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人教版八年级英语上册期中单选专练 100 题(1) (共 6 页)1 1. What _____the weather like yesterday? ----It_____ sunny. A. were; is B. was; was C. was; is D. was; were 2. Mike, it ____that you like to work with animals. Yes, I like animals very much. A. says B. sounds C. looks D. seems 3. _____? ----- It wasn’t too bad. A. how was your last weekend B. What did you do last night C. Did you have a good time D. Did you like the book 4. who is _____girl behind the tree? ------The one with _____umbrella? A. a; the B. the; an C. the; a D. a; an 5. I’m_____, Deng Lan. -------Why not eat some bread or hamburgers? They are both delicious. A. hungry B. wonderful C. happy D. enjoyable 6. The waterfall was _____beautiful ____we forgot the time. A. very; that B. too; to C. so; that D. such; that 7. There isn’t______with your bicycle, so you can ride home. A. something wrong B. anything wrong C. wrong something D. wrong anything 8. I _____what she did yesterday afternoon. A. wonder B. think C. know D. guess 9. He was late____he was ill, not____the bad weather. A. because; because of B. because of; Because C. because; because D. because of ; because of 10. Where did you go last weekend. -----I ______to the Great Wall. A. go B went C. will go D. have gone 11. ______does your uncle read English newspaper?-----He reads China Daily every day. A. How long B. How often C. How many D. How much 12. _____Jack was a little disappointed, he still went on with his work. A. Although B. Because C. Since D. if 13. I often have hamburgers or lunch.---You’d better not. It’s bad for you ____too much junk food. A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. ate 14. I’d like some more apple juice.-----Sorry, there’s ___left. A. nothing B. much C. few D. a few’ 15. Eating less meat ____good for us.----I think so. A. be B. is C. are D. am 16. Do you often play computer games?----No, _____. I don’t like it at all. A. always B. sometimes C. usually D. never 17. The students play sports every day and they try_____ themselves healthy. A. keep B. keeping C. kept D. to keep 18. _____she knows the answer, but I’m not sure. A. Maybe B. May be C. May D. Must 19. There are 60 students in our class. And 75% students like reading. You mean____ like reading, right? A. none of the students B. most of the students C. all the students D. some of the students 20. She is in good____ because she has a ______lifestyle. A. health; healthy B. healthy; health C. healthy; healthy D. health; health 21. What do you like to do on weekends? I like watching TV. Culture in China is my favorite______. 人教版八年级英语上册期中单选专练 100 题(1) (共 6 页)2 A. food B. sport C. program D. subject 22. Does David like to exercise? Yes. He can do many sports, _____soccer, basketball and tennis. A. because of B. such as C. as for D. as well 23. It’s very difficult to see______ this window because the glass is very dirty. A. across B. past C. over D. through 24. Would you like some milk? Yes, just _____ A. a few B. few C. a little D. little 25. Do you think yesterday’s math problem was difficult? Yes. I could ________ work it out. A. easily B. hardly C. happily D. differently 26. What do you think of talk shows? A. Little B. Very much C. I can’t stand them D. I don’t think of it 27. Mr. Smith asks the students_______in the river, because it’s too dangerous. A. not swim B. to not swim C. not to swim D. not swimming 28. Cindy is always helpful. She only thinks of others and does not______herself. A. make up B. dress up C. care about D. bring out 29. Look! There is ____in today’s newspaper. A. something important B. important something C. anything important D. important something 30. Joe’s schoolbag is different_____ Tony’s, but similar_____Lisa’s A. with; to B. from; to C. with; as D. from; as 31. Betty is ____careful as I, but I’m ____than you. A. as; much careful B. so; more careful C. as; much more careful D. so; very careful 32. _____have black eyes and black hair. A.Both of we B. We are both C. We both D. Both us 33. We can go to a good high school_____we work hard. Yes, Our dream will come true by working hard. A. because of B. as long as C. as far as D. so far 34. ____do you stay up? Never. I always go to bed early. A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. How much 35. What do you think of the life in the country?----________. A. wonderful B. No problem C. Good luck D. That’s right 36. Rain is popular in China.-----Yes, he sings ______and dances even_____. A. good; well B. well; well C. well; better D. good; better 37. The cinema is ____to my home. A. far B. farther C. close D. closer 38. It’s interesting ______other people ____their talents. A. watch; to show B. to watch; to show C. to watch; show D. watch; show 39. ____do you think is the best bookstore?----The one on Sun Street. A. Who B. Why C. which D. How 40. Why do you think Sam did _____than anyone else in the competition; Because he sang most loudly and _____. A. worse; carefully B. better; clearly C. worse; quietly D. best; carefully 41. Of all pictures, this is ______most beautiful one. 人教版八年级英语上册期中单选专练 100 题(1) (共 6 页)3 A. a B. an C. the D. / 42. What is your favorite sport?---- Swimming, I think. It’s ______of all. A. easier B. more difficult C. the most interesting D. the most boring 43. The air in the countryside is ______.So many people from the city go there on weekends. A. soft B. pretty C. fresh D. delicious 44. ______do you like the movie Detective Chinatown Two.------It’s fantastic. A. where B. What C. How D. Which 45. Why do you _____ the job?------Because it is interesting. A. choose B. get C. share D. work 46. I don’t feel like ____very much today. A. to walk B. walk C. walking D. walked 47. From the top of the hill we can see the whole city ______ us. A. under B. below C. over D. above 48. We have two workers now. We still need ___workers. A. another two B. two another C. more two D. other two 49. This apple is _____of the two. A. bigger B. biggest C. the bigger D. a bigger 50. She isn’t very popular. She has _______ friends. A. few B. a few C. little D. myself 51. Thanks for telling me everything. ---_____. A. Here you are B. Good idea C. That’s right D. No problem. 52. The roads are too dangerous. You need to drive_____. A. careful B. carefully C. quick D. quickly 53. Simon spent ____money on CDs of all but he had ____CDs. A. the least; the most B. the most; the most C. the fewest; p the least D. the fewest; the most 54. _____? Showtime Cinema. It’s the cheapest. A. Let’s go to he movies B. Why do you think so C. what’s the best cinema D. Where’s the Showtime Cinema 55. The _____girl can sing English songs______. A. beautiful; beautiful B. beautifully; beautifully C. beautifully; beautiful D. beautiful; beautifully 56. Lin Jie is a kind man. He is ready to _____the disabled. A. helped B. helping C. helps D. help 57. My old neighbor Charles enjoys____ photos. He always goes out with his camera. A. take B. to take C. taking D. took 58. What do you think of the house, dear? ----- ______I can’t find a better one. A. Too bad. B. Too expensive. C. Good idea. D. Pretty good 59. I don’t like game shows because they are _____. A. exciting B. educational C. successful D. boring 60. I asked some women_____ the questions. A. answer B. to answer C. answered D. answering 61. The Shaolin Temple is ___action movie.____ action movie is very exciting. A.an; An B. the; The C. the; An D. an; The 人教版八年级英语上册期中单选专练 100 题(1) (共 6 页)4 62. What do you think of sitcoms?----_____I never watch them. A. They’re great! B. I can’t stand them C. I don’t mind them. D. I like watching them. 63. I _____mind what people think of_______. A. doesn’t; Tom and I B. don’t; me and Tom C. doesn’t; Tom and me D. don’t; Tom and me 64. Wang Lin is trying____ English because she plans___ to England. A. learn; to go B. to learn; going C. learning; to go D. to learn; to go 65. What kind of clothes do you want___ today? A. to dress B. putting on C. wear D. to wear 66.Did Helen go shopping on vacation?----Yes ,but she didn’t buy______ A. special something B. something special C. special anything D. anything special 67. Did you decide ____a new car? A. to buy B. buy C. buying D. bought 68. ____fine weather it is ! Let’s go and fly a kite. A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 69. China is famous ____the Great Wall. A. to B. for C. as D. of 70. ____careful you are, ____mistakes you will make. A. The less, the less B. The less, the fewer C. The more, the less D. The more, the fewer 71. ___do you help your mother do housework?---Twice a week. A. How soon B. How often C. How long D. How far 72. My father seems ____busy today, so I must help him. A. be B. to C . to be D. being 73. Tom studies_____. He ____plays with his friends. A. hard, hard B. hardly, hardly C. hardly, hard D. hard, hardly. 74. I often ride a bike to the office, But this morning, I tried ___to work. A. walk B. to walk C. walking D. to walking 75. The soccer game was so ____-----Yes, I felt ___with it. A. bored; boring B. boring; bored C. bored; bored D. boring; boring 76. It is very important for us _____English well. A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learned 77. Which do you like______, basketball or football? A. good B. better C. best D. well 78. How often does Kate ___TV?----_______once a week. A. watches; Maybe B. watch; May be C. watch; Maybe D. watches; May be 79. Miss Wang is ____ taller than me. A. very B. more C. much D. quite. 80. She is three years____than I am. A. old B. the older C. older D. more old 81. We all agree that a friend ____need is a friend indeed. A. out of B. with C. without D. in 82. There is ___ milk left in the fridge, let’s go and buy some. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 83. Did you go _________last summer holiday? 人教版八年级英语上册期中单选专练 100 题(1) (共 6 页)5 A. somewhere special B. anywhere special C. special somewhere D. special anywhere 84. After he gave a report about the school, Mr. White____ the visitors around it. A. went on to show B. went on showing C. went on with showing D. kept on showing 85. —Do you know the two _____ between these two words? ---Yes ,I do. A. difference B. differences C. bicycle D. building 86. The food tastes _____ and sells _____. A. well; well ; B.well;good C. good; well D. good;good 87. . He has few friends in his new school,_________? A. hasn’t he B. does he C. is he D. doesn’t he 88. The task was very hard, so _____ were needed. A. ten more men B. ten men more C. more ten men D. men more ten 89. He wanted to read more, so he asked his friend if there was _____ to read. A. something easy enough B. something enough easy C. enough easy something D. easy enough something 90. It is necessary ___ me ___my studies before a new term. A. of, to make a plan for B. for, to make a plan for C. of, making a plan of 91. I want to know _____. A. what the matter is B. what matter it is C. what's the matter D. the matter is what 92. ____ will the meeting _____---In about 20 minutes. A. How long, last B. When, last C. How often, finish D. How soon, end 93. _____ you _____ to go to watch the football match with me A. Would; like B. Would; rather C. Do; feel like D. Do; would like 94. I'm wondering_____ he expects will win the gold medal in Men's Single. A. whom B. which C. who D. what 95. Where do you think _____ he _____ the computer ---Sorry, I have no idea. A. /; bought B. has; bought C. did; buy D. had; bought 96. .It is raining hard outside. You’d better bring _____ umbrella with you .. A. a B. an C. the D. / 97. _______special classes we had! We have learned a lot about paper cutting. A. What a B. what C. How a D. How 98. Bob is always polite to everyone, and he is ______ a lovely boy ____all of us like him very much. A. too; to B. such; that C. neither; nor D. so; that 99. Look!The little girl is crying.-----Let’s do something to make her _____ A. stop crying B. stop to cry C. crying D. cry 100. Thirty percent of the boys_____to school by bicycle. A. goes B. go C. going D. to go 答案 1-10 BDABA CBAAB 11-20 BABAB DDABA 21-30 CBDCB CCCAB 31-40 CCBBA CCCCB 41-50 CCCCA CBACA 51-60 DBACD DCDDB 61-70 DBDDD DAABC 71-80 BCDCB BBCCC 81-90 DCBAB CBAAB 91-100 CDACA BBBAB

