冀教版七年级英语上册习题课件Lesson 38 Nicks Busy Month

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冀教版七年级英语上册习题课件Lesson 38 Nicks Busy Month

Lesson 38 Nick's Busy Month 冀教版七年级 Unit 7 Days and Months 一、根据汉语提示写单词,并背记相应英语词汇 1. _____________ ( 圣诞节 ) is an important festival in Canada. 2 . Can you get a __________ ( 日历 ) for me, Jenny? Christmas     calendar     3. ___________ ( 十二月 ) is the last month of the year. 4 . These books are for __________ ( 销售 ). 5. ____________ ( 星期天 ) is the day after Saturday and before Monday. 【 中考 · 白银 】 December      sale     Sunday 二、根据提示完成句子,并背记英语句子 6. 而我的生日是十二月九日, 星期五。 And my birthday is on ___________, ___________ 9 . December Friday 7 . 在 平安夜,我和家人一起吃大餐并且吃很多好吃 的食物 。 __________ _________ __________, I have a big dinner with my family and eat _________ _________ good food. lots of On Christmas Eve 8 . 节 礼日是在十二月二十六日,周一。 __________ _________ is __________ Monday, ___________ 26 . December Boxing Day on 9 . 许多 商店大减价! Many stores have __________ __________! big sales 10 . 并且 就在午夜前,我们所有人倒计时 —— 三, 二,  一 。然后我们都说 —— 新年快乐! And just before midnight, all of us __________ _________ —three , two, one. Then we all say —__________ __________ _________! Happy New Year count down 1. I’m _________ now . I have no time to talk with you. A . free B . busy C . strong D . full B   2. Tom’s mother is busy _________ breakfast for him. A. cook B . to cook C . cooks D . cooking D 3. —When is the _________ time to visit Brazil? —In August and September, I think. Not too cold, not too hot. 【 中考 · 阜康、米泉 】 A . hottest B . hotter C . best D . better C 【 点拨 】 句意为“ —— 什么时候是参观巴西最好的时间? —— 我认为是八月和九月。 ( 那时 ) 既不太冷也不太热”。由 Not too cold, not too hot. 可知,“既不太冷也不太热”的时间是最好的时间。故选 C 。 4. After practicing speaking English for several months, I can speak much _________ now . 【 中考 · 贵港 】 A . well B . better C . best D . good B 【 点拨 】 句意分析法。句意为“经过几个月的英语口语练习后,现在我能说得好多了”。由 now 可判断出是现在和几个月前相比较,故用比较级 better 。 5. My parents often go to the movies _________ Saturday evenings. 【 中考 · 黔南 】 A . on B . in C . for D. at A 6. Mother’s Day comes __________ the second Sunday of May. 【 中考 · 云南 】 A . in B . on C . at D . for B   7. _________ is the most important festival in the U. S. A. Christmas B . The Spring Festival C . Mid-Autumn Day D . National Day A 8. —__________ is coming. What can I get for my mother? — What about a scarf? 【 中考 · 郴州 】 A. Women’s Day B . Woman’s Day C . Womens’ Day A 9. Come to our shop! We are having a _________ today . Everything is cheap ( 便宜的 ). A . party B . club C . sale D . price C 【 点拨 】 语境推测法。由“所有的东西都很便宜”可知,今天我们有打折活动。 sale 意为“降价出售”。 10. Look! Many delicious foods are _________ sale . A . on B . to C . in D . at A 11. Look out! Look at the traffic lights __________ crossing( 穿过 ) the road. 【 中考 · 永州 】 A . before B . after C . since A   12. Doctors say that the first 10 minutes _________ a traffic accident is important for saving a life. 【 中考 · 东营 】 A . in B . before C . after D . during C 【 点拨 】 句意为“医生说交通事故发生后的前 10 分钟对拯救生命是重要的”。 in 在 …… 之内; before 在 …… 以前; after 在 …… 之后; during 在 …… 期间。由生活常识可知事故后的 10 分钟救援最重要。故选 C 。 一、单项 选择 1. New Year’s Eve is the night before _________ new year. A . a B . an C . / D . all A   2. We will have a picnic _________ Sunday . A . on B . at C . in D . to A    3. Peter can’t go to Mary’s birthday party because he will be _________ then . A . free B . busy C . well D . happy B 4. The clothes __________ are very good. Let’s buy some. A. with sale B . on sale C . in sale D . of sale B     5. In China, we celebrate __________ Day on June 1st, ________ Day on September 10th. 【 中考 · 绥化 】 A. Children’s ; Teacher’s B . Children; Teachers C . Children’s; Teachers’ C 6. Betty is my __________ friend . We always help each other. A. well B . the better C . best D . the best C 7. Before ________ supper , he does his homework. A. have B . has C . having D . to have C 8. He has _________ fun with his friends. A. so many B . too many C . so much D . a lot C 9. On New Year’s Eve, many people get together to _________ for the coming year. A. count down B. write down C . make up D . turn down A 【 点拨 】 句意为“在新年前夕,很多人聚在一起为新年倒计时”。 count down 倒计时; write down 记下; make up 编写; turn down 关小。根据句意,可知选 A 。 10. —Merry Christmas! —_________ A. No , thank you. B . The same to you. C . That’s all right. D . Yes, please. B 二、按要求完成下列各题 11. I am marking my calendar .( 对 画线部分 提问 ) _________ are you _________? What doing 12. My birthday is in winter .( 对 画线部分 提问 ) __________ ___________ your birthday? When is 13. People eat lots of good food on Christmas Day . ( 改为同义句 ) People eat __________ _________ _________ good food on Christmas Day. a lot of 14. My mother likes to go shopping on that day . ( 改为 一 般 疑问句 ) _________ your mother __________ to go shopping on that day? Does like 15. I get many presents on my birthday .( 改为 否定 句 ) I _________ ________ many presents on my birthday. don't get 三 、根据 短文内容或所给提示,补全文中单词或用 所给 单词的正确形式填空 Do you know _________16 day it is today? Now let’s look at the c 17. Oh! It is ____________18 , the fourth day of a week. And it _______19 (be) an important festival in the West. It’s C 20 Day. what     alendar   Wednesday   is   hristmas It is December 25. On this day, people get together ____________21 (have) a big dinner. The festival is the __________22 (good) for children because they don’t go to school. to have      best     They can also get __________23 (present). The next day is Boxing Day. People like to go ___________24 (shop). Many stores have big __________25 (sale). presents      shopping sales

