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初中英语教师选调进城考试试题(一) 题号 第一部分 第二部分 一 二 三 四 I II III IV V VI 总 分 得分 满分:150 分 时间:120 分钟 第一部分:教材教法(共 40 分) 一、 单项选择题(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 1、以下哪一项不是基础教育阶段英语课程的基本任务? A、激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习 策略 B、使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听说读写技能,形成一定的综合语言运 用能力 C、培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象能力和创新精神 D、了解中华文化的博大精深,培养爱国主义精神 2、国家英语课程要求从 3 年级开设英语课程。《标准》_____为 6 年级结束时应达到的基本 要求;______为 9 年级结束时应达到的基本要求;______为高中毕业的基本要求。 A、第二级; 第五级; 第八级 B、第三级;第 六级;第八级; C、第一级; 第四级; 第七级 D、第二级;第 六级;第八级; 3、基础教育英语课程的总体目标由_______构成。 A、语言知识、语言技能、学习策略、情感态度、创新精神 B、语言知识、交际能力、学习策略、情感态度、合作精神 C、语言知识、语言技能、学习策略、情感态度、文化意识 D、语言能力、文化知识、学习方法、祖国意识、文化理解 4、_______是英语学习成功的关键。 A、打下良好的听、说、读、写基础 B、保持积极的学习态度 C、每天背诵一篇经典课 文 D、课前准备、课后复习 5、在基础教育阶段,学习英语应以______为主,学习者最主要的终极目标之一是获得_____。 A、实践;综合语言运用能力 B、掌握知识、尽可能多的语言知识 C、交际、尽可能多的英语信息 D、听说、听与说的能力 二、多项选择题。(凡多选、少选、不选或错选均不给分)(每小题 2 分,共计 10 分) 6、以下不属于英语基本学习策略的选项是: A、对所学内容能主动练习和实践 B、在学习中集中注意力 C、在生活中接触英语时,乐于探究其含义并尝试模仿 D、遇到问题时,能主动向老师或同学请教,取得帮助 7、在英语教学中教师应注意做到: A、为学生提供自主学习和相互交流的机会 B、对学生学习过程中的失误和错误立即纠正 C、鼓励学生通过体验、实践、讨论、合作、探究的方式掌握英语知识 D、创造条件让学生自主解决问题 8、努力营造宽松、民主、和谐的教学气氛是教师必须注意的教学原则,为此,教师应该______。 A、保护学生的自尊心和积极性 B、创设各种合作学习的活动 C、特别关注学习有困难的学生 D、让学习好的学生成为其他学生的榜样 9、关于评价,正确的选项有: A、在英语教学中应以形成性评价为主 B、终结性评价应着重检测学生的英语知识和技能 C、评价体系要体现评价主体的多元化和评价形式的多样化 D、评价应促进教师对自己的教学行为进行反思和适当的调整 10、各地选用的英语教材应具备以下特性: A、发展性和拓展性 B、科学性和思想性 C、趣味性和人文性 D、灵活性和开放性 三、阅读短文完成下面的任务 As the Internet becomes more popular, many older media businesses are dying out. But TV seems to be doing OK. In fact, it's doing better than OK. Though the Internet is popular in the world, television continues to draw more and more people all over the world to many of its programs. Hundreds of millions turn to TV to watch World Cup soccer,Olympic Games and Discoveries. In many places, increasing numbers of people can watch more TV than before. Ten years ago, only 44% of British homes had satellite or cable TV. Today, more than 93% do. More importantly, recent studies show that people are spending more time watching TV. Surprisingly, this is even true of young people between the ages of 8 and 18.Today's television industry has given so many choices. As a result, people can watch more of the things they like 24 hours a day. The technology behind television has also improved. The big boxes that once filled living rooms are gone. Today's TV screens are thinner and thinner, yet the pictures are better and better. TVs are also moving from living rooms into kitchens and vehicles. For years, TVs have also been used as video game players. But now they have been used in a few new ways. Many televisions can connect to the Internet and record programs. They also let people watch two programs at the same time. Today the most modern television has been on the way of development. The Internet is the main challenge (挑战) for television now. But TV industry has shown that television will be important for years to come. 11.请为本课设计一段新课导入语。(5 分) 12.如果本课的生词分别是 development,choice,better, connect, television 你用 什么方法来处理这些生词,使学生学起来即轻松又记得牢。(5 分) 四、下面是初中英语教材中的一段对话,请写出本段对话的教学过程设计。(10 分) Woman: Can I help you? Mary: Yes, please. I need a sweater for school. Woman: OK. What color do you want? Mary: Blue. Woman: How about this one? Mary: I’ll take it. How much is it? Woman: Nine dollars. Mary: I’ll take it. How much are those yellow socks? Woman: Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs. Mary: Great! I’ll take two pairs. Woman: Here you are. Mary: Thank you. Woman: You’re welcome. 第二部分学科文化知识(共 100 分) I. 单项选择 1. Look at______ eraser on the floor. Whose is it? A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. .We visited Tom’s farm and saw many ______ there. A. bird B. duck C. sheep D. rabbit 3. My aunt has two children. But ______ of them lives with her. A. each B. neither C. either D. both 4. . My sister is 1.9 meter tall. It’s very______ to find clothes big enough for her. A. important B. easy C. difficult D. interesting 5 . –Peter, _______ do you visit your grandparents? --Twice a month. A. how long B. how soon C. how far D. how often 6. He_____ a piece of waste paper, and put it into the rubbish bag. A. picked up B. threw away C. looked for D. handed in 7. My father_____ on business for two weeks. He’ll return in 3days. A. left B. has left C. has gone D. has been away 8. When I went to say goodbye to Anna, she _______ the piano. A. is playing B. plays C. was playing D. played 9. Today, China grows stronger and stronger, Chinese______ in more and more schools out of our country. A. teach B. taught C. has taught D. is taught 10. Granny often tell us______ water in our daily life. A. save B. saving C. to save D. saves 11. --Listen! Is that Kate playing the piano in the room? --No. It____ be Kate. She has gone to London. A. may not B. needn’t C. mustn’t D. can’t 12. There_____ much wind in this area in spring every year. A. is B. was C. are D. were 13. I didn’t know he came back______ I met him in the street. A. since B. until C. when D. after 14. –Is Tom here at the moment? --No, but he _______ later. A. comes B. came C. has come D. is coming 15. Welcome to our hotel! I hope you’ll have a good time_____ your stay here. A. after B. during C. with D. for 16. –Mr Smith, would you please speak a little more_____? --Sorry! I thought you could follow me. A. quietly B. quickly C. slowly D. politely 17. I’ll do it better if the teacher______ me another chance. A . give B. gives C. gave D. will give 18. Please send_____ best wishes to your parents. A. I B. me C. my D. mine 19. –Are you feeling today? --Much______. I can go to school tomorrow. A. good B. better C. bad D. worse 20. --I can’t find Jenny. Could you tell me_______? --She is on the playground. A. who she is B. How she is C. where she is D. What she is II. 完形填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,计 10 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Katie is a 15-year-old girl. She often __21__. “My mom keeps asking what's going on at school—if I went to audition(试音)for the play, why I didn't __22__ the band, and what my friends are doing. It's __23__ and sometimes it seems that she doesn't believe me. How can I get her to stop?” Many teenagers have the same __24__ as Katie. They think it difficult to get on well with their __25__. However, if you try another way, you can make a change. Parents seem to like finding out __26__ day. If you don't talk much with them, they might feel the need to ask you questions. It might seem that they're prying(探听) into your business, but maybe they are just trying to __27__ close to you because they love and care about you. If you don't like so many questions __28__ your day, turn the tables - ask your parents about their day and use it as a __29__ to practice your listening skills. Or tell them about your day before they ask. If you offer __30__ information, conversations with your parents won't seem so difficult! ( )21. A. complains B. smiles C. laughs D. answers ( )22.A.lose B. join C. pass D. find ( )23. A. interesting B. exciting C. relaxing D. boring ( )24. A. idea B. problem C. happiness D. lesson ( )25. A. friends B. teachers C. parents D. classmates ( )26.A.their B. your C. her D. his ( )27.A.stay B. leave C. run D. fly ( )28.A.for B. in C. about D. on ( )29. A. road B. street C. avenue D. way ( )30.A.little B. more C. many D. less III. 阅读理解(共 15 小题,每小题 2 分,计 30 分) 阅读 A,B,C 三篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Great changes have taken place in our lives in the last century. Here arc some examples: Firstly, people were not able to travel such a long distance in such a short time in the past. Planes were not very popular at that time because it used to be a very expensive way to travel by plane. Nowadays, we have fast and comfortable cars, and more and more people can afford to travel by plane. Secondly, in the past, people had to work much harder because they did not have the tools that we have today. Today, machines do most of the difficult and dangerous work. Thirdly, the living conditions in the past were not as good as they are now. There were no bathrooms or running water in many houses, and many people couldn't buy the things like refrigerators, TV sets or washing machines. Now, most families have several of these things. And many families have computers, cars and so on. Finally, nowadays, more and more people have the chance to get a good education. In the past, there were fewer schools and the quality of education was much poorer. Now people can also study on the Internet at home. The development of science and technology in the world is amazing. Life now is much faster and busier than it used to be.And we are still creating new things to make our lives better and easier. ( )31. The underlined word “it” refers to (指的是) __________. A. to travel by plane B. to travel by car C. a long distance D. a short time ( )32. What does the third paragraph (自然段) mainly(主要地)tell us? A. The people in the past were hard-working. B. Machines can help us do dangerous and difficult work now. C. The people now are too busy to do difficult work. D. Machines were too expensive in the past. ( )33. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Nobody could use running water in the past. B. Nobody went to the movies in the past. C. People didn't watch TV at all in the past. D. Some people used washing machines to wash their clothes in the past. ( )34. What does the underlined word “creating” mean in Chinese? A. 改革 B.检查 C.创造 D.维护 ( )35. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage A. Sports. B. Ways to travel. C. Education. D. Living conditions. B Carla, 12 I prefer indoor activities. I like reading, watching TV, going to the movies or listening to music. My favorite hobby, however, is collecting things. I like collecting post-cards. I have collected 322 cards so far. I spend three to four hours a week on them. Maggie, 13 I enjoy reading and surfing the Internet, but I also like going to the beach. But my favorite hobby is making things out of shells, I usually spend about an hour a day on it, but I hardly watch TV at home. Leo, 15 I prefer outdoor activities. In my free time, I enjoy swimming, running in the park and cycling, but what I really love is camping. My friends and I usually go camping once a month, at the weekend. Mark,14 I enjoy cycling, skiing and surfing, but my favorite hobby is skateboarding. It's exciting and fun. I'd like to be a professional (职 业的) skateboarder so I always practice about two hours after school at the weekend, of course. ( )36. What are Carla's hobbies? A. Reading and surfing the Internet. B. Reading and collecting things. C. Swimming and running. D. Cycling and surfing. ( )37. Which activity may not be the one that Maggie likes to do? A. Making things. B. Reading. C. Watching TV. D. Surfing the Internet. ( )38. How much time does Mark spend in skateboarding after school at the weekend? A. Three hours. B. Two hours. C. An hour. D. Half an hour. ( )39. How often does Leo go camping? A. Once a month. B. Once a week. C. Once a year. D. Once a day. ( )40. What's the passage about? A. Indoor activities. B. Outdoor activities. C. Future jobs. D. Children's hobbies. C Some people think only school children do not agree with their parents, however, it is not true. Communication is a problem for parents and children of all ages. If it’s hard for you to communicate with your parents, don’t worry about it. Here are some advice for you to bridge the generation gap (消除代沟). Don’t argue (争辩) with your parents. Don’t get to your parents when you are angry. Your parents probably won’t consider your ideas if you are shouting at them. And you can’t express yourself well if you are angry. Go someplace to cool off. Make sure you understand why you are unhappy. Then think about what you want to say to your parents. If you don’t think you can speak to them at the moment, try writing a letter. Try to reach a compromise (和解). Perhaps you and your parents disagree on something. You can keep your disagreement and try your best to accept each other. Michael’s mother didn’t agree with him about buying a motorcycle. They argued over it. But they finally came to a compromise. Michael bought the motorcycle, but only drove it on certain days. Of course, your parents might refuse to compromise on something. In these situations, it is especially important to show love and respect (尊敬) to them. Showing respect will keep your relationship strong. Talk about your values. The values of your parents are probably different from those of your own. Tell your parents what you care about, and why. Understanding your values might help them see your purposes in life. A good relationship with your parents can make you a better and happier person. It is worth having a try! 41. The passage tells us _______ have a communication problem. A. parents and other people B. school kids and their parents C. teachers and their students D. parents and children of all ages 42. Your parents probably won’t consider your ideas if you _______. A. don’t get to them often B. write a letter to them C. don’t speak to them politely D. express yourself well 43. The underlined phrase “cool off” in the passage means “_______”. A. to make yourself happy B. to get you quiet and relaxed C. to have a good rest D. to hide yourself quickly 44. If there’s really a generation gap between you and your parents, you’d better _______. A. have a talk with them often B. keep away from them C. agree with them all the time D. know about their values 45. From the passage we learn that _______. A. parents and children should not have a generation gap B. parents should show love and respect to their children C. there are some good ways to bridge the generation gap D. there are so many serious problems in families today IV. 任务型阅读(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,计 10 分) 阅读短文,并按要求完成 61--65 题。 In a small village in Mexico, there are no real schools. A bus is used as a school! The driver of the bus is the teacher! It is a school bus, but it does not take children to school. It just goes from place to place, and it sometimes comes to this village. The bus school often stays here for three months. The farmers cal lit “a school on wheels (轮子)”. Every time the bus comes, the farmers will run to it, shouting and laughing. They welcome the bus school warmly. When the bus is in the village in the morning, the teacher teaches the younger children. In the afternoon, the older children come to have their lessons because they have to work in the morning. Fathers and mothers come to have their lessons in the evening. The farmers hope that some day they can have a real school in the village. 46.题判断正误(“T”表示正确,“F”表示错误);47 题完成句子;48~49 题简略回答 问题;50 题将文中划线句子译成汉语。 46. This bus school is just open for women and farmers in this village.【 】 47. The farmers call the bus school“_____________________”. 48. How long does the bus school often stay at the village? 49. According to the passage, what do the farmers expect to have? 50._____________________________ V.词语运用(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,计 5 分) 根据句意,用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。(每词或短语只限使用一次) water, easy, trouble, him, laugh at 51. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes in class. You won’t be __________. 52. The boy is young, but he can look after_______ well. 53. The question is not hard. Anyone can answer it _________. 54. Have you __________ the plants yet? 55. He used to cause a lot of _________. VI.基础写作(包括 A,B 两部分, A 部分 5 分,B 部分 20 分,共计 25 分 A) 连词成句( 共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,计 5 分) 根据所给单词或词语,完成句子。要求符合语法,语言通顺,大小写正确。(单词不得重复 使用,标点已给出) 56. ruler, is, your, this ? 57. wonderful, what, movie, a _________________________________! 58. your, much, is, how, dress ____________________________________? 69. bed, better, earlier, had, to, you, go ________________________________________._ 60. He, two, be, here, for, days __________________________________. B) 书面表达(计 20 分) 61. 随着人们对 PM2.5 越来越多的了解,人们对自己的生活环境的空气质量越来 越关注,更多的人志愿为改善空气质量作出自己的贡献。作为中学生,在日常生活中, 我们应该如何去做? 要求:1. 文中不得出现真实的人名、地名和校名; 2. 词数:60—80 个。短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。 第一部分教材教法答案 一. 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A 二、 6. CD 7. AD 8. ABC 9. ACD 10. ABCD 三、略 四、略 第二部分文化知识 I. 1—5 CCBCD 6—10 ADCDC 11—15 DABDB 16—20 CBCBC II. 21—25 ABDBC 26—30 BACDB III. 31—35 ABDCA 36—40 BCBAD 41—45 DCBAC IV. 46. F 47. a school on wheels 48. For three months 49. They expect to have a real school in the village. 50. 每次这辆公交车来的时候,农民们就喊着、 笑着向它跑来。 V. 51. laughed at 52. himself 53. easily 54. watered 55. trouble VI. 56. Is this your ruler? 57. What a wonderful movie! 58. How much is your dress? 59. You had better go to bed earlier. 60. He has been here for two days. B)61. 书面表达 As people are knowing more about PM2.5, they are becoming more and more concerned about their living environment. As students, what should we do? First, we should ride bikes or take buses to school. Riding bikes is also good for our health. We should try our best to advise our parents to drive less. Try to walk or ride bike to work. Second, we’d better use both sides of the paper. Don’t waste paper. Third, we should save power. Remember to turn off the lights when we leave the classroom. At last, we should plant more trees and flowers. 初中英语教师选调进城考试试题(二) (一)单项选择题,下列各题中只有一个选项符合题意,把正确选项的字母标号填入下面对 应空格内(5 分) 答 案 1.基础教育阶段英语课程的目标是 ( ) A.激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效 的学习策略。 B.改变英语课程过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授,忽视对学生实际语言运用能力的 培养倾向。 C.以学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识的发展为基础,培养学生 英语综合语言运用能力。 D.培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象能力和创新精神,帮助学生了解世界和中西方文化 的差异。 2.语言技能是构成语言交际能力的重要组成部分,语言技能包括( ) A.听、说、读、写四个方面的技能以及这四种技能的综合运用能力。 B.听和说两个方面的技能以及这两种技能的综合运用能力。 C.读和写两个方面的技能以及这两种技能的综合运用能力。 D.听、说、读、写四个方面的技能,但着重培养听和说技能的运用能力。 3.《课程标准》采用国际通用的分级方式,将英语课程目标按照能力水平设为 ( ) A.八个级别 B.五个级别 C.六个级别 D.九个级别 4.根据国家英语课程要求,开设英语课程应从( ) A.一年级开始 B.二年级开始 C.三年级开始 D.初中一年级开始 5.英语课程资源的核心部分是 ( ) A.教师用书 B.英语教材 C.直观教具和实物 D.网络资源 (二)填空题(10 分) 6.在英语教学过程中应以 形成性 评价为主,注重培养和激发学生学习的积极性和自信心。 7. 尊重个体差异 学生的发展 是英语课程的出发点和归宿。 8.英语课程在目标设定、教学过程、课程评价和教学资源的开发等方面都突出以学生为本 的思想。 9.基础教育阶段英语课程目标的各个级别均以学生语言技能、语言知识 、 情感态度 、学 习策略 和文化意识五个方面的综合行为表现为基础进行总体描述。 10.《课程标准》以学生“ 发展为本 ”具体描述各级别的要求,这种设计旨在体现基础教 育阶段学生能力发展循序渐进的过程和课程要求的有机衔接,保证国家英语课程标准的 整 体性 、 渐进性 、和 持续性 。 得分 评卷人 二、教材教法(25 分) (三)阅读下面短文(15 分) One day I was visiting one of my friends in a big town. Suddenly a piece of beautiful music came to my ears. My friend’s father quickly picked up some rubbish and went outside. I asked my friend, “What’s happening?” My friend said that there was a truck collecting rubbish outside. “Whenever someone throws in some rubbish, it produces a piece of music. As soon as other people hear it, they go out with their rubbish and throw it in.” “It’s a pleasant way to help keep our city clean,” said my friend. Taking care of our environment is very important. Wherever you live, you can do something around your neighbourhood. Have you ever thrown any litter onto the ground? Have you ever drawn pictures on the public walls? Have you ever spat in a public place? Have you ever cut down trees? If your answers are “No”, it means that you have already helped protect our environment. It is our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy. You might ask yourself, “Have I ever picked up some rubbish and thrown it into a dustbin? Have I ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling? Have I ever planted any trees or flowers in or near my neighbourhood?” If your answers are “Yes”, it means that you have already done something useful to improve the environment. If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become more beautiful. 11.请为本课文拟一个最恰当的题目(2 分) 12.请为本课设计一段新课导入语。(5 分) 13.如果本课的生词分别是 environment, harm, rubbish, collect, produce, public, spit, protect, litter, recycle.你用什么方法来处理这些生词,使学生学起来即轻松又记得牢。(8 分) 14.下面是初中英语教材中的一段对话,请写出本段对话的教学过程设计(10 分)。 MOTHER: Kate! It’s late. Why are you still in bed? You must get up and get ready for school. If you don’t go soon, you’ll be late. KATE: Mum, I don’t feel very well. MOTHER: Oh dear! What’s wrong? KATE: I don’t know. My head hurts. MOTHER: Really? If you are ill, you’ll have to see the doctor. KATE: Can I have some breakfast first? MOTHER: No, you mustn’t eat anything until you see the doctor. KATE: Mum! I feel a little better now. 得分 评卷人 (四)单项填空。从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,将其标号 填入下面对应空格内(10 分)。 答 案 15.There is “u” and “s” in the word “use.” A.a, a B.a, an C.an, an D.an, a 16.He has more books than I. A.so B.many C.much D.too 17.He couldn’t run to catch the bus . A.fast enough B.quick enough C.enough fast D.enough quick 18.He is young to go to school. A.so B.very C.quite D.too 19.Please call me if he back tomorrow. A.comes B.come C.will come D.came 20.He’s never read this book, ? A.doesn’t he B.is he C.hasn’t he D.has he 21. bad weather it is! A.How B.What C.What a D.How a 22.There is going to a class meeting this afternoon. A.have B.has C.is D.be 23.We found important to study English well. A.which B.that C.it D.this 24.The man here for three days. A.has left B.has come C.has been D.has arrived (五)完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最 佳答案,填入下面对应空格内(10 分)。 答 案 We live in the “computer age”. People like scientists, teachers, writers and even students use computers to do 25 work. But more than 30 years ago, 26 couldn’t do much. They were very big and expensive. Very 27 people were interested 28 them and knew how to use them. Today computers are smaller and 29 . And they can do a lot of work, Many people like to use them. More and more people even have them at home. Computers become very important because they can work 30 than men and make fewer mistakes. Computers can help people 31 a lot of work. Writers now use computers to write. Teachers use them to help teaching and students use them to study. Computers can also remember what you put 32 them. Computers are very 33 and helpful. They are our good friends. Do you want to 34 a computer? 25.A.a lot B.many of C.very much D.all kinds of 26.A.scientists B.teachers C.students D.computers 27.A.few B.little C.a few D.a little 28.A.on B.at C.in D.for 29.A.cheap B.more cheap C.cheaper D.expensive 30.A.slow B.slower C.fast D.faster 31.A.doing B.do C.does D.did 32.A.into B.to C.on D.up 33.A.careful B.beautiful C.heavy D.useful 34.A.lend B.pay C.sell D.have (六)阅读理解(10 分) A A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his own languages by remembering what he hears when he is a small child, and some children like boys and girls who live abroad with their parents seems to learn two languages almost as easily as one. In the school it is not easy to learn a second language because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too. Our mind is rather like a camera, but it takes photos not only of what we see but of what we feel, hear, smell and taste. When we take a real photo with a camera, there is much to do before the photo is finished and ready to show to our friends. In the same way there is much work to be done before we can keep a picture forever in our mind. Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案(5 分) ( )35.We usually begin to learn our own language by it. A.teaching B.speaking C.saying D.hearing ( )36.If you have a good , you’ll have less difficulty in learning something . A.camera B.teacher C.memory D.family ( )37.The children who live abroad with their parents can learn two languages more easily because . A.they have more chance to use these languages B.they have good teachers C.they are very clever D.they have a better life ( )38. can take photos of what can be seen, felt, heard, smelt and tasted. A.A diary B.Memory C.A camera D.A man’s mind ( )39.Memory is that we keep in our mind and carry about. A.a great help B.the best diary C.a beautiful picture D.the best camera B Greenland is the largest island in the world. It is in the north of Europe. Near Greenland is another island. It is small. Its name is Iceland. Do you think that Greenland is green and warm? Do you think that Iceland is white with ice? If you do, you are wrong. Not many people live on the big island of Greenland. There are more people in your hometown than in all of Greenland. That is because Greenland is not green. Greenland is white. Most of the Greenland is covered with lots of ice. The ice covering Greenland is higher than some of the world’s tall buildings. What about Iceland? Is it colder than Greenland? No, it is not. Iceland has ice, but not so much ice as Greenland. Iceland has a lot of hot spring. They give out hot water and steam. So it is not as cold as Greenland. And there are a lot more people who live in Iceland. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正 (T) 误 (F)(5 分) ( )40.Greenland is green while Iceland is white. ( )41.Iceland is in the south of Europe. ( )42.Iceland has not any ice. ( )43.Fewer people live in Greenland than Iceland. ( )44.Greenland is larger than any other island in the world. (七)补全对话。补全下面对话,每空一词(10 分)。 A:What I do for you? B:I’d like a skirt my daughter. A:This way, please. Do you this one? B:Yes, it’s very nice. How is it? A:Ninety yuan. B:Oh, it’s too . A:What about that one over there? B:I can’t decide. A:No hurry. Please take your . B:I like this one, but the colour is dark. A:What about this red one? B:Oh, I think it’s nice. Can you let my daughter it on? A:Certainly B:Well, we’ll it. Here’s the money. A: very much. (八)动词填空。根据短文内容,用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空,完成下短文(10 分)。 Ben (study) at the town’s school now. He (be) there since last year. He isn’t interested in studying. He (prefer) to make friends and spend a lot of time outside. He also likes (play) computer games with his friends. So of course, when the exam (take) last week, he didn’t get a good result and (fail) again. He thought, “If my father knows all about it, he (become) angry and give me a good lesson.” So he sent a note to his brother and asked his brother (get) his father ready for the bad news. The next morning, he received the (follow) answer, “Father is ready. You’d better (be) ready yourself.” (九)书面表达。根据所给的中文提示,写一则日记,要求意思完整,语句通顺,标点正确。 词数 60—70(文章开头已给出,不计算在词数之内。)(10 分) 提示: 时间:3 月 12 日下午; 人物:2 班的同学和部分老师; 活动:乘车去阳光公园植树,有的挖坑,有的挑水,整个下午忙个不停; 目的:阻止风将沙子吹向城市;使我们的家乡变的更美丽。 Saturday, June 12, 2011 Fine Today is Tree Planting Day. 初中英语教师选调进城考试试题(三) 一、单项选择题(本大题共 30 小题,每小题 2 分,共 60 分) 1.一 Would you like to join US in the game? 一__________,for I have something important to d0. A.1 will B.I'd love to C.1 won’t D.I'm afraid not 2.We’re going to the bookstore.You can come with us__________you can meet US there later. A.and B.but C.or D.then 3.一 NaJlcy is not coming to the party tonight. --But she__________me she‘d love to. A.tells B.told C.had told D.is telling 4.一 May I have a glass of beer,please? 一 Beer?Sorry,there’S__________left,but would you like some juice instead? A.none B.something C.no one D.nothing 5.一 What a hot day!Have you had a drink? 一 Yes.But I'd like to have__________after work. A.it B.one C.other D.another 6.--I knocked into a tree when l went to the railway station for my friend. 一 I suppose you__________too fast. A.drive B.are driving C.drove D.were driving 7.一 Whom would you like to be your assistant,Jack or David? 一 If I had to choose,David would be__________choice. A.good B.better C.the better D.the best 8.一 I feel very happy that l__________to be the host. 一 Congratulations! A.choose B.aIn chosen C.was chosen D.have chosen 9.mInventors have changed the way we live. 一 So they ale famous for the great things they__________. A.doB.didC.ale doing D.had done 10.The Statue of Liberty was given to American people by __________as a gift in 1884. A.France B.Spain C.Italy D.Britain 11.Which of the following is a fricative sound? A./m/ B./p/ C./w/ D./v/ 12.There ale__________nasals in English. A.one B.two C.three D.four 13.It is suggested that English courses in Grade seven to nine should be less than__________hours. A.four B.five C.six D.ten 14.The goal of English courses in basic education st.age is based on the development of students’__________,learning strategy and culture awareness,and to cultivate students’comprehensive language application ability of English. A.1anguage skill B.1anguage knowledge C.emotional attitude D.above all 15.Which of the following statements is true about the language objectives in level five? A.Learn to use 600—700 words and about 50 idioms. B.Leam to use 1 500—1600 words and about 200—300 idioms or coHocations. C.Learn to use 3000 words and about 400 一 500 idioms or collocations. D.Leam to use 1000--2000 words and about 100—200 idioms or collocations. 16.It is the special requirements in level five of language skills that the extracurricular reading vol-ume should up to more than__________thousand words except textbooks. A.100 B.150 C.200 D.250 17.According to students’capacity.Criteria divide English curriculum objectives into__________levels by the international general classification method. A.seven B.eight C.nine D.ten 18.When graduate.junior school students should complete the goal of__________that demanded in Criteria. A.1evel three B.1evel four C.1evel five D.1evel eight 19.__________is the guarantee of improving learning efficiency and developing independent learning capability. A.Learning strategy B.Emotional attitude C.Language skill D.cognitive strategy 20.Language skill__________. A.contains the ability of five skills in listenin9,speakin9,reading,writing and translating B.refers to a person’S application ability of words and sentences when speaking C.contains the ability of four skills in listenin9,speakin9,reading,writing and comprehensive application of them D.refers to a person’S language expression ability 请阅读 Passage One,完成第 21—25 小题。 Passage One Eat more healthily.Exercise twice a week.Read more books.Lose weight.We make the same resolutions every year,but most of US fail,and quit after only a few days or, at best,weeks.Even the most successful among US crash when it comes to personal change.For example,President Barack Obama struggles with his smoking habit. So why is change SO challenging?Are we wired in a way that keeps US from making changes? And do we need the support of others to reach our goal,or can we do it alone? Professionals who help people make change in their lives suggest that the change is determined not by one’S mind.Beginning with small goals or steps usually leads to a bigger pay-off later,they say.And trying to make a change is easier with support from a group of friends,family,or co-workers with shared goals. “People are more likely to make positive changes in their lives not only when their friends d0,but when their friends of friends do,and when their friends of friends of friends do,”said Nicholas Christakis,a professor of medical sociology at Harvard University. Johnny Augustin understands that well.His resolution for 2009 was to reduce 30 pounds from his 237-pound frame.But the change didn’t come easy.He said.“I'm a huge procrastinator.There’s desire,but I just kept putting it off.I didn’t get to it unti l the summer.”However,Augustin got in-spired when he saw his elder brother working out.Now Augustin weighs 190 pounds. Having a positive attitude is one of the keys to making a successful change, according to Judy Zerafa,author of several books based on how people can improve their lives.She emphasizes the im-ponance of believing in yourself--and having positive habits, a creative imagination,and persist-ence--to make change haDDen. 21.The text is mainly about__________ A.tIIe resonswhy making a change is so hard B.the difficulties we have in making a change C.the ways of making a change in our life D.the attitudes towards making a change 22.According to Nicholas Christakis,__________. A.friendship plays all important role in our daily lives B.people are better able to make changes when inspired by others C.friends can easily change our minds about something D.friends’support plays a bigger role in one’s success than his mind 23.The underlined word“procrastinator’’in Paragraph 5 refers to a person who__________. A.has great determination to make a change B.has no desire to do something great C.delays work especially out of laziness D.has hab.itual carelessness and laziness 24.In the text,which of the foilowing is NOT mentioned as a way to make a change in one’s life? A.Trying to learn from one’s friends. B.Setting small goals at first. C.Having confidence and positive habits. D.Changing one’s environment. 25.What information will probably be provided following the laSt paragraph? A.Useful methods used to avoid negative thoughts. B.The side effects of self-denial behavior. C.The ways Judy Zerafa advised to make a change. D.Examples showing the importance of having a positive attitude. 请阅读 Passage Two,完成第 26—30 小题。 Passage Two An Earthship is a home that is built of materials such as old tire and aluminum cans.It is the i-dea of a man n 锄 ed Michael Reynolds.Many Earthships are more or less self-sufficient because they Drovide their own heat,air and water.They oflen have gardens watered and fed by wastewater.They are comfoaable and ecologically friendly. The main material used in building Earthships is tires.Tires are plentiful and call’t be recycled tike paper,plastic,and metal.While building supplies for most houses call be very expensive,old used tires are free.First,the tires are packed tightly with dirt.Each full tire weighs as much as 400 Dounds.The tires are then stacked like bricks.The waHs are extremely strong.They also help keep an even temDeratul.e in the house(between 60 and 70 degrees)without heating and cooling systems. The walls inside the Earthship are made of aluminum cans that are held together by cement.Then they are coated with adobe or stucco. The mofs of Earthships are sloped so that rain and snow run into large tanks.These tanks hold all the water for the house,and pumps push the water through the pipes. Sometimes,water flows in certain areas of the house as waterfalls!Water that has been used is pumped out into the gardens where owners grow much of their own food. In most of these houses,the southern side has huge windows that take in winter sunlight as a source of heat.Summer sun does not come in through the south windows, so it doesn’t get too hot in the summer.The house also has solar panels that gather energy for lights and hot water and cooking. The Earthships have all the comforts of a regular house without the high cost of electric bills! In a time when we are running out of energy resources,pollution is bad,and waste is piling up,Earthships are t ile best places to live in.For people who truly care about the environment,Earthships provide a great alternative to traditional houses.You won’t be giving up any comforts,and the styles are attractive.We all hope that more and more people will build Earthships and take a huge step to- ward helping the environment and saving our planet. 26.What is the main idea of this passage? A.Earthships are a good way to live and protect the environment. B.Tanks hold water collected from rain and snow. C.It's important to grow your own food in a vegetable garden. D.People who live in Earthships usually live in the desert. 27.What does the underlined word“They’’in Paragraph 2 refer to? A.Earthships B.Tires C.Bricks D.Walls 28.Which of the following sentence states an opinion? A.Earthships are made out of tires and cans. B.Tanks collect water for use in Earthships. C.Earthships can help save our plant. D.Tires can’t be recycled but bottles and paper can. 29.Which of the following evidences best supports the idea that Earthships are environmentally friendly? A.They were invented by Michael Reynolds. B.Water that has been used is pumped out into the garden. C.Summer sun does not come in through the south windows. D.Tires can’t be recycled but bottles and paper can. 30.Which of the following statements is all example of propaganda? A.The house also has solar panels that gather energy for lights and hot water. B.Earthships provide a great advantage over traditional houses. C.The walls are then coated wit}l adobe or stucc0. D.The construction of houses made of recycled materials has been growin9. 二、简答题(本大题 1 小题,20 分) 根据题目要求完成下列任务。用中文作答。 31.对初二某班的同学进行英语学习情况的调查,请设计需求调查问卷。 三、教学情境分析题(本大题 1 小题,30 分) 根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。 32.教学片段: (1)听力课上,教师播放材料之前没有提供任何信息,甚至连一些生词和简单的介绍都 没有。 (2)听的过程中仍然没有提示,也没有其他辅助活动帮助学生理解。 (3)听完之后,教师立即对答案,然后再听一遍就可以了。 请对以上教学片段做出评析。 四、教学设计题(本大题 1 小题,40 分) 根据提供的信息和语言素材设计教学方案。用英文作答。 33.设计任务:请参考人教版初中英语八年级下册 Unit 4 He said l was hard-working. 一课 SELF CHECK 部分的语言素材,设计一节课的教学方案。 学生概况:本班为中等城市普通学校初中二年级的学生,班级人数为 40 人。多数学生 已具备初步的英语语言能力。学生能够积极参与课堂活动,合作意识较强。 教学时间:45 分钟。 教学设计包括: ●教学目标; ●教学步骤; ●教学活动方式、具体内容。 一、单项选择题 1.D[解析]依据下句可知,说话的人有重要的事情要去做,所以不能参加游戏。“I’m afraid not”表示委婉拒绝。 2.C[解析]句意为:我们要去书店。你可以跟我们一起去,也可以晚点和我们在那里见 面。“or”表示或者,在“come with US”和“meet US there later”中选择其一。 3.B[解析]Ncacy 告诉我她想去这件事是发生在过去的,所以应该用 tell 的过去式形式 told。 4.A[解析]下句提到还有“some juice”,所以排除 D 项。B 项和 C 项不符合题意,故选 A。 5.D[解析]第二句句意为:是的。但是工作结束后我想再喝一杯。只有 another 有“再一。 又一”之意,故选 D。 6.D[解析]第二句句意为:我猜测你开得太快了。表示的是在过去的某个时候开车开得 很快,所以用 drive 的过去进行时。 7.C[解析]因为是在两个人中选择一个,所以用 good 的比较级 better,排除 A、D。the better choice 表示 David 是那个比较好的选择。 8.C[解析]第一句句意为:我被选作主持人,我感到很开心。“被选作”是被动语态,并且 是发生在过去的动作,所以选择 C 项。 9.D[解析]这里用 d0 的过去完成时,表示过去已经完成的动作对现在的影响。 10.A[解析]美国的自由女神像是法国人赠予的礼物。 11.D 12.C 13.A[解析]根据新课标要求,7—9 年级的英语课程建议每周不少于四课时。因此应该选 择 A。 14.D[解析]根据新课标要求,基础教育阶段英语课程的目标是以学生语言技能、语言知 识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识的发展为基础,培养学生英语综合语言运用能力。因此 正确答案应该选 D。 15.B[解析]根据新课标要求,学会使用 1500--1600 个的单词和 200—300 个习惯用语或 固定的搭配。因此正确答案应该选 B。 16.B[解析]根据新课标要求,除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到 15 万词以上。因此应 该选择 B。 17.C[解析]《义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版)》采用国际通用的分级方式,将英语课 程目标按照能力水平设为九个级别。正确答案应该选 C。 18.C[解析]根据新课标要求,7—9 年级分别完成三、四、五级目标,因此正确答案为 C。 19.A[解析]根据新课标要求,在英语课程实施中,帮助学生有效地使用学习策略,不仅 有利于他们把握学习的方向,采用科学的途径提高学习效率,而且还有助于他们形成自主学 习的能力,为终身学习奠定基础。因此正确答案应该选 A。 20.C[解析】根据新课标要求“语言技能是构成语言交际能力的重要组成部分。语言技能 包括听、说、读、写四个方面的技能以及这四种技能的综合运用能力”。因此答案应该选择 C。 21.C[解析]本文主要讲述了专家学者们对人们如何进行改变的建议。故 C 项最符合题 意。 22.B[解析]根据第四段中的第一句可知,Nicholas Christakis 认为当人们的朋友或朋友 的朋友们发生积极的转变时,他们会比较倾向于积极的转变。故可推知人们在别人的鼓励下 比较容易发生转变。故选 B。 23.C[解析]根据第五段中的“There’S desire,but I just kept putting it off.I didn’t get to it until the summer.”keep off 的意思是“避开,不接近”,可知 Johnny Augustin 做事拖拉,不 到最后一刻不愿意完成该完成的事。故 C 是正确答案。 24.D[解析]根据第四段可知向朋友学习是转变的一个方法;根据第三段的第二句可知一 开始就设立目标也是转变的一个方法;根据最后一段的第一句可知拥有积极的态度也是转变 的一个方法。只有 D 项在文中没有提及。故选 D。 25.D[解析]本文最后一段讲述了积极的态度是成功转变的一个关键因素。文中第五段是 第四段观点的例证,因此可以推测最后一段的下文应该是最后一段观点的例证。故选 D。 26.A[解析]本文主要讲述了“Earthship”的结构及其环保功能,第六段的第一句点题,说 明“Earthship”很环保,是最好的住所。故选 A。 27.D[解析]“They”的前面是“The walls are extremely stron9”,根据就近原则,可知 “They”是指“Walls”。 28.C[解析]A 项、B 项和 D 项都只是描述了“Earthship”构造材料的特性,不能作为观点。 C 项代表了作者的观点。 29.B[解析]A 项、C 项和环保无关,排除。B 项指用过的水可以抽到花园重复利用,D 项指轮胎不能回收,但是瓶子和纸可以。明显 B 项比 D 项更环保。 30.B[解析]文章的主旨是宣扬“Earthship”异于普通房子的环保功能。B 项最能体现这个 观点。 二、简答题 31.[参考答案]英语学习调查问卷 姓名:日期: 一、阅读下面的句子,你同意这些说法吗?在每个句子后面用圆圈将你自己的看法圈起 来。 1.你平时学习有计划吗?有( )有时有( )没有( ) 2.你上课做笔记吗?做( )有时做( )不做( ) 3.你做作业前复习吗?复习( )有时不做( )复习( ) 4.你考试前制定目标吗?制定( )有时不制定( )制定( ) 5.你有预习的习惯吗?有( )有时有( )没有( ) 6.你课后有阅读的习惯吗?有( )有时有( )没有( ) 7.你会听英语磁带学习吗?会( )有时会( )不会( ) 8.你对英语学习感兴趣吗?感兴趣( )有时有( )没有( ) 9.你觉得老师上课有趣吗?有( )有时感兴趣( )不感兴趣( ) 10.你有学英语的动力吗?有( )有时有( )没有( ). 11.你记单词有耐心吗?有( )有时有( )没有( ) 12.你觉得自己具有学好英语的能力吗?具有( )不具有( ) 二、用你自己的话完成下面的句子、 我觉得英语书是: 三、你对今后的英语课和英语老师有什么想说的? 三、教学情境分析题 32.[参考答案]该教师在听力教学过程中只注重让学生听而忽略了讲的作用。这种听力训 练不仅使学生感到很被动,而且疲劳乏味,学生注意力很难集中,很难达到理想的教学效果。 高中听力教学是英语教学中的一个重要的、基础的环节,然而实际教学中有很多因素会影响 听力的教学,比如学生的基本功不扎实、基础知识积累不足(语音语调不熟悉、词汇不过关 等),教师的教学方法不得当(教学方法过于传统、只听不讲、听力材料不够丰富生动等),所 以在教学实践中要综合运用语音、词汇、阅读技巧、听说结合等教学方法以提高学生的听力 水平。除了正常的教学,更为重要的是要加强日常听力的练习,因为英语听力水平的提高不 是一蹴而就的,而是一个日积月累、相当复杂的过程。听力教学要以学生整体语言能力的提 高为基础,要以科学的学习方法和训练方法为前提,在教师的正确指导下,并经过长期的训 练,才能达到令人满意的效果。 四、教学设计题 33.[参考答案] 1.Teaching objectives 1.Knowledge and sklls objectives (1)Words:copy,own,get over. (2)Sentence patterns: She asked me if she could copy my homework. I asked her why she wanted to do that. T sanid it would start a bad habit (3)Continue to learn Direct Speech and Reported Speech. 2.Process and methods objectives Practieing more to improve the students’four skills and to understand it is very important for us to complete our own tasks by ourselves. 3.Emotion,attitude and values objectives Be aware of the importance of interpersonal relationship. Ⅱ.Important points ContinuP to leam to repoft what someone said(more kinds of Reposed Speech),and how to use it(as formal subject). Ⅲ.Difficult points 1.Practice more about the grammatical structures in different ways and summary about these. 2.HelD the students find out the right idea to study English in the future. IV.Teaching Procedure Step 1 Greetings Step 2 Warming up Ask a few students how they can report someone said,and to give some examples about daily life. IJet the students pay attention to the changes of their speech,and translate with:Now let’s learn about more kinds of Reported Speech. Step 3 Vocabulary and sentence pattern study 1.Ask the students to fill the blanks on their own. (Complete ten sentences,Self-check 1) 2.Check the answers. 1)Can you bring some music cds to the party? 2)My friend does well in English SO she often helps me with my projects• 3)He didn’t know what was happening outside. 4)1’m so cold.Can I borrow your jacket? 5、I’m seeing Sue this afternoon.Do you want me to pass on any messages? In some cases.students need to use another form of the word,for example,adjusting for tense or subject/verb agreement. 3.Ask the students to make their own sentences with the words,preferably sentences that are meaningful. eg:1 want to know,“Copying homework is right or wrong?”etc. This activity can help the students think more about how to study the vocabulary in future,and find the right way to enlarge their vocabulary. Step4 Just for fun Let the students read and talk about it,find out what makes the cartoon funny.(Neither person can hear what the other person is saying) This activity provides reading practice with the target language.And with the topic’s help,we can start the new text. Can we hear what the author want to tell us? Step 5 Reading(Self-check 2) (Notice:turn off s(ound)Show the whole story with CAl,and give the chance to the students, let them dub for the pictures. After several times.play the recording for help to correct their voice.And then let all the students dub for the story. It is very important to understand the whole story before they learn the details• Step 6 Text study 1.Find main idea Ask the students to read silently,quickly through to the end without stopping to find the main clues. We had a big fight last week in school.→She said she had forgotten to do hers.→I said I didn,t think it was a good idea for her to copy my homework.→She said it was much better if she did her own homework. Help the Students recite the passage with the sentences. 2.Sentences’stucly There are more than 10 Reported Speech sentences in the story.Find all the sentences to study the Direct speech and Reported Speech.And continue to study sentences’changes for Reported Speech. Step 7 Pair work 1.Ask a few pairs of students to rewrite the story as a conversation.Pretend you(as author) are talking about the fight with other person. eg:A:Who’S your best friend? B:Mv best friend is Xiao Li,bul last week we

