仁爱版英语七年级上册《Welcome to China》基础检测

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仁爱版英语七年级上册《Welcome to China》基础检测

Unit 1 Topic 1 基础检测试卷 一、写出英文 26 个字母的大小写,注意书写格式、工整!相信您能行(10 分)! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 二、基础选择(20 分) ( )1. Alice: What’s your name, please? Lucy: ________________ A. My name’s Lucy. B. I’m nine. C. I’m Meimei. . ( )2. Alice: Hello, Good morning! Lucy: _____________ A. Hi, Morning. B. Hello, afternoon. C. Hello, Good evening. ( )3. Alice: How are you, Peter? Peter: __________ A. Fine, thanks. B. Guess. C. Great. ( )4. Tom: _______________, Li Lei. LiLei: Nice to meet you, too. A. How are you B. What’s your name C. Nice to meet you ( )5. Lily: _____________? Mike: I’m fine.And you? A. Can I have some water B. How are you C. How old are you ( )6. ______ you Tutu? A. are B. Are C. Is ( )7. What’s ________ name? A. you B. is C. your ( )8. Nice to _______ you. A. Meet B. thank C. meet ( )9. --- Hello. --- _________. A. Thanks you B. Hello C. Oh ( )10. I _____ Bai Ling. A. is B. are C. am 三、选择所给方框的词填空:仔细观察,注意大小写,您会选对的(20 分) nice let's excuse this how fine thank thanks have what's 1.Hello!I'm Kangkang. your name ? 2. to meet you! 3. begin ! 4. me ! Are you Jane ? 5. Mom, is my teacher, Mr Lee . 6. are you ? I'm . you . 7. a nice day ! You, too. 8. How are you ? Not bad , .How are you ? 四、口语交际:写出下列用语的答语(20 分) 1、 Good morning ! 2、 Good afternoon ! 3、 Sit down,please ! 4、 Nice to meet you ! 5、 What's your name ,please ? 6、 How do you do ? 7、 How are you ? 8、 Goodbye 9、 Are you Jane ? 10、 Is she Maria ? 五、用 is / isn't / am / are 填空(10 分): 1、This my teacher . 2、I fine. 3、Is she Maria ?No, she . 4、 you Jane ? No, I not. I Maria. 5、 he Kangkang? No ,he .He Michael. 6、What this in English ? 六、写出下列缩写词的完全形式:(10 分) 1、 I'm = 2、 What's = 3、 Her name's = 4、 isn't = 5、 let's = 七、连词成句:注意大小写(5 分) 1、 this , my, is, teacher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2、 what ,is ,name ,her ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3、 how ,you ,are ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4、 ice ,have ,a ,nice ,day ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5、what ,your,is ,name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 八、阅读理解:(在老师的指导下阅读,5 分) Mary is an English girl, but she lives(居住) in China. She is six. Her mother says to her, “You are six now, Mary, you are going to school. I think it is very good. It’s a nice school.” “Is it a Chinese school?” Mary asks. “Yes, it is.” Her mother says. It is September(九月) and the new school year begins. Mary goes to school every day. She likes her lessons ( 功 课 ) and her classmates( 同 学 )very much. Her classmates like her, too. Mary can speak a little Chinese. She likes China. She likes the people of China and Chinese food very much. 根据课文内容选择最佳答案: ( ) 1. Mary lives in __________. A. England B. France C. Canada D. China ( )2. Mary studies in _________. A. a French school B. a Chinese school C. a Japanese school D. an English school ( )3. Mary likes her _______ and _________. A. school, class B. lessons, classmates C. students, lessons D. teacher, school ( )4. Mary can speak a little__________. A. Chinese B. English C. Japanese D. French ( )5. She likes_______ and _________. A. Chinese, Chinese people B. China, China food C. Chinese food, Chinese people D. the studends of China, the food of China Unit 1 Topic 1 参考答案 一 、略 二、 1. A 2. C 3.A 4. C 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.C9.B10.C 三 、1. What's 2. Nice 3. Let's 4. Excuse 5 . this 6. How , fine , Thank 7. Have 8. thanks 四、1.Good morning 2. Good afternoon 3.Thank you 4. Nice to meet you , too5. My name is ….6. How do you do 7. Fine ,thanks 8. Good –bye 9. Yes , I am . No, I am not 10. Yes , she is . No, she isn’t 五、1. is 2. am 3. isn’t 4. Are , am , am 5. Is , isn’t , is 6. is 六、1. I am 2. What is 3. Her name is 4. is not 5. let us 七、1.This is my teacher. 2.What is her name ?3. How are you ?4. Have a nice day !5. What is your name ? 八、1.D 2. B3. B4. A5. C

