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Module10 The weather 模块同步语法精讲精练 一、单项选择。 1 . —Excuse me , when are we going to have a party? —I'm not sure.Ask our teacher , please.He________ know. A . need      B . can      C . may      D . will 2 . —Do you believe that some bad things will happen in 2050? —Don't worry.The news _______be true. A . mustn't B . may not C . needn't D . won't C B 3 . With the help of the new technology ( 科技 ) , you ______email your friends by mobile phone. A . can B . must C . need D . should 4 . —Is that your teacher? —That _______be Mr Wang.He has gone to Japan with his wife. A . can't B . mustn't C . may not D . needn't A A 5 . —Where's Jeff? —I'm not sure.He _______be playing football on the playground. A . need B . might C . must D . can't B 二、选用 may , might , probably 或 possible 完成下列句子。 6 . It ___________be cold this evening. 7 . They ___________went to cinema last night.I'm not sure. 8 . —Do you have any plans for this weekend? —I'm not sure.I __________go climbing. may/might probably may/might 9 . —_______I read this book today? —Of course. 10 . We're going on holiday soon , __________ next month. 11 . It will __________rain tomorrow. May probably probably 12 . It's _________very cold in Moscow in winter. 13 . Is it _________to visit Canada next week? 14 . Mary __________go to New Zealand next year. 15 . It is ___________to catch the first bus if you get up at 6 am. probably possible may/might possible 16 . The weather today _______be very warm.You needn't wear your coat. 17 . She ___________have gone to Nanjing , but I'm not sure. 18 . Look at the clouds.It will _________rain later on. 19 . —Where was your brother last night? —He ___________be at home , but I'm not sure. may may/might probably might

