译林版七年级下册英语课件-Unit 5 Amazing things Reading 1

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译林版七年级下册英语课件-Unit 5 Amazing things Reading 1

Some amazing things Do you know me? I'm a ghost. What do you think of it? Lead-in 1. Are there any ghosts in the world? 2. Are you afraid of ghosts? 3. Do you like reading Ghost Story? ghost 4.Do you believe there is a ghost? love story funny story exciting story ghost story Last Sunday, Millie and Amy went to Sunshine Park. Something strange happened there. They told Daniel their story and put the story on his blog. What happened? § What did Millie and Amy hear in the park when they sat under the tree? • What made the noise? • At last, who found the ghost? And in fact, what was it? They heard a whisper from the bushes behind the tree. A little cat. Andy found the ghost. It was a little cat. Task 1 fast reading Task 2 Please read the text out . Part 1 (“One Sunday morning~~ they met Andy”) When did it happen? Where did it happen? Who went to Sunshine Park? What did they do as usual? What happened suddenly? How did they feel? One Sunday morning. Sunshine Park. Millie and Amy. Sat down under a big tree. They heard a whisper from the bushes. afraid. Part 2 (“What happened~~ searched the bushed.) Who told Andy everything? Where did the strange voice come from? Who did they tell the strange thing ? Andy. Millie told Andy everything. It came from the bushes. Part 3. (“Here it is ~~ Millie and Amy.”) Who made the strange voice? Why did the little cat sound like a ghost? A little cat. Because it was very weak, when it miaowed, it sounded like a ghost. How were Millie and Amy when they saw the little cat? Where did they take the little cat? Part 4 (This is ~~ animal centre .) They were surprised. They took the little cat to the animal centre. Words understanding 1 A whisper is a ___. a. big cry b. song c. soft noise 2. If people are frightened, they ___. a. hear a big noise b. are afraid c. sing and dance 3. If someone is strange, it is ___. a. unusual b. tall c. nice c b a 4. Weak means ____ . a. clever b. small c. not strong 5. As usual means ____. a. the first time b. as they often do c. Seldom 6. If you wonder, you ___. a. want to know something b. feel great c. say something happily c b a 7. To reply means ___. a. To think b. to say something again c. to say or write something as an answer 8. To search means ___. a. to find something b. to shout at something c. to look carefully for something 3. To leave means ___. a. to find out b. to look for c. to go away c c c I was afraid when I heard the whisper. T Correct Millie’s sentences: (page 60) The whisper came from a big tree. F × the bushes behind the tree. We went back to the park with Andy. F Somebody helped Andy find the “ghost”. F × Nobody Andy found a little cat in the bushes. T Andy gave the little cat to Amy. F × animal centre Last Sunday, Millie went to ______________with Amy. As usual, they often sit under the big tree. Suddenly, they heard a _______ from the ______.They looked around but saw _______. They were _____ and ___ ___ _____ quickly. Sunshine Park whisper nothing afraid bushes left the park Task 3 Read the text for a third time and fill in the blanks. They met _____ on their way and told him__________. At last, Andy found a ____ ___ in the ______. It was very _____. He went to find Amy and Millie. They were _________to see the cat. Later that day, they took the cat to the ______ ______. What an unforgettable day! bushes Andy everything little cat weak surprised animal centre Task 4 Can you put them into the right order? a. We ran away quickly. b. Andy found a little cat in the bushes. c. We sat under a big tree in the park. d. Suddenly, we heard a whisper. e. We turned around but saw nothing. f. Andy went to the park. g. I told Andy about the strange sound. 4 7 1 2 3 6 5 Keywords and phrases: Sunday morning/Sunshine park/sat under/ a whisper/bushes/turn around, nothing/ afraid/ leave/ meet Andy/ tell/search/ a little cat/weak/surprised/ / animal centre Try to retell the story What help does she need? Why was she so weak? Can you guess? We should say sorry to the birds and the other animals. Heal the world, protect the world Let’s finish the class in Michael Jackson’s song ---Earth song What about sunrise? What about rain ? What about all the things That you said we were to gain What about killing fields? Is there a time? What about all the things That you said was yours and mine Did you ever stop to notice All the blood we’ve shed before Did you ever stop to notice The crying earth the weeping shores Aaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah Whoever we are,whatever we do,wherever we go, We must help the animals . Homework 1. Try to remember all the new words and new phrases 2. Read the story at least 3 times. 3. Do some exercises.

