外研版八年级英语上册单元测试题及答案Module 1

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外研版八年级英语上册单元测试题及答案Module 1

1 外研版八年级英语上册单元测试题及答案 Module 1 第二卷 笔试部分(95 分) 六、单项选择。(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 26. —Hello, Lucy, please give me some ________ on how to improve my English! —You'd better keep ________ more English books. A. advices;read B. advice;read C. advice;reading D. advices;reading 27. —Did Qingdao show ________ to the world during the SCO Summit(上海合作 组织峰会)? —Sure! Her beauty, high technology and rapid development. A. something special B. anything special C. special something D. special anything 28. It is wise ________ Linda to make up her mind________ to play an instrument. A. for; learning B. for; to learn C. of; learning D. of; to learn 29. Reading the first ________ of each paragraph before you read the whole text helps you get the main idea quickly. A. letter B. word C. sentence D. meaning 30. —Jim, can you ________ this word in English? —Yes, I can ________ a little English. A. tell; speak B. speak; say C. talk;say D. say; speak 31. —Why not hold a Chinese Poetry Competition to welcome our motherland's 71th birthday? -________. Let's make a plan together in our group. A. That's all right B. Yes, please C. Good idea D. Never mind 32. You'd better leave ________, or trouble will come to you. A. lively B. friendly C. heavily D. quickly 2 33. Through the stories behind the idioms, we would be able to fully ________China's culture, history and tradition. A. understand B. search C. compare D. imagine 34. —Why didn't your sister talk with me? —She is a ________ girl. She is afraid to speak in front of others. A. naughty B. shy C. clever D. good 35. Yesterday my father ________ to the school to talk with my teacher. A. go B. will go C. is going D. went 七、完形填空。(共 10 小题,每小题 1. 5 分,共 15 分) I began to learn Chinese cooking __36__ my mom when I was 9. When I was 12, I began to help my aunt in the kitchen. My aunt was a very __37__ cook in the town. She taught me everything about cooking. I still remember the day when I was 15. “Hui, I don't have __38__ to teach you any more,” My aunt said after a feast(宴席). For 10 years, I never stopped __39__ cooking. But I never thought of writing a cookbook __40__ February 3rd, 1997—my aunt died. I didn't have a chance to __41__ goodbye to her face to face because I was going to college far away from my home town. I was thinking of doing something for her. Nothing is __42__ than writing a cookbook. __43__ one and a half years' work, I wrote the Chinese cookbook in 1998. In 2000, my friend asked me to __44__ my cookbook in English and bring it to all people around the world who love Chinese food. For writing this book, I visited a lot of Chinese restaurants here in New York and studied hundreds of restaurant menus. I talked to lots of __45__ about healthy eating and nutrition(营养). After two years of work, I wrote my English ecookbook “Real and Healthy Chinese Cooking”. 36. A. from B. for C. with D. about 37. A. bad B. kind C. strict D. famous 38. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything 39. A. getting B. making C. thinking D. studying 40. A. when B. until C. after D. since 3 41. A. speak B. talk C. say D. tell 42. A. worse B. good C. well D. better 43. A. After B. Before C. Since D. For 44. A. sell B. buy C. write D. learn 45. A. waiters B. doctors C. teachers D. Chinese 八、阅读理解。(共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共 30 分) A People often ask me for suggestions about how to learn English. As for it, everyone is different. I'll share some of my experience. I once took a school year English course in Wuhan University, but I mostly learned English on my own. One thing I can tell you is that, once you've started learning, you should try to think in English as much as you can. If you see something when you're riding your bike or walking down the street, just think about “ How would I say them in English?” At first, it might be with simple words or phrases, but later you should think about longer phrases and sentences. Now I'm in America, and for most of the time, I would think in English and speak it directly. It's amazing how much this helps. For several years after I started learning, I was often afraid of talking with others in English because I didn't want to make mistakes. Finally I got it over. And while traveling in America, I'd try to hang out with friends who couldn't speak Chinese, so that I'd have no choice but to speak English. And I also decided that if I said something stupid and other people laughed at me, then so be it. After that, my English started improving much more quickly. Besides, it may be a good idea to ask your American friends to look at the way you're writing, and give you some suggestions for improvement. 46. The writer learned English in Wuhan University for ________. A. a week B. a month C. a term D. a year 47. According to the writer,________ is a good way to improve your English. A. thinking in English B. learning English grammar 4 C. watching English films D. reading English books 48. The underlined phrase “get it over” in Paragraph 3 means “________” in English. A. stick to it B. depend on it C. overcome it D. understand it 49. To the writer's surprise, his English improved quickly________. A. in the university B. in the middle school C. in China D. in America 50. The best title for this passage should be“________”. A. The Importance of English B. My English Learning Experience C. My University Life D. My American Friends B Meiyu, born in 1995, is from Turkey(土耳其). She is the youngest child of her family. After high school , many people learned English or Japanese , but Meiyu decided to learn Chinese in university. She learned Chinese for four years in Ankara University in Turkey,and got her name Meiyu there. Meiyu fell in love with Chinese after going to university. She became more interested after she knew more about Chinese history. She graduated( 毕 业 ) from Ankara University in 2017. Since then, more Chinese have been visiting Turkey. The trade ( 贸 易 ) between the two countries also needs Chinese speaking people. “Speaking Chinese means more job opportunities,” said Meiyu. Now Meiyu lives in Wuhan, China. Besides going on studying Chinese, she shows great interest(兴趣) in Chinese kung fu as well,so she spends her free time on kung fu training with her coaches. Kung fu can help improve(改善) her health and learn about the history and culture behind it. 5 In the future, Meiyu decides to go back to Turkey to teach more students to learn Chinese. 51. Where did Meiyu learn Chinese at first? A. In China. B. In Turkey. C. In India. D. In Australia. 52. How old was Meiyu when she graduated from Ankara University in 2017? A. 22. B. 25. C. 27. D. 18. 53. What's probably the meaning of the word “opportunities” in this passage? A. Decisions. B. Orders. C. Meanings. D. Chances. 54. Why does Meiyu spend her free time on kung fu training with her coaches? A. Because she shows great interest in Chinese kung fu. B. Because she has to learn kung fu to graduate. C. Because she wants to teach kung fu in Turkey. D. Because she wants to take part in kung fu competitions. 55. What can you learn from the passage? A. Meiyu is the only child of her family. B. Meiyu is not interested in Chinese now. C. Chinese culture has greatly influenced Meiyu. D. Meiyu decides to stay in China in the future. C The best way of learning English The best way of learning a language is by using it. The best way of learning English is talking in English as much as possible. Sometimes you will get your words mixed up and people will not understand you. Sometimes people will say things too quickly and you can't understand them. But if you keep your sense of humour, you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes. Don't be unhappy if people seem to be laughing at your mistakes. It is much better for people to be laughing at your mistakes than to be angry because they don't understand what you are saying. The most important rule for learning English is: Don't be afraid of making 6 mistakes; everyone makes mistakes. 56. The best way of learning a language is ________. A. to remember the grammar rules B. to use it as often as you can C. to try not to get your words mixed up D. to make a lot of mistakes 57. When people laugh at your mistakes,________. A. you should be angry B. you must stop talking at once C. you should keep your sense of humour D. you must be very careful next time 58. The most important rule for learning English is________. A. to try to make fewer mistakes B. not to be afraid of making mistakes C. to be brave to talk to others in English D. Both B and C. 59. Tom, Jerry, Bob and Mike are learning English. Who do you think is right? A. Tom tries to use English as much as possible. B. Jerry is always shy of speaking English. C. Bob is afraid that others may laugh at him. D. Mike never tries to talk to others in English. 60. The passage seems to tell us________. A. that you should learn to laugh at mistakes B. that it's interesting to learn English C. what to do when you make mistakes while learning English D. how to make others understand you 九、 任务型阅读(有一项多余)。(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,共 10 分) Now students' English handwriting (书写) gets worse and worse. That makes their teachers feel worried. Is your English handwriting beautiful? 61. ________ 7 Use paper with lines When you write English words or sentences, you can use paper with lines. That will make your handwriting straight. 62. ________ Be sure to fill the lined space completely. And make sure these capital letters(大写字母) are written properly. Slow down If your writing is hard to read, just slow down a little. 63. ________ If you write too quickly, it's hard for you to stop where you should, and you may make more mistakes easily. 64. ________ When you hold your pencil in the correct way, writing is much better. Some kids press down really hard when they write. That makes the handwriting bad. Try to be relaxed and don't hold the pencil so hard. Let your writing appear nice and clean. If you do so, people will guess you are a student with a good habit. Draw more pictures 65. ________ While you are drawing pictures, you need to use the skills to control(控制) your pencil better. Even though you have no chance to draw at school, you can practice by drawing at home. Handwriting is very important. Imagine you are a famous movie star or a well known sports player. What do you do when your fans run up to you? Give them your autographs(亲笔签名), of course! A. If not, here are four steps that really work! B. Hold your pencil right C. Drawing can improve your handwriting. D. We will try to learn English well. E. Going slower makes your handwriting clearer. F. Those lines on the paper can help you to write words in the right size. 十、 单词拼写。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 66. Mary often helps me __________(改正) the mistakes. 8 67. Don't look up every word. Try to guess the ___________ (意义)of it. 68. Would you mind giving me some ___________(advice) on how to plant trees? 69. Don't ___________(忘记) to take your key when you leave the house. 70. Would you please tell me the ____________ (发音) of the new word? 十一、根据汉语意思完成句子。(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,共 10 分) 71. 请在你的笔记本上写下所有的生词。 Please ________ ________all the new words in your notebook. 72. 两人一组练习这段对话是个好主意。 It is a good idea to practise this dialogue ________ ________. 73. 每次我见到莉莉, 她总是对我微笑。 Every time I meet Lily, she always ________ ________ me. 74. 刚才我建议她离开那家公司。 Just now I ________ her ________________ the company. 75. 为什么不用英语和你的同学们交谈呢? ________ ________ talk to your classmates in English? 十二、书面表达。(15 分) 假如你叫 Ann,你的中国朋友小华发来 email 请教如何利用词典学习英语。 请参考截图及注释,根据提示回一封 email。要点如下: 1. 根据示例,概括介绍词条构成; 2. 如何用词典解决词汇学习中的问题(至少两点); 3. 介绍词典对英语学习的好处(至少两点)。 9 (taken from an EnglishChinese dictionary) 注意:1. 截图内容仅供参考,可以引用,不能照抄; 2. 文中不能出现真实学校和姓名; 3. 词数:80 左右。 _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 参考答案 第二卷 笔试部分 六、26. C 解析:advice 是不可数名词,没有复数形式;keep doing sth. 坚持做 某事。 27. B 28. D 解析:It is adj. of sb. to do sth. ,这里的形容词是形容人的性格特征。 make up one's mind to do sth. 是固定搭配。 29. C 30. D 31. C 32. D 33. A 解析:句意:通过这些成语后的故事,我们能够完全地理解中国的文 化、历史和传统。A. 理解;B. 搜寻;C. 对比;D. 想象。根据句意可知, 可以根据成语故事理解中国的文化、历史和传统,故选 A。 34. B 35. D 七、36~40:ADBDB 41~45:CDACB 八、(A)46. D 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的句子 I once took a school year English course in Wuhan University 可知,我在武汉大学学习了一学年英 语,故选 D。 47. A 48. C 49. D 50. B (B)51. B 解析:细节理解题,根据第一段最后一句“She learned Chinese for four years in Ankara University in Turkey,and got her name Meiyu there. ” 梅雨在士耳其安卡拉大学学习了四年汉语。故答案选 B。 52. A 解析:数字计算题。根据第一段中的句子“Meiyu, born in 1995”以 10 及第二段中的句子“She graduated(毕业) from Ankara University in 2017. ” 梅雨 1995 年出生,2017 年毕业于安卡拉大学(Ankara University)。2017- 1995=22,故答案为 A。 53. D 解析:词义猜测题。A. 决定;B. 命令;C. 意思;D. 机会。根据文 中句子“Since then,more Chinese have been visiting Turkey. The trade between the two countries also needs Chinesespeaking people. ”可知,随着 更多的中国人来到土耳其和两国贸易的不断增多,需要很多说汉语的人 才,因此会说汉语就意味着拥有更多的工作机会,故答案选 D。 54. A 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的句子“Besides going on studying Chinese, she shows great interest in Chinese kung fu as well,so she spends her free time on kung fu training with her coaches. ”可知,梅雨对中国功夫也 很感兴趣,所以她把业余时间花在和教练一起练习中国功夫上。故答案为 A。 55. C 解析:推理判断题。根据倒数两段可知,中国功夫不仅能帮助改善梅 雨的健康,而且她也喜欢中国功夫背后的历史和文化,她回国也要选择汉 语教育的工作,可以判断中国文化对她影响很大。故答案选 C。 (C)56~60:BCDAC 九、61~65:AFEBC 十、66. correct 67. meaning 68. advice 69. forget 70. pronunciation 十一、71. write down 72. in pairs 73. smiles at 74. advised; to leave 75. Why not 十二、One possible version: Dear Xiaohua, Glad to receive your letter. You asked me how to use a dictionary to learn English. Here are some of my ideas. Words in a dictionary are called entries. Each entry has five sections, such as pronunciation, part of speech, definition, usage and word family. Of course, sometimes the same word has different meanings. Using dictionaries can solve problems in vocabulary learning. First of all, it 11 can help us understand the meaning of words accurately. Secondly, it can enrich our knowledge and exercise our thinking. Finally, it can help us learn to express our ideas. I hope it's helpful to you. Yours, Ann

