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Section B (1a-1e) ‎ ‎1.重点单词:talented,truly,care ‎2.重点短语:care about ‎3.重点句式:A good friend is talented in music.‎ A good friend likes to do the same things as me.‎ A good friend truly cares about me.‎ A good friend makes me laugh.‎ A good friend is good at sports.‎ They are both tall.‎ ‎1.识记描述好朋友的词语 ‎2.学会使用比较级作比较 ‎1.如何描绘最好的朋友 ‎2.学会使用比较级作比较 一、预习课本P20新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。‎ ‎1.有才能的____________   2.真正____________‎ ‎3.关心____________‎ 二、认真预习1a-1d,找出下列短语和句型。‎ ‎1.关心____________‎ ‎2.好朋友要在音乐方面有才能。________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3.好朋友要喜欢做和我一样的事情。________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎4.好朋友要真正地关心我。________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎5.好朋友要让我大笑。________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎6.好朋友要擅长运动。________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎7.他们都高。________________________________________________________________________‎ Step 1 情景导入 Teacher:Friends are very important to us,they can make us feel happy.They can also help us when we are in trouble.Do you have friends?‎ Students:Yes,we do.‎ Teacher:Do you think what kind of things is important in a friend?Please tell us your ideas.‎ Student 1:I think a good friend can help me.‎ 3‎ Student 2:A good friend is very friendly.‎ ‎...‎ ‎...‎ 环节说明:通过这个环节让学生各抒己见对朋友的不同标准,引起学生用英语表达的欲望,引出本节课的学习目标——描述好朋友。‎ Step 2 完成教材1a—1b的任务 ‎1.什么是友谊中最重要的因素?让学生大声的朗读1a中的句子,然后把这些句子按照重要性的主次来排列顺序。完成后小组内互相交流,并且识记这些句子。(5分钟)‎ ‎2.以小组为单位互相谈论发表自己的观点:好朋友应该是什么样子的?然后邀请几位学生来发表自己的观点,说说好朋友的标准。(5分钟)‎ 参考案例 A:A good friend is good at schoolwork.‎ B:I think a good friend is very popular in school.‎ C:For me,a good friend can help me with my study.‎ D:A friend can let me learn something useful from him.‎ ‎3.小结训练。(4分钟)‎ ‎(C)1.Liu Li always makes us ________ happy.So we all like to spend time with her.‎ A.feels   B.felt   C.feel   D.fell ‎(C)2.Her science and English are a little better ________ Lucy's.‎ A.at B.in C.than D.of ‎(D)3.Liu Ying isn't ________ at sports ________ her sister.‎ A.as good,than B.as better,as D.as well,than D.as good,as ‎(C)4.My little brother is talented ________ art.‎ A.at B.to C.in D.on ‎(C)5.I have the same basketball ________ him.‎ A.at B.from C.as D.like ‎(B)6.Are you better at ________ than your sister?‎ A.play basketball B.playing basketball C.to play basketball D.plays basketball 环节说明:学生通过这个环节的学习知道了好朋友是什么样子的,同时小结训练对重要知识点进行了巩固练习。‎ Step 3 完成教材1c—1e的任务 ‎1.Molly和Mary在哪些方面喜欢她们的好朋友呢?认真听录音,完成1c表格的第一栏,集体核对答案。(3分钟)‎ ‎2.再听一遍录音,写出Molly和Mary在哪些方面和她们的好朋友是相同的,哪些方面是不同的,完成1c中表格中剩余的栏目,集体核对答案,完成1d。(5分钟)‎ ‎3.再听一遍录音,并跟读,整体感知对话。(3分钟)‎ ‎4.根据1c表格中听力信息内容,来谈论一下Molly 和 Mary以及她们朋友的情况。(5分钟)‎ 参考案例 A:Molly studies harder than her best friend.‎ B:Well,Mary and her best friend are both tall.‎ 3‎ ‎...‎ ‎5.小结训练。(5分钟)‎ ‎1)我的朋友有美术方面的才能。‎ My_friend_is_talented_in_art.‎ ‎2)你的妹妹比你更擅长英语吗?‎ Is_your_sister_better_at_English_than_you?‎ ‎3)你喜欢和我做一样的事情吗?‎ Do_you_like_doing_the_same_things_as_me?‎ ‎4)下雨天使我很高兴。‎ Rainy_day_makes_me_happy.‎ ‎5)我们的父母对我们很关心。‎ Our_parents_care_about_us_very_much.‎ Step 4 问题探究 ‎1.make的用法 ‎1)我无法使这匹马走动。I_can't_make_the_horse_walk.‎ ‎2)他常常使我感到快乐。He_often_makes_me_feel_happy.‎ make“使,促使”,在此是使役动词。当它作“使,让”讲时,常见结构是:‎ ‎1)make+人(宾语)+动词原形(宾补);‎ ‎2)make+宾语+形容词(宾补)。‎ make构成的常用短语有:make faces做鬼脸;make mistakes犯错误;make friends with sb.和某人交朋友;make the bed整理床铺;make money赚钱;make a living谋生;make a telephone打电话;make up one's mind下决心 请学生们做前面课时训练部分。‎ 3‎

