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初一学生词汇学习策略研究初探 词汇是组成语言的最基本的材料,是语言三要素中最重要的。没有词汇,就无所谓句子,更无所谓语言。正如语言学家Wilkins所言,“ Without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.” 词汇教学是语言教学的有机组成部分。掌握一定量的词汇是学好语言的基础,词汇量过低难以形成一定的语言运用能力。初中学生英语词汇学习的要求是应了解英语词汇包括单词、短语、习惯用语和固定搭配等形式;理解和领悟词语的基本含义以及在特定语境中的意义;运用词汇描述事物、行为和特征、说明概念等。但是初一学生普遍觉得初中英语词汇记忆难、忘得快、不会用、考不好。许多学生感到词汇学习困难重重,严重者逐渐对英语产生厌学情绪,有的甚至于放弃这门学科。 如果在初中起始阶段,教师能对学生的词汇学习策略加以重视,使初中生形成一些有效的词汇学习策略,会有助于提高学生的学习效率和自学能力,也能改善目前初一学生词汇学习困难的现状。再者初中词汇学习要求提高也要求学生掌握有效的词汇学习策略,从而能够提高学习效果。 词汇学习认知策略培训 结合初一学生的实际情况和英语词汇的特点,本文总结了一些词汇教学的方法。 1.字典策略:教师首先要求每个学生常备一本英汉双解字典,教给学生常用查字典的方法。当学生掌握了使用字典的方法后,教师再指导学生如何利用字典 自学单词。例如,当要查的单词有词尾变化时,应该先把它还原后再查词的原形 查一个似乎有前缀或后缀的词时,应查这个词的词根;查几个近义词时,让学生 把它们的用法及例句记下来,并逐个比较;指导学生遇到有些常用的动词或词时, 多注意它们的搭配等。 2.分类策略:分类策略培训主要在教学时指导学生按不同标准进行单词归类, 以加强记忆。以《牛津英语》7B课本Persons and places为例:教师通过和学生交流what does your mother/father do ?引出各种职业的英语名称和英语地点,在教 完教材内容后,教师继续补充engineer,CEO,office worker,policeman,postman和factory,company,post office,police station等。接着让学生用what does your her/mother/aunt/uncle do ? He/She is…让学生在对话中操练词汇。最后通过小 初一学生词汇学习策略研究初探 词汇是组成语言的最基本的材料,是语言三要素中最重要的。没有词汇,就无所谓句子,更无所谓语言。正如语言学家Wilkins所言,“ Without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.” 词汇教学是语言教学的有机组成部分。掌握一定量的词汇是学好语言的基础,词汇量过低难以形成一定的语言运用能力。初中学生英语词汇学习的要求是应了解英语词汇包括单词、短语、习惯用语和固定搭配等形式;理解和领悟词语的基本含义以及在特定语境中的意义;运用词汇描述事物、行为和特征、说明概念等。但是初一学生普遍觉得初中英语词汇记忆难、忘得快、不会用、考不好。许多学生感到词汇学习困难重重,严重者逐渐对英语产生厌学情绪,有的甚至于放弃这门学科。 如果在初中起始阶段,教师能对学生的词汇学习策略加以重视,使初中生形成一些有效的词汇学习策略,会有助于提高学生的学习效率和自学能力,也能改善目前初一学生词汇学习困难的现状。再者初中词汇学习要求提高也要求学生掌握有效的词汇学习策略,从而能够提高学习效果。 词汇学习认知策略培训 结合初一学生的实际情况和英语词汇的特点,本文总结了一些词汇教学的方法。 1.字典策略:教师首先要求每个学生常备一本英汉双解字典,教给学生常用查字典的方法。当学生掌握了使用字典的方法后,教师再指导学生如何利用字典 自学单词。例如,当要查的单词有词尾变化时,应该先把它还原后再查词的原形 查一个似乎有前缀或后缀的词时,应查这个词的词根;查几个近义词时,让学生 把它们的用法及例句记下来,并逐个比较;指导学生遇到有些常用的动词或词时, 多注意它们的搭配等。 2.分类策略:分类策略培训主要在教学时指导学生按不同标准进行单词归类, 以加强记忆。以《牛津英语》7B课本Persons and places为例:教师通过和学生交流what does your mother/father do ?引出各种职业的英语名称和英语地点,在教 完教材内容后,教师继续补充engineer,CEO,office worker,policeman,postman和factory,company,post office,police station等。接着让学生用what does your her/mother/aunt/uncle do ? He/She is…让学生在对话中操练词汇。最后通过小 猜词竞赛来结束词汇教学。分类策略中还有重要的一项分类方法就是按构词法 记忆单词。以《牛津初中英语》七年级课本为例:在学习helpful这个单词时,教介绍一些名词加上-ful可以构成形容词的例子,如useful,colorful,beautiful, careful等。在学习dancer时,让学生总结学过的动词加-er或-or成为表示职业的词例。总之,教到包含构词法知识的时候,教师就发动学生总结这些构词规律, 举大量例子说明,强化他们的记忆。 3.联想策略:利用同类词联想巧记单词。如ice→snow→winter→skate,ice→water→steam等。此外,利用同义词、近义词、反义词等词类联想记忆。把中文意思相近的词放在一起比较,如表示“花费”的词cost,pay,spend,take等,表“借”的词lend和borrow,表示“食物”的词food和diet,此外还有容易混的词boring和bored,attack和attract,model和modal,medal等。容易拼错词modem,tired,shelves等。通过联系策略,有效提高学生的词汇掌握效果。 4.上下文策略:许多学生习惯于死记硬背,不会在上下文中学习单词,更不善通过运用来记忆和巩固单词,因此帮助学生了解、运用上下文策略是非常必要。以《牛津初中英语》7A Unit5 Going shopping为例,Amy : Oh,really? That’s quite expensive. Shop keeper: There’s a discount on last year’s cards. They cost only ¥6. 其中discount是生词,引导学生根据语境就很容易记忆这个词。此外,在复 习课上组织学生完成对话和口头作文练习,以加深印象。教学中有意识地渗透此 策略,引导学生记住单词出现的句子,记住单词出现的上下文,以培养学生的 用能力。 5.猜测策略:猜词策略是指在阅读过程中根据生词上下文所提供的各种线索猜词义的方法。教师结合阅读教学进行词义猜测训练。教会学生四种猜测词义方法:(l)根据上下文的逻辑发展来猜词;(2)根据词类来猜测一个词的含;(3)分析一个单词的结构来猜词;(4)运用句子的语法结构来猜测一个生的意义。例如《牛津初中英语》7A Unit4课文I want to play basketball, but I can’t run fast. I never do any exercise. It’s time for me to change now. I plan to go swimming twice a week.教师指导学生根据上下文的逻辑关系猜测change的意。学生发现句子的意思是“我跑不快,不做运动,现在是计划一周游泳两次。”所以change就有“改变”的意思。 6.练习策略:此项策略训练主要针对低分组学生,在课堂中教师通过各种图 片帮助学生练习单词的记忆。根据艾宾浩斯曲线理论,在词汇教学中辅以一定的 词汇练习,帮助复习和巩固词汇。课堂中设计说、写练习来加强词汇的一记忆和巩固。另外,使用中英互译练习来提高低分组学生词汇运用的准确性。 7.游戏策略:在词汇教学中,常用的游戏有以下几种:一是学了有关动作的词汇后,教师把这些词写在卡片上,请一个学生根据卡片上的指令来做出相应的动作让同学猜。二是根据线索以猜谜的形式来猜单词。如:Who is he/she?People usually give her/him some money. Sometimes he/she will give you some money. He/she works in a supermarket. Answer: Cashier .三是以词语或单词接龙的形式来复习单词。以上的游戏活动容易受到初一阶段学生的欢迎,学生不仅在具体的运用中巩固词,还了解到他们正在使用的是一种词汇学习策略,教师在课堂中应特别注重提高学生的学习兴趣。 英语是一种历史悠久、语汇丰富、词义纷繁、语法简练、使用灵活且搭配能力极强的语言。要学好英语,就不能逃避在英语词汇的浩瀚大海中游泳,而且要熟练掌握这种游泳的本领,也不是一朝一夕的事。美国著名作家和教育家L.Ron Hubbard的教育学理论认为,影响理解和应用的最重要因素是词汇。词汇是语言的最小意义单位,就像砖头是建筑物的最小组成单位一样。人类思维活动和思想交流首先是依靠词汇进行的。不熟练掌握词汇,就不可能掌握一种语言。一个人掌握词汇的多寡和牢固与否,直接影响他的语言表达能力,影响他思想表达的丰富与准确程度。从这个意义上讲,词汇量的掌握就代表外语水平。所以,掌握一定的词汇学习策略、提高学生的词汇学习能力就意味着提高学生的英语水平。 初一英语词汇练习 1. 词类练习 I.按要求写出单词: 1. baby (复数) ___________ 2. knife (复数) ___________ 3. photo (复数) ___________ 4. policeman (复数)___________ 5. tomato (复数) ___________ 6. watch (复数) ___________ 7. child (复数) ___________ 8. sheep (复数) ___________ 9. sell (反义词) ___________ 10. heavy (反义词)___________ 11. here (反义词) ___________ 12. early (反义词) ___________ 13. cheap (反义词) ___________ 14. wrong (反义词)___________ 15. small (反义词) ___________ 16. easy (反义词) ___________ 17. meat (同音词) ___________ 18. two (同音词) ___________ 19. their (同音词) ___________ 20. write (同音词)___________ 21. play (第三人称单数)__________ 22. study (第三人称单数) __________ 23. have (第三人称单数) ___________ 24. carry (第三人称单数) ___________ 25. go (第三人称单数)___________ 26. teach (第三人称单数) ___________ 27. stop (现在分词)___________ 28. run (现在分词) ___________ 29. swim (现在分词)___________ 30. get (现在分词)___________ 31. friend (形容词)___________ 32. worry (形容词) ___________ 33. close (形容词) ___________ 34. America (形容词)___________ 35. break (形容词) ___________ 36. good (副词) ___________ 37. we (宾格) ___________ 38. it (物主代词) ___________ 2. 练习 close open, because , so what call friend, also , drink , sell, talk, meal Near my school there is a big shop __1__ Zhenchen. It __2__ a lot of things. You can buy __3___ and food from the shop and you can __4__ buy other things in it. The shop is __5__ twenty hours every day . The workers in the shop are very nice and __6__ . They like to __7__ to you and help you find __8__ you want . You can buy things there and you can have __9__ there , too. __10___ there is a big fast food restaurant in it. 1. The shop is _______(open) at half past eight in the morning. 2. All of ________(they ) are looking for the child. 3. He _________(say) hello to his friend. 4. He is listening to the old man _______(careful) 5. Who is he ______(run) after? 6. Don’t _______ (leave) school so early. 7. _______(go) to bed late is not good. 8. One of ______(they) has a little brother. 9. Let me _____(fly) the kite 10. Your dress ______(look) nice. 3 、根据所给英语或中文写出正确的单词。 1. April and Millie come from different ________ (country). 2. This pair of shoes fits me __________. (good) 3. We need two _________ candles to put on the cake. (much) 4. __________ turn is it to answer these questions? (who) 5. Are there any _____________ in your shop? (Walkman) 6. _________ (play) sports _________ (be) good for our health. 7. This dress is one of the __________ (visit). 8. Look! There is (一些东西) important in the box. 9. The little boy often ___________ (哭). 10. Do you know this skirt is ___________(昂贵的) ? 11. We are looking forwards to _________(参观) the Great Wall. 12. The boy is waiting for his _________(轮次) to play computer games. 13. The car __________(花费) my cousin 10,000 yuan. 14. I don’t have ___________(足够的) money to buy the album. 15. Thank you for ___________(邀请) me to your farewell party. 16. I don’t like the __________(灰色) boots. 17. On weekends there are many people in the shopping ___________(中心). 18. We want to _____ (收集) some stationery for the children in the _____ (贫穷) ____(地区). 19. The pair of jeans ________(合身) me well. 20. The students are giving a show to __________ (募集)money for Project Hope. 完形填空。 It is evening,an old cock(公鸡)is sitting in a tall tree.A fox(狐狸)comes to the tree and 1 at the cock. “Hello.Mr. Cock,I have some 2 news for you.”says the fox. “Oh?” says the cock.“What is it?” “All the animals are good friends now.Let’s 3 friends,too.Please come 4 and play with me.” “Fine! ”says the cock.“I’m very glad to hear that.” Then he looks up.“Look! There is something over there.” “ 5 are you looking at?” asks the fox. “Oh,I see some animals over there.they’re 6 this way.” ‘‘Animals?'’ “Yes.Oh,they’re dogs.” “What? Dogs!” asks the fox.“Well…well,I 7__ go now.Goodbye.” “Wait,Mr. Fox,”says the cock.“ 8 go.They are only dogs.And dogs are our friends now.” “Yes.I know,but 9 don’t know that.” “I see,I see,”says the cock.He 10 and goes to sleep in the tree. Do you know why ? Foxes are afraid(怕)of dogs. ( )1.A.1istens B.sees C.gets D.1ooks ( )2.A.bad B.good C.sad D.funny ( )3.A.is B.am C.are D.be ( )4.A.down B.up C.at D.trader ( )5.A.How B.What C.Where D.Why ( )6.A.1ooking B.going C.coming D.taking ( )7.A.must B.may C.can D.need ( )8.A.Can’t B.Let’s C.Don’t D.Please ( )9.A.the dogs B.you C.the animals D.the cocks ( )10.A.cries B.shouts C.calls D.smiles 缺词填空。 On Sunday m________, I usually get up very late. I w_______ my face and then go out to do morning e_______ at about 6 a.m. After I eat my b________, I often go to a shopping m_______ with my mother. The shopping mall is near our home, so we can w________ there. It takes us about ten m_________ to get there on foot. The shopping has a good name. It is c________ Bairunfa. It is new and q________ big. You can buy m_________ things there , such as TVs, fridges, bikes, clothes and food. 4. 完形填空 My father often works very hard. And he [ 41 ] goes to the movies. Here I'll tell you a(n) [42 ]story about him. One afternoon, when he finished his work, and [ 43 ]go home, he found a film ticket under the [44]on his desk. He thought he [ 45 ] to have not much work to do that day and it was quite wonderful to pass(消磨) the [ 46 ] at the cinema. So he came back home and [ 47 ] finished his supper. Then he said [ 48 ] to us and left. But to our[ 49], he came back about half an hour later. I asked him what was the [ 50. ] He smiled and told us about the funny thing that happened at the [ 51]. When my father was sitting in his seat, a [ 52] came to my father's seat and said that seat was hers. My father was [ 53 ]. He took out the ticket and looked at it carefully. It was Row17, [54.] And then he looked at the seat. It was [ 55.] So he asked her to show her ticket. She took out her ticket at once and the seat [56 ] on it was Row17,Seat3. Why? What's the matter with all this? While they were [57 ], suddenly the woman said, “The 58 of tickets are different.” So they looked at the tickets more carefully. After a while my father said, “Oh, I'm [59], I made a mistake. My ticket is for the [ 60] a month ago. Take this seat, please.” With these words he left. 41. A. seldomB. oftenC. sometimesD. never 42. A. badB. strangeC. funnyD. interested 43. A. smallB. wouldC. was about toD. ought to 44. A. glassB. glassesC. boxD. shoes 45. A. likedB. plannedC. tookD. happened 46. A. morningB. afternoonC. eveningD. day 47. A. surelyB. quicklyC. earlyD. suddenly 48. A. sorryB. helloC. goodbyeD. luck 49. A. joyB. surpriseC. delightD. fun 50. A. matterB. thingC. filmD. story 51. A. cinemaB. officeC. theatreD. party 52. A. womanB. boyC. manD. doctor 53. A. interestedB. surprisedC. frightenedD. disappointed 54. A. Seat1B. Seat2C. Seat3D. Seat4 55. A. differentB. usualC. the sameD. likely 56. A. shownB. takenC. namedD. told 57. A. wonderingB. wantingC. lookingD. making 58. A. designB. pricesC. shapesD. colors 59. A. sorryB. shyC. worried D. right 60. A. actionB. speechC. filmD. Play 完形填空41-45 CBCBA 46-50 AABCC 51-55 AADAC 56-60 CBAAD 5. 词汇理解,在方框内分别选出意义一致的单词。(10%) (A) A. brown B. pink C. gray D. blue E. green 1. 褐色______ 2. 绿色______ 3. 粉红色______ 4. 蓝色______ 5. 灰色______ (B) A. happy B. strong C. small D. wide E. double 6. 强壮的______ 7. 宽阔的______ 8.快乐的 ______ 9. 小的______ 10.两倍的______ II. 英汉词组互译。(5分) 1. over there ` 2. in different grades ________ 2. 十三岁 ` 4. 二十把小刀 ` 5. 在同一个学校 Ⅲ. 根据汉语提示完成句子。(10%) 1. Does he ____ (有) a long nose? 2. I ____ (有) a small knife. 3. ____ (她) name is Amy. 4. Who's the man in the ____ (照片). 5. He doesn't ____ (有) a sister. 6. We are in ____ (同一) class. 7. We have different ____ (相貌, 外表) . 8. ___ (曰本人) and Chinese look the same. 9. Her ____ (特别喜欢的)color is blond. 10. Do you ____ (认识) the girl in green? Ⅳ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10%) 1. She is a friend of ____ (me). 2. ____ (be) the pants old or new? 3. She know ____ (I ) name and I know ____ (she). 4. It's a dark blue jacket, it's not _____ (Michael). 5. Let's go ___ (shop) tomorrow. 6. --Whose___________ (shoe) are those ? --They're mine. 7. It ___ (look) very nice. 8. You can (make) a car. 9. I am __________(China).I live(居住) in Chongqing. 10. Please find (he),he's in red today(今天). 6. Choose the right answers to complete the words. 选择正确的选项补全单词。 ( ) 1. __ ss __ stant A. a, i B. i, a C. o, i ( ) 2. st __ d __ nt A. e, u B. u, e C. u, a ( ) 3. w __ __ ter A. ia B. ei C. ai ( ) 4. p __ l __ cem __ n A. o, y, a B. a, i, e C. o, i, a ( ) 5. act __ __ A. er B. or C. ir ( ) 6. cl __ __ k A. a, r B. e, r C. o, r ( ) 7. d __ ct__ r A. o, e B. a, o C. o, o ( ) 8. r __ port __ A. i, er B. e, er C. e, or ( ) 9. hosp __ t __ A. e, al B. i, al C. i, le ( ) 10. rest __ __ rant A. ou B. au C. eu II.Choose the right answers to fill in the blanks. 选择填空。 ( )1. My cousin works ________ that restaurant. A. in B. on C. of ( ) 2. He ________ want to be a doctor. A. don’t B. is C. doesn’t ( ) 3. She works in a bank. She is a ________. A. shop assistant B. bank clerk C. policewoman ( ) 4. ________ their uncle want to be a reporter? A. Is B. Do C. Does ( ) 5. Where does your father ________? A. work B. working C. works ( ) 6. Let’s ________ to dinner. A. to go out B. go out C. going out ( ) 7. My mother wants to be ________ actor. A. a B. the C. an ( ) 8. People give me their money or get their money ________ me. A. for B. to C. from ( ) 9. I don’t like my job, because it’s very ________. A. interesting B. boring C. exciting ( ) 10. A: ________ does he work? B: He works in a school. A. Where B. What C. How V.Fill in the blanks with the verbs given. 用所给动词的正确形式填空。 1. Her father ________ (work) in a restaurant. 2. What ________ you ________ (do)? 3. They ________ (be) students. They want _________ (be) doctors. 4. ________ he ________ (live) in China? 5. A: ________ (be) your sister a student? B: No, she ________ (work) in a hospital. 6. A: Where ________ he ________ (come) from? B: He ________ (come) from Canada. 7. That boy can ________ (speak) English very well. I.Put the following phrases into English. 将下列短语翻译成英语。 1.一个有趣的工作____________________ 2. 写小说 ______________________ 3. 为杂志社工作 ____________________ 4. 尽快 ______________________ 5. 校园剧 ____________________ 6. 出去 ______________________ 7. 害怕 ____________________ 8. 许多 ______________________ 9. 一份危险的工作____________________ 10. 晚报 ______________________ 7. 单词辨音: ( )1.A.lantern B.term C.her D.serve ( )2.A.talk B.almost C.walk D.all ( )3.A.another B.cousin C.country D.chopsticks ( )4.A.bread B.head C.weather D.near ( )5.A.there B.hear C.dearly D.near ( )6.A.hard B.forward C.start D.farther ( )7.A.know B.tomorrow C.brown D.blow ( )8.A.computer B.congratulation C.beautiful D.hurry ( )9.A.relative B.vegetable C.another D.salt ( )10.A.washed B.planned C.learned D.lived 二、词形转换: 1、celebration(动词形式) 2、poprlar(最高级) 3、dirty(反义词) 4、bright(同义词) 5、different(反义词) 6、ring(过去分词) 7、decide(名词) 8、hobby(复数) 9、drink(过去分词) 10、travel(现在分词) 二、翻译下列词组: A、中译英 1、到深夜 2、放弃 3、一个现代化的国家 4、全世界 5、诺贝尔物理奖 B、英译中 1.have a big family dinner 2.at the dinner table 3.move into a new flat 4.do simple sums 5.a little over five hundred 8. 用所给词适当的形式填空: 1.The sun is shining.It is a ______(sun)day. 2.The ______ (leaf) on the trees turn green in spring. 3.September is the ______ (nine) month of a year. 4.The _______are having a good time.Because today is ______Day.(child) 5.He can speak ________well.He comes from ______.(Japan) 6.The girls in blue ______ (dress) are April's _____ (friend). 7.There are many eggs in these white ______ (box).中英互译: 1、学语文 2、去滑冰 3、做作业 4、野餐 5、在乡村 6.after school 7.I'm coming 8.spend one's weekends 9.the trip to WuXi 10.go for a swim 四、用所给动词适当的形式填空: 1.It ____ often _____(not rain)in my hometown in May. 2.______ he usually ______(wake)up at six? 3.Sometimes she _______(watch)TV late at night. 4.We go ______(swim),but we don't go _____(camp)in summer. 5.Is it time _______ (have)supper?Yes,it is. 6.Who can _____(speak)French in your class? 7.It's six in the morning.Tom ______(get)up now.He often _______(get)up at six. 8.Shall we _______(clean)the classroom? 9. 写出下列缩写的汉语意思 1. R______________ 2. NBA _______________ 3. kg ______________ 选词填空 a an 1. ____________ orange 2. ___________ bike 3. ____________ book 4. ____________ quilt 5. ____________ desk 6. _____________ c 7. _____________e 8. _____________d 9. _____________ f 10. _____________ p 写出下列单词的缩写形式 1. are not ________________ 2. name is ________________ 3. is not _________________ 4. I am _________________ 5. what is ________________ 6. it is ________________ 7. that is __________________ 8. you are __________________ 9. do not __________________ 10. she is __________________ 将下列汉语译成英语 1、你的名字__________ 2、我的钟表________ 3、她的姓氏__________ 4、他的问题________ 5、一个男孩__________ 10.补全下列单词:(10) 1. lis__en 2.p__ int 3. wr__te 4. s__n 5. f __ther 6.__sk 7. ch__ck 8. s__ y 9. s__ ng 10. m__ tch 完形填空(本题共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) If you go to visit London, you’ll see a lot of buses and cars on the road. You’ll also see a lot of bikes because more and more people travel by bike. There are a lot of reasons for this. First , it is very __1__and__1__.You often have to wait for a buses and cars on the roads that the bus move very __2__. I traveled to work by bus for about four years. I often arrived at work late__3__ tired. Then one day, about two years ago, a friend of mine said, “I go to work by bike. Why don’t we travel together?” “Because my bike is old.” I answer, “And there are so many buses and cars on the roads, I’ll feel frightened.” “You needn’t feel frightened!” said my friend. “If you__4__me.and we ride slowly, you’ll be fine. The next day, I bought myself a new bike. Although we went slowly, we arrived at work___5__.It___6___40 minutes to go to work by bus, but only half an hour by bike. Now I don’t feel afraid. I love going to work by bike. I take a different road every day. I arrived at work early. I’ve got__7__ money now, and more important, I feel healthy. Many people think in the same way___8__I do.That’s___9___you see a lot bikes on the roads. Next year you’ll see more, I am sure. Perhaps in the future we will have roads__10__only.I hope so. 1.A cheap quick B cheap slowly C expensive quick D expensive slow 2.A clearly B fast C slowly D well 3.A but B and C only D then 4. A find B help C see D follow 5. A slowly B quickly C late D safety 6. A had B went C took D used 7. A a little much B little much C a little more D little more 8. A then B but C and D as 9. A what B why C where D how 10 .A of B in buses C for bikes D on cars 词语运用(本题共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 阅读短文,根据文意,将方框内所给的词语填入相应的空白处,使短文意思完整(每个词语只能使用一次)。 also famous like so work As the first vice president and the second president of the US, John Adams is a_____ person in American history. In 1735 John Adams was born in Quincy. He studied at Harvard University and then became a lawyer when he was young. But at that time, Quincy and many other parts of American were just colonies(殖民地) of England. John Adams didn’t think it was right._____ he worked with other people to change it. After the US was founded(建立) 1789,he became vice president under George Washington. In the next 8 years, he was______ as a vice president. And then from 1797 to 1801 he was the president. John Quincy Adams was____ his father in many aspects(方面).He was born in Quincy, too. And his university was ____ Harvard University. He was a lawyer when he was young and then he became president of the US. 11.翻译下列的短语。 1.去看电影__________ 2.去海滩__________ 3.去图书馆__________ 4.在周六的早上______ 5.呆在家__________ 6.举行晚会__________ 7.阅读______________ 8.练习英语_______ 9.为数学考试学习_____ 10.怎么样__________ 11.拜访我朋友_____12.做作业__________ 13.打扫房间________ 14.上周末________ 15.下棋____________ 16.散步____________ 17.踢足球________ 18.寻找____________ 19.看电视__________ 20.谈话节目_______ 二,写出下列动词的过去式。 1.go_______________ 2.read____________ 3.write______________ 4.clean_____________ 5.stay___________ 6.visit_______________ 7.have____________ 8.get_____________ 9.do________________ 10.practice_________ 11.come__________12.stady____________ 13.is______________ 14.tistea__________15.watch____________ 16.play____________ 17.loor____________18.am_____________ 19.sit____________ 20.see____________ 12 . 短语填空(10’注意形式变化) switch on, think of , lots of, in front of, finish school, in the morning, ride a horse, film star, concert ticket, silk shirt 1. Can you ___________another way to do it ? 2. Many people like Liu Xiaoqing and Jackie Chan.They’re both good _________. 3. I have got two ________.would you like to go to the City Hall ? 4. The old man can’t _______the computer. Why not help him? 5. In summer, I like wearing a ______________. 6. ______ she _______at 5 o’clock on Friday? 7. –When is our English lesson?—It’s at 9:00_________. 8. –Can she ________now? --Yes, she can. But she can’t ride a motorbike. 9. __________the gym, there is a big playground. 10. She loves reading books very much. She reads _____books in the holidays. V. 词语运用(10’)注意形式变化 million, think of, like, in, one, world , also, make, company, today When you 1 Finland, will you think of the name Nokia ? Nokia is now very famous in the 2 market for mobile phones. Fredrik Idestam set up the 3 on the banks of the river Nokia in Southern Finland in1865. At the very beginning ,the company made things 4 _toilet paper and rubber boots .It 5 had other businesses. 6 the 1980s,the company began 7 electronic products.In1984,Nokia made its 8 mobile phone,the Talkman.The machine was bigger and heavier than 9 mobile phone. Nokia sold more than 200 10 phones in 2005. Now many people like Nokia mobile phones. VII. 单词拼写(每空一词,10’) 1. I’d like three_______(双)of jeans. 2. Look at the _______(猴子).They are from South America. 3. On __________(妇女)Day,she sends flowers to her mother. 4. The little girl likes ______(挑选)picture boobs. 5. It’s tome to listen to the songs _______(由)Sun Nan. 6. We don’t have _______(化学)in Grade One. 7. To be _________(健康),she eats little for supper. 8. Can you see any_______(骆驼)in the zoo? 9. There________(没有)any meat on the plate. 10. It’s a present from________(姨妈)Liz. 13.根据汉意补充句子。 1.你的生日何时?我的生日在二月八日。 ---___ is your birthday? ---My birthday is February ____. 2. 你多大了? ____ ____ are you? 3. 你父亲的生日何时? When is _____ _____ birthday? 4. Jim想去看电影吗? Does Jim ____ to ____ to a movie? 5. 你喜欢哪种电影? ___ ____ of movies do you like? 6. Maria喜欢喜剧,但不喜欢记录片。 Maria ____ comedies ____ she doesn’t like documentaries. 7. 周末他通常呆在家里。 On weekends he usually _____ ____ home. 8. 一句话我喜欢中国。 In ____ ___, I love China. 9. 他想成为一名京剧艺术家。 He wants __ ___ a Beijing Opera artist. 10. 你会弹钢琴吗? Can you ____ the ____? 11. 他想加入什么样的俱乐部? ___ ____ does he want to join? 12. 你能在电脑方面帮助这个小孩吗? Can you ____ the child ___ computers? 13. 详情请找吴先生谈。 Please ____ ___ Mr. Hu for more information. 14. 我能知道你的名字吗? May I ____ your ____? 15. Bob通常早上七点淋浴。 Bob usually ____ a ____ at seven in the morning. 16. Scott早上八点去上班。 Scott ____ to ____ at eight o’clock in the morning. 17. Li Ming乘坐3路公共汽车去学校。 Li Ming ____ the number 3 bus ___ school. 18. 你通常何时睡觉? ____ ____ do you usually go to bed? 19. 人们通常傍晚吃晚饭。 People usually eat dinner ____ the ____. 20. Joy最喜欢的科目是什么? ____ is Joy’s ____ subject? 21. 你的数学老师是谁? ____ is your ____ teacher? 22. 我们在11点上历史课,它很无聊。 We ___ history at 11:00. It’s ____. 23. 他们午餐之后上了体育课。 They have P.E. ____ ____. 24. John的笔友来自日本。 John’s pen pal ____ ____ Japan. 25. 课后他喜欢作运动。 He ____ _____ sports after class. 26. ---Tom住哪里?---他住澳大利亚。 ---Where ____ Tom _____? ---He lives in Australia. 27. 他在做家庭作业。 He ____ ____ homework. 28. 他们在和谁谈话? Who are they ____ ____? 29. 他们在商业区买东西吗? ___ they ____ at the mall? 30. Matt来自于纽约。 Matt ____ ____ New York. 31. ---他为什么喜欢自然科学?---因为它有趣。---Why does he like ____? ---____it’s interesting. 三、写出下列词组。 见到你很高兴。 用英语 一套 为……而感谢 很,非常 再见。 在……旁边 大量 多少 给你。 不用谢。 到达;从一处来到另一处 看一看 你好吗? 发生了什么事? 多大年纪,几岁 学校上课日 去看电影 何种 呆在家里 大量,许多 因为 一句话 事实上 少量 填充,填出 去上学 起床 淋浴 穿上 去上班 到达 听 上床睡觉 做作业 回家 ……岁(年龄) 等候 与……谈话 谈论 查明;了解 世界各地 在某些方面 例如 来自 空闲时间 参加,加入 出生 醒来,醒 太;过分 中学 14. 词汇 (5%) A. 根据句意写出单词中所缺的字母 1. S ry , I don't have any. 2. Can I have a san ich , Miss Black? 3. She has two pieces of ch c late in her handbag. 4. I’ve a bo t e of milk on my desk. 5. Are you th sty ? 6. Can I dr k a glass of water? 7. You are a n ghty boy. 8. I will buy some or ges. 9. Is your elder brother a d ver? 10. His daughter is a al sgirl. B. 英汉词组互译 1.许多西红柿 6.at school 2.两块肉 7.two sacks of rice 3.七把小刀 8.my younger sister 4.三个土豆 9.excuse me 5.他们的奶奶 10.a slice of bread VII. 根据句意从所给词语中选择一个恰当词语并用其正确形式填空(10%) mine does have to what whose can who how many but have 1.This textbook is Jack’s. That one is ______. 2.─ ______is she ? ─ She is Kate’s mother. 3.______Peter have an apple? 4.______bananas do we have? 5.We don’t have any foo D. We _______buy some. 6.______do you ______ in your bag? 7.─ ______ I have a drink of water? ─ Sure. ______not now. 8.─ ______ radio is this? ─ It’s Mike’s. VIII. 完形填空 (5%) My name is Li Ming, I’m thirteen. I’m a middle school student. I am 1 Class Five, Grade One. My English teacher 2 Mr Lin. He is 3 old teacher. I 4 a pen, a ruler and two 5 . I have a bike, 6 . Liu Ping is in my class. She is a girl. We 7 good friends. She is not 8 today. I think she is at home. Look! Here is a 9 . But it is not my book. I think it is 10 . 1. A. in B. at C. do D. not 2. A. are B. am C. is D. good 3. A. a B. an C. this D. very 4. A. am B. think C. know D. have 5. A. boxs B. pencils C. buses D. desk 6. A. too B. or C. much D. very 7. A. is B. am C. are D. all 8. A. right B. where C. at home D. at school 9. A. bag B. book C. picture D. map 10. A. Liu Ping B. Liu Pings C. Liu Ping’s D. Liu Pings’ 15.根据句意和中文提示,完成单词。 1. You can listen to ___________ (音乐) at home. 2. Can I do my _________________ (家庭作业)now ? 3. Don’t ___________ (吸烟)in the hospital. 4. We are in a big ___________________.(超市) 5. The light is red, you can’t _____________(穿过) the road. You must ____________(等待) for the green light. 6. Don’t ____________ (大叫)to the old man. 7. We can ____________ kites in the park. 8. you must ______________(放) your coat next time. 9. I am reading a ____________________ (报纸)at seven. 10. Can I play games _____________________(首先)? III. 词汇:(1)根据图片完成单词,注意单复数。 1._________ 2.________ 3._______ 4._________ 5. ________ 6._________ 7.__________ 8.___________ 9._________ 10.___________ (2).圈出下列每组单词中不同类的一个。 1. dictionary notebook apple pen 2. green blue yellow milk 3. father brother backpack sister 4. key run know look 5. boring fun well relaxing 16.一、用am, is, are, my, your, her, his 填空。 1.— this your pencil? —Yes,it .It my pencil. 2.—What this in English?—It a pen. 3.—Is that backpack? —No,it isn’t. It’s his backpack. 4. This my friend. name is Lucy. 5. Hi, name Alan. What’s name? 6. — these your books? —Yes,they . 7. —What those? —They pens. 8. I a girl. name is Sonia. 9. My friend is a boy. name is Tim. 10. Tim and Dave good boys. We are in the same class. They are good friends. 五、用a或an 填空。 1. Is it Chinese book or English book? 2. This is ring , and it is orange ring. 3. Miss Gao is English teacher.Mr.Wang is Chinese teacher. 4. This is bike.It’s old bike. 5. This is telephone number. 6. That is ID card. 7. I lost my keys.It’s set of keys. 8. It’s apple,not pear. 9. This is peach.That’s orange. 10. You have banana,but I have egg. 六、用适当的代词(I ,my, me, she, her, your, you, we, he, his)填空。 1. I’m a nice boy. mother likes me very much. 2. She’s Chinese. father is a worker. 3. I don’t know telephone number, Tom. 4.—Are you students? —Yes, are. 5. Mary is a good student. brother is Peter. 6. —How are you?— am fine, thank . 7. Is your brother? 8. —Is that eraser? —Yes,it is my eraser. 9.Nice to meet . 10. Jim and are good friends. We are in the same class. 11. This is my brother. is in Class 1,Grade 1. 12. Excuse .Are you Mr Wang ? 13. Helen is a good girl. is my good friend. 14. I have a good father. name is Jackie Chan. 按要求写出相应的词。 1.this(反义词) 2.these (反义词) 3. it(复数形式) 4. that(复数形式) 5.photo(复数形式) 6.picture(复数形式) 7.cousin(复数形式) 8.friend(复数形式) 9.son(对应词) 10.sister(对应词) 17. I. 词汇: 15% A: 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空:5% 1. There are seven _______ (box) under the window. 2. The car over there isn‘t ________ (me). 3. ---What are ______ (this)? ---They are pears 4.____ (who) trousers are those? 5.His teacher ________ (be) Miss Gao. B: 根据句子意思,填上适当的单词,该词的首字母已给:(写出完整单词)5% 1. There are many bikes and cars in the s_________. 2. My bag isn’t h________, I can carry it. 3. Jane is an A________ girl. 4. Look! The kite are in the s______. 5. I see some g_______ on the table. C:根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空:5% 1. Who are these ________ (woman)? They are our teachers. 2. Please colour _______ (they) brown and yellow. 3. They are twin _________ (sister). 4. His favourite ________ (animals) is cat. 5. Let‘s open it and _______ (see). Ⅳ.据汉语提示,写出句中所缺的单词:10% 1.His uncle and aunt are in ____________(英格兰). 2.Please ___ (给)this apple to me. 3.Many twins ________________________ (看上去一样). 4.That‘s Jim’s family ________ (照相). 5.Who‘s ___________ (值日) today ? 6. Xiao Lin is a new student .We must ______________ (照顾) him. 7.Who’s the man ________ your mother ______ father (与……之间)? 8.I can‘t find the ________ (扫帚). Oh, it’s behind the door. 9.Now please look at the blackboard and _________ (听……) me. 10.________ (让我们) be good friends. Ⅶ.完型填空:5% This is our classroom, It‘s not big. But it’s very nice. The walls are (1) and the desks and chairs are new. On the wall is a (2) and we can find Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou in it. There are some (3) on the teacher‘s desk. They are for our (4), Miss Gao. She is a good teacher and we all like her.I’m on (5) today. I come to school early. I help my teacher (6) her books, maps and pictures on her (7). I tell her everyone is here. But I‘m (8), Liu Mei is not at (9). I don’t know (10) she is. But I think she‘s at home. A B C D A B C D ( )1.old same fine white ( )2.map clock kite photo ( )3.games numbers flowers lights ( )4.friend daughter mother teacher ( )5.line duty turn time ( )6.know find put give ( )7.desk bike chair floor ( )8.good young right wrong ( )9.eight home table school ( )10.what which where how 18. 一、根据句意和提示写出合适的单词(每题1分,共10分) 1. There are many s________ / in our school library. 2. Does your brother like the colour of t_______ ? 3. I have fruit and vegetables every day to keep h________. 4. Eddie is very _______ now. He needs some food to eat. 5. This pair of shoes is not too big or too small. It _______ you well. 6. There are sixty ________ in an hour. 7. Millie needs a lot of _________(能量)to dance. 8.Do you eat snacks b_____ meals? 9.Do you have any good _______ ? (主意) 10. These cards _______(值) only 2 yuan. 二、选择方框中词的适当形式填到下面横线上(每个单词只用一次)(每题1分,共10分) skate keep climb dress learn colour have leather meet luck 1. Look, the monkey ___________ a ladder. 2. Everyone in our class tries ________ English well. 3. We look forward to ________ you soon.. 4. Simon’s sister is good at ________. 5. At Halloween, he always ______ up as a ghost. 6. It’s important for a dancer ________ fit. 7. We are ________ enough to get the last three tickets. 8. His brother’s boots are made of ___________. 9. It’s not good for children to go to school without ________ breakfast. 10. On the Christmas tree, there are many ________ lights. They are red, blue, green …. 五、根据上下文意思,将对话中的所缺部分补全,或填单词或填短语,或填句子,确保对话通顺!(每题1分,共10分) A: Hello, ______1_______ you? What are you looking for? B: ________2______ a sweater. Do you have any new ___3____? A: Yes. _____4______ some sweaters on the shelf. Please _____5______. B: The green one looks nice. What is it ____6______ of? A: Wool. It’s very comfortable. B: Really? Can I try it ___7_____? A: Of course. It _____8_____your trousers very well. B: ________9_________? A: It’s only 120 yuan. B: OK. I’ll take it. Here is the money. A: ____10______. 1. ______________. 2. ____________. 3. ______________. 4. _____________ 5. _______________. 6. ____________. 7. _______________. 8. _____________ 五、根据课文内容及首字母提示填空(10分) O______ the garden is a bus stop. It takes about twenty m_____ to get to the n______ town.. There are lots of b_______ there. There is a shopping mall, a youth c____ and a c____. There is also a park nere the centre of the t___. My f_____ place is the youth c_____. I often go there after school with my friends. There are lots of things to do there and I am always b____. 六、完形填空(每空1分,共10分) Most children like ____1___ TV. On TV ___2_____ can learn a lot, and they can see and know many things ___3____ their country and the world. Of course, they can ___4____ over the radio, but they can learn better and more easily with ___5__. Why? Because they can hear and watch at the same time. But they can’t __6__ anything over the radio. Many children watch TV ____7____ Saturday or Sunday evenings. They are very busy with their lessins1 on ____8___. But a few children watch TV every ____9___. They go to bed very late. So they can’t have a good ____10___. How about you, my young friend? ( ) 1. A. watch B. watchs C. watches D. watching ( ) 2. A. we B. you C. they D. I ( ) 3. A. of B. about C. at .D. with ( ) 4. A. sing B. learn C. dance D. hear ( ) 5. A. radio B. film C. game D. TV ( ) 6. A. hear B. like C. see D. learn ( )7. A. in B. on C. to D. for ( ) 8. A. weekend B. weekdays C. Saturday D. Sunday ( ) 9. A. place B. time C. man D. night ( )10. A. time B. rest C. game D. meal 19. Ⅰ.根据首字母及句意完成句子。(5分) 1. After school, the teachers often gives us some h_________ to do. 2. In summer, many s_______ swim in that lake. 3. We can get books from the school l__________. 4. Sandy doesn’t go to school today b_______ she is ill. 5. My mother always s_______ two hours watching. Ⅱ.根据英语解释,写出下列单词。(5分) 1. have many things to do _______________ 2. the second day of the week ____________ 3. talk with your friends ______________ 4. hate, not like something _____________ 5. high temperature(温度) _____________ Ⅲ.选用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分) get up, twice a week, more than, would like, each other 1. I play table tennis _____________________ with my classmates. 2. Wendy is my best friend. We always study together and help ______________. 3. _______________100 people are going to visit our school tomorrow. 4. Tom is often late for school, because he often ________ late in the morning. 5. ________ you ________ a cup of tea or a cup of coffee(咖啡)? 完形填空 In England, people _____ take-away food. The ______ is fish and chips. They usually ______ to a ______ shop. They put the food in ______ and take it home or to their work place. ________ lunch time, many people eat take-away food _______ the park or on the road. Chinese take-away food ______ popular( ) in England. People in the USA and Australia like Chinese take-away food, too. But they enjoy _____ fried chicken ______. 1. A likes B like C doesn’t D are like 2. A well B better C best D fine 3. A goes B going C go D are go 4. A fruit B book C tuck D fish and chip 5. A school bag B pencil case C paper bags D pencil-box 6. A In B At C On D Of 7. A at B on C in D of 8. A also B too C either D both 9. A eat B to eat C eats D eating 10. A good B better C well D many 20. 一、根据句意和汉语注释,在空格内写出各单词的正确形式: 1. Daniel likes English very much. He _________(聪明的) at it. 2. Their _________(朋友)names are Millie and Sandy. 3. We all want to be _________(友好的)to other. 4. The _________(窗户) in our classroom are very big and bright. 5. Tommy wants to be a doctor when he_________(长大)up. 6. If you don't know how to use the computer, you can read _________(说明) book. 7. Yao Ming is a good basketball_________(运动员). 8. Mark Twin(马克.吐温) is a _________(风趣的) man. 9. He scored two _________(精彩的) goals in his first match for his new team. 10. Daniel wants to be a computer programmer when he _________(成长)up. 五、根据情景和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的词,使文章意思完整: Kitty: Hi, Millie. Do you k Yao Ming ? Millie: Yes. He is a famous(著名的) b ______ player. He is about 25 y________ old. He enjoys p_______ computer games. He plays basketball very well in his old team, the Shanghai Sharks.(上海鲨鱼队) Kitty: Which team is he in now? Millie: After he left the team, he plays f________ the Houston Rockets(休斯顿火箭队) in the USA. Many people like to w__________ him play basketball. Kitty: Yes. You are right. Do you play basketball? Millie: It's a pity.(遗憾).I don't often p it. Kitty: M too. But I often watch basketball m________. They are very wonderful. Millie: I agree (同意).And I hear (听说)there is going to be a basketball match on TV. Kitty: R ? Then I can watch it. 21. 二.根据首字母提示或汉语意思填空,完成句子。(8分) 1. Wang Junfeng likes playing games. He is playing ________games.(电脑) 2.Zh ou Yanli is playing the p_______. Her father is listening to her. 3.Don’t w________the baby up. She is sleeping. (唤醒) 4.How does Mr He u_______go to the office? 5.Sally likes to exercise in the ________.(体育馆) 6.My classroom is Room 419. Mary’s classroom is Room 418. My classroom is n_________to hers. 7. There are two______ (图书馆) in our school. 8.What do you usually do in your _______ (空闲的) time? 九. 完形填空 (10分) Today is ( 1 ), it ( 2 ) the first work day of the week and the ( 3 ) school day of the week. It’s eight ( 4 ) now. and it is a ( 5 ) day . It’s often fine in this city in summer. Men and women are going to work. Children are ( 6 ) school . Some of them are in their cars. Some are walking . Others are ( 7 ) buses or ( 8 ) bikes. There ( 9 ) many cars, buses ,and bikes ( 10 ) the street. People in this city are busy. ( )1. A. Sunday B. Monday C. Thursday D. Friday ( )2. A. is B. are C. be D. am ( )3. A. second B. first C. D. third ( )4. A. o’clock B. point C. o’clock D. clock ( ) 5. A. fine B. good C. well D. best ( ) 6. A. going to B. go to C. going D. go ( ) 7. A. by B. taking C. take D. bying ( ) 8. A. ride B. riding C. bying D. by ( ) 9. A. are B. is C. was D. were ( ) 10. A. at B. in C. on D. near 22.三、完形填空(10%) Do you _______(51)_ everyone _______(52)__ their weekends ? Old Henry does not. ______(53)__ month ,he went _________(54)___a walk with his dog. It _______(55)___ a nice day. He ______(56)_ on a bench and _________(57)___ his dog ___________(58)___ a friendly black cat… Now Old Henry is very sad. He has no dog and no family. He doesn’t want _______(59)___ _________(60)___. ( ) 51.A know B think C thought D knew ( ) 52.A likes B like C enjoy D enjoys ( ) 53.A Next B This C Last D The next ( ) 54.A to B for C on D by ( ) 55.A is B are C were D was ( ) 56.A sit B stand C sat D stood ( ) 57. A see B saw C looked D watched ( ) 58. A play B play to C play with D played with ( ) 59.A / B do C doing D to do ( ) 60.A any thing B anything C something D some thing 六、单词拼写. (10% ) 1.How do kids (度过)the weekend? 2.There is an interesting talk show on the (海滩). 3.Some students are taking_______( 照片 ) in the park. 4.I found a boy ________(哭) in the corner.. 5.The shops were too_________(拥挤 ) 6.I (做)my homework and then went to the park. 7.Where did you go on vacation? We _______(去) to England. 8.The Sichuan food is very________( 美味的 )。 9.That made me_________(感到 ) very happy. 10.My aunt (烹煮)nice food for me last year. She was a good cook. 23.初中英语代词专练 1.You may come to my house this week next week. A .neither; or B .from ; to C .either ;or D. either; nor 2.I don’t think we can do it all . A. by ourselves B. by myself C. by ourself D .by yourselves 3.I don’t want this shirt. Please show me A .others B .the others C .another D .the other 4.I can’t repair the model ship . Can you help ? A .me; me B. myself ;myself C .myself ;me D. me ; myself 5.Does your brother often wash clothes ? A. he B .himself C. herself D .him 6. We study Chinese, English , maths and some subjects. A .the other B. one C .other D .another 7.I have two sisters . of them are doctors. A. Both B. All C .Either D. Neither 8.The book on the shelf is .She wrote name on its cover . A .Hers ; her ;herself B. Her; hers; herself C. Herself; her; hers D .Her; herself; herself 9. “Don’t worry . There’s much wrong with you.” said the doctor. A. nothing B .everything C. something D .very 10.These shoes are too small. You may buy some shoes . A .another B .other C .the .others D. others 11.I asked Jim and Bob to come to my house for dinner , but of them came . A .another B. other C .the others D .others 12.They are the same size , so you may take half of the cake. A. at; each B. in ; both C .at ; neither D .in ; either 13.Betty and John have come back , but students in the class aren’t here yet. A. the other B others C. another D. the others 14.Your mother is kindness . A .itself B. herself oneself D .himself 15.She stayed there longer than . A. anyone B .anything else C. anybody D .anybody else 16.Is this her bike? No, it isn’t . It’s . A. mine B. my C. me D. he’s 17. Li Ping’s brother. A. Her B. His C .He’s D. She’s 18.He is a boy . name is Wang Bing. A. He B. His C. Her D. He’s 19.What’s this? . A. It’s a bread B. It is a bread C. It’s bread D. This’s bread 20.The bowls are on the table .There are some eggs in .A. the B. them C. it D. he 21.Let have a meeting .A. me B. you C. us D. me 22. Mother often sees on Sunday . A. her all friends B. all her friend C. her friends D. her all friend. 23.When you see Tom and his sister , tell that mother is waiting at the gate. A. his ;his B. her; hers C. them ; their D. his ; her 24.He wants you to talk about China. A .anything B .nothing C. thing D .something 25.Granny seems ill . Are you sure it’s ? A .nothing serious B. anything serious C. serious nothing D. serious anything 24.动词 一、常用动词归类 (一) 与 时态和语态相关的动词 1、进行时态表示将来意义的动词: 一般是表示位置移动或方向性动词,如come, go, leave, start, move, drive, fly, arrive, get, stay等。例如: 1) —Hi, Sue, When _____ you _____ for Guangzhou? —It depends. A. are leaving B. did, leave C. were, leaving D. have, left 2) — What are you going to do this afternoon? —I am going to the cinema with some friends. The film _____ quite early, so we _____ to the bookstore after that. (2005年,重庆) A. finished, are going B. finished, go C. finishes, are going D. finishes, go 3)—What were you doing when Tony phoned you? —I had just finished my work and _____ to take a show?鄄er. (2004年,天津 ) A. had started B. started C. have started D. was starting [Key] ACD 2、通常不用于进行时态的动词: 一般是表示状态、感觉等方面的动作,如be, like, love, hate, want, need, know, understand, see(明白), believe, have on等。例如: She _____ a skirt today. Which is wrong? A.is dressed in B.is wearing C.wears D.is having on [Key] D 3、通常不用被动语态的动词: (1) 连系动词: ①感觉感观类连系动词,如look, sound, smell, taste, feel等。例如: 1)I am afraid the weather will _____ hot for a few days. A. last B. be lasted C. stay D. be stayed 2)The flowers _____ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature. (2004年,上海) A. to smell B. smelling C. smelt D. to be smelt [Key] CB ②状态变化类连系动词, 如become, turn, grow, get, go, come, run, fall等。例如: 1)I don’t believe his dream’s come true, _____ it ? A. is B. isn’t C. has D. hasn’t 2)0n hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine, she _____ pale. (2004年,湖北) A. got B. changed C. went D. appeared [Key] CC ③状态保持类连系动词,如keep, remain, stay,stand, lie等。例如: 1)The teacher as well as the students _____ at this. A. was standing, puzzled B. were standing, puzzled C. was standing, puzzling D. were standing, puzzling 2) The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _____ as the plane was making a landing. (2004年,上海春季) A. seat B. seating C. seated D. to be seating [Key] AC ④外表特征类连系动词,如appear, look,prove 等。例如: The theory he stuck to _____ correct at last. A. prove B. proving C. was proved D. proved [Key] D (2) 部分行为动词或动词短语: disappear, arrive, die, fall, fail, happen, occur, last, sit, suit, cost, join, lack, have(有), succeed(成功), escape(逃), hold(容纳),leave(离开),take place, break out, run out, belong to, catch fire, go out, give out, come about, come out, come up, come true, come to, come into..., date from, consist of, begin with, start with, close with, end up with, 等。例如: 1) When I got home, I found that my new watch was _____. Which is wrong? A. disappeared B. missing C. gone D. lost 2) When night _____ , we arrived at the small village. A. felt B. fell C. was fallen D. fell down 3) China is a developing country _____ the third world. A. belongs to B. belonged to C. that belong to D. belonging to 4) The meeting _____ a speech and _____ a song. A.was begun with, was closed with B.started with, was ended up with C.began with, ended up with D.was started with, closed with 5) The evening news comes on at seven o’clock and _____ only thirty minutes. (2004年,全国卷II) A. keeps B. continues C. finishes D. lasts [Key] ABDCD (3)表示客观事实、特征、性能等方面的动词,如weigh, mea?鄄sure, sell, wash, read, write, translate, drive, wear, start, open, close, shut, work等。例如: 1) The stone ______ three tons, and _____ three meters. A. weighs, measures B. is weighed, is measured C. weighs, is measured D. is weighed, measures 2) The pen ______ well. Unluckily, its ink won’t ______. A. writes, be washed off B. is written, be washed off C. writes, wash off D. is written, wash off 3) The door of my room won’t _____ while the window won’t _____. A. be opened, be shut B. open, shut C. be opened, shut D. open, be shut 4) The article _____, and it _____. A. translates well, was well translated B. is translated well, was well translated C. translates well, translated well D. is translated well, translated well 5) Cars of this kind _____ smoothly. A. is driven B. are driven C. drive D. drives 6) This kind of fish _____ good and _____ well. A. is tasted, is sold B. is tasted, sells C. tastes, is sold D. tastes, sells [Key] ACBACD (4)以主动结构表达被动意义的动词,如need, want(需要), require, deserve, be worth, blame, let, miss等。例如: 1) The baby wants _____, but it doesn’t want _____. A. to wash, washing B. washing, to wash C. to wash, to wash D. washing, washing 2) It’s I, rather than you, who _____. A. am to be blamed B. are to be blamed C. am to blame D. are to blame 3) The house referred to _____. A. be to let B. is to let C. being to be let D is to be let 比较:4) With everything she needed _____ , she left the supermarket. A. to buy B. buying C. buy D. bought [Key] BCBD (二) 与 虚拟语气相关的动词 1、以下动词所接的宾语从句,其谓语动词必须用“(should)+动词原形”:suggest(建议), advise, recommend, propose, de?鄄mand, require, request, insist(认为,主张), urge, order(命令), desire, imagine等。例如: 1) He suggested that the meeting _____, which suggested that he _____ well. A. be put off, hadn’t prepared B. should put off, hadn’t prepared C. be put off, shouldn’t prepare D. should put off, shouldn’t prepare 2)He insisted that he _____ the purse and that he _____. A. shouldn’t steal, be set free B. hadn’t stolen, be set free C. not steal, should set free D. hadn’t stolen, set free 3)—How do you ____ we go to Beijing for our holidays? — I think we’d better fly there. It’s much more com?鄄fortable. (2004年,福建) A. insist B. want C. suppose D. suggest [Key] ABD 2、以下动词用过去时态或过去完成时态分别表示现在或过去未能实现的愿望、想法、打算等(表示“原……;本……”):think, suppose, believe, expect, want, plan, intend, mean, hope等。例如: 1)I _____ to stay with you this morning, but I can’t now. A. want B. have wanted C. wanted D. had wanted 2)We _____ to attend the meeting, but we were extremely busy at that time. A. hope B. have hoped C. hoped D. had hoped 3) I _____ to help you but I _____ in the traffic. A. intended, had caught B.had intended, got caught C. intend, was caught D. have intended, have caught [Key] CDB 答案篇 1. 略 2. 1called 2. sells 3. drinks 4. also 5. open, 6, friendly 7. talk 8what 9. meals 10. because 10. 1open 2. them 3. says 4. carefully5. running6. leave7. going 8. them. 9. fly10. looks 3.略 4. 完形填空41-45 CBCBA 46-50 AABCC 51-55 AADAC 56-60 CBAAD 5. Ⅰ 1.~5 AEBDC 6~10 BDACE Ⅱ. 1. 在那边 2. 在不同的年级 3. thirteen years old 4. twenty knives 5. at the same school Ⅲ.1.have 2.have 3.Her 4.picture/photo 5.have 6.the same 7.looks 8.Japanese 9.favorite 10.know IV.1. mine 2. Are 3. my ,hers 4. Michael's 5. shopping 6. shoes 7. looks 8. make 9. Chinese 10. him 6. I. 1-5 ABCCB 6-10 BCBBB II. 1-5 ACBCA 6-10 BCCBA V. 1.works 2. do, do 3. are, to be 4. Does, live 5. Is, works 6. does, come, comes 7. speak V略 7.略 8. 答案:二、1.sunny 2.leaves 3.ninth 4.children;Children's5.Japanese;Japan 6.dresses;friending7.boxes 三、1.study Chinese 2.go skating 3.do one's lessons 4.have a picnic 5.in the countryside 6、放学后7、我就来 8、度周末 9、去无锡旅行10、去游泳 四、1.doesn't;rain2.Does;wake3.watches4.swimming;camping5.to have6.speak7.is getting;gets8.clean 9.略 10.略 11. go to the cinema 2.go to the beach 3.go to the library 4.on Saturday morning 5.stay at home 6.hold a party 7.have a read 8.practise English 9.study for the maths exam 10.what/how about 11.vist/(call on) my friend 12.do one’s homework 13.clean the room 14.last weekend 15.play chess 16.go for a walk 17.play football 18.look for 19.watch TV 20.talk show二、1.went 2.read 3.wrote 4.cleaned 5.stayed 6.visited 7.had 8.got 9.did 10.practiced 11.came 12.(stady?)studied 13.was 14。(tistea?)listened 15.watched 16.played 17.(loor?)looked 18.was 19.sat 20.saw 12. IV.1.think of 2.film stars 3.concert tickets 4.switch on 5.silk shirt 6.Does finish school 7.in the morning 8.ride a bike 9.In front of 10.lots of V.1.think of 2.world 3.company 4.like 5.also 6.In 7.making 8.first 9.today’s 10.million VII.1.pairs 2.monkeys 3.Women’s 4.choosing 5.by 6.chemistry 7.healthy 8.camels 9.isn’t 10.Aunt 13.略 14. Key :II (A) 1. Sorry 2. sandwich 3. Chocolate 4. bottle 5. thirsty 6. drink 7. naughty 8. oranges 9. driver 10. salesgirl (B) 1. many tomatoes 2. two pieces of meat 3. server knives 4. three potatoes 5. their granny 6. 在学校 7. 两袋大米 8. 我的妹妹 9. 请原谅 10.一薄片面包 III 1. Is this bed yours? 2. This is an egg. 3. Do they have any meat? 4. I want to buy a ruler. 5. What does Jack have on his sofa? VIII 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. C 15.略 16. 略 17. I. 词汇: 15% A: 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空:5% 1.boxes 2.mine 3.these 4.Whose 5.is B: 根据句子意思,填上适当的单词,该词的首字母已给:(写出完整单词)5% 1.street 2.heavy 3.American 4.sky 5.gloves/glasses C:根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空:5% 1.women 2.them 3.sisters 4.animal 5.see Ⅳ.据汉语提示,写出句中所缺的单词:10% 1.England 2.give 3.look the same 4.photo 5.on duty 6.look after 7.between…and… 8.broom 9.listen to 10.Let‘s Ⅶ.完型填空:5% 1.d 2.a 3.c 4.d 5.b 6.c 7.a 8.d 9.d 10.c 18. 答案:完形填空 一、1. shelves 2. tie 3. healthy 4. hungry 5. matches 6. minutes 7. energy 8. between 9.ideas 10. cost 二、 1. is climbing 2. to learn 3. meeting 4. skating 5. dresses 6. to keep 7. lucky 8. leather 9. having 10. colourful 四、1. can I help / what can I do for 2. I’m looking for/ I want to buy/ I’d like 3. ones/ sweaters 4. There are 5. have a look 6. made 7. on 8. matches 9. How much is it?/ How much does it cost? 10. Thank you. 五、 outside minutes nearest buildings centre cinema town favourite centre busy 六、1-5. DCBDD 6-10. CBBDB 19. 答案 略 20.略 21.略 22. 完形填空:BDCBD 71-75 CDCDB六.单词填空:1.spend 2.beach, 3.photos, 4.crying, 5.crowded, 6.did 7.went 8.delicious 23. 1C2A3C4C5B 6C7A8A9A10B 11D12D13A14B15D 16A17C18B19C20B 21C22B23C24D25A 24.略 附录 词汇 人教版初一上册同步单词 第一组50个 what 什么 is 是 your 你的;你们的 name 名字 my 我的 yes 是;是的 it 它 this 这个;这 a 一(个,件...) book 书 pen 钢笔 desk 书桌 map 地图 bag 书包;提包;口袋 pencil 铅笔 double 双的;双重的 good-bye再见 number 数字;号码 in English用英语 I 我 am 是 in 在...(内,上) row (一)排;(一)行 too 也 are 是 you 你;你们 no 不;不是 not 不 hi (表示问候或唤起注意) class (学校里的)班级 grade 年级 zero 零 one 一 and 和;又;而 two 二 er 呃,啊,这 hum 嗯 four 四 three 三 how (指程度)多少;怎样;多么 how old 老的;...岁的 eleven 十一 twelve 十二 ten 十 hello 喂(表示问候或唤起注意) please 请 Mrs 夫人 can 能 spell 拼写 第二组50个 ah...int. 啊! 呀! secret...n 秘密 in...prep 用...(表示) English...n 英语 clock...n 钟 box...n 盒子;箱子 pencil-box...n铅笔盒 ruler...n 尺子 cup...n 杯子 pear...n 梨 cake...n 蛋糕;饼;糕 banana...n 香蕉 an...art 一(个,件,...) apple...n 苹果 orange...n 橙子,桔子 egg...n 蛋 that...pron&adj 那;那个 bike...n 自行车 bus...n 公共汽车 car...n 汽车,小汽车 jeep...n 吉普车 look...vi 瞧,看 Chinese...adj中国的;中国人的 English...adj英国的;英国人的 Japanese...adj日本的;日本人的 he...pron 他 who...pron 谁 she...pron 她 bird...n 鸟 its...pron 它的 do...v.aux (构成否定和疑问的助动词,无词义) know...vt 知道;懂得 think...vt 想;认为 Mr...n 先生(用于姓名前) very...adv 很,非常 picture...n 图画;照片 girl...n 女孩 woman...n 妇女,女人 man...n 男人;人 cat...n 猫 his...pron 他的 teacher...n 教师 her...pron 她的 everyone...pron每人,人人 here...adv 这里,这儿 today...n&adv今天 at...prep 在 at school.. 在学校;在上学 school...n 学校 第三组50个 sorry...adj 对不起的;抱歉的 where...adv 在哪里 home...n 家 at home 在家 fine...adj (身体)好的 OK...adv (口语)好;对;不错;可以 thank...vt 谢谢 thanks...n 谢谢(只用复数) good-bye...int 再见 bye...int 再见 friend...n 朋友 or...conj 或者 right...adj 对的 wrong...adj 错误的 excuse...vt 原谅 me...pron 我 here...adv 这里,这儿 Here you are 给你 eraser...n 相皮擦 oh...int 哦!啊! but...conj 但是 these...pron 这些 they...pron 它们;他(她)们 five...num 五 six...num 六 seven...num 七 eight...num 八 nine...num 九 good...adj 好的 those...pron&adj 那些 boat...n 船 hill...n 小山 tree...n 树 their...pron 他们(她们;它们)的 much...adv 很,非常 very much 很,非常 all...adv 都,完全 all right 好;行;不错 That's all right 不必谢 next...adj 下一个的 policeman...n 警察 ask...vt 问 thirteen...num 十三 see...vt 看见,看到 licence...n 执照;许可证 age...n 年龄 team...n 队;组 No...n 数字 middle...adj 中间的;中级的 middle school 中学 第四组50个 Miss...n 女士,小组(对未婚妇女的称呼) have...vt 有 the...art 这(那);这(那)些 new...adj 新的 student...n 学生 morning...n 早晨;上午 class...n 同学们 on...prep 有;在...上 duty...n 职责;责任 on duty 值日 we...pron 我们 twin...n 双胞胎之一 same...adj 同样的,同一的 look the same 看起来很象 American..n&adj 美国人(的) over...adv 在那边;在另一边 over there 在那边(指较远处) there...adv 那里,那儿 look after 照看,照顾 Miss...n 女士,小组(对未婚妇女的称呼) way...n 路,道路 This way,please 请走这边 put...vt 放 our...pron 我们的 coat...n 外套,上衣 them...pron 他(她,它)们 toilet...n 厕所 nice...adj 令人愉快的 to (动词不定式的符号,无意义) meet...vt 见面;会面;遇见 Nice to meet you风到您很高兴 hat...n 帽子(一般指有边的) in the hat 戴帽子的 or...conj 或者 different...adj 不同的 of...prep 的 room...n 房间 classroom...n 教室 look at 看 door...n 门 blackboard...n 黑板 chair...n 椅子 floor...n (室内)地;地板 can...v.aux 能 can't 不能 see...vt 看见,看到 on...prep 在...上 behind...prep 在...后面 ball...n 球 under...prep 在...下面 第五组 50个 like...prep 像,跟...一样 look like 看起来像 come...vi 来 meet...vt 见面;会面;遇见 family...n 家;家庭 dad...n (口语)爸爸;爹爹 mother...n 母亲 mum...n (口语)妈妈 son...n 儿子 brother...n 兄,弟 daughter...n 女儿 sister...n 姐,妹 ring...n 铃声 go...vi 去 How are you... 您(身体)好吗 nice...adj 令人愉快的 to (动词不定式符号,无意义) please...v 请 come in 进来 afternoon...n 下午;午后 How do you do...您好 sit...vi 坐 sit down... 坐下 down...adv 向下 friend...n 朋友 bed...n 床 bedroom...n 卧室 wall...n 墙 kite...n 风筝 window...n 窗 light...n 灯 table...n 桌子 flower...n 花 football...n 足球 some...adj&pron 一些;若干 find...vt 找到 broom...n 扫帚 China...n 中国 let...vt 让 us...pron 我们 turn...n 轮流;(依次轮流的)顺序 It's your turn now 现在轮到你了 now...adv 现在 colour...n 颜色 red...adj 红色的 black...adj 黑色的 white...adj 白色的 blue...adj 蓝色的 orange...adj 橙色的 第六组 50个 green...adj 绿色的 yellow...adj 黄色的 brown...adj 褐色的,棕色的 excuse...vt 原谅 me...pron 我 which...adj&pron 哪一个;哪些 one...pron (用来代替单数人或物) Mrs...n 夫人 sweater...n 厚运动衫;毛衣 colour...vt 给...着色 mine...pron 我的 clothes...n 衣服 line...n 线;绳索 blouse...n 女衬衫 shirt...n 男(式)衬衫 skirt...n 女裙 dress...n 女服;(统指)衣服 trousers...n 裤子 Mr...n 先生(用于姓名前) shoe...n 鞋 whose...pron 谁的 yours...pron 你的;你们的 must...v.aux 必须,应当 thank...vt 谢谢 hers...pron 她的 put on... 穿上 ours...pron 我们的 theirs...pron 他们(她们;它们)的 time...n 时间 watch...n 手表 give...vt 给 to...prep 给;对 from...prep 从...起 from...to 从...到 thirteen...num 十三 fifteen...num 十五 eighteen...num 十八 twenty...num 二十 twenty-one...num 二十一 thirty...num 三十 forty...num 四十 fifty...num 五十 eighty...num 八十 hundred...num 百 forget...vt 忘记 o'clock...n 点钟 about...adv 大约 go to school 去上学 go to the classroom 去教室 play...vi 玩;打(球) 第七组 50个 game...n 游戏;运动 go home... 回家 go to bed... 睡觉 doll...n 玩具娃娃 old...adj 旧的 photo...n 照片 young...adj 年轻的;幼小的 baby...n 婴儿 guess...vi 猜 soon...adv 不久,一会儿 词汇 人教版初一下册同步单词 第一组 50个 could...v.aux (口语)可以...,行 help...vt 帮助 Monday...n 星期一 big...adj 大的 small...adj 小的 heavy...adj 重的 light...adj 轻的 bottle...n 瓶 full...adj 满的 empty...adj 空的 want...vt 要;想要 take...vt 拿到;带到 to...prep (表示方向)到;住 certainly...adv 当然 carry...vt 搬运;带去 welcome...adj 受欢迎的 You're welcome 别客气;不用谢 thing...n 东西;事情 too...adv 太 there...int 那!你瞧(引起注意) basket...n 篮子 a bottle of... 一瓶 orange...n 桔汁 look...n 看 have a look... 看一看 about...prep 关于 What about... ....好不好?....怎么样? other...adj 别的,其他的 sock...n 短袜 them...pron 他(她;它)们 away...adv 离开 put...away... 把...收起来(放好) sorry...adj 对不起的;抱歉的 wrong...adj 错误的;不正常的 What's wrong... 怎么啦,出了什么毛病 worry...vt (使)担忧 Don't worry... 别发愁;别担忧 get...vt 得到,获得 get down 下来,落下 broken...adj 弄坏了的 think...vt 想;认为 so...pron 这样,这么 I don't think so... 这不认为是这样 catch...vt 捉,抓住 him...pron 他 right...adj 对的,正确的 goodness...n 善良;美德 Thank goodness... 谢天谢地 plane...n 飞机 with...prep 关于;对于 第二组 50个 what's wrong with... 怎么了 dear...int (惊讶)哎呀!唷! Oh dear... 哎呀!天哪! mend...vt 修补,修理 hmm...int 哼!(踌躇或唤起注意) knife...n 小刀 her...pron 她 very...adv 很,非常 very much... 很,非常 food...n 食物 drink...vi 喝 like...vt 喜欢 nice...adj 好的,漂亮的 It's time to (play) 是(玩)的时候了 eat...vt 吃 rice...n 米饭;大米 bread...n 面包 meat...n 肉 a cup of... 一(茶)杯 tea...n 茶,茶叶 milk...n 牛奶 glass...n 玻璃杯 a glass of... 一(玻璃)杯 water...n 水 would like... 想要 well...int 喔;那么;好吧 something...pron 某事(物) something to drink(eat)... 一些喝(吃)的东西 many...adj 许多的,多的 how many... 多少 only...adv 仅仅,只 any...adj 一些,任何的 Nice to meet you ... 风到您很高兴 frisby...n 飞盘(塑料玩具) go...n 尝试(做某事) want a go... 要试一试 throw...vt 投,掷 throw it like that... 像那样扔出去 do...vt 做,干 easy...adj 容易的 hard...adj 困难的 ride...vt 骑(自行车,马等) swim...vi 游泳 make...vt 做,制作 fly...vt 放(风筝,飞机模型) basketball...n 篮球 jump...vi 跳 sing...vt&vi 唱,唱歌 run...vi 跑 with...prep 带着 第三组 50个 high...adj&adv 高的(地) great...adv (口语)好极了 river...n 江;河 near...prep 在...附近 house...n 房子 men...n (woman的复数形式) child...n 小孩 children...n (child的复数形式) work...n 工作 at work... 在工作 young...adj 年轻的;幼小的 pioneer...n 先锋 Young Pioneer... 少先队员 write...vt 写 read...vt 读;朗读 listen...vi 听 listen to... 听 clean...vt 把...弄干净;擦干净 count...vt 数,点数 homework...n 家庭作业 do one's homework... 做家庭作业 help...n 帮助,帮忙 now...adv 现在 watch...vt 观看,注视 TV...n 电视;电视机 stand...vi 站,立 talk...vi 说话,谈话 open...vt 打开 close...vt 关,闭 work...vi 工作;劳动 wear...vt 穿 difference...n 不同 American...adj 美国的;美国人的 Chinese...n 中国人;汉语 say...vt 说,讲 today...n&adv 今天 day...n 天,日 week...n 周,星期 Monday...n 星期一 Tuesday...n 星期二 Wednesday...n 星期三 Thursday...n 星期四 Friday...n 星期五 Saturday...n 星期六 Sunday...n 星期日 tomorrow...n&adv (在)明天 shop...n 商店 closed...adj 关着的 open...adj 开着的 第四组 50个 have...vt 有 borrow...vt 借 back...adv 回(原处) soon...adv 不久,一会儿 Not at all... 不客气.一点也不 hey...int 嘿! ask...vt 问 has...vt 有(have的单数第三人称) lot...n 许多 a lot... 许多,大量 does... (do的单数第三人称) from...prep 从;从...起 be from... 从...来;是...人 England...n 英格兰 Austraila...n 澳大利亚 America...n 美国 speak...vt&vi 说,说话 Austrailan...n 澳大利亚人 Canada...n 加拿大 Canadian...n 加拿大人 French...n 法语 Englishman...n 英国(男)人 Englishmen...n. Englishman的复数 Japanese...n 日语;日本人 USA 美国 come from... 来(自);出生(于) much...adv&adj 很,非常;多 little... adv稍许 adj少的 a little... 一点儿 great...adj 伟大的;很大的 people...n 人,人们 the people... 人民 postcard...n 明信片 dear...adj 亲爱的 stay..vi 停留;住 friendly...adj 友好的 teach...vt&vi 教;教书 love...n&vt 爱;喜爱 not...at all... 根本不 but...conj 但是 say...vt 说,讲 cook...vi&vt 烹调,煮,烧 housework...n 家务劳动 uncle...n 叔;伯;舅;姨父;姑父 machine...n 机器 like...prep 像 know..vt 知道;懂得 come back... 回来;来 drive...vt 开(汽车等);驾驶 driver...n 司机,驾驶员 第五组 50个 farm...n 农场 farmernnn. 农民 soldier...n 士兵,战士 worker...n 工人 factory...n 工厂 study...vt 学习 evening...n 傍晚,晚上 every...adj 每一,每个的 with...prep 和 same...adj 同样的,一样的 different...adj 不同的 up...adv 向上 get up... 起床 late...adj & adv 迟的(地);晚的(地) early...adv 早 week...n 周,星期 weekday...n 周日 breakfast...n 早餐 have breakfast... 吃早饭 leave...vi 离去;出发 begin...vt & vi 开始 lunch...n 午餐 have lunch... 吃午饭 middle...n 中间 the middle of the day... 中午 supper...n 晚餐 have supper... 吃晚饭 wash...vt & vi 漱洗;洗(东西) off...adv (离)开;(走)开 take off... 脱去(帽子、衣服等) get to... 到达 get home... 回到家 then...adv 那么;然后 by...prep 乘(车船等) over...adv 结束,完了 be over... 结束 often...adv 常常 sometimes...adv 有时 shopping...n 买东西 buy...vt 买 sell...vt 卖 how much... 多少(接不可数名词) dear...adj 贵的 cheap...adj 便宜的 go shopping... 买东西 for...prep 这 fish...n 鱼 kilo...n 千克 half..n 半,一半 a lot of... 许多 第六组 exercise...n 练习 all day... 整天,一天到晚 forget...vt 忘记 before...prep 在...以前 fridge...n 电冰箱 do the shopping... 买东西 drink...n 饮料 have a drink of... 喝一点 with...prep 用 初中人教版英语单词词组表 第一、二册 第一册词组 1.in English 用英语 2.how many 多少 3.a piece of bread 一片而包 4.four cups of tea 四杯茶 5.a pair of shoes 一双鞋 6.play chess 下棋 7.run after 追逐 8.play football 踢足球 9.be good at 擅长 10.on the basketabll team 在篮球队 11.scoot at the basket 投篮 12.the first us 第一班车 13.at eight 在八点 14.hurry up 快点 15.a quarter past ten 十点一刻 16.five to eleven 差五分十一点 17.the next train 下一趟火车 18.on Monday 在周一 19.a ticket for Shanghai 一张飞往上海的机票 20.at home 在家 21.a good idea 好主意 22.go skating 去滑冰 23.in the afternoon 在下午 24.in winter 在冬季 25.make a snowman 堆雪人 26. put on 穿上,戴上 第二册词组(共84个) 1.in Class One,Grade One 在一年级一班 2.play ball games 进行球类活动 3.read books 读书 4.in summer 在夏季 5.have one's class 上课 6.on the playground 在操场上 7.every day 每天 8.the first class 第一节课 9.be interested in 对…感兴趣 10.his friend 他的朋友 11.go to the zoo 去动物园 12.collet stamps 集邮 13.make model cars 制作汽车模型 14.take pictures 照相 15.grow roses 种植玫瑰 16. go fishing 去钓鱼 17.Chinese food 中国食物 18.my parents 我的父母 19.two American boys 两个美国男孩 20.a new student 一名新生 21.study English 学英语 22.thank you 谢谢 23.in China 在中国 24.speak Japanese 讲日语 25.very well 很好 26.only a little 只有一点 27.a department store 百货商店 28.of course 当然可以 29.try on 试穿 30.have a look at看一看 31.how much 多少钱 32.at the market 在市场里 33.do shopping 买东西 34.a post office 邮局 35.deliver letters 送信 36.take care of 照顾 37.run a machine 开机器 33.get up 起床 39.last year 去年 40.for a long time 很长时间 41.next year 明年 42.come back 回来 43.listen to music 听音乐 44.around the house 在房子周围 45.have a party 开聚会 46.have meals 吃饭 47.look for 寻找 48.the first floor 第一层 49,each of us 我们每个人 50.on the wall 在墙上 51.be far from 离……远 52.write to 给……写信 53.get up 起床 54.have breakfast(lunch, dinner, supper) 吃早饭(午饭,晚饭) 55.do one’s homework 做作业 56. go to bed 上床睡觉 57.watch TV 看电视 58.get to到达 59.at home 在家 60. prepare for 准备 6I.wake up 叫醒 come in 进来 62.go into 进入 63.take a shower 洗澡 64.comb one's hair 梳头 65.brush one's teeth 刷牙 66.say goodbye to 和……说再见 at night 在夜里 67.put on 穿上,戴上 68.take off 脱下,摘下 69.good night 晚安 70.wash hands 洗手 71.take a trip 旅游 72.in front of在前面 73.in the east(south, west, north) 在东边 74.by boat 乘船 75.in the middle 在中部 76.a map of China 一张中国地图 77.how about怎么样 78.walk through 走过 79.go down the street 沿着这条街走 80.excuse me 请原谅 81.at the end 在终点 82.turn left (right) 向左(右)转 83.want to do sth.想要做某事 84.next to 旁边,隔壁 公共场所中常用的英文标识用语 Public Places 公共场所 Central heating throughout. 中央暖气全部开放 Children and senior citizens free 儿童与老人免费 Do not enter, alarm operating装有警报,禁止入内。 Do not obstruct or chain cycles to the railings 请不要把自行车靠到或锁到栏杆上。 Do not put (place) bicycles against the railings 请不要把自行车靠到栏杆上。 Do not use this lift as a means of escape in the event of fire 遇火警时,严禁使用此电梯 Dog waste only 只存放狗的粪便 Fire construction points to note 注意消防设施 Fire door, keep shut 消防门房,保持关闭 Fire escape to be clear of obstruction. 安全出口,保持通畅 Fire escape, asked to be cleared off obstruction.安全出口,请保持通畅 Fire escape, keep clear 安全出口,保持通畅 Fire exit only 仅作火警安全出口 Footpath closed. 步行路关闭 For public use 公用 Free of charge 免费 Fully air conditioned 空调全面开放 Gates in use night & day 此门昼夜使用 Gents 男厕 Lavatories 厕所 Leave by entrance door 请不要堵住门口 man's lavatory 男厕所 Men 男厕 No admittance 禁止入内 No bathing, fishing allowed in this pond 此池塘禁止游泳,垂钓 No bicycles, police will remove 禁止停放自行车,否则警察拖走。 No charge 不收费 No entry for general public 公众不得入内 No unauthorized access prohibited未经许可,禁止入内。 No unauthorized entry未经许可,不得入内 No way out 无出口 Non-smokers only. 仅供非吸烟者 Obstruction of the door can be dangerous. 门口堵塞,危险 Open all year daily 全年每天开放 Open all year round/ Open all year 全年开放 Open daily 每天开放 Open to the public on selected days only 仅限规定的日期,对公众开放。 Opening hours: 开放/开门/营业时间: 常用公共场所及交通标识用语 DANGER 危险 TUNNEL 隧道 TOLL FREE 免费(通行) NO LEFT TURN 禁止左转 NO U-TURN 禁止调头 NO HORN 禁止鸣笛 NO PASSING 禁止通行 ENTRANCE 进口处 STAFF ONLY 工作人员专用 PRIVATE PROPERTY 私人住宅 NO SMOKING 请勿吸烟 NO LITTER请勿乱扔杂物 NO BILLS 禁止招贴 WET PAINT 油漆未干 HANDS OFF 请勿动手 KEEP SILENT 保持安静 KEEP OFF THE GRASS 请勿践踏草坪 UNDER REPAIR 正在修理 NIGHT BELL 夜间按铃 NO PARKING 禁止停车 HOUSE FULL 客满 HANDS WANTED 招聘 ON SALE 减价销售 SPEED LIMIT 30km 限速30公里 PEDESTRIAN CROSSING 行人过道 VEHICLES ONLY 机动车专用 ROAD CLOSED 此路不通 NOT FOR SALE 恕不出售 NO ADMITTANCE 禁止入内 ROUND CLOCK SERVICE 日夜服务 CLEARANCE PRICES 清仓价 DISCOUNT PRICES 折扣价 INSTANT REPAIR 立等可取 BUSINESS HOURS 营业时间 TELEPHONE BOOTH 电话亭 AUTO SERVICE 汽车修理 RESTAURANT 餐馆 BAR 酒吧 CAFÉ 咖啡馆 BAKERY 面包房 BARBER SHOP 理发店 LAUNDRY 洗衣店 PET SHOP 宠物商店 POST OFFICE 邮局 BANK 银行 HOTEL 旅馆 NIGHT CLUB 夜总会 TRAVEL AGENCY 旅行社 查看更多