八年级上英语课件《How do you make a banana mike shake》 (15)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件《How do you make a banana mike shake》 (15)_人教新课标

第一课时优秀小组: Group 1; Group 2; Group 4; Group 7; Group 8 第二课时优秀小组: Group 3; Group 5; Group 6; Group 9; Group 10 Learning aims: 1. 掌握核心句型: 1)描述事物制作顺序的祈使句(借助First; Next; Then; Finally); 2)用How many / How much…? 提问的句型(区别可 数和不可数名词)。 2. 掌握听力技巧,根据已知信息预测听力内容。 3. 为家人制作香蕉奶昔或罗宋汤。 Important points: 1. 掌握shake, blender, peel, pour等重点词汇以及由how many/how much 引导的特殊疑问句,能正确使用祈 使句描述香蕉奶昔的制作过程。 2. 能灵活使用first, next, then, finally等词来辅助描述香 蕉奶昔的制作过程。 Difficult points: 理解并能准确运用可数名词和不可数名词。 What’s your favorite fruit? What’s your favorite drink? milk shake 奶昔(由牛奶 和冰淇淋等 搅制而成的 混合饮料) Do you like milk shake? How can we make a banana milk shake? What do we need? 自学探究:学案第一课时任务1 (1') blender ice-cream bananas knife milk peel cut up put pour turn on drink turn on cut up drink peel pour put Write these words in the blanks in the picture above. 1a milk shake 独学: (1') and ice-cream _____ Turn on the blender. _____ Cut up the bananas. _____ Drink the milk shake. _____ Pour the milk into the blender. _____ Put the bananas and ice-cream in the blender. _____ Peel three bananas.1 5 2 6 4 3 Listen and put the in order. 1b 独学:合理推理,预测答案 (1') instructions 指令,说明 How to make a banana milk shake? FirstNextThen After thatThen Finally 群学: 实际操练 peel cut up put … in… turn on drinkpour …into ... First, Next, Then, After that, Then, Finally, How do you make a banana milk shake? 1c First, Next, Then, After that, Then, Finally… Show time! (2 points)Summary spoon Listen and complete the chart. 2a How many bananas How much yogurt honey apples, watermelons, oranges 自学探究:听前推测 听力技巧:根据可数、不可数预测答案 one watermelon two three one cup two spoons bananas apples yogurt honey Listen again. Write the ingredients under the correct amount in the chart. 2b orange [ɪn’ɡridiənt] 原料 of of 独学 2. - water did he put into the noodles? - He put three bowls of water into the noodles. 1. - tomatoes does he put into salad? - Three. 3. - yogurt do we need? - One cup, I think. 4. cups of honey do you put in the salad? 5. are your new shoes? How much How many How much How much How many 1. How many+可数名词复数形式? How much+不可数名词? 2. 观察第1题, how many提问时, 一般用基数词回答。 3. 观察第2、3题,how much 提问时,要用 基数词+量词+un.回答, 也可省略回答基数词+量词。 4. 观察第4题,可知对量词提问用how many。 5. 观察第5题, How much 还可用于询问价格。 观察总结: Anna: Sam, I want to make Russian soup for a party on Saturday. Can you tell me how? Sam: Sure. First, buy some beef, one cabbage, four carrots, three potatoes, five tomatoes and one onion. Then, cut up the vegetables. Anna: What's next? Sam: Next, put the beef, carrots and potatoes into a pot and add some water. After that, cook them for 30 minutes. Then, add the cabbage, tomatoes and onion and cook for another 10 minutes. Anna: OK, that's it? Sam: No, one more thing. Finally, don't forget to add some salt. 2d Discuss and answer 1. What does Anna want to do? __________________________________________________ 2. How do they make Russian soup? __________________________________________________ 3. What ingredients do they need to make it? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 4. How long does she cook the beef, carrots and potatoes? __________________________________________________ 5. How long does she cook the cabbage, tomatoes and onion? __________________________________________________ 开足马力,为自己的 小组赢得荣誉吧! She wants to make Russian soup for a party on Saturday. First, … Then,… Next,… After that,… Then,… Finally, … Some beef, one cabbage, four carrots, three potatoes, five tomatoes, one onion and some salt. 40 minutes. 10 minutes. 2. How many +可数名词复数形式? How much +不可数名词? 1. How to make a banana milk shake? 3. 数词+量词+of + 不可数名词 What have you learnt today? First, peel… Next, cut up… Then, put… in… After that, pour… into… Then, turn on… Finally, drink… 4. Don’t ____________ (忘记做) your homework. 5. Turn on the b__________ to make orange juice. 6. P______ the oranges before we eat them. 7. He wants ________(know) what ________(do) next time. 1. Can you ______ (切碎) the vegetables, Tom? 2. Please ___ (加) some sugar to the coffee. 3. _____ the hot water ____ (将……倒入) the glass, please. 根据汉语提示填词。 cut up add Pour into forget to do lender eel to know to do 1. I want to watch the games. Can you __ the TV? A. open B. close C. turn on D. turn off 2. The meat is too big. Let’s cut ______. A. them up B. it up C. up them D. up it 3. _______ the books in the bookcase, Jerry. A. Put B. To put C. Putting D. Puts 4. Look! There are ________ on the desk. A. four cup of tea B. four cup of teas C. four cups of teas D. four cups of tea C B A D 5. _______, cut up two apples, then put them into the blender. Finally turn on the blender. A. And B. Next C. First D. Then C 观察总结: 第2题:动副结构, ____可前可后, ____必在中间。 第3题:肯定祈使句用_____原形开头。 名词 代词 动词 为你的家人做一分罗宋汤或者水果奶昔, 并简要说明过程。 可以用下列表示过程的词汇来让你描述 更加清晰明了。 First, Next, Then, … Finally… 1. Phrases: 1. peel the bananas 2. cut up the bananas 3. put the bananas in the blender 4. pour the milk into the blender 5. turn on the blender 6. drink the milk shake Find out phrases and sentences (P57-58). 2. Sentences: 1. How do you make a banana milk shake? 2. - How many bananas do we need? - We need three bananas. 3. - How much yogurt do we need? - We need one cup of yogurt. 4. What's next? 5. Another 10 minutes. 6. One more thing. 7. Don't forget to add some salt. 1. one more thing 另外一件事情 another ten minutes 再多十分钟 “数字+ more + 物品” 指“另外的……” “another + 数字 + 物品” 指“另外的……” 当数字为one时,常与more连用或只用 another。 e.g. Give me two more hamburgers. 再给我两个汉堡。 The boys rode another two hours. 那些男孩子们又骑了两个小时。 Do you want one more cup of tea? Do you want another cup of tea? 你想再来杯茶吗? e.g. Don’t forget to close the windows. 不要忘记关上窗户。 2. forget to do sth. 忘记(去)做某事

