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Unit 1 My name’s Gina Period One 课前准备 教师:准备游戏时所用的图片(食物、蔬菜、动物)。‎ 学生:准备表演时所需道具(服装、假发)。‎ 教学设计 Step One :Present the sentence patterns.‎ 1. Play a game “How many words do you know?”(利用小游戏调 动学生的积极性,同时通过对冠军的介绍引出本课。)‎ Teacher:After the study of the first three starters, I think ‎ most of the students must have known a lot of words. How many ‎ words do you know? Let’s play a game to see who know? Let’‎ s play a game to see who knows the most.‎ ‎(Divide all the students into several groups and show a pictur(图片略) to them with the computer. Every group can choose two students to join. They are asked to come to the blackboard and write down the words in 30 seconds.)‎ ‎(Group 2 is the champion group.They can write 11 words.)‎ 2. Introduce the champion group to the class.(引课方式贴近 生活,学生易于接受)‎ Teacher:Congratulations, now Group 2 is the champion. But I don’t know your names. Would you like to introdrce yourselves to us?‎ S1& S2:Yes.‎ S1:Hello.My name is Li Lei.Nice to meet you.‎ Ss:Hello, Li Lei. Nice to meet you ,too.‎ Ss:Hello!What’s your name?‎ S2:I’m Sun Ping.How do you do?‎ Ss:How do you do ?‎ Step Two:Drills.‎ 1. Make introductions.(通过句型的操练使学生更加熟练掌握所学 的句式。)‎ Teacher:The new term begins.Everyone will meet many new classmates. Do you want to make friends with them? If your answer is “yes”, please introduce yourself in your group.‎ Example:‎ Sa:Hello! I’m Li Lei. What’s your name?‎ Sb:My name’s Zhang Feng.Nice to meet you.‎ Sa:Nice to meet you,too.And what’s your name,please?‎ Sc:Lin Li. How do you do?‎ Sa:How do you do?‎ 2. Listen and number the conversations.‎ Teacher: Today I have good news for you. Three new students will come to our class.They are from other countries. Do you want to know them? Let’s listen to the recording of 1b in Section A.‎ ‎(Students listen to the tape and give the right answers.)‎ Step Three:Make friends.‎ 1. Make new friends.(用谈话的方式完成任务,生动活泼,同时更 容易向学生进行美德教育。)‎ Teacher:Now everyone has some new friends. Do you want others to know them? Do you want more friends? Let’s introduce our new friends to others,OK?‎ Ss:OK.‎ Example:‎ Sa:This is my new friend. His name is Sun Nan.‎ 66‎ Sb: Hello, Sun Nan. Nice to meet you.‎ Sc:Nice to meet you, too.Look! This is my new friend. Her name is He Lu.‎ Ss:How do you do?‎ Sd:How do you do?‎ ‎(Students can stand up and introuduce their friends to others freely.They can greet each other warmly.Everyone in the class can have more friends.They can also know something else about them.)‎ 1. The New comers.(以表演的形式完成,使课堂气氛达到高潮。)‎ Teacher:Just now I said three new students from other countries would come to our class.Now,look!They are here.Let’s give them a warm welcome.‎ ‎(Three “foreign” students come in and all the students clap warmly.)‎ Teacher:It’s their first time to come to China.Would you like to listen to their introductions?‎ Ss:Yes.‎ ‎(Three students can make introductions and act out the dialogue vividly.)‎ Step Three: Sum up.‎ Some students are asked to sum up this lesson. It is how to make new friends and how to greet them.It is very important in the daily life.‎ Homework ‎“How do you meet new visitions at home?‎ Period Two 课前准备 教师:准备歌曲磁带(歌词)、情景图片及上课所需表格。‎ 学生:需要向父母了解自已名字的含义。‎ 教学设计 Step One:Revise the sentence patterns.‎ 1. Sing an English song.(用唱歌的方式既带动了气氛,又复习了 所学内容。)‎ Teacher:Yesterday we’ve known each other already.Do you remember your new friends’ names? If you do, let’s sing the song “What’s your name?”.‎ Hello! Hello! What’s your name? My name’s Gina.‎ Hello! Hello! What’s his name? His name’s Peter.‎ Hello! Hello! What’s her name? Her name’s Anna.‎ 2. Listen to the conversations and finish the exercises.‎ Teacher:Yesterday I made a new friend.Her name is Jenny.She is very lovely. She introduces many friends of hers to me. Do you want to know about them? Let’s listen to the tape and find out some useful information.‎ ‎(Students listen to the tape and give the right answers.)‎ 3. Act out the dialogues.(在特定的情景下表演对话更符合实际,‎ 更贴近生活。)‎ Teacher:Now you've known something about introductions and greetings.But if you are in other places,how do you introduce yourself and greet others? Look at the four pictures and imagine you are in such a situation, how do you get to know new friends?‎ ‎(Students can choose any picture they like and act out the dialogues.)‎ Example:‎ ‎(At a party)‎ Sa:Hello! I’m Lucy Green. What’s your name?‎ Sb:My name is Kate Brown, Jim’s classmate.Nice to meet you.‎ Sa:Nice to meet you,too. I’m Jim’s sister.Welcome to Jim’s birthday party. Make yourself at home.‎ Sb:Thanks, I will.‎ Step Two:Choose English names.‎ 1. Play a name game.(有效引出“英文名字”这一主题。)‎ 66‎ Teacher:As we know, everyone has a name.Each name has its special meaning and so do English names. Do you want to have an English name? If you do, let’s play a name game.The winners of the game will get English names.‎ Rules: Every student should introduce himself or herself,but at the same time he (she ) should repeat all the above-mentioned classmates' names.‎ Example:‎ S1: My name’s Tony.‎ S2: His name’s Tony. My name’s Linda.‎ S3: His name’s Tony. Her name’s Linda. My name’s Nick.‎ S4: His name’s Tony. Her name’s Linda. His name's Nick. My name's Kim.‎ S5:…….‎ 1. Choose English names.‎ ‎1).Find out first names and last names.(用小组的方式完成名字的识别。)‎ Teacher:Congratulstions to the winners. Now you choose English names from the box. But before you choose names, you must know English names have two parts:first name and last name. Look at the box, can you classify them according to the demands?‎ Jenny Gina Alan Mary Jim Tony Tom Bob Mike Green Miller Jack Smith Brown Linda Nick Kim Hand ‎ Period Three 课前准备 教师:准备所需的歌曲磁带、名片样本及各项表格。‎ 学生:制作名片所需的纸张、画笔等。‎ 教学设计 Step One: Present the English numbers.‎ 1. Sing the song “Ten Little Indian Boys”.(歌曲欢快有趣,比起单纯教授单词更为有效。)‎ Teacher: During the first two classes, we’ve known something about new friends names. But if we want to contact them. What shall we do?‎ S1: A telephone call.‎ T: But you don’t have their telephone numbers.‎ S1: Ask for their telephone numbers.‎ T: If we want to know about their telephone numbers, we must learn how to say these numbers in English. Let’s learn to sing “Ten Little Indian Boys”.‎ Words One little, two little, three little Indisns,‎ Four little, five little, six little Indians,‎ Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians,‎ Ten little Indian boys.‎ ‎(After singing the song, tell the students not to forget “zero”.)‎ T: Count the number together from zero to nine.‎ S2: Zero…‎ 2. Listen to the conversation and write the telephone number.(通过听力复习单词。)‎ Teacher: This is my friend’s telephone number. But I can’t hear it clearly. Could you please help me write it down?‎ ‎(Students listen to the recording of 1b in Section B and give the answer.)‎ Step Two: Drills.‎ 1. Make a survey about your partners’ telephone numbers.(调查组内成员的电话号码,重点练习所学句式。)‎ Teacher: Thank you for your help. But do you want to know your friends’ telephone numbers? Now let’‎ 66‎ s make a survey about it and try to fill in the chart.‎ Name Telephone numbers Li Lei Liu Yu Lin Fang Yin Kailin S1: Hello, Liu Yu. What’s your telephone number?‎ S2: My telephone number is …‎ S1: Oh, thank you. What about yours, Lin Fang?‎ S3: It’s…‎ S1: … And may I know your phone number, Yin Kailin?‎ S4: …‎ S1: Thank you very much. Oh, I nearly forgot. My telephone number is…‎ 1. Report it to the class.‎ ‎(After the survey, every group can choose a student to report the survey result to the class.)‎ Example:‎ ‎ My telephone number is… Liu Yu’s phone number is… Lin Fang’s telephone number is… Yin Kailin’ s phone number is…‎ 2. Listen and match the names and telephone numbers.(制作电话号码簿这一任务能够大面积调动学生装的参与意识。)‎ Teacher: I will play the recording twice. The first time just listen. The second time, write the letter of the person’s telephone number in the space after that person’s name.‎ ‎ (Students listen to the tape .)‎ T: Next, I’ll play the recording again. This time, fill in the missing numbers.‎ ‎(Students listen to the tape again .)‎ T: Can you find out whose telephone numbers they are ?‎ S:…‎ 3. Make an address book.‎ Teacher: The new term begins. Our class needs an address book to contact each other. Now we can put all the information together and then we can have our own address book. Pay attention to the address book headings “Names” and “Phone numbers”. Now work in groups of six and ask your group members “What’s his /her name? And What’s his/her phone number?”‎ Step Three: Make an ID card.‎ 1. Show some different ID cards to the class and try to enjoy them.(向学生展示不同种类的名片,一方面开阔学生眼界,一方面便于学生找出名片所含内容。)(引导学生有效搜集名片上的信息,提高学生的阅读能力。)‎ Teacher: Now our class has a very useful address book. We can use it to talk with others on the phone. But for most adults, ID cards are more important because they are easy to take along. What’s more, they are very enjoyable. Sometimes they can show the owners’ special personalities. Look at the ID cards below and try to enjoy them.‎ 66‎ Teacher: From the cards above, what can you find out ?‎ S1: It must have a person’s name…‎ S2: Sometimes it has a motto.‎ T: Yes, It must have a person’s name, postcode, telephone number, home address and e-mail address. So if you have a chance to make an ID card, you must think about all the above. But before you make your card, first let’s learn how to get information from the card. It’s very important.‎ 1. Read the ID card and answer the questions.(提供参考信息,但允许学生创新。)‎ Teacher: Look! Here’s an ID card of my friend’s. Please look at it and find out some useful information about her.‎ FIRST NAME:‎ Jenny LAST NAME:‎ Brown TELEPHONE NUMBER:‎ ‎535-2375‎ 1. What’s her telephone number?‎ 2. What’s her family name?‎ 3. What’s her first name?‎ Homework 1. Students are asked to make ID Cards of their own.‎ Demands: A. Useful information must be included.‎ ‎ B. It can be designed as beautifully as possible.‎ ‎ C. Students may show their own personalities if possible.‎ Personal Information First name:________________ Last name:_________________‎ English name:______________ School:_____________________‎ Class:____________________ Phone number:______________‎ Home address:____________________________________________________‎ E-mail:__________________________________________________________‎ Motto:___________________________________________________________‎ 66‎ 1. Find out the information about the famous person.‎ Period Four 课前准备 教师:准备评价表、名人图片和一张个人海报。‎ 学生:准备好完成的名片参加展览。‎ 教学设计 Step One: Make an ID card show.‎ 1. Show the ID cards to the students.‎ Teacher: Yesterday all of you made some beautiful ID cards.Today we’ll make a show here. Let’s enjoy it together and try to choose the best ones.‎ 2. Find the owner of the card.‎ Teacher: The ID card show is over. All the cards are mixed together. I can’t find the owners. Who can help me?‎ S1:I can.(Show one of the cards to another students.)‎ S1:Excuse me, are you in ...?‎ S2:Yes, I am.‎ S1:What’s your telephone number?‎ S2:It’s...‎ S1:Are you...?‎ S2:Yes, I am.‎ S1:Here’s your ID card.‎ S2:Thank you.‎ ‎ (Teacher asks more students to find the owners of ID cards).‎ Step Two: “Face to Face”.‎ 1. Play a guessing game.‎ Teacher: ID cards are useful.But some persons’names are known to all the people.They are very famous.Now look at the pictures and guess their names.‎ ‎ (The teacher shows some famous person’s pictures and students guess their names and give their answers.)‎ 2. Collect useful information.‎ Teacher:These persons are very famous.But it’s better for us to know something else about them. Before class you’ve been asked to collect some information. Now let’s exchange it together.‎ 66‎ 1. Report it to class.‎ Each group can choose a student to give a report about their favourite person. The other students can ask him some questions in class.‎ Example:‎ S1:This is Michael Jordan.He’s years old.He’s... He speaks...His birth place is ... He is a famous ...player. He’s a member of six Chicago Bulls championship teams. ‎ People like to call him “Air Jordan”.‎ S2:Do you like Michael Jordan? Why or Why not?‎ S1:Yes, I like him very much because he’s so ...‎ S2:Do you want to be a basketball player like him?‎ S1:Of course I do. That’s my dream.‎ Step Three:Make a poster about yourself.‎ Teacher: Do you want to be famous all over the world?‎ First you must learn to show yourself. Now you have a chance to do that. Please try to make a poster about yourself.In your poster you should try to introduce yourself.‎ ‎ (Students can write a passage about themselves. They can give some personal information.They can alse design the poster as well as they can.)‎ Homework Students are asked to sun up this unit,especially about how to talk with others politely.‎ Unit 2 Is this your pencil?‎ 教学内容 本单元围绕着“Is this your pencil?”这一主题开展听、说、读、写等多种教学活动,其教学核心内容是“确认物主”。通过本单元的教学,使学生学会辨认物品的所有者,学会根据场景询问物品的所属,以及英语中对应的表达法,学会写寻物启事和失物招领。教师应着力培养学生能在日常交际交往中有效地使用语言进行表达,与他人沟通信息,为今后学习打下坚实的语言基础.‎ 教学目标 1) 知识目标:A.学习并掌握指示代词: this、 that;‎ B.学习What引导的特殊疑问句;‎ C.学会Yes/No问句及其简单回答;‎ D.学会句型:---How do you spell pen? P-E-N.‎ ‎2)能力目标:A.能辨认物品的所有者;‎ B.根据不同场景,能用英语对物品的所属进行提问和回答;‎ C.能识别不同句式的语调(陈述句,疑问句);‎ D.培养学生听、说、读、写的能力及创新思维能力.‎ ‎3)情感目标:A.通过寻找主人的游戏和失物招领等活动,培养学生拾金不昧的良好的品德及健康向上的人格;‎ ‎ B.通过开展小组活动,指导学生积极与他人合作,相互学习、相互帮助,共同完成学习任务.‎ 教学重点、难点 重点:A.掌握批示代词this、 that用法;‎ ‎ B.掌握特殊疑问句和Yes/No问句及其简单回答.‎ 难点:学会写寻物启事和失物招领.‎ 课时安排 66‎ 第一课时 Section A 1a-1c 第二课时 Section A 2a-4b 第三课时 Section B 1a-2c 第四课时 Section B 3a-4 Self-check 1-3‎ ‎ Period One 课前准备 教师:录音机,图片,物品实物.‎ 学生:实物(学习用品).‎ 教学设计 Step One: Warming up.(通过复习形容词性物主代词,把学生引入学习英语的 情境中。)‎ Learn the chant.‎ T:Let’s sing the chant together.‎ my 是我的,your是你的,男他的是his,女她的是her; 名词前面常站岗,限定所 属有功劳.‎ Step Two: New words.(利用实物教学,使得教学过程自然、形象。)‎ 1. Present the new words.‎ T:Boys and girls, look at this please. What’s this in English?‎ ‎(Teacher holds a pen in the English.)‎ S1:A pen.(Ss may say it in English.)‎ T:Yeah.It’s a pen.And what’s this?‎ ‎(The teacher holds an eraser in the hand.)‎ S2:It’s an eraser.‎ ‎(Teach the other words such as “pencil, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, backpack, pencil sharpener, and dictionary” in the same way.)‎ 2. Practice the new words.‎ T:Now,please look at the pictures in your books. Can you put the words with the objects in the right pictures? Write the letters next to the words, please.(Give Ss about two minutes to finish 1a.)‎ T:OK,let’s check the answers.Who can tell us the answers?‎ S2:…‎ Step Three: Present the drills.‎ 1. Present the drill “Is this…?Yes/No,it is/isn’t.”(利用实物引入句型,使用不同人的物品来引入形容词性物主代词和名词的搭配的用法。)‎ ‎(Hold the teacher’s pen.)‎ T:This is my pen.Is this your pen?‎ S1:No,it isn’t.It’s your pen.‎ T:(Hold the student’s pen.) This is your pen. Is this your pen?‎ S1:Yes,it is. It’s my pen.‎ T:(Hold a girl’s pen.) This is her pen. Is this your pen?‎ S1:No,it isn’t.It’s her pen.‎ T:(Hold a boy’s pen.) This is his pen. Is this your pen?‎ S1:No,it isn’t. It’s his pen.‎ T:Thank you.‎ 2. Practice the drill “Is this your…?” in pairs with your own school things.Pay attention to the use of my, your,his or her.(利用学习用品操练句型,并加深对物主代词的理解。)‎ S3:Is this your…?‎ S4:…It’s my…‎ S3:Is this…?‎ S4:…It’s his/her…‎ ‎(The teacher asks a few pairs to practice.)‎ 66‎ 1. Present the drill “Is that …? Yes/ No, it is/isn’t.”(利用教师所站位置的不同来引入批示代词that的用法,并从位置关系上让学生准确理解this ,that的区别。)‎ T:That is my book. Is that my book?‎ ‎(Put a book on the teacher’s table so that the Ss can see it clearly, and the teacher stands a little far from the table.)‎ S5:Yes, it is .It’s your book.‎ T:That is his book.Is that your book?‎ ‎(Put a boy’s book on the table and the teacher in the same place.)‎ S5:No, it isn’t.It’s his book.‎ T:That is her book.Is that your book?‎ ‎(Put a girl’s book on the table and the teacher in the same place.)‎ S5:No,it isn’t.It’s her book.‎ ‎(Teach and practice the drill “Is that …?” and its answer.)‎ 2. Practice the drill “Is that your…?” in pairs with your own school things.(通过练习,区别两个批示代词的用法。)‎ S6:Is that your…?‎ S7:… It’s my ….‎ S6:Is that your…?‎ S7: …It’s his/her…‎ ‎(The teacher asks some pairs to practice.)‎ 3. Listening.(进行听力练习,巩固所学的句型。)‎ T:Now please listen to the three conversations,the first time you only listen.Then I play again. And this time you listen and number the conversations.‎ ‎(Point to the boxes to show where students write the numbers for the conversations.Teacher plays the tape and students listen to it and finish 1b.)‎ T:Let’s check the answers, OK?‎ S8:(from left to right)‎ T:Thank you.‎ 4. Practice the drills according to the pictures using“his or her”.(设置情景,使学生在情景中准确运用物主代词his或her。)‎ ‎(Show students four pictures like the followings.见课件。)‎ Step Four: Task “Have a contest”.(把两个学生的文具混在一起,然后请他们分别 挑 出自己和同伴的物品,用的时间少者为胜者。挑选物品的同时,要求学生用英语说出:This is my…That is her/his…)‎ T:I’ll put your things and your friends’ things together.I want to see if you can identify which is yours and which is hers or his.‎ ‎(Put the same number of the things together, and first ask them to pick out their own things and their partners’ things. Then ask them to give a report, using the key words and target language. One student picks up the things while the other counts the time as well.)‎ Languages used for the task:‎ 1. This is my…‎ 2. That is her/his…‎ Step Five: Summary.(编一个Chant ,便于学生进一步识记本节课所学的重点词汇和语言项目。注意应强调Chant 的节奏和一般疑问句的语调。)‎ Chant.‎ T: In this class, we’ve learned the names of some common personal possessions and how to identify ownership. Let’s learn to say this chant.‎ Is this my book? Yes, it is.‎ Is that your ruler? No,it isn’t.‎ Is this her pencil? Yes, it is.‎ 66‎ Is that his erase r? No,it isn’t.‎ Homework.‎ Read the new words and the target languages presented in this class and say the chant to improve your spoken English.‎ Period Two 课前准备 教师:录音机,所学物品的图片,一个书包(里面装着事先收集的学习文具),表格若干张。‎ 学生:一张硬纸写上自己的姓名和电话号码,学习的物品。‎ 教学设计 Step One: Revision.‎ 1. Review the drills.(用学生的姓名和电话号码来复习句型:Is this (that) your (his/her)…?及简短回答:Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.注意教师提问的同时,用手势来帮助学生给出你预想的答案。)‎ ‎(Put some paper with the names and telephone numbers on the blackboard.)‎ T: Please look at the blackboard. And answer my questions , please . Is this your first name?‎ S1: No , it isn’t.‎ T: Is that her last name?‎ S2: Yes, it is.‎ T: Is this his telephone number?‎ S3: Yes, it is.‎ T: Good. This time, who would like to come to the blackboard and ask questions like me?‎ ‎(Students in turn come to the blackboard, point to the paper and ask questions, then ask other students to answer.)‎ 2. Review the vocabulary.(在黑板的名字旁边贴上学习物品的图片,来复习所学的单词和句型。)‎ ‎(Put some pictures of things students have learned in class next to the names of the students.)‎ T: Is this your ruler? (Point to Picture 1.)‎ S4: No,it isn’t.‎ T: Is this her ruler? (Point to Jenny Chen.)‎ S4: Yes, it is.‎ T: Is that your pencil case? (Point to Picture 2.)‎ S5: No, it isn’t. ‎ T: Is that his pencil case ? ( Point to Jim Wang.)‎ S5: Yes, it is.‎ ‎(Get the students to ask the questions in turn, make sure they use the items they like.)‎ Step Two: Listining. ‎ 1. Listening (2a). (练习听力前,先让学生再一次说出图片中物品的英文,进一步强化重点单词。)‎ T: Please look at the pictures in 2a. Can you say their English name? (Teacher asks the students to name each one individually.)‎ S6: This is…‎ S7: This is …‎ ‎……‎ T: Now please take out the objects in 2a and put them on the desk. You will listen a dialogue and please pick up the things you hear. Let’s see who will do fastest and best.‎ ‎( Play the recording for the students to listen.) (让学生把听到的物品选出来,放在自己的桌子上,让学生动手去做,比单纯的单词辨听更易引起学生学习的兴趣。)‎ T: Now let’s check the answers. Please hold the things you hear and say their English names,OK?‎ ‎(Make sure students hold the things to show them to the other students.)‎ S8: Pencil.‎ S9: ……‎ 2. Listening (2b). (进一步强化重点词汇后,进行听力练习,要求完成单词的拼写。)‎ 66‎ T: Now please read the words. One holds the things, the others read them aloud one by one.‎ ‎(One student holds the things, and the other students say the words aloud.)‎ T: This time you will listen to the recording again, and you will write one of the words from the box on each blank line.‎ ‎(Play the recording. Students listen and complete the conversation.)‎ T: Let’s check the answers. I’d like to ask three students to read the conversation in role.‎ ‎(Three students read the conversation, filling the missing words. The rest of the students check their answers.)‎ Step Three: New drills.‎ 1. Present the new drills. (用实物引入新句型,帮助学生用正确的句子来回答。)‎ ‎(The teacher shows students a pencil.)‎ T: What’s this in English?‎ S: It’s a pencil.‎ T: How do you spell it ?‎ S: P-E-N-C-I-L.‎ ‎(Change an eraser. Ask and answer in the same way.)‎ 2. Practice the drills. (学生分组练习新句型。)‎ T: Now please practice the conversation with your partner. Use the words shown in 3a.‎ SA: What’s this in English?‎ SB: It’s a ruler.‎ SA: How do you spell it ?‎ SB: R-U-L-E-R.‎ ‎(As students practice, the teacher moves around the classroom checking progress and offering pronunciation and intonation support as needed.)‎ T: I’ll ask some pairs of students to practice the conversations.‎ SA: …‎ SB: …‎ 3. Play the game : A spelling game. (进行一个拼写游戏比赛,进一步操练新句型 。)‎ T: Now let’s play a spelling game. We divide our class into two groups. Each team will take turns asking the other group to the spell we learned in class. The team who is the first to get ten points is the winner. Let’s start.‎ SA: How do you spell backpack?‎ SB: B-A-C-K-P-A-C-K.‎ T: Group B, one point. It’s your turn to ask, please.‎ Step Four: Task 2: Find the owner. (此任务主要进行了听、说、写的训练,并复习了一般疑问句及其简短的回答,以及物主代词的用法。)‎ T: I have some things. But I’m sorry I don’t know whose these are. Could you help me find the owers ? Let’s see who can find all the owners first and write the owners’ names in the chart.‎ Language used for the task:‎ 1. Is this your math book?‎ Yes, it is. It’s my math book.‎ 2. Is that your ruler?‎ No, it isn’t. It’s her ruler. My ruler is blue.‎ 3. Kim, is this your dictionary?‎ Yes, it is. It’s my dictionary.‎ Here you are.‎ Thank you.‎ Step Five: Summary and homework.(录音作业,要求学生使用准确的语调来读一般疑问句和特殊疑问句。)‎ In this class, we’ve learned what, how and yes-no questions mainly. And we also revised the 66‎ ‎ possessive adjectives and key words.‎ After class, please practice what, how and yes-no questions using their own possessions with your partner. When you say the conversation fluently, tape records some of them and then play.‎ ‎2)Discuss about the differences between English names and Chinese names.(通过小组讨论、总结的方式进行,使学生掌握中英文名字的异同。)‎ Teacher: Thank you for your job. I think they are all good English names. For example,“Susan” is a first name. “Brown” is a last name. “Susan Brown” is a beautiful girl’s name.Who wants to have this name?‎ A: I do.‎ T:OK. Now you have an English name Susan Brown. And your Chinese name is Sun Ping.Can you find the differences between them? Let’s look at the next two pictures and have a discussion about the differences between Chinese names and English names. ‎ A boy: I'm a Chinese boy. My name is Zhang Nan. Zhang is my first name. It's also my family name. Nan is my last name. It's also my given name.‎ A girl: I'm Mary Brown. I'm English. Mary is my first name. ‎ Brown is last name. Parents usually call me Mary Brown. But ‎ I like to be called Miss Brown.‎ ‎3)Exchange the information.(需要在课前有所准备的情况下进行。)‎ Teacher: Now everyone can choose an English name.But you must ‎ pay attention to its meaning.For example,Susan means Molihua ‎ in Chinese. Do you know The meanings of your names? If you do, ‎ please exchange the information in your group.‎ 66‎ ‎4)Report the result to the class.‎ ‎(Some students are asked to give a report to the class.)‎ Example:‎ Sa: I'm Rose White. Rose is my first name. White is my last name. ‎ Rose is a kind of beautiful flower. In Chinese it means Meigui. ‎ I like my name because I like roses very much. And maybe parents ‎ call me Rose because they want me to be beautiful.‎ Homework.‎ Ask the students to sum up the meanings of English names after ‎ class. They can read books or search the internet.‎ Period Three 课前准备 教师:录音机,图片,实物。‎ 学生:实物。‎ 教学设计 Step One: Revision.(让学生放录音作业,选择两个最好的,给予奖励,从而帮助学生树立学习的信心。)‎ T: Let’s listen to the tapes you recorded. Who is the best? OK, let’s start.‎ ‎(Select the best two. Award a prize to their work.)‎ Step Two: New words.‎ 1. Present the new words. (运用多媒体或图片,教新的重点词汇,同时复习了本单元重点句型;在教学新单词的同时,注意复习刚学过的单词。)‎ T: Look at the picture.‎ ‎(Show students a picture of a watch.)‎ T: What’s this in English? It’s a watch.‎ ‎(Ask a student) What’s this in English?‎ S1: It’s a watch.‎ T: Good. (Ask another student.) What’s this in English?‎ S2: It’s a watch.‎ T: How do we spell watch? (Show students the spelling.)‎ W-A-T-C-H, watch. Read after me, please.‎ S3: W-A-T-C-H, watch. ‎ ‎(Teach the other words “baseball, computer game, key, notebook, ring and ID card” in the same way.)‎ T: Let’s say the words again. What’s this in English?‎ ‎(Show the words random. Ask questions like this.)‎ S4: It’s a key.‎ T: How do you spell it?‎ 66‎ S4: K-E-Y.‎ 1. Practice the new words.(此活动练习了学生们的口语,同时又进一步巩固了新单词和已学句型。)‎ T: Good. Please look at the pictures in 1a. Match the words with the things in the picture. Do it by yourself.(Students find them in the pictures and objects in the picture.)‎ T: Well, let’s check the answers. Who can tell us the answers?‎ S5: …‎ T: Now please work with your partner, say the conversation in 1b. Use the pictures in 1a.‎ ‎(Students practice the conversation. As students work, the teacher moves around and help them.)‎ Step Three: Listening.‎ 1. Listening (2a).(通过听力练习,加深对所学单词的记忆。)‎ T: Listen to the conversation. Pay special attention to the names of objects. You will hear some of the names, not all of them. Circle on the picture each item whose name is mentioned in the conversations.‎ ‎(Play the recording twice. Students listen and circle the items.)‎ T: Let’s check the answers, OK?‎ S6: …‎ T: Who would like to say the circled words again?‎ S7: …‎ 2. Listening(2b).(通过听力练习,强化学生对单词和句型的理解,同时训练学生写的技能。)‎ T: Please look at the two pictures in 2b. One is Kelsey, and the other is Mike. Listen to the conversations again. This time you will pay attention to the things Kelsey and Mike are looking for. Then write down the names of the things under each person’s pictures.‎ ‎(Play the recording for the students to write down the words.)‎ T: Well, what is Kelsey looking for?‎ S8: …‎ T: What about Mike? What is he looking for?‎ S9: …‎ Step Four: Pair work.(这个活动运用信息差,训练了学生用重点词汇和句型进行听、说、写的练习。)‎ T: Now let’s play a game. You are Student A and your partner is Student B. Student A looks at page 81, while Student B looks at page 82. Each student has only part of the information needed to complete the activity. First Student A asks Student B questions, using the words in the box; Student B answers the questions and writes the words in the chart below.‎ ‎(Students practice in pairs, asking and answering questions and filling the charts. And the teacher moves around explaining the procedure and of fering help.)‎ A sample:‎ SA: Is this her pencil case ? SB: No, it isn't. It's his pencil case. SA: Is this his key? SB: Yes, it is. It's his key. SA: Is this his backpack? SB: No, it isn't. It's her backpack. ‎ ‎(Students practice in pairs.)‎ T: This time Student B asks Student A questions, using the words in the box; Student A answers the questions and writes the words in the chart below.‎ ‎(Students practice in pairs, asking and answering questions and filling the charts. And the teacher moves around explaining the procedure again and providing help.)‎ SB: Is this her pen? SA: No, it isn't. It's his pen. SB: Is this her book? SA: Yes, it is. It's her book. ‎ 66‎ SB: Is this his computer game? SA: No, it isn't. It's her computer game.‎ T: Let’s check the answers. One from Group A and the other from Group B come to the blackboard to fill in the chart.‎ Step Five: Summary and homework.‎ ‎ In this case, we’ve learned the names of some possessions. After class, please use some of these words to write out a conversation and practice with your partner.‎ Period Four 课前准备 教师:录音机,图片,录好的磁带,教学课件。‎ 学生:收集一些英文的失物招领。‎ 教学设计 Step One: Revision.(检查学生的作业,找几组学生表演,训练学生的口语表达能力。)‎ T: First I’ll check your homework. Practice the dialogue you made. And you should use the pictures or the objects that are mentioned in your dialogue. I’ll invite some of you to come to the front to say the dialogue.‎ Dialogue One:‎ Sa: What’s this in English?‎ Sb: It’s a …‎ Sa: How do you spell it?‎ Sb: …‎ Dialogue Two:‎ Sa: Is this your…?‎ Sb: No,it isn’t. It’s not my …‎ Sa: Is this her…?‎ Sb: Yes, it is. It’s her…‎ Step Two: New words.‎ 1. Present the new words.‎ T: Please look at the pictures and learn the new words.(用多媒体展示新单词效果较好。)‎ ‎1.at prep. 在(里面或附近);在(点刻);‎ ‎2.the art. 表示特指的人、物、事或群体 ‎ ‎3.lost adj. 丢失的;遗失的 ‎4.Found adj. (find的过去式、过去分词)找回的 ‎5.lost and found 失物招领 ‎6.please adv. 请 ‎7.school n. 学校 ‎8.a set of 一套;一副 ‎ (Teach students to read the words.)‎ 2. Practice the new words. (事先录制一段短的听力,让学生通过听的训练来强化所学的新单词,并为学习写寻物启示和失物招领作好准备。)‎ T: Please listen to a short passage twice then fill the blanks using the words we learned.‎ ‎(Show students a short passage and play the recording for the students to listen.)‎ There are many things in (1)_____________________in my (2)__________. Look, here’s (3)_________keys. Is this yours? (4)__________call Jim (5)___________753-2289.‎ Typescript:‎ There are many things in the Lost and Found in my school. Look, here’s a set of keys. Is this yours? Please call Jim at 753-2289.‎ T: Well, who would like to tell us the answers?‎ S: …‎ T: Good. Let’s read the passage together.‎ 66‎ ‎(Students read the passage and the teacher pays more attention to their pronunciation.)‎ Step Three: Reading.‎ 1. Present “Lost and Found”. (设置情景,激发学生的思维。从学生生活中常发生丢失物品的现象出发,引导学生学会处理这种问题方法。)‎ T: Have you ever picked up others’ things or lost anything?‎ What are they?‎ S1: I lost a backpack.‎ S2: I picked up a pen.‎ T: Good. What will you do with these things? How did you return or find them? Have a discussion with your partner.‎ ‎(Students discuss the problem. Maybe you will get the answer, “we’ll learn how to write a lost and found.”)‎ T: If you lost something, what should you do ? You can answer it in English or Chinese.‎ S1: Call “110”.‎ S2: Tell the teacher about it.‎ S3: Ask my classmate to help me look for it.‎ S4: Tell my parents.‎ S5: 寻物启事。‎ T: All of you are right. Today we are going to learn how to write “Lost”.Look at “Lost” below and find out the important information about it.(让学生通过教师展示的失物启示,发现写失物启示的要点。)‎ Lost:‎ My baseball.‎ Yellow and red.‎ Call Tom at 405-6678‎ Lost:‎ My school ID card.‎ My name is Mike.‎ Please call 843-9096‎ S6: The lost thing.‎ S7: Name.‎ S8: Color.‎ S9: Telephone number.‎ S10: Picture.‎ T: Yes. You have done very well. If we write “Lost”, we must write the lost thing, the person’s name, telephone number and color, we can also put a picture of the thing on it. Next, if you pick up something, what should you do? (通过和学生的交流,探讨拾到物品时,应如何处理。)‎ S11: Give it to our teacher.‎ S12: 交给警察。‎ S13:找到失主。‎ T: How to find the owner of the thing? I think we can write “Found”, Can you guess the meaning of “Found”?‎ Ss: 失物招领。‎ T: Good. How to write “Found”? Look at “Found” and then tell me the way to write “Found”.(让学生通过教师展示的失物招领,发现写失物招领的要点。)‎ Found: Backpack Is this your backpack?‎ Please call Mana.‎ Phone # 556-0203.‎ 66‎ David, ‎ Is that your pencil case in the lost and found case? ‎ Alice.‎ S14: The found thing.‎ S15: Telephone number.‎ S16: 联系人。‎ S17: Place.‎ T: Excellent. All of you are very clever. If we write “Found”, we should write the thing, telephone number, the people who the owner should call, also write the place that the thing is.‎ 1. Practice. (这个活动目的在于训练学生的阅读能力。)‎ T: Please look at the notices on the bulletin board in 3a. Who would like to read it ?‎ ‎(Ask four students in turn to read the notices.)‎ S: …‎ T: It’s time for you to read the notices yourself and circle the words from Activity 1a.‎ ‎(Students finish the work alone.)‎ T: Who would like to give us your answer? Please read the words.‎ S7: …‎ Step Four: Make a message.‎ ‎(Show students a message.)‎ ‎( ) at 529-6403‎ ‎( ) call David ‎( ) A set of keys. Please ‎( ) Found:‎ T: This is a bulletin board message. But they are in the wrong order. You should make it clearly by putting them in the right order. The first one is done for you. (Show students the first part with the word “Found”) This is the first part of the message. Write number 2, 3, and 4 in the boxes to complete the message.‎ ‎(Students complete the message and write the numbers in the boxes in 3b.)‎ T: Well, who would like to read the message?‎ S8: …‎ Step Five: Writing.(用英文写简单的失物招领。最好把学生的作品在实物投影仪上展示,便于修改和提供写作案例。)‎ T: OK.Now let’s try to write it. You may use the one in 3a or the one in 3b as a model.‎ ‎(Students write their bulletin board messages and the teacher moves around the room offering language support as needed.)‎ T: Let’s read some of your messages.‎ ‎(Ask some students read their message aloud. And others to help correct their work.)‎ Stepp Six: Self-check.‎ 1. Key words.(此活动帮助学生复习本单元所学过的重点词汇。)‎ T: Please read the words in the box. If you don’t know the meaning of the words, you may review the lesson, ask me , ask your classmate use a dictionary.‎ ‎(Students check all the words they know.)‎ 2. Writing.(训练学生用目标语言写和说的能力。)‎ T: Look at the picture please. What are they talking about in Picture 1? Who would like to read it?‎ Sa: Is that your backpack?‎ 66‎ Sb: No, it isn’t.‎ T: OK, now what may other people talk about in Picture 2, 3 and 4? Complete the chart using Is this/that…? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.‎ ‎(Students fill in the chart.)‎ T: Now please read the conversation with your partner.‎ Sa: Is that your notebook?‎ Sb: Yes,it is.‎ Sa: Is that your key?‎ Sb: No, it isn’t.‎ Unit 3 This is my sister.‎ 教学内容:‎ 本单元围绕“家庭成员”这一主题展开听、说、读、写等多种教学活动。教学核心是用英语介绍家人和朋友,通过本单元的学习学生应该能够用英语给朋友写短信介绍家人,从而让他们了解自己的家庭并能够画出自己的家谱。‎ 教学目标:‎ 1、 知识目标:‎ A、 掌握家庭成员的表达,如:grandfather, grandmother, father, mother ,brother,sister, uncle, aunt, cousin, son, daughter, parents:‎ B、 学会用指示代词:this ,that, these 和人称代词:I, he she they 介绍任务及Yes/No问句及其简单回答;‎ C、 运用名词的复数形式。‎ 2、 能力目标:‎ A、 运用所学词汇介绍家人和朋友,并能够用短信的形式表达出来;‎ B、 通过对话练习,掌握介绍人物时常用的词汇、惯用语,并把它运用到实际生活中去,提高学生的交际能力。‎ 3、 学习策略:通过对人物个性化的描述,识别图片。‎ 4、 情感目标:通过介绍家人和了解朋友的家人,增进彼此的了解,建立友谊,从而更好地尊重对方,理解家人。‎ 教学难点、重点:‎ 重点:A、掌握家庭成员的表达;学会指示代词、人称代词及Yes/No问句及简单回答;‎ B、学会介绍自己的家人和朋友,并根据相关信息辨别人物。‎ 难点:能够用写信的形式向朋友介绍自己的家庭。‎ 课时安排:‎ 第一课时 Section A 1a-1c 第二课时 Section A 2a-4‎ 第三课时 Section B 1-2c 第四课时 Section B 3a-Self-check Period One 教师:照片,图片,表格。Step One: New words.‎ ‎①Present the new words.‎ T: Hello , everyone ! Look ! What’s this ?‎ Ss: It’s a picture .‎ T: Right . Who is the man in the picture ? ‎ Ss: It’s you.‎ T: Yes, it’s me . You know me . Please look at this . Do you know them ?‎ Ss: No , we don’t . ‎ T: They are my family members . Today I want to introduce my family members to you . Would you like to meet them ?‎ Ss: Yes .‎ T: OK . Please look at this man ? Is he old ?‎ Ss: Yes .‎ 66‎ T: He is my “grandfather”. Please read after me , GRANDFATHER G-R-A-N-D-F-A-T-H-E-R ,grandfather .‎ Ss: G-R-A-N-D-F-A-T-H-E-R , grandfather .‎ T: This is my grandfather .‎ ‎(Teach the word “grandmother” in the same way .)‎ T: He is my “grandfather”. He is my “grandmother”. These are my grandparents. Read after me , grandparents. ‎ Ss: Grandparents.‎ ‎ (Stick the word “grandparents” on the blackboard. Then teach theses words mother, father, brother, sister and friend in the same way.)‎ T: I have two brothers, two sisters, I have many friends.‎ ‎ (Teach brothers, sisters, and friends.)‎ T: Read these new words together.‎ Ss: …‎ ‎②Practice the new words.‎ T: Who can match the words with the pictures on the blackboard?‎ Ss: I can. (Textbook P13 1a)‎ ‎ (Ask one student to the front to do it. The other students write down letters on the books. In this way finish 1a.)‎ T: Check the answers.‎ Ss: …‎ T: Is he right?‎ ‎ 用教师家人的照片呈现新课内容。‎ ‎ 教师边介绍,边领读单词。‎ 用匹配的方式巩固单词。‎ Ss: Yes.‎ ‎ (One more student gives the answers.)‎ Step Two: Drill ‎①Listen and circle.‎ T: A boy is talking about his family. Who is he talking about? Now listen and circle the people the boy talks about.‎ Ss: OK.‎ ‎ (Play the recording of 1b twice. Students work.)‎ T: What’s the answer?‎ S: Two brothers and sister.‎ ‎②Pairwork. Talk about Dave’s family.‎ T: This is a picture of Dave’s family. Let’s talk about Dave’s family in pairs. You must use “ This is …” and “ These are …” to do it.‎ ‎ (Students practice. Teacher walks around the room to help them.)‎ T: Now check your peactice.‎ S1: Who is this?‎ S2: This is his …‎ S1: Who are these?‎ S2: These are his …‎ ‎ (Ask a few pairs to practice.)‎ Step Three: Task ‎①Talk about the family tree.‎ T: Look at the family tree.‎ ‎ (Stick a family tree on the blackboard.)‎ T: Let’s talk about the family tree, You can do it in groups of four or three. You can do it in pairs or you can do it yourself. Then report it to the class.‎ ‎ (Students work. Teach moves around the classroom to help the students.)‎ T: Check your task.‎ S3: Hello. My name is …Look at this. This is my family tree. This is my…and this is my…They are old. These are my … This is my… This is my … My mother is … This is my … His name is … I love my family.‎ 用听力训练再次强化学生对新单词的记忆。‎ 让学生通过介绍Dave的家庭加强句型的操练。‎ 让学生用本节课所学的知识完成介绍家庭成员的任务,检测学生知识掌握的情况。‎ 66‎ T: Very good. Next make a dialogue in pairs about your family. First, you must greet each other, then introduce your family.‎ ‎ (Two students come to the front.)‎ SA: Hello.‎ SB: Hello. How are you ?‎ SA: Fine, thank you. And you?‎ SB: I’m fine, too.‎ SA: Excuse me! What’s this?‎ SB: It’s my family tree.‎ SA: Who’s this?‎ SB: This is my grandfather.‎ SA: Who’s this?‎ SB: This is my grandmother.‎ SA: Is this your father?‎ SB: Yes, he is.‎ SA: The women is your mother?‎ SB: Yes, she is.‎ SA: Who’s the boy?‎ SB: He is my brother.‎ ‎ (A few pairs do this.)‎ T: You did well.‎ ‎②Make a survey.‎ T: Please take out the family photos you bring to school. Work in groups of four. Fill in the form. Then report it to the class.‎ Family Family members ‎(Students work. Teacher moves around the classroom to help the students.)(Students report to the class.)‎ Step Four: Homework Write a passage about your family.‎ 让学生在语言实践中学会礼貌待人。‎ 小组成员之间沟通有关家庭成员的信息,增进友谊。‎ Period Two 课前准备 教师:图片,录音磁带。‎ 学生:自己家人的照片,也可以是自己画的家谱。‎ 教学设计 教学步骤 Step One: Review the drill.‎ T: You know my family members. I want to know your family members. Would you like to introduce your family members to us?‎ ‎ (Students use their photos or the pictures they drew.)‎ SS: Yes.‎ T: Who wants to be the first, please?‎ SA: Let me try.‎ T: OK, please.‎ SA: Hello, everyone! My name is …Look at this picture, please. This is a picture of my family. This is my father. His name is …This is my mother. Her name is … They are good parents. This is my brother. His name is …Look! It’s me. Am I funny? I love my family.‎ T: Very good.‎ ‎ (Another two students introduce their family.)‎ 66‎ Step Two: Listening.‎ ‎①Listen and circle the words you hear.‎ T: Here are two boys. One is Lin Hai. The other is Dave. They are talking about Dave’s family members. Please listen to the recording of 2a in Section A and circle the family members you hear.‎ mother father sister brother grandmother grandfather friend grandparents SS: OK.‎ ‎ (Play the recording of 2a twice. Students work.)‎ T: Check the answer.‎ ‎ (Ask two students to say the answers.)‎ ‎②Listen and match.‎ T: This is a picture of Dave’s family. We know this is Dave. But we don’t know who is Mary, who is Jim and who is Lin Hai. Let’s ‎ 根据上节课布置的作业,让学生谈论自己的家庭成员,为新课教学做铺垫。‎ 通过听力练习,使学生巩固对家庭成员的记忆。‎ 通过听力引出Is this . . . ?的句型 listen and find them.‎ ‎ (Play the recording of 2b. Students work.)‎ T: Who find them?‎ ‎ (Many students may say they do. Choose two of them to answer.)‎ S1: Dave is …Lin Hai is …‎ ‎③Pairwork. Talk about Dave’s family.‎ T: You come to Dave’s home. You see a picture on the wall. There are many people in the picture. You want to know who they are. Use “ Is this…” to find them, please. When you finish, change roles to do it. Now begin.‎ ‎ (Students work. Teacher walks round the classroom to see how they are doing and helps the students who need.)‎ T: Let’s check your work, please.‎ SS: OK.‎ ‎ (Ask one pair to do it.)‎ S1: Is this Jim?‎ S2: No, he isn’t.‎ S1: Is this Jim?‎ S2:Yes, he is.‎ ‎ (Ask two more pairs to do it.)‎ ‎④Practice.‎ T: I have a friend. He is talking to his friend. Dave, about Dave’s sister. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. Work in pairs, then report it to the class.‎ ‎ isn’t brother is sister ‎ (Students work. Teacher walks around the classroom and helps the students who need.)‎ T: Check your work, please.‎ ‎ (Ask one pair to do it.)‎ S3: That’s … and that’s … Is she your…?‎ S4: Yes, she is.‎ S3: And is the your …?‎ S4: No, he isn’t. He’s my …‎ ‎ (Change roles to do it and ask one more pair to do it.)‎ Step Three: Task.‎ ‎①Play a guessing game.‎ 通过谈论Dave的家庭成员,练习句型Is this . . . ?‎ 66‎ 用学生的句型引出Is she/he your . . .?的句型,让学生在对话中理解人称代词的用法。‎ T: I have a picture here. Do you want to know who she is?‎ ‎ (Show the picture to the students.)‎ SS: Yes.‎ ‎ (Students guess the picture.)‎ ‎②Group work.‎ T: Put your photos together on your desk. Work in groups of four. You can use “ Is she …?” or “ Is he …?” to take turns asking and answer questions about the photos. Then report it to the class.‎ ‎ (Students work.)‎ T: Check your work.‎ Homework.‎ Draw your family tree.‎ 用游戏的方式巩固人称代词的知识。‎ Period Three 课前准备 教师:图片。‎ 学生:照片。‎ 教学设计 教学步骤 Step One: New words.‎ ‎①Present the new words.‎ T: Do you like games?‎ S: Yes.‎ T: Let’s play a guessing game. Please listen carefully. He is my brother. But my father is not his father. His father is not my father. His father and my father are brothers. We have the same grandfather. Who is he?‎ S1: It is your “表哥”.‎ T: No, it isn’t.‎ S2: It is your “堂兄” or “堂弟”.‎ T: Yes, it is. Let’s see how to say it in English.‎ ‎ (Put the card “cousin” on the blackboard.)‎ T: It’s cousin. Read after me, C-O-U-S-I-N, cousin.‎ SS: C-O-U-S-I-N, cousin.‎ T: Spell it, please.‎ SS: C-O-U-S-I-N, cousin.‎ ‎…‎ T: This time you must say it in English. She is your sister. But your father is not her father. Her father is not your father. Her father and your father are brothers. You have the same grandmother. Who is she?‎ S: It’s my cousin.‎ T: Your father’s brother is your …?‎ S3: “大爷,大伯”.‎ S4: “叔叔”.‎ T: You are right. Let’s see how to say it in English.‎ ‎ (Put the word card “uncle” on the blackboard.)‎ T: Read after me, please, U-N-C-L-E, uncle.‎ SS: U-N-C-L-E, uncle.‎ ‎…‎ T: Your uncle’s wife is your…?‎ S5: “伯母,婶婶”.‎ 用游戏的方式引人新课。‎ T: Right.‎ 66‎ ‎ (Put the card “aunt” on the blackboard and then teach these words son, daughter in this way.)‎ T: Read the words on the card together.‎ SS: …‎ ‎②Practice the new words.‎ T: Look at the family tree. Some words are missing. Who can help me fill it, please?‎ ‎ (Ask one student to the front to do it on the blackboard. The others finish it on their book.)‎ T: Check your work.‎ Step Two: Drill.‎ ‎①Listen and check the words you hear.‎ T: Lin Hai and Dave are talking about Dave’s family. How many family members are they talking about? Please listen and check the words you hear.‎ ‎ (Play the recording of 2a once.)‎ ‎ (Ask two more students to say the answers.)‎ ‎②Listen and check the picture.‎ T: I have two pictures here. Which one is Lin Hai talking about? Let’s listen and find it out, please.‎ ‎ (Play the recording twice again.)‎ ‎ (Check the answer.)‎ ‎③Pairwork. Draw your own picture and talk about it.‎ T: We find out the picture of Lin Hai’s family. Can you draw a picture of your family?‎ SS: …‎ T: OK. When you finish drawing, tell your partner about your picture. You can use “This is …” and “ These are …” to talk about. Then report it to the class.‎ ‎ (Students work.)‎ ‎ (Check students’ work. Ask two or three students to report.)‎ Step Three: Task.‎ Talk about the family tree.‎ T: Look at the family tree. I think it’s a big family. You can do it ‎ in groups of four or three. You can do it in pairs or only by yourself. Then report it to the class.‎ ‎ (Students work. Teacher walks around in the classroom and helps the students.)‎ T: Stop here. Let’s check it out.‎ ‎ (Choose students to do it.)‎ S1: Look at my family tree. This is my… This is my … They have two … This is my … This is my …This is my …This is my. My parents have two children. This is…This is my …My uncle and my aunt have a son. He is my …‎ ‎ (Ask two more students to do it.)‎ Homework.‎ Write a passage about your family.‎ Period Four 课前准备 教师:家庭成员的照片。‎ 学生:学生自己画的家庭照片。‎ 教学设计 教学步骤 Step One: New words.‎ ‎①Present the new words.‎ T: Hello, everyone. My name is “Emma”. Today I want to introduce my brother to you.‎ ‎ (Put the picture of his sister on the blackboard.)‎ T: This is my sister, Mona. Read after me, MONA, M-O-N-A, Mona.‎ SS: M-O-N-A, Mona.‎ 66‎ T: These are my parents. They are “great” parents.‎ ‎ (Put the picture of his family on the blackboard.)‎ T: Read after me, GREAT, G-R-E-A-T, great.‎ SS: G-R-E-A-T, great.‎ ‎…‎ T: They are my “dear” parents, too.‎ ‎ (Teach dear, photo, thanks for…)‎ ‎②Practice the new words and drill.‎ T: I have a letter from my pen friend. Now I want you to read it for me. Then draw the photo of Emma’s family.‎ SS: OK.‎ ‎ (Students read the letter and draw the photo on their books.)‎ ‎ (Show some photos that students draw to the class. Students say which one is good or which one is better.)‎ Step Three: Task.‎ ‎①Write a letter to your friend.‎ T: Your have a letter form your friend. Now write back to your friend . Tell him or her about your family , And report your letter .‎ SS: OK .‎ ‎(Students work . Teacher moves around the room and helps the students who letter . )‎ T: Now check your work . ‎ S1: Dear . . . ‎ Thanks for the photo your family . Here is my family photo . This is my . . . This is my . . . This is . . . I have a . . . ‎ Your friend , . . . ‎ ‎(Another two more students do it . )‎ ‎①Write a letter .‎ T: Take out the photo of your family to school and write a letter about it . When you finish , I’ll put your photos and letters on the blackboard . You match the photos and the letters . ‎ SS: All right .‎ ‎(Students write their letters . Teacher moves around the room and helps the students who need . )‎ T: Check your work now .‎ S: . . . ‎ ‎(Teacher puts some photos and letters on the board . Ask students to come to the front to read the letter and match it with the photo . )‎ Homework . ‎ Finish self-check .‎ Unit 4 Where’s my backpack ?‎ 教学内容:‎ 本单元主要内容是谈论物品的所在位置,通过这一话题,训练学生的听、说、读、写四项基本技能,让学生通过询问物品的位置,学习一些物品的单词,及方位介词 on , in , under ,behind 等的用法;学习并掌握where句型的运用,使学生养成干净、整洁、合理摆放物品的好习惯。‎ 教学目标:‎ 1、 知识目标:‎ A、 学会一些表示家具的名词以及学习用品的单词;‎ B、 方位介词,如:in , on , under , behind的用法;‎ C、 学会运用方位介词和where句型表述物品所在的位置。‎ 2、 能力目标:‎ A、 学会正确描述物品作在的位置;‎ B、 学会询问自己或他人物品的具体位置;‎ C、 能够合理地描述和设计房间。‎ 3、 情感目标:培养学生整齐地摆放自己物品的生活习惯。‎ 66‎ 教学难点、重点:‎ 重点:A、方位介词 in , on , under , behind的用法。‎ B、Where的特殊疑问句和Is this a/an . . . ?一般疑问句的肯定和否定回答。‎ C、学习名词 bed , dresser , bookcase ,backpack . . . ‎ 难点:A、能够正确运用方位介词描述物品作在的位置;‎ ‎ B、能够运用Where的问句找到物品位置。‎ 课时安排:‎ 第一课时 Section A 1a-1c 第二课时 Section A 2a-4‎ 第三课时 Section B 1-2b 第四课时 Section B 3a-4 Self-check Period One 教师:准备一个带有家具的房间的多媒体课件或挂图,搜集图片、卡片、一些学习用品的实物,以及闹钟、光盘、数学书和其他日常用品。‎ 学生:彩笔 学生用品、大白纸、课本所涉及的单词的实物。‎ 学步骤 Step One: Present the New words.‎ ‎①Warming up.‎ ‎(Prepare some school things for the students as presents .)‎ T: What’s this ? (There is a pencil in the teacher’s hand .)‎ S1: Yes you a right . Here you are .‎ ‎(give it to the student as a present .)‎ T: Is this a ruler ? (hold up a ruler .)‎ S2: Yes it is.‎ T: How to spell ruler ?‎ S2: R-U-L-E-R , ruler . ‎ T: Good , here you are.‎ ‎(Hold up a pen , an eraser , a notebook and so on . Ask the questions in the same way . And give the presents to the students .)‎ T: What’s this ?‎ S3: It’s a backpack .‎ T: I have a backpack for you as a present ,(Looking for it in the desk , under the chair . . . ) but I can’t find it . Where’s it ? Do you know ?‎ S3: I don’t know .‎ S4: I think it’s in your desk..‎ T: (Look into the desk.) No ,it isn’t .Now , let’s look for the backpack together , OK ? (Write down the title on the blackboard .)‎ ‎②Learn the New words.‎ T: Look at the big picture on the screen .This is a big nice room .I want to own such a room . Because there is some nice furniture in it . Do you know the names of the furniture ? ‎ ‎(Show a picture of a bed and a dresser .)‎ T: What’s this ? It’s a bed . “BED” . Read after me .B-E-D , bed.‎ Ss: B-E-D , bed.‎ T: What’s this ? It’s a dresser . D-R-E-S-S-R , dresser.‎ Ss: D-R-E-S-S-R , dresser.‎ ‎(Teach the other words bookcase /sofa/chair/drawer/plant/ . . . in the same way .)‎ 通过师生互动,激发学生思维,并用学过的句子导入新课。‎ 利用多媒体课件创设情景,直观地呈现单词,使学生在语境中理解单词。‎ T: Read the words aloud .‎ ‎③Present the words in , on , under , behind using the objects .‎ T: Where is my book ? It’s on the desk . (Put a book on the desk .)‎ 66‎ T: Where is my bag ? (Put a bag on the desk and ask this question .)‎ S1: It’s on the desk .‎ T: Where is my bag ? (To all the students)‎ Ss: It’s on the desk .‎ T: Where is my pen ? It’s in the pencil case . (Put a pen in the pencil case and ask .)‎ T: Where is my ruler ? (Put a ruler in the pencil case , too .)‎ S1: It’s in the pencil case , too .‎ T: Where is the ruler ?‎ Ss: It’s in the pencil case .‎ ‎(Then learn the other two prepositions “under”, “behind” in the same way . )‎ ‎④Present the words .‎ T: Now , please look at the screen , where is the ball in Picture 1 ?‎ S1: I think it’s in the box .‎ T: Where is the ball in Picture 2 ?‎ S2: It’s on the box .‎ T: Where is the ball in Picture 3 ?‎ S3: It’s behind the box .‎ T: Where is the ball in Picture 4 ?‎ S4: It’s under the box .‎ T: There are some pictures on the screen , please match the sentences and the pictures .‎ ‎1: The cat is under the chair .‎ ‎2: The cat is on the bed .‎ ‎3: The cat is behind the door .‎ ‎4: The cat is in the box .‎ ‎5: The cat is next to the plant . ‎ 通过实物所在的位置直观地呈现乏味介词。‎ 利用多媒体课件创设语言情景,准确呈现物品之间的位置关系,让学生在真实的情景中理解和掌握方位介词。‎ 让学生把句子和图画匹配起来,巩固方位介词的用法。‎ ‎6: The cat is on the chair .‎ T:Please open your books and do 1a quickly as you can.‎ ‎(After doing 1a,check the answer.)‎ Step Two :drills .‎ ‎①Practice the drills .‎ T: This time , use the school things around you to practice the conversation .‎ T:Where’s the watch? (Hold up a watch in the hand.)‎ S1: It’s in your hand.‎ T: Where’s the bag? (Put a bag on the chair.)‎ S2: It’s on the chair.‎ ‎ (Ask the students to practice the dialogue like this. Then get some pairs to act it out.)‎ ‎②Introduce a room and listen to the tape.‎ T: This is Tommy’s room, but he can’t find his books, his pencil case, his baseball, his computer game and his keys, please help him find the things. Listen and number [1-5] the things in the picture.‎ ‎(Play the recording and then check the answer.)‎ Step Three: Play a game.‎ T: Now, we will play a game , I have a new ruler, all the students close your eyes, and I hide it in our classroom. Please guess, Where is it ? If your answer is right, it is yours. Please ask like this Is it on the desk? Is it on the floor? Are you ready?‎ S1: Is it in the ...?‎ T: No,it isn’t.‎ S2: Is it under the…?‎ T: No, it isn’t.‎ S3: Is it behind the…?‎ T: Yes, it is. Please find it out .Here you are.(Give the ruler to him.)‎ 66‎ ‎(Ask three or four students to come to the front to hide three or four new school things, others look for them.)‎ T:Who can come here to hide my new pen?‎ Ss: I can.‎ ‎(After playing the game, some students who can find the school things will have them.)‎ Step Four: Task.‎ T: Look at the picture on the screen. This is Mary’s room. In groups of four , describe where the things are in the room.(Prepare ‎ 让学生用身边的学习用品操练句型,达到熟练运用where提问。‎ 用学过的一般疑问句以游戏的方式操练本节课所学内容以增强趣味性。‎ 利用屏幕上所给图片,描述Mary房间物品的位置,强化句型。‎ For five minutes.)‎ S1: Is the book on the desk?‎ S2: Yes, it is. Is the backpack under the chair?‎ S3: No, it isn’t. It’s… Where are the keys?‎ S4: They are…‎ Homework: Make a play.‎ There is a man. His name is “forgetful”. He always forgets somethings, and he always asks Where is / are my …?‎ Please make a short play and next class we will act it out.‎ Period Two 课前准备 教师:准备表格、一些学习用品和多媒体教学课件。‎ 学生:表演短剧的道具、表格。‎ 教学设计 Step One: Check the homework.(运用所学句型表演短剧。)‎ ‎(The students practice the short play “forgetful” for three minutes so that they can act it out well.)‎ T:Which group can act the play out?‎ Ss:We can.(Come to the front.)‎ S1:My name is “forgetful”, I want to work , but ,but … Where are my …?‎ S2: (Come to him ) Are they on the…?‎ S1: No, it isn’t.‎ S3: Are they in your…?‎ S1: Oh, yes, it is. But where is my ID card?... ‎ ‎(Some groups act it out.)‎ Step Two: Review the words.(利用多媒体教学课件复习学过的单词,为下面的听力训练做铺垫。)‎ 1. Ask the students to spell the words in the picture in 2a.‎ T: First, look at the pictures on the screen. What are these ?‎ S1: They are books.‎ T:What’s this?‎ S2: It’s a baseball.‎ T:What’s this?‎ S3: It’s a computer game.‎ T:Is this a backpack?‎ S4:Yes,it is.‎ T: Can you spell it?‎ S4: Yes, B-A-C-K-P-A-C-K,backpack.‎ ‎(Review the other words in the same way.)‎ T:Now, listen to the recording and look at 2a. Number the things from 1-6.‎ T:Check the answer.(Students give the answer.)‎ T:Now, listen again. Let’s do 2b. Find out Where are the things from 2a? Number the things in the pictures [1-6].(通过听力训练检测学生对所学知识掌握的情况,培养学生听的能力。)‎ ‎(Play the tape again and check the answer.)‎ 66‎ T:Who can answer?‎ S1:The computer game is on the backpack.‎ S2:The books are …‎ S3:The pencil case is …‎ S4: The backpack is…‎ S5: The baseball is…‎ S6: The keys are …‎ Step Three: Practice the drills.(根据听力材料中的句型,利用图片再次进行巩固练习。)‎ T: Look at the picture. Is the baseball on the chair?‎ Ss:No, it isn’t. It’s under the chair.‎ T: Are the books under the table.‎ S:No,they aren’t. They’re on the chair.‎ ‎…‎ ‎(write the four sentences on the blackboard. Let the students ask and answer using their own thigns.)‎ S1: Is your ruler on your pencil case?‎ S2: No, it isn’t. It’s in my…‎ S3: Are your keys in your pocket?‎ S4:No, they aren’t. They are in my…‎ ‎(Let them ask and answer in pairs as many as they can to improve their oral ability.)‎ Step Four: Present the grammar and practice.(利用实物呈现语法。)‎ 1. Grammar focus.‎ ‎(The teacher collects some school things on her desk, them hides them to ask some questions.)‎ T:Where is the baseball? (Put a baseball in the desk)‎ S: It’s in …‎ T: Where is the dictionary?‎ Ss: It’s on/ under/ behind…‎ T: Where’re the books/ your keys?‎ S:They’re on the chair./ in your pocket…‎ ‎(Then the teacher writes the sentences on the blackboard.)‎ T: Please pay attention to the sentences. We use “It’s” to talk about single objects and “They’re” to talk about two or more objects.‎ ‎“Where’s, It’s and They’re” are contractions.‎ Make a survey.(运用调查表来巩固句型。)‎ T: Make a survey about your classmates’ things using Where is/are…? And then fill in the chart.‎ Name Things Ruler Pencil case Dictionary ‎ Keys Lucy ‎ Tom Tommy Lily 2. Make a conversation.(看图操练句型。)‎ T: Who can put these sentences in order to make a conversation in 3a.‎ S1:We can.Where’s the bag?‎ S2: I don’t know.Is it on the dresser?‎ S1: No, it isn’t.‎ T:Prepare a new dialogue for three minutes just like this. You can use your own things.‎ ‎(Later, ask more pairs to practice their conversations as quickly as they can.)‎ Step Five: Practice the drill “Where is / are…?”‎ ‎(Make a conversation with a student.)‎ T:Look at the picture in 3c. Where are the books?‎ S1: I don’t know.‎ 66‎ T: Where are the keys?‎ S2: They are on the dresser.‎ T: Work in pairs. Make a similar conversation like this.‎ S1:Where is the baseball?‎ S2: It’s…‎ S3:Where is the…?‎ S4: I don’t know.‎ S5: Where are the…?‎ S6: …‎ S7: Where is the pencil case?‎ S8: It’s…‎ ‎(Let the students ask and answer according to the picture in 3c or using their own things.)‎ Step Six: Task.(设置任务,通过对比的方式让学生理解方位介词。)‎ T:Student A looks at Picture 1 (Textbook P21,4) student B looks at Picture2 (Textbook P19,1a)Ask and answer in pairs.‎ Sample:‎ 1. Sa: Where is the backpack? Is it under the table?‎ Sb: No, it isn’t. It’s on the table.‎ 2. Sa: Where are the books? Are they on the sofa?‎ Sb: No, they aren’t. They are on the bed.‎ ‎…...‎ T: Let’s find out the differences between the pictures.Where is the backpack? Is it on the table? (Look at Picture 1)‎ Ss: No, it isn’t. It’s under the table. (Look at Picture 2)‎ T: Where are the books?Are they behind the sofa? (Look at Picture1)‎ Ss: No, they are on the sofa. (Look at Picture 2)‎ ‎(Ask some pairs to make the dialogue and find out some differences.)‎ T:Fill in the chart according to the pictures.(利用表格直观体现出两幅图的不同点。)‎ Things Picture1‎ Pictuer2‎ Pencil case in the backpack on the table Books Backpack ‎…‎ T:Who wants to report it?‎ S1: I want to . In Picture 1, the pencil case is… In Picture2, the pencil case is…‎ S2: In Picture 1, the books are… In Picture2, the books are…‎ ‎(Ask other students to report it.)‎ Homework.‎ T: Make a survey after class. Ask some of your classmates “Where is…? Where are…?” Fill in the chart.‎ Name Things Bed ‎ Clock ‎ ‎ Computer game Ball ‎ Jim Amy Period Three 课前准备 教师:搜集学习用品、日常用品的图片及单词卡片。‎ 学生:准备学习用品、日常用品。‎ 教学设计 Step One:Present the new words.‎ 66‎ T: I have some things on my desk, I think you can tell me how to say them.‎ T: What’s this? (Hold up a book in the hand)‎ Ss: It’s a book.‎ T: Yes, it’s a math book. Read after me. M-A-T-H-B-O-O-K, math book.‎ Ss: M-A-T-H-B-O-O-K, math book.‎ T: Do you have a watch?‎ Ss: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.‎ T: Is it a watch?‎ Ss: No, it isn’t. It’s a clock.‎ T: Good. It’s an alarm clock. Read after me. A-L-A-R-M-C-L-O-C-K,alarm clock.‎ ‎(Then hold up CD, video tape, hat, notebook, teach them in the same way. Check the words using the cards.)‎ T: Let’s do 1a in Section B. Match the words with the things in the picture in 1a.(Then check the answers.)‎ Step Two: Present the drills.‎ 1. Review the words.‎ T: Now do 1b in Section B, look at Tommy’s room for three minutes. Please try your best to remember all the things in the room. Begin!‎ ‎(Three minutes later,ask them to close their books. Give them another three minutes to write down the things they remembered.)‎ T:Who can write them down on the blackboard?‎ S1:I can.(After writing them,students open the books to check the answer.)‎ T:How many words did you write?‎ Ss:Fifteen/Twenty/Twenty-two …‎ T:What are in the picture?‎ S:A backpack, a quilt, a computer game, some books…‎ 2. Present the drill.‎ T: Look at the picture 1a in Section B and answer my questions Where is the math book?‎ S1: It is…‎ T: Where are the pictures?‎ S2: They are…‎ T: Where are the books?‎ S3: They are…‎ T: Ask and answer according to the picture then fill in the chart.‎ Things backpack books ID card ruler cap Places Step Three: Listen and practice the drill.‎ 1. Listen to the tape.‎ T: Tommy wants his mother to bring some school things to school for him. But his room isn’t tidy. So his mother can’t find the things. Let’s listen to the recording of 2a and help his mother find the things.‎ ‎(Play the tape for the first time. The students circle the word they hear. Then check the answer.)‎ T:Now listen again, and fill in the chart.‎ Things ruler notebook Math book CDs Places 2. Practice the dialogue.‎ T: Where’s the ruler?‎ S1: It’s…‎ T: Where’s the notebook?‎ S2: It’s…‎ 66‎ T: Where’re CDs?‎ S3: They’re…‎ T: Work in pairs according to the chart.‎ Step Four: Task.‎ T: Please look at Tommy’s room. Do you think it’s tidy?‎ Ss: No, I don’t think so.‎ T: Four students in a group. Draw a picture about Tommy’s room, help him clean the room to put the things in the correct places.‎ ‎(Choose some groups to show the room.)‎ Homework.‎ 1. Draw a picture about your room.‎ 2. Describe your new room.‎ Period Four 课前准备 教师: 搜集单词卡片、背景资料。‎ 学生:彩笔、大白纸、相关新单词。‎ 教学设计 Step One: Learn the new words.‎ 1. Present the new words.‎ ‎(Show some pictures and words on the screen to teach the students the new words.)‎ T: What’s this?‎ S1: It’s a room.‎ T: Do you have a room like this?‎ S2: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.‎ T: Read after me. R-O-O-M, room.‎ Ss: R-O-O-M, room.‎ ‎(Teach the other words “TV, desk, picture” in the same way.)‎ T: There are some words here. Read the words after me and spell them.‎ ‎(Learn the other words without pictures on the cards.)‎ T: This is a word. Can you spell this word?‎ ‎(Point to a word in the card.)‎ S1: Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.‎ ‎(Let them know the meaning of “can”.)‎ T: I can spell your name. Can you spell my name?‎ S1: Yes, I can.‎ T: Can you write your name?‎ S: Sorry, I can’t. I have no pen.‎ T: You need a pen.( Give him a pen.)‎ ‎( Let the students understand the word “need”.)‎ T: I bring a football to school every day. Now it is on the floor. After class I take it to my home.‎ ‎(Teach “bring” and “take”. Put a football on the floor and point to the floor to teach the word “floor”.)‎ 2. Practice the words.‎ ‎(Give the cxamples to the students and get the students to understand the new words.)‎ Step Two: Listen and practice.‎ T: Books closed. Here is a note. Please listen carefully and then answer the questions How many things are there in the note?‎ Ss: There are five things in the note.‎ T: What are these?‎ Ss: They are notebook…‎ 66‎ T: Open your books, who can read it for us?‎ Ss: I can.‎ ‎(One student reads it , others listen carefully.)‎ T: This is a note from Mom to Sally. Please look at the picture, draw the missing things in the picture.‎ T: Who can tell me where the missing things are?‎ S1: The baseball is…‎ S2: The CDs are…‎ The other students will answer other questions.‎ Step Three: Play a game.‎ T: I divide the class into two groups, one group chooses several students to come to the front to draw some big pictures on the blackboard. The other group chooses someone to draw something on the big things.‎ ‎(after drawing them.)‎ T: Who can say the sentences according to the pictures?‎ S1: I can. The dog is under the chair.‎ S2: The cups are…‎ S3: The quilt are…‎ S4: The books are …‎ Step Four: Practice and fill in the blanks.‎ 1. Fill in the blank.‎ ‎(First, let the students describe the picture.)‎ T: Look at the picture in 3b Where is the hat?‎ S1: It’s…‎ T: Where is the clock?‎ S2: It is…‎ T: Where is the ID card?‎ S3: It is …‎ T: Where is the notebook?‎ S4: It is…‎ ‎(Ask the same questions in the same way.)‎ T: Who can fill in the blank?‎ S1: I can.‎ ‎(Then ask one or two students to read it aloud. Check the answer according to the picture.)‎ 2. Practice.‎ T: You want four things in your room now. But you have no time to go home to get them. Write a note to a friend, let him go to your home to get them. Tell him where the things are.‎ ‎(Students write a note.)‎ Step Five: Task.‎ T: Now draw your ideal rooms in groups of six, Please use your color pencils to draw them, everyone can join this task, and then show the room to us.‎ ‎(Ten minutes later, ask the students hand up their drawing, every group chooses one to describe the room. Choose the best one and give them some candies or school things encourage them.)‎ Step Six: Do Self-check.‎ 1. Review the words.‎ T: Look at self Check, let’s do exercise 1. Look at the cards in my hand , and spell the words as quickly as you can.‎ ‎(Hold up some cards with Chinese words on them such as“ 桌子”.)‎ T: Who can spell this word?‎ S: I can. “TABLE”.‎ ‎(Hold up the other cards to let the students spell them quickly in order to master the key words 66‎ ‎ in this unit.)‎ 1. Write some new words about this unit.‎ T: Now, please think it over. Do you know the other words about school things and furniture? Who can write them down on the blackboard?‎ S: We can.‎ ‎(Some students will come to the front to write them down on the blackboard and others write them down in the notebook.)‎ T: Look at the blackboard. They are: ball, pen, ink, cupboard, living room, bedroom, kitchen, fridge, and washing machine…‎ T:Please remember them.‎ Step Seven: Homework.‎ T: Look at 3, read the note, and draw a room according to it on a picece of paper after class.‎ Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball ?‎ 教学内容 在这一单元中,学生要学会就有关人与物之间所属关系进行问答的句子。本单元大量引入有关运动的名词,要求学生彼此询问有无此类物品,并做出相应的回答。 同时学习表示建议的句型Let’s运动的形容词。‎ 本单元所选用的话题来自学生所喜欢的生活片段,在教学中生生交流、师生交流会更融洽,会促进师生彼此间的了解,成功的教学还会让部分学生养成良好的运动习惯和收藏习惯。‎ 教学目标 1) 语言知识:A.在询问对方是否有某物的对话中学会使用do和does引导的一般疑问句;‎ B. 学会使用描述性的形容词来评价事物;‎ C. 学会在对话中使用名词复数;‎ D. 学会用祈使句来向对方提出建议.‎ ‎2) 语言技能:A. 学会用祈使句询问某人是否有某物;‎ B. 学会向他人提出建议的句子.‎ ‎3) 学习策略:A.通过与同学讨论,做出猜测;‎ B.对所学的知识进行分类.‎ ‎4) 情感态度:A. 在本单元中,通过阅读有关运动的文章和对话,使学生更加热爱体育活动并培养一种适合自己的体育爱好;‎ ‎ B.在小组活动中,培养学生团结协作精神.‎ 教学重点、难点 重点:A.学会就有关人与物之间所属关系进行问答的句子;‎ ‎ B.学习并掌握Let’s…句型.‎ 难点:A.学会使用描述性形容词对事物做出评价,如difficult/relaxing/collection/television 等;‎ ‎ B.学会使用第三人称单数的一般疑问句及回答做对话.‎ 课时安排 第一课时 Section A 1a-1c 第二课时 Section A 2a-4‎ 第三课时 Section B 1a-2c 第四课时 Section B 3a-4‎ Period One 课前准备 教师:准备表格、铅笔、格尺或橡皮。‎ 学生:调查。‎ 教学设计 Step One:Learn the new words.‎ 1. Present the key vocabulary.‎ ‎(Show a basketball to the class.)‎ T: What’s this in English?‎ S1: It’s a basketball.‎ 66‎ T: Yes,you are right. Read after me. B-A-S-K-E-T-A-B-L-L,basketball.‎ Ss: B-A-S-K-E-T-A-B-L-L,basketball.‎ ‎(Show the students other objects. Teach the new words “tennis racket,ping-pong ball,volleyball,basketball” in the same way. And then show students the picture of television and teach it.)‎ T: Read the words together twice.‎ Ss: …‎ T: Ask and answer in pairs with these things. Use the drill “What’s this in English?” and “Where is the..?”‎ 1. Look at the words in 1a and match the words with the things in the picture.‎ T: Number 1 is (c ) ,tennis racket. What’s Number 2 Match them.‎ 2. Ask one student to show the answers and check them.‎ Step Two: Present the structures.‎ 1. Present these questions and answers.‎ ‎(Point to a student who has a pen or a pencil case.)‎ T: Do you have a pencil case?‎ S1:Yes, I do. (Nod your head yes)‎ T: Do you have a computer game?‎ S1: No, I don’t. (Shake your head no)‎ 2. Practice the drill “Do you have a …?” in pairs. You can use your school things and these balls.Look at the model, then practice like this.‎ Model:‎ Sa: Do you have a backpack?‎ Sb: Yes, I do. Do you have a soccer ball?‎ Sa: No, I don’t. I have a volleyball.‎ ‎(Students work in pairs.)‎ Step Three: Listening practice.‎ T: Look at the four items of 1b in the pictures. Listen to the conversation.‎ ‎(Play the recording of 1b the first time.Students only listen.)‎ T: Listen to the conversation and circle the words you hear.‎ ‎(Play the recording again.)‎ T: Check their answers.‎ S:…‎ Step Four: Practice the conversations.‎ 1. Read the conversations in 1c.‎ ‎(Ask students to repeat.)‎ 2. Look at the picture in 1a and practice the conversation with each other in pairs.‎ S1:Do you have…?‎ S2:Yes, I do.‎ S1:Do you have a …?‎ S2:No, I don’t.‎ 3. Work in groups of four and use the picture to practice the similar conversations with the new words.(television,basketball, baseball bat, soccer ball, volleyball,television)‎ T:Ask and answer the questions as many as you can.‎ S1:Do you have a … ?‎ S2: …‎ S1: …‎ S2: …‎ Step Five: Task.‎ T: Make a survey about “ What kind of balls do the students have?” We want to have a ball game.‎ 66‎ ‎ But we don’t know what kind of balls you have. Please ask your classmates in the group what balls he/ she has. Then write down the information in the chart.‎ ‎1.Fill in the chart using the structure and models on the screen.‎ Names Do you have…?‎ Balls you have ‎1‎ ‎2‎ ‎3‎ ‎4‎ ‎5‎ Structures:Do you have a …? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.‎ ‎ What balls do you have?‎ ‎ I have a …‎ Example: ‎ S1: Do you have a tennis racket, Tom?‎ S2: No, I don’t.‎ S1: What balls do you have?‎ S2: I have basketball and football.‎ S1: What about you?‎ S3: …‎ ‎2.Choose one student from each group to report about his or her group.‎ Report like this:She or he likes… One of them has a … But two of them have…‎ Step Six: Homework.‎ Make a survey about your parents’ collection.‎ Name collection Mother father Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball ?‎ Period Two 课前准备 教师:设计表格,准备录音机及多媒体课件。‎ 学生:准备卧室照片。‎ 教学设计 Step One:Warming up.‎ 1. Present the new structures.‎ T: Do you have a tennis racket?‎ S1:Yes, I do.‎ T: Do you have a baseball bat?‎ S2:No, I don’t.‎ T: Does she have a tennis racket?‎ ‎(Point to the first student)‎ S3:Yes, she does.‎ T:Does he have a baseball bat?‎ ‎(Pint to the second student)‎ S4:No,he doesn’t.‎ 2. Practice the drill.‎ T:Practice in groups of four. The first two students must use the drill “Do you have a …?” The other two students ask and answer according to their conversation and use the drill “Does he/ she have a …?”‎ S1:Do you have a …?‎ 66‎ S2:Yes, I do. Do you have a …?‎ S1:No, I don’t.‎ S3:Does she have a …?‎ S4:Yes, she does. Does he have a …?‎ S3:No, he doesn’t.‎ Step Two: Listening.‎ T:Look at the pictures in 2b and name them. What are these?‎ ‎(Point at the baseball, basketball,volleyball,football.)‎ Ss:They are…‎ T:There are four children in the conversations. Who are they? Please listen and find the answer.‎ ‎(Play the recorder for the first time.)‎ S:…‎ T:I’ll play the recorder for the second time. Listen and number the pictures(1-4).‎ ‎(Students listen for the second time.)‎ T:Listen to the conversation in 2b. Match the people with the balls.‎ ‎(Students listen and match. Teacher checks their answer.)‎ Step Three: Practice the structure: Do you have a …? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.‎ T:Now, Please look at the picture in 2c in your book. Suppose this is your partner’s room. Ask your partner “ Do you have a …?”‎ ‎(Show a photo of the teacher.)‎ Sa:Do you have a …?‎ Sb:Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.‎ T: This is my room.Ask your partner some questions about it . Make the same conversation like this.‎ Model:‎ T:Let’s look at the teacher’s room. Does she/ he have a football?‎ S1:Yes, she/he does.Does she/ he have a ping-pong?‎ T:No,she/he doesn’t.‎ ‎(Ask more students to make a conversation.)‎ T:Make a long conversation with things in the picture.‎ S:…‎ T:Take out your pictures and change each other.Please talk about it.‎ S:…‎ Step Four: Learn how to make suggestions.‎ 1. Present the new word:Let’s …‎ ‎ (Show a football to class.)‎ T:Let’s play football after class,OK?‎ S1:OK.‎ T:Let’s play ping-pong.‎ S2:OK.‎ T:We often use the drill “Let’s…” to make a suggestion.If you want to do it,you may say “OK./ That sounds good./ All right …” If you don’t want to do it, you may say “No, I don’t have a …”‎ ‎(The teacher writes the drill on the backboard.)‎ A:Let’s play…‎ B:No, I don’t have a …‎ A:Well, let’s play baseball.‎ B:That sounds good.‎ T:“That sounds good”means “That is a good idea or That would be fun”.‎ 2. Do 3a.‎ ‎(The teacher reads the cartoon story in 3a for students,saying blank each time you come to an empty 66‎ ‎ write-online.‎ T:I’ll ask a student to read the four words to the class.‎ S:…‎ T:Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.‎ ‎(Students work alone as they write the four words from the box in the correct banks.)‎ T:Check the answers.‎ S:..‎ Step Five: Practice the structure: Let’s…‎ 1. Explaining.‎ T:Look at the three pictures in 3b and name the things in it.‎ S:…‎ T:What does the mark on the basketball in Picture One mean?‎ ‎ The mark means “don’t” or “no” and means “do it”.‎ T:Who read the conversation in pairs?‎ S:…‎ 2. Pairwork.‎ T:Make conversations with your partner according to the picture.‎ Sa:Let’s play baseball.‎ Sb:I don’t have a …‎ Sa:Well,let’s play…‎ Sb:…‎ Step Six:Task.‎ Join the School Sport Center.‎ T:Look at the ad. On the screen. What sports do you like to play? Who are your favorite sportsmen and sports women? What sports do you play at the school? Our school has a Sports Center with all the sports that you would like to play.‎ Welcome to our Sports Center.‎ Do you like sports? We have many Clubs: volleyball, basketball, ping-pongand more. Join us.‎ 1. Read the ad.and fill in the chart.‎ 2. Read the ad.for students and ask them to repeat the new words.‎ 3. Ask students to choose one club and fill in the form.‎ 4. Make a conversation with one student using the form.‎ Structures:‎ What’s your first name?‎ What’s your last name?‎ What sports do you like?‎ Do you like…?‎ What class are you in ?‎ How old are you ?‎ ‎ Application(申请)‎ First name Last name Age Sex Class Club For example:‎ S1:What’s your first name?‎ 66‎ S2:My name is…‎ S1:What’s your last name?‎ S2:My last name is…‎ S1:What sports do you like?‎ S2:I like basketball.‎ S1:Who is the sport star you like?‎ S2:Yao Ming.‎ S1:Do you like baseball?‎ S2:No,I don’t.‎ S1:OK, you can join our basket club. Welcome you.‎ 1. Change the partner and make another conversation.‎ Structures:‎ ‎ What sports does he like?‎ ‎ Does he / she like…?‎ Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball ?‎ Period Three 课前准备 教师:准备表格,录音机。‎ 学生:准备调查。‎ 教学设计 Step One: Warming up.‎ 1. Present the structure of last lesson.‎ ‎(show a volleyball to a student)‎ T:Let’s make a conversation about your sport you like. Do you like volleyball?‎ S1:Yes, I like it very much.‎ ‎(Show a baseball to him or her.)‎ T:What about baseball?‎ S1:No, I don’t. I don’t like it .‎ T:OK.Let’s play volleyball after class.‎ S1:Great.‎ 2. Work in pairs and make a similar conversation like this.‎ Step Two: Learn the new words.‎ 1. Read the words in 1a.‎ ‎(Point to the five words in 1a and ask students to repeat each one.)‎ Ss:interesting, fun, relaxing, boring, difficult.‎ 2. Explain the Chinese meaning of them.‎ 3. Then match each picture with one of the words.‎ ‎(Point to the five pictures and ask students to match them.)‎ 4. Correct the answer.‎ Step Three: Practice the new words.‎ 1. Ask and answer using the description words like this.‎ ‎(Write the list of the subjects today on the blackboard.Teacher points to the subjects. Students say the description words.)‎ T:Is math relaxing?‎ Ss:No, it’s boring.‎ T:Now work in pairs.‎ 2. Practice using your pictures.‎ T: Please draw pictures that show something interesting,boring,fun,difficult or relaxing.Then make conversations. Do it like this.‎ ‎(Draw the pictures of a TV and a football on the blackboard.)‎ 66‎ T:Do you watch TV?‎ S1:Yes. I like it.‎ T:Is it interesting?‎ S1:Yes,it’s very interesting.‎ T:Do you have a football?‎ S1:Yes, I do.‎ T:Is it fun?‎ S1:Yes, it’s fun.And I like it ,too.‎ ‎(Ask a few students to draw and answer it.)‎ 1. Change pictures and work in pairs.‎ T:Now please change your partner and work in pairs.Try to guess which of the five words the picture shows.‎ S:…‎ Step Four: Listening(2a).‎ 1. One student read the five words in 1a above to the class.‎ T:Next we’ll listen to a conversation. Here are two boys in the conversation. What do they want to do ? Listen.‎ 2. Students only listen.‎ ‎(Play the recording the first time.)‎ 3. Listen again and check the words you hear in 1a.‎ ‎(Play the recording again.)‎ 4. Check the answers.‎ Step Five: Listening(2b).‎ T:Practice in recognizing specific vocabulary words in conversation and in writing them.First, listen to the recording in 2b. What does Tony say about the activities?‎ ‎(Point to the blanks where the students write their answers.)‎ ‎(Play the recording the first time. Students only listen.)‎ T:Listen to the conversation and write a word from 1a in each bland.(Play the recording again.)‎ T:Check thd answers.‎ S:…‎ Step Six: Role play.‎ T:Act out the conversation in 2a in pairs.‎ S1:Let’s play computer games.‎ S2:That sounds interesting but…‎ S1:…‎ S2:…‎ Step Seven: Activity.‎ T:Let’s draw the pictures of other activities whose names you know on the board.For example, one student might draw a picture of a bicycle for “ride a bicycle.” Another might make a drawing of a chess board for “play chess.”Let’s make a conversation like this:‎ S1:Let’s ride our bicycles.‎ S2:That sounds fun.‎ S1:…‎ S2:…‎ Step Eight: Survey.‎ T: I know what balls you have now, but I don’t know what kind of sports do you like or dislike and why. Discuss these questions in your group and fill in the chart. Then each group gives your chart to me. One student of each group must report it.‎ Ball Game Name ‎ I like I don’t like Why 66‎ Structures:‎ ‎1.I like…‎ ‎2.I don’t like…‎ ‎3.My favorite ball is…‎ ‎4.It’s exciting/ boring…‎ ‎5….likes but he / she doesn’t like…‎ ‎6….and…like…but…‎ Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball ?‎ Period Four 课前准备 教师:准备表格。‎ 学生:网球拍,排球,篮球。‎ 教学设计 Step One: Present the plural forms of nouns.‎ ‎(Show the balls to students.)‎ Teacher: I have two tennis rackets, three basketballs and four footballs.This is my sports collection.(Repeat the collection several times and teach the new word.)‎ T:What about you?‎ ‎(Ask some students to say something about their own collections.)‎ S:I have three…‎ Step Two: Read the magazine article.‎ ‎(Ask students to look at the picture in 3a.)‎ T:This is Ed Smith. He has a great sports collection.What’s the man’s sports collection? Can you tell me? (Cover the passage.)‎ S1:He has…‎ T:How many balls does he have? Listen to the recording twice.‎ T:Check their answers.‎ S:He has…‎ T:Read the article and circle the sports things in this magazine article.‎ ‎(Students read it and work alone.)‎ T:Check their answers.‎ S:The sports things:…‎ Step Three: Writing.‎ T:Look at the things in the picture of 3b and name the things in it.‎ S:Five baseballs…‎ T:Look at the picture and write the missing words on the blsnk lines.‎ ‎(Students work alone.)‎ T:Check their answers.‎ S:Eight…‎ Step Four: Draw a picture and practice writing.‎ ‎(Ask every student to draw a picture.)‎ Teacher:Ed Smith has his sports collection. Sonia Hall has her sports colletion. What sports do you play? What sports things do you have? What other things do you do? Please draw a picture about your collections like the picture in 3a.‎ ‎(Students draw pictures.)‎ T:Change the pictures with each other.Then introduce the pictures.‎ 66‎ S1:…‎ S2:…‎ T:Write an article about the partner’s pictures. You can use the structures on the blackboard.‎ ‎(Write these sentence starters on the board: He plays…/ He has…)‎ T:Check their articles about their partners’ pictures. Read the better ones for the other students.‎ S:…‎ Step Five: Write a diary about the collections of your group.‎ T:Make a survey about the collections in your group.‎ ‎(Give students the form.)‎ Name Collection How much Descriptions T:You can use the structures on the blackboard.‎ Structures: Do you have a computer game?‎ ‎ Yes, I do / No, I don’t.‎ ‎ She plays computer games every day.‎ ‎ She has a small sports collection.‎ ‎ She plays sports every day.‎ T:Check their diaries and read the best one for the others.‎ Unit 6 Do you like bananas?‎ 教学内容 本单元的核心项目是“喜欢和不喜欢(like and dislike)”。围绕着这一中心项目,课文中设计了各种食物及水果的插图和不同形式的表格,让学生进行听、说、读、写等各种学习活动。通过本单元的教学,使学生学会询问对方与了解别人喜欢与不喜欢的食物,学业会谈论自己与他人早、中、晚餐喜爱吃的食物,为其今后能在交际中恰当地表达自己的情感、灵活运用已经学过的常用功能项目、进一步学习并掌握新的语言功能奠定了坚实的基础。‎ 教学目标 ‎⑴知识目标:A、学会询问对方喜欢与不喜欢的食物;‎ ‎ B、学习并激情 些食物的词汇;‎ ‎ C、学会谈论自己与他人早、中、晚 餐喜爱吃的食物;‎ ‎ D、学会营养配。‎ ‎⑵能力目标:A、能准备表达喜欢和不喜欢的食物;‎ B、能根据具体情景对话,与他人沟通信息,合作完成任务;‎ C、通过听、说、读、写四项技能的训练,促进学生语言运用能力的提高。⑶情感目标:A、通过学习西文食品文化,促使学生了解西方生活方式与文化,培养跨 ‎ 文化交际的意识;‎ B、通过开展小组活动,指导学生积极与他人合作,培养他们的合作精神;‎ ‎ C、通过任务型活动,使学生学会在实际生活中均衡饮食,合理配餐。‎ 教学重点、难点 重点:A动词like一般现在时的各种句式及一般疑问句的肯定、否定回答;‎ B关于各种食物的词汇;‎ C名词复数的使用。‎ 难点:一般现在时中单数第三人称的变化形式。‎ 课时安排 第一课时Section A la –lc 第二课时 Section A 2a –4‎ 第三课时Section B la –2c 第四课时 Section B3a –4 Self-check 66‎ ‎ Period One ‎ 课前准备 教师:搜集关于食物的图片,多媒体教学课件,制作表格(见教学步骤)。‎ 教学设计 Step One: New words.‎ ① Present the new words.‎ T:Let’s play a aguessing game. Is it an apple in my bag?Touch and tell me the answer.‎ S1: (Touch and say)Yes, it’s an orange.‎ T:I like oranges. Like means”喜欢”. Read after me .L-I-K-E,like.‎ Ss: L-I-K-E,like.‎ T:Do you like oranges?‎ S2:Yes,I do.‎ T: Do you like oranges?‎ S3:No, I don’t.‎ ‎ (Teacher writes the title on the blackboard.)‎ T: Now today I have a lot of delicious food. First let’t look at some fruit. Look!(Show a picture of a banana.)‎ T:What’s this in English?It’s a banana. Read after me,B-A-N-A-N-A,banana.‎ Ss:B-A-N-A-N-A,banana.‎ T:Whtat color is it?‎ Ss:It’s yellow.‎ ‎ (Then look at some pictures and teach the other fruit words in the same way such as strawberry,apple.)‎ ‎(Next go on learning the vegetables and the other food in the sme way with the pictures.)‎ T:Look at the pictures and fill in the chat according to the category.‎ Fruit Food Vegetable Step Two:Grammar.‎ ① Present the countable nouns and the uncountable nouns.‎ T:Look!What are these? (Show a picture.)‎ S1:They are oranges.‎ T:How many oranges are there?Let’s count. One,two.‎ S1:Two.‎ T:And what are these? (Show another picture.)‎ S2:They are apples.‎ T:How many apples are there? Let’s count them. One,two,three.‎ S2:Three.‎ T:What’s this?‎ S3:It’s broccoli.‎ T:Can we count it”Can we say a broccoli?‎ S3:Sorry, I don’t know.‎ T:We can’t say a broccoli because it is the uncountable noun. Nouns contain the countable nouns and the uncountable nouns. Countable nouns can be counted with number ,and we add –s or –es to make the blural. For example,we can say an apple, two apples,three eggs. Uncountable nouns can’t be counted with number,and they don’t have plurals. For example, we can say salad, broccoli,but we can’t say salads,broccolis.‎ T:Look at the pictures. Fill in the chart.(Show some pictures of fruits and vegetables.)‎ Countble nouns ‎ Uncountable nouns T:Check the answers.‎ ② Present the rules of noun plural forms.‎ T:look at the pictures,can you say them?‎ S:Yes,three tomatoes,two oranges, three strawberries.‎ T:Look at the three rules of plural forms. Are they the same?‎ S:Of course not.‎ 66‎ Step Three: Drills.‎ ① Present the new drills “Do you like…? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.”‎ T:Oh,we have lots of delicious fruit. I like apples best.‎ ‎(Holding apples)‎ Do you like them?‎ S1:Yes, I do.‎ S2:No, I don’t. I like salad.‎ T:Do you like salad?‎ S3:Yes, I do./No, I don’t.‎ ‎(Ask some more students to practice like this.)‎ ② Practice the drill.‎ T:Work in pairs.Ask and answer with your pictures.‎ ‎(Before class the students have drawn some pictures of the food.)‎ Sa:Do you like…?‎ Sb: …‎ ‎(Then ask more pairs to practice.)‎ T:Let’s open your books and do 1b.Listen and number1-3.‎ ‎(The students listen and then check the answers.)‎ Step Four: Task.‎ T:Let’s make a survey.You can ask eight friends what they like and dislike. Then fill in the chart.‎ Tom Kate Li Lei ‎…‎ Apples Bananas ‎…‎ ‎(Then ask some students to report.)‎ S1:Five of the students like…, two of them like…‎ S2:…‎ Step Five :Summary.‎ ‎ In this class,we’ve learnt the names of foods, fruit and vegetables and practiced asking and answering questions about likes and dislikes. Please remember the rules of noun plurals.‎ Homework.‎ Make a survey about your parent’s likes and dislikes using Do you like…?‎ Unit 6 Do you like bananas?‎ Period Two ‎ 课前准备 教师:搜集关于食物的图片,制作表格(见教学步骤)。‎ 学生:准备上一节课的调查表格,作好对话和调查的准备。‎ 教学设计 Step One: Review the drill.‎ ① Review the drill “Do you like…”?‎ ② The girl and the boy are talking about their likes and dislike.Let’s open your books and listen. Try to finish 2a and 2b as quickly as you can.‎ Ss:…‎ Step Two: New drills.‎ ① Present the new drills “Does she/ he like…? Yes, she / he does./ No, she / he doesn’t”using the chart above.‎ T:Kate, do you like tomatoes?‎ S1:Yes, I do.‎ T:Do you like ice cream?‎ S1:No, I don’t.‎ 66‎ ‎(The teacher points at Kate and asks the class.)‎ T:Does Kate like tomatoes?‎ Ss:Yes, she does.‎ T:Does Kate like ice cream?‎ Ss:No,she doesn’t.‎ ‎(The teacher goes on asking Kate using the chart.)‎ T:Does your best friend Sue like tomatoes?‎ S1:Yes, she does.(Kate looks at her chart in her hand.)‎ T:Who is your best friend?‎ ‎(The teacher points at Jane.)‎ S1:Sally is.‎ T:Does she like tomatoes?‎ S1:Sally is.‎ ‎(The teacher points at Tony and Maria.)‎ T:Do your best friends like tomatoes?‎ S1:Yes, they do./No, they don’t.‎ ‎(The teacher asks two more students to answer his/ her questions according to the chart in their hands. Then the teacher writes down the drills “Does she/he like… ?Do they like…?” on the blackboard.)‎ T:Work in pairs and practice the drill “Does he/she…? Do they…?”according to the chart.‎ ‎(Then the teacher asks some pairs of the students to practice one by one.)‎ ① Practice the drills.‎ T:Let’s work in pairs .‎ ‎(Student A looks at Page 33.Student B looks at Page 83.Try to find out what Bob and Bill and don’t like.)‎ Sa:Does Bill like French fries?‎ Sb: … Does Bob like French fries?‎ Sa: … ‎ Step Three: Task.‎ T:Do you love your parents?‎ S:Yes.‎ T:How do you show your love to them?‎ S1:I’ll do as they say.‎ S2:I’ll buy something for them when their birthday is coming.‎ S3:I’ll study better and better.‎ S4:I’ll make a big meal for them.‎ T:Oh, I think it’s a good idea. Now let’s try to know what they like and dislike. First take out yesterday’s homework,exchange the information in pairs.‎ ‎(The teacher have asked the students to have a survey last class.)‎ Parents like dislike Mother Father ‎(Give a sample to the students)‎ T:Does your father like chicken?(Point to a student)‎ S1: No, he doesn’t.‎ T:Does your mother like eggs?‎ S1:Yes, she does.‎ T:Do they like bananas?‎ S1: Yes, they do.‎ T:Now work in groups and make a food survey.‎ Parents like dislike 66‎ Jim’s father Jim’s mother Kate’s father Kate’s mother ‎(The students work in groups.)‎ S2:Jim’s father likes… He doesn’t like… Jim’s mother likes…very much. She doesn’t like…And they both don’t like…‎ ‎(Then ask more students to report.)‎ Step Four:Summary.‎ ‎ In this class, we’ve learnt the Simple Present Tense,including of the third person singular form as subject.‎ Homework.‎ Rewrite your conversation in the form of a passage.‎ Unit 6 Do you like bananas?‎ Period Three ‎ 课前准备 教师:搜集关于食物的图片,多媒体教学课件,制作表格(见教学步骤)。‎ 学生:准备上一节课的家庭作业。‎ 教学设计 Step One: Check the homework.‎ T:Now let’s cxchange your exercise books and help each other. Try to correct it.(Ask different students to report his/her conversation.)‎ Step Twp: Review the words.‎ T:You know we have learnt so much delicious food. Now Let’s play a game with the food. Let’s see who will say the names of the food as many as possible during a minute.‎ ‎(The teacher will give the students a minute to prepare it.Then ask someone to say.)‎ S: Salad, apples, bananas, ice cream…‎ ‎(Choose the three students who said the most and give some food as presents.)‎ Step Three: New words.‎ ① Present the new words.‎ T:How many meals do you have every day?‎ Ss:Three.‎ T:What are they?(The students can answer them in Chinese.)‎ Ss:They are “早餐、中餐和晚餐 ”.‎ T:Oh, yes. In English “早餐”we can say “breakfast”.‎ ‎(Show a picture of the breakfast)‎ Read after me, “breakfast”.‎ B-R-E-A-K-F-A-S-T,breakfast.‎ Ss: B-R-E-A-K-F-A-S-T,breakfast.‎ T:Do you have your breakfast every day?‎ S1:No, sometimes I get up late, I have no time to eat.‎ ‎ T:I think it’s not good for your health.‎ ‎(Teach the other two words lunch, dinner in the same way.)‎ ② Practice the words.‎ T:Which meal do you like best?(Point to a student.)‎ S:I like breakfast best.‎ T:Why?‎ S:Because I like drinking milk.‎ T:Who also likes breakfast in our class? Please put up your hands.‎ T:Oh, so many students.You can sit in this team.‎ ‎(Ask all the students who like breakfast, lunch or dinner to come to the same team. They can talk easily.)‎ 66‎ T:We have divided all the class into three groups. One group likes breakfast, the other two like lunch and dinner. But what do you like for your three meals?‎ ‎(Show a picture of three dinners.)‎ T:I have three meal plates. What do you want to put on it?‎ Let’s talk about it. Try to find the food what your group like most and tell us the reason.‎ ‎(When each group is talking about it, the teacher goes around among the students and helps them if they need. Then ask each group to report.)‎ S:In our group, we like breakfast best. We all like oranges, eggs, milk and an apple.Because they are good for our health, we choose them.‎ ‎(When the student is saying, the teacher puts the food onto the plate for breakfast.)‎ ‎(Do it for lunch and dinner in the same way.)‎ T:Look at 1a, and write the number in the box next to the correct food.‎ ‎(Then the students finish off 1a.)‎ T:How many other food words can you add to the chart?‎ ‎ Try to write them down in the chart.‎ Fruits:‎ Vegetables:‎ ‎(The students write them down as soon as possible and then read them. See who will add most.)‎ Step Four: Practice the listening.‎ T: Look! There are so many foods. Maybe they are very delicious. Which food do you like? Do you like apples? (Show the picture.)‎ S1: …‎ T: How about chicken? Do you like it ?‎ S1: …‎ T: Can you guess what food I like?‎ S1: Do you like…?‎ T: No, I don’t.‎ S2: Do you like…?‎ S3: Do you like…?‎ T: Yes, you are right. I think you are very lucky. But I have two friends. They are Sandra and Tom. Do you know what food they like? Now, let’s listen and find out the food you hear.‎ ‎(Play the recording 2a in Section B. The students find out each food mentioned in the conversation on the recording. Then check the answers.)‎ T: Now open your books and listen again. Fill in the chart.‎ ‎(Play the recording the first time. Students listen to the conversation and write in the answers on their charts. Play the recording the second time and then the students can check their answers to be sure they are correct.)‎ T: Does Sandra like salad?‎ S: Yes, she does.‎ T: Work in pairs about the chart.‎ Step Five: Task.‎ ‎ Go on a picnic with a group of friends and make a list of food to buy.‎ ① Divide the students into six groups.‎ ② Talk about what the students in your group like and dislike and make a list.‎ ③ The leader in each group reports to the class.‎ Step Six: Summary and homework.‎ Make a survey about “What do your parents like for three meals?” after class.‎ Unit 6 Do you like bananas?‎ Period Four ‎ 课前准备 教师:搜集关于食物和人物图片,制作表格(见教学步骤)。‎ 66‎ 学生:准备表格。‎ 教学设计 Step One: New words.‎ T: Do you like sports?‎ S: Yes, I do. / Of course.‎ T: What sport do you like best?‎ S1:I like playing football/ baskball /table tennis …‎ S2:I like 跑步.‎ T: Oh, Look! What is he doing?‎ ‎ (Show the students a picture of Liu Xiang.)‎ Ss: He is 跑步.‎ T: Yes, he is running. Now, read after me, run.‎ S: Run.‎ T: R-U-N, run.‎ S: R-U-N, run.‎ T: Do you know him?‎ S: Yes, he is Liu Xiang.‎ T: You are very clever. He is Liu Xiang. He’s a runner.‎ ‎ R-U-N-N-E-R,runner.‎ S: R-U-N-N-E-R,runner.‎ T: Now he is very famous in China. Maybe everyone knows him. He is a sport star. S-T-A-R,star.‎ S: S-T-A-R,star.‎ T: Liu Xiang likes sports. He runs every day. He is healthy and he doesn’t like dessert. Do you know Healthy and dessert? Healthy means “健康的”. Can you guess the meaning of unhealthy?‎ Ss: “不健康的”.‎ T: Yes, you are clever. Read after me, healthy, unhealthy.‎ Ss: Healthy, unhealthy.‎ T: Look at these pictures. (Show these pictures of dessert.)‎ They are all dessert. In Chinese it means “甜食”.We often eat it after the important dishes.‎ T: Read after me, dessert, D-E-S-S-E-R-T, dessert.‎ Ss: D-E-S-S-E-R-T, dessert.‎ Step Two: Task.‎ T: Now look at the pictures of these foods. (Show some food pictures.) What kind of food do you think are healthy or unhealthy? Discuss in four people and fill in the chart. (Each group will have a chart)‎ Healthy food Unhealthy food ‎(Ask some groups to report.)‎ S: … are healthy food, … are unhealthy food.‎ T: So we eat more healthy food and less unhealthy food. Healthy food is good for our health, but unhealthy food is bad for our health.‎ Step Three: Learn to write about what somebody likes for three meals.‎ ① Read the passage.‎ T: Look at Liu Xiang ! Do you know why he is very healthy?‎ S1: Maybe he runs every day.‎ S2: He takes good care of his health.‎ S3: Maybe he eats very well.‎ T: Yes, he really eats very well. Every player just eats healthy food. Three is another running star. Her name is Sandra Dlark. Let’s see what she likes eating for three meals. Open your books and read 3a in Section B. First try to fill in the chart.‎ breakfast lunch dinner Fruit Vegetables Dessert ‎(The students read the passage and fill in the chart, then check the answers.)‎ S: Fruits…‎ 66‎ T: Sandra Clark has a brother, Tom. He is very clever, but a little naughty. Look at 3b and find out what Tom likes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Complete the following passage.‎ ‎(The students do 3b and check the answers.)‎ S: Four lunch …‎ ① Practice. ‎ T: I like eggs and milk for breakfast. What do you like eating for breakfast?(Point to a student.)‎ S: I like apples and bread.‎ T: What about you? (Point to another student.)‎ S: I like hamburgers and bananas.( Ask two more students to answer his/her questions for lunch and dinner.)‎ T: Who can ask and answer like this?‎ Sa: What do you like to eat for lunch?‎ Sb: I like …‎ Sa: What do you like to eat for dinner?‎ Sb: I like …‎ ‎(Then ask the students to work in pairs one by one.)‎ Step Four: Task.‎ ① Write a passage about you like for three meals.‎ T: Can you introduce yourself for three meals according to what you talked about just now? Maybe many friends want to know you. (The students write about themselves as quickly as they can. When they are ready, ask them to introduce.)‎ ② Make a survey about your classmates for three meals. ‎ T: Do you have any friends? (Ask a student.)‎ S: Yes, I do./ Of course.‎ T: Do you know what they like eating for each meal?‎ S: No/ Sorry, I don’t know. ‎ T: OK. Let’s ask our friends and try to know what they like. Then fill in the chart.‎ Name breakfast lunch dinner food drind dessert ‎(Then ask some students to report to the class.)‎ Homework.‎ Write a passage about your best friend for three meals.‎ Unit 12 MY FAVORITE SUBJECT IS SCIENCE. ‎ ‎(The 1st period Section A 1a – 2d) ‎ Teaching aims (教学目标) ‎ ‎1. Learn to talk about ss’ favorite subjects and give reasons. ‎ ‎(学会谈论自己喜爱的学科并给出理由。) ‎ ‎2. Revise some adjectives. (复习一些形容词。) ‎ Language points(语言点) ‎ ‎1. 要求掌握以下句式: ‎ ‎(1)--- What’s your favorite subject? ‎ ‎--- My favorite subject is … ‎ ‎(2)--- Why do you like …? ‎ ‎--- Because it’s … ‎ ‎2. 要求掌握以下词汇: ‎ ‎(1)名词:subject, P.E., science, biology,teacher ‎ ‎(2)连词:because ‎ 66‎ Difficult points(难点): ‎ science, history, biology等课目名称的读音和记忆 ‎ Teaching steps(教学步骤) ‎ ‎1. Warming – up and revision(课堂热身和复习) ‎ T: How are you today? ‎ S: We are fine. ‎ ‎(show a picture of Chinese teacher) ‎ T: Who is this woman/man? ‎ S: She/he is Miss/ Mr …. She/He is our Chinese teacher. ‎ T: Do you have a Chinese lesson today? ‎ S: Yes,…./No, …. ‎ T: Do you have a math lesson today? ‎ S: Yes, …./No,… ‎ T: Who is your math teacher? ‎ S: …. ‎ ‎… ‎ ‎2. Presentation(呈现新知识) ‎ T: Chinese and math are subjects. What other subjects do we have today? ‎ T: Do we have math/art/ music/PE/science/ history/ biology lesson today? ‎ S: … ‎ T:What subjects do we have tomorrow? ‎ S: … ‎ T: What subjects do we have in Junior One? ‎ S: We have math/English/Chinese …. ‎ T: What subjects do we have in our school? ‎ S: We have math/English/Chinese…. ‎ ‎3. Work on 1a(完成P71 - 1a)(放大图片) ‎ T: Look at the pictures on P71. Please match the words with the pictures. ‎ S: Picture c is a P.E class. ‎ Picture d is an art class. ‎ Picture b is a science class. ‎ Picture e is a music class. ‎ Picture a is a math class. ‎ Picture f is a Chinese class. ‎ ‎4. Work on 1b(完成P71 - 1b) ‎ T: Let’s listen to the tape and circle the subjects in 1a you hear. ‎ S: Now let’s check the answers. The boy’s favorite subject is science. And the girl likes art and math, but her favorite subject is music. ‎ ‎5. Listen and repeat.(听音跟读) ‎ T: Listen to the tape and repeat. ‎ Tapescript: ‎ A: What’s your favorite subject? ‎ B: My favorite subject is science. What’s yours? ‎ A: Hmm. Well, I like art and math. But my favorite subject is music. ‎ 66‎ ‎6. Work on 1c (完成P71 - 1c)(Ask and answer) ‎ T: The boy’s favorite subject is science. And the girl’s favorite subject is music. What about you? What’s your favorite subject? ‎ S: My favorite subject is… ‎ T: What’s Tom’s favorite subject? Ask him, please. ‎ S: What’s your favorite subject, Tom? ‎ ‎….. ‎ Now talk about your favorite subject. ‎ ‎7.Presentation(呈现新知识点) ‎ ‎1)S1: What’s your favorite subject? ‎ S2: My …. ‎ S1: Why do you like…? ‎ S2: Because…. ‎ ‎2)T:Is … your favorite subject? ‎ S: No, …. ‎ T: Why don’t you like …? ‎ S: Because it’s difficult/ boring…. ‎ ‎6. Work on 2c,2d(完成P72 - 2c, 2d) ‎ T: I think English is interesting. What do you think? ‎ S: …. ‎ T: what about other subjects? ‎ Look at your books, match the subjects with the description words. ‎ T / S: What do you think of these subjects? ‎ S: I think art is interesting. ‎ T / S: So is it your favorite subject? S: Yes, you’re right. ‎ T / S: What do you think of science? S: …. ‎ ‎… ‎ ‎8. Work on 2a (完成P72 – 2a) ‎ T: Look at the four sentences in the picture. Now listen and put the conversation in order. ‎ Answer: ‎ 横着4-1-2-3 ‎ ‎9. Work on 2b (完成P72 – 2b) ‎ T: The girl likes P.E., because it is fun. How about the other subjects? Now listen again and match the subjects with the description words you hear. ‎ T: What’s the girl’s / boy’s favorite subject? Why does she / he like it? ‎ S: Her / His favorite subject is P.E. / music, because it is fun / relaxing. ‎ ‎10.Listen and repeat. (听音跟读) ‎ T: Now let’s listen to the tape and repeat. Please try to read like the tape. ‎ Tapescript: ‎ A: What’s your favorite subject? ‎ B: My favorite subject is P.E. ‎ A: Why do you like P.E.? ‎ 66‎ B: Because it’s fun. How about you? What’s your favorite subject. ‎ A: Hmm. My favorite subject is music. ‎ B: Really? Why? ‎ A: Because it’s relaxing. ‎ ‎11. Group work(小组活动) ‎ S1:What’s your favorite subject? ‎ S2: My favorite subject is … ‎ S1: Why do you like …? ‎ S2: Because…. What about you? ‎ S1: …. ‎ ‎(S3和S4 做类似的对话) ‎ S1:What’s S4’s favorite subject? ‎ S3: His/ Her …. ‎ S1:Why does he/she…. ‎ S3: Because… ‎ ‎(S2和S4 做类似对话) ‎ ‎12. Homework ‎ Oral homework: ‎ a) Listen to 1b and 2b, read them and recite them.(听读背诵1b和2b的对话) ‎ b) Make up your dialogues with your partner and polish it. ‎ ‎(继续和对话对子编对话,并完善对话。) ‎ Written homework: ‎ a) Copy the words in 1a twice. ‎ b) Finish workbook P46 ‎ c) Search the information about parents’ favorite. ‎ 展示学生各任课教师上课的图片----利用学生熟悉的身影来复习已学过的课程,也很自然地在下面引出要学的新学科单词,同时让学生初次接触Who is your…teacher 的句型 ‎ 出示当天的功课表,同时板书subject并跟读.如: ‎ English ‎ Chinese ‎ math ‎ P.E. ‎ 让学生多说各科单词,出示相应的图片,重点练习science , biology进行强化,加深单词印象。然后提供功课表帮助学生回答。 ‎ 给学生一分钟时间来完成此项任务。如有必要可留出两分钟时间,让同桌学生讨论答案。老师也可直接用手指出图片。检验学生是否正确完成任务. ‎ 播放录音。如有需要,老师可播放录音两遍。尽量让学生说出答案,教师在必要的时候给以提示. ‎ 板书“---What’s your favorite subject? --- My favorite subject…提问过几位同学之后改变人称,随意性的链式练习活动, 让学生熟悉运用此句型以及各种人称的用法,四、五人一组,巩固your, my, his, her ‎ 66‎ ‎,their各种形容词性物主代词 ‎ 老师先做example后,再引导学生相互问答组成小对话作为巩固操练。 ‎ 给学生一分钟时间,然后以对话的形式给出答案, 不同的学生可有不同的答案。老师当堂检查两到三组同学对话,其余同学课后到老师那里表演。 ‎ 播放录音,让学生以表演对话的形式呈现答案 ‎ 录音可听两遍,也根据学生程度,可以每放一个小的对话就停顿几秒,再继续放。 ‎ 提问是为了检查答案。 ‎ 老师特别强调语音语调的模仿。可全班先跟读,再个别学生跟读。老师可根据实际情况来决定跟读的时间。 ‎ 小组活动是对本课所学知识的综合运用和巩固。这一步骤的学习活动还可以以另外的形式来进行:如chant或者survey,更加活泼,要求更高。 ‎ ‎(The 2nd period Section A 1a – 2d) ‎ Teaching aims:(教学目标) ‎ ‎1. Learn to talk about Ss’ favorite subjects and give reasons. ‎ ‎(学会谈论喜爱的学科并给出理由。) ‎ ‎2. Learn to talk about Ss’ favorite things and give reasons. ‎ ‎(学会谈论喜爱的其他东西并给出理由。) ‎ Language points(语言点) ‎ ‎1. 要求掌握以下句式: ‎ ‎(1)--- What’s your favorite… (subject, color, city …)? ‎ ‎--- My favorite … is … ‎ ‎(2)--- Why do you like … ? ‎ ‎--- Because it’s … ‎ ‎(3) --- Who is your … teacher…? ‎ ‎--- Mr / Miss … ‎ ‎3. 要求掌握以下词汇:city, mom ,dad ‎ Teaching steps (教学步骤): ‎ ‎1. Warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习) ‎ ‎1)Daily greeting and revision. ‎ T: How are you today? ‎ S: I am fine. ‎ T: How many subjects do you have today? ‎ S: Seven. ‎ T: What are they? ‎ S: They are Chinese/math/English .… ‎ T: What’s your favorite subject? ‎ S: My favorite subject is …. ‎ T: Why do you like it? ‎ S: Because it’s …. ‎ ‎… ‎ ‎2)Chant: ‎ 66‎ ‎′What’s your ′favorite ′subject? ‎ My ′favorite ′subject is ′science. ‎ ‎′Science, ′science, ′science. ‎ ‎′Why do ′you ′like ′science? ‎ It’s ′interesting, ′interesting, ′interesting. ‎ ‎2. Game (语言运用) -- Grammar focus(语法点P72) ‎ T: I think games are interesting. Let’s play a guessing game. A come here and have a look at a note in the box. Then ask others questions: What’s Mary’s favorite subject? Why does she like it? Others try to find the answer by guessing like this: Is … her favorite subject? Is her favorite subject …? … ‎ A: What’s Mary’s favorite subject? ‎ S1: Is Chinese her favorite subject? ‎ A: No, it isn’t. ‎ S2: Is English her favorite subject? ‎ A: No, it isn’t. ‎ ‎… ‎ S: Is math her favorite subject? ‎ A: Yes, it is. Why does she like it? ‎ S: Because it is relaxing? ‎ A: No, it isn’t. ‎ ‎… ‎ S: Because it is interesting? ‎ A: Yes, it is. ‎ ‎4.Presentation(呈现新知识) ‎ T: What’s your favorite subject? ‎ S: My favorite subject is (math)? ‎ T: Why do you like (math)? ‎ S: Because it is (interesting). ‎ T: I’m your English teacher. Who is your math teacher? ‎ S: Mr/ Mrs/ Miss…is my math teacher. ‎ T: Ask your friend about his /her favorite subject and teacher, please. ‎ S1: What’s your favorite subject? ‎ S2: My…. ‎ S1: Who’s your …teacher? ‎ S2: Mr/ Mrs/ Miss…is my math teacher./ My … teacher is …. ‎ S1: What’s S3’s favorite subject? ‎ S2: … ‎ S3:… ‎ ‎3. Work on 3a(完成P73 – 3 a) ‎ T: How about this girl in our book? Now complete the conversation. You can use the words in the box. Then tell me something about the girl. ‎ S1: What is your favorite subject? ‎ S2: My favorite subject is art. ‎ S1: Who is your art teacher? ‎ S2: My art teacher is Mrs Jones. ‎ 66‎ T: Now tell me something about the girl. What’s her favorite subject and who is the teacher? ‎ S: The girl’s favorite subject is art. Her art teacher is Mrs Jones. ‎ ‎4. Work on 3b (完成P73 – 3b) ‎ T: How about your partner? Ask and answer with your partner. ‎ ‎… ‎ T: Do you know want to know about your classmates? Now ask your classmates questions and complete the chart, then give a report. ‎ Name: Favorite subject Reason teacher Description of teacher ‎ I: ‎ S1: ‎ S2: ‎ ‎… ‎ Report: ‎ My name is __________. My favorite subject is __________ ‎ because it is ________. My ________ teacher is _________. ‎ I like her/him very much. She/He is really ___________. ‎ ‎______’s favorite subject is___________. ‎ ‎_________________________________________________ ‎ ‎_________________________________________________ ‎ ‎_________________________________________________ ‎ ‎5. Pairwork. ‎ T: I know your favorite subject is …. But what’s your favorite city? Is Linhai / Hangzhou / Shanghai… your favorite city? ‎ S: My favorite city is … ‎ S1: … ‎ S2: … ‎ ‎… ‎ T: Now I’d like you to talk about your favorite things in pairs. ‎ ‎6. Survey (完成P73 – 4) ‎ T: Now we know a lot about our classmates. But do you know ‎ anything about your mom and dad? Complete the chart with their favorite things. Then talk about them with your classmates. ‎ Favorite city Favorite food Favorite color Favorite TV show ‎ Mom ‎ Dad ‎ ‎(让两学生谈论父母亲的喜好,其他学生听,做报告) ‎ S1: What’s your mother’s favorite city? ‎ S2: Her favorite city is … ‎ ‎… ‎ Report like this: ‎ S: _______’s mom’s favorite city is ________. Her favorite food is _________.______________________________________________ ‎ ‎________________________________________________________ ‎ 66‎ But her/his dad’s favorite is ____________, ____________________ ‎ ‎________________________________________________________ ‎ ‎________________________________________________________ ‎ ‎7. Homework ‎ Oral homework: ‎ a) Read 3a and recite it.(朗读背诵3a的对话) ‎ b) Read the sentences in Grammar Focus.(朗读Grammar Focus的句子) ‎ c) Prepare for the one-minute talk about your favorite and reasons. ‎ Written homework: ‎ a) Finish workbook P47- 4, 5 ‎ b) Do a survey about classmates’ parents’ favorite and write a ‎ passage. ‎ c) Bring a wall calendar to the class. ‎ 教师设计各种学生身边的问题,目的是让学生复习学科名词和上一课时的知识点。 ‎ 这次的chant可以用音乐的节拍来进行。 ‎ Chant和做游戏是对Grammar focus 知识点的展示和综合巩固。(给学生A看 事先准备好的小纸条,上面写比如Mary —math--- interesting 由A学生发问:What’s Mary’s ‎ favorite subject? 其他学生猜问Is … her favorite subject?或Is her favorite subject … ?,A答用yes或no回答。猜对后,A再问Why does she like math?其他学生猜问Because it is … ?A答yes或no直到猜对答案为止。)在游戏中复习学科单词和描写学科的形容词,并且复习her, his等形容词性物主代词。 ‎ 在教师的引导下,学生由两人对话过渡到三人一组的链式操练, 然后到结束的时候教师会提问一些同学的favorite subject 及teacher 的情况, 促使全体学生在练的过程中集中注意力。 ‎ 给学生一分钟时间准备 ‎ 让学生以对话的形式来订正答案。 ‎ 最后让学生以第三人称来说同伴的情况, 培养说简短的语篇的能力。 ‎ 为了给学生更多的机会重复使用形容词,可适当增加表格栏目内容 ‎ 在学生调查后,让一两个学生来做简短的报告,其中可以适时地穿插问其他学生有关报告的内容。 ‎ 在最后一个学生报告完毕后,通过问他一个问题来引出同学谈论喜欢的东西,如:food, color, sports, songs, movies…。学生两人一组相互问答。先让三到四对同学表演对话,最后让个别同学以语篇的形式说出自己和同伴的最喜爱的东西。 ‎ 通过调查完成表格,让两学生谈论父母亲的喜好,其他学生听,并做报告。这一步培养学生听说写的综合能力。 ‎ 如果有学生不知道父母的喜好,及时进行情感的教育。‎ ‎(The 3rd period Section B 1a – 2c) ‎ 66‎ Teaching aims(教学目标): ‎ ‎1. Learn to talk about ss’ favorite subjects and give reasons. ‎ ‎(学会谈论喜爱的学科并给出理由。) ‎ ‎2. Learn the seven days of the week.(学会说出一周的七天。) ‎ Language points(语言点): ‎ ‎1. 要求掌握以下句式:--- When do you have (math)? ‎ ‎--- On Monday. ‎ ‎--- When does he/she have …? ‎ ‎--- On … ‎ ‎2. 要求掌握以下词汇:一周七天(一周七天已在前面daily greeting中第一次非正式出现)Sunday,Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday ‎ Difficult points(难点): ‎ Sunday,Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday的读音和记忆 ‎ Teaching steps (教学步骤): ‎ ‎1. Warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习) ‎ One-minute talk. (学生一分钟演讲)Topic: My Favorite ‎ ‎(E.g.: I have many subjects at school, they are … My favorite subject is …. I like it because it is … And … is my … He/She is … I like him/her very much, too. My favorite city is …, because it is….) ‎ After the talk get the students ask and answer questions about it. ‎ ‎2. Presentation(呈现新知识) ‎ ‎1) Daily greeting and revision ‎ T: …(name) just says you have many subjects at school. ‎ T: What classes do you have today? ‎ S: We have English/Chinese,/science .… ‎ T: Oh, so many classes today. ‎ T: What’s the date today? ‎ S: It’s (January 7th). ‎ T: Today is (January 7th). It’s (Friday). ‎ T: Then what day is January 8th? ‎ S: It is Saturday. ‎ ‎… ‎ ‎2)Quick response ‎ T: There are seven days in a week. But which day is the first day of the week? Is it Monday? ‎ S: No, it’s Sunday. ‎ T: Good! The first day of the week is … ‎ S: The first day of the week is Sunday. The second day of the week is Monday. The third day of the week is Tuesday. The fourth day of the week is Wednesday. The fifth day of the week is Thursday. The sixth day of the week is Friday. The seventh day of the week is Saturday. ‎ T:Which is the 2nd day of the week? ‎ Which is the 6th day of the week? ‎ ‎… ‎ ‎3)T: Let’s say the days of the week quickly, clapping our hands. ‎ ‎4)T:Now let’s sing the song: Days of the week. ‎ ‎3. Work on 1a (完成P74 – 1a) ‎ 66‎ T: Now look at 1a. These days are out of order. Please put them in order by numbering the boxes 1 – 7. ‎ S1: No. 1. September 30. S2: Sunday. ‎ S3: No. 2. October 1. S4: Monday. ‎ S5: No. 3. October 2. S6: Tuesday. ‎ S7: No. 4. October 3. S8: Wednesday. ‎ S9: No. 5. October 4. S10: Thursday. ‎ S11: No. 6. October 5. S12: Friday. ‎ S13: No. 7. October 6. S14: Saturday. ‎ ‎4. Work on 1b (完成P74 – 1b) ‎ T: Quite good. There are seven days in a week. And we come to school five days a week. In these five days we have to study at school. What subjects do we study? Now check the subjects in 1b quickly. ‎ T: What subjects do you study at school? ‎ S: We have art, science, music, math, P.E. and Chinese. But we don’t have history or biology now. ‎ ‎5. Work on 1c. (完成P74 – 1c) ‎ T: When (What time) do you have art? ‎ Do you have art on Monday? ‎ S: Yes, we have art on Monday morning. / No, we have art on Tuesday afternoon. ‎ T:When do we have English? ‎ S: We have English on Monday, Tuesday…./We have it every day. ‎ T: OK. Look at the chart ask and answer about the time of subjects in pairs. ‎ ‎6. Work on 2a. (完成P74 – 2a) ‎ T: We have different subjects on different days. What about Ming, Selina and Ken? What subjects do they study? Please listen to the tape and write down the school subjects they talk about in the tape. ‎ T: What subjects do they talk about? ‎ S: Biology, history, art and science. ‎ ‎7. Work on 2b. (完成P74 – 2b) ‎ T: What subjects do Ming, Selina and Ken like? When do they have these subjects? Listen again and fill in the chart of 2b. ‎ ‎8. Listen and repeat. (听音跟读) ‎ T: Now let’s listen to the tape and repeat. Please try to read like the tape. ‎ Tapescript: ‎ Boy1: Are you Ok, Ming? ‎ Girl1: No, I’m not. It’s Tuesday and I have biology. ‎ Girl2: And you don’t have biology?: ‎ Girl1: No, it’s so boring. ‎ Boy1: So, what’s your favorite subject? ‎ Girl1: Oh, history! It’s such fun. I love Friday because we have history in the morning. How about you, Selina? ‎ Girl2: Art, I guess. It’s really relaxing. ‎ Girl1: When do you have art? ‎ Girl2: On Monday and Wednesday. How about you, ken? What’s your favorite subject? ‎ Boy1: Science. It’s really interesting. I have science class this afternoon. ‎ ‎9. Work on 2c. (完成P74 – 2c) ‎ T: Now we know something about Ming, Selina and Ken. Please make a conversation about them. You can use the information from the chart. You may make up dialogues like 2c on P74. (What’s … favorite …? Why…? When…?) ‎ 66‎ ‎10. Following up. (知识拓展) ‎ Make a survey: ‎ T: Now it’s your turn to make up your own dialogues. Please work with your group (four students in one group) and finish this chart. ‎ Name Subject doesn’t like Why? When? Favorite subject Why? When? ‎ S1 ‎ S2 ‎ S3 ‎ A: Hi/Hey,… What subject doesn’t… like? ‎ B: He/She doesn’t like … ‎ A: Why doesn’t he/she like… ‎ B: Because … ‎ A: When does he/she have … ‎ B: On … ‎ ‎… ‎ Report: ‎ In my group, there are _________ ________ and _________. ‎ ‎_________ doesn’t like _________, because _____________. ‎ He/She has __________ on ___________. But his/her favorite ‎ subject is __________. _________________________________ ‎ ‎____________________________________________________ ‎ ‎____________________________________________________ ‎ ‎11. Homework. ‎ Oral homework: ‎ a) Listen to 2b, read and recite it. (听读背诵2b的对话) ‎ b) Go on making up your dialogues and polish it. ‎ ‎(继续编对话,并完善对话。) ‎ Written homework: ‎ a) Copy the new words twice. ‎ b) Finish workbook P47-5 and P48. ‎ c) Finish the report. ‎ Topic可以是My favorite ‎ 或者My mom’s /dad’s favorite ‎ 在学生做完演讲后提问和评价,这样有利于学生更好的理解topic的语言点,也利于集中他们的注意力。 ‎ 在复习学科单词时,很自然地带出星期几,这里可 ‎ 给学生出示挂历帮助学生回答,同时顺便复习一下日期 ‎ 老师板书 Friday.跟读数遍 ‎ 以同样的方法来引出学习一周其他的几天 ‎ 66‎ 在学生按顺序说完后,教师随意打乱顺序来让学生快速回答。 ‎ 让全班学生边拍手边chant一周七天,练习学生的语速,节奏感和反应能力 ‎ 给学生一分钟时间准备,按对子轮流。让两学生来说出答案,一人说日期,另一人说星期 ‎ 板书: ‎ When do you have…? ‎ We have … on …. ‎ 必要时教师提供帮助 ‎ 出示班级的功课表让学生组织对话,根据班级的情况,可以给学生三四分钟时间练习when…的句型,或直接检查两到三组同学的对话 ‎ 有必要,让学生跟读这些英文名字 ‎ 播放录音,如有必要可播放两遍。 ‎ 播放录音,让单个学生叙述回答。 ‎ 学生听一句跟一句。老师特别强调语音语调的模仿。老师可把听力内容打印发给学生,以便他们听时标上语调。可以全班先跟读,再个别学生跟读。 ‎ 老师当堂可检查两到三组对话 ‎ 老师根据学生的实际水平,可以让学生自由发挥编对话。也可让他们看表格编对话,给出对话框架 ‎ 如当堂没时间完成,可作为课后作业 ‎ 也可以让学生制作英文的功课表 ‎(The 4th period Section B 3a - 4) ‎ Teaching aims:(教学目标) ‎ ‎1. Improve the ability of reading(提高阅读能力): ‎ a. Learn to grasp the keywords and then to pick up the information needed. (学会抓住关键词并通过关键词抽取所需信息 ) ‎ b. Learn to find the information from the passage. (在短文中查找信息 ) ‎ c. Master the skill of finding the mainline of the passage. ‎ ‎(掌握梳理文章脉络的技巧) ‎ ‎2. Revise the forms of the letter. (复习书信的格式,学会如何更好地进行英文写作。) ‎ ‎3. Learn to make a suitable timetable. (学会合理安排自己的作息时间。) ‎ Language points: (语言点) ‎ ‎1. 复习学科单词:P.E., science, history, biology, math, English, Chinese. ‎ ‎2. 复习一周七天的单词:Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday ‎ ‎3. 学习及复习描述性单词:busy, tired, difficult, relaxing, interesting, fun, boring, strict. ‎ 66‎ Difficult points(难点) ‎ 如何让学生学会合理安排自己的作息时间。 ‎ Teaching steps (教学步骤): ‎ ‎1. Warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习) ‎ ‎1) Chant: ‎ The first day of the week is Sunday. The second day of the week is Monday. The third day of the week is Tuesday. The fourth day of the week is Wednesday. The fifth day of the week is Thursday. The sixth day of the week is Friday. The seventh day of the week is Saturday. ‎ ‎2) A game: Let’s say the days of the week in order quickly. (让学生全体站起来,边打节奏边按顺序说单词,每人说一个,谁跟不上节奏的就算输了就要坐下,此项活动可以以小组竞赛的形式展开,最后哪一组站着的人最多哪一组算赢.) ‎ S1:Sunday ‎ S2: Monday ‎ ‎… ‎ ‎2. Work on 4(完成P74 - 4) ‎ T: When do you have science? ‎ Do you have science on Wednesday? ‎ S: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. I have it on… ‎ T: Is science your favorite subject? ‎ S: No, it isn’t. ‎ T: What’s your favorite subject? ‎ S: It’s (math). ‎ T: When do you have (math)? ‎ S: On Tuesday. ‎ T: So Tuesday is your favorite weekday? ‎ S: Yes, it is. ‎ T: Tuesday is her favorite day because she has math on Tuesday. What’s your favorite weekday? ‎ Ss: … ‎ T: Now, I’d like you to survey your classmates about their favorite weekdays and fill in the chart. ‎ Name Favorite weekday Why ‎ E.g. Scott’s favorite weekday is Friday because he has art. He likes art. He thinks it’s … ‎ ‎3. Work on 3a. (完成P75 – 3a) ‎ T: Scott’s favorite weekday is Friday. What’s Lin Mei’s favorite weekday? Is Tuesday her favorite day? We don’t know. She writes a letter to Jane about Tuesday. Let’s read and find out: What’s her favorite subject? What subject she doesn’t like? ‎ S: … ‎ T: Good. What other things does Lin Mei like or dislike? Read it again and underline the things she likes, circle the things she doesn’t like. ‎ S: Lin Mei likes science, P.E., music and Chinese history club, but ‎ 通过让学生chant这段话使学生马上进入学习的状态,并复习一周七天 ‎ 在说的过程中由教师起 ‎ 头,不断的改变开始的 ‎ 地方和前进的方向,让 ‎ 学生循环的说一周七天 ‎ 66‎ 学生一般最喜欢周末,这里用weekday 更合适 ‎ 随意的提问几位同学。 ‎ 给学生到五分钟时间来完成 ‎ 让三到四个学生起来以叙述的句子告诉大家他记录下来的结果 ‎ 给学生三到五分钟的时间准备或核对答案 ‎ she doesn’t like math, history or volleyball. ‎ ‎4. Work on 3b. (完成P75 – 3b) ‎ T: Is Tuesday a busy day for Lin Mei? Why? ‎ S: …. ‎ T: Is her volleyball teacher fun? ‎ S: No, he’s very strict. ‎ T: Are your teachers strict, too? ‎ S: … ‎ T: Who’s strict? ‎ S:… ‎ T: After volleyball class, how is Lin Mei? ‎ S: She is very tired. ‎ T: Are you tired after school? ‎ S:… ‎ T: Lin Mei is very tired after school because she has many things to do. What things does she do? And when does she do them? Now read again and finish her schedule. ‎ Tuesday ‎ Time subjects Like ‎ ‎/doesn’t like Why? Time ‎ Subjects ‎ Like/doesn’t like Why? ‎ ‎8:00 to 9:00 math ‎ ‎12:00 to 1:00 lunch ‎ ‎9:00 to 10:00 science ‎ ‎1:00 to 2:00 music ‎ ‎10:00 to 11:00 history boring 2:00 to 4:00 volleyball ‎ ‎11:00 to 12:00 P.E. 4:00 to 5:00 Chinese history club ‎ ‎1. What subject does Lin Mei have at 8:00? ‎ 帮助学生说出strict并板书 ‎ 帮助学生说出tired并板书 ‎ 给学生足够的时间准备,为了让学生能根据表格复述,可以适当增加几栏,斜体部分为答案 ‎ ‎1. Does she like math? ‎ ‎2. What subject does Lin Mei have at 9:00? ‎ 66‎ ‎3. Does she like science? ‎ ‎4. Why does she like it? ‎ ‎5. What subject does Lin Mei have at 10:00? ‎ ‎6. Does she like history? ‎ ‎7. Why does she like it? ‎ ‎…(问题以此类推) ‎ T: Can you say something about Lin Mei’s day according to the chart on the screen? ‎ ‎5. Work on 3c. (完成P75 – 3c) ‎ T: If you’re Lin Mei, do you like Tuesday? Do you like to be busy? ‎ S: No.(如果肯定问Is Tuesday your favorite school day?) ‎ T: Then what’s your favorite school day? ‎ S: … ‎ T: What’s your favorite day? Now please write your schedule for that day, just like Lin Mei’s. ‎ T: OK, now tell the reasons why you like it and give a report. ‎ Report: ‎ I like _________ best. It is the ________ day of the week. On that ‎ day, I have______________________________________________ ‎ are my favorite subjects. In the ______class, we can _____________ ‎ ‎_______________________________________________________ ‎ And ___________________________________________________ ‎ ‎_______________________________________________________ ‎ ‎(e.g. Report: I like Tuesday best. On that day, I have English, math, P.E. and music. English and music are my favorite subjects. In the English class, we can play games and we can also learn many things about foreign countries. We love our English teacher very much. P.E. is also my favorite subject. We can exercise and play basketball. We really like basketball and we can play together.) ‎ ‎6. Groupwork.(小组合作) ‎ T: I know some of you like Monday, but some of you like other school days. Different students have different favorite school days. So it’s difficult to make one schedule for all the students. Please design your favorite timetable for one day and fill in the chart, then tell why you’d like a timetable like this, you can work with your group members. We will see which group is the best. ‎ Time Things to do Reasons ‎ in the ‎ morning (8:00 – 9:00) (have music class) (relaxing) ‎ in the ‎ afternoon ‎ Report: ‎ My favorite day will be like this. In the morning, we ___________ ‎ ‎_______________________________________________________ ‎ 66‎ In the afternoon, we ______________________________________ ‎ ‎_______________________________________________________ ‎ ‎(E.G. Report: My favorite day will be like this. In the morning, we ‎ have English, math, science and P.E.. We can learn a lot about ‎ English, math and science. The last class in the morning is P.E., it’s ‎ relaxing and interesting. And we like ball games, we can exercise ‎ and play balls in the P.E. class. In the afternoon, we have music and ‎ art. They are our favorite subjects. After that at about4:00, our ‎ school is over. We can do the things we like by ourselves.) ‎ ‎7. Homework ‎ Oral homework: ‎ Listen to the tape and recite the letter. ‎ Written homework: ‎ Make a schedule about your favorite school day and do a report. ‎ ‎(要求写出一整天的作息时间) ‎ 通过问左边的问题,可以让学生相互问答,也可教师问学生答,让学生把关键词填入表格,以便学生复述和仿写。 ‎ 给学生几分钟时间准备复述。根据学生的水平,可以让一个学生复述一门学科或几个学生合作复述 ‎ 让学生选出自己最喜欢的学习日并列出那天的时间表。(给学生时间准备) ‎ 让学生根据时间表说明喜欢这一天的原因,并做个报告 ‎ 此活动为小组活动,学生根据个人或小组爱好设计理想的学校生活的一天,然后说明设计的理由 ‎ 给学生一定的时间小组完成后,叫各组代表向全班进行汇报,然后讨论哪一组的安排最为合理 ‎ Unit 12 MY FAVORITE SUBJECT IS SCIENCE. ‎ ‎(The 5th period Self-check) ‎ Teaching aims:(教学目标) ‎ ‎1. Revise and consolidate the languages learned in this unit. ‎ ‎(复习巩固本单元所学的词汇和知识点。) ‎ ‎2. Learn to reply a letter. (学习写一封回信。) ‎ ‎3. Revise the important things by doing a small text. (通过小测验来复习本单元所学过的重点内容。) ‎ Language points:(语言点) ‎ Review the key words presented in this unit. ‎ Teaching steps (教学步骤): ‎ ‎1. Warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习) ‎ ‎1) Read the chant in the grammar focus. ‎ 66‎ ‎2) Sing the song of weekdays ‎ ‎3) Quick response: Get the students answer quick in chain. ‎ T: The second day of the week is_________. ‎ S1: Monday. The fifth day of the week is _________. S2! ‎ S2: …. ‎ ‎…. ‎ ‎2. Work on 3 on P76 (完成P76 – 3) ‎ ‎1) Listen to the tape about Zhao Jie’s studies and find the answer to the question. ‎ T: Well, today we are going to meet a boy. His name is Zhao Jie. He doesn’t think he is a good student. Now listen carefully and find the answer to the question. ‎ What is Zhao Jie’s favorite? ‎ ‎2) Listen again and repeat. ‎ ‎3) Read and write a letter to Zhao Jie. ‎ T: Please write a letter to Zhao Jie and tell him your school life. Please write an outline with your partner first. Then you can write about it. ‎ ‎4)Have two students read their letters and ask other students to take notes and find the mistakes. ‎ ‎3. Enjoy just for fun on P76 (欣赏just for fun) ‎ T: We know different people have different favorite things. We can’t judge a person by his/her appearance. Now read “Just for fun”. ‎ S:…(Take a moment to read the story) ‎ T: What’s the small boy’s favorite subject? ‎ S: … ‎ T: Does he look like a hard-working student? Why? ‎ S: … ‎ T: Does he look like a sports player? ‎ S: … ‎ T: So why is the big boy very surprised? ‎ S: … ‎ T: Yeah, different people have different favorite things. We can’t depend on what he looks like. ‎ At last let’s have a dictation and a test for this unit. ‎ I hope you can do a good job! ‎ ‎4. Dictation:(听写下列单词和词组,时间为五分钟) ‎ ‎1.subject 2. favorite 3.science 4.because 5.teacher 6.city 7.Sunday 8.Thursday 9.be strict with 10.play with ‎ ‎5. Grammar test (打在幻灯片上, 或事先印在纸上发给学生,时间为10分钟) ‎ 一、根据句意填单词。 ‎ ‎1. At school my favorite s________ is math. ‎ ‎2. Music is very r_________, I like it very much. ‎ ‎3. I like drawing a lot, so I join the a________ club. ‎ ‎4. Mary has biology only on W____________. ‎ ‎5. On M_________, I don’t have science. ‎ ‎6. F________ is my favorite day of the week. ‎ ‎7. The third day of the week is ___________. ‎ ‎8. The last day of the week is ____________. ‎ ‎9. I like P.E., b________ it’s fun. ‎ 66‎ ‎10. My father is always s_________ with me. ‎ ‎11. P.E. class is exciting, but it often makes me t________. ‎ ‎12. Today is very b_________, I have many classes. ‎ ‎(key: subject, relaxing, art, Wednesday, Monday, Friday, Tuesday, Saturday, because, strict, tired, busy.) ‎ 二、选词填空。 ‎ Jack is my brother. He _________ up at 7:00a.m. and he __________ to school at 8:00a.m. He_________ science at 9:00a.m. and then he has math class at 10:00a.m. Math is his ___________ subject. He __________ math ___________ it’s interesting. Mr Tan is his math __________. He is very __________ with Jack. At 12:00 Jack eats __________ and then he has music at 1:00p.m. He has history class _________ 2:00p.m. He __________ like history, because it is so boring. But Jack really likes __________ art class. He has art class __________ Wednesday at 3:00p.m. ‎ ‎(key: gets, goes, has, favorite, likes, because, teacher, strict, lunch, at, doesn’t, his, on) ‎ ‎6. Homework ‎ ‎1) Finish part 1 and 2 of the self–check. ‎ ‎2) Finish the workbook P48. ‎ 第3环节要求学生除了写自己喜欢的科目外,还可以写自己的学习生活等,老师可以使用适当的中文进行要求讲解(操作建议:1.请学生注意写信的格式 2. 教给学生一些写作技巧,如逻辑性、层次性等。3.让学生先列出提纲。4.根据提纲写信)‎ Unit12 (revision)Teaching goals: ‎ ‎1. Revise the subjects (Chinese ,math,English , science ,history, P.E ,music .etc. ) ‎ ‎2. Revise seven days of a week and some new words (useful, boring,fun, interesting,relaxing, exciting. ‎ ‎3. Revise the sentence patterns : What’s your/his/her favourite suject/day/sport.etc.? ‎ My/His/Her favourite suject/day/sport is …… . ‎ Why do you like/dislike math/music …… ? ‎ Because it’s usefuf /fun …… ‎ Focus : The new words and the sentence patterns . ‎ Teaching projector : CAI ‎ Step1. Revision ‎ ‎1) Show some pictures of the subject books (Chinese ,math,English , science ,history, P.E ,music .etc. ) ‎ Ask “What’s this ?” “Spell it, please”. ‎ ‎2) In the same way, revise the seven days of a week and the words ((useful, boring,fun, interesting,relaxing, exciting.) ‎ Step2 . Ask and answer ‎ Ask and answer in pairs : What’s your/his/her favourite suject/day/sport.etc.? ‎ My/His/Her favourite suject/day/sport is …… . ‎ Why do you like/dislike math/music …… ? ‎ Because it’s usefuf /fun …… ‎ Step3. Interview and report ‎ ‎1) Interview your group members about their favorite subjects and the reasons and also who are the teachers of the subjects. Then report the results to the whole class. ‎ ‎(Report :My favorite subject is English because it’s useful and interesting. My English teacher is Mr. Yang .I like him very much .He is funny. Li Xia’s favorite subject is … ‎ Name I Student1 Student2 Student3 ‎ Favorit subject English ‎ 66‎ Name of the teacher Mr.Yang ‎ Reasons(s) Useful,interesting ‎ Please design your favorite timetable for one day and fill in the chart .Then tell your members why you’d like a timetable like this. ‎ ‎(Report1. I like Friday best. On that day, I have math, English , science, P.E ,music and Chinese . English, math, music are my favourite subjects. In English class, we can learn many useful things about foreign countries and also play games. In math class, we can do some interesting problems . We have PE classes on Tuesday and Thuesday.It’s really relaxing and funny. I like basketball very much. ……. ‎ Time Things to do Like /dislike Reason(s) ‎ In the morning Have musicclass ‎ ‎8:00 ---- 8: 45 ‎ like Interesting ‎ relaxing ‎ In the afternoon ‎ Step4. Practice ‎ Do some exercises. ‎ Homework : ‎ ‎1. Write a letter to your pen pal and introduce your shool life . ‎ ‎2. Chant the rhyme: ‎ Sunday 星期天,电视里看卡通片。 ‎ Monday 星期一,小朋友们在一起。 ‎ Tuesday 星期二,我们都是好伙伴。 ‎ Wednesday 星期三,讲究礼貌不嘴馋。 ‎ Thursday 星期四,不向妈妈要零食。 ‎ Friday 星期五,认真学习不马虎。 ‎ Saturday 星期六,动物园里走一走。‎ 66‎

