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2008-2009学年度济宁市邹城第二学期七年级期末检测 英语试卷 注意:1.本题满分120分,答题时间120分钟。 2.本题分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题) 3.请同学们将答案写在第三页答题卷上! 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共75分) 一.听力部分(20分) Ⅰ.听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(每题一分,共5分) ( )1. A.interesting B.exciting C.boring ( )2. A.relaxing B.relax C.scary ( )3. A.Martin B.cousin C.son ( )4. A.sport B.score C.sports ( )5. A.friends B.parents C.grandfather Ⅱ.听录音,为每个句子选择恰当的图片(有一幅图片是多余的)。(每小题1分,共5分). 6___________7__________8__________9__________10__________ Ⅲ.听句子,选择正确的应答语。(每题一分,共5分) ( )11.A.Yes,that is B.No,she isn’t C.No,he isn’t ( )12.A.They are in the drawer. B.It’s on the desk. C.It’s over there.under the bed. ( )13.A.Yes,P-E-N. B.P-E—N,pen. C.It’s his pen. ( )14.A.Yes,he does. B.Yes,I do. C . No , she doesn’t. ( )15.A.Yes.they do B.They have hamburgers for breakfast. C.No,be don’t. IV.听句子,补全所缺的信息。(每题Ⅱ分.共5分) 16.Nice to_____ you,I’m Tony.My phone is 268-5547. 17.Tom_____ baseball every day. 18.Please_____ my hat to me. 19.My brother likes_____,but he doesn’t like oranges. 20.Let’s watch TV.That sounds _____。 二、选择最佳答案。(每题1分,共15分) ( )21._____ your name? A.What B.What’re C.What’s D.Where ( )22.This is my friend._____ name is Tony. A.His B.Your C.Her D.My ( )23.--Is this your pen? --Yes._____ A.this is B.it is C.he is D.I am ( )24.--_____do you spell pen? --P-E-N. A.How B.What C.Where D.How is ( )25--What’s that in English?--____ a backpack. A.It’s B.It C.it’s D.Its ( )26.--Are those your friends? --No.____.They are his friends. A.He isn’t B.they are C.They aren’t D.they aren’t ( )27--Sally,____ you bring my math book to school?--OK,Tom. A.can B.are C.do D.Can ( )28.--Peter.where is your pen? --It’s the dresser. A.on B.in C.of D.under ( )29.____ Jim____ a computer?.--Yes,he does. A.Do,have B.Are,have. C.Does,has D.Does,have ( )30.--Let’s play____ soccer; --That sounds great. A.a B.an C./ D.the ( )31.He watches soccer games ____ TV A.on B.of C.for D.at ( )32.Mary has many ____ A.a watch. B.watches. C.watchs D.the watch. ( )33.My sister ____ sports every day. A.play B.plays C.playes D.playing ( )34.She ____ have a tennis. A.don’t B.doesn’t C.isn’t D.aren’t ( )35.--Do you have a tennis racket? --________.But I have a baseball bat. A.Yes.I do B.No,I don’ t C.Yes,you do D.No,they don’t 三.完型填空。(每题一分,共10分.) Ed Smith is36 student(学生).He 37 a great sports collection.He has eight tennis rackets, nine basketballs, 38 seven baseballs.He has three 39 balls and five volleyballs.40 he 41 play sports--he only 42 them 43 TV! 44 sister Sonia is different(不同的)from him.She plays sports 45 day! ( )36.A/ B.an C.the D.a ( )37.A.have B.haves C.has D.is ( )38.A.and B.but C.so D.these ( )39.A.soccers B.soccer C.socceres D.socer ( )40.A.And B.But C.So D.Like ( )41.A.doesn’t B.don’t C.isn’t D.does ( )42.A.look B.watch C.watchs D.watches ( )43.A.on B.of C.at D.in ( )44.A.his B.He’s C.His D.Her ( )45.A.a B.every C.one D.two 四.阅读理解。(每题两分,共20分) A 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容判断句子的正(T)误(F). My uncle likes sports very much.He loves soccer ball,basketball,baseball,tennis and more.He plays baseball and basketball very well.He likes to watch the sports games on TV.He plays sports every day.He has a small(小的)sports collection.He has 3 tennis rackets,2 baseballs,3 basketballs and a soccer bail. ( )46.My uncle doesn’t like sports,but he has a sports collection. ( )47.He plays baseball.and basketball very well. ( )48.He likes to watch the sports games on TV. ( )49.He watches TV and plays sports every day. ( )50.His collection is small:3 tennis rackets,2 baseballs,3 basketballs and a soccer ball. B 根据下列短文内容选择最佳答案. Look at this.Here’s a pencil case,it’s orange,it’s my pencil case,it’s on the desk. Look! This is a pen,it’s black.And this is an eraser,it’s blue and white.They’re both(都) in the pencil case.This is a ruler,it’s red,it’s on the pencil case.That is a ruler,too.It’s yellow.It’s in the drawer.Where’s my math book ?Ah,it’ s there,under the sofa. ( )51.This is_______ pencil case. A.my B.her C.his ( )52.The yellow ruler_______ A.in the backpack B.in the drawer C.on the pencil case ( )53._______ in the pencil. A.A pen is B.An eraser C.A and B are ( )54.The_______ is orange. A.pen B.pencil C.pencil case ( )55.Where is my English book? A.Under the sofa B.On the desk C.Sorry,I don’t know. 五.句子搭配.(每题一分,共10分) ( )56.Good afternoon. A.Yes,R-U-L-E-R. ( )57.How are you? B.Yes,he is ( )58.What’s this in English? C.No,it isn’t. ( )59.Can you spell ruler? D.Red. ( )60.What color are the apples? E.I’m OK. ( )61.What is her name? F.Good afternoon. ( )62.Is this your pencil? G.In your backpack. ( )63.Is he your brother? H.No.I don’t. ( )64.Where are my books? I.Jenny. ( )65.Do you have a soccer? J.It’s an alarm clock. 笔试题(45分) 六、根据句意和首字母或汉语提示完成句子。(每题一分,共l0分) 1.He has 8 b_______ and 9 baseballs. 2.Please t_______ these books to your father. 3.Mary has two sons and a d _______ 4.Please c_______ Tom at 9898989. 5.My aunt has a great sports_______ (收藏品). 6.Let’s play soccer.That sounds i_______. 7.I have lots of _______ (朋友). 8.You can look it up in the_______ (字典) 9.My hat is on the f _______ 10.Thanks_______ (为……)your help. 七.句型转换,每空一词.(10分) 1.That is a backpack.(对划线部分提问) _______ that_______ Eng1ish? 2.Her pencil is green.(对划线部分提问) _______ is her pencil? 3.My ping-pong bats are on the desk.(对划线部分提问) _______ _______ your ping-pong bats? 4.I have a volleyball(一般疑问句) _______ you_______ a volleyball? 5.Sonia has 5 balls.(否定句) Sonia_______ _______ 5 balls. 八、将下面的汉语句子译为英语,每空一词.(10分) 1.我们有许多体育俱乐部. We have many_______ _______ 2.我爸爸有三个哥哥和一个姐姐. My father_______ three_______ and one sister. 3.--我的钥匙在哪儿? --对不起,我不知道. --where_______ my keys? --Sorry,I don’t_______ 4.咱们打排球吧! _______ us play_______ 5.看电视太无聊了 Watching TV is_______ _______ 九.书面表达.(15分) 假如你叫刘军,今天是开学的第一天,请根据表格中所提供的信息,向班上的、同学介 绍一下你自己。 词数:50词左右。 姓名: 刘军 电话:5340261 家庭成员:祖父母、父母、叔婶、堂弟和自己 爱好:排球、网球 收藏品:6个网球拍,3个排球 Ⅰ.听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 1.The play is boring. 2.Music is relaxing. 3.My cousin is 8 years old. 4.He likes doing sports. 5.Where are your parents? Ⅱ.听录音,为每个句子选择恰当的图片。 1.Let’s play computer games. 2.She likes ice cream. 3.It’s an alarm clock. 4.My watch is new and nice. 5.The books are in the bookcase. Ⅲ.听句子,选择正确的应答语. 1.Is that boy your cousin? 2.Where are the keys? 3.How do you spell “pen”? 4.Do you have a computer game? 5.Do they like hamburgers? IV.听句子.补全所缺的信息. 1.Nice to meet you.I’m Tony.My phone number is 268-5547. 2.Tom plays baseball every day. 3.Please bring my hat to me. 4.My brother likes apples,but he doesn’t like oranges. 5.Let’s watch TV.That sounds interesting. 2008-2009学年度济宁市邹城第二学期七年级期末检测 英语参考答案 选择题(共75分) 1-5 CABCB 6-10 EDACF 11-15 CABBA 16:meet 17:plays 18:bring 19:apples 20:interesting 21-25CABAA 26-30 DAADC 31-35 ABBBB 36-40 DCABB 41-45 ADACB 46-50 FTTFT 51-55 ABCCA 56-60 FEJAD 61-65 ICBGH 笔试题(共45分) 六、根据句意和首字母或汉语提示完成句子。(每题一分,共10分) 1.basketballs 2.take 3.daughter 4.call 5.collection 6.interestin9 7.friends 8.dictionary 9.floor 10.for 七.句型转换,每空一词。(10分) 1.What’s in 2.That color 3.Where are 4.Do have 5.doesn’t have 八.将下面的汉语句子译为英语,每空一词.(10分) 1.sports clubs.2.has brothers 3.are know 4.Let volleyball 5.too boring 九.书面表达.(15分) One possible version I’m Liu Jun.Nice to meet you! Let me introduce myself.I have a big family.Eight people are in my family.They are my grandparents,my parents,my uncle, my aunt,my cousin and I.I like volleyball and tennis. I have six tennis rackets and three volleyballs.My phone number is 5340261.

