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单元整合与拔高 人教版 八年级上 1 C 2 C 3 A 4 D 6 7 8 D B A 真题真练 提示:点击 进入讲评 5 twice 答案呈现 1 2 3 A A B 作文 原汁原味 挑战自我 一、语法整合真题练 1. Bob dislikes coffee, so he almost _________ drinks it. 【2018·沈阳】 A. often B. always C. never D. ever√ 根据动词dislike,可知他 几乎从不喝咖啡。 2. —Joe, _________ do you clean your house? —Three times a week. 【2018·本溪】 A. how long B. how much C. how often D. how far√ 由答语可知,问 句是在询问频率。 3. Gary is the best singer in my class. No one else_______so well. 【2018·河北】 A. sings B. sang C. will sing D. is singing√ 没有其他人, 表示单数。 4. —How often do you have a meeting? — _________. 【2018·兰州】 A. For one week B. One week ago C. In one week D. Once a week√ 次数的表达方式: 次数+a+时间(年/月/日)。 一周的时间 一周前 一周后 一周一次 二、高频考点真题练 5. I have already asked him _________(two) but he hasn’t given me any reply. 【2018·武威】 twice 6. Father brought his little boy to a concert. But he was too young to sit _________ the whole concert. 【2017·河南】 A. for B. with C. during D. through√ 为了 在…期间 在…期间 从头到尾 sit through意为“一直挺到结束, 耐着性子看完(或听完)”。 句意:父亲带着他的小儿子去听音乐会,但 他太小了,不能一直挺到整场音乐会结束。 7. —Look at the girl in the square! — Oh. I’m surprised that a ________ girl can dance so well! 【2018·郴州】 A. three-years-old B. three-year-old C. three years√ 有连字符时year后不加-s,基数词-名 词单数-形容词,这一结构相当于形容 词,意思是“几岁的”。 8. ________ riding shared bikes(共享单车)is an environmentally friendly way to travel, many of the bikes are thrown everywhere. 【2017·黄石】 A. Although B. As C. Unless D. Until 本句前半句“骑共享单车是一种环保的旅行方 式”和后半句“许多自行车到处扔”存在一种 让步关系。Although用来引导让步状语从句。 √ 1. Today’s youngsters play outdoors for _______on each weekday. A. more than one hour B. more than two hours C. fewer than five hours D. about nine hours原文第三段中“But today’s youngsters stay outdoors for just over an hour each weekday.” 请同学们看《典中点》P16页短文。 √ 2. What does the underlined word “socialise” mean in Chinese? A. 交往 B. 健身 C. 休息 D. 娱乐 由后面“with friends”可知,与朋友应该是交往。 文章原句:Playing outdoors is so important for children—not only to help them stay healthy, but also to socialise with friends. √ 3. What does the passage mainly tell us? A. Children today have more outdoor activities. B. It’s helpful for children today to play outdoors often. C. Children today don’t know what to play. D. For parents, they should give the children free time. 综合理解全文可知,本文建议孩子们增加户外活动时 间,因为户外活动有助于健康。 √ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ I have a lot of good habits. I hardly ever eat junk food and I exercise at least once or twice everyday. As a result, I keep healthy. I also help my mom with housework. I never play online or watch the TV program on school days, though I like them very much. So I get full points at school.

