八年级上英语课件《Do you want to watch a game show》 (8)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件《Do you want to watch a game show》 (8)_人教新课标

I don’t like them. Because they’re boring. I like them. Because they’re interesting. What do you think of game shows? Why? What do you think of news? Why? I don’t mind it. It’s educational. I can’t stand it. Because it’s too serious. 名词meaning (意思) + 后缀less (无, 没有) → meaningless, 是个多音节形容词。 meaningless adj. 毫无意义的; 意思不明确的 e.g. My dad doesn’t like soap operas. He thinks they’re meaningless. 我爸爸不喜欢肥皂剧,他认为它 们没有意义。 cartoon e.g. My sister likes cartoons and scary movies, but she doesn’t like action movies. 我妹妹喜欢卡通片和恐怖片, 但她不 喜欢动作片。 action movie scary movie 1a What do you think of these TV shows and movies? Choose words from the box and write them under the pictures. Each picture can have more than one word. educational serious wonderful relaxing meaningless enjoyable exciting boring ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Listen and circle the description words you hear in the box in 1a. 1b educational serious wonderful relaxing meaningless enjoyable exciting boring Game shows Sitcoms Talk shows John Mary Action movies Scary movies John exciting Mary 1c Listen again. Write down the words John and Mary use to describe the TV shows or movies. meaningless exciting relaxing boring relaxing boring wonderful enjoyable meaningless Tell your partner what John and Mary like to watch and why. Then tell your partner what you like to watch and why. 1d John wants to watch talk show because they’re enjoyable. I like to watch action movies because they’re exciting. Mary wants to watch talk shows because they’re wonderful. I like to watch action movies because they’re exciting. John wants to watch … because they’re … I like to watch … because they’re … Discuss the following questions with a partner. 2a Do you like to watch cartoons? Yes, I do. What’s your favorite cartoons? Mickey Mouse. Why do you like it? Because it’s really interesting. e.g. China has a long history and culture. 中国有着悠久的历史和文化。 1. culture n. 文化; 文明 2. famous adj. 著名的; 出名的 e.g. Liu Huan is a famous singer. 刘欢是一位著名的歌手。 e.g. A woman appeared at the end of the street. 一个女人出现在街的尽头。 3. appear v. 出现 4. become v. 开始变得; 变成 e.g. It became really hot in the afternoon. 下午天气变得很炎热了。 连系动词,后常跟形容词或名词作表语。 其过去式为特殊变化形式became。 名词 success + ful → successful 5. rich adj. 富有的 e.g. He is a successful basketball player. 他是一名成功的篮球运动员。 6. successful adj. 获得成功的;有成就的 前缀(un) + lucky (幸运的) → unlucky 例如:unhappy 不高兴的 7. unlucky adj. 不幸的; 不吉利的 e.g. She’s unlucky — she never wins a game. 她运气不好——从未赢过一场比赛。 情态动词may的过去式,语气更弱。 8. might model v. 可能; 可以 e.g. The old man might be 70 years old. 那位老人可能有70岁了。 e.g. What is the reason for it? 此事的原因是什么? 9. reason n. 原因; 理由 10. lose v. 失去;丢失 e.g. I lost my keys. 11. main adj. 主要的;最重要的 e.g. Who’s the main character in the film? 这部电影的主角是谁? 2b Read the passage and complete the time line. Steamboat White came out in New York. 1930s November 18,1978 November 18,1928 Walt Disney made 78 cartoons with Mickey Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. 好莱坞的星光大道 2c Read the passage again and fill in the facts about Mickey. What does he look like? Who create d him? What was his first cartoon? Who is his girlfriend? Why is he popular? Mickey Mouse He looks like a black mouse with two large round ears Walt Disney Steamboat Willie Minnie One of the main reasons is that Mickey was like a common man,but he always tried to face any danger. 2d Read the passage again and discuss the questions with a partner. 1. What is Mickey Mouse a symbol of ? What cartoon character is a symbol of Chinese culture? American culture. Ne Zha. 2. Do you think Walt Disney is a smart man? Why or why not? Do you want to be like him? Yes , I think so . Because his cartoon is famous all over the world. Yes ,I do. 3. Why did people want to be like Mickey? Do you want to be like Mickey? Why or why not? Because it is like a common man, but he always tried to face any danger. Yes , I do. Because I want to try my best to live. 4. Can you think of another cartoon character that is as famous as Mickey? Why is the character popular? Su Wukong. Because he can face every problem in his life and win at last. think of 1. 想到,考虑 ; 2. 想起来,记起;想出来; 3. 关心; think about 考虑,思考(一般是短时间的较仔细的考虑) think about和think of这两个短语表示“考虑”、“对„„有某种看法”时,可以 互换。 例如: Don‘t think of(about)me any more.不要再考虑我。 They‘re thinking about(of)buying a new car.他们正在考虑买一辆新车。 What do you think of(about)the film?你认为那部影片怎么样? think of表示下列意义时,一般不和think about换用: ①想要;打算。例如: Helen,are you thinking of marrying Tom?海伦,你打算和汤姆结婚吗? ②想出;想到。例如: Who thought of the idea?谁想出的这个主意? ③关心;想着。例如: Lei Feng was always thinking of others.雷锋总是为别人着想。 ④想起;记得。例如: I can‘t think of his name.我想不起他的名字。 think about表示“回想过去的事情”、“考虑某计划是否切实可行”时,一般 不和think of换用。例如: I often thought about what you said.我常常想到你说过的话。 I'll think about your suggestion,and give you an answer tomorrow.我要考虑 一下你的建议,明天给你答复。 2e Underline the following phrases in the passage. Write your own sentences or questions using the phrases. That car let us think of our first trip to Beijing. The book comes out this week. One of the main reasons is that the lost car isn’t found. I know four languages, such as Japanese and English. A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. He will try his best to help his parents with the housework. action comes from about played fantastic like shows want plan 3b Write notes for your own movie review. The name of the movie:______________________ The kind of movie:_________________________ What the movie is about:____________________ What you think of the movie/stars: 回顾 Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince scary movie Some stories about Harry Potter Although it's not as good as the original book, but it is still a good movie. There are a lot of horror elements in the movie giving the movie a dark feeling. There are also a lot of humors in the movie making the movie enjoyable and more suitable for teenagers. It's a wonderful movie. 3c Write your movie review using the notes in 3b. • I watched the movie Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince on Saturday. It's a great movie. I think it's one of the best in the Harry Potter serious. Although it's not as good as the original book, but it is still a good movie. There are a lot of horror elements in the movie giving the movie a dark feeling. There are also a lot of humors in the movie making the movie enjoyable and more suitable for teenagers. It's a wonderful movie. I think everyone should watch it if they have the chance. 4 What do you and your partner think of these TV shows or movies? Write description words for each one. Talk about what kind of movie you and your partner like. A: Do you like going to the movies? B: Yes. What kind of movie do you like? A: I like comedies. B: Why? A: Because I think they’re funny and relaxing. What about you? B: I like thrillers. I think they’re exciting … Pairwork 2. favorite 形容词, “最喜欢的”。没有比较级和最高 级的形式,一般常用在句型 ... is sb.’s favorite …中, 其 可以和sb. likes ... best . 某人最喜欢……互换。 e.g. Jackie Chan is my favorite actor. 成龙是我最喜欢的演员。 =I like Jackie Chan best.我最喜欢成龙。 2c Read the passage again and fill in the facts about Mickey. 阅读指导: Ø 阅读这五个问题,明确每句话的意 思,带着问题去读短文。 Ø 在短文中划出相关问题的依据,并 作出回答。 What does he look like? Mickey Mouse a common man Who created him? Mickey Mouse Walt Disney What was his first cartoon? Mickey Mouse Steamboat Willie Who is his girlfriend? Mickey Mouse Minnie Why is he popular? Mickey Mouse Because he was like a common man, but he always tried to face any danger. 1. What is Mickey Mouse a symbol of? What cartoon character is a symbol of Chinese culture? Read the passage again and discuss the questions with a partner. It’s a symbol of American culture. Monkey King is a symbol of Chinese culture. 2d 2. Do you think Walt Disney is a smart man? Why or why not? Do you want to be like him? Yes, he is. Because he knows that most people like to see the “little man” win. 3. Why did people want to be like Mickey? Do you want to be like Mickey? Why or why not? 4. Can you think of another cartoon character that is as famous as Mickey? Why is the character popular. Because he was always ready to try his best. Yes. For example, Monkey King. Because he always tried to face any problems. 1. However, he was always ready to try his best. 然而, 他总是准备好去尽其所能。 此句中的always表示一种长期的行为, 和形容词ready连用, 构成短语always ready to do sth., 表示“总是准备好 做某事; 随时随地可以从事某事”。 e.g. She was always ready to listen to my problem. 她总是随时随地倾听我的烦恼。 英语中try one’s best 是一种固定表达 方式, 表示“尽力; 竭尽全力”的意思。 e.g. He didn’t try his best in the game, I’m afraid. 我恐怕他在比赛中没有竭尽全力。 2. Today’s cartoons are usually not so simple as little Mickey Mouse, but everyone still knows and loves him. 此句中 not so…as 结构表示“不像 ……那样; 不如……这么……”。 e.g. It wasn’t so good as last time. 这次不如上次好。

