2020-2021七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag真题训练(pdf版附解析)

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2020-2021七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag真题训练(pdf版附解析)

2020-2021 学年初一英语上册真题训练 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag 一、选择填空。(共 10 分,每小题 1 分) 1. There’s a map of China _____ the wall. A. in B. on C. under 答案:B 解析:对介词含义的考查。in 表示在……里面(在内部空间); on 表示在……上面(在外部空间);under 表 示在……下面。结合语境应为中国地图在墙上。 2. —Where are your pens? —______ are in my pencil case. A. I B. You C. They 答案:C 解析:对代词的考查。答句中的主语应指代问句中的 my pens.由于 pens 为复数名词,故用 they 指代。 3. You can’t see the cat. She is ______ the door. A. in B. under C. behind 答案:C 解析:对介词含义的考查。由于搭配名词为 door,故猫只能是在门后。 4. My books and my pen ______ on the desk. A. am B. is C. are 答案:C 解析:考查主谓一致。主语为 my books and my pen 为复数,故 be 动词应为 are. 5. —______ is my baseball? —Under the chair. A. Where B. How C. Who 答案:A 解析:考查特殊疑问词。特殊疑问词的选择应与答语一致。答语为 under the chair,是对方位的描述,所以 问句的特殊疑问词应为 where. 6. Gina always asks where her keys are, because her things are . A. anywhere B. everywhere C. somewhere 答案:B 解析:在语境中考查副词 everywhere. anywhere 为何处,用在疑问或否定句中,somewhere 意为某处与语境 不符。 7. —Are your pencils on the desk? —No, ______. A. they are B. they aren’t C. it isn’t 答案:B 解析:考查一般疑问句及代词。由于答语为 No, 故排除 A 选项。同时问句中的主语为 your pencils 为复数名 词,故用 they 来指代,答案为 they aren’t. 8. Can you take these CDs ______ your sister? A. on B. at C. to 答案:C 解析: 考查动词的搭配。take…to…为把某物带给某人或把某物带至某处。 9. My books and tapes are in the bookcase and my clock is on the desk, so you can see I have a room. A. tidy B. dirty C. easy 答案: A 解析:在语境中考查形容词。有前句可知我的东西放置的仅仅有条,所以应为我有一间整的卧室。 10. —_____ —They are in the bookcase. A. Where are these? B. Where are the books? C. Where’s the book? 答案:B 解析:本题主要是对代词的考查。由于答语中的代词为 they,故问句中的名词应为复数名词,故排除 C,同 时 A 选项中 these 为指示代词故排除。 二、完形填空。(共 10 分,每小题 1 分) Dear Lily, Can you 11 some things to me? I need 12 things: a CD, a hat, a pen, a baseball and a note book. The CD is in the CD 13 on my desk. I have two hats: a red one and a 14 one. They are on my dresser. I 15 the yellow one. The 16 is in the backpack on my chair. The baseball is 17 the chair on the floor. I 18 it in Mom’s room this morning. My notebook isn’t in my room. I lost it this afternoon. 19 you bring your notebook to 20 ? Lucy 11. A. meet B. thank C. spell D. bring 12. A. three B. four C. five D. six 13. A. case B. chair C. sofa D. dresser 14. A. green B. yellow C. blue D. white 15. A. call B. need C. answer D. take 16. A. pen B. pencil C. ruler D. eraser 17. A. in B. for C. at D. under 18. A. lost B. look C. know D. found 19. A. Is B. Do C. Are D. Can 20. A. Dear B. Brothers C. Nice D. Thanks 11. D 解析:bring…to…表示带来。 12. C 解析:由下文 a CD, a hat, a pen, a baseball and a notebook 可知我需要五件东西。 13. A 解析:考查名词。CD 在 CD 架中,故选 A. B 选项为椅子,C 选项为沙发,D 选项在下文提到,可知意为梳 妆台。 14. B 解析:文中提到我有两个帽子,一个是红色的,一个是……,所以此处为对帽子颜色的描述,下文提到黄 色的帽子,故此处答案为 B。 15. B 解析:上下文可知作者是让 Lily 将这五件东西带给她,所以此处为我需要黄色的那顶帽子。 16. A 解析:结合上下文,作者需要五件东西,分别为 a CD, a hat, a pen, a baseball and a notebook,根据描述的先 后顺序可知此处为 a pen. 17. D 解析:由下文的 on the floor 可知此处为 under the chair. 18. D 解析:代词 it 此处指代前文中的 baseball,既然作者已经描述了棒球所在的方位那就证明她在妈妈的房间找 到了棒球,而不是 A 选项丢失,B 选项看(同时 look 为不及物动词不能直接跟宾语)或 C 选项了解。 19. D 解析:询问对方能否做某事故用 can. 20. D 解析:在信件的末尾表达感谢。 三、阅读理解。(共 20 分,每小题 2 分) A My name is Tom. I am thirteen. I am in Grade One. There are four people in my family, my father, my mother, my brother and I. We live in a big house. There are four rooms in the house. We live a happy life. My brother’s room is clean. The flowers are on the table. My family photos are on the wall. His computer is near the bookcase. There are a lot of interesting books in the bookcase. My parents buy them for him and he likes reading books very much. However, my room is messy and my father said my brother had the tidiest room while I have the dirtiest one in my family. I always have to ask my mom where my things are and spend a long time looking for things that I need. I know it’s good to have a clean and tidy room, but I think it is just too difficult for me to keep it. I tell my parents I will have a tidy room when I am as old as my brother. 21. How many people are there in Tom’s family? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. 答案:B 解析:细节考查题。由文章第一段“There are four people in my family”可知。 22. Whose room is the tidiest in Tom’s family? A. Tom’s father’s. B. Tom’s mother’s. C. Tom’s brother’s. D. Tom’s. 答案: C 解析:细节考查题。由文中第二段“my father said my brother had the tidiest room while I have the dirtiest one in my family”可知。 23. Who does Tom always ask for help when he can’t find things? A. His mom B. His father. C. His brother. D. His teacher. 答案: A 解析:细节考查题。由原文 “I always have to ask my mom where my things are”可知。 24. What kind of room does Tom like? A. messy room. B. tidy room. C. beautiful room. D. cool room. 答案: B 解析:细节推断题。有原文“I know it’s good to have a clean and tidy room, but I think it is just too difficult for me to keep it.”可知 Tom 的房间虽然很乱但是他认为拥有干净整洁的房间是很好的,由此可知他也喜欢整洁的房 间,只是对他来说太难以保持房间的整洁了。 25. From Tom, when will he have a tidy room? A. when he is fourteen. B. when he is in Grade Three. C. when he works. D. when he is as old as his brother. 答案:D 解析:细节考查题。有文中最后一句话可知。 B It’s a good habit to say “Thank you” when others help you or say something kind to you. You should say “Thank you” when someone passes you the salt on the table, when someone says you do your work well, or you buy a nice thing, or your city is very beautiful. “Thank you” is used not only between friends, but also between parents and children, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives. “Excuse me” is another short sentence that is often used. It’s not polite to break others when they are talking. If you want to speak to one of them, say “Excuse me” first, and then begin to talk. You should also do so when you want to cough or make any other noise before others. Let’s all learn to say “Thank you” and “Excuse me”. (2010 年顺 义一模 A 篇) 26. You should say “Thank you” when ________. A. you want to cough before others B. make any other noise before others C. you want to speak to one of the two speakers D. others give you a hand or say something kind to you 答案: D 解析:细节查找题。原文第一句话 It’s a good habit to say “Thank you” when others help you or say something kind to you.可知答案为 D。 27. You should say “Excuse me” when ________. A. you do something that may trouble others B. someone passes you something you need C. someone says you’ve done a good job D. someone says something nice about your clothes 答案:A 解析:细节查找题。由文章第三段可知,同时其余三个选项由第二段可知均应说 Thank you。 28. “Thank you” is used between except (除了) . A. friends B. strangers C. children D. husbands and wives 答案:B 解析:细节查找题。由文中第一段最后一句话可知。 29. It’s a ______ to say “Thank you” or “Excuse me” to others when necessary. A. rule B. work C. bad way D. good habit 答案:D 解析:细节查找题。由文中第一句话“It’s a good habit to say “Thank you” when others help you or say something kind to you”可知。 30. Why does the writer write this article(文章)? A. To tell us when we should say “Thank you” and “Excuse me”. B. To tell us why we should say “Thank you” and “Excuse me”. C. To show us the importance of saying “Thank you” and “Excuse me”. D. To ask us to say “Thank you” and “Excuse me” more when necessary. 答案: D 解析:推断题。本题是关于作者写作目的的推断题。文章最后作者发出倡议“Let’s all learn to say “Thank you” and “Excuse me”,由此可以看出作者主要是呼吁人们在遇到文章中所说的情形时(即必要时)要说 “Thank you” and “Excuse me”。 四、词汇。(共 10 分,每小题 1 分) A. 根据句意及首字母提示补全所缺单词。(共 5 小题) 31. ----I can’t open the door, because I lost my k . ----Don’t worry. Let me help you find them. 答案: keys 解析:通过语境要关注名词的单复数。 32. Jack’s h_________ is on his head. 答案: hat 解析:句意为……在他的头上,结合首字母,应为 hat(帽子)。 33. Kate’s books are in the bookcase, b_________ Rita’s books are everywhere. 答案:but 解析:前后两句为转折的关系,故填 but。 34. I learn English by listening to t_________. 答案:tapes 解析:句意为我通过听磁带来学习英语。此处不可能是只听一盘磁带,所以应关注复数。 35. I k_________ where my pencil box is. 答案:know 解析: 句意为我知道我的铅笔盒在哪里。know:了解,知道. B. 用划线部分的反义词或对应词填空。(共 5 小题) 36. My ruler is not on the chair. It’s_________ the chair. 答案:under 37. Tom’s room is dirty, but Gina’s room is . 答案:tidy 38. --Where do you want to go? —_________ here, please. I can tell (告诉) you. 答案:Come 解析:选择的是动词时,注意时态的形式;首字母大写。 39. My schoolbag is red, but Tom’s is_________. He says that looks cool and he doesn’t need to wash it. 答案:black 解析:从语境他觉得很酷并且不需要清洗可以看出 Tom 的书包是黑色。 40. ---Is that your pen? ---No, it isn’t. _________ is my pen. 答案:This 解析:代词的考查。注意首字母的大写。that 为远指,this 为近指。 五、按要求改写下列句子。每空一词。(共 10 分,每小题 2 分) 41.His book is in his schoolbag.(对划线部分提问) 答案:Where is his book? 解析:对物品的位置进行提问用特殊疑问词 where。 42. My notebook is on the sofa. (改为否定句) 答案:My notebook is not on the sofa. 解析:含有 be 动词的句子改为否定句时只需在相应的 be 动词后加 not。 43. Her clock is on the table. (改为一般疑问句) 答案: Is her clock on the table? 解析:含有 be 动词的句子改为一般疑问句时应该 be 动词前提。 44. This is Gina’s model plane. (对划线部分提问) 答案:Whose model plane is this? 解析:whose 谁的 45. The tape player is on the teacher’s desk. (改为否定句) 答案: The tape player is not on the teacher’s desk. 解析:在 be 动词的相应形式后加 not 构成否定。 六、短文填空。(共 10 分,每小题 2 分) 根据短文内容及图片提示完成下面的短文。 I can’t find what I need, because my things are 46 . I have to 47 my mom where my keys are and where my ruler is. You see, my schoolbag is 48 the floor and my 49 are on the chair. My pencil box is 50 the bed. Oh, where is my 51 ? I like it very much and I am good at playing it. Yes, it’s on the floor, next to the tape. 答案:46. everywhere 47. ask 48. on 49. books 50. under 51. model plane 解析:根据短文内容及图片所提示物品的位置补全短文。 七、书面表达。(15 分) 请简单描述自己房间中物品摆放的位置并谈谈自己对房间的看法。要求使用 on, in 和 under。不少于 40 词。 . One Version: I have a tidy room. My dictionary and my radio are on the desk. My pencil box is in my schoolbag and my schoolbag is under the desk. I like reading very much, so I have a lot of books. My books are in the bookcase. I can find then easily. I like my room and I think it’s important to have a clean and tidy room. 解析:信息点要齐全。既要描述自己房间中物品的摆放位置又要简单谈论自己对于自己房间的看法。同时 可适当使用丰富的词汇和句型,但介词 in, on 和 under 必须要在文中用到。最后要注意句子的完整性和准确 性。字数要够。

