 辨析 : people, person, folks 和 human. 1) people 意思为“人们”时 , 着重指全体 2) person ① “人” 包括 men, women, children ② people 的单数形式 one people one person √ ③ 意思为“人们”时 , 着重指个体 VIP = very important person 重要成员 3) Folks 如 : the old folks at home 家里的老人 意为“人们”时 , 指一般人或特殊年龄、位置、境遇等特殊阶级的人 , 现在常用 people 。 4) human = human being 人 ( 类 ) 主要用来区别于其他动物 纸币 paper money 硬币 coin small money =change 零钱 ready money =cash 现金 earn / make money 赚钱 bank money 把钱存入银行 save money 存钱 refund money 退款 2) m oney , 不可数名词 , 意 为“ 钱,金 钱”。 可用 : much, some, any, a lot of 等修饰。 2. Everything will be free . free adj. 免费 的 , 免税的,空闲的,自由 的 → n. freedom 免费,自由 free list 免税货物单 free market 自由市场 free speech 言论自由 free thinker 自由 思想家 free way 高速公路 freeman 自由人 ( 公民 ) freehearted 坦率 的 freewill 自愿的 3. Kids won’t go to school. kid 小山羊、小山羊皮 ( 口语 ) 小孩 Kid =child kids =children (n.) (v.) ( 口语 ) 欺骗、耍弄、开玩笑 变化 过去式 kidded 现在分词 kidding 常用语 You’re kidding ! 你 在开玩笑 No kidding ! 别开玩笑 4. They’ll study at home on computers. homeland hometown homework homemade homegrown homeless be away from home the joys of home Please make yourself at home. 祖国 家乡 家庭作业 自制的 国产的 无家可归的 离家在外 天伦之乐 请随便 ( 不要拘束 ) ! 辨析 : family, house, 和 home 1) family 指家、家庭、家人 不指住房 2) house 指居住的房屋、 住宅 ► This is my new house. 这是我的新居 3) home ► These are my family. 这是我的家人 谚语 : East or west, home is best . 金 窝银窝 , 不如自己的狗窝 . 谚语: There is no place like home . 没有 地方比得上家 . ① 指同家人共同生活的地方 , 不一定含有建筑物的意思 . ② 可以是船上、窑洞或帐篷里的家庭组织 . ③ 特别强调家里的氛围和环境 ④ home 在美语中指“住宅” =house 5. People will live to be 200 years old. live to be + 基数词 + years old “ 活 到 …… 岁 ” 辨析 live, alive, living 和 lively live “ 活着的” , 置于名词之前 , 作定语。 alive “ 在世的” , 常作表语 , 但偶尔也 作后 置 定语 或补语 。 living “ 活着的” , 常作定语 , 也可以作表语 , 作 表语时相当于 alive 。 lively “ 活泼的 , 有生气的” , 既可以作定语 , 又 可以作 表语 。 adj. 6. I think there will be more pollution. ( 宾语从句 ) 某地 有某物 ( 表存在 ) There be 某人 有某物 ( 表拥有 ) Have / has 2) there be 接词要运用 就近 ( 临近 ) 原则 ► There is a book and two bags . ► There are two bags and a book. 1) 有 注意 : 由于 will 后接动词原形 , 因此 在 “ there be ” 句型 一般 将来时的句中 will 之后用 be 动词的 原形,即 “ be ” 一词,无论 后面是单、复数或 不可数名词 ( 短语 ) 。 e.g . There won’t be any paper money. There will only be one country. There will be more leisure time. 3) there be 句型的时态变化 一般过去时 There was / were… 一般现在时 There is / are… 一般将来时 There will be… e.g. There is a book on the table. There will be more people in this city . There won’t be rain soon. — Will there be rain? — Yes , there will. / No, there won’t. 辨析 : every 和 each 7. I think every home will have a robot. every each 每个 ① 着重指由一个一个所形成的全体 ②用于三个或三个以上的人或物 ① 着重指全体中一个一个的个体 ②用于两个或两个以上的人或物 ► E very answer is right. 每个答案都是对的 . ► There are trees on each side of the road. 路 的两边都 有树。 8. There will be fewer trees. There will be less free time . 相同 点: fewer 和 less 都表示“较少”的意思。 不同点: 1. fewer 是 few 的比较级 ,只能修饰 可数名词 复数 。 2. less 是 little 的比较级 ,只能修饰 不 可数名词。 用 fewer 或 less 填空 。 1) I earn _____ money than my sister. There are ______cars parked outside than yesterday . 3) We have ______students this year than last year. 4) You ought to smoke _____cigarettes and drink _____beer. less fewer fewer fewer less 练一练 : 9. Yes, I hope so . 对,我希望如此。 此句意为“ yes, I hope there will be world Peace ” 。 句中的 so 为副词,代替了对话中上文所说的内容,除 hope 外, so 还常与 think (想), believe (相信), guess (猜测)等词搭配。例如: ► A : Is he coming to see us? 他 要来看我们吗? B : I think so. 我想是的。 10. I sometimes see blue skies in my city,... 我 有时看到城市里的蓝天 , …… 句 中 skies 用作复数 , 表示天气或某地 的天空 看上去怎样 , 如 : ► a land of blue skies and warm sunshine. 一 片有着蓝蓝的天空和温暖的阳光的土地 。 当 只 指“天空”时 , sky 通常 用单数形式 ,如 : ► There wasn’t a cloud in the sky . 天空 中万里无云。 ► The sky turned dark just before the storm. 暴风雨 来临前,天空变得漆黑了。 Ⅰ . 写出句中所缺单词。 1. I hope my r_____ can help me with my housework . 2. Will kids go to s_____? 3. There are many c________ in Asia. 4. There isn’t f_____ dinner in the world. 5. There won’t be any ______ _______( 钞票 ). 6. The students hope teachers will give them ______( 少 ) homework than last term. chool ountries ree obot paper money less Exercises 1. What _______ you ______ (do) this Sunday? There _____ _____ (be) a football match. ______ you _______ (go) with us? 2. I _____ ______ (go) to see your father as soon as I get to Beijing. 3. I think it ______ _____ (be) rainy tomorrow. 4. My father _____ ______ (send) me a new bike when I am tall enough. II. 填空。 will do will be Will go will go will be will send 1. —Where ______ you ____(live) five years ago ? —I _____ (live) in Changsha. 2. He ______(be) a teacher after he left college. 3. Now he __________(have) lots of free time, but he _________(have) less free time in ten years. 4. There ________(be) fewer children in people’s home in 10 years. Ⅲ. 用动词的适当形式填空。 lived did live was has will have will be 5. — _____ they _____(play) football after school next Monday? — No , they ________. Will play won’t Ⅳ. 按要求改写句子。 Students will go to school in the future. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) ____________________________________ 2) There will be some robots in our home.( 改否定 ) _____________________________________ 3) Every one will have a small car . ( 对划线部分提问 ) —————————————————— What will every one have? There won’t be some robots in our home. Will students go to school in the future ? 1. 明天 , Jim 就 15 岁了。 2. 明天我爷爷不会去钓鱼。 3. 你下个月将会来合肥吗 ? 4. 我们什么时候再见面 ? Ⅴ. 翻译。 My grandfather won’t go fishing tomorrow. Jim will be fifteen years old tomorrow. Will you come to Hefei next month? When shall we meet again? 1. People will have robots in their homes ___100 years. A. at B. in C. after D. with 2. I think there will be ____people and ____pollution . A. fewer, many B. less, fewer C. more, less D. less, fewer 3. There won’t be any ______ in 100 years. A. paper moneys B. papers money C. papers moneys D. paper money B C D Ⅵ. 单项选择。 4. Will there ______ more cars in people’s homes? A. have B. has C. be D. / 5. I think every home will _____ a car. A. be B. have C. has D. there be 6. There are two white ______ on the desk. A. paper B. piece of paper C. papers D. pieces of paper 7. — Will there be more trees? — Yes , ______. A. they will B. there will C. there will be D. there have B D B C 中考链接 In the near future, there ______ self-driving cars in our city. is B . was C . are D . will be 由“在不久的将来”可知是一般将来时。要用 there will be 。 D Write a short passage about yourself, using the simple past tense, the simple present tense and the simple future tense. Homework Section B 1a-1e To be able to describe personal life in the future with the simple future tense. To learn to summarize the article. To be able to predict the robots in the future with the words and expressions correctly. Objectives What will the world be like? What were you doing five years ago? What are you doing now? In fifty years, what will the world be like? more about the world rocket robot astronaut What will the earth be like in the future (in 100 years)? Cars will fly in the sky. People will see the doctor at home on computers. People will live in the moon. … Write each word in the correct column below. astronaut house apartment train      rocket space station computer programmer Jobs Transportation Places to live astronaut computer programmer train   rocket house apartment space station 1a n. 宇航员 n. 火箭 太空站 n. 公寓 Think of other words and write them in the chart in 1a. Jobs Transportation Places to live astronaut computer programmer train   rocket house apartment space station robot cleaner super policeman space ship helicopter ( 直升机 ) flat ( 公寓 ) shelter ( 避难所 ) 1b Listen to Alexis and Joe. Number the pictures [1-3]. 2 3 1 1c Listen again. Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs in the box. I ______ in an apartment across the street from here. 2. I ________ near here. 3. I _______a computer programmer. am live work lived took will be will live will fly work am live 1d 4. We in a house in the country. 5. I the train to school. 6. I an astronaut. 7. I rockets to the moon. 8. I on a space station. lived will be will fly took will live am live work lived took will be will live will fly Past Now Future Living place Job Transportation / Listen again, fill in the chart a house an apartment a space station a student a computer programmer an astronaut train rocket Student A is Alexis and Student B is Joe. Talk about Joe’s life now, 10 years ago and 10 years from now. A: Where do you live? B: I live in an apartment. 1e A: Where did you live 10 years ago? B: I lived in Greenville. A: How did you get to school? B: I took train to school. 10 years ago A: what will your life be like in 10 years? B: oh, I think I’ll be an astronaut. A: Where will you live in 10 years? B: I will live on a space station. In 10 years Give us a report to describe your past,now and future . Ten years ago,I... Now... In the future,... Some robots are very human-like. 一些机器人十分像真人。 在 human-like (形似真人的;真人一样的)一词中, like 为形容词后缀,用在名词之后,与其构成一个完整的形容词,表示“ 形似 …… 的;像 …… 一样的;类似于 …… 的”。 Language points 如: a bird-like building (像鸟一样的建筑) a cabbage-like vegetable (一种形似卷心菜的蔬菜) the ball-like thing on the top of the building (楼顶上那个像球一样的东西) I. 用一般将来时填空。 ( 借助 will) 1. I _________ (visit) my uncle tomorrow. 2. There _______ (be) a football match next week. 3. He ________ (help) you with your English this evening. 4. They _________(play) soccer if it doesn’t rain. 5. We _________ (have) a meeting tomorrow. will visit will be will help will play will have Exercises II. 翻译句子。 1. 你认为人们的家里会有机器人吗 ? Do _____ _____ there will be robots ___ ______ homes? 2. 人们将活到 150 岁。 People ____ _____ ___ ____150 years old. 3. 我认为她会当医生。 I think she ______ ____ a doctor. you think in people’s will live to be will be 4. 你住哪儿 ? 我住在北京。 ______ _____ _____ ______? I live in Beijing. 5. 他反复看她的来信。 He reads her letter ____ ____ ____ _______. 6. 等了很长一段时间后他厌烦了。 He _____ _______ after waiting for a long time. over and over again got bored Where do you live III. 完成句子。 1. 凯蒂不能参加运动会了。 Kitty ____ _____ _______ ___take part in the sports meeting. 2. 昨天有好几百人来我们学校参观。 __________ ___ people came to visit our school yesterday. 3. 彼得在上海找到了一份工作,他不得不在那里独自生活。 Peter finds a job in Shanghai, so he has to _____there_______. Hundreds of is not able to live alone 4. 我们家乡的污染没有以前严重了。 There is _____ ___________ in our hometown than before. 5. 十年后你会是什么样子? How ____ ____ __ ______ in ten years? less pollution will you be like Ⅳ . 单项选择。  1.The next time you see Nikos, he ___ sixteen years old.  A. will be    B. is    C. was    D. will  2.Margot _______ computer science last year.  A. studies         B. studied  C. will study       D. is studying         3.In ten years, John _______ an astronaut.  A. is     B. will be   C. was    D. will   A B B 4. How many people _____ there  fifty years ago.   A. will     B. were    C. are    D. will be  5. In AD 20 000,what _______ the world be like?   A. is      B. will    C. was     D. are  6.There is _____ meat but ______ cakes on the plate. Please have one.  A. a little; a few       B. a few; a little  C. few; little        D. little; a few       B B D 7. There is very _______ on this street.  A. few traffics        B. little traffics  C. few traffic        D. little traffic       8. —What is your favorite 21st century prediction?  —I predict there will be _______ leisure time.   A. many      B. few  C. fewer      D. less         D D 写作 内容 : 你想要 拥有自己 的机器人 ,跟科学家 描述 一下你都要求你的 机器人 会什么技能! Homework Dear robot scientist, I am a student from No.52 Middle School. ________ ______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _____________________________. Yours Section B 2a-2e To be able to describe personal life in the future with the simple future tense . To learn to summarize the article. To be able to predict the robots in the future with the words and expressions correctly. Objectives Tell your partner what you know about robots. What do they look like and what can they do? 2a What do they look like? They look like humans. What does it look like? It looks like a kangaroo. This robot looks like a huge arm. What will robots do for us in the future? Let’s make predictions In 100 years…. speak do exercise run cook play the piano play football dance help people do the most unpleasant jobs help with the housework 1. even adv. 甚至;连;愈加 e.g. The little girl can even recite the article. 小女孩甚至还能背诵这篇文章。 2. human adj. 人的 n. 人 e.g. A human can think and talk, but an animal can’t. 人能思考、说话,但动物不能。 New words 3. already adv . 已经;早已 e.g. My aunt is already fifty, but she looks very young. 我姑姑早已五十岁了,但她看起来很年轻。 4. dangerous adj . 有危险的;不安全的 名词 danger + 后缀 ous → dangerous e.g. Some animals are in great danger . 一些动物处于极大的危险中。 Lions are dangerous animals. 狮子是危险的动物。 in great danger 处于极大的危险中 5. factory n. 工厂 e.g. There will be more factories in the future. 将来会有更多的工厂。 6. fall v. (fell/ fel/) 倒塌;跌倒;掉落 fall down 突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌 e.g. The house might fall down in a few months. 几个月内这所房屋也许就会倒塌。 pl.-factories 7. disagree v. 不同意 ;持不同意见;有分歧 前缀 (dis) + agree ( 同意 )→disagree disagree with sb. / disagree to do sth. e.g. My father agrees , but my mother disagrees to go there so late. 我爸爸同意,但我妈妈不同意如此晚去那儿。 8. believe v. 相信;认为有可能 believe sb. 相信某人说的话; believe + that 从句 e.g. I believe that you can finish the work on time. 我相信你会按时完成工作。 9. shape n. 形状 pl.-s e.g. What is the shape of your kite? 你的风筝是什么形状的 ? 10. hundreds of 许多;大量 = lots of e.g. There are hundreds of flags in front of the building 在那个高楼前有很多旗帜。 辨析:数字 + 原形, s,of 共存亡 ↓ ↓ 表具体数量 two hundred “ 两百 ” 表大概数量 hundreds of “ 好几百,许多 ” 11. over and over again 反复地;多次,还可以说 over and over e.g. They sang the song over and over . 他们反复地唱那首歌。 He called over and over again but nobody answered. 他多次打电话但没有人接。 12. possible adj. 可能的;可能存在或发生 ( 前缀 )im+ possible →impossible 不可能的 e.g. Do you think it’s possible to beat them? 你认为战胜他们有可能吗 ? To cross this river seems impossible . 穿过这条河似乎不可能。 Read the article and match each paragraph with the question it discusses. Para 1 will robots think like humans in the future? Para 2 what will robots be like in the future? Para 3 what can robots do today? Para 4 what are robots like in movies? 2 b Do You Think You Will Have Your Own Robot? When we watch movies about the future, we sometimes see robots . They are usually like human servants. They help with the housework and do jobs like working in dirty or dangerous places. 2. Today there are already robots working in factories . Some can help to build cars, and they do simple jobs over and over again . Fewer people will do such jobs in the future because they are boring, but robots will never get bored . Scientists are now trying to make robots look like humans and do the same things as we do . Some robots in Japan can walk and dance. They are fun to watch. However, some scientists believe that although we can make robots move like people, it will be difficult to make them really think like a human. For example, scientist James White thinks that robots will never be able to wake up and know 3. where they are. But many scientists disagree with Mr. White. They think that robots will even be able to talk like humans in 25 to 50 years. Some scientists believe that there will be more robots in the future. However, they agree it may take hundreds of years. These new robots will have many different shapes. Some will look like humans, and others might look like animals. In India, for example, scientists made robots that look like snakes. 4. If buildings fall down with people inside, these snake robots can help look for people under the buildings. This was not possible 20 years ago, but computers and rockets also seemed impossible 100 years ago. We never know what will happen in the future! In some science fiction movies, what will people have in the future? 2. Which country has robots that can walk and dance? 3 . Where are the huge arm robots working now? Robots. Japan. In factories. Read and answer the questions. 4. What does James White think? 5. What kind of job can a snake robot do? He thinks that robots will never be able to wake up and know where they are. After an earthquake, it could help look for people under buildings. Read the article again quickly. Complete the sentences about what robots can do now. 1.Robots can build in factories. 2.They can do jobs many times and not get bored. 3.Some can and . 4. Some can help people under . cars simple walk dance look for buildings 2 c Some robots are very human-like. They can walk and _________ like people. Some scientists think that in the future they will _________ robots more like humans. This may not in the near future, but at some point, robots will even be able to _________ like people. Fill in the blanks in this paragraph with words from the article. dance make happen talk 2 d However, some scientists_______ . James White believes that robots won’t be able to do the _________ things as us. For example, he thinks that robots will _________be able to wake up and know where they are. Which side do you _________ with? same never agree disagree what kinds of animals might robots look like in the future? What do you think these robots will be able to do? Write your ideas and discuss them with your partner. I think some future robots might look like butterflies. They will be able to sing and dance. When I am sad, they can try their best to make me happy. And when I want to go shopping, they can take me to the mall,( 购物广场 ) so that I will never stand in the crowded street. In my life, it gives a lot of help. 2 e 1. Fewer people will do such jobs in the future because they are boring, but robots will never get bored . 此句中的 get bored 译为“ 感到厌烦,感到无聊”。 其同义词为: be bored 二者的区别在于: get bored (强调动作) be bored (强调状态) 英语中有很多过去分词或形容词都可以和 get, be 连用。比如: tired , angry 等。例如: Language points ► You won’t be bored when you are hungry. 当你饿的时候你就不会觉得无聊了。 ► If you do the same things month after month, you may get bored . 如果你每月都做同样的事情,你可能会感到厌烦。 2. It will be difficult to make them really think like a human. 把机器人做的像人一样思考将会很难。通常用 it 做形式主语,将不定式和动名词置于谓语后面,特别是主语较长时,或在一些习惯用法中。 当谓语是系表结构( be + 形容词 / 名词)时,常将不定式后置, 构成句型 “ it + be + 表语(形容词 / 名词) + 不定式”。 如: ► It is not an easy thing to master a foreign language. 掌握一门外语不是件容易的事。 3. Scientist James White thinks that robots will never be able to wake up. Be able to “ 能够 ……” can & be able to 相同点 : 两者都表示能力 不同点 : 1 ) can 只有现在式和过去式。 2 ) be able to 可用于现在时、 过去时 和 将来时 , 但 它 没有进行时。 3) 表示经过努力而成功的某一次动作,只能用 be able to . 试做以下试题 : ①He ____________ drive a car. ②He ____________climb over the mountain before. can was able to 4. But many scientists disagree with Mr. Whit. 但很多科学家不赞同怀特先生的观点。 这里的“ disagree with ” 译为 “ 不同意;不一致; 不适合 ” 。 固定搭配: agree (同意) agree with sb/sth disagree (同意) disagree with sb/sth e.g. ► They disagreed with each other about the time and place of the accident. 他们在对事故发生的时间和地点彼此有分歧。 ► I strongly disagree with his views. 我强烈反对他的见解。 ► I disagree completely with Jack. 我完全不同意杰克的意见。 5.If buildings fall down with people inside, these snake robots can help look for people under the buildings. 如果建筑物倒塌,人还在里面,这些蛇形机器人可以帮助在坍塌的建筑物里搜救伤者。 fall down 的意思如下: 1 )掉下,落下,跌倒: ► The old lady fell down in the street and broke her leg. 老妇跌倒在大街上,摔坏了腿。 2 )拜倒,跪倒: ► They fell down before him. 他们拜倒在他面前。 3 )倒塌: ► The old house soon fell down. 这座老房很快就倒塌了。 6. So I’ll probably just keep a bird. keep : v. “ 保持;维持;喂养” keep + sb. / sth. + 形容词 “ 使某人 / 某物 ……” e.g. The job kept them busy for a year. 2) keep + 形容词 “保持” e.g. The man ran up and down to keep warm. 3) keep + sb. / sth. doing “ 让某人 / 某物继续做某事” e.g. She kept us waiting for her at the station for an hour. 4) keep + doing “ 继续做,坚持做” e.g. He kept running after her, trying to catch her. 7. I will live on a space station. space 空间,空处 ( 可数 ) ► There is a space of 46 inches wide between the two bookcases. ► The road is bad for a space of two miles. ► We need more space to set it up. ► Is there any space left? 还有地方吗 ? space 当太空讲时是不可数名词。 space station 太空站 space ship 太空船 space suit 宇航服 1. Read the passage after class 2. Write your own sentences with the phrases below over and over again, get bored, wake up, hundreds of, be able to, fall down look for, seem impossible Homework Section B 3a-Self Check To be able to describe personal life in the future with the simple future tense . To learn to summarize the article. To be able to predict the robots in the future with the words and expressions correctly. Objectives 1. 在工厂 ______________ 2. 做简单工作 _________________ 4. 多次;反复地 ___________________ 5. 许多;大量 ___________________ 6. 看起来像人类 ________________ Let’s review the phrases in 2b. in factories do simple jobs over and over again hundreds of look like humans Revision 7. 醒来 ________ 8. 能够 _____________ 9. 突然倒下;跌倒 ___________ 10. 寻找;寻求 ______________ wake up be able to fall down look for Today there are ________ robots working in ___________. For example, they can help to ______ cars, and they do ______ jobs over and over again. They do jobs like working in dirty or _________ ______. Fill in the blanks with the right words. already factories build dangerous places simple Fewer people will do such jobs in future because they are boring, but robots will never get _______. Some scientists _______ that there will be more robots in ________ ____ years. They are trying to make robots look like ________. bored hundreds of believe humans In 20 years, I think I’ll be a newspaper reporter. I’ll _______in Shanghai, because there will be_______ jobs in that city. As a reporter, I think I will _______ lots of interesting people, so I’ll have more friends. Read Jill’s answer to the question “What will your life be like in the future?” Fill in the blanks with the following words. meet work live look keep wear more less fewer take live more meet 3a I’ll have _______ pets, though, because I’ll have _______ free time . And my apartment will be no good for pets because it’ll be too small. So I’ll probably just ____ a bird. During the week, I’ll ____ smart clothes. On the weekend, I’ll ____ less smart but I’ll be more comfortable. In the future, people will ____more so they’ll probably have fewer vacations, but I think I’ll _______ a holiday in Hong K ong when possible. One day I’ll even go to Australia. fewer less keep wear work take look computer programmer basketball player airline pilot engineer teacher actor What will you be in 10 years ? I will be a … Where will you work? I will work in….. Make predictions: How will you be different in the future? Maybe 20 years from now? I will be more beautiful. I will have lots of money. I won’t go to school. I will have a big house. …… Five years ago , I was in primary school, I played football with classmates after class, and I had a dog. Now I’m a middle school student , I like playing tennis. I am good at English and I have good grades. In five years , I will be a doctor , I will make much money, and I will travel around the world. I will play the guitar. I will have a car. Write a short passage about yourself. five years ago now i n five years Complete the chart about your life 20 years from now. You can add more items . What will your … be like? job home free time activities neighborhood s uper policeman i n America attend a dancing party , travel a famous singer 3b Write about your life 20 years from now. Use 3a and 3b to help you. In 20 years, I think I’ll be a super policeman. I’ll live in America, because there will be more joys in that city. As a super policeman, I think I will catch many bad guys( 坏人 ), so I’ll help keep the city peaceful. And in my free time, I’ll attend all 3c kinds of dancing balls, so that I can make a lot of friends. In addition ( 另外 ) , I want to take a holiday to travel around the world. Every time when I get home, my neighborhood Coco will sing for me. I like this kind of life . Discuss how you think a robot will help students with schoolwork in the future. Write down your group’s ideas and draw a picture of your robot. I think students won’t need dictionaries because a robot will tell them the meaning of the words. 4 Sample: 1 . I think students won’t need to go to school , because their robots can teach them at home. 2. I think students won’t need to write their homework on paper but on computer , and robots will help students to correct the homework. more/fewer more/less Self check 1. Put the words in the correct columns in the chart. job, people, pollution, robot, fresh water, paper, planet, car, clean air, city, free time, building, money, tree 1. more 后面可跟可数名词或不可数名词; 2. fewer 后面跟可数名词; 3. less 后面跟不可数名词; more/fewer more/less job, people, robot , planet car, city building , tree pollution, fresh water paper, clean air, free time , money 方法指导 2. Fill in the blanks in the conversation. Girl : Mom, what will the future like? Mom: Well, nobody knows what the future will be . Girl : But I be beautiful like you? I be a pilot? I want to fly up into the sky. be like will Will Mom: You ’ re already beautiful. And you should study hard . Then you _____ be a pilot. Girl : Ok, I must study harder then. Mom: But you should also remember that _____will _____ both good and bad things in life. Girl : Oh, but I ’ m not scared, Mom , because you______ __________help me! will be there will be here to 1. be : like 在本句中是介词,意为“像”,因此本句中缺少 be 动词,句中有情态动词 will ,故应用 be 动词的原形。 3. will, will : 句意“我会像你一样漂亮吗?我会成为一名飞行员吗?”用一般将来时。 2. like: 句意“没有人知道将来会是怎么样?”本句缺少介词,故用 like 。 5. there, be: 句意“但是你应当明白生活中 既好的 也会有坏的事情”,本句为 there be 句型的一般 将来时态。 6. will : 因为你将会帮助我。也是一般 将 来 时态 。 4. will: 空格后是 be 动词原形,故应用情态动词 will 。 1. I want to _____ for myself when I’m older. 2. My friends ______ a pet pig in their house. 3. I need to _____ smart for my job interview. 4. We have to ______ a uniform to school. 5. One day people will ______ to the moon for vacations . work keep look I. 填空。 wear work look fly keep wear fly Exercises II. 用 more, less, fewer 填空。 1. We plant trees every year, there will be _____ trees. 2. If we waste water, there will be _____ water. 3. If every family has a baby, there will be _____ people. 4. I think English is _________ popular than Chinese. 5. There will be ______ robots everywhere, and humans will have _____ work to do. 6. There will be _____ free time when people retire. more less more less/ more more less more III. 根据句意填单词或短语。 1. A place to live in space: ____________ 2. Something kids will use to study at home: __________ 3. These will be in every home: _________ 4. Yang Liwei is a famous Chinese __________. space station astronaut computers robots Ⅳ. 用所给词的正确形式填空。 1. Tony ______ (write) a letter to his pen pal in the U.S . last night . 2. We all know Brazil _______ (win) the World Cup last year. 3. There __________ (be) a big football match between England and Italy on TV tonight. wrote won will be 4. The doctor tells his mother he will be________ (well) next week than he is now. 5. Do you think there will be more pollution or________ (little) pollution in 100 years? better less Ⅴ. 句型转换。 1. The students of Class 2 will see the animals at the zoo this Sunday afternoon. ( 变否定句 ) The students of Class 2 ________ ______ the animals at the zoo this Sunday afternoon. 2. The little girl fell off her bike yesterday . ( 就 画 线 部分提问 ) ________ _____ the little girl _______ off her bike? won’t see When did fall 3. I think there will be more pollution. (改为否定句) I ______ think there ______ be more pollution . 4. He will have a good time. ( 先改为否定句,再 改为一般 疑问句 ) He _____ _____ a good time . _____ he _____ a good time? 5. Mary will get home at nine this evening . ( 画 线 部分提问 ) ______ ______ Mary get home? don’t will won’t have Will have When will 6. My aunt hates keeping a pet dog. ( 变同义句 ) My aunt _______ _____ _____ _______a pet dog. 7. I have more apples than Lily. ( 变同义句 ) Lily ______ ________ apples than I. has fewer doesn’t like to keep Ⅵ. 根据提示完成句子。 1. Last year Lisa _____ ____ _________ ( 在上大学 ). 2. The old man _____ ____ _____ __________ ( 住在一 所公寓里 ) by himself now. 3. People _____ _____ _______ _____ _______ ( 有更多 的空闲时间 ) in the future. 4. Do you think there ____ ____ _____ _________ ( 有更少 的污染 ) in 100 years? was in college lives in an apartment will have more free time will be less pollution 我将去西藏。 I ________ to Tibet. 2. 树林里将有很多鸟。 There _____ ____some birds in the woods. 3. 他们将用电脑工作。 They ____ ____ ____ computers. Ⅶ. 翻译下面句子。 will go will be will work on 4. 也许他不会来。 Probably he ____ _____. 5. 将来会有更少的树。 ____________________________ 6. 空闲时间将会更少。 ____________________________ 7. 人将会更多。 ____________________________ won’t come There will be fewer trees in the future. There will be less free time in the future. There will be more people in the future. 8. 将会有更少的车子。 __________________________ 9. 将会有更少的污染。 __________________________ 10. 人将会活到 200 岁。 __________________________ 11. 我五年后将成为一名老师。 ___________________________ People will live to be 200 years old. There will be less pollution. There will be fewer cars. I will be a teacher in five years. VIII. 汉译英。 明天我们学校将有足球赛,我准备去看。 我打算和李明一起复习功课。 将来每人都会有一台电脑。 妹妹在做饭,今 晚她要带 到晚会上去。 我理想的学校有宽大的 教 室 和 图书馆。 学生将在电脑上和老师对话。 将来有学校吗? 不,没有 。 我们将使用因特网在家学习。 Answer 1. There will be a football match in our school tomorrow. I’m going to watch it. 2. I will review lessons with Li Ming. 3. Everyone will have a computer in the future. 4. My sister is cooking, she will take the food to the party this evening. 5. My dream school will have big classrooms and libraries . 6. Students will talk to their teachers on the computers . 7. — Will there be schools in the future? — No , there won’t. 8. We will use the internet to study at home. IX. 单项选择。 1. I think she _____ be a doctor in 5 years. A. / B. would C. likes D. will 2. _____ do you think your life will be like in 10 years? A. How B. What C. When D. Why B D 3. In the future people will live _____ 100 years old. A. / B. to C. for D. to be 4. I think _______ be more tall buildings and cars in five years. A. there are B. there is C. there will D. there 5. Kids _____ go to school in the future. A. don’t B. didn’t C. won’t D. wouldn’t D C C 6. Will there be _____ money in 100 years? A. some paper B. any paper C. many paper D. any papers 7. They will study at home ____ computers. A. in B.at C.on D.from 8. I will live in an apartment _____ my best friends. A. with B.to C. in D. for 9. She will have many _____ of goldfish. A. different kind B. different kinds C. difference kind D. differences kinds B C A B What do you think your life will be like next month? caterpillars( 毛虫 ) My life will be a lot better than it is now! butterfly Just for Fun! 写作 发挥你的想象 , 写一篇作文介绍你们 未来 的 学校、 教室 或未来的你 , 题目自拟 。 I think we will need robots for cleaning the house… … Homework unit 8 人教版八年级英语上册单元全套课件 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section A 1a-1c To learn to describe a process and follow instructions. To learn countable and uncountable nouns. To learn new words: shake, pour,peel, blender,turn on... Objectives water What’s your favorite drink? fruit juice green tea Cola Sprite wine beer coffee milk shake watermelon mango es apples cherr ies pears pineapple grapes tomato es strawberr ies oranges bananas shake What kind of the strawberry shake mango shake apple shake peel peel a banana peel some oranges peel an apple peel a pear 剥,削 cut up cut up the bananas cut it up 切 put into put the bananas and ice-cream into the blender 放在 …… 里面 pour…into… pour the water into the cup pour the milk into the blender 倒 turn on turn off turn on/off the blender turn it on/off turn on/off the popper 打开 关上 drink a cup glass bottle bowl of milk shake water milk tea 喝 Write these words in the blanks. peel cut up put pour turn on drink 1a ___Turn on the blender. ___ Cut up the bananas. ___ Drink the milk shake. ___ Pour the milk into the blender. ___ Put the bananas and ice-cream into the blender. ___ Peel three bananas. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Listen and put the instructions in order. 1b 首先 …… 并且 …… 接下来 …… 然后 …… 最后 …… Translation And… First… Next,… Then,… Finally,… A: How do you make a banana milk shake? B: First, peel the bananas. Next, cut up the bananas. Next, put the bananas and yogurt into the blender. Next, pour the milk into the blender. Then, turn on the blender. Finally, drink the milk shake. Cover the instructions above.Tell your partner how to make a banana milk shake. 1c peel cut up put pour turn on drink A: How do you make a banana milk shake? B: First peel the bananas, next… next… next/then… then… finally… Write down the process Let's make a banana milk shake.First,______________. Then,____________.Next,________________________________________________and______________________________.After that,____________________. Finally,_____________________________and________.How delicious! peel three bananas cut them up put the bananas and ice- cream in the blender pour the milk into the blender turn on the blender pour the milk shake into a glass drink it Language points turn 短语: turn on 打开 turn off 关闭 turn up 调大 turn down 调小 4. That radio is pretty loud. Can you  turn it down  a little?  eg.1. Could you  turn on  the bath for me while you’re upstairs?  3. I can’t hear the radio very well; could you  turn it up  a bit?  2. I laid my book aside,  turned off  the light and went to sleep.  I. 根据汉语提示填词。 1. Can you ______ ( 切碎 ) the vegetables, Tom? 2. Please ___ ( 加 ) some sugar to the coffee. 3. _____ the hot water ____ ( 将 …… 倒入 ) the glass, please. cut up add Pour into Exercises 4. ___ the bananas _____ ( 将 …… 放进 ) the blender. 5. Don’t ____________ ( 忘记做 ) your homework. forget to do Put into 中考链接 It is getting dark. Why not_______ the lights? turn on B. take away C. pick up D. put away 天黑了。可知要开灯。 A 打开 捡起 带走 收拾 Write a passage about how to make banana milk. Useful words: First,… Next,… Then,… Finally,… Homework Section A 2a-2d To learn to describe a process and follow instructions. To learn countable and uncountable nouns. To learn new words: yogurt, honey, watermelon,spoon,add,finally,salt... Objectives How do I make a banana milk shake? Warming up blender knife glass spoon ice-cream bananas milk What do I need? peel the bananas. cut up the bananas . put the bananas and ice cream into the blender . First , And, Next , pour the milk into the blender . turn on the blender, a few minutes later , turn off the blender. drink the milk shake. Finally , Next , Then , After that , pour the milk shake into a glass. First, … Second, … Next, … Then, … After that, … A few minutes later, … Later on, … Finally, … Peel the bananas. Cut up the bananas. Put the bananas and ice cream into the blender. Pour the milk into the blender. Turn on the blender. Turn off the blender and drink it How do you make a banana milk shake? How much How many yogurt bananas Listen and complete the chart. honey watermelon apples oranges 2a apples watermelon honey oranges bananas yogurt one watermelon two three one cup Two spoons Listen again. Write the ingredients under the correct amount in the chart. apples yogurt and orange honey bananas 2b Translate the expressions into English. 两勺蜂蜜 一杯酸奶 一个橘子 三个香蕉 多少西瓜 多少酸奶 two spoons of honey a cup of yogurt an orange three bananas how many watermelons how much yogurt Ask and answer questions about how to make fruit salad. A: Let’s make fruit salad. B : OK, good idea. How much yogurt do we need? A: One cup. B : And how many apples do we need? A: Let me think… We need two apples. B : OK, and how much… 2c Anna: Sam, I want to make Russian soup for a party on Saturday. Can you tell me how? Sam: Sure. First, buy some beef, one cabbage, four carrots, three potatoes, five tomatoes and one onion. Then, cut up the vegetables. Anna: What’s next? Sam: Next , put the beef, carrots and potatoes into a pot and add some water. Role-play the conversation. 2d After that, cook them for 30 minutes. Then, add the cabbage, tomatoes and onion and cook for another 10 minutes. Anna: Ok, that’s it? Sam: No, one more thing. Finally , don’t forget to add some salt. Role-play the conversation. Tell your partner how to make Russian soup First, buy some beef, one cabbage, four carrots, three potatoes, five tomatoes and one onion. Then, cut up the vegetables. Next, put the beef, carrots and potatoes into a pot and add some water. After that, cook them for 30 minutes. Then, add the cabbage, tomatoes and onion and cook for another 10 minutes. Finally, don’t forget to add some salt. 1. How many bananas do we need? How many 是疑问词, “多少”,后面跟复数名词。 询问多少人或物的句型是: How many + 复数名词 + 一般疑问句。 如: How many boats can you see ? How many apples would you like ? How many books are there on the desk ? Language points 2. How much yogurt do we need? How much 是疑问词,“多少”,后面跟不可数名词。 询问多少人或物的句型是: How much + 不可数名词 + 一般疑问句。 如: How much bread can you see ? How much coffee would you like ? How much food are there on the desk ? 3. Turn on the blender . 打开搅拌器。 这是一个祈使句 , 又叫无主句 , 表示命令、请求等语气的句子叫做祈使句。其否定形式是在前面加上 don’t 构成。 如: Sit down, please. 请坐。 Please don’t sit down .请不要坐下。 Put it away, please. 请把它拿走。 Please don’t put it away .请不要把它拿走。 4. First cut up three bananas, three apples and a watermelon. Finally mix it all up . 以上两句话中的短语 cut up 和 mix up 都是由“动词 + 副词” 构成的。 “ 动词 + 副词 ”构成的短语,若其后所接宾语为名词, 名词可放在副词之后,也可放在动词和副词之间; 若其后所接宾语为代词,代词通常放在动词和副词之间, 即 “ 代词中间化 ” 。 如: Please mix up the fruits / mix the fruits up. 请将这些水果混合在一起。 We need two apples. Please cut them up . 我们需要两个苹果,请把它们切碎。 5.put…into… e.g. He put some sugar into the coffee. 词组: put away 把 … 放好 put down 放下 put up 举起 put on 穿上 — take off 脱掉 put off 拖延 1. Please ______( 剥 ) an orange for your grandma. 2. I want some ________( 蜂蜜 ) in my water. 3. My mother puts ______ ___________ ( 两勺 ) of honey in it. 4. How do you ________ ( 做 ) the fruit salad? peel honey two teaspoons make I. 完成句子。 Exercises finally then next first A: How do you make fruit salad? B: _______ cut up three bananas, three apples and a watermelon. _______ put the fruit in a bowl. _________ put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt. __________ mix it all up. First Next Then Finally II. 选择方框中的单词填空。 1. 两杯水 ________________________ 2. 打开 …… ___________________ 3. 剥香蕉 ____________________ 4. 把苹果切碎 _________________ 5. 三块蛋糕 ________________________________ III. 短语汉译英。 two cups / glasses of water turn on... peel a banana cut up the apple three cakes / three pieces of cakes IV. 翻译句子。 1 . 把牛奶倒入果汁机。 2. 我们需要几个香蕉? 3. 我们需要多少酸奶呢? Pour the milk into the blender. How many bananas do we need? How much yogurt do we need? 4. 我需要两勺糖。 I need two spoons of sugar . 5. 你能帮我把西瓜切成块吗? Could you please help me cut up the watermelon? To our surprise, the computer _______ won the chess game against the human player. A. certainly B. usually C. finally D. mostly 中考链接 C 当然 最终 通常 大部分 使用“ How much…;How many… ”句型造句。 掌握并运用本课时重点动词和动词短语“ turn on, peel, pour ”。 熟悉并运用本课时的量词表述方式,熟练 运 “ a cup of, three pieces of, two spoons of ” 表述日常生活中的例子。 Homework Section A Grammar Focus-3c To learn to describe a process by using connectives first, next, then and finally . To learn to make imperatives. Try to do things by ourselves,develop our independence. Objectives Let’s chant Peel, peel, peel the banana. Cut, cut, cut up the banana. Pour, pour, pour the milk. Turn, turn, turn on the blender . Salad show What salad do you like to make ? How do you make it? How do you make a banana milk shake ? Please recall… First, peel the banana. Next, put the bananas in the blender. Then, pour the milk into the blender. Finally, turn on the blender . Instructions for making fruit salad First , cut up three bananas, three apples and a watermelon. Next , put the fruit in a bowl. Then , put in two teaspoons of salad cream and a cup of yogurt. Finally , mix it all up. How do you make a banana milk shake? First, peel the bananas. Next, put the bananas in the blender. Then, pour the milk into the blender. Finally, turn on the blender. Countable nouns Uncountable nouns How many bananas do we need ? We need three bananas. How much yogurt do we need ? We need one cup of yogurt. Grammar focus 1. How many bananas do we need ? 我们需要多少香蕉? How many 是疑问词,表示“多少”,后面 需跟复数名词。 询问多少人或物的句型是: How many + 复数名词 + 一般疑问句? 如 : How many women can you see? 你 能看到多少位女士 ? How many classes are there in your school? 你们 学 校有多 少个教学班 ? How many chairs are there on the floor ? 地上 有多 少椅子 ? 2. How much 对不可数名词进行 提问,表示 “多少”,后面 跟不可数名词。如 : — How much milk do we want ? 我们 要多少牛奶 ? — We need one bottle of milk . 我们 需要一瓶牛奶。 How much butter does the cook want ? 厨师 想要多少黄油? How much money are there in the purple ? 紫色的有多少 钱? 注意 : money 是不可数名词。 3. 英语中量的表达方法分为三种类型: ① 表示 容器 的名词 + of a cup of tea, three bottles of milk ② 表示 单位的 名词 + of a piece of paper seven piles of rice ( 七堆米 ) ③ 其他词 + of some of the apples 4. 可数名词有单数和复数两种形式,如: bananas, tomatoes 不可数名词 没有单、复数形式; 可数名词单数 前面可用不定冠词 a (an) ; 不可数名词 前不能有 a (an) ; 可数名词复数 可用 a few, many 等修饰; 不可数名词 则用 a little, much 等修饰。 询问可数名词的“多少”用 how many 询问 不可数名词的“多少”用 how much 英语 中 个体名词 是可数 名词 , 它们 所表示的人或物 可以用数 来 计数 。如 : banana, apple, blender, watermelon … 物质 名词 一般是不可数 名词,它们 所表示的事物 不能用数 来 计数 。如 : milk, yogurt, honey… 1. How ( much /many) bananas do we need? 2. How (much / many) sugar do we need? 3. How ( much / many) bread do we need? 4. How ( much / many) tomatoes do we need? 5. How ( much /many) cheese do we need? Circle the correct word in each question . 3 a First , put the popcorn into the popcorn popper. Next turn on the popper . Complete the questions and answers. Then match them. 3b Next pour the popcorn into the bowl. Then put salt on the popcorn. Finally eat the popcorn. Half a cup. b.______ , put the corn into the popcorn machine. c. Yes, we can! d. Next, _____on the machine. ______, add the salt. e. Just one spoon. 1.______do you make popcorn? 2.___________corn do you need? 3.______ do we do next? 4.___________salt do we need? 5.Now can we eat it? How How much What How much First turn Finally b a d e c Can you make noodles with beef and tomatoes ? First, Next, Then, Finally, cut up the tomatoes and beef. boil the noodles. add the ingredients to the noodles. add salt to the noodles. Group work Write how to do one of the following things. Then tell your partner how to do it. plant a tree make beef noodles wash clothes get a book from the library 3 c 祈 使句的用法 本单元的语法重点是祈使句的使用。 祈使句用来表示 请求、命令 等, 没有 主语 ,动词用原形 。 否定的祈使句要在动 词前 加 don’t 构成 。例如: Peel the apple, please. 请 削掉苹果皮。 Don’t wake me up tomorrow morning. 明 天早上不要吵醒我。 2. 有时候吩咐别人做的某件事要 分步骤 来完成,并且有一个先后顺序,这时候可以适当地使用 first, next, then 和 finally ,既能使说话人喘口气,又能使听话者感到句子的连贯性。 First ... (首 先 …… ) , next ... (接下 来 …… ), then ... (然 后 …… ) , finally ... (最 后 …… ) . 1 、用祈使句表达说话者的要求 : 2 、用 “ first, next, then … ”等 来表达顺序 : Peel the bananas. Pour the milk in the blender. First, cut up the bananas; then … ; next … ; last … 3 、 用 “how many,how much” 对名词数量提问 How much milk do we want ? How many chairs are there on the floor ? Summary 1. —_______ _______ bananas do you buy? —Three kilos. 2. — _______ _______ bread do we need? — Three pieces. 3. _______ _______ (not play) computer games , Jack! How many How much Don’t play I. 填空。 Exercises 4. There is an orange on the table. ( 划线提问 ) _______ _______ oranges are there on the table? 5. _______ _______ tomato sauce is there in the bottle ? A little. How many How much II. 根据画线部分提问。 A. There are two pieces of bread in a sandwich . B. There are two pieces of bread in a sandwich. How many pieces of bread are there in a sandwich? How much bread is there in a sandwich? Ⅲ. 翻译句子。 1. 怎么做水果沙拉? 2. 然后放进去两匙蜂蜜和一杯酸奶。 How do you make fruit salad? Then put in two spoons of honey and a cup of yogurt. 3. 请往菜里加上些盐。 Please add some salt to the vegetables. 4. 你需要多少酸奶? How much yogurt do you need ? 5. 多吃水果对身体有帮助。 Eating much fruit is good for your health . Make sentences with how many and how much . 2. T ry to describe a process by using connectives first, next, then and finally . Homework Section B 1a-1e To learn to describe a process and follow instructions. To learn countable and uncountable nouns. To learn new words: sandwich, butter, piece,... Objectives Review: Use many or much to fill in the blanks: 1. A: How _____ watermelon do we need? B: We need four pieces of watermelon. 2. A: How _____ watermelons do we need? B: We need four. 3. A: How _____ oranges do you need? B: Two . 4. A: How _____ orange do you need? (小心) B: Two cups. 5. A: How _____ are the shoes ? B: Ten yuan . much much much many many Let’s study how to make a cheese sandwich. pieces of bread tomato onion butter lettuce ingredients cheese First First , put the butter on a piece of bread. How do you make a cheese sandwich? First Next , cut up one tomato . Put the tomato on the sandwich. Then, cut up an onion . How do you make a cheese sandwich? Next How do you make a cheese sandwich? Next , put some cheese on the sandwich. Then Then , put some lettuces on the cheese. How do you make a cheese sandwich? Finally Finally , put another piece of bread on the top. How do you make a cheese sandwich? Group work First … Next … Next … Then … Finally … turkey sandwiches egg and beef sandwiches ham sandwiches Tomato sandwiches Design: a recipe for your favorite sandwich. Make a list of the things you like in a sandwich. I like ____________________________________ tomatoes and lettuce, but I don’t like butter or onion. 1a Ask and answer questions with a partner.Find out what he/she likes in a sandwich. A: Do you like lettuce in sandwiches? B : Yes, I do. A: Do you like tomatoes? B : No, I don’t. 1b Look at the picture in 1a.Listen and circle the words you hear. 1c Listen again and write the ingredients in the order you hear them. First Next Then Finally butter a piece of bread tomato onion cheese lettuce another piece of bread 1d Tell your partner how to make your favorite sandwich. A: First, put some butter on a piece of bread. B: How much butter? A: About one spoon. 1e Report Now,let me tell you how to make a cheese sandwich.First,put one spoon of butter on _________________.Next,____________one tomato and an onion.Put them on the bread with some cheese.Then,put some _________on it.Finally,put_____________________on the top. a piece of bread cut up lettuce another piece of bread 1. Put some butter on a piece of bread. a piece of 一片 、一份、一张、一条 ... 如 : a piece of meat/paper/news... How many pieces of roast beef would you like? 请问 你要几片烤牛肉 ? There are several pieces of bread . 有 几片面包。 Language points 2. Add these to the sandwich. add 做动词为“加”的意思。在本句中的结构是 : add sth. to sth. 将 …… 加在 …… 里。 Will you add more sugar to your coffee? 你的咖啡要多加些糖吗? Please add my name to the list. 请在名单上加上我的名字。 add 也可与 to 合用 : add to … 增加的意思。 如 : The news added to his anxiety. 这个消息增添了他的忧虑。 First _____ the butter on the two slice of bread . ______ cut up one ________. Put the tomato on the bread . Next, add two slice of ________. _________ put two teaspoons of ________ on the turkey . put Then tomato turkey Finally relish turkey finally relish tomato then put I. 选词填空。 Exercises II. 翻译句子。 1. — 首先,把一些黄油放到一片面包上。 — 多少黄油呢? — 大约一匙 。 — First, put some butter on a piece of bread. — How much butter? — About one spoon. 2. 谢谢你给我制作三明治。 Thank you for making the delicious sandwich for me. 3. 请把牛奶倒入果汁机。 Pour milk into the blender, please. 4. 如果你把 3 和 5 相加,会得到 8 。 If you add 3 to 5, you’ll get 8. 5. 在做沙拉之前,检查一下所有的原料。 Before you make the salad, check you have all the ingredients. Write a recipe for your parents’ favourite food. Homework Section B 2a-2e To learn to make traditional food on special holidays. To learn new words: traditional, celebrate,mix, pepper,fill,plate, cover... To learn to make Chinese food,to love our traditional cuture. Objectives What kind of traditional food do people eat on special holidays in China? dumplings moon cakes zong zi laba porridge yuan xiao 2 a How do you make a turkey sandwich? Put some butter on a slice of bread. First Cut up one tomato. Put the tomato on the bread. Next Cut up an onion. Next Add two slices of turkey. Next Put two teaspoons of relish on the turkey. Then Finally 1. traditional adj. 传统的;惯例的→ tradition n. e.g. Dumplings are traditional Chinese food. 饺子是传统的中国食物。 2. autumn n. 秋天;秋季 =fall e.g. Leaves turn yellow in autumn . 秋天到,树叶变黄了。 e.g. How do you celebrate Spring Festival ? 你们怎样庆祝春节? 2. celebrate v. 庆祝;庆祝→ celebration n. 3. mix v. 混合;融合 e.g. Mix the sugar with flour. 把糖和面粉搅和在一起。 5. temperature n. 温度;气温;体温 e.g. The temperature is very low today. 今天气温很低。 e.g. Mr. Brown serves us with a bottle of wine. 4. serve v. 接待;服务;提供 名词: service 服务 Thanksgiving in North America In most countries, people usually eat traditional food on special holidays. A special day in North America is Thanksgiving. In the United States, this festival is always on the fouth Thursday in November, but in Canada it falls on the second Monday in October. Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for food in the autumn and Read the article and number the pictures. 2b other good things people enjoy in life. Families see Thanksgiving as a time to get together and usually celebrate it with a big family meal. The main dish of this meal is almost always turkey, a large bird. To go with the turkey, people often prepare other things, such as gravy, cornbread, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin or apple pie. Making a turkey dinner Here is one way to make turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner. First , mix together some bread pieces, onions, salt and pepper. Next , fill the turkey with this bread mix. fill…with… 装满;充满 Then , put the turkey in a hot oven and cook it for a few hours. When it is ready, place the turkey on a large plate and cover it with gravy. Finally , cut the turkey into thin pieces and eat the meat with vegetables like carrots and potatoes. cover…with… 覆盖 Then number the pictures 3 2 4 1 5 Read the article again and answer the following questions. 1. Where do people celebrate Thanksgiving? 2. When do people celebrate it? 3. Why is Thanksgiving important? In the North America. On the fourth Thursday in November. They give thanks for food in autumn and other good things people enjoy in life. 2c 4. How do people celebrate it ? 5. What is the main dish of the Thanksgiving meal? By having a big family meal. Turkey, gravy, cornbread, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin or apple pie. Here are the instructions for making a turkey dinner written in a different way. Put them in order. Write First, Next, Then and Finally. _______, serve it to your friends with some other food. _______, put this into the bird. _______, cook it at a very high temperature for a long time. _______, put everything you need together in a large bowl. Finally Next Then First 2d Read the passage again,finish the following tasks. 1 判断正误, 2 补全句子, 3. 写出能替换 place the turkey on a large plate... 中 “place” 的词 4 英译汉 1. Thanksgiving in North America is on the fouth Thursday in November .(T/F) 2. Thanksgiving is a time to ________________________________________ and other good things people enjoy in life. ❀ to give thanks for food in the autumn 3 ._____________ put 4. Next, fill the turkey with this bread mix. ________________________________________ 接下来,把这些面包的混合物放进火鸡里。 1. In most countries, people usually eat traditional food on special holidays . 在大多数国家,人们通常在特殊的节日里吃传统食物。 此处的 holiday 表示“节日”,而非“假期”的意思,指国家法定的公众性“节日;假日”如: Christmas is the most important holiday in Western countries. 圣诞节是西方最为重要的节日。 Language points 圣诞节是西方最为重要的节日。 holiday 也有“假期”之意,在英国比较多用,美国则用“ vacation ”如 Will you take a holiday next week? =Will you take a vacation next week? 下周要休假吗? The school holidays( 美 vacation) start tomorrow. 学校明天开始放假。 2. Next, fill the turkey with this bread mix. fill A with B “ 用 A 装满 B” eg. He filled the hole with sand. A be filled with B “A 被 B 装满 ”= A be full of B eg.The bottle is filled with water. = The bottle is full of water. Ex.The room ___________with people. A.is full B. is fill C.is filled D.filled C 3.When it is ready, place the turkey on a large plate and cover it with gravy. cover A with B “ 用 B 盖住 A” →A be covered with B “A 被 B 覆盖 ” eg. Please cover the table with a cloth. The table is covered with a cloth. Ex. The playground _________ snow. A. is cover with B. is covered with C. cover with D. covered with B 1. When is this special day? 2. What are the reasons for this special day? Do people give thanks for anything on this day? Do people remember anything or anyone on this day? What do you think is the most special day in China? Answer the following questions. 2e 3. How do most people celebrate this day? 4. Is there any traditional food? What are the main dishes? 5. Can you make these dishes? 1. It’s Dragon Boat Day. 4. Yes, there is. The main dishes are zongzi. 2. In order to remember the famous poet Qu Yuan. 3. People eat zongzi and have boat races. 5. Yes, I can. Model Writing practice Write down how to make one of the traditional dishes using “ first,next,then,finally...”. I. 单项选择。 1. It’s getting dark. Can you ______ the light? A. turn off B. turn on C. turn over 2. — ________ yogurt do you need? — One teaspoon. A. How many B. How much C. Which B B Exercises 3. The baby can eat ____ bread for breakfast. A. two B. many of C. two slices of 4. I have _______ bananas in the fridge. A. a lot B. many C. much 5. Would you like ____ relish on the bread? A. many B. any C. some C B C 1. Read the passage after class. 2. 选择一个你熟悉的传统食物 , 用英语描述一 下它的制作过程 。 Homework Section B 3a-Self Check Revision Thanksgiving is a s_____ holiday in the U.S.A. It always on the f_____ Thursday in November. There are many r______ for this special day. For some people, it is a time to give thanks for food in the a______. These days most Americans still have a big meal at home to c_______ it. The main dish of this Fill in the blanks with the right words. pecial ourth easons utumn elebrate meal is almost always t_____. How to make a turkey dinner? First, m__ together some bread pieces, onions, salt and pepper. F__ the turkey with this bread mix. Next, put the turkey in a hot oven and c____ it for a few hours. Then, place the turkey on a large plate and c____ it with gravy. F_____, serve it to your friends with some other food. urkey ix ill ook over inally Jiaozi, Spring Festival What kind of traditional food do people eat on special holidays in China? Lead-in Yuanxiao, the Chinese Lantern Festival Zongzi, the Dragon Boat Festival Mooncake, the Mid-autumn Festival Laba rice porridge/Laba garlic ( 腊八蒜 ), Laba Festival Do you know the traditional food in your city? Can you list some of them? Yunnan Rice Noodles dumplings Beijing Duck mapo tofu Read the recipe below and fill in the blanks with the words in the box. cook next wash finally have enjoy first cut Yunnan Rice Noodles In Yunnan, many people eat rice noodles for breakfast, and even for lunch and dinner. To make this special food, you need to _________ rice noodles, chicken soup, chicken, lettuce and eggs. (Of course, you can also have other things like fish and different vegetables .)_________, _________ the lettuce and cut it up. ________, ________the chicken into pieces. have First wash Next cut 3a Then, make the chicken soup very hot, over 100 ℃ . Then ,_______ the eggs, meat and lettuce in the pot of hot soup, one by one.________, put the rice noodles into the soup. Now, it’s time to ________ the rice noodles ! Finally enjoy cook Think of a favorite food in your hometown. Make a list of ingredients. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3b Write a recipe for your favorite food. Use 3a and 3b to help you. 3c I like ___________ Group work First …. Next… Next… Then … Finally… First ____ butter on two pieces of bread. ______ cut up one ________. Put the tomato on the bread. Next, add two pieces of ______. _______ put two teaspoons of ______ on the turkey. turkey finally relish tomato then put Here’s a recipe for a great turkey sandwich! put Then tomato turkey Finally relish Example Make up a crazy recipe with your partner. Then tell another pair of students how to make this crazy food. The other pair will draw it. First , put some yogurt on a piece of bread. Then , cut up one apple and an onion and put them on yogurt … 4 How many apples/oranges/bananas … do you need? I need three apples/oranges/bananas... How much yogurt/water … do you need? I need one teaspoon/cup of it. How many / How much Summary 1. How many + 可数名词复数形式 +… ? eg. How many students are there in our class? There are sixty one./ sixty one. 2. How much + 不可数名词 + … ? eg. How much water do you drink every day? I drink five glasses ./ Five glasses . ( 注:回答不可数名词量多少时,数词后一定要有容器量词 ) eg. a cup of tea two glasses of water three pieces of paper four teaspoons of cinnamon A: How many bananas are there in the picture? B: There are three ./Three. A: How much milk are there in the picture ? B: There are two cups ./Two cups . Practice: A: How many watermelons do you eat every day? B: I eat four./Four. A: How much honey do you drink every day? B: I drink four teaspoons ./ Four teaspoons . 1 Number these instructions for making tomato and eggs soup in the correct order. Then complete the instructions with the words in the box. First Next Then Finally ________, mix everything together and serve it. _______, cook for five minutes and add two eggs. _______, cut up three tomatoes and put them into a pot. _______, add some water, sugar and salt. 4 3 1 2 Finally Then First Next First Next Then Finally Q: ____________________________________ (how many / eggs / we / need / make /cake) A: ____________________________________ (two) Q: ____________________________________ ( how much / milk / we / need) 2 Write questions and answers using the words in brackets. How many eggs do we need to make a cake? We need two. How much milk do we need? A: ____________________________________ (three cups) Q: ____________________________________ (have to / add / sugar or honey) A: ____________________________________ (can / add / two spoons) We need three cups of milk. Do we have to add sugar or honey? Yes ,we can add two spoons of honey. finally then next first A: How do you make fruit salad? B : _____, cut up three bananas ,three apples and a watermelon. ______, put the fruit in a bowl. _____, put in two teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt. ______, mix it all up. First Next Then Finally I. 选词填空。 put turn on cut up pour mix up 1. I need some help. Can you _______ the tomatoes , please ? 2. Next you need to _______ the ingredients into a blender. 3. Then _______ hot water into the blender . cut up put pour Exercises 4. Add some honey and ________ the ingredients . 5. __________ the blender for about two minutes. mix up Turn on 1. ___________ hours are there in a day ? 2. — ____________ is the shirt? — $ 30. 3. ____________ pens do you have ? 4. ____________ butter do you need? How many How much How many How much II. 用 how much 或 how many 填空。 III. 将下列名词归类。 yogurt, teaspoon, watermelon, popcorn, bread , banana , hamburger, strawberry, tomato , carrot, water 1 . countable nouns _________________________________ _________________________________ 2 . uncountable nouns _________________________________ yogurt watermelon popcorn bread banana hamburger strawberry tomato carrot water 1. How does he  ______ milk shake? A. make B. made      C. makes D. do 2. _______ milk do you need? A. How many  B. How much  C. How often   D. How long  3. Turn on the blender _____ about  two  minutes. A. in      B. at     C. for       D. to A B C IV. 单项选择。 4. Please ___the blender. Let’s taste it.   A. turn on   B. turn off  C. turn up   D. turn down 5. Then ____ peppers and ____on the cheese. A. cut up: put them B . cut up; put it          C. cut in; put them    D . cuts up; put it 6. Pour water ____ the blender. A. of        B. into      C. on       D. up B A B 7. How ____ bread do we need?   A. many B. long      C. often D. much  8.There are ___ and a cup of yogurt.   A . two teaspoons of honey B. a teaspoon of honey C. two teaspoon of honey D . a teaspoons of honey D A 1. I need some help. ( 否定句 ) I _____ ______ _____ help. 2.We need  two  teaspoons of honey . ( 画 线 提问 ) _____ ______ teaspoons of honey _____ we need? 3. Put the pizza on the table. ( 否定句 ) ______ ______ the pizza on the table. How many do Don’t put don’t need any V. 句型转换。 4. There is  only a little  water in the bottle. ( 画 线 部分提问 ) _____ _____ water ___ _____ in the  bottle ? 5. There are some sandwiches on  the  plate. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) _____ _____ ____ sandwiches on  the plate? Are there any How much is there VI. 在空白处填上恰当的单 词。 A: Do you like ______ salad ? B: Yes, I like fruit salad very much. A: Let’s ______ some now. B: OK. How many ______ do we need? A: Let me see. We ______ two apples. B: And how many ________ do we need? A: Three. fruit make apples need bananas B: OK. How many ___________ do we need? A: Only one. B: How ______ ________ do we need? A: One cup. B: Here are two apples, three bananas, one watermelon and one cup of yogurt. And here is a bowl. It’s ready now. Let’s begin to make it. yogurt much watermelons What is the correct way to eat Beijing Duck? Look at the pictures for ideas and then write down the instructions. Homework 以下菜名可供老师们在探究活动中参考,根据学生的基础可选用一部分来扩大学生的词汇量。 Chinese Food smoked fish ( 熏鱼 ) crisp chicken ( 香酥鸡 ) Beijing roast duck ( 北京烤鸭 ) sweet and sour fish ( 糖醋鱼 ) steamed fish ( 清蒸鱼 ) instant boiled mutton ( 涮羊肉 ) pork steamed with rice flour ( 米粉肉 ) home-style bean-curd ( 家常豆腐 ) Chinese cabbage with dried shrimps ( 海米白菜 ) braised bamboo shots and mushrooms ( 烧两冬 ) stir-fried green beans ( 干煸四季豆 ) bean-curd soup ( 豆腐汤 ) meatball soup ( 汆丸子 )       Western Food pork / lamp chop ( 猪 / 羊排骨 ) beef steak ( 牛排 ) roast beef ( 烤牛肉 ) fried fish ( 煎鱼 ) pickled cucumber ( 酸黄瓜 ) sardine ( 沙丁鱼 ) ham salad ( 火腿色拉 ) vegetable salad ( 蔬菜色拉 ) pudding ( 布丁 ) sandwiches ( 三明治 ) hamburger ( 汉堡 ) apple pie ( 苹果派 ) cream cake ( 奶油蛋糕 ) fruit jelly ( 果冻 ) Encourage students to write the instructions. Here is an example: Instant boiled mutton   First, cut the mutton into pieces. Then put them into boiling water. Take them out within half a minute. The cooked (ready) pieces of mutton are dipped into condiments to eat with cabbage and noodles made from bean starch. 1. 500g flour, 200g sugar, 200g cream, 200g mixed fruit, 500 克面粉 , 200 克砂糖 , 200 克奶油 , 200 克什锦水果。 2. 2 cups of milk, 3 eggs, 200g orange juice, 2 teaspoons of baking soda 两杯牛奶, 3 个鸡蛋, 200 克橙汁,两 茶匙苏打粉 Task: A Christmas cake INGREDIENTS : 首先将鸡蛋打散 , 与面粉、奶油和砂糖 混合 在一起搅匀。然后倒入什锦水果、牛奶 、橙汁 和苏打粉 , 将它们揉成一个面团 。 First , beat the eggs . And mix the flour, cream and sugar up. Then , put the fruit, milk, orange juice and baking soda into it. Next , mix it well into a dough . Instruction: 烹饪方法 之后将面团放入烤炉烘制一个小时。这样圣诞蛋糕就做好了 。 After that , put the dough in the oven and bake for one hour . At last , the Christmas cake is done ! unit 9 人教版八年级英语上册单元全套课件 Can you come to my party? Section A 1a-1c To learn to use the following structures about invitations. —Can you come to my party on…? —Sure , I’d love to ./ Sorry , I can’t. I have to/must … To learn to use the modal verb can for invitations and have to for giving reasons. Objectives make invitations decline invitations accept invitations talk about obligations Language Goals I helped my parents with housework. What did you do last weekend? Free talk prepare for an exam meet my friends What did you do lastweekend? go to the doctor have the flu go to a birthday party buy some gifts Can you come to my party? — Sure, I’d love to. — I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to… Match the phrases with the pictures. 1a Listen and write the names (Tim, Kay, Anna and Wilson) next to the correct students in the picture. Tim Anna Kay Wilson 1b Listen again and fill in the blanks. Sun Ning is going to hold a party on Saturday afternoon.She invites some of her friends to come. But Ted can't come because he has to_______________. Tim can't come because he has to__________________. Wilson can't come because he must_________________. Anna can't come because she might have to _______________.Kay can't ,either. Because he ______________. What a small party! help his parents prepare for an exam go to the doctor meet her friends has the flu A: Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon? B: Sure, I’d love to . C: Sorry, I can’t. I have to prepare for an exam. D: I’m sorry, too. I must go to the doctor. You are the students in the picture. Student A, invite three students to your party. Student B, C and D, give answers. 1c Can you come to my party ? Can you come to my party ? Sure, I’d love to . Can you come to my party ? Sorry, I can’t . I have a piano lesson. Can you… Work in pairs Can you come to my party ? Sure , I’d love to. Can you… Can you come to my party ? Sorry, I can’t. I have to go to the doctor. Can you… A:Can you come to my party? B:I’m sorry. I have to help my mom. A: Can you play tennis ? B: Sure,I’d love to. A: Can you come to my party? B: Sure,I’d love to. A:Can you go to the mall? B:I’m sorry. I’m going to the movies. I have a piano lesson. Why can’t you come to the party? Why can’t he come to the party? He has to play football. She has to visit her grandparents. Why can’t she come to the party? Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon? Sure, I’d love to. Sorry, I can’t. I have to prepare for an exam. I’m sorry, too. I must go to the doctor. How to make an invitation Can you come to my birthday? Could you come to my school? Have a summary How to accept an invitation Yes, I’d love/like to. Certainly, I’d love/like to. Sure, I’d love/like to. Thanks for your invitation. Thanks for asking me. How to decline an invitation I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to… I’d love to, but I have to… Sorry, I can’t. I’m going to the movies . Thanks for your invitation. Thank you for asking me. 短语翻译。 1. 复习备考 ______________ 2. 帮助我的父母干家务 ___________________ __________ 3. 去看医生 ________________ 4. 见我朋友 _______________ 5. 太多作业 _______________________ 6. 谢谢你的邀请 ________________________ study for a test help my parents do housework go to the doctor meet my friend too much homework thanks for your invitation Summary 1. invite v. 邀请 invite sb. to sth. e.g. Lucy invites me to her party. The Smiths invite us to dinner. invitation n. 邀请,邀请书 e.g. make an invitation accept an invitation decline an invitation thanks for your invitation!→ thanks for inviting me. Language points 2. I have an exam on Monday so I must prepare for it. 周一有考试,所以我必须为其做准备。 prepare 用作及物动词时 1). prepare sth. 表示“准备 …… ” 后接 名词或代词 作宾语。 e.g. : Our English teacher was preparing the lessons now. 我们的英语老师在备课 .  当宾语是食物之类的东西时,可译为 “制;做” e.g. Mother was preparing dinner in the kitchen now. 妈妈正在厨房做饭。    2). prepare sb. sth. 表示“给 …… 准备 …… ” , 也可转换为 prepare sth. for sb .   e.g. She prepared us a nice breakfast. = She prepared a nice breakfast for us.   她给我们准备了可口的早餐。 3). prepare to do sth. 表示“准备做 ……” , 例如: They were preparing to cross the river when it began to rain. 他们正准备过河,突然下雨了。 I. 填空。 1. —_______ you come to my party? —_______, I’d love to. 2. — _______ you go to the movies? — I’m sorry, I _______. 3. — _______ you go to the basketball game? — No, I ______. I’m playing soccer. Can Yes Can can’t Can can’t Exercises 4. — ______ you go to the concert? — Great! I’d ______ _____. 5. — _______ you go to the mall this week? — Sorry, I _______. Can love to Can can’t II. 单项选择。 1. He ___ stay at home, because his mother was ill. A. has to B. have to C. had D. had to 2. I went to the mountain _____. A. next week B. the day after tomorrow C. yesterday D. tomorrow D C 4. ___ __ Friday morning, I like to go to the movie ___ ___ friends. A. In, on B . On, with C. On, and D. At, with 5. Would you please _ ___ me _ ___ the housework? A. help , in B. to help, with C . help, doing D . help, do B D —Would you like to go fishing with me tomorrow? —________. It’s my favourite. A. Of course not B. That’s right C. Sure, I’d love to D. I’m afraid I can’t 中考链接 “这是我最喜欢的。”可知很乐意去。 C Make an invitation card for your friend. 2. Write a conversation about invitation. Homework Section A 2a-2d To learn to use the following structures about invitations. —Can you come to my party on…? —Sure , I’d love to ./ Sorry , I can’t. I have to/must … To learn to use the modal verb can for invitations and have to for giving reasons. Objectives I can, you can, everybody can. Sing, dance, jump and run. He can, she can, everybody can. Come, go, sit and stand. You can, they can, everybody can. Cook, clean, wash our pants. We can, you can, everybody can. Play, laugh and have a lot of fun. Chant Can you come to my party ? Sure, I’d love to. Can you help with the party now ? Of course. I’m free now. Can you hang out with me and buy some snacks ? Yes, It’s my favorite. Listen and circle can or can’t. 1. Jeff can/ can’t go to the party. 2. Mary can/ can’t go to the party. 3. May can/ can’t go to the party. 4. Mei Ling can/ can’t go to the party. 5. Paul can/ can’t go to the party. 2 a Listen again. Who can’t go to the party? Why? Complete the chart. 2 b names reasons Jeff Jeff might have to meet hisfriend on Saturday. May May has the flu. She must study for a math test. Mei Ling Check the answers Report it like this: Jeff can't come to the party because... Can you come to my party this Sunday ? Sorry, I can’t. Why can’t you come to my party ? I have to go to the dancing class. Can you come to my house now ? I have some sweets. I’d love to , but....er, ... Why can’t you come to my house ? ....er, but I have to go to the dentist. 1. too much homework 2. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Look at the reasons in the chart in 2b. Write some more. Then, Student A, invite your partner to do something. Student B, say you can’t go and why. have to take part in the football match have to look after his little sister have to visit his grandparents 2 c Hey, Amy. Can you go to the movies on Saturday? I’m sorry, I’m not available. I have too much homework this weekend. That’s too bad. Maybe another time. Sure, Dave. Thanks for asking. Hey, Joe. Can you go to the movies on Saturday? I’m sorry, I’m not available. I have to take part in the concert. That’s too bad. Maybe another time. Sure, Tommy. Thanks for asking. Role-play the conversation. Jeff: Hey, Nick, can you come to my house on Saturday? My cousin Sam from Xi’an is going to be here. Nick: Oh, Sam! I remember we went bike riding together last fall when he visited you. Jeff: Yes, that’s right. 2 d Nick: I’d love to come , but I’m afraid I can’t. I have an exam on Monday so I must prepare for it. Jeff: That’s really too bad! Oh, but Sam isn’t leaving until next Wednesday. Can you hang out with us on Monday night? Nick: Sure! Catch you on Monday ! Answer the questions 1.Why can't Nick go to Jeff's house on Saturday? Because he must prepare for an exam. 2.When is Sam leaving? Next Wednesday. 3.What are they going to do on Monday night? They are going to hang out together. Work in pairs. Jeff: Hey, Nick, .... Nick: Oh, Sam, Jeff: Yes, ... Nick: I'd.... 1. I’m sorry. I’m not available . 此句中的 available 表示“有空;不忙;有时间交谈 ,聊 天 ”,其后还可用 to do 引出 具体的事情。例如: ► Are you available tomorrow morning? 明天早上 你有空吗? ► I’m afraid I’m not available to help with the school show on the 19th. 我 怕是没空来帮着准备学校 19 号演出了。 Language points 2. Sam isn’t leaving until next Wednesday. 在 英语中, not … until … 是一个常见句型 ,表示 “ 直到 …… 才 ……” 。在口语中,还可使用 till 代替 until , 构成 not … until… 结构。 ► Don’t leave today’s work till tomorrow . 不要 把今天的事留到明天去做。 ► I didn’t go to bed last night until past midnight . 昨晚 我过了午夜 12 点才睡。 3. Can you hang out with us on Monday night? hang out with sb 与某人闲逛;和某人闲荡; 和某人闲逛;和某人一起闲混 相关搭配: hang out with 与 …… 出去玩 e.g. hang out with friends 和朋友闲混;和朋友闲逛 4. Catch you on Monday! 礼拜一见! 这是英语中道别的又一种说法,相当于 See you on Monday! 类似的说法还有: Catch / See you later! ( 回头见! ) 5. Thanks for asking. 谢谢邀请。 表示感谢的几种方式: ( 1 ) thank you. 谢谢你。 ( 2 ) thanks a lot . 多谢。 ( 3 ) thank you for your help . 谢谢你的帮助。 ( 4 ) thank you for helping me. 谢谢你的帮助。 6. That’s too bad. Maybe another time . 太糟了,也许换个时间吧。 Maybe another time. 相当于 Maybe next time . 意 为:也许下一次吧 another 表示三者或三者以上的 “另一” e.g. Can you give me another book? 你能再给我一本书吗? 单词 available /another time/ until / hang /hang out/ catch 短语 have too much homework/ come to my home/ last fall go bike riding/ have an exam/ hang out with my friends 句子 Can you come to my party ? Sorry , I can’t. Why can’t you come to my party ? I have to go to the doctor . Summary 1. I have ________homework to do. A. too many B. too much C. much too D. a few 2. Joe ______go to the doctor. His leg is broken. A. have to B. can C. has to D. may 3 . I have to ______for the math test. A. study B. studying C. learning D. studied B C A I. 选择题。 Exercises 1.— 星期五你能来参加我的聚会吗? — 对不起,我不能去。我有钢琴课。 — Can you come to my party on Friday? — Sorry, I can’t. I have a piano lesson. II. 翻译句子。 2.— 你星期日能去看电影吗? — 对不起,我不能去。这周末我有太多作业。 — Can you go to the movies on Sunday? — Sorry, I can’t. I have too much homework this weekend. 3. 真遗憾,我没有空。 4. 安不能来我的聚会。 5. 直到 11 点他才写完作业。 I’m sorry. I’m not available. Ann can’t come to my party. He didn’t finish his homework until 11 o’clock. 中考链接 Without umbrellas, the tourists didn’t leave the hotel ________ the heavy rain stopped. A. if             B. because                 C. until            D. whenever 句意“没有伞,游客们直到大雨停歇才离开宾馆。” C 因为 无论何时 如果 直到 假设你将于这个周末过生日,并开一个生日聚会,你邀请朋友们参加你的聚会,但有几名同学因故不能来,请你将与他们的对话用英语写出来。 Homework Section A Grammar Focus-3c To learn to use “ Can you/he/they…? ” to make invitations. To use the following structure to talk about obligations: I might have to/must… To learn how to communicate with others politely. Objectives Hey, Anna, can you come to my birthday party on Saturday? … Oh, Sam! I remember we went bike riding last fall when … Review Can you play chess with me tomorrow afternoon? Sure. I’d love to. I’m afraid not. I have the flu. Can Lily take a walk with us? No, she can’t. She must prepare for the exam. Can you come to my party on Saturday? Sure, I’d love to ./ Sorry, I must study for a math test. Can you go to the movies tomorrow night? Sure. That sounds great. I’m afraid not. I have the flu. Can he go to the party? No, he can’t. He has to help his parents. Can she go to the baseball game? No. she’s not available. She must go to the doctor. Can they go to the movies? No, they’re not free. They might have to meet their friends. Grammar Focus Make two conversations using “Can....?” 1.--Can you...? --......( 接受) 2.--Can you...? --......( 拒绝) 情态动词主要有: may/might, can/could, must, have to, shall/should, will/would, ought to, need, dare, used to 现在我们来着重学习情态动词 can 以及 have to 的用法。 其特征主要有: 情态动词 can 的基本用法 情态动词 can 有一定的 词义,但 不能独立 存在,它 必须与动词原形一起构成谓语。情态动词 can 没有人称和数的变化。其具体用法如下 : 表示“ 能、会 ”指脑力 或体力方面的“ 能力 ”。如 : ► I can speak Japanese. 我会讲日语 。 ► Frank can swim but I can’t. 佛兰克会游泳 , 但我不会。 2. 表示“ 可能 ”,常用于否定句或疑问句中,指某种可能性。例如: ► My cousin can’t be in this city. He is in Korea now. 我堂兄不可能在这个城市里。他在韩国呢。 ► Can he come to our club today, please? 请问 他今天能来我们俱乐部吗? 3. 表示“ 可以 ”,常用于口语中,指许可或请求做某 事 ► Can I ask you a question ? 我 可以问你一个问题吗 ? ► You can bring something to eat. 你可以带些吃的。 can 为情态动词 , 在本单元中表示 请求 , 用于发出邀请,后跟 动词原形 。当同意接受对方的邀请时,常用 Sure, I’d love to. / Certainly. /Of course. 等来回答;若不接受 , 常用 Sorry 等来有礼貌地拒绝 , 一般情况下需要说明不能接受邀请的原 因以表示歉意。 ► —Can you come to my birthday party tomorrow ? 明天你来参加我的生日聚会,好吗? —Sorry, I can’t. I am going to visit my grandpa. 很抱歉,我来不了,我要去看我爷爷。 can/may ( 1 ) 都可表示 “许可” 。 may 用于较正式场合, can 比较口语化。 You may/can smoke here. ► Borrowers may not take out of the library more than two books at a time. ► The policeman says you can’t park here. (2) May/Can I/we…? 表示征询对方许可。 Can you…? 表请求。 ① — May I use your phone? — Yes, you may ./Yes, please. /No, you may not . /No, you mustn ’ t . /No, you ’ d better not. / I ’ m afraid not. /I ’ m sorry. I ’ d rather you didn ’ t . ② — Can I go out and play, Mum? —Yes/Certainly, you can . /No, you can ’ t . ③ — Can you help me with this bag? — With pleasure./Sorry, I can ’ t . (3) 都可表示“可能性” Mr. Reed looks pale. He may be ill. Mr . Read is in poor health. He can be ill at any time. This news may be true . (=might/could) Wang Wei can be really stubborn . Mr. Reed looks pale. He may be ill. Mr. Read is in poor health. He can be ill at any time. This news may be true. (=might/could) Wang Wei can be really stubborn. (4) can 还可表示 “能力”、“能够” —You can swim, can’t you? —No, I can’t . I can’t promise anything, but I’ll do what I can . Tickets can be bought from the Tourist Information Center. have to 的用法 1. have (has) to + 动词原形   have (has) to 后面要用动词原形。当主语为第三人称单数时用 has to ,当句子是过去时用 had to 。 ► We have to go home now. 我们 不得不现在就回家。 ► He has to work on Sunday. 他 不得不在周日工作。 ► I had to do much housework last Sunday.  上周日 我不得不做很多作业。 2. have to 的 否定句 句型 : 主语 + don’t/didn’t/doesn’t won’t + have to + 动词原形 ► You don’t have to walk so fast. 你 不必走那么快。 ► He will not have to buy a new coat next year. 明年 他没必要买新外衣了。 3. have to 的 疑问句 句型 : Do/Does/Did/Will + 主语 + have to + 动词原形 Did he have to ask the question? 他 非要问那个问题吗? Yes , he did. 是的。 No , he didn’t (have to). 不。 不能独立作谓语,只能和动词原形一起构成谓语, 表示说话人的语气和情态。 2. 没有人称和数的变化。 (have to除外) 3. 否定形式:在其之后加not (have to除外)   疑问形式:情态动词提到主语之前(have to除外)。 3. have to 的意思是“必须、不得不” , 往往强调由于客观原因 而必须做某事。 have to 后接动词原形; have to 有人称、数和 时态的变化 , 其 第三人称单数形式 为 has to, 其 疑问形式和否定 形式 要借助于助动词 do 或 does 来完成。例如: ► We have to look after our sister at home. 我们不得不在家照顾我们的妹妹。 ► Does he have to get up early tomorrow morning? 明天早上他必须早起吗? ► I don’t have to stay at home today. 今天我不必待在家里。 4. must/have to must 表示主观“必须”; have to 表示客观客观需要,即 “不得不” 。 I don’t like this TV set. I must buy a new one. This TV set doesn’t work. We have to buy a new one. You must get up at five tomorrow. We (will) have to get up early tomorrow. I had to leave early because I wasn’t feeling well. She said she must/had to see the manager. 表示邀请的句型 : ( 你能来参加我的聚会吗 ?) Can you come to my party? Could you come to my party? Would you like to come to my party? 接受邀请 : 拒绝邀请 : Sure, I’d love/like to. I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to… /I’m V-ing… 小结 1. A: What are you going to do on Saturday? B: I’m not sure. I might _________________ 2. A: What are you planning to do after school? B: I don’t know . ____________________ watch TV on the weekend my cousin visit grandparents practice the violin practice the violin . I might watch TV. Complete the answers with might and one of the phrases in the box. 3a 3. A: When will you finish the science homework? B: ______________________________ 4. A: Who are you going to the movies with? B:_______________________________ 5. A: Are you free to come to my place on Saturday? B: _______________________________ O n the weekend. M y cousin. No. I might visit grandparents . 1. Inviting: (can / play tennis ) ________________________________ Accepting:________________________ Can you come to play tennis? Sure, that sounds great. Complete the sentences below. Use the words in brackets to help you. 3b invite v. 邀请 invite sb. to do sth. accept v. 接受 ↓ ↓ 2. Inviting: (would like to/ go to the movies) Reason: (might have to) ____________________________________ Refusing:____________________________ ____________________________________ Would you like to go to the movies ? I’m afraid not. I have too much homework to do. refuse v. 拒绝 refuse to do sth. ↓ 3. Inviting: (can/hang out with us tonight) Reason: (must) ____________________________________ Refusing: _____________________________ _________________ Can you hang out with us tonight ? No , I can’t. I must finish my homework. 4. Inviting: (would like to / come to my birthday party) __________________________________ Accepting:__________________________ Would you like to come to my birthday party ? Sure, I’d love to. Write down everything you have to do next week. Choose a day and time to have a party. Then invite classmates to your party. A: Can you come to my party? B: When is it? A: Next week, on Thursday night. B: I’m sorry. I have to study for a math test. 3c What do you usually do on weekends? What activities do you do on weekends ? have to … 不得不 A: What do you have to do this weekend? B: I have to… What weekend activities do you do? Have a talk about your weekend colorful weekend activities go shopping go skateboarding play soccer go to the cinema Have a talk colorful weekend activities play the piano climb mountains go to a party surf the Internet 1. Jim play soccer with his friend this weekend , because he is very busy. A. can B. cans C. cann’t D. can’t 2. Henry his homework this afternoon. A. have to do B . have to doing C. has to do D. has to doing 3 . — ? — It’s October the 14th. A. When is today B. What’s today C. What time is today D. What day is today D C I. 选择填空。 D Exercises 1. 星期六你能来我的聚会吗? ____ you _____ to my party on Saturday? 2. 当然,我 乐意去。 Sure, ____ ____ ___. 3. 对不起,我 必须为数学考试而学习。 Sorry, I _____ ______ ____ a math test. 4. 明天晚上你能去看电影吗? ____ you ____ to the movies __________night? I’d love to Can come must study for Can go II. 根据课本内容 , 完成下列句子。 tomorrow 5. 当然 可以 , 听起来 很棒。 _____, that _______ _____. 6. 恐怕 不行,我 得了流感。 I’m ______ not. I have the ____. 7. 他能参加聚会吗? ____ he ___ to the party? 8. 不能 , 他 得帮助他的父母。 No, he _____. He _____ to help his parents. 9. 她能参加棒球比赛吗? ____ she go to the baseball ______? Sure sounds great afraid flu Can game Can go can’t has 10. 不,她没有空。她必须去看医生。 No, she’s ____ _________. She ______ ___ to the _______. 11. 他们能去看电影吗? ____ they ____ to the _______? 12. 不 , 他们 没有空。他们可能必须去见朋友。 No, they’re not ____. They _____ _____ ___ meet their ________. not available must go doctor friends Can go movies free might have to 中考链接 You ____ walk on the wet hill path because you ____ fall and hurt yourself. A . must; might not B . mustn’t; might C . needn’t; need D . must; must 句意“你一定不要在潮湿的山间小路行走,因为你可能摔倒伤到自己。 B It’s a Birthday Party Friday, June30, at five thirty Betty’s house, 327 th Street Come and have fun! For whom : Time : Place : Betty Write an invitation based on the following information . Homework Section B 1a-1f To grasp the expressions about the days : today, yesterday, the day before yesterday, the day after tomorrow, tomorrow To learn to use some words and phrases : would like to, will be, after this, please, reply ◆ To learn to make friends properly.Remember:a friend inneed is a friend indeed. Objectives Review Inviting: Can you ......on Sunday? Accepting: Sure, I’d love to. Refusing: Sorry, I can’t. I have to … Inviting: Would you like to ... ... on Monday afternoon? Refusing: Sorry, I 'm afraid not. I have to … Accepting: Sure.That sounds great. weekdays: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday weekends: Sunday Saturday { What day is it today?----It 's ... What day was it yesterday?----It was ... What day is it tomorrow?----It 's ... days dates: January 1st February 2nd March 3rd April 4th May 5th June 8th July 9th August 12th September 20th October 21st November 22nd December 23rd What 's the date today?----It 's ... What was the date yesterday?----It was ... What 's the date tomorrow?----It 's ... days and dates What was yesterday?--It was … What was the day before yesterday?--It was … What ’s tomorrow?-- It ’s … What ’s the day after tomorrow?--It ’s … What ’s today?--It ’s Wednesday, the 20th. Today is Friday, November 22nd. Sunday the ______ Monday the______ Tuesday the______ Wednesday the______ 20th 17th 18th 19th Write the dates for this week on the calendar. Thursday the_____ Friday the______ Saturday the______ 21st 22nd 23rd 1a Sunday the _____ Monday the _____ Tuesday the _____ Wednesday the _____ Thursday the _____ Friday the ______ Saturday the ______ 20th 17th 18th 19th 21st 22nd 23rd today yesterday the day after tomorrow weekday weekday weekday weekday weekday Write the words below the correct dates. weekend weekend 1b the day before yesterday tomorrow Ask and answer questions about the days in 1a. A: What ’ s today? B: It ’ s ... . A: What ’ s tomorrow? B: It ’ s ... . A: What ’ s the day after tomorrow? B: It ’ s ... . 1c Yes No Listen. Can Vince play tennis with Andy? Circle Yes or No. 1d Vince’s Activities Days __ Play soccer a . today b . tomorrow c . the day after tomorrow __ Go to the doctor __ Study for the test __ Have a piano lesson __Look after his sister c b a a b Listen again. Match Vince’s activities with the days in 1d. 1e Students A is Andy and Student B is Vince. Andy, invite Vince to play tennis. A: Hi, Vince. Can you play tennis with me? B: When? A: Today? B: Sorry, I can’t. I … 1f Role play: Vince and Andy Andy: Hi, Vince, can you play tennis with me? Vince: ______? Andy: Today. Vince: Sorry , I can’t. I ______________________ ______________ ______ . Andy: What are you doing tomorrow? Vince: ______________________ Andy: How about _____________________? Vince: I have to babysit my sister. have to go the doctor and study for a test. When I’m having a piano lesson the day after tomorrow 与时间相关的短语有很多。例如 : the day after tomorrow 后天 the day before yesterday 前天 two days ago 两天前 the year before last 前年 after three weeks 三个星期后 in two years 过两年 Language points 2. 问日期的句型有: 今天是几号? What’s the date today? 或 What date is it today? 3. “日期”的表示法 例如 : 11 月 5 号 November 5; November 5th 读作 November the fifth 4. Monday ( 名词 ) “星期一” 在英语中表示星期的词有: Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六 Sunday 星期日 注意 : 表示“星期”开头的字母要大写。 表示星期的单词都以“ day ”结尾。 问“星期”的句型有: What day is it today? What day is today? I. 根据中文填空。 1. Today I’m very busy, but she is _______( 空闲的 ). 2. They are studying for a _______ ______. ( 数学测验 ). 3. I get his __________ ( 邀请 ) but I can’t go. 4. I have too _________( 多 ) homework to do. 5. Mr. King sometimes goes to the _________ ( 音乐会 ). free math test invitation much concert Exercises II. 单项选择。 1. — Can you come to play soccer with me? — __________. A. I can B. That's all right C. Sure. I’d love to 2. He can go with you, but I _______. A. am not B. can’t C. don’t 3. What are you doing _____ Monday morning? A. on B. at C. in C B A 4. Thanks for _______ me to the party. A. ask B. asking C. asks 5. Bob can’t come out to play because he________ help Dad in the garden. A. can B. can’t C. has to 6. —Would you like a cup of coffee? —____________. A. No, I don’t want B. No, thank you C. I don’t like it B C B Plan a party Write everything you have to do next week. Choose a day and time to have a party. Then invite classmates to your party. Homework Section B 2a-2e 1. Write down these phrases. 1) 为 …… 做准备 ______________ 2) 得了流感 _____________ 3) 去见朋友 ________________ 4) 当然,我愿意去 _______________ 5) 太多作业 ___________________ prepare for … have the flu Sure. I’d love to. meet the friends too much homework Review — hang out, tonight; — study for a math test — play tennis; — not free, go to the doctor — come to my party; — I love to. 1) — Can you hang out with us tonight? — Sorry. I must study for a math test. 2. Make an invitation to your friends. 2. — Can you play tennis with us? — I’m not free. I must go to the doctor. Make a list of the kinds of parties people have. Birthday party ___________________ ___________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ family party class party Think more! farewell party ( 送别会) housewarming party (乔迁庆宴会) 2 a Message 1: ________________________ Message 2: ________________________ Message 3: ________________________ Read the messages quickly. Why did the people write them? Match the reason with each message. make an invitation turn down an invitation accept an invitation 1.accept an invitation 2.make an invitation 3.turn down an invitation 2b Message New Reply Forward Delete Print Move to Hi David, What a great idea! I really like Ms. Steen a lot. She helped me to improve my English so much. I ’ m sad to see her go, and this party is the best way to say “ Thank you and goodbye. ” I can help to buy some of the food and drinks. I can help to bring MS. Steen to the party. I already have a great idea about how to do that. ☺ He Wei 1 Hi David Thanks so much for planning this. I ’ d love to come to the party, but I ’ m not available. My family is taking a trip to Wuhan at the end of this month to visit my aunt and uncle. However, I ’ d still be glad to help out with any of the party preparations, like planning the games. Let me know if you need my help. Jake 3 Dear classmates, As I ’ m sure you know by now, our favorite teacher, Ms. Steen, is leaving soon to go back to the US. We ’ re very sad that she ’ s leaving because she is a fun teacher. To show how much we ’ re going to miss her, let ’ s have a surprise party for her next Friday the 28th! Can you come to the party? If so, can you help with any of these things? Please tell me by this Friday. 2 Buy food and drinks. Think of games to play. Prepare things we need for the games (glue, paper, pen, … ). 4) Bring Ms. Steen to the play without telling so that she can be surprised. I look forward to hearing from you all. David What kind of party is it? _______________________ 2. Who is the party for? ________________________ 3. When is the party? ________________________ 4. Who did David invite to the party? ____________________________________ 5. What can people do at the party? _____________________________________ Read the messages and answer the questions. Surprise party. ( 送别会) Ms. Steen. Next Friday the 28 th . All his classmates, such as He Wei, Jack. They can eat, drink, and play games. 2c 指导: 通读 这三段信息,可知 David 将为 Ms. Steen 举办一个送别聚会。第三条是聚会的具体情况。第一、二条是 He Wei 和 Jake 的回复。 第三条是 David 对同学们所发的邀请,包括对聚会的准备情况。因此,回答问题应主要根据第三条的内容来回答。 在理解五个问题的基础上,重点在第三条内容中寻找。 HeWei ______ the invitation 1.He can _______________________. 2. He can________________________. _______ ______ the invitation He 's not available because _______________________________. _______ makes the invitation He does this in order to show _______________________________. accepts refuses Jake David help to buy some of the food and drinks help to bring MS. Steen to the party his family is taking a trip to Wuhan how much they ’ re going to miss her Fill in the chart We are planning a housewarming at our new house this Saturday. Can you ? Our house is at 2 London Road. We are serving and . from 7:30 p.m. Please your friends and family. A party is more with more people! Please let us by Wednesday you can come to the party. Hope you can make it! party come to my party food drinks bring fun Complete the invitation with words and phrases from the message on page 37. 2d know if Why is he /she one of your favorite teachers ? ________________________________________ 2. What do you want to say to him /her? ________________________________________ 3. When is the best time to have the party? ________________________________________ She often encourage me and help me in my life. Dear Mr. Shen, really thanks for your care! This Friday at 7:00 p.m. Imagine one of your favorite teachers is leaving. Plan a party for him / her. Answer the questions with a partner. 2e 4. Where can you have the party? _______________________________________ 5. What kind of food will there be? _______________________________________ 6. What kind of drinks would you like to serve? _______________________________________ A restaurant near our school. Fruit, meat dairy products and nuts (坚果 ) . All kinds of orange juice, beer and so on. 7. Who will come to the party? __________________________ 8. What activities will there be at the party? ________________________________ 9. How can you make the party a surprise for your teacher? __________________________________ All of my classmates. guess riddle, tell jokes, sing and so on. Invite her without telling her. Report Give us a report according to the answers My favorite teacher , Mr. Shen is leaving... 1. Thank you for 后接 名词或动名词 形式,表示“ 因为 …… 而感谢你 ” Thanks for your photos. (photos 为名词 ) Thanks for helping me. (helping 为动名词 ) 如果说 : 谢谢你邀请我去做什么事情。我们可说 : Thank you for your invitation to visit next week. Language points 2. invitation 是名词,当“ 邀请 ”讲时,是 不可数名词 ,当“ 邀请书,请帖 ”讲时,是 可数名词 。 e.g . Come at the invitation. 应邀前来 ► They received invitations to the party. 他们 收到了参加聚会的 请帖。 invite 的用法 : (1) invite sb. to sw =ask sb. to sw ( 某地 somewhere ) 邀请某人到某地 e.g. He invited many people to his house. (2) invite sb. to do sth =ask sb.to do sth. 邀请某人做谋事 e.g. He also invited a singer to sing for his friends. invitation to sw /to do sth . 去某地 / 做某事的邀请 e.g. an invitation to the party an invitation to go to the summer camp 3. Let’s have a surprise party for her next Friday the 28th! surprise party 是西方国家常见的一种聚会形式,是一种旨在给人带来惊喜的聚会。聚会往往围绕一个或若干主题人物而举办,聚会的举办者事先会对主题人物保密,待其来到聚会现场之后才意外发现大家在为自己举行派对,因而会十分惊讶和感激。 还有一种 surprise party 并没有所谓的主题人物,而是旨在娱乐,参与者在聚会当中不断遭遇各种意外惊喜,欢乐不止。因此, surprise party 可译作“惊喜聚会;意外派对”。 4. I look forward to hearing from you all. 我期盼着你们的答复。 look forward to 是一个固定搭配,表示“ 期待,期盼 ”,其中 to 是介词,因此后面 如果使用动词,要使用其 -ing 形式 。 如: I look forward to your reply. 我期待你的答复。 ► I’m really looking forward to seeing my little grandson again. 我好期待再次见到我的小孙子。 5. have a piano lesson 上钢琴课 have a lesson 上课 have a try 试一试 have a (good) rest have a look 看一看 have a good time have meals 吃饭 have breakfast / lunch/ dinner/ supper 6. Hope you can make it! 希望你能参加(聚会) ! 此句中的 make it 是个独立地表达方式,表示通过努力或是历经困难后取得成功、完成某事,可译为“ 成功;胜利 ”, 但有时也要视语境及上下文灵活进行翻译,此处便是如此。 e.g. ► If we run, we should make it. 要是我们跑的话,应该不会迟到。 ► Though it was difficult, they still made it. 虽然很难,但他们依然成功了。 1. Today is Monday. ( 提问 ) ______ ___ _____ today? 2. They are going to the doctors on Monday. ( 提问 ) _____ ____ they going to the doctors? 3. Call me after the test. ( 否定句 ) ______ ____ me after the test. I. 句型转换。 What’s the date When are Don’t call Exercises 5. Why don’t you have an English party? ( 同义转换 ) _____ ____ have an English party? 6. Do you want to come over to my house? ( 同义转换 ) ______ ____ ____ to come over to my house? _____ you come over to my house? Would you like Can Why not 中考链接 — Do you have any plans for the holiday? — Yes, I’m planning to travel to Jiuzhaigou. I’m looking forward to _____ the colourful lakes and amazing waterfalls. A.see B. seeing C. sees D.saw look forward to doing sth ,期待做某事。 B 1. Read 2b after class. 2. Write your own sentences with the phrases below. 1. bring … to … 2. take a trip 3. think of 4. without doing … 5. so that 6. look forward to 7. surprised 8. hear from Homework Section B 3a-Self Check A: Can you …with me? B: Sure, I’d love to. Sorry, I have to… I’m (doing)… B: When is it? A: It’s … the... Review colorful weekend activities play the piano climb mountains go to a party surf the Internet (1) - What’s today? - It’s Monday the 2nd . (2) - What’s tomorrow? - It’s Tuesday the 3rd . (3) - What’s the day after tomorrow? - It’s Wednesday the 4th . (4) - What’s yesterday? - It’s Sunday the 1st . Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1)What’s today? 2)What’s yesterday? 3)What’s tomorrow? 4)What’s the day after tomorrow? People always hold a party on December 25 th . Will you? Calendar opening concert headmaster event n. 开幕式,落成典礼 n. 音乐会 n. 校长 n. 大事,公开活动 guest calendar daytime n. 客人 n. 日历,日程表 n. 白天;日间 Words and expressions Dear Parents, I would like to invite you to the opening of our new library at No.9 High School. The opening will be on the morning of Wednesday, January 8 th at 9:00. After this, you can enjoy our school concert. Then lunch will be in the school hall at 12:00. Read the invitation and answer the questions. 3 a Please dress smartly . I would also like to invite each parent to bring one book as a gift for the new library. Please reply in writing to this invitation by Friday, December 20 th . Larry Smith Headmaster 用适当的介词填空 1.The opening will be ____ the morning ____ Wednesday, January 8 th ___ 9:00. 2. I would also like to invite each parent ___bring one book __a gift ___the new library. 3. Please reply _____writing to this invitation ___Friday. on of at to for as in by 1. Who is making the invitation? __________________________ 2. What is the invitation for? ______________________________ 3. When will the event happen? __________________________________ ___________________________________ The headmaster. For the opening of the new library. O n the morning of Wednesday, January 8th at 9:00. 4. What will happen after this? ___________________________________ 5. Do parents have to bring anything? ___________________________________ 6. How should people reply to this invitation , and when? ___________________________________ ___________________________________ After this they can enjoy the school concert. Yes, each parent need to bring one book. They should reply in writing to this invitation by Friday, December 20th. 1. Please reply in writing to this invitation by Friday, December 20th. 1) reply in writing 表示“以书面的形式进行回复”。其中 reply 相当于 answer , 但要比后者更加书面化且正式许多。此处介词 in 表示方式,相当于汉语“用 …… 方式(形式)”的意思。 Language points 2) reply 用作动词时,不直接跟宾语,须由介词 to 引入宾语的内容,构成 reply to… 结构。例如: Did you reply to these letters? 3 ) 在此句中,介词 by 意为“截止至 …… ;到 …… 为止 ”。介词 before 也有“ …… 之 前”的意思。但区别于 before 不包含其后的时间,而 by 则包括。试比较 : You should get your homework ready by Friday. Remember : Friday is the last day! 你 应当最迟于星期五把作业准备好 。 记住 :周五是最后一天 ! Can you come and meet me before Friday? I’ll be away early Friday morning . 你 能礼拜五前来见我一面吗 ? 我 周五一大早就走了 。 Write an invitation to a party or any other event. Reply to your partner’s invitation . If you turn down the invitation, give a good reason. would like to ; will be; after this; please ; reply Use the following words and phrases : 3 b 本题 要求写两个小作文,一个是邀请他人参加聚会或活动的信函;另一个是答复伙伴的邀请信。 首先 , 认真阅读邀请信所包含的内容: 聚会或活动的类型;举办的时间与地点;客人是否需带礼物;客人是否需答复此信;何时及如何答复此信。 参照 3a 写一个包含上述内容的邀请信,注意运用提示词语。 写作指导: 1. Making invitations 发出邀请 “Do you have any plan next Friday night? We are having some friends over for a dinner p arty . Would you like to join us?” “Are you free next Friday night ?” “ Are you doing anything Friday night ?” “ Would you be interested in coming to our house that night ?” “ How do you like to join our party Friday night?” “ Would you like to ...” 2. Accepting invitations 接受邀请 “I’d love to, thank you.” “That’s very kind of you, thanks.” “It sounds great, thank you.” “That will be lovely, thank you.” “That’s great, thank you.” “What a good idea, thank you.” 3. Declining invitations 拒绝邀请 “That’s very kind of you, but actually I’m planning to see my grandma next Saturday.” “I’m really sorry, but I have to do something else on next weekend .” “ I really don’t think I can make it—I am supposed to be at airport picking up my friend next Sunday morning.” Remember: 当你拒绝他人的邀请时 , 要特别注意礼貌。通常你要给个理由 , 说明为什么无法接受邀请 , 或者道歉。 One possible version: Dear parents, I’d like to invite you to the opening ceremony for the new students at No. 10 Middle School. The opening will be on the morning of Wednesday, September 4th at 8:00. After this, you can visit our school. Please dress smartly. I would also like to invite each parent to think of some words to encourage your child to study hard at school. Please reply in e-mail to this invitation by Monday, September, 2nd. Our e-mail address is Number10MS@sina. com. I look forward to hearing from you all. Huang Zongsheng Headmaster A: Can you go shopping with me next week? B: Sure, I ’ d love to. When? A: Well, what are you going to do on Monday evening ? B: I must study for the English test. What about Tuesday evening? Student A, look at your calendar on the right. Student B, look at yours on page 81. Find a time when you can both go shopping. 4 Student A’s calendar MONDAY FRIDAY Daytime: school Daytime: school Evening: Susan’s party TUESDAY SATURDAY Daytime: school Evening: study for math Morning: play tennis with Dad Afternoon: do homework WEDENDAY SUNDAY Daytime: school Morning: visit grandparents Evening: go to a concert THURSDAY Daytime: school Evening: help parents A: Hi, Peter. you come to my party ___the weekend? B: Sure, love to. A: How about , Jenny? C: I’m afraid I . I to look after my little cousin. A: you come, Jeff? D: I be able to, but I’m not sure. ____let you know tomorrow . Can on I’d you can’t have Can might I’ll 1. Fill in the blanks in the conversation. Self Check 1. Invitation: “Can you come to my party on Saturday?” Reply:___________________________ ___________________________ Sorry, I can’t. I have to prepare for math test. 2. You get these invitations but can’t go. Write a refusal and a reason. 2. Invitation: “Let’s go to the movies tomorrow night .” Reply: ______________________________ ______________________________ Sorry, I can’t. I must visit my grandparents. 3. Invitation: “Let’s go to the concert on the weekend .” Reply: ______________________________ ______________________________ Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t. I will go to the concert with my parents. 4. Invitation: “ Do you want to go shopping with me next week? ” Reply:________________________________ _________________________________ Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t. I will go to the summer camp. 5. Invitation: “Can you play soccer with me after school today? Reply: ________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t. I have to go home early to look after my little brother. 1. My American friend is going to ______ me next vacation. 2. Are you _______ football this weekend? 3. I can’t join you because I ______ help my mom on weekdays. 4. Please keep quiet! I’m trying to ______. 5. Do you want to _______ to my birthday party? visit come study have to playing I. 选词填空。 play come have to study visit Exercises 1. Thanks a lot for your i_________. 2. I don’t stay out late on w_______. 3. Every morning I spent two hours t________ for the race. 4. Miss Lee t_______ us English this year.  5. S_______ is the seventh day of a week.  II . 首字母填空。 nvitation eekdays raining eaches unday III. 完成对话。 A: Hello, Tim, can you _____ to my party? B: _______ is it? A: Next week. ______ Wednesday night. B: Sure, _______ to. But I have to _____ for the science test. A: Maybe ______ time. B: Thanks for ________ me. come When On I’d love next asking study Ⅳ. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。 1. 我们后天去参观那个地方吧。 2. 我将等到四点钟。 Let’s go and visit the place the day after tomorrow. I’ll wait till four o’clock.  1 .  — May  I use your dictionary ? — _____     A. Never mind  B . You are welcome  C. It  doesn ’ t  matter  D . Certainly. Here you are 2. Jack is very funny. He always makes us_____    A. laugh           B . laughing    C. to laugh       D. laughs  3.Before 2008 we will finish_____ the Olympic Park.  A. build    B. built    C. building   D. to build  D A C Ⅴ. 单项选择。 假如你叫 Jenny, 你的朋友 Jane 邀请你 下周和她 一 起 去看 电影。你 根据时间安排,给朋友回一 封信 。 注意 信的格式。 Homework unit 10 人教版八年级英语上册单元全套课件 If you go to the party,you’ll have a great time. Section A 1a-1c To learn to talk about consequences. To learn to use first conditional if + will . To learn to use present progressive as future. Objectives She will be late. If she _______ to school, she _____ ____ late. She is going to walk to school. walks will be Warming up It is going to rain tomorrow.    I will stay at home. If it _____ tomorrow, I _____ _____ at home. rains will stay If it ____ sunny tomorrow, they _____ ______ a trip. It will be sunny tomorrow. They will have a trip tomorrow. is will have He won’t study hard. He will fail in the exam. If he _______ study hard, he ____ _____ in the exam. doesn’t will fail A: If you are happy, what will you do? B: If I’m happy, I will … sing a song watch TV play sports dance go shopping play computer If I have enough money, I will go for a vacation. If it is hot, I will go to swim. If I go to the zoo, I will see the animal show. If she eats too much, she will be very fat. Statements ___I think I’ll wear jeans to the party. ___I think I’ll stay at home. ___I think I’ll take the bus to the party. ___I think I’ll go to the party with Karen and Anna. c d b a Match the statements with the pictures [a-d]. 1a Listen and complete the responses in 1a. Statements Responses I think I’ll wear jeans to the party. If you do, the teachers won’t ______________. I think I’ll stay at home. If you do, you’ll _______________. I think I’ll take the bus to the party. If you do, you’ll _______________. I think I’ll go to the party with Karen and Anna. If you do, you’ll ____________________. let you in be sorry be late have a great time 1b Translate the sentences 1. 如果你穿牛仔裤去参加聚会,老师将不让你进。 If you wear jeans to the party,the teachers won't let you in. 2. 如果你待在家里,你会遗憾的。 If you stay at home,you will be sorry. 3. 如果你乘公共汽车去参加聚会,你会迟到的。 If you take the bus to the party,you will be late. 4. 如果你和 Karen 和 Anna 一起去参加聚会,你会玩的 很开心。 If you go to the party with Karen and Anna,you will have a good time. Look at the pictures above and make conversations. A: Are you going to the party tomorrow night? B: Yes, I am. A: Who will you go with? B: I think I’ll go with Karen and Anna. A: If you do, you’ll have a great time. 1c No, I think I am going to take the bus to the party. The bus? If you do , you ’ll be late. Are you going to take a taxi to the party? Make your own conversations Are you going to the party tomorrow night? Yes, I am. If you do, you’ll have a great time. I think I’ll go with Karen and Anna. Who will you go with? 1. I will watch TV this weekend. My mother will be angry. If I ________ TV this weekend, my mother ____ ____angry. 2. He will have a strange haircut. The teachers won’t agree. If he _____ a strange haircut, the teachers ______ _______. watch will be has won’t agree Exercises I. 填空。 1. If it rains tomorrow, we _____ to visit the museum. A. don’t do B. won’t go C. aren’t go D. didn’t go. 2. Will you go to the park if it ____ fine? A. will be B. was C. is D. / 3. If you __ to school late, your teacher ____ angry with you. A. come; are B. come; will be C. will come; are D. will come; will be B C B II. 选择。 4. If you _____ hard, you will ___ successful. A. work; are B. works; is C. to work; be D. work; be 5. If I ____ too much TV, my mother will _______. A. watch; angry B. watched; be angry C. watch; be angry D. will watch; be angry D C 中考链接 — We will go for a picnic if it _____ this Sunday. — Sounds great. A.won't rain B.is sunny C.will be sunny 句意 “ — 如果这周日天气晴朗,我们就去野炊。 — 听起来不错。” B Listen to 1a and 1b. Remember the new words. Preview the next part. Homework Section A 2a-2d To learn to talk about consequences. To learn to use first conditional if + will . To learn to use present progressive as future. Objectives I. 翻译。 1. — 我想我要步行去学校。 — 如果步行去,你就会迟到。 — I think I ’ll walk to school. — If you do , you ’ll be late. What will happen if they have the party tomorrow? Review 2. 如果他们明天聚会,将会发生什么? II. 用 括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. If you ______( forget) your tickets, you can’t ____(go) to the concert . 2. If Jenny _____( fail) the test again, the teacher _______ ( ask) her mother to come to school. 3. If you _____( play) music too loud, your roommates ________( be) mad at you. 4. Andy, would you like something _______(drink)? forget go fails will ask play will be to drink video n. 录像带;录像 potato chips 炸土豆片;炸薯条 Is the video on the bookshelf? 录像带在书架上吗? I’d like some potato chips , please. 我想买些薯条。 New words chocolate n. 巧克力 I like chocolate ice-cream best. 我最喜欢巧克力冰激凌。 meeting n. 会议;集会;会面 Is the meeting on Wednesday? 会议是在星期三吗? organize v. 组织;筹备 Let’s organize a soccer game. 让我们组织一次足球比赛吧。 The students are talking about when to have (a class party / a class meeting / a birthday party). 2. They plan to have it on (Friday evening / Saturday afternoon / Saturday evening). Listen and circle the correct answers to complete the sentences. 2a half the class won’t come some students will be bored make some food students will leave early the party games 1. What will happen if they have the party today? Half the class won’t come. 2.What will happen if they have the party tomorrow? ________________________________________ Students will leave early to study for the test. Listen again. Choose the correct short answer in the box to answer each question. 2b 3. What will happen if they watch a video at the party? __________________________________ 4. What will Mark organize? __________________________________ 5. What will Nelly do? __________________________________ Some students will be bored. He will organize party games. She will make some food. Retell the conversation Students are talking about when to have a ____________. If they ______it today,half the class ___________.If they _____it tomorrow, students _____________early ___________the test. So they decide to have it on___________________.They will __________________at the party.Nelly will _________________.Mark will______________________. class party have won't come have will leave to study for Saturday afternoon play party games make some food organize the party games Role-play a conversation between Nelly and Mark. A: OK, when is a good time to have the party? B: Let’s have it today. A: Hmm. If we have it today, half the class won’t come. 2c Hmm. If we have it today, half the class won’t come. Why not have it on the weekend? OK, good idea. Role-play the conversation. Jeff: Hey, Ben. For the party next week, should we ask people to bring food? Ben: No, let’s order food from a restaurant. If we ask people to bring food, they’ll just bring potato chips and chocolate because they’ll be too lazy to cook. Jeff: OK. For the games, do you think we should give people some small gifts if they win? 2d Ben: I think that’s a great idea! If we do that, more people will want to play the games. Jeff: Yes, the games will be more exciting, too. order…from… 从 …… 预定 too…to… 太 …… 而不能 …… 注释 Answer the questions. 1. What will happen if we ask people to bring food? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 2. What will happen if we give people some small gifts if they win? ___________________________________ More people will want to play the games. They’ll just bring potato chips and chocolate because they’ll be too lazy to cook. Hey, Ben. For the party next week, should we ask people to bring food? No, let’s order food from a restaurant … Role-play the conversation. … The students are talking about when to have a class meeting . meeting 是名词,意为“会议,集会;会面”,作“聚会”解时 , 多指出于偶然的机会 , 在某地与某人相遇。 meeting 作“会议”解时 , 指任何有组织的、有领导的、公开的或私下的各种集会 , 多在室内举行 , 目的是商讨议案、作出决定等。 如: The meeting will deal with these problems. Language points Our meeting in Beijing was later than I expected. meeting 用作主语 , 谓语动词多用 单数形式 。 meeting 前常加介词 at , 表示“在会议上”;而表示“在会议期间私下说话”则用介词 in 。 2. What will happen if they have the party today? if 作为连词,引导条件状语从句,表示“ 假如 ” 、“ 如果 ” 等 。引导条件状语从句最常用的连词是 if ,表示在某条件下,某事很 可能发生 ,主句不能用 be going to 表示将来,而应该用 shall , will 。 如: If you leave now, you will never regret it. 如果你现在离开,你将绝不会后悔。 if 引导的条件状语从句,其结构为: If +一般现在时,主语+ shall/will+ 动词原形 。 要注意在状语从句中有一个规则是 “ 主将从现 ” ,即主句是将来时,则从句要用一般现在时表示将来。 如: If it rains tomorrow, I shan’t climb the hills. 如果明天下雨 , 我将不会爬山。 3. What will Mark organize ? organize 是动词,意为“ 组织,筹备 ” , 过去式是 organized , 即组织某人或某事物,将某人或某事物编入组织或系统,使之相互联系,且每一个体在组织中都有其恰当的作用或职责,如: I believe I have the ability to organize a party. 我相信我有能力组织一次社交聚会。 Don’t ask them to organize the trip. They’ll only screw everything up. 别让他们组织此行。他们准得把一切都搞糟了。 organized 还可作形容词,意为 “ 有组织的,有条理的 ” , 如: An organized program of advertisements. 有组织的大规模的广告计划。 If I get up at 9:00, If I am late, If the teacher is angry with me, If she is happy , she will play the guitar. I will be late. the teacher will be angry with me. I will be sad. 总结 : if 引导的条件状语从句主句和从句时态如何? if 引导 条件状语 从句时,如果 主句 是 ______________ ,那么 if 引导的 从句 用 _______________ 来表示将来可能发生的动作或存在的状态 , 也就是所谓的 ___________ 。 一般将来时态 一般现在时态 “ 主将从现 ” 3. You ___________(not get) nervous if you _____(do ) enough exercise. 4. If she _______(finish ) work early, she ______ (go) home. 5. If it _____(rain), we ________(stay) at home. 用括号内所给 单 词的正确形式填空 。 1. I’ll buy a computer if I _______(have) enough money. 2. I’m sure if he _____(go) to the party, he ________ (have) a great time. have goes will have do finishes will go rains will stay won’t get Exercises Tell your mother your plans about a party. Preview the new words and expressions on page 75. Preview the letter from Tina to Su Mei. Homework Section A Grammar Focus-3c To practice the sentence structures: If…, you’ll… —What will happen if they… —If they…, …will/won’t… —Should we…? —If we…, they’ll… Objectives What are you going to do this weekend? go camping go to the park play football stay at home do my homework listen to some music watching TV go shopping The weather is very important! sunny rainy snowy cloudy If it is sunny this weekend… sunny If it is sunny this weekend, If it is sunny this weekend, If it is sunny this weekend, I will go camping. I will go to the park. I will play football. rainy If it rains this weekend, If it rains this weekend… I will stay at home. If it rains this weekend, I will do my homework. If it rains this weekend, I will listen to some music. I think I’ll take the bus to the party. If you do, you’ll be late. I think I’ll stay at home. If you do, you’ll be sorry. What will happen if they have the party today? If they have it today, half the class won’t come. Should we ask people to bring food? If we ask people to bring food, they’ll just bring potato chips and chocolate. Read the sentences I think I ’ll take the bus to the party. If you do , you ’ll be late. I think I ’ll stay at home. If you do , you ’ll be sorry. What will happen if they have the party today? If they have it today, half the class won’t come. Should we ask people to bring food? If we ask people to bring food, they ’ll just bring potato chips and chocolate. Grammar Focus I will have a good time tomorrow. I will go to the party tomorrow. If I go to the party tomorrow, I’ll have a good time. 合并 Grammar Focus: if 条件句 if 引导一个条件状语从 句时, 当 主句是一般将来时时 , if 引导的从句必须用现在时来 表示将来可能发生的动作或存在的状态。 在英语里 , 当句子的主句为将来时态时 , 它所引导的时间状语从句和条件状语从句都使用一般现在时来表示将来时间 , 这在英语里被称为“主将从现”。主句的将来时态并不仅限于我们这一课里所学习到的 will +动词原形构成的一般将来时 , 还包括 be going to +动词原形、 be doing 所表示的一般将来时以及我们以后会学到的其它的将来时态。例如 : ► What is he going to do when he grows up? 他 长大了想干什么 ? ► We are leaving for Xiamen tomorrow if it doesn’t rain. 如果 明天不下雨 , 我们就去厦门。 ► We will buy that microwave next week if its price keeps going down. 如果 价格持续下降 , 下个礼拜 我们就买那台微波炉。 If + … , I’ll / you’ll + … ↘ ↙ ↘ ↙ 条件 结果 1. 结构 For example: If you study , I’ll be happy. wear jeans to school, you’ll be sorry. get up late, you’ll be late. eat too much, you’ll be fat. wash your clothes yourself… 有时,我 们可以使用 并列结构的祈使句 来表 达 if 引 导的条件句。如: If you set your alarm clock, you won’t oversleep. 如果 你上闹钟 , 你就不会睡过头了 。 Set your alarm clock, and you won’t oversleep . ► If you give him an inch, he will take a mile. 他 会得寸进尺。 ► Give him an inch, and he will take a mile. ► If you don’t give him some food, he will starve. 如果 你不给他一点吃的 , 他就会饿死。 ► Give him some food, or/else he will starve. 2 . 用法 (1) 条件状语从句通常由连词 if 引导 , 意为“如果、假如” , 主句不能用 be going to 表示将来 , 而应该用 shall, will 。 e.g . If you leave now, you are never going to regret it. ( 错误 ) If you leave now, you will never regret it. ( 正确 ) ( 2) if “ 如果” , 引导条件状语从句 , 主句用一般将来时 , 从句则用一般现在时, 如: If it rains tomorrow, I shan’t climb the hills. 注意 : 宾语从句中的 if 与条件状语从句 if 的区别。 宾语从句中的 if“ 是否”相当于 whether, 引导宾 语从句 , 时态需根据语境确定 。 I don’t know if it will rain tomorrow. 我不知道明天是否会下雨。 在阅读英文文章时 , 我们有可能看到这样的句子: If my father will give me permission, I shall spend a few months abroad. 如果我父亲同意 , 我将在国外待几个月。 If you will take the trouble to read his letter carefully, you will see what he means. 如果 你肯花一些时间来认真读他的信,你就会明白他是什么意思了。 在 if- 分句中用“ will +动词原形”并不单纯表示将来意义,这里的 will 是个表示“意愿”的情态动词 , 相当于 be willing to ( 愿意 ) 。 要注意这种 带“ will +动词原形 ”的 if- 分句在某些场合是不可以随便用的 , 比如我们可以说: If he gets my letter in time, he’ll be able to change his plans . 如果他及时收到我的信 , 他就能改变他的计划 。 却 不可以说成: If he will get my letter in time, he’ll be able to change his plans. If you would try Italian food, you would like it. 如果你愿意尝尝意大利食物 , 你会喜欢它的。 If you would reserve the seats, we would be sure of a comfortable journey. 如果你愿意订座 , 我们将肯定会有一个舒适的旅程。 Dear Su Mei, I don’t ______( know) what to ______( do) about going to Mike’s birthday party tomorrow night. My parents ______(think) I should study for my English exam next week. If I ______( go) to the party, they ________(be) upset. Mike ______(tell) us wear nice know do think go will be Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 3a told clothes , but I don’t ______(have) any. If I _____(wear) jeans, I ________(look) the worst. Also, I’m not sure how to ____(go) to the party. If I ______( walk), it _________( take) me too long. If I _____( take) a taxi, it _________( be) too expensive. Can you give me some advice please ? Tina have wear will look go walk will take take will be 1 . If I get up late tomorrow, ____________________________ 2 . If I don’t finish my homework, ____________________________ I will miss the school bus. my teacher will be angry. Complete the sentences using your own ideas. 3b 3. If I don’t get enough exercise, ____________________________ 4. I will not have enough time to study if ___________________________________ 5. I will not make any friends if ____________________________ I won’t be strong. I play computer games all the day. I always make them upset. 仿照例子把两句话合成一句话。 Example: a. You think you’ re going to visit New York City. b. You will see some tall buildings. → If you go to visit New York City, you ’ll see some tall buildings. Practice 1. a. You think you’re going to study English hard. b. You will do better in English. 2. a. You think you’re going to eat and drink more. b. You will be fatter. → If you study English hard, you ’ll do better in English . → If you eat and drink more, you ’ll be fatter. 3. a. They think they are going to do more exercise. b. Their health will be better. 4. a. I think you are going to let me watch TV. b. I will stay at home. → Their health will be better if they do more exercise . → I will stay at home if you let me watch TV. Write a story with your group on a piece of paper. The first person begins the story with “I think I will …” The others add sentences with “if ”. Pass the paper around twice. Then read the story. I think I will go to the movies tonight. If I go to the movies, I won’t finish my homework. If I don’t finish my homework… 3c 1. be + doing 形式 : 用现在进行时态表达将来,主要意义是表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作,常用于位置转移的动词 , 如 go 、 come 、 leave 、 start 、 arrive 等 , 也可用于其它动态动词。如: The president is coming to the UN this week. 总统这周将到联合国来。 We are moving to a different hotel the day after tomorrow . 我们后天将换一家宾馆。 拓 展 在英 语中 , 有相当多的动态动词都可以用现在进行时表示将来。 例如: Dinner is ready. We’re having fish for dinner. 晚饭好了 , 今晚我们吃鱼。 I’m spending my holidays in Singapore this year. 今年我要去新加坡度假。 Tom isn’t finishing his high school until next year. 汤姆明年才高中毕业。 Can you give me some advice please? advice 意为“劝告;建议”是不可数名词,不能说 an advice, 而应说 a piece of advice 。“ 两个(则)建议”,我们通常说 two pieces of advice 。注意 piece 要采用复数, advice 不可数,但 piece 可数。我们也可以 说 some pieces of advice 一些建议。如: Can you give me some advice? 你能给我一些建议吗? Language points 与 advice 有关的一些词组: ask advice of 向 …… 征 求意见 , 请教 by sb .'s advice 依某人劝告 on sb .'s advice 依某人劝告 follow sb.'s advice 接受某人意见 give advice 劝告 , 忠告 Ⅰ. 翻译下列句子。 1. 如果你不赶快走 , 你就会迟到。 2 .如果你爱你的父母 , 你应当帮他们做做家务。 3. 如果你更友善一些 , 你会交上很多好朋友。 If you don’t go soon, you’ll be late. You should help do the housework if you love your parents. You will make lots of friends if you are more friendly. Exercises 4. 如果你带外校的朋友来 , 老师会让他们离开。 5. 如果你不完成作业 , 妈妈不会让你玩电游。 6. 当你看到 Bill Gates, 你会对他说些什么? If you bring friends from other schools, the teacher will ask them to leave. If you don’t finish your homework, your mother won’t let you play computer games. What will you say to Bill Gates when you see him? 1. 我想我将会乘公共汽车去参加聚会。 I _____ I’ll take the bus to the ______. 2. 如果你那样做,你将会迟到。 If you _____, _____ be late. do you’ll think party Ⅱ. 根据课本内容,完成下列句子。 3. 我想我将待在家里。 I _____ _____ stay at home. 4. 如果你那样做,你将会觉得很抱歉。 If you ____, ______ ____ sorry. think I’ll do you’ll be 5. 如果他们今天聚会,将会发生什么事? _____ ___ _______ if they _____ the party today? What will happen have 6. 如果他们今天聚会,班里一半的学生将 不会去。 If they ______ the party today, ______ the class _______ come. 7. 我们应当要求人们带食物来吗? Should we ______ people to ______ food? have half won’t ask bring 中考链接 —This task is really beyond me. —Well, if you _________solve it, you won't get paid. A. can’t B. needn’t C. mustn’t D. shouldn’t 句意“ — 这任务真的超出我的能力。 — 好吧,如果你不能解决,你将拿不到报酬。” A I think I’ll take the bus to the party. If you do, you’ll be late. I think I’ll stay at home. If you do, you’ll be sorry. What will happen if they have the party today? If they have it today, half the class won’t come. Should we ask people to bring food? If we ask people to bring food, they’ll just bring potato chips and chocolate. 1.Write five sentences with if structure. 2.Copy and translate the sentences below. Homework Section B 1a-1d To get the specific information about Michael’s problem and the advice. To learn to talk about Michael’s problem and give advice. To make a good choice for the future. Objectives 选词填空。 1. If you walk there, you’ll be late for the ________. 2. If they watch a _______ at the party, some students will be bored. 3. I don’t know what to do. Can you give me some ________? meeting, video, chocolate, taxi, upset, advice, organize meeting video advice Review 4. What will happen if she _________ a soccer game on Saturday? 5. If she doesn’t come home on time, her parents will be ________. 6. If it rains tomorrow, we’ll take a _______ there. 7. If he eats too much _________, he’ll be very heavy. organizes upset taxi chocolate e.g. Children under five usually travel free on train. 五岁以下的孩子乘火车通常是免费的。 agent n. 代理人;经纪人 e.g. Mr. Lin is an agent for APPLE. 林先生是苹果公司的代理人。 travel v.& n. 旅行;游历 New words Some important things in our life. be happy go to college Warming up If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time. If you wear uniforms to school, the teachers will be happy. If it snow s , we ’ll make a snowman. _____ be happy _____ go to college _____ be famous _____ travel around the world _____ make a lot of money _____ get an education Which of the things below are the most important to you? Circle three things. 周游世界 赚钱 接受教育 1a Listen. Look at the list in 1a. Write A before each thing the soccer agent talks about and P before each thing Michael’s parents talk about. _____ be happy _____ go to college _____ be famous _____ travel around the world _____ make a lot of money _____ get an education P P P P A A 1b If you join the Lions, ______ If you become a Lion, ______ And if you work really hard, _____ If you become a soccer player, ______ 5. But if I don’t do this now, ______ a. you’ll be famous. b. I’ll never do it. c. you’ll become a great soccer player. d. you’ll never go to college. e. you’ll travel around the world. b d a e c Listen again. Complete the sentences. 1c Conversation 1 Agent: The lions are a great soccer team, you know! ___ you join the Lions, you’ll become a great soccer player. If you ________ a Lion, you ________ around the world. And if you work really hard, you _____ famous. Listen again and fill in the blanks. If become will travel will be Conversation 2 Parents: You shouldn’t _____ the Lions right now. If you become a professional soccer player, ______ never ____ __ college. Of course you want _____ happy, but there are many other interesting jobs out there. It is exciting. And I know you want to _____ a lot of money. But money isn’t everything, son. join to be you’ll go to make What do you think I should do? Can you give me some advice? I think you should go to college. Student A is Michael. Student B is his friend. Student B, give Student A advice. But if I go to college, I’ll never become a great soccer player. No, if you go to college, you can get a good education and play soccer on the school team. … But if I play on the school team, I won’t develop professional skills, and I won’t earn money. 1d Talk about your own plan with your partner and write it down A:What do you want to do when you grow up? B:I want to... If I ...,I will... Example My own plan I think I will be a teacher in ten years. If I become a teacher, I will work with children. I love children so I will be happy. I will also be able to work outside sometimes. But I won’t be famous. Now you can give me some advice . 现在你可以给我一些忠告。 That’s really a good piece of advice . 那的确是一条不错的建议。 advice 相当于汉语“ 建议;忠告 ”的意思,是不可数名词,故 不可 添加复数词尾 -s! 表示“ 一条建议;一则忠告 ” 应说 a piece of advice 或 a word of advice 。如: 1. Can you give me some advice please? Language points advise 是动词,意为“ 提建议;给忠告 ”。如: Robert Hunt advises students about common problems. 罗伯特 · 亨特就一些常见的问题给学生们提出建议,进行 指导。 The minister advised him to leave as soon as possible. 部长建议他尽快离开。 I. 选择填空。 1. If it _____ tomorrow, we’ll go to the park. A. isn’t rain B. doesn’t rain C. will rain D. don’t rain 2. I _____ with you if I’m free. A. go B. will go C. went D. going 3. The volleyball match will be put off if it _______.   A. will rain   B. rains   C. rained    D. is rained B B B Exercises 4. There ______ a football game on TV this afternoon. A. is going to have   B. will be C. is going to play   D. will play 5. This work is ________ for me than for you. A. difficult       B. the most difficult C. most difficult       D. more difficult 6. I’ll catch up with Lucy before she ___ the finishing line. A. reach   B. is reaching C. reaches in D. will reach B D C 7. Excuse me. Could you tell me ________? A. where’s the office B. where’s the bus stop C. what’s she doing   D. where the post office is 8. I won’t go if it ________ tomorrow. A. rain B. is raining C. rains D. will rain D C 10. You'd better ________ your jacket. The room is too hot. A. take off   B. put on C. take out   D. take care 9. Wu Dong is good at ________ English. A. speak    B. speaks   C. speaking   D. spoke C A 1. Read the article in Activity 2b. 2. Write about your own plans, using sentences with “ if ” and “ will ”. Homework Section B 2a-2e To get information about problem-solving. To learn some key words and structures: teenager, normal,wallet,normal,unless,certainly,mile,angry,understanding,careless,mistake,himself,careful,advise,solve,step,trust,experience,else... To have a positive attitude to worries. Objectives 课时重点回顾 a great soccer team, join the Lions, become a great soccer player, travel much, travel around the world, sound great, work really hard, right now, become a soccer player, go to college, want a job, of course, interesting jobs, really exciting, make a lot of money, get an education Review Problems teenagers may face Do you have any problems in your daily life? I have too much homework to do. I can’t get along well with my classmates… I can’t get good marks. Sometimes I don’t know how to communicate with my parents. I’m not good at math. I usually worry about it. I usually go to my math teacher for help. What kinds of things do you worry about? Who do you usually go to for help? 2a have no close friends to talk to have too much homework eat too much and get fat feel sleepy in class When you have such worries, who do you usually go to for help? An expert? Keep the worries to yourself? Your parents? Your good friends? Have you ever heard of “ 知心姐姐 ”? There is a similar expression in English — Agony Aunt . They write the replies to reader’s letters in an advice column. Look at the statements and read the passage quickly. Which statement expresses the main idea of the passage? a. If people have problems, they should get advice from an except . b. If people have problems, they should talk to other people. c. If people have problems, they should keep them to themselves. 2b 专家 保守秘密 Students these days often have a lot of worries. Sometimes they have problems with their schoolwork, and sometimes with their friends. What can they do about this? Some people believe the worst thing is to do nothing. Laura Mills, a teenager from London, agrees. ”Problems and worries are normal in life,” says Laura. “But I think talking to someone helps a lot. Unless we talk to someone, we’ll certainly feel worse.” Laura once lost her wallet, and worried for days. She was afraid to tell her parents about it. She even walked three miles to school each day because she didn’t have any money. She just kept thinking ① , “If I tell my parents, they’ll be angry!” In the end, she talked to her parents and they were really understanding. Her dad said he sometimes made careless mistakes himself. They got ② her a new wallet and asked her to be more careful. “I will always remember to share my problems in the future!” Laura says . Robot Hunt advises students about common problems. He feels the same ways as Laura. “It is best not to run away from our problems. We should always try to solve them.” He thinks the first step is to find someone you trust to talk to. This person doesn’t need to be an expert like himself. Students often forget that their parents have more experience, and are always there to help them. In English, we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it in half. So you’re halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it! Students these days have problems with their________and ___________.Some people think the worst thing they can do is ____________. But Laura thinks ______________________ helps a lot. ___ we ______do this,we'll _________. Read paragraph 1,fill in the blanks. schoolwork friends to do nothing talking to someone If don't feel worse Read paragraph 2,translate. 1. 害怕做某事 2. 步行三英里去学校 3. 最后 4. 一直做某事 5. 犯粗心的错误 6. 如果我告诉父母, 他们会生气的。 1.be afraid to do sth. 2.walk three miles to school 3.in the end 4.keep doing sth. 5.make careless mistakes 6.If I tell my parents,they'll be angry. Read paragraph 3, complete the sentences. 1.It's best not _______(run)away from our problems 2. He thinks the first step is ______(find) someone you trust to talk to. 3. In English, we say that_________ (share) a problem is like cutting it in half. 4.Y ou’re halfway to _______ (solve) a problem just by______ (talk) to someone about it! to run to find sharing solving talking Read the passage again and answer the questions. Discuss your answers with a partner. What is the worst thing to do if you have a problem? ___________________________________ 2. Why didn’t Laura want to tell her parents about her lost wallet? ___________________________________ To do nothing. If she tells her parents, they will be angry. 2c 3. What is the first thing you should do when you want to solve a problem? _____________________________________ 4. Why can our parents give us good advice about our problems? ________________________________ The first thing you should do is to find someone you trust to talk to. Because they have more experience, and are always there to help us. 1. It’s to do nothing. 读短文第一段第三句“ Some people believe the worst thing is to do nothing. ”可知。 2. She was afraid they would be angry. 由第二段中第一、二两句“ Laura once lost her wallet, and worried for days. She was afraid to tell her parents about it. ”可知。 指导 3. It is to find someone you trust to talk to. 由短文第三段第四句“ He thinks the first step is to find someone you trust to talk to ”可知。 4. Our parents can give us good advice about our problems because they have more experience than us, and are always there to help us. 读第三段第五句“ Students often forget that their parents have more experience, and are always there to help them. ”可知。 Fill in the blanks with the phrases in the box. 1.discuss your problems 2.tell her parents 3.unless you talk 4.run away from 5.talk to someone 6.share her problems 7.to do nothing Students often have a lot of problems and worries. Laura Mills thinks the worst thing is ____. She thinks you’ll feel worse if you don’t ____ your problems. Laura remembers that she once lost her wallet and was afraid to ____ about it. 7 5 2 2d Now she believes you cannot feel better ____ to someone. She says she will always ____ in the future. Robert Hunt agrees with Laura. He thinks you should not ____ your problems, but you should try to solve them. If you cannot talk to an expert like Robert, you can ____ with your parents, because they have a lot of experience. 3 6 4 1 Ask three students the following questions. Take notes of their answers. Problems with schoolwork Who you talk to and why Who you get advice from Student A Student B Student C 2e 1. What problems do you have with schoolwork? 2. Who do you talk to about these problems and why? 3. Who else can you get advice from? 4. Do you always tell your parents about your problems? Why or why not? 5. Do you ever give advice to your friends about their problems? What advice do you give? Some useful structures: 1 . If people have problems, they should try to keep them to themselves . keep... to oneself 意为“保守秘密”,如: One must keep such interests to oneself. 有这类爱好不该让人知道。 We should keep their worries to themselves. 我们应该为他们的忧虑保守秘密。 Language points keep... to oneself 还可意为“不与人来往; 不交际”,如: Keep sb at arm’s length: not allow oneself to become too friendly with sb. 与某人保持距离;不使自己太亲近某人。 2. Problems and worries are normal life worries 是名词 worry 的复数形式,意为“ 令人忧伤的人或事 ”; worry 意为“ 烦恼 , 忧愁 , 忧虑 ” , 指因遭遇困难或不如意的事而苦闷,是不可数名词。如: My chief worry is that he doesn’t have experience. 我的主要忧虑是他没有经验。 Her happiness at seeing him submerged her former worries. 她看到他非常高兴,顿时完全忘记了先前的烦恼。 worry 作及物动词,意为“使担心”;做不及物动词,意为“ 担心”。 worry about / over sth / sb 意为“担心某事 / 某人”。 如: Your worry is always triggered by some external event or happening. 你总是为一些外因或事情而烦恼。 Don’t worry, he'll be alright. 别担心,他不会有事的。 I did not want to worry my friend. 我没想麻烦我的朋友 。 3. Her dad said he sometimes made careless mistakes himself. careless 做形容词,意为“粗心的”“不小心的” , 在句中可用作定语或表语。如: It was careless of you to leave the door unlocked. 你没锁门,太粗心了。 The careless waiter dropped the dish onto the ground. 那个粗心的侍者把盘子摔到了地上。 mistake 意 为“错误 , 过失 ”,可 指没有做对或做得不好的 事物 , 也 可指错误的想法或 见解 , 还 可指“误解”或“误会”。 mistake 后可接介词 短语、动词 不定式、现在分词作定语。接 about 表示“关于 …… 的 错误 ” , 接 in 表示“某方面的错误 ”。 make a mistake 表示 “犯错误” ; by mistake 表示“错误地”。 如: You’ve made several grammatical mistakes in the composition. 你的作文中犯了几处语法错误。 Tom must have taken your dictionary by mistake . 汤姆一定是弄错了才拿了你的字典。 4. They got her a new wallet and asked her to be more careful. get 意为“买”,相当于 buy ,但不如后者正式。如 : Could you get me a ticket, please? 请给我买张票好吗? I usually get vegetables from that supermarket. 我通常从那家超市买蔬菜。 Which newspaper do you get ? 你订阅什么报纸? 5. In English, we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it in half. 在英语中,我们说与人分担一个烦恼就像把麻烦分成两半。 share 是“分享;分担;共同承担 ” 的意思。如: share a room with someone 与 某人同住一个房间 share a book 同 看 一本书 share a taxi 同 坐一辆 出租车 Yes , I want to share my life with you. 是 的,我想和你共享生活。 cut…in half… “ 把 …… 切 成两半”“ 把 …… 一切 为二 ”, cut 意为“切、剪” in half/ halves 是一种固定 结构,此处 in 表示状态 。如 : Please cut the orange in half. Now , all the oranges are in half. 6. So you’re halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it! 你只要跟人聊聊这个问题,你的问题就解决了一半 。 be halfway to… 表示“完成了或者做了事情的一部分” , 其中 to 为介词。如: we’re still only halfway to finishing the job. 我们 才仅仅完成了工作的一部分。 句中的 by 在这里表示方式,“通过 …… 办法; 使用 …… 方式”的意思。如: A : How do you study for a test? B: Well, most of time by going over the notes and reading the textbook. Ⅰ. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. You mustn’t be a _________(care) driver. 2. It’s five _______(mile) from my home to school. 3. He is old enough to look after _________(he). 4. She is an _____________(understand) girl, and everyone likes her. 5. They’re __________(certain) not mine. careless miles himself understanding certainly Exercises Ⅱ. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 1. 如果你有什么问题,你可以从你的父母那里得到建议。 If you have any problems, you may ______ _______ _______ your parents. 2. 老师要求我们交作业。 The teacher _______ ______ _____ hand in our homework. 3. 最后他成功了。 He succeeded ______ _______ ______ . get advice from asked us to in the end Ⅲ. 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 1. How do you become an ______( 专家 )? 2. This is a _______( 正常的 ) phase that we all go through. 3. I was glad he was a sympathetic and _____________ ( 善解人意的 ) man, and that she liked him. 4. What did you learn from this ______( 错误 )? 5. The accident taught him to be more _______( 小心的 ). expert normal understanding mistake careful 中考链接 Kitty, you’ll fail the English exam_____ you study hard. A. because B. when C. if D. unless 句意“除非你努力学习,否则你会在英语考试中失败。” D 因为 如果 什么时候 除非 Review the expressions and structures you’ve learnt from the passage. Homework Section B 3a-Self Check To learn to write a passage to solve your friends’ problems in life To learn to make friends in a proper way.A friend in need is a friend indeed . Objectives 1. 有许多担忧 ___________________ 2. 与某人交谈 ___________________ 3. 害怕做某事 ___________________ 4. 最终 ____________ 5. 生气 ___________ 将 下列词组或句子翻译成英语。 have a lot of worries talk to someone be afraid to do sth. in the end be angry Review 6. 犯一些粗心的错误 _____________________________ 7. 分享我的问题 ____________________ 8. 逃避问题 ________________________ 9. 将 …… 分成两半 _______________ 10. 有时候他们在学业上出现问题。 ________________________________ _________________________ make some careless mistakes share my problems run away from the problems cut … in half Sometimes they have problems with their schoolwork. I don’t have many friends. What do you think I should do? Can you give me some advice? If you join a sports team, you’ll know many new friends. Warming up I think you should try to play games with your classmates. I think you should join a club. have no close friends to talk to have too much homework eat too much and get fat feel sleepy in class List the problems and worries you have in life. Talk about his/her problems and what she/he should do, using the following patterns: He/She is… I think he/she should… If he/she…, he/she will… Talk to someone you know. Find out his/her three biggest worries. Try to think of some solutions to the problems and write them down. 3 a Problems Possible solutions don’t stay up late, buy an alarm clock, ride your bike to go to school too heavy eat less junk food and more vegetables, do more exercise always be late for school take notes in class, do more exercises, ask the teacher for help physics is difficult My friend _______ has a problem. He / She ___________________________. I think he/she should _________________. If he/she____________________________, he/she will __________________________. Write about your friend’s first problem and the possible solutions. Use the structures below to help you plan your writing. 3b 分析 3b 中的作文提纲,可以看出 。写 三个方面的内容就能轻松完成一篇小作文。 首先 ,写清楚朋友的名字及其现在存在的问题或困难。 然后 ,写出自己给他的建议。并用 if 从句来进一步 说 明 自 己的建 议将会起到的作用。 最后 ,复读一遍作文来检查有没有错误。 指 导 My friend Jenny has a problem. She is too heavy . I think she should eat less junk food and eat more vegetables and fruit . I think she also should get more exercise . If she eats more vegetables and fruit, she will eat less junk food . If she gets more exercise , she’ll be much thinner soon. Possible version My friend also has two other problems. __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Now write your advice for your friend’s second and third problems. Use the structures in 3b to help you. 3c … .She is always late for school. I think she shouldn’t stay up late on weekdays. She should get an alarm clock. She should rides her bike to school. If she has an alarm clock, she will get up early. Possible version If she rides her bike to school, it will cost her less time to get to school. She thinks physics is too difficult for her. I think she should take notes in class. She should also do more exercises. She should ask the teacher for help after class. Your school is taking part in the project “We Can Help!” Add more items to the poster. Then talk about what you will do if you take part in the project. We Can Help! old people’s home visit school clean-up children’s hospital visit _____________________ _____________________ A: What will you do if you visit an old people’s home? B: If I do that, I’ll bring the old people some flowers . 4 What will you do if you visit an old people’s home? If I do that, I’ll bring the old people some flowers. If I do that, I’ll sing and dance for them to make them happy. If 意为如果,表示条件, if 引导的句子是 从句 ,用 现在时 态 ,主句则用将来时态。 也就是 所谓的“ 主将从现 ” 。 如: If you eat less, you will be thinner. If you work hard, you will be successful. If you come to school late, your teacher will be angry with you . 复习: if 句型 拓展: 1. 主情从现,主祈从现 eg:If you find the lost pet, please call me. You can go to the movie if you finish your homework. 拓展: 2.unless “ 如果不,除非 ” ( if...not ) eg: Unless we work hard,we can't pass the exam. = If we don't work hard,we can't pass the exam. meeting teenagers video experience 1. If my family travels to a new country this summer, I’ll send you a letter about my __________. 2. Will you watch the ______with me if you are free this weekend ? 3 . If the __________ stay out too late, their parents will worry about them. 4. I’ll go to the ________ if it ends by 5:00 p.m . experience video teenagers meeting Self Check I. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. II.Complete the conversation with the words in the box. if are will flight want sorry going A: Hi, Sally. ____ you ____ to the party tomorrow? B: I _____ to, but I can’t. A: Oh! But _____ you don’t go to the party, you _____ miss all the fun! B: I know, but I got into a _____ with my parents. A: Hmm… then you should just say _____ to your parents . B: I guess you’re right. I _____ talk to them tonight . Are going want if will flight sorry will III. Use your information! What will you do if … 1. It rains all weekend? 2. There’s an English test tomorrow? 3. Your cousin decides to come and visit from another town ? I will stay at home. I will work hard / go to bed early tonight. I will … If I eat too much lunch, _______________. If I am a good cook, _____________________________. If I watch too much TV, _______________________. If I don’t help others, ______________________. I will feel sick I’ll cook delicious food for you I won’t have enough sleep others won’t help me Complete the sentences using your own ideas. Ⅰ. 选择选项,完成对话。 a. You should stay at home. b . Good idea ! c. I will have a great time. d . I will be bored. e. I can go swimming with you. A: I think I’m going to play basketball . B: If you do, you will be uncomfortable . Look at the sun , it’s too hot. _____ A: If I stay at home, _____ B: Maybe you can go swimming in the lake. A: ______ If I do, _______ B: That’s right. ______ a d b c e Exercises Ⅱ. 发挥想象力,补全句子。 1. If it rains all weekend, _________________________________. 2. If there’s an English test tomorrow, ________________________________. 3. If my cousin decides to come and visit from another town, ________________________________________. I will watch TV at home I will get nervous/prepare for the test I will buy a gift for him/ buy something delicious 1. Copy and recite the new words & grammar focus. 2. 模仿 编五 个对话。 I think I’ll do ____________. If you do, you’ll ____________. Homework

