人教版英语七(上)期末复习题 (1)

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人教版英语七(上)期末复习题 (1)

人教版七年级英语(上)复习题 一.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1.The third day of a week is Tuesday. 2.I have much time, so I am free now. 3.An hour is 60 minutes(分钟). 4.The book is useful. It is good for us. 5.We learn many subjects in school---Chinese,math,English,music and so on. 6.Miss Zhang teaches us math. She is our favorite teacher. 7.The fourth day of the week is Wednesday. 8.My favorite subject is history,I can learn a lot about the past(过去). 9.Sally is busy now. She has no time to play with her brother. 10.April is the fourth month of the year. 11.My mother’s birthday is on December 13th . 12.September 16th is the boy’s ninth(第九)birthday. 13.When is your brother’s birthday? 14.We have an English test in the afternoon. 15.we have interesting things for you this term. 16.On September 21st ,we have a school trip in the afternoon. 17.March 8th is Women’s Day. We should say thanks to our mothers. 18.Happy birthday to you, Bob! 19.What time is it? I don’t know. I don’t have a watch. 20.May is the fifth month of a year. 21.Can I help you? Yes, Please. 22.How much is your pencil? It’s two dollars. 23.Anna wears a red skirt. 24.My ruler is short. Do you have a long one? 25.This room is small. We need a big room. 26.Two and eleven is thirteen. 27.What color do you want? Blue. 28.When the traffic lights(交通灯)turn green, you can walk across the street. 29.The number after twenty-nine is thirty. 30.Eric doesn’t like rice,he likes eggs. 31.Do you like chicken or fish(鱼肉)? I like fish. 32.I am late for class. So my teacher is angry. 33.My son likes fruit but he doesn’t like vegetables. 34.In the morning I have some pieces of bread for breakfast. 35.I eat lots of healthy food every day. 36.The volleyball star Cindy Smith eats well. 37.What does he like for breakfast? Hamburgers. 38.Can I ask you some questions about your eating habits? 39.I like ice-cream,but I can’t eat it.Because I don’t want to be fat. 40.I have(有) a clock.Barry has(有)a watch. 41.Do you have a soccer ball? 42.It’s 9. You are late for class. 43.I have a tennis ball, but I don’t have a racket(球拍). 44.Let’s play basketball.That sounds fun. 45.I don’t like playing soccer.It’s boring. 46.Let’s play the piano.That sounds difficult. 47.I like playing computer games.I think it’s interesting. 48.I often watch TV.I think it’s relaxing. 49.Do you play games with them(他们)at school? 50.Mr. Black has no son, he only has a daughter. 51.Helen and Linda are good friends. 52.She’s Alice Green.Green is her last name. 53.There are seven days in a week. 54.My father and my mother are my parents. 55.Your mother’s and your father’s brother is your uncle. 56.These are my dictionaries(字典).I need them. 57.The jacket isn’t mine(我的).It’s Linda’s. 58.Excuse me, is this book yours? 59.This is not her schoolbag,hers is red. 60.Where is your schoolbag?It’s under the desk. 61.I think your keys are in your schoolbag. 62.Their hats(帽子)are on their heads. 63.Are the balls on the table? No. They are under the table. 二.完成句子,每空一词。 1.放学后,我踢足球两个小时。 I play soccer for two hours after school. 2Tom 的地理老师是谁? Who is Tom’s geography teacher? 3.Jack 最喜欢的科目是英语。 Jack’s favorite subject is English. 4.你为什么喜欢你们的体育老师? Why do you like your P. E teacher? 5.星期六下午我太忙了,因为我有两节英语课。 On Saturday afternoon I’m too busy, because I have two English lessons. 6.我学校的课在 1:50 结束,但随后我要上两个小时的美术课。 My classes finish at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson for two hours. 7.我喜欢星期二,因为我上地理和历史课。 I like Tuesday because I have geography and history. 8.本学期我们为大家安排了一些有趣又好玩的活动。 We have some interesting and fun things for you this term. 9.你们家长可以前来学校。 Your parents can come to our school. 10.我需要一件上学穿的毛衣。 I need a sweater for school. 11.快来买衣服吧!我们在大甩卖。 Come and buy your clothes at our great sale! 12.两美元一双,三美元两双。 Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs. 13.我们卖的所有衣服的价格都很优惠。 We sell all our clothes at very good prices. 14.让我们想想食物吧。 Let’s think about the food. 15.我不想变胖。 I don’t want to be fat. 16.这对我来说很容易。 It’s easy for me. 17.我们和我们的朋友在学校踢球。 We play soccer at school with our friends. 18.我没有篮球,但是我弟弟艾伦有。 I don’t have a basketball,but my brother Alan does. 19.我认为他有一个篮球。 I think he has a basketball. 20.汤姆的书到处都是——他的床上、沙发上、椅子底下。 Tom’s books are everywhere on his bed,on the sofa and under the chair. 21.杰克吃很多健康的食物。 Jack has lots of healthy food. 22.你喜欢玩电脑游戏吗? Do you like playing computer games? 23.我喜欢体育,但我只是在电视上观看它们。 I love sports,but I only watch them on TV. 24.我们在同一所学校上学。 We are in the same school. 25.打扰一下,我的橡皮擦在哪儿? Excuse me, Where’s my eraser? 26.你能把这些东西带到学校吗? Can you bring these things to the school? 27.我不知道那是他的棒球。 I don’t know that’s his baseball. 28.我丢了我的字典。我必须找到它。 I lost my dictionary. I must find it. 29.请给我发邮件到 Mike2015@yaohu.com. Please e-mail me at Mike2015@yaohu.com. 30.这些钢笔不是吉娜的,她的在教室里。 These pens aren’t Gina’s. Hers are in the classroom. 31.一串钥匙在 7A 教室里。 A set of keys is in classroom 7A. 32.老师问我们关于英语的问题。 The teacher asks me some questions about English. 三.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.I like playing(play) basketball with my classmates. 2.He asks me(I) to help(help) him with his English. 3.It’s easy for us to have(have) a party. 4.It’s a time to run(run)with your father. 5.He wants to watch(watch) TV every day. 6.I want to go out. Let me go(go)with you. 7.It’s hot. What about going(go)swimming? 8.Tom with his parents has(have) a big dinner. 9.I know him(he). And he(he)is my friend. 10.I don’t have time. I ‘m busy doing(do)my homework. 11.January is the first(one) month of a year. 12.Today is Mother’s(mother) Day. Let ‘s say thanks to our mothers. 13.June 1st is Children’s(children) Day. We are so happy. 14.There is(be) a girl and two boys under the tree. 15.He has fun playing(play)soccer. 16.We sell all our clothes at very good prices(price). 17.Tom needs me to play(play) basketball with him. 18.I finish having(have) breakfast. 19.They are Tom’s and Mary’s rooms(room) 20.It’s Tom and Mary’s(Tom and Mary) home. 21.Chicken is delicious. It like to eat it(it). 22.Thank you for helping (help)me. 23.A set of keys is(be) lost.I can’t find it. 24.Two pieces of meat are(be) enough to make a big dinner. 25.I have much(many)bread, so I’m not hungry. 26.Some orange juice is(be) on the table, you can get it. 27.Tom sells(sell) a pen to me. 28.Jack and Tom are(be) my best friends 29.Lucy watches(watch) TV every day, it is bad for her eyes(眼睛) 30.Two cups of water are(be) on the table. You must be careful(小心的). 四.句型转换。 1.I don’t think art is interesting.(改为同义句) I think art is boring. 2.Tom has music on Monday.(划线提问) What does Tom have on Monday? 3.Mr. Wang is his favorite teacher. Who is his favorite teacher? 4.Tom likes Friday best.(改为同义句) Friday is Tom’s favorite day. 5.Tom likes P.E.(改为一般疑问句) Does Tom like P.E.? 6.Her birthday is on June 7th (划线提问) When is her birthday? 7.They have a basketball game this year.(改为否定句) They don’t have a basketball this year. 8.This hat is blue(改为复数句) These hats are blue. 9.What’s the price of the skirts?(改为同义句) How much are the skirts? 10.Jack’s socks are five yuan.(划线提问) How much are Jack’s socks? 11.He likes art because it’s fun.(划线提问) Why does he like art? 12.We have history on Thursday.(划线提问) When do you have history? 13.He is 13 years old. (划线提问) How old is he ? 14.How old is she?(改为同义句) What’s her age? 15.My books are on the table.(划线提问) Where are your books? 16.He is nice(划线提问) How is he? 17.He gets up at six.(划线提问) What time does he get up? 18.He is a doctor.(改为否定句) He is not a doctor.

