人教版八年级英语上册:Unit1 Where did you go on vacation-讲义(含答案)

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人教版八年级英语上册:Unit1 Where did you go on vacation-讲义(含答案)

学科:英语 专题:Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation ‎ 题一 题面 ‎---Did you go to Guizhou with ______?‎ ‎---Yes, I went there with my family. ‎ A. someone B. anyone ‎ C. everyone D. no one 复合不定代词 指代人: ‎ someone, anyone, no one, everyone, ‎ somebody, anybody, nobody, everybody 指代事物:‎ something, anything, nothing, everything 用something, anything, nothing, everything 填空。‎ ‎---Is there ____________ on my nose? ‎ ‎---Yes, there is ____________ on your nose. It’s a fly! ‎ anything何时用于肯定句? ‎ You can ask me anything you want to know. ‎ 当形容词修饰不定代词时……‎ ‎---Come here, I’ll tell you something interesting. ‎ ‎---Did you buy anything special? ‎ ‎---Yes, I bought a pet spider. ‎ ‎---Did you see ______ in your class?‎ ‎---No, I know all of them. ‎ ‎ A. someone new B. new someone ‎ C. anyone new D. new anyone 题二 题面 I __________________ my uncle on vacation. ‎ 我在假期去看望了叔叔。‎ I visit my grandparents once a week. ‎ 我每周都去 ______ 爷爷奶奶一次。 ‎ Do you want to visit London? ‎ 你想到伦敦 ______ 吗?‎ visit 可以用作名词 This is my first visit to England. ‎ visitor ‎ These visitors come from America. ‎ 题三 题面 I ____________________________ my parents,‎ but nothing for myself.‎ 我给父母买了些东西,但是给自己什么都没买。 ‎ 父亲节:Father’s Day (6月的第三个星期日)‎ I _______________________ on Father’s Day. ‎ 我在父亲节那天给爸爸买了一件礼物。‎ It was wonderful! We took quite a few photos there. ‎ 请思考:它们的意思相同吗?‎ few a few quite a few 题四 题面 辨析 quite a few与quite a little He will stay here for _______________ days. ‎ There is _________________ water in the glass. ‎ Tom feels very lonely, because he has ______ friends. ‎ A. a few B. few ‎ C. quite a few D. quite a little 题五 题面 ‎---______________________?‎ ‎---Well, it was my first time there, so everything was really interesting.‎ A. How did you like it B. How’s the weather C. How are you D. How do you do ‎ ‎---How do you like the movie “The Croods”(疯狂原始人)?‎ ‎---____________. I especially like the father. ‎ A. I don’t like it at all B. Yes, I have seen it twice C. It’s funny and educational D. I haven’t seen it yet How do you like…?用来询问对方的观点或看法,相当于 What do you think of …? 或How do you feel about…? ‎ How do you like your new job?‎ ‎ =_________________________ your new job?‎ ‎ =_________________________ your new job? ‎ 题六 题面 It was sunny and hot, so we d____________ to go to the beach near our hotel. ‎ 因此我们决定到旅馆附近的海滩上去。‎ They ______________________ the museum. ‎ 他们决定去参观博物馆。‎ decide 后常跟“疑问词+动词不定式”做宾语。‎ He can’t decide when ____________ (leave)‎ 他不能决定何时动身。 ‎ 题七 题面 My sister and I t____________ paragliding. ‎ 姐姐和我尝试了滑翔伞运动。‎ 辨析try doing sth. 与try to do sth.‎ The child tried using the chopsticks at lunch. ‎ The workers are trying to mend the machine. ‎ I _________________ him, but no one answered.‎ 我试着给他打电话了,但没有人接听。‎ I’m _____________________ English well. ‎ 我正尽力把英语学好。 ‎ 题八 题面 I __________________ I was a bird. It was so exciting! ‎ 我感觉自己就像一只小鸟,太刺激了!‎ 翻译 他感觉自己像蜜蜂一样忙碌。‎ 题九 题面 because/because of And ____________the bad weather, we couldn’t see anything below. ‎ The food tasted great ____________I was so hungry!‎ We were wet and cold ____________ we forgot to bring an umbrella. ‎ 辨析 because与because of He lost his job because of his carelessness. ‎ I didn’t buy the T-shirt because it was too expensive. ‎ I came back not _____ the rain, but _____ I was tired.‎ A. because; because ‎ B. because of; because of C. because; because of ‎ D. because of; because 题十 题面 My legs were ________________________ I wanted to stop. ‎ 我的双腿太累了,以至于我都想停下来。‎ She was playing tennis with her friend so happily that she nearly forgot the time. ‎ He is ______ lovely a boy ______ we love him very much. ‎ A. very, that B. too, to ‎ C. as, as D. so , that The little girl is so young that she can’t go to school. ‎ ‎_______________________________________________________.‎ 能力提升与拓展 请写一篇关于旅游、度假的小文段,文中至少用到本单元学到的3个词汇、词组或者句型。‎ 推荐:decide, everybody, so…that…, feel like, because (of) …‎ I and my friends went to Qinghai Lake on the summer vacation. We decided taking a long walk around the lake. The sky was blue, the cloud was white, and the water was clear. It was too beautiful there that we took quite a little photos. Every body felt very relaxed and we nearly forgot all the troubles and worries in life. I feel like I was the happiest man in the world. Because time, we just stayed there for 2 hours. However, I will remember the happy moment for ever. ‎ 范文:‎ I went to Qinghai Lake with my friends on the summer vacation. We decided to take a long walk around the beautiful lake. Blue sky, white cloud and clear water formed a wonderful picture. Breathing the fresh air and enjoying the attractive views, everybody felt so relaxed that we nearly forgot all the troubles and worries in life. I felt like I was the happiest man in the world at that moment. Because of the limited time, we just stayed there for 2 hours. However, the happy moment will be in my memory for ever. ‎ 讲义参考答案 题一 答案:B; anything; something; C ‎ 题二 答案:visited; 看望;参观 题三 答案:bought something for; bought a gift for my father/bought my father a gift 题四 答案:quite a few; quite a little;B 题五 答案:AC 题六 答案:decided; decided to visit; to leave 题七 答案:tried;tried calling; trying to learn 题八 答案:felt like; He felt like he was as busy as a bee.‎ 题九 答案:because of ; because ; because ; D ‎ 题十 答案:so tried that; D; The little girl is too young to go to school.‎

