初中7年级英语教案:第9讲 时态复习

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初中7年级英语教案:第9讲 时态复习

辅导教案 学员姓名: 学科教师:‎ 年 级:七年级 辅导科目: 英语 ‎ 授课日期 ‎××年××月××日 时 间 A / B / C / D / E / F段 主 题 时态复习 ‎ 教学内容 ‎(本次课的重点、难点以及达到怎样的情感目标)‎ ‎1. 理解三种时态的基本概念;‎ ‎2. 掌握时态常用的时间状语;‎ ‎3. 能在具体的语境中选用正确的时态。‎ 教学建议:‎ ‎1. 同步检测部分要求学生在7分钟内完成;‎ ‎2. 学生之间相互批改;‎ ‎3. 要求学生更正,错误率过高的学生下次课再次抽默或者课后再次默写。‎ I. 牛津7B U1-U5 同步检测 I. Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms.‎ 1. She has to live in Canada. (decision)‎ 2. More and more fans in our country are (interest)in Super Junior from Korea.‎ 3. Could you give me some about how to be a good student? ( suggest)‎ 4. Millions of came to Shanghai during the World Expo 2010. (tour)‎ 5. Every girl wants to be a . (prince)‎ 1. ‎' Hero' is an film. (act)‎ 2. Space Wars is a film of a great . ( advent)‎ 3. The teacher tells us something about road . ( safe)‎ 4. They have moved on the floor in that high rise. (twelve)‎ 5. I'd like to say something about . (I)‎ 6. The food section is on the floor. (four)‎ 7. During the summer holidays, more and more young students go to____________ shops by themselves. (cloth)‎ 8. Your calculator is much more expensive than (I).‎ 9. Clowns usually bring us a lot of fun and (happy).‎ ‎15.I like staying at home because it is . (comfort)‎ II.时态坐标轴解析 通过时间轴演示各个时态所表达的时间概念 教学建议:‎ 1. 由于此部分是复习时态,老师可以让学生分工合作,每人负责1时态,分别从时态的概念、时间状语、特殊用法等角度让学生自主学习后讲给其他的学生;‎ 2. 每个学生讲完之后其他学生可以提出疑问;‎ 3. 老师在过程中进行补充和完善。‎ I.时态复习 一.一般现在时 ‎1. 表示客观真理,客观存在,自然现象。‎ Light travels faster than sound.‎ The earth goes around the sun. ‎ ‎2. 表示经常的或习惯性的动作,常与表示频度的副词连用。常用的频度副词有: often, always, usually, sometimes, every day/month/year, once a week/month/year. 频度副词在句中通常放在行为动词之前,系动词、助动词之后。‎ She is always ready to help others. ‎ I get up at six every day.‎ ‎3. 在由 when, after, before, until, till, as soon as等引导的时间状语中或由 if, unless, as long as等引导的条件状语从句中,如果主句是一般将来时、祈使句、有情态动词等,从句通常用一般现在时代替一般将来时。‎ 即: 主将从现——主句一般将来时,从句一般现在时 When she grows up, she’ll be a nurse and look after patients.‎ I will tell him about it as soon as he comes.‎ If it is fine tomorrow, we will go outing.‎ I won’t forgive him unless she says sorry to me.‎ Don’t give up until you succeed.‎ ‎4. 一般现在时的动词形式通常与动词原形相同,但在主语为第三人称单数时,词尾加-s或 -es,其规则如下:‎ ‎1) 一般动词都在词尾加-s,如:digs, sings, looks, lives, cleans 等。‎ ‎2) 当动词以s, sh, ch, x, o 结尾时,加-es,如:presses,washes, watches, fixes, goes 等。‎ ‎3) 当动词以辅音字母+y结尾时,先将y成变i,再加-es, 如:flies, cries, studies等。‎ 如动词以元音字母+y结尾时,直接加-s, 如:says, buys, plays等。‎ 练习:‎ 1. ‎---What will Bill do if he _______in the test?‎ ‎---He will try again.‎ A. fail B. fails C. will fail D. is failing ‎ 2. ‎--- Please tell her the news when she _______. ‎ ‎---OK, I will.‎ A. comes B. will come. C. come D. would come 1. The students will plant trees if it _______tomorrow.‎ A. didn’t rain B. hasn’t rained C. won’t rain D. doesn’t rain 2. ‎--Where_______ you ______?   --I went to buy some food for supper.‎ A. are; go   B. did; go  C.do; go D. does; go ‎ 3. ‎--- Can I go to Beijing for my holiday, Dad?‎ ‎--- You can when you _______ a bit older.‎ A. will get B. get C. are getting D. got 4. Frank _______ to see his grandma if he _______ free tomorrow.‎ A. will come; will be B. comes; is ‎ C. will come; is D. comes; will be 5. ‎–When will you tell him the good news? ‎ ‎--I will tell him about it as soon as he _______ back. ‎ A. comes B. came C. will come D. is coming 6. Shanghai Wild Animal Park _______many visitors every year.‎ A. attracted B. attracts C. has attracted D. will attract ‎ 7. I’ll call you when I _______at the town.‎ A. will arrive B. arrived C. arrives D. arrive 8. I bought the new bag as a present for my mum and it ______me nearly a month’s salary.‎ A. cost B. took C. spent D. paid 二.—般过去时 ‎1. 表示过去某个特定时间发生的动作或存在的状态。‎ The traffic accident happened ten minutes ago.‎ He left England in 1964 and never returned.‎ ‎2. 表示过去的习惯性或经常发生的动作。 ‎ When he was young, my father often swam in the river.‎ Alice couldn’t get up early so she was often late for school.‎ ‎3. 动词过去式构成 动词的不规则变化大体分为四类:‎ ‎ AAA类:cost, cost, cost ABA类:come, came, come ‎ ABB类:get, got, got ABC类:fall, fell, fallen ‎4. 一般过去时常用的时间状语有just now, yesterday (morning/afternoon/evening), last week/month/year, in 1999, two days/weeks/months/ years ago…‎ 练习:‎ 1. Sam opened the door and__________ a lovely dog outside.‎ A. finds B. found C. has found D. will find 2. I will give him the news as soon as he _______back from Beijing tomorrow.‎ A. come B. will come C. comes D. came 3. ‎________ they away from school last October? ‎ A. Did  B. Were  C. Do D. Will be 4. ‎________you_________ to school last Sunday?‎ A. Did, come  B. Do, come   C. Were, come D. Was, come 5. What ________they________ for breakfast last week?‎ A. were, have  B. did, have   C. will, have D. was, have 6. Most of the students will go to visit the exhibition if it _______fine tomorrow.‎ A. is B. was C. will be D. are 7. The traffic in Shanghai will become better if everyone _______the traffic rules.‎ A. will obey B. is obeying C. obey D. obeys 8. Wayne’s sister _______as a waitress in a big restaurant for the time being.‎ A. works B. worked C. has worked D. will work 三. 一般将来时 ‎1. a. will/shall+v.(原形)(现在一般用will代替shall)‎ ‎ My family will have our dinner at 7 p.m. ‎ ‎ I will prepare for the English exam. ‎ b. be(am, is, are) going to+v.(原形),表示现在计划好将来要做的事或将来可能发生的事。‎ ‎ I'm going to write to Mary this evening. ‎ ‎ Look at the dark clouds. There is going to be a storm. ‎ ‎2. 位移动词如come, go, start, arrive, leave, stay常用现在进行时表示将来。‎ He is leaving tomorrow. ‎ I'm going to Shanghai Museum this Sunday.‎ He is coming to visit us this afternoon. ‎ ‎3. 与一般将来时相关的时间状语: tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening, next day/week/month/year, …later, in 2020, soon, the day after tomorrow等连用。‎ ‎4. 在由 when, after, before, until, till, as soon as等引导的时间状语中或由 if, as long as等引导的条件状语从句中,当主句是一般将来时,时间或条件状语从句的谓语动词只能用一般现在时来表示将来要发生的动作。即: 主将从现——主句一般将来时,从句一般现在时。‎ I will tell you everything as soon as I get home. ‎ If you tell me, I will keep it a secret. ‎ 1. Bill ______ progress if he studies harder than before.‎ A. will make B. has made C. made D. would make 2. Attention, please! There will__________ a class meeting___________ the morning of May 4th.‎ A. have; at B. have; on C. be; at D. be; on ‎ 3. Sam ______ us the result as soon as the manager makes a decision.‎ A. tells B. has told C. will tell D. would tell 4. ‎--What____________ you____________ tomorrow?‎ ‎--I have no idea. ‎ A.is; going B.is; going to do C. are; going D. are; going to do 5. I’m sure my friend ______ me about the car accident if she knows the truth of it.‎ A. tells B. told C. will tell D. has told 6. We ______ a barbecue in the park if the weather ______ fine tomorrow.‎ A. will have...will be B. will have...is C. have...is D. have...will be 7. ‎--The TV show Home with Kids is so wonderful. You shouldn't miss it.‎ ‎--If I have time, I___________ it.‎ A. see B. saw C. will see D. have seen ‎ 8. The summer vacation will begin next week. David____________ to stay with us.‎ A. will be coming B. comes C. came D.is coming II.Reading: Fill in the blanks with proper words. ‎ Different people are talking about different ideas about their jobs.‎ Hi, everybody. My name is Jane. I am a head chef(主厨)in a French restaurant. My job is to cook delicious food for customers. And I am also in c 1 of the whole kitchen. I have been a cook for 5 years. I love my job! My best working partner (伙伴)is a sieve(滤网).‎ Good morning, sir. My name is Jack. I have worked in a restaurant s 2 I was 50 years old. I’m a waiter and my work is to bring courses and drinks for dinners. I love my job because I can meet a lot of people. My best working partner is a tray.‎ Hi, you’ve got a mail! I am Peter. I am a postman. Every day, I deliver letters and parcels t 3 people. I love my job very much because I can see smiles when people get letters. My best working partner is this brown mail bag. It’s f 4 of messages that people are looking forward to.‎ Hello! Everybody calls me John. I am a f____5___. I grow vegetables like carrots, cabbages, potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants (茄子)in field. I also raise 8 cows. I have been a farmer since I was 18 years old. My best working partner is pitchfork(干草叉). It is u 6 for moving straws(干草)‎ Keys: charge since to famous farmer used ‎ 教学建议:‎ 1. 规定学生必须在20分钟内完成;‎ 2. 相互交换批改,表扬正确率最高的学生;‎ 3. 做对的学生给做错的学生讲题;‎ 4. 让每个学生简单总结一下错误原因及应该注意的问题。‎ PART I. Choose the best answer.‎ 1. I don’t know if his uncle __________.   I think he __________if it doesn’t rain.‎ A. will come; comes    B. will come; will come   ‎ C. comes; comes   D. comes; will come 2. He will be back __________a few minutes.‎ A. with  B. for  C. on  D. in 3. What time __________we meet at the gate tomorrow?‎ A. will  B. shall  C. do  D. are 4. He will have a holiday as soon as he __________the work next week.‎ A. finishes  B. doesn’t finish  C. will finish  D. won’t finish 5. It __________my brother’s birthday tomorrow. She __________a party.‎ A. is going to be; will have   B. will be; is having   ‎ C. will be; is going to have   D. will have; is going to be 6. There_________ a basketball match this afternoon.‎ A. is going to be   B. is going to have  C. are going to be   D. are going to have 7. Julie's father ________ to London last month. He ________ there three times.‎ A. went; had gone B. has gone; has been C. went; has been D. has been; had gone 8. I’m going __________ (go) school by bike tomorrow.‎ A. to will go  B. to go to  C. go to  D. to go 9. One of the boys __________a black hat.‎ A. have B. there is C. there are D. has 10. He said the sun __________in the east and __________in the west.‎ A. rose; set B. rises; sets C. rises, set D. rise; sets 11. Kitty’s family __________ into the new flat three years ago. ‎ A. moved B. was moving C. will move D. moves 12. Wang Meng __________three gold medals at the Vancouver (温哥华)Winter Olympic Games.‎ A. wins B. won C. will win D. would win 1. A: You never had breakfast at home last term, ___________ you? ‎ B: ___________. I only had it at school. ‎ A. did...No B. had...Yes C. didn't...No D. did...Yes 2. I'm sorry I didn't hear what you ____________. Could you repeat it? ‎ A. talked B. told C. said D. spoke 3. ‎—_________ you ever _________ for a newspaper?‎ ‎—Yes. I think it's a good experience for me.‎ A. Do, write B. Have, written C. Will, write D. Did, write PART II. 期中综合 (延安初一第一学期考学摸底)‎ ‎1. Jiuzhaigou is famous its wonderful scenery.‎ ‎ A. of B. for C.as D.at ‎2. The boy’s hope an IT engineer in the future.‎ ‎ A. is being B. are to be C. is to be D.to be ‎ ‎3. It takes you to Jinan by high-speed rail.‎ ‎ A. three hours and a half B. three and a half hour ‎ C. three hours and half D. three and half hours ‎ ‎4. He suggested a walk in the park.‎ ‎ A. take B.to take C. takes D. taking ‎5. I can’t do my homework my cousin.‎ ‎ A. as carefully than B. carefully than C.as carefully as D. much carefully than ‎6. Jake wants to the writing contest.‎ ‎ A. join B. take part in C. attend D. joining ‎ ‎7. did the old man come here just now?‎ ‎ A. Where B. Why C. When D. What ‎8. ---John didn’t get up early this morning.‎ ‎ --- .‎ ‎ A. So do I B. Neither do I C. Neither did I D. So didn’t I ‎ ‎9. Betty draws badly, Davis draws much .‎ ‎ A. bad B. worse C. badly D. more badly ‎ ‎10. The students a lot of money for the people who need help last month.‎ ‎ A. raise B. raised C. rises D. rose ‎ ‎11. I would like to buy a dress yellow spots in my size.‎ ‎ A. with, in B. with, at C.in, in D.at, of ‎ ‎12. Lucy makes a little money; she likes to follow the fashion.‎ ‎ A. Although B. Because C. If D. When ‎ ‎13. Bill can her own room himself.‎ ‎ A. put up B. take off C. put on D. clean up ‎ ‎ 14. The tour guide told more clothes on the top of the Emei‎ ‎Mountain.‎ ‎ A. we to wear B.us to put on C.us to wear D. we to put on ‎ ‎15. Tom one hundred yuan the violin lesson each lesson.‎ ‎ A. pay…on B. paid …for C. pays…for D. pay…for ‎16. We gave the police information about the thieves.‎ ‎ A. one more B. some more C. a few D. many more ‎17. your brother look like?‎ ‎ A. What’s B. How’s C. How does D. What does ‎ ‎18. There isn’t in today’s newspapers.‎ ‎ A. something important B. anything important ‎ ‎ C. important something D. important anything ‎20. It would be to play on the road.‎ ‎ A. interested B. careful C. dangerous D. peaceful ‎ ‎21. Just then I saw something flash the window.‎ ‎ A. past B. pass C. passed D.to pass ‎ ‎22. I can’t find the way out. I have to think it for a while.‎ ‎ A. of B. from C.at D. about ‎23. Each guest here can have a drink. They can choose a hot drink a cold one.‎ ‎ A. both, and B. neither, nor C. either, or D. not only, but also ‎24. You should me earlier. It’s too late.‎ ‎ A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell ‎25. The police finally who told lies.‎ ‎ A. found out B. looked for C. found D. discovered ‎26.Devastating(毁灭性的) train crash happened the night of July 23.‎ ‎ A. at B. on C.in D. for ‎27. There is already too much juice in the glass. Stop any more.‎ ‎ A. pouring B. and pour C.to pour D. poured ‎ ‎28. There many great Chinese cartoons on TV.‎ ‎ A. use to had B. used to be C. used to have D. was used to be ‎29. We decorated our home flowers Christmas Day.‎ ‎ A. at, in B. with, in C. in, on D. with, on ‎ ‎30. ---May I come with you to see “Swan‎ ‎Lake”?‎ ‎ --- .‎ ‎ A. Yes, I’d love to B. No, thanks C. Yes, of course D. That’s right ‎(以学生自我总结为主,TR引导为辅,为本次课做一个总结回顾)‎ 一.一般现在时 在由 when, after, before, until, till, as soon as等引导的时间状语中或由 if, unless, as long as等引导的条件状语从句中,如果主句是一般将来时、祈使句、有情态动词等,从句通常用一般现在时代替一般将来时。‎ 即: 主将从现——主句一般将来时,从句一般现在时 二.—般过去时 ‎1.一般过去时常用的时间状语有just now, yesterday (morning/afternoon/evening), last week/month/year, in 1999, two days/weeks/months/ years ago…‎ ‎2. 动词的不规则变化大体分为四类:‎ ‎ AAA类:cost, cost, cost ABA类:come, came, come ‎ ABB类:get, got, got ABC类:fall, fell, fallen 三. 一般将来时 ‎1. 位移动词如come, go, start, arrive, leave, stay常用现在进行时表示将来。‎ ‎2. 在由 when, after, before, until, till, as soon as等引导的时间状语中或由 if, as long as等引导的条件状语从句中,当主句是一般将来时,时间或条件状语从句的谓语动词只能用一般现在时来表示将来要发生的动作。即: 主将从现——主句一般将来时,从句一般现在时。‎ 教学建议:‎ ‎1. 包含预习下次课单词与短语和复习本次课内容两部分; ‎ ‎2. 规定学生在25分钟内完成;‎ ‎ 3. 要求学生对不确定有疑问的题目做标记;‎ ‎4.下节新课前让学生相互批改表扬正确率最高的学生;‎ ‎5.让作对的学生给做错的学生讲题,老师进行补充;‎ ‎6.老师对错误率较高的题目相关的知识点进行复习。‎ ‎【巩固练习】‎ I. Choose the best answer. ‎ ‎1. There __________ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.     A. will be going to     B. will going to be ‎ C. is going to be    D. will go to be 2. –________ you ________ free tomorrow? ‎ ‎–No. I ________ free the day after tomorrow.    A. Are; going to; will    B. Are; going to be; will ‎ C. Are; going to; will be    D. Are; going to be; will be ‎3. If it ________ tomorrow, we’ll go roller-skating.     A. isn’t rain    B. won’t rain       C. doesn’t rain    D. doesn’t fine ‎4. --Are you going to see the film with us? ‎ ‎--No, thanks. I _________ it.‎ A. saw B. have seen C. see D. was seeing ‎5. We ________ the work this way next time.     A. do    B. will do       C. going to do    D. will doing ‎6. They ________ an English evening next Sunday.     A. are having    B. are going to have ‎ C. will having    D. is going to have ‎7. – Shall I come again tomorrow afternoon?‎ ‎– ________.         A. Yes, please    B. Yes, you will.  ‎ C. No, please    D. No, you won’t.‎ ‎8. – What did you do after school yesterday?‎ ‎– I ________basketball with my friends. ‎ A play B played C will play D. am playing ‎9. I _______sure that you ________ progress in your new job with his help.‎ A. am, made B. was, make C. am, will make D. was, will make ‎10. --Look at the noisy kids!‎ ‎--Haven't you heard the saying "When the cat is away, the mice ________. "?‎ A. play B. played C. are playing D. will play ‎11. His family the zoo last week.‎ A. visit B. am visiting C. visited D. will visit ‎12. I the CDs to you if I have time tomorrow.‎ A. will return B returned C have returned D return ‎13. The woman and her husband __________in the same office.‎ A. work B. works C. is working D. has worked ‎14. --I'm sorry that John is out.‎ ‎--Please ask him to call me as soon as he______________.‎ A. returned B. returns C. will return D. return ‎16. It is ten o’clock, but Joseph ______ at his lessons.(杨浦)‎ A has worked B works C is working D was working 17. He will pick you up for dinner if he ___________ his work before six o'clock.‎ A) finish B. will finish C. finished D. finishes 18. If it ____________ tomorrow, we won't go on a trip to Shanghai Wild Animal Park.‎ A. rains B. rain C. will rain D. raining 17. We are not sure if it ______ when we have our school sports meeting tomorrow. ‎ A. rain B. rains C. has rained D. will rain 18. Don't worry. Tommy will send an email to us as soon as he ______in Shanghai.‎ A. arrive B. arrived C. will arrived D. arrives II. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文) ‎ Reading can bring us great pleasure. Some books like interesting novels are mostly for 1 When you have done a lot of work and get tired, it is a relaxation(放松) to read some stories by fine writers.‎ ‎ 2 to read nothing except fiction is just like eating only chocolates and not testing other nice things. In fact, serious reading is to the mind, as food to the body. There are many good books 3 history, travel and science. We must read these kinds of books because they give us not only joy but also 4 . We should develop a taste for serious reading and it can give us 5 knowledge than novels.‎ ‎( ) 1. A. studying B. news C. information D.fun ‎( )2. A. But B.And C. Then D.So ‎( )3. A. in B. on C.for D. to ‎( )4. A. experiment B. advice C. education D. exercise ‎( )5. A. more B. less C. many D. little ‎【keys】DABBA III. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给。)‎ A boy who was cleaning shoes in the street said to a young man passing by, "Let me clean your shoes." The young man said, "No, thank you." "You may pay me only a pound(英镑) , sir." said the boy. But the young man refused again. Then the boy told him that he would clean his shoes for n 1 . The young man agreed to this, and soon one of his shoes was shining b 2 . The man put the other shoe before the boy, but the boy refused to clean it u 3 he paid two pounds for his work. The young man refused to pay anything and went away. But the dirty one looked so bad that he couldn't g 4 away. He had to turn back and gave the boy t 5 pounds. ‎ ‎【keys】1. nothing 2. brightly 3. until 4. go 5. two ‎ ‎【预习思考】‎ ‎7B U8 同步 ‎ Words.‎ ‎1. enjoyable adj. 有乐趣的;使人快乐的;令人愉快的 ‎ The trip was much more enjoyable than we had expected. 这次旅行比我们所预期的更愉快。‎ ‎ 【拓展】 enjoy v. 享受……的乐趣 enjoyably adv. 愉快地;有趣地 ‎ 【近义词】 pleasant adj. 令人愉快的 ‎2. * ideal adj. 理想的,完美的,最合适的 ‎ It is an ideal day for a picnic. 这是一个外出野餐的好日子。‎ ‎ 【拓展】 ideal n. 理想 ‎ I am looking for a house in the country but haven't found my ideal yet. ‎ 我正在乡下找一栋房子,但还没有找到理想的(房子)。‎ ‎3. conduct v. 组织;安排 ‎ ‎ The guide conducted us on a tour of the oldest museum in the country. 导游带我们游览了这个国家最古老的博物馆。‎ ‎ My aunt conducts her business very successfully. 我婶婶把她的企业经营得很成功。‎ ‎ 【拓展】 conductor n. 领导者;经理;售票员;列车长 ‎4. modern adj. 现代化的 ‎ In the afternoon they went to an exhibition of modern art. 他们下午去参观了现代艺术展。‎ ‎ She wears a modern dress. 她穿着一件时髦的礼服。‎ ‎ 【近义词】 up-to-date adj. 最新(式)的;现代化的 ‎ 【反义词】 out-of-date adj. 落后的;过时的 ‎5. experiment n. 实验,试验 ‎ Some people learn by experiment and others learn by experience. 一些人通过实验学习,另一些人则从经验中学习。‎ ‎ The teacher gave each of us a piece of paper before doing the experiment. 实验之前,老师给我们每人发了一张纸。‎ ‎ 【拓展】 experiment n. 做实验;做试验:Some scientists experiment on animals. 有些科学家用动物做试验。‎ ‎6. organize v. 组织;筹备 ‎ Jane organized the party. She asked people to come and bought the food and drinks. ‎ 简组织了这个聚会。 她请大家参加,并买了食品和饮料。‎ ‎ 【拓展】 organization n. 组织;构成;编制:They have set up a student organization. 他们成立了一个学生组织。‎ ‎7. impossible adj. 不可能存在(或做到)的;不可能的 ‎ I can't come today; it’ s impossible. 今天我不能来,实在是没有办法。‎ ‎ 【反义词】 possible adj. 可能的 ‎ 【拓展】 im-是一个常见的反义词前缀,通常用于以字母p开头的形容词前。又如:‎ ‎ polite(有礼貌的)→impolite(无礼的;粗鲁的)‎ ‎8. necessary adj. 必需的;必要的 ‎ Sleeping is necessary to health. 睡眠对健康是必需的。‎ ‎ 【反义词】unnecessary adj. 不必要的 ‎9. unnecessary adj. 不需要的;不必要的;多余的 ‎ All those clothes are unnecessary on such a hot day. 在这样一个大热天,所有那些衣服都不需要了。‎ ‎ 【反义词】 necessary adj. 必需的;必要的 ‎ 【拓展】 un-也是一个反义词前缀。又如:comfortable(舒适的)→uncomfortable(不舒服的),like(像)→unlike(不像),able(有能力的)→unable(没有能力的)。‎ ‎10. uninteresting adj. 不吸引人的;无趣的;无聊的 ‎ He was able to finish such an uninteresting task. 他终于完成了这项如此乏味的工作。‎ ‎ 【近义词】 boring adj. 乏味的;无趣的 ‎ 【反义词】 interesting adj. 有趣的 ‎11. yourselves pron. 你们自己 ‎ Did you make these cakes yourselves? 这些蛋糕是你们亲手做的吗?‎ ‎ Help yourselves to sandwiches. 请你们随意吃三明治。‎ ‎ help oneself to something意为“随便吃,别客气”。‎ ‎ 【拓展】 yourself pron. 你自己 ‎12. ourselves pron. 我们自己 ‎ We have a bathroom to ourselves. 我们自己有一间浴室。‎ ‎ We have bought ourselves a new house. 我们给自己买了一栋新房子。‎ ‎ 【拓展】 myself pron. 我自己 ‎13. themselves pron. 他们自己;她们自己;它们自己 ‎ They went to see it for themselves. 他们自己亲自去看了。‎ ‎ The teacher told the children to behave themselves. 老师叫孩子们规矩一点。‎ ‎ 【拓展】 himself pron. 他自己 herself pron. 她自己 itself pron. 它自己 Ⅱ. Daily expressions. 日常表达 ‎1. find out意为“查明;弄清楚”。‎ ‎ 指点迷津: find, find out 与 look for ‎ ‎(1) find意为“发现;找到”,指通过搜索找到、发现藏匿或遗失的人或物,强调找到的结果。‎ ‎ I can't find my pen. 我找不到我的钢笔了。‎ ‎(2) find out意为“查明;弄清楚”,指经过探听、询问、调查之后,才发现某物。‎ ‎ Please find out the answer to the question. 请找出这个问题的答案。‎ ‎ Please find out whose key it is. 请查明这是谁的钥匙。‎ ‎(3) look for意为“寻找”,强调找的过程或动作。‎ ‎ -What are you looking for? 你在找什么?‎ ‎ -I'm looking for my watch. 我在找我的手表。‎ ‎2. put up意为“张贴;置……于明显处”。‎ ‎ They put up a poster high on the wall. 他们在墙壁的高处张贴了一张海报。‎ ‎ 【拓展】 put up还有其他含义:‎ ‎(1)提高:The workers asked their boss to put up their salaries. 工人们要求老板提高他们的工资。‎ ‎(2)给某人提供住宿:We can put all of you up for the night. 我可以安排你们所有人过夜。‎ ‎3. clean up是“打扫(或清除)干净”的意思。‎ ‎ You should always clean up the room. 你应该经常清理房间。‎ ‎ 【拓展】 clean-up n.(口语)扫除;清扫 The clean-up began immediately in the street after the typhoon went away. 台风过后,清扫大街的工作马上就展开了。‎ ‎【同步小练】‎ Fill in the blanks with the words in their proper forms.‎ ‎1. I enjoy in the sea very much. ( swim)‎ 2. We can do something to make our lives more . (enjoy)‎ 3. People may lose their in a fire. (life)‎ 4. Tom has stamps than I.‎ (many)‎ 5. There are two in the hall. (air-condition)‎ 6. Learning English is my great . (enjoy)‎ 7. There have already been two in the town. (library)‎ 8. He'd like to be a in the future. (conduct)‎ 9. It would be nice to have homework. (little)‎ ‎10. Hi, boys and girls, help to some fish. (you)‎ ‎【keys】‎ ‎1. swimming 2. enjoyable 3. lives 4. more 5. air-conditioners ‎ ‎6. joy 7. libraries 8. conductor 9. less 10. yourselves ‎

