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2021 国家开放大学电大专科《人文英语 2》期末试题及答案(试卷号:3937)盗 传必究 一 ,交际用语(共计 S 分.每小 1S2 分) 1 一 5 题:根据对话内容选择恰当的选项。 L—There are w many strange phone calh nowadayfu I'm led up with tho^e caM —Speaking of strange phone odis#______________ ________________ ■ A. who are these nasty people? K you'd better be careful of the telecommunication (much. C. there may be some rnformation you can get from them. 2. —Tom • ____________________________you to my birthday party. —I'm very happy to join the party. When will it be? A. I'd like to invite R. 1 have to invite C. I ihauld invite 3. —What ^5 your plan for the Hummer vacation? A. I hiive a good plan. Tin shopping now. C Tm planning to go to Italy. L —There was • gunshot in the cinema last nights —I heard about it> and_______________________________ . A. I was enjoying the Fifthting in the movie> B. I hope there would be no more gunshot in the future- G how many people got shot? 5. — Hi» _ —Suret go ahead. A. Could I ask you for Rome suggestions? B Can you suggest me something? C Would you give me some ideas? 二、国汇与结构(共计 30 分,每小 U 2 分) 6-20JR:阅谟下面的句子,从 A、B,C 三个选顼中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 6. A successful cover letter will make a great______________ . A ・ progress B. impresston C. contribution 7. They found *11 the ______ when they woke up. •A. HO B. RomK Ct gone 8. A» lung 0> thr lrarnrr> have " * 血心 device which is linked up to the InternrU they cun enjoy browning 顷心 5 wmchi 职 video lecturer A< iiccesii H. mcnnii C ・ way 9. The cover letter will be »ecn first. A. However C Therefore 三,阅厦理解(共计 40 分,每 小■ 4 分) t it tnum br very well written. H. Iknick* iO. He refused rny BUggr^tianM. A. to necepi Il ArreptinK C ・ neerpted 11. A double room with a balcony overlooking the Men had been A.reserved IL denerved C coniicrved 12. I should Alrx thin morning* but 1 (orKOt. A. phone K phoned (二 hnvc phoned to learn a new nkill. you will grawp it quickly. A. tnttiAiinK B. initinttvc 14 ・ You cun ionic boitlcB ol wince or wrut! chocahtcRe or n bunch of flower/w A. brlnK up H. hring Alnng bring down 15< We look furword to to IUN wedding erremony. A. rnrne R ccmr C. camiriK bcc«u« we were deeply A. moved B. move C. moving the interview. A. on 19. We will invite Profc^jior John»on tu our conference next Monday. A ・ attend K intend ( visit 20. You C«ll mrrt proplr c«n ponnibly help you find a paid job later on« A. who K. whom U which 21-25 蝎:阅读下列蛔文.从 A,B,C 三个逸项中逸出一个正•答秦。 I he Internet hat been perhaps the greatest innovation in information technology* It has Income an imponont tool with many Advanta^^ Firm, the Internet is a lrr«»urc housw? o( infarmafion and knowledge on any topic:. It is common practice now to st nr ch office prcjicntBtionse work projects and fitudis. etc. Second, there arc mare and more maaaivc open online courses ( M()(K:s) . Thenc M()()Cs mnke it pu»«ible for people to carry out dicir learning any plncc around the world • and nny time around the clock. As long an the learners have access to ■ digital device which is linked up to rhe Internet they enn enjoy hrowsinR pngen or wntchinn video Iccturcji. In doing so. they hnve opportunitiw to learn from profe»Bor> they otherwise would not be able to 0CC6AR. Third. entcrtAinrncnl m one ol the lending rrnnon* people like thr Wrb. MnienniK to munice playing gAmm« wdichiiitf moviese lollowinn thr UICMI new,obuiH (nmnu» jttnrii movie tur«i and ainiierk «nd lookinR into liknlylr wcbmtrg huvw breatne 血 yio dny ACtivltirs ol ninny Interne! user*. Onr cannot im«Klnr a MCM life without QQ or WeCIwh Tb* «ocbil app» have become our meana for ntnying ronnrcfetl with friends * colleagues and (wniHy member!< and Maying in touch with (hr worlds but not IcAit • wr enn nhop nnd do other huwm j*。online. We can cirHrr Rooclt* books# itckctM and pay bills without hnvmg to kiivc uur home* or office^ 2L How mnny MdvAntnRcyi of ihr Interne! lire mrniioned in th” MJH? A. 5 B.4 C3 22. The phrA»c Mtrvrtimrr hun»rK la Vurn. 2 mcAns • A. . vtorrhouMc far irramirr^ K ・ hounr full af valuable lbin«B C a virtiuil utoring place 23. M《)《>C ・ mftkr it poBMtblc lor people • A. to karn anyplace Anytime B. to link to ihr Internet (L to hfive MCCCNH ■ diflitnl device 24. ________ it limed DA unc of the riuertmnmrnt activilicw of the Inttrnrc sn 好. A. WatchinH video lectures H. ScufchinK inCmnution (or homework ( Fullowinx About celebrities 25. t» mentioned in the text M a »pp- A ・ MOOC ・ 氏 WttChat C. Wch 26—30 ■:侧读下面的句孑,据家文*内容进行狎断.正 My volunteer work hclpa me grow up. h h” nudr me mure uwnrc of the difheuhien oihnr people go throuRh and made rnc npprcciBte the nimplc thin 好 wr have in life. It enables Et, MS an nduit. to become more confident and to realixe the difference I enn m 我 c I now have new career AKpirntions and the confidence to take forward these new idea: since 1 started menronng at the Open University and gained the experience of working wii young students. If II go on to do a tcarhing assistant course and look for u voJuntecnr teaching or youth work tn rhe future^ My research project will be to build a spatial web application. It was inspired by th volunteering 1 do for another not-forproft! organization* My volunteering at an animal shelter is neither connected to my studies nor to my caret interests I do it purely for pleasure♦ snusfaetion and the feeling that I can help somebody. Itw made me a happirr person• and I wouldn't have go! thi5 fxr at univerfiiry without it> 26. Volunteer work rnnke* me more confident. 27. I work with other young volunteers in the Open University. 28. My reftearrh is related to the volunteering ! do for another not*for-pro( organizatioru 2% My volunteering at An animal shelter mnkes me a happier person. 30. Without the volunteer work. I wouldn't have my new career as a teacher. 四、B!译(共计 20 分.每小 jfi 4 分) 31-35:从以下 A、B、C 三个选项中选择出最佳的 31. Parking can be hard ro find, so it pays to go early• or visit during a walk aroun town< A. 停车位可能很难找.所以蛟好早去•或者可以步行绕小慎游览. 位停车位能转艰辛地找到,所以最好早去•或者可以步行绕小镇游竟。 C.停车位可能很雄找■所以要花点钱柘点去,或者可以步行绕小殖游览. 32> We will invite Profeswr Johnson to attend our conference next Monday. A. 下周一.我们要邀请约翰逊博士来参加我们的会议. a 我们要世谓约翰漫博士下周一来参加我们的会议’ c.我们即将在下周一童请约帖逊博:t 来参加我们的会议. 1 rvcc 33. This will allow the employer to associate your experience with their job opening. A. 这将允许雇主联系你的经历和他们的工作开端。 B. 这将有助于雇主将你的工作经历和他们的职务空缺联系起来. (:.这会允许麻你的工作般历,还有他们的职务空缺. 34. Stoy right where your dnughtcr went nwny in C/IRC she comes bnck looking for you. A. 你女儿离开的地 Jjr&W 的•恤会回来找你的. B. 就果在你女儿走去的地方.以助恤 I 司来找你. C. 呆在你女儿高开的地方的右边.这布.她会问来找你的. 35. Report the accident to your injiurnnee compnny ]UMt in HIM you rnuy need to (ilr a elnini. A.把串故扳告输 ft!险公司以便你需要索赔. K 因为你需要索姑.所以你要将串故报传给保险公可. C. 廊价交稔保险公川的报告只是你可能需邨索略的案件・ 试题答案及评分标准 (仅供参考) 一、 交际用增(共计 10 分.每小 S5 2 分) 据对话内容选择恰当的选项. LB 2. A 3.C 4. B 5. A 二, 国汇与 18 法(共计 30 分,玺小 85 2 分) 6-20 S :ffl 读下面的句子,从 A.B.CH 个选项中选出一个能境入空白处的最佳选项。 6. B 7.C 8. A 9.C 10< A 11. A 12. C 13. B U. B 15.C 16. A 17. A 18. B 19. A 20. A 三, 阅读理解(共计 40 分,每小 8H 分) 21 — 25 赠:阅读短文,根据短文内容从 A.B、C 三个选项中选出一个正确答案& 21. A 22. C 23. A 24. C 25. B 26-30 «:«]«短文,徵据短文内 Siah 判断,正确与“T"错俱写 26. T 27. F 28. F 29. T 30. F 四、 购库(共计 2。分.每小题 4 分) 31-35:从以下 A.B、C 三个选项中选择出晨佳的•!俸。 31. A 32. B 33. B 34. B 35. A

