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‎ 初一英语重点常用句型 ‎ ‎ Good morning.                                           早上好。‎ Good afternoon.                                          下午好。‎ How are you .  I’m fine, thank you .                          你好么?我很好,谢谢。‎ Are you fine today?                                       你今天还好么?‎ What’s your name?                                        你叫什么名字?‎ This is my twin brother,                                    这是我的双胞胎兄弟。‎ What is it ?    It’s a photo of my family.                 这是什么?这是我的一张全家福 Who is she ?   She is my sister.                        她是谁?她是我的姐妹。‎ Who’s this man ?  He is my father.                      这个男的是谁?他是我的爸爸。                           ‎ What’s he ?       He is a doctor.                   他是干什么工作的? 他是一位医生。‎ Is this their dog ?                              这是他们的狗么?‎ Do you know this boy ?                         你认识这个男孩么?‎ Look at them .                               看他们。‎ They are happy too .                           他们也很高兴。‎ All my new classmates                         我所有的新同学 Open/Close the door .                          打开/关上门。‎ Stand up ./  Sit down .                        站起来/坐下。‎ clean the window                             擦窗户 go to school                                 去学校 You are late .Don’t be late again .                你迟到了。别再迟到了。‎ There are sixteen boys and fourteen girls in my class . 我们班里有十六个男孩和十四个女孩。‎ an art room                                    一间美术室 a poster                                       一张招贴画 On the first floor .                                                                在一楼(美式)在二楼(英式)‎ There aren’t any libraries in my school ,but there are some reading rooms .我们学校没有图书馆,但有阅览室 Are there any libraries in the schoolIs this your mother ?  Yes, she’s a worker.          这是你的妈妈么?是的,她是一位工人。‎ Are we classmates ? Yes ,we are .                  我们是同学么?是的,我们是同学。‎ How old are you ?   I’m twelve.                 你多大了?  我十二岁了。‎ He’s my cousin Andy.                          他是我的堂兄安蒂。‎ He’s polite and helpful .                        他很有礼貌而且乐于助人。‎ She is short and slim .                          她又矮又瘦。‎ He is tall and strong .                          他又高又壮。‎ He is from England .He’s English .                他来自英格兰,他是英国人。‎ I have a photo here .                           我这边有张照片。‎ Let me have a look .                          让我看一下。‎ basketball court                                                                    篮球场 dining hall                                                                            食堂 reading room                                                                       阅览室 where is the bird ?  It’s in the tree .                                       小鸟在哪?它在树上。‎ where are the students ?They are on the playground .               学生们在哪?他们在操场上。‎ on the left/right of ……                                                        在……左边/在……右边 what’s in the tree ?                                                               什么东西在树上?‎ Some boats are on tne lake .                                                  湖上有一些船。‎ behind the tree                                                                     在树的后面 under the chair                                                                     在椅子的下面 come  here                                                                        到这儿来 in the middle of                                                                   在……的中间 between the two flowers                    在两朵花中间 fifteen rubbers                                  十五块橡皮 eighteen pencils                                                        十八支铅笔 twenty students                                                       二十个学生 Is this your school ?                              这是你的学校么?‎ Is there a computer room in your school ?                  你的学校有一个电脑房么?‎ football field                                                            足球场 How many classrooms are there in your school ?         你的学校有多少间教室?‎ an office                                                                  一个办公室 a toilet                                                                    一间厕所 a library                                                                   一个图书馆 Are there three buildings in Tom’s school ?                  汤姆的学校里有三座大楼。‎ Are there three art rooms in Building C ?                                 在 C 栋大楼里有三间美术室 Is there a playground in Tom’s school ?                                  汤姆的学校里有一个操场么?‎ How many halls are there in your school ?                              你的学校里有几个礼堂?‎ There are two hundred students in my school .                        我的学校有两百个学生。‎ On the ground floor .                                                            在一楼(英式)‎ what’s in the box ?                                                              盒子里是什么?‎ what colour is it/are they ?                                                    它/它们是什么颜色 what are these ?  They are Dad’s black trousers .            这些是什么?它们是爸爸的黑裤子。‎ her yellow blouse                                                                 她的黄色的衬衫 look for things on the Internet                                       在英特网上搜索东西 take the newspaper home                                               把报纸拿回家 Can I bring my bag here ?                                              我能把我的包拿到这儿来么?‎ Can I eat here ?                                                            我能在这儿吃东西么?‎ cross the road                                                              过马路 wait for                                                                       等待……    ‎ park her bike under the tree                                            把她的自行车停在树下 look for the right place                                          寻找合适的地方 bring her bag into                                                         把她的包带进……. ‎ use a shopping basket                                                   使用购物篮 look up and down                                                        上下看看 where can I put my football ?                                         我能把我的足球放在哪儿?‎ Can we put Sign 1 in Happy Park?                                  我能把标志1放在快乐公园么?‎ Where can we put it ?                                                   我们能把它放在哪儿?‎ Get up.                                                                        起床 What time is it ?                                                            现在几点?‎ Hurry up .                                                                    加快点。‎ a Chinese lesson                                                           一堂语文课 a Maths lesson                                                             一堂数学课 a Computer lesson                                                        一堂计算机课 Do you go to school at seven thirty ?                              你在七点半去学校么?‎ We play basketball only on Thursday .                             我们只在星期四打篮球。‎ her pink sweater                                                                   她的粉红色的毛衣 his brown cap                                                                      他的棕色的帽子 his red T-shirt                                                                      他的红色的短袖衬衫 his blue jeans                                                                       他的蓝色的牛仔裤 her grey skirt                                                                       他的灰色的裙子 whose bike is it ?                                                                  它是谁的车?‎ Here is your coat .                                                                这是你的外套 Take your kites .                                                                  把你们的风筝拿走。‎ Here you are                                                                       给你 Here they are .And here are your socks .                                 它们在这儿,这是你的袜子。‎ Here are my pictures .                                                           这是我的图片。‎ Do you have a camera ?                                                        你有一架相机么?‎ comic book                                                                         漫画书 Do you have any bats ?                                                         你有球拍么?‎ model plane                                                                         模型飞机 whose ball is this ?Is it yours?  No, it’s not mine ,it’s hers .这是谁的球?是你的么?不,不是我的,它是她的。‎ every student has ……                                                         每个学生有……‎ what do they have in their lockers ?                                他们的储物柜里有些什么?‎ a pair of glasses                                                            一副眼镜 what about Millie ?                                                        米莉怎么样?‎ beside ……                                                                  在……旁边 sports shoes                                                                 运动鞋 whose  watch  is  this ?                                            这是谁的手表?‎ Are these hair clips yours ?                                            这些发卡是你的么?‎ I don’t have any yellow hair clips .                                 我没有黄色的发卡。‎ Whose bats are these ?                                                  这些是谁的球拍?‎ Who has a pet in your class ?   Many students have .     你们班谁有宠物?很多学生都有。‎ What pets are they ?                                                      他们是些什么宠物?‎ We can play football there .                                            我们可以在那儿踢足球 You can’t bring your dog here .                                      你不能把你的狗带到这儿来。‎ Look at the sign .                                                          看这个标志。‎ watch TV                                                                    看电视 listen to music                                                             听音乐 fly kites                                                                       放风筝 ride a bike                                                                   骑车 smoke                                                                         抽烟 use a mobile                                                                 打手机 do one’s homework                                                      做……的家庭作业 Do you have a Computer lesson today?                           你今天有计算机课么?‎ Chat with each other at lunchtime                                  在午饭时间彼此交谈 I like playing basketball and pingpong .                            我喜欢打篮球和乒乓球。‎ go to bed                                                                     上床睡觉 I get up at 7:00 a.m./in the morning .                              我早晨七点起床。‎ I go to bed at 10:00 p.m./in the evening .                         我晚上十点睡觉。‎ in the morning /afternoon                                               在早上/在下午 What time do you get up in the morning ?                        你早晨什么时候起床?‎

