2020八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Me and My Class Lesson 6 Jenny’s Week预习学案

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2020八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Me and My Class Lesson 6 Jenny’s Week预习学案

Unit 1 Me and My Class ‎ Lesson 6 Jenny’s Week ‎【学习目标】‎ ‎1.熟练掌握本课的重点单词,短语和句型。‎ ‎2.能够理解课文内容,完成课本上的习题。‎ ‎【自主学习】---明确目标 自学文本 任务一:根据Lesson 6 Jenny’s Week预习课件掌握本节课的四会单词和短语: ‎ 任务二:听录音跟读Lesson 6 Jenny’s Week课文,跟读2-3遍,了解对话大意。并完成书中13页的练习题 任务三:认真学习下面的知识点,标记出不理解的地方 ‎1.on weekends在周末 美国人习惯用on weekends/‎ on the weekend;英国人习惯用 at weekends/at the weekend。‎ ‎2.on one team在一个队里 on是介词,意为“为(某团体或组织)的一员”。‎ ‎3.buy sth. for sb.‎ sb. sth. 为某人买某物 My uncle bought a bike for me on my birthday.‎ ‎=My uncle bought me a bike on my birthday.我叔叔在我过生日时给我买了一辆自行车。‎ ‎4.a pair of 一双,一对,一副 后面通常接shoes,boots,socks, jeans, glasses, trousers等名词。如果“a pair of+名词”结构作主语,其谓语动词通常与pair的数保持一致。‎ This pair of trousers is very cheap.这条裤子很便宜。‎ ‎5.have the pleasure of doing sth.很高兴做某事 I had the pleasure of meeting you.我很高兴见到你。‎ ‎【拓展】“With pleasure.”意为“很愿意”,用于回答别人的请求或邀请。‎ ‎“It's a pleasure”意为“别客气;不用谢”,用于回答别人的道谢。‎ 2‎ ‎6.invite sb.to do sth.邀请某人做某事 They invited me to stay for the weekend yesterday.他们昨天邀请我留下过周。‎ ‎【拓展】invite的名词形式是 invitation.‎ ‎【自学检测】------在线测学,质疑思学 ‎1.在线测学:请你在平台完成以下自学检测作业(Unit 1-Lesson 6自学检测),提交后自己看错题及解析。‎ 一、单项选择 ‎( )1.—Which of the two T-shirts would you like to choose?‎ ‎—Both. Then I can give one to my brother and leave _________ to myself.‎ A. another B. the other C. other ‎( )2.—Why are you so excited?‎ ‎—Nancy invited me _____________ on a trip to Dongjiang Lake just now.‎ A.to go B.go C.going ‎( )3.—Can I help you?‎ ‎—Yes, please. I need a pair of A. shoes B. T-shirts C. sweaters D. bags ‎( )4. They had the pleasure of _________ on the Internet.‎ A. chatting B. chat C. to chat D. chatted ‎( )5. My mother bought a new iPad _________ me.‎ A.for B.to C.at D.with ‎( )6. —Could you help me post the letter? —___________.‎ A. My pleasure B. With pleasure C. A pleasure D. In pleasure ‎( )7. I sometimes help my mum with her housework _________ Saturdays.‎ A.at B.in C.on D.to ‎【思学质疑】‎ 把你在本次课程学习中的困惑与建议如实写在下面,并拍照上传到讨论区(课前质疑)。‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________‎ 2‎

