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Unit 10 If you go to the party, you'll have a great time! 单元语法清 语法精讲 含有if引导的条件状语从句的主从复合句 由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成的句子叫复合句。若由连接词引导的句 子在复合句中表示条件,作主句的条件状语,则该句子被称为条件状语从句。 1.条件状语从句的引导词 条件状语从句通常由连词if(如果,假如),unless(除非,如果不)引导。unless 在意义上相当于if…not…,在有些场合可以互换。 eg:You will get good grades if you study hard.如果你努力学习,就会取 得好成绩。 If you don't leave right away,you will be late.如果你不马上离开,你将 会迟到。 2.条件状语从句的位置 条件状语从句既可以放在主句之前,也可以放在主句之后。如果放在主句之前, 要用逗号与主句隔开;如果在主句之后,中间不必用逗号。 eg:If it doesn't rain tomorrow,we will go shopping.如果明天不下雨, 我们将去购物。 You will miss the bus unless you hurry up.你要是不快点就会错过公共汽车。 3.条件状语从句的时态 若主句为将来时态或是含有情态动词的句子或祈使句,则条件状语从句用一般现 在时。 eg:He will not leave if it isn't fine tomorrow.如果明天天气不好,他就 不会走。(主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时) If he comes,let me know.如果他来,让我知道。(主句是祈使句,从句用一般 现在时) 语法精练 一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.If he ________ (stop) smoking, he will be healthier. 2.If we do more practice, we ________ (win) the match. 3.I'll answer the call if anyone ________ (call). 4.You ________ (not get) good grades unless you study harder. 5.Hurry up,or you ________ (be) late for school. stops will win calls won't get will be 二、单项选择。 6.We won't go to the Great Wall if it ______ tomorrow. A.rains  B.rain  C.will rain D.raining 7.The children will go to the park if the weather ________ fine tomorrow. A.will be B.be C.was D.is 8.My mother will be unhappy if I ________ too much TV. A.will watch B.watch C.is watching D.was watching A D B 9.If she ________ there this week,I ________ you up. A.will go;will call B.goes;call C.will go;call D.goes;will call 10.You'll learn a lot ________ you travel around the world. A.so B.that C.if D.because D C 三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 11.如果你去,你将会玩得很开心。 ________ you go,________________ have a good time. 12.如果你不努力,我将不会帮助你。 If you ________ work hard,I ________ help you. 13.我不会去他的聚会,除非他邀请我。 I ________ go to his party ________ he invites me. 14.如果明天天气好,我们就会去野餐。 We will go for a picnic if it ________________ tomorrow. 15.如果我们今晚举行聚会,他们将不会来。 If we ________ the party tonight,they ________ come. If you will don't won't won't unless is fine have won't 四、将下列句子合并为由if引导的条件状语从句。 16.You have time.You can stay to have dinner. ______________________________________________________________________ 17.I am free.I go to the movies. ______________________________________________________________________ 18.She comes late.Her teacher isn't happy. ______________________________________________________________________ 19.It snows.They stay at home and watch TV. ______________________________________________________________________ 20.She doesn't come to my house.I go to the library. ______________________________________________________________________ If you have time, you can stay to have dinner. If I am free, I will go to the movies. If she comes late, her teacher won't be happy. If it snows, they will stay at home and watch TV. If she doesn't come to my house, I will go to the library.

