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模块综合检测(二) Module 2 (45 分钟 100 分) 第Ⅰ卷(共 40 分) Ⅰ.听力(10 分) (Ⅰ)录音中有五组对话及五个问题,听一遍后,选择最佳答案。(5 分) 1.A.It’s cool. B.It’s warm. C.It’s cold. 2.A.Hong Kong. B.Shanghai. C.Hong Kong and Shanghai. 3.A.It is in the south of England. B.It is in the east of England. C.It is in the north of England. 4.A.The Great Wall. B.The capital of China. C.The Great Hall of the People. 5.A.New York. B.Washington. C.Beijing. (Ⅱ)录音中有一篇短文,听两遍后,完成句子。(5 分) 6.Ji’nan lies in the__________of China. 7.There are many old__________in and around the city. 8.You can also have__________of delicious food in Ji’nan. 9.People in Ji’nan are__________kind and friendly. 10.Welcome to Ji’nan and I’m__________you will have a good time. Ⅱ.单项选择(10 分) 1.—When______Little Jerry______to school? —Three years ago. A.will;go B.did;go C.does;go D.is;going 2.—That cloth is________the one you bought yesterday. —Yes,but it’s not nearly long enough for this table. A.as beautiful as B.so beautifully as C.more beautiful as D.as beautifully as 3.The baby is too young.So he______speak______walk. A.can’t;and B.can;or C.can;and D.can’t;or 4.—Do you know the population of India? —Sorry,I’m not sure.But it’s______than that of China. A.fewer B.less C.smaller D.more 5.Light travels______than sound(声音). A.much fast B.far fast C.much faster D.more faster 6.The city is about______from here. A.200 kilometre B.200 kilometres C.200-kilometre D.200-kilometres 7.The Yangtze River is longer than______in China. A.any other river B.any river C.other rivers D.any other rivers 8.—Do you remember______the flowers? —Of course.Can’t you see I’m watering? A.water B.to water C.watering D.watered 9.(2012·黔东南州中考)Jeremy Lin is famous______playing basketball, A.to B.as C.for D.between 10.(2012·桂林中考)The red pencil is______than the green one. A.short B.shorter C.nice D.the shortest Ⅲ.完形填空(10 分) Australia is the greatest( 最 大 的 )island in the world.It is much__1__than China.It is in the__2__of the Earth.So when it is__3__summer in China,it is cold winter in Australia. Australia is big,but the population there is__4__.The population of Australia__5__the same as(与……一样)that of Shanghai,a city in China. Australia is famous__6__its__7__and kangaroos.After a short drive from any town,you will find__8__in the middle of white sheep.Sheep,sheep,__9__are sheep.Have you ever seen(你曾经见过)a kangaroo?It has a“bag”in its body.The__10__kangaroo keeps its baby kangaroo in the“bag”.It is very interesting,isn’t it? 1.A.smaller B.the smaller C.small D.a smaller 2.A.north B.west C.south D.east 3.A.warm B.hot C.cold D.cool 4.A.small B.more C.much D.big 5.A.am B.is C.are D.be 6.A.for B.as C.about D.from 7.A.horses B.cats C.bears D.sheep 8.A.you B.yourself C.your D.yours 9.A.there B.where C.anywhere D.everywhere 10.A.girl B.son C.father D.mother Ⅳ.阅读理解(10 分) In a map of the world you can easily find two big cities,London and New York.London is the oldest city in Britain.It’s certainly the biggest city in Europe(欧洲).New York is as big as London,and it’s the biggest city in America.The streets in London are crowded and there is one of the world’s biggest underground railway systems(地铁系统).The streets in New York are just as crowded as in London.And the New York subway carries more people each day than the London underground.There are a lot of big stores in these two cities.But New York has more supermarkets than London. In London there are many palaces(宫殿)and churches,for example,St.Paul’s.New York isn’t as old as London,and it hasn’t got many old buildings.But skyscrapers(摩天大楼)are much bigger than the buildings in London. London has more parks than New York.But New York’s Central Park is much bigger than the biggest park in London. 1.London is______New York. A.as old as B.older than C.younger than D.as young as 2.London is the biggest city in Europe,and New York is the biggest city in______. A.Europe,too B.Canada C.Australia D.America 3.The underlined word“subway”in British English means______. A.bus B.train C.underground railway D.truck 4.New York has fewer palaces than London because______. A.it is a new city B.it has less land,too C.New Yorkers are not interested in them D.it has little money to build them 5.Which of the following is NOT true? A.London has more churches than New York. B.New York has bigger skyscrapers than the buildings in London. C.New York’s Central Park isn’t bigger than the parks in London. D.London has more parks than New York. 第Ⅱ卷(共 60 分) Ⅴ.词汇运用(10 分) (Ⅰ)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。(5 分) 1.Britain is an i__________country. 2.My h__________is in the countryside.I’m from a small village(村庄). 3.Guangzhou is in the s__________of China. 4.—Do you know what the p__________of China is now? —It’s over 1.3 billion. 5.The building is ten metres h__________. (Ⅱ)用所给词的适当形式填空。(5 分) 6.Which city is__________(busy),Wuhan or Nanjing? 7.There are many__________(church)in London. 8.The weather is__________(hot)in Hainan than that in Beijing. 9.—How old are you? —I’m fourteen.And I’m as__________(old)as my friend,Tim. 10.I’d like__________(visit)the Diwang Tower this summer. Ⅵ.完成句子(10 分) 1.杭州有大约 900 万人口。 Hangzhou__________ __________ __________ __________about 9,000,000. 2.泰晤士河是 402 千米长。 The River Thames is 402_________ ___________. 3.——武汉比北京大吗? ——不,比它小。但是热得多。 —Is Wuhan__________ __________Beijing? —No,it’s__________.But it’s___________ _________. 4.纽约是个比华盛顿更繁忙、更喧闹的城市。 New York is a__________and__________city than Washington. 5.北京以许多名胜古迹而著名。 Beijing__________ __________ __________many places of interest. Ⅶ.短文填空(10 分) 根据短文内容及首字母提示完成短文,使短文完整、通顺。 Life in the 21st century is very different from that in the 20th century.Many changes have taken place( 发 生 ),but w__1__are the changes? The p__2__is growing fast.There are more people in the world and most of them will live longer t__3__people in the 20th century.Computers will be much smaller and more useful and there will be at least(至少)one in every home.And computer studies will be one of the important subjects(学科)at s__4__then. People will work fewer hours and they will have more free time for sports,w__5__TV and traveling.And many more people will go to o__6__countries for holidays. There will be changes in our f__7__,too.Maybe no one will eat meat every day,instead,they eat more fruit and v__8__.Maybe people will be healthier. Work in the future will be d__9__,too.Dangerous and hard w__10__can be done(被做)by robots.Because of this,many people will not have enough work to do. 1.______2.______3.______4.______5.____ 6.______7.______8.______9.______10.____ Ⅷ.书面表达(30 分) 假如你是李明,在菏泽国际牡丹花会之前,请给你的美国笔友 Lily 写一封信,介绍菏泽牡丹(如悠久的种植历史、数百个品种等),并邀请 她前来观赏。 词数:80 个左右。(首尾已给出,不计入总词数) 供你参考的词汇有: be famous for... 以 …… 而 闻 名 ;national flower 国 花 ;Heze International Peony Fair 菏泽国际牡丹花会;the peony garden 牡丹园 Dear Lily, ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ __________________ Yours, Li Ming 答案解析 Ⅰ. 【听力材料】 (Ⅰ) 1.W:Is it warm in winter in Dalian? M:No,it isn’t.It’s cold. Q:What’s the weather like in winter in Dalian? 2.W:Shanghai has about 23 million people and Hong Kong has about 7 million people. M:And I know Shanghai is older than Hong Kong. Q:Which city is older,Shanghai or Hong Kong? 3.W:Where are London and Cambridge? M:London is in the south of England.Cambridge is in the east of England. Q:Where is Cambridge? 4.W:What’s Beijing famous for? M:It’s famous for the Great Wall.It is the capital of China. Q:What’s Beijing famous for? 5.W:Do you often go to New York? M:Yes,I do.It’s bigger and busier than Washington. Q:Which is bigger and busier,New York or Washington? 答案:1~5.CBBAA (Ⅱ)My home town—Ji’nan is a very beautiful place!Ji’nan lies in the east of China.The Yellow River goes past the city.It is the capital of Shandong Province.Ji’nan is a city with a long history.There are many old buildings in and around the city.And the scenery is very beautiful here.It’s called“the City of Spring”.You can also have lots of delicious food in Ji’nan.People in Ji’nan are pretty kind and friendly.I hope you will visit Ji’nan soon.Welcome to Ji’nan and I’m sure you will have a good time. 答案:6.east 7.buildings 8.lots 9.pretty 10.sure Ⅱ. 1.【解析】选 B。本题考查动词的时态。根据答语“三年前”可知应 该使用一般过去时。故选 B。 2.【解析】选 A。本题考查固定句式。as+形容词/副词原级+as 表示 “和……一样……”。前句句意:那块布和你昨天买的那块一样漂亮。故 选 A。 3.【解析】选 D。本题考查连词的辨析。根据句意:这个婴儿太小了, 所以他不会说话也不会走路。应该是用否定句,且用 or 连接否定句中 并列的两部分。故选 D。 【易错误区】 or 的用法:①表示选择,意为“或”“还是”:Would you prefer tea or coffee? 你喜欢茶还是咖啡?②表示一种否定的条件,意为“否则”:Come on,or we’ll be late.快点,否则我们要迟到了。③用于否定句中,意为“和”:They didn’t sing or dance.他们既没有唱歌也没有跳舞。 4.【解析】选 C。本题考查形容词的辨析。表示人口的“多”或“少”,用 “large”或“small”。故选 C。 5.【解析】选 C。本题考查形容词的比较级。much 和 far 都可以修饰 形容词的比较级。句意:光比声音的传播速度快得多。故选 C。 6.【解析】选 B。本题考查距离的表达。be+数词+表示距离的单位名 词+from...“距离……有……(远)”,且数词大于 1 时,名词用复数形式。 故选 B。 7.【解析】选 A。本题考查短语辨析。any other +单数名词表示同一 范围内进行比较;any +单数名词表示不同范围内进行比较。长江属于 中国,是同一范围内比较。故选 A。 8.【解析】选 B。本题考查非谓语动词。remember to do sth.意为“记得 做某事”;remember doing sth.意为“记得做过某事”。句意:——你记得要 浇花吗?——当然了。没看见我正在浇吗?故选 B。 9.【解析】选 C。本题考查短语辨析。be famous for 意为“以……出名”;be famous as 意为“作为……出名”。句意:林书豪因为打篮球而出名。故 选 C。 10.【解析】选 B。本题考查形容词的比较等级。than 表示两者比较, 用比较级。故选 B。 Ⅲ. 1.【解析】选 A。本题考查形容词比较级。由常识可知,澳大利亚 的面积比中国小。故选 A。 2.【解析】选 C。本题考查常识。由常识可知,澳大利亚的地理位置是 位于地球南部。故选 C。 3.【解析】选 B。本题考查语境理解。由“...it is cold winter in Australia.” 可知当中国是炎热的夏天时,澳大利亚是寒冷的冬天。故选 B。 4.【解析】选 A。本题考查形容词辨析。形容人口少用 small。故选 A。 5.【解析】选 B。本题考查主谓一致。population 是集合名词,作主语 时,谓语动词用单数形式。故选 B。 6.【解析】选 A。本题考查固定搭配。be famous for...,意为“以……而 闻名”。故选 A。 7.【解析】选 D。本题考查名词辨析。由下文的“...in the middle of white sheep.”可知。故选 D。 8.【解析】选 B。本题考查代词辨析。句意:你会发现你自己置身于白 色羊群中间。yourself 意为“你自己”。故选 B。 9.【解析】选 D。本题考查副词辨析。everywhere 意为“到处;处处”。 故选 D。 10.【解析】选 D。本题考查常识。根据常识“袋鼠妈妈在它的育儿袋 中哺育小袋鼠”。mother kangaroo 意为“袋鼠妈妈”。故选 D。 Ⅳ. 1.【解析】选 B。事实细节题。由第二段第二句话“New York isn’t as old as London”可知,伦敦比纽约古老。故选 B。 2.【解析】选 D。事实细节题。由“New York...the biggest city in America” 可知,纽约是美国最大的城市。故选 D。 3.【解析】选 C。词义猜测题。根据上下文可以推测,美国的“subway” 与英国的“underground railway”同义。故选 C。 4.【解析】选 A。事实细节题。由第二段第二句话“New York isn’t as old as London,and it hasn’t got many old buildings.”可知,纽约是一座新城, 所以没有很多古老的宫殿。故选 A。 5.【解析】选 C。推理判断题。由最后一句话“But New York’s Central Park is much bigger than the biggest park in London”可知,纽约的中央 公园比伦敦的所有公园都大。故 C 项错误。 Ⅴ.答案:1.island 2.home town 3.south 4.population 5.high 6.busier 7.churches 8.hotter 9.old 10.to visit Ⅵ.答案:1.has a population of 2.kilometres long 3.bigger than;smaller;much hotter 4.busier;noisier 5.is famous for Ⅶ. 答案:1.what 2.population 3.than 4.school 5.watching 6.other 7.food 8.vegetables 9.different 10.work Ⅷ.【参考范文】 Dear Lily, Do you know my home town Heze is famous for peony?Peony is our national flower,and we are all proud of it.Heze has a long history of planting peonies,and now there are hundreds of kinds in the garden.They are very colorful and attractive. Every year Heze International Peony Fair is held in April,when a good many people from all over the world come here to enjoy it.The Fair of this year is coming soon.Welcome to Heze,China!I’ll show you around the beautiful garden. I am looking forward to meeting you! Yours, Li Ming

