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人教版初中一年级英语重点句型转换解题方法、专项训练 人教版初中一年级上册英语重点句型 ‎ ‎ ‎ 一、 介词to系列--‎ ‎ 这里to是表示方向、去向的介词,后接名词或代词作宾语。若宾语是人称代词,则要用其宾格形式。     1. give sth to sb(=give sb sth) 当你想表达把某物给某人时,那就用它好了。give后接的是双宾语,指人的sb为间接宾语,指物的sth为直接宾语。如: Give her an apple, please.= Give an apple to her, please. 请给她一个苹果。     2. take sth / sb to ... 此句型意为把......带到......去,它强调的是带走或拿走(即远离说话人)。如: Take the book to the teachers room, please. 请把这本书带到老师的办公室去。  二、动词不定式to系列--‎ ‎ 这里的to虽然和上面的to一模一样,但它的身份不同:它是动词不定式的标志词,其后要接动词原形。看看它在句中的表现吧:     3. help sb (to) do sth (=help sb with sth) 帮助别人也会给自己带来快乐。帮助某人做某事通常锁定help sb (to) do sth。它后面的不定式符号to既可以保留,也可以省略,也可接介词with。如: Bob helps me(to) learn English at school.(=Bob helps me with my English at school.) 在学校,鲍勃帮我学习英语。     4. like to do sth 每个人都有自己的爱好。当你喜欢或想去做某件事时,一定要想到like to do sth。如: We all like to watch football matches. 我们都喜欢看足球比赛。      5. ask sb to do sth 此句意为请某人去做某事。句中的to do sth是指宾语sb所发出的动作,而不是指主语的动作。如: They ask us to have lunch. 他们请我们去吃午饭。 ‎ ‎    6. Its time to do sth (=Its time for sth) 俗话说Time is money, time is life. (时间就是金钱,时间就是生命。)所以我们得树立正确的时间观念,该学习时(Its time to study.)就认真学,该玩时(Its time to play.)就痛快玩。Do you think so?‎ ‎ 三、 特殊疑问句系列     7. What color + ...?     这是一个询问颜色的常用句型。应注意的是,并非对所有带颜色部分提问都用这个句型。应先分清其在句中所作的成分(详见第15期第2面)。如: The car is black. → What color is the car? The black car is my father's. → Which car is your father's?     8. What's the time, please? / What time is it, please? 这两个句型都是"请问几点了?"的意思。当你向对方询问时间时,可用这两个句型。如: -What's the time, please? (What time is it, please? ) 请问几点了? -It's half past eight. 八点半了。      9. How many +复数名词+are there +介词短语? 此句的意思是"在某地有多少......?"。它后面只能接名词的复数形式,不可接单数名词或不可数名词。如: How many children are there in the room? 房间里有多少个孩子?  四、其他 ‎    10. There be + .... 和动词have表示所有关系不同,There be表示的是一种客观存在。be动词的形式取决于其后的名词:若接单数名词或不可数名词,用is;若接复数名词,则用are。 当其后接一系列的名词时,be动词一般与最靠近它的名词在数上保持一致。如: There is a ruler, two pencils and three pens in the box. 盒子里有一把尺子,两枝铅笔和三枝钢笔。     11. I think ....‎ ‎ 在你想发表自己的见解或想法的时候,这句话是最有用的。表示肯定或否定时,你可以说I think so.或I don't think so.。     12. one ... the other ...该句型的意思是 "一个 ...... 另一个......",必须用于两者中。如:  I have two pens. One is red, the other is black. 我有两枝钢笔,一枝是红色的,另一枝是黑色的。     13. Is your friend a boy or a girl?意思是"你的朋友是男孩还是女孩?",这是一个选择疑问句。英语中的选择疑问句是由"一般疑问句+ or + 一般疑问句"构成,or后面的一般疑问句与前面相同的部分常省略。回答时不能用Yes或No来回答,只能选择其一作答。上句可这样回答:He is a boy.或 She is a girl. 也可直接回答A boy. 或 A girl.。‎ 初中英语句型转换的解题方法 ‎ ‎ ‎ 句型转换是中学英语基础训练的典型题型,也是中考必考的重点题型之一。在历年的中考中,句型转换题所占的分值一直挺大,而且有愈来愈高之势。这是因为这种题型可以有效地帮助学生理解并巩固所学的句型,掌握各种句型的内在含义,帮助学生掌握各种句型的句式结构和不同句式的变化技巧,理解并掌握句型与句型间的相互转换规律。学生如能掌握句型转换的解题技巧,对于他们理解并运用所学句型,形成语感,进而培养他们的英语综合运用能力有着极其重要的意义。在日常英语教学中,每位英语教师都十分重视对学生句型转换解题技巧的培养,因为他们深知:只要学生掌握了句型转换的本质含义和解题技巧,不仅能熟练地运用各种句式和句型进行口头表达,还能够熟练地做句型转换题,把所学的句型和句式举一反三,灵活运用,这样就把口头运用转换成了笔头运用,从而培养了学生的综合语言运用能力。 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 一、由肯定句变为一般疑问句 ‎ 由肯定句变为一般疑问句的规则是把助动词置于句子的主语之前而把句子变为疑问语序。解题时应把握以下几点:‎ ‎ 1、句子的谓语动词如果是be动词,则把be动词直接提到主语之前。‎ ‎ (注:在肯定句和一般疑问句中主语的一、二人称要互换。)‎ eg. (1) We are in Class 1, Grade 7 .‎ ‎ → Are you in Class 1, Grade 7 ?‎ ‎ (2) He's polite and helpful .‎ ‎ → Is he polite and helpful ?‎ ‎ (3) There are some birds in the big tall tree .‎ ‎ → Are there any birds in the big tall tree ?‎ ‎ (4) Some Americans are going to visit our school next week .‎ ‎ → Are some Americans going to visit your school next week ?‎ ‎ (5) A new modern bridge is being built over the Changjiang River .‎ ‎ → Is a new modern bridge being built over the Changjiang River ?‎ ‎ 2、句子的谓语动词中如果有情态动词,则把情态动词直接提到主语之前。‎ eg. (1) They can park their cars in front of the supermarket .‎ ‎ → Can they park their cars in front of the supermarket ?‎ ‎ (2) I'd like some more dumplings .‎ ‎ → Would you like some more dumplings ?‎ ‎ (3) Children must be kept away from fire .‎ ‎ → Must children be kept away from fire ?‎ ‎ 3、句子的谓语动词如果是现在完成时或过去完成时,则把时态中的助动词have、has或had ‎ 提到主语之前即可。‎ eg. (1) I have finished reading the interesting book .‎ ‎ →Have you finished reading the interesting book ?‎ ‎ (2) The old woman had been dead before her dauther arrived .‎ ‎ → Had the old woman been dead before her dauther arrived ?‎ ‎4、句子的谓语动词如果是行为动词的一般现在时或一般过去时,在改为一般疑问句的时候,根据主语的人称和单、复数,需要添加助动词do、does或did 。‎ eg.(1) We enjoy the football matches very much .‎ ‎ → Do you enjoy the football matches very much ?‎ ‎ (2) Her mother does some cleaning every morning .‎ ‎ →Does her mother do some cleaning every morning ?‎ ‎ (3)She went to see her doctor yesterday .‎ ‎ →Did she go to see her doctor yesterday ?‎ 注:在添加了助动词的一般疑问句中,行为动词一律为动词原形。‎ 二、由肯定句变为否定句 ‎ ‎ 由肯定句变为否定句的规则是在句中的助动词之后添加否定词not。如果句中的谓语动词的情况和上述1、2、3点相同,则直接在be动词、情态动词和have、has或had之后添加否定词not 。除了be动词的am词形外,否定词not可以和助动词缩写为“助动词 + n't”。而如果句中的谓语动词是行为动词的一般现在时或一般过去时,则要先添加助动词do、does或did,再在其后添加否定词not,分别可以缩写为don't、doesn't和didn't 。‎ 注:在行为动词一般现在时和一般过去时的否定句中,行为动词也一律为动词原形。‎ eg.(1) He is from England .‎ ‎ →He isn't from England .‎ ‎ (2) They can look for things on the Internet in Computer lessons .‎ ‎ →They can't look for things on the Internet in Computer lessons .‎ ‎ (3) I have seen the interesting film already .‎ ‎ →I haven't seen the interesting film yet .‎ ‎ (4) His brother often plays foogball after school .‎ ‎ →His brother doesn't often play football after school .‎ ‎ (5) My grandma came for dinner yesterday evening .‎ ‎ →My grandma didn't come for dinner yesterday evening .‎ ‎ 下面几种句型在变为否定句时情况特殊一些,做题时须引起注意:‎ ‎ (1) I think + 宾语从句。‎ ‎ 该句型在变为否定句时,否定词not应放在主句上,即为:I don't think + 宾语从句。‎ eg. I think it will rain tomorrow .‎ ‎ → I don't think it will rain tomorrow .‎ ‎ (2) 祈使句 ‎ ‎ 祈使句的特征是没有主语,以动词原形开头。在变为否定句时,应在动词原形之前添加助动词don't .‎ eg. (1) Water the flowers .‎ ‎ → Don't water the flowers .‎ ‎ (2) Please clean the blackboard .‎ ‎ → Please don't clean the blackboard .‎ 三、句子的单复数互换 ‎ ‎ ‎ 句子的单复数转换的规则是:对应句中的名词、代词、动词等,能变则变,不能变的,要么保留,要么去掉。要做到熟练掌握并运用这一规则,必须掌握名词的单复数的变化规则,代词对应的人称和单复数,动词的第三人称单数的变化规则等。在解题过程中,还必须具体情况具体对待。‎ eg. (1) The girl is from England .‎ ‎ → The girls are from England .‎ ‎ (2) He is a polite and helpful boy .‎ ‎ → They are polite and helpful boys .‎ ‎ 上述例句中,划线的为能变的,没划线的为该保留的,加 号的a(an)为该去掉的。反之,在由复数变为单数时,则要根据句意在名词之前补上一个a (an)。‎ eg. They are English girls .‎ ‎ → She is an English .‎ ‎ 但是对于"There be"句型,单复数转换时句中的 a / an不能去掉,而要根据句式将其与some或any 互换。‎ eg. (1) There is a boat on the lake.‎ ‎ → There are some boats on the lake.‎ ‎ (2) There isn't a tree behind the house.‎ ‎ → There aren't any trees behind the house.‎ ‎ (3) Is there a pet dog in your home?‎ ‎ → Are there any pet dogs in your home?‎ ‎ (4) There aren't any pictures on the wall of our classroom.‎ ‎ → There isn't a picture on the wall of our classroom.‎ 四、同义句转换 ‎ ‎ 同义句转换就是将所给的句子换个说法。这一题型包含的内容多,形式杂。有词汇的同义转换,句型的同义转换,等。掌握该题型的解题技巧,可以很好地帮助学生理解、掌握所学的词汇和句型的含义,并在此基础上加以活用,对学生形成语言综合运用能力有极大的帮助。要掌握该题型的正确的解题方法,需要在日常的英语学习中不断练习、归纳、积累。一般说来,同义句转换主要有以下几种形式:‎ ‎1、词汇的同义转换 ‎ ‎ 词汇的同义转换主要有同义词、近义词的转换,反义词的转换,和同一个词在不同的句式中的不同的语序的转换等。‎ eg. (1) I spent 50 yuan on the coat.‎ ‎ → I paid 50 yuan for the coat. (同义词的转换)‎ ‎ (2) He likes playing football too.‎ ‎ → He also likes playing football. (近义词的转换)‎ ‎ (3) Millie sits behind Daniel.‎ ‎ → Daniel sits in front of Millie. (反义词的转换)‎ ‎ (4) They are all from America.‎ ‎ → All of them are from America. (词序的转换)‎ ‎2、句型的同义转换 ‎ 常见的句型的同义转换主要有以下几种形式:简单句和简单句的互换,简单句和祈使句的互换,复合句和简单句的互换,复合句和复合句的互换等。‎ eg. (1) My favourite lesson is English.‎ ‎ → I like English best. (简单句和简单句的互换)‎ ‎ (2) He is too young to go to school.‎ ‎ → He isn't old enough to go to school. (简单句和简单句的互换)‎ ‎ → He is so young that he can't go to school.(简单句和复合句的互换)‎ ‎ (3) You can't play basketball in the street.‎ ‎ → Don't play basketball in the street. (简单句和祈使句的互换)‎ ‎ (4) She didn't go to the bookshop yesterday, she went to the library instead.‎ ‎ →She went to the library yesterday instead of the bookshop.(复合句和简单句的互换)‎ ‎ (5) I went to bed after my mother came back last night.‎ ‎ → I didn't go to bed until my mother came back last night. (复合句和复合句的互换)‎ 五、对句中的划线部分提问 ‎ ‎ 对句中的划线部分提问是句型转换题的重要组成部分。该题型的主旨是确定划线部分在句子中是什么成分,用合适的疑问词放在句首代替该部分而构成特殊疑问句。解该题型可使用“三步提问法”。具体步骤如下:‎ ‎1、先选择一个合适的疑问词。‎ ‎ 英语中主要的疑问词有:what , who , when , whose , where , why , which , how , how old , how many , how much , how long , how often , how soon , how far , 等。疑问词的确定要根据句中的划线部分作什么成分。上述疑问词的用法主要为:‎ what :用来询问事物、人的姓名和职业。另外,和不同的词一起使用还可询问具体的方面,如what time 询问时间,what colour 询问颜色等。‎ who :用来询问人,尤其指人与人之间的关系。‎ whose :用来询问归属,即和人之间的所有关系。‎ when :用来询问时间,一般指较大的时间范围。(小范围的时间可用what time )‎ where :用来询问地点。‎ which :用来询问哪一个,主要针对名词的定语提问。‎ why :用来询问原因,标志是because .‎ how :用来询问方式、程度。‎ how old :用来询问年龄。‎ how many :用来询问可数名词的数量,其后要接名词的复数形式。‎ how much :用来询问不可数名词的数量,其后要接不可数名词。如单独使用则表示询问多少钱或对事物了解或喜欢的程度。‎ how long :用来询问事物的长度,也可询问时间长度。‎ how often :用来询问某件事或某个动作在一定的时间范围内重复发生的次数,即频度。‎ how soon :用来询问某件事或某个动作从说话时候起要过多久才会发生,‎ 即询问将来的情况,一般与将来时态连用。‎ how far :用来询问空间距离。‎ ‎2、把原句变为一般疑问句。‎ ‎3、把确定的疑问词放在句首,其后跟上一般疑问句的语序,把划线部分省略即可。‎ 注:如果句中的划线部分是主语或主语的定语,则可用疑问词直接替换而不用一般疑问句的语序。‎ 举例说明: ‎ ‎1、Her mother often gives her nice presents .‎ 思考:本句中的划线部分Her mother 在句中作主语,因而在确定了疑问词who之后,不用将原句改为一般疑问句,直接替换即可。改写后的句子为:Who often gives her nice presents ?‎ ‎2、The boy on the yellow bike is Lucy's brother .‎ 思考:本句中的划线部分on the yellow bike 在句中作主语The boy 的定语,限定是哪一个男孩,因而确定的疑问词是which, 直接替换后的句子为: Which boy is Lucy's brother ?‎ ‎3、I spend about half an hour a day reading English .‎ 思考:本句中的划线部分不是作主语,也不是作主语的定语,因而适用“三步提问法”。‎ ‎(1)先确定疑问词。划线的about half an hour 表示一个时间长度,因而疑问词为how long .‎ ‎(2)把原句改为一般疑问句为:Do you spend about half an hour a day reading English ?‎ ‎(3)把疑问词how long 放在句首,其后跟上一般疑问句,把划线部分去掉,最终的句子为:‎ ‎ How long do you spend a day reading English ?‎ ‎4、Our teacher will be back in ten minutes .‎ 思考:本句中的划线部分不是作主语,也不是作主语的定语,因而也适用“三步提问法”。‎ ‎(1)先确定疑问词。划线的in ten minutes 和一般将来时态连用,表示“在十分钟后”或“过十分钟”,因而疑问词为how soon .‎ ‎(2)把原句改为一般疑问句为:Will your teacher be back in ten minutes ?‎ ‎(3)把疑问词how soon 放在句首,其后跟上一般疑问句,把划线部分去掉,最终的句子为:‎ ‎ How soon will your teacher be back ?‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 句型转换的解题技巧不是一朝一夕就能形成的,需要在平日的学习和练习中用心体会,认真钻研,勤总结,多归纳,善积累。以上是本人在多年的一线英语教学中摸索并总结的一点粗浅的心得体会 单项选择 单选题的特点是知识覆盖面广,综合性强。考生在答单选题时可采取以下办法:‎ ‎  直接法:纯粹考查语法知识(词法、惯用法、搭配及句法)的单选题,考生可根据已有知识,结合题干,直接选定答案,如哪些动词和“to”搭配,哪些动词是“doing形式”,直接做答。‎ ‎  排除法:仔细阅读题干和选项,然后从语义、语法、惯用法等方面先排除一部分选项,也可采取逐层排除的方法,之后集中精力对比、分析剩余选项,从而节省时间,提高效率。‎ ‎  还原法:有些题的题干比较复杂,是对知识点的“变形、包装和深加工”,如使用插入语、感叹句、复合句、疑问句等,也有一些使用了省略、替代等形式,给理解和答题造成干扰。这类试题最好用还原法,还其“庐山真面目”。‎ 人教版初一英语句型转换专练 A.将下列句子改为否定句。(每空一词)‎ ‎1.They are cleaning the classroom. ‎ They cleaning the classroom.‎ ‎2.I can find my watch. ‎ I find my watch.‎ ‎3.She is wearing a sweater today. ‎ She wearing a sweater today.‎ ‎4.There are some bananas on the table. ‎ There are bananas o n the table.‎ ‎5. There is a bottle and a glass under the chair. ‎ There ______ a bottle _____ a glass under the chair.‎ ‎6. She can speak a little Chinese now. ‎ She _______ _______ speak a little Chinese now.‎ ‎7. He has tea in the afternoon. ‎ He ______ ________ tea in the afternoon.‎ ‎8. They know me very well. ‎ They _____ _____ me very well.‎ ‎9. My sister likes meat very much. ‎ My sister ______ _____ meat very much.‎ ‎10. I think he is right. ‎ ‎ I ______ _______ he _______ right.‎ ‎11. Please put these books in the box. ‎ ‎ _____ _____ these books in the box.‎ ‎12. I want some milk. ‎ I ______ ________ _______ milk.‎ ‎13. Go to the classroom. ‎ ‎ ______ _____ to the classroom.‎ ‎14. There are some apples in the basket. ‎ There ______ ______ apples in the basket.‎ ‎15. They are watching TV now. ‎ They _____ ______ watching TV now.‎ B.将下列句子改为一般疑问句。(每空一词)‎ ‎1.There is a river in the picture. ‎ ‎ a river in the picture?‎ ‎2.There are some boys in the room. ‎ ‎ boys in the room?‎ ‎3.They are singing over there. ‎ ‎ over there?‎ ‎4.I am in Class Two. ‎ ‎ in Class Two?‎ ‎5. Tom and Jim stay in China now. ‎ ‎_____ Tom and Jim stay in China now?‎ ‎6. He likes meat a lot. ‎ ‎_____ he ______ meat a lot?‎ ‎7. Americans speak American English. ‎ ‎ _______ Americans _______ American English?‎ ‎8. The boy has many friends. ‎ ‎ _______ the boy ______ many friends?‎ ‎9. Lin Tao often does his homework at 7∶00. ‎ ‎ ______ Lin Tao often ______ his homework at 7:00?‎ ‎10. He buys some eggs every week. ‎ ‎ he eggs every week?‎ ‎11. Miss Gao often buys things in the shop. ‎ ‎________ Miss Gao often ________ things in the shop?‎ ‎12. Jim usually has breakfast at six in the morning. ‎ ‎________ Jim usually ________ breakfast in the morning?‎ ‎13. Han Mei is doing her homework at home. ‎ ‎ _______ Han Mei ______ her homework at home?‎ ‎14. Lily and Lucy want some apples. ‎ ‎ Lily and Lucy want apples?‎ ‎15. They are buying a lot of things from the shop. ‎ ‎______ they ______ a lot of thongs from the shop?‎ C.对划线部分提问。(每空一词)‎ ‎1.There are forty students in our class.‎ ‎ students in your class?‎ ‎2.She is making cakes. ‎ ‎ she ?‎ ‎3.This is Jim's bedroom. ‎ ‎ bedroom this?‎ ‎4. The yellow coat is hers. ‎ ‎ coat is hers?‎ ‎5. This shirt is white. ‎ ‎ is this shirt?‎ ‎6. Tom can speak Chinese and English (对划线部分提问) ‎ ‎_______ language can Tom speak?‎ ‎7. The twins come from the U.S.A(同上) ‎ ‎_____ _____ the twins come from?‎ ‎8. I like these postcards very much. ‎ ‎_____ ______ you like these postcards?‎ ‎9.I like the pictures in this book.. ‎ ‎______ _______you like in this book?‎ ‎10. We teach them English. ‎ ‎______ teach them English?‎ ‎11. We go out on Sundays. ‎ ‎______ _______ you go out?‎ ‎12. My sister likes bread very much. ‎ ‎_____ ______ your sister like bread?‎ ‎13. She doesn't like rice or noodles at all. ‎ ‎_____ _____ she like at all? ‎ ‎14. The boy has many friends. ‎ ‎____ ______ friends _____ the boy ______?‎ ‎15.There are nineteen students in my class. ‎ ‎______ _____ students are there in your class?‎ ‎16. They like to eat different kinds of food. ‎ ‎______ ______ they ______ to eat?‎ ‎17.I am learning English now. ‎ ‎______ ______ you _______ now?‎ ‎18.They teach me Chinese at home. ‎ ‎_____ ______ they you English?‎ ‎19.I learn Chinese at school.‎ ‎ _____ ______ you learn Chinese?‎ ‎20.Our Chinese teacher's name is Joy Wang ‎. ______ is your Chinese teacher’s name?‎ ‎21. She likes to have rice for every meal. ‎ ‎______ ______ she ______ to have fro every meal?‎ ‎22. I like the dining room very much because I like eating. ‎ ‎ ______ ______ you _____ dinning room very much? ‎ ‎23.They like to eat different kinds of food. ‎ ‎______ _____ they _____ to eat? ‎ ‎24.I usually go to school at this time. ‎ ‎______ ______ you usually ______ to school?‎ ‎25.I want to finish my homework. ‎ ‎_____ ______ you want to ______?‎ ‎26.He usually has lunch at 7∶00. ‎ ‎ ______ ______ does he _____ lunch?‎ ‎27.They leave school at six o'clock. ‎ ‎______ _____ they ______ at six o’clcok?‎ ‎28.Jim goes to school every day. ‎ ‎______ _______ Jim ________ every day? ‎ ‎29. Kate gets up at six in the morning on weekdays.‎ ‎_____ ______ _______ Kate _____ up in the morning on weekdays?‎ ‎30. He wants to eat some bread. ‎ ‎_____ _____ he ______ to eat?‎ ‎31.The shop sells books and school things. ‎ ‎ the shop ?‎ ‎32.Tom has eggs and meat for lunch.‎ ‎ Tom for lunch?‎ ‎33. The fish is six yuan a kilo. ‎ ‎ the fish? ‎ ‎34.Mr Read would like two kilos of fish? ‎ ‎ _____ kilos of fish Mrs Read ?‎ ‎35.I want to buy two kilos of meat. ‎ ‎ you want ?‎ ‎36. We can buy many things in the shop. ‎ ‎ buy many things?‎ ‎37. My sister wants three pears.(提问) ‎ ‎________ ________ pears does ________ sister want?‎ ‎38.The man on the bike is Kates father. ‎ ‎________ ________ is Kate's father?‎ ‎39.The children are listening to the teacher. ‎ ‎______ ______ the children ______?‎ ‎40. I like China very much. ‎ ‎____ _____ you ______ China?‎ ‎1.I know the answer.(一般疑问句) ‎ ‎______ ______ know the answer? 2.We can see some birds.(一般疑问句)‎ ‎ ______ ______ see ______ birds? ‎ ‎3.There is a computer in my house.(一般疑问句) ‎ ‎______ ______ a computer in house? 4.There are some flowers on the teachers’desk.(一般疑问句) ‎ ‎______ ______ ______ flowers on the teachers’desk? 5.There are some apples on the tree.(否定式) ‎ There ______ ______ ______ apples on the tree. 6.I think he is very old.(否定句) ‎ I ______ think he ______ very old. 7.Please colour it green.(否定句) ‎ ‎ ______ ______ colour it green. 8.We can speak good English.(变否定句) ‎ We ______ ______ speak good English. 9.Thank you for helping me.(同义句) ‎ ‎ Thank you for ______ ______ . 10.There aren’t any pears in thebox.(同义句) ‎ ‎ There are ______ pears in the box. 11.Whose are these clothes?(同义句) ‎ ‎______ ______ are these? 12.Let me look at your book.(同义句) ‎ ‎ Let me ______ ______ ______ ______ your book. 13.Her sweater is red.(对划线部分提问) ‎ ‎______ ______ is her sweater? 14.My pencils are in the pencil-box.(对划线部分提问) ‎ ‎ ______ ______ your pencils? ‎ ‎15.I get up at six every day.(对划线部分提问) ‎ ‎______ ______ do you get up every day? 16.There are fifty students in my class.(对划线部分提问) ‎ ‎______ ______ students are there in your class? 17.These are cars.(用buses改写成选择疑问句) ‎ Are these cars______ ______ ? 18.The book is in my schoolbag.(变否定疑问句) ‎ ‎ ______ the book in your school-bag? 19.Two boys are in our house.(改为there be句型) ‎ ‎ ______ ______ two boys in our house. 20.Can’t you find the map?(作肯定回答)‎ ‎ ______ ,I______ .‎ ‎21.I know the answer.(一般疑问句)   ‎ ‎______ ______ know the answer? ‎ ‎22.We can see some birds.(一般疑问句) ‎ ‎  ______ ______ see ______ birds? ‎ ‎23.There is a computer in my house.(一般疑问句) ‎ ‎  ______ ______ a computer in house?‎ 一、按要求完成句子(要求:A:改为一般疑问句 B:改为否定句)‎ ‎1. I am a student.→A: B: ‎ ‎2. They are English cars. →A: B:‎ ‎3. This is a pencil-box. →A: B:‎ ‎4. Jim is at school. →A: B:‎ ‎5. These are my English books. →A: B:‎ ‎6. I know his name. →A: B:‎ ‎7. You can go to have a look. →A: B:‎ 二、回答句子(A:肯定回答 B:否定回答)‎ ‎1. Are you a teacher? →A: B:‎ ‎2. Is this your ruler? →A: B:‎ ‎3. Are those banana trees? →A: B:‎ ‎4. Is it a nice room? →A: B:‎ ‎5. Can you see a bird in the sky? →A: B:‎ ‎6. Do you know Mr Wang? →A: B:‎ 三、单复数句变换:‎ ‎1. Is this your box? →:‎ ‎2.That is his new book. →‎ ‎3. She is a woman worker. →‎ ‎4. Are those English books? →‎ ‎5.They are Japanese students. →‎ ‎6. They are some policemen. →‎ 四、就划线部分提问:‎ ‎1.Your book is here. →_____________ __________ your book?‎ ‎2.I’m thirteen. →‎ ‎3.Bill is in Class Five. →___________ ____________ ____________ Bill ____________?‎ ‎4.That’s a map in English. →______________ _______________ in English?‎ ‎5.They are boxes? →_____________ _______________ they?‎ ‎6.The woman is Mrs. Read? →______________ _______________ the woman?‎ ‎7. My father is a doctor. →____________ is ____________ father?‎ ‎8. He is fine. →___________ is he?‎ ‎9.Those apples are green. →____________ ______________ are those apples?‎ ‎10.It’s twelve o’clock now. →____________ _____________ _____________ ____________now?‎ ‎11.It’s seven ten now. →_____________ ______________ ______________ ____________now?‎ 五、改为同义句:‎ ‎1.My name is Kate Green. →____________ _____________ Kate Green.‎ ‎2.What’s the parrot’s name? →What’s the _____________ ____________ the parrot?‎ ‎3.Let’s have a look. →Let’s ______________.‎ ‎4.Those are their black shoes. →Those black shoes _____________ ______________.‎ ‎6.That white shirt is his. →That ____________ _____________ white shirt.‎ ‎7.My ruler is yellow. Your ruler is grey. →My ruler is yellow. ____________ is grey.‎ ‎8.These aren’t our pictures. →These ______________ aren’t ____________.‎ ‎9.Lucy is in Class Two. Lily is in Class Two, too.‎ ‎→Lucy and Lily are in ____________ _____________ ______________.‎ ‎10.How old is he? →What ____________ ______________ _____________?‎ ‎11.Emma is a student, and she is new here. →Emma is a _____________ _____________ here.‎ ‎12.Lily looks like Lucy,and Lucy looks like Lily.→Lily and Lucy __________ __________ _________.‎ ‎13.That’s OK. →(1)That’s ___________ ______________.(2)You ______________ ______________.‎ ‎14.This is a red apple. →This ___________ is ____________.‎ ‎15.She’s Ann’s mother. →Ann is ____________ _______________.‎ ‎16.What’s the time now? →_____________ _____________ _____________ ____________ now?‎ ‎27.Jim is my friend. →Jim is a friend ____________ _____________.‎ ‎28.She’s like her dad. →She ________________ _________________ her father.‎ ‎29.Miss Gao, these are my father and mother. →Miss Gao, these are _____________ ______________.‎ ‎30.You can go and ask your father or mother. →Please go and ask ______________ _______________.‎ ‎33.Can I see your new watch? ‎ ‎→Let me _______________ ____________ _____________ ___________ your new watch, please.‎ ‎34.That woman is Jim’s father’s sister. →That woman is _____________ ______________.‎ ‎35.His aunt’s husband is a policeman. →_____________ ______________ is a policeman.‎ 六、连词成句:‎ ‎1.is , your , what , name (?)→‎ ‎2.good , to , you , morning (.)→‎ ‎3.name , is , Green , my , Mr. (.)→‎ ‎4.to , too , nice , you , meet (.)→‎ ‎5.that , English , is , in , what (?)→‎ ‎6.you , two , are , row , in (?)→‎ ‎7.school , this , No. , middle , 14 , is (?)→‎ ‎8.see , can , your , please , I , licence , car (?)→‎ ‎9.that , is , his , her , pen , pen , or (?)→‎ ‎10.isn’t , today , who , school , at (?)→‎ ‎11. not , this , the , bike , is , twin’s (.)→‎ ‎12.mother’s , light , is , my , green , sweater (.)→‎ ‎13.woman , in , who , blue , the , is (?)→‎ ‎14.the , colour , flowers , please , orange (.)→‎ ‎15.many , kites , there , how , sky , in , the , are (?)→‎ ‎16.colour , are , what , Mrs. , Green’s , sweaters (?)→‎ ‎17.shoes , are , whose , they (?)→‎ ‎18.must , your , look , you , after , new , clothes (.)→‎ ‎19.picture , is , very , this , nice , a (.)→‎ ‎20.boats , any , river , on , there , the , are (?)→‎ ‎21.tree , be , there , many , how (?)→‎

