牛津译林版七年级下册《Finding your way》练习题1

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牛津译林版七年级下册《Finding your way》练习题1

Unit 4 Finding your way 习题 一、 单选 1. There is _______ old bike. _______old bike is Mr. Zhao’s. A. an; The B. the; An C. a; The D. the; The 2. _______ apple a day keeps the doctors away. A. The B. A C. An D. Two 3. At that time Tom was _____ one-year-old baby. A. a B. an C. the D. / 4. _______ tiger is _______ China. A. The; a B. A; the C. The; from D. The; the 5. _______ Great Wall is _______longest wall in the world. A. A; a B. The; the C. A; the D. The; a 6. His father is ___ English teacher. He works in our school. A. a B. an C. the D./ 7. This is _______ apple. It's _______ big apple. A. an; a B. a; the C. a; an D. an; the 8. Shanghai is in _______ east of China. A. / B. an C. a D. the 9. He has tried twice but is asked to have ___ third day. A. another B. a C. one D. the 10. Land to ___ east of ___ Urals is call Asia. A. the; the B. /; the C. /; / D. the; / 二、完形填空 We see many animals, like rabbits, bees, birds, sheep and so on, but do you know __1__ these animals say things? First, let’s see a rabbit. When a rabbit sees something __2__ it runs away at once. When it runs, its tail moves up and __3__. When other rabbits see this, they run __4__. Many other animals use this kind of __5__. When a bee has found some food, it goes back to its home. It cannot tell __6__ bees where the food is by speaking to them, but it does a little dance in the air. They may tell other bees __7__ the food is. Some animals say things by making sounds like a man does. __8__, a dog barks when a stranger comes near. Some birds can make several __9__ sounds, each with its own meaning. In a word, every animal has its __10__ language. 1.A. how B. when C. why D. where 2.A. interesting B. dangerous C. near it D. had 3.A. up B. again C. down D. on 4.A. quickly B. away C. too D. back 5.A. way B. moving C. language D. running 6.A. the other B. small C. all the D. many 7.A. what B. how C. where D. whose 8.A. For example B. Very often C. As usual D. At first 9.A. strange B. interesting C. useful D. different 10.A. real B. own C. easy D. old

