人教版七年级英语上册-Starter Units 1~3 单元测试卷

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人教版七年级英语上册-Starter Units 1~3 单元测试卷

Starter Units 1~3 单元测试卷 得分________ 卷后分________ 评价________ 听力部分(20分) 一、听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片。(5×1分=5分) ()1.A. B. C. ()2.A. B. C. ()3.A. B. C. ()4.A. B. C. ()5.A. B. C. 二、听句子,选择正确的答语。(5×1分=5分) ()6.A.Good afternoon,Ben!B.Good evening,Ben! C.Good morning,Ben! ()7.A.I'm fine,thanks. B.Thank you. C.Hi,Bob! ()8.A.Good morning,Ann!B.It's a quilt. C.No,thanks. ()9.A.It's a key. B.How are you? C.I'm OK. ()10.A.Thank you. B.How are you? C.Hello,John! 三、听短对话,选择正确的答案。(5×1分=5分) ()11.What is this? A.A bed. B.A cup. C.A desk. ()12.What is that? A.It's E. B.It's K. C.It's M. ()13.How is Dale? A.Not OK. B.Cold. C.Fine. ()14.What's this? A.A jacket. B.An orange. C.A hat. ()15.What color is the pen? A.Black. B.Green. C.Yellow. 四、听长对话,选择正确的答案。(5×1分=5分) ()16.They meet (他们见面) in the ________. A.morning B.afternoon C.evening ()17.The girl (女孩) is ________. A.Lily B.Cindy C.Betty ()18.How is the girl? A.She is ill. B.She is fine. C.She is not OK. ()19.What's this? A.It's a jacket. B.It's a quilt. C.It's a ruler. ()20.What color is it? A.It's yellow. B.It's green. C.It's purple. 笔试部分(100分) 五、单项选择。(15×1分=15分) ()21.I ________ George.How ________ you? A.am;amB.am;areC.are;areD.are;am ()22.Can you see the ________ on the wall (在墙上)? A.cup B.pen C.map D.key ()23.—Can you ________ “orange”,please? —Yes,ORANGE. A.see B.say C.thank D.spell ()24.________ am Jenny.________ cup is green. A.I;I B.My;My C.My;I D.I;My ()25.英语字母中有两个可以独立组成单词,它们分别是________和________。 A.I;m B.I;Q C.I;A D.f;t ()26.下列都含有/eI/音的一组字母为________。 A.Dd Ee Ff Tt B.Aa Jj Kk Hh C.Ll Mm Nn Ff D.Ii Yy Oo Qq ()27.下列哪组字母组合的中文是“光盘”? A.CCTV B.BBC C.CD D.HB ()28.与字母 R发音相同的单词是________。 A.are B.am C.a D.now ()29.—________,Frank! —Good morning,Dale! A.Good evening B.Good afternoon C.Good morning D.OK ()30.________a yellow jacket. A.This B.That's C.What D.What's ()31.That is ________ map.________ map is yellow. A.a;An B.a;The C.the;A D.the;An ()32.—________ that in English? —It's a quilt. A.What B.How C.How's D.What's ()33.—What ________is the pen? —It's ________. A.color;orange B.color;an orange C.name;an orange D.name;orange ()34.—Hello,Grace! —________,Eric! A.Fine B.Thanks C.Good D.Hello ()35.—What's this in English? —________ A.RULER. B.I'm fine,thanks. C.It's a ruler. D.It's ruler. 六、完形填空。(10×1分=10分) (A=EricB=Alice) A:Good afternoon,Alice! B:__36__,Eric! A:How__37__ you? B:I'm fine,thanks. A:What's this __38__ English? B:It's a jacket. A:__39__ is it? B:It's blue.It's a __40__ jacket. A:__41__ that? B:It's a __42__.It's __43__ yellow pen.And it's __44__ pen. A:__45__ it,please. B:PEN,pen. A:Thanks. ()36.A.Good B.Fine C.Good afternoon D.OK ()37.A.is B.am C.be D.are ()38.A.of B.at C.in D.for ()39.A.What B.What color C.How D.How color ()40.A.yellow B.green C.blue D.brown ()41.A.How B.How's C.What's D.What ()42.A.pen B.jacket C.cup D.ruler ()43.A.an B.a C./ D.the ()44.A.my B.it C.you D.I ()45.A.Spell B.Say C.See D.Thank 七、阅读理解。(10×2分=20分) A Good morning! I'm Lily.This is a cup.It is a purple cup.It is my cup.What's that? It's a pen.It's yellow. Hi! I'm David.What's this in English? It's a map.What color is it? It is blue.It is my map.That is my key.It is black. Hello, I'm Tina.This is my bed.My quilt is on (在……上 ) it.The color of the quilt is yellow.Can you see my jacket? It is on the quilt.It is white. Morning! I am James.What's this? It is an orange.I can spell it,ORANGE.That is a ruler.What color is it? It is brown.It is my ruler. ()46.What color is the pen? A.White. B.Brown. C.Yellow. D.Blue. ()47.David has (有) ________. ①a purple cup②a blue map③a black key④a brown ruler A.①② B.②③ C.③④ D.②④ ()48.The underlined word (画线单词)“bed” means (意思是) “________” in Chinese (中 文). A.教室 B.床 C.操场 D.食堂 ()49.Who (谁) can spell orange? A.Lily. B.David. C.Tina. D.James. ()50.Which statement is TRUE according to the passage (根据文章哪一个表达是正确的)? A.Tina has a yellow bed. B.The quilt is white. C.David has a brown ruler. D.The jacket is on the quilt. B Mrs. White 在教室捡到两件学生的物品,于是她询问 Frank。 Mrs. White:Good morning,Frank! Frank:Good morning,Mrs. White! Mrs. White:Is this your jacket,Frank? Frank:No.My jacket is Size (尺寸)M and this jacket is Size L.My jacket is black and this jacket is blue.It is Eric's jacket. Mrs. White:I see.Is this your ruler? Frank:No,the ruler is orange.My ruler is yellow.It is Alice's ruler. Mrs. White:I see.Thank you,Frank. Frank:You're welcome (不用谢),Mrs. White. ()51.Frank's jacket is Size ________. A.S B.M C.L D.XL ()52.Eric's jacket is ________. A.black B.orange C.yellow D.blue ()53.________ ruler is yellow. A.Frank's B.Alice's C.Eric's D.Mrs. White's ()54.Mrs. White picked (捡到)________. A.a ruler and a pen B.a pen and a jacket C.a jacket and an orange D.a jacket and a ruler ()55.Which of the following is TRUE (下面哪一项是正确的)? A.It's afternoon now. B.Frank has a black pen. C.Alice has an orange ruler. D.Eric's jacket is Size M. 八、词汇运用。(10×1分=10分) A)根据句意及图片提示填写单词。 56.—What's this? —It's a ________. 57.The ________ is green. 58.What color is your ________? 59.It is a ________. 60.The ________ is yellow. B)用方框中的单词填空。 Whatpurplefinemyspell 61.—How are you? —I'm ________,thanks. 62.—________ is that? —It's a quilt. 63.—Can you ________ it? —Yes,MAP. 64.—What color is it? —It's ________. 65.This is ________ ruler.That is Bob's. 九、句子运用。(10×2分=20分) A)根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 66.嗨,格雷丝!早上好! Hi,Grace!________________! 67.这是一把白色的尺子。 This is a ________________. 68.你的钥匙是什么颜色的? ________________are your keys? 69.那个用英语怎么说? What's that ________________? 70.——这是什么? ——它是“V”. —________ this? —________ V. B)按要求完成下列句子。 71.The pen is black.(改为同义句) This is a ________________. 72.I'm fine.(改为同义句) ________________. 73.Mary is fine.(对画线部分提问) ________________Mary? 74.It's a_UFO.(对画线部分提问) ________________ this? 75.is, my, green, quilt(连词成句) ________________________________________________________________________. 十、补全对话。(5×2分=10分) 从方框内所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话。(有两个多余选项) Eric:Good afternoon,Dale! Dale:76.________ Eric:77.________ Dale:78.________And you? Eric:I'm OK,thanks.What's this in English? Dale:Oh,79.________ It's my pencil. Eric:Spell it,please. Dale:PENCIL. Eric:80.________ Dale:It's red. Eric:Thank you. Dale:That's OK.A.How are you? B.It's a pencil. C.Good afternoon,Eric! D.What color is it? E.I'm fine,thanks. F.Good morning,Eric! G.It's yellow. 十一、书面表达。(15分) 假如你是埃里克(Eric),下表是你的好友格雷丝(Grace)现在所拥有的物品,请你问问她 这些物品用英语该如何表达。并根据下表的提示编写你们之间的对话。 提示: 物品 颜色 夹克衫 蓝色 钢笔 黑色 要求:1.语句通顺、语意连贯,字迹工整; 2.包含所给提示,并可适当发挥; 3.至少五个回合(对话开头已给出,不算入总回合数)。 提示词:what,English,color,spell Eric:Good morning,Grace! Grace:Good morning,Eric! Eric : ________________________________________________________________________ Grace : ________________________________________________________________________ Eric : ________________________________________________________________________ Grace : ________________________________________________________________________ Eric : ________________________________________________________________________ Grace : ________________________________________________________________________ Eric : ________________________________________________________________________ Grace : ________________________________________________________________________ Eric : ________________________________________________________________________ Grace : ________________________________________________________________________ 听力材料 一、听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片。 1.I can see X. 2.It's a jacket. 3.This is my CD. 4.Good morning,Li Ming. 5.The ruler is blue. 二、听句子,选择正确的答语。 6.(M)Good evening,Mike! 7.(M)Hi,Lily! 8.(W)Good morning,Eric! 9.How are you? 10.(M)Hello,Cindy! 三、听短对话,选择正确的答案。 11.W:What's this,Mike? M:It's a cup. 12.M:What's that in English,Helen? W:It's M. 13.W:How are you,Dale? M:I'm OK. 14.M:What's this in English? W:It's an orange. 15.M:What color is the pen? W:It's black. 四、听长对话,选择正确的答案。 M:Good afternoon!I'm Nick. W:Good afternoon!I'm Cindy,CINDY. M:How are you,Cindy? W:Fine,thank you. M:What's this? W:It's a jacket. M:What color is it? W:It is purple. 参考答案 一、1~5 BCBAC 二、6~10 BCACC 三、11~15 BCCBA 四、16~20 BBBAC 五、21~25 BCDDC26~30 BCACB31~35 BDADC 六、36~40 CDCBC41~45 CABAA 七、46~50 CBBDD51~55 BDADC 八、56.cup57.pen58.jacket59.key60.orange61.fine 62.What63.spell64.purple65.my 九、66.Good morning67.white ruler68.What color 69.in English70.What's;It's71.black pen72.I'm OK 73.How is74.What is75.My quilt is green 十、76~80 CAEBD 十一、One possible version: Eric:Good_morning,Grace! Grace:Good_morning,Eric! Eric:What's this in English? Grace:It's a jacket. Eric:What color is it? Grace:It's blue. Eric:What's that in English? Grace:It's a pen. Eric:Spell it,please. Grace:PEN. Eric:What color is it? Grace:It's black.

