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‎《东方遇见西方跨文化交际之旅》2019章节测试题与答案 第1章 单元测试 ‎1、How many types of culture mentioned in this chapter?‎ 答案:2‎ ‎2、Which kind of expression does not be included in immaterial aspects of culture?‎ 答案:art ‎3、Technology belongs to ? 答案:material culture ‎4、Eye contact shows competence in western cultures whereas, while Asian cultures find too much eye contact disrespectful. This fact illustrates one of five elements involved in communication process—–. 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。‎ ‎5、A fragrant scent or a warm hug may contribute as much to meaning as what is seen or heard. This fact illustrates one of five elements involved in communication process—–‎ ‎____.‎ 答案:Channels 第2章 单元测试 ‎1、What does paralanguage study?‎ 答案:Vocal elements ‎2、Deception is typically thought of as the intentional act of (B) information for certain communicative purposes 答案:altering ‎3、How long should a person maintain eye contact with his or her audience while talking?‎ 答案:60%-70% of the time ‎4、If some people clench teeth or fists to show endurance or anger without saying anything, for what is the nonverbal cue used?‎ 答案:Substituting ‎5、In which of the following cases is it okay to be five minutes late without having to offer much of an apology or ‎ explanation?‎ 答案:Family reunion 第3章 单元测试 ‎1、Which of the following statements concerning handshaking is not right?‎ 答案:In the United States, people usually give a soft handshake ‎2、Which one of the following is not one of the three fundamental elements to build up intercultural communication competence proposed by Byram?‎ 答案:Strategy ‎3、Which of the following is not included in the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity 答案:Maximization ‎4、When will the reverse culture shock take place?‎ 答案:When you return to your home culture after growing accustomed to the new one ‎5、In which of the following countries, it is appropriate to use the ok sign as indication of strong approval or goodness?‎ 答案:U.S.‎ 第4章 单元测试 ‎1、Which of the following statements is TRUE of collectivism?‎ 答案:Uniformity and conformity are stressed in collectivist cultures.‎ ‎2、Which of the following statements is not true?‎ 答案:The Injustice to Dou E is a Sanqu poem ‎3、deals with a society’s tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity.‎ 答案:Uncertainty avoidance ‎4、In the culture, the interest of the individual prevails over the interests of the group.‎ 答案:individualist 第5章 单元测试 ‎1、In the initial stages of a negotiation, what would German business managers usually do?‎ 答案:Ask numerous questions concerning technical details.‎ ‎2、Which one is not one of the needs mentioned by Schultz?‎ 答案:respect ‎3、Find out the families of one of following countries which are collectivist families.‎ 答案:Korea ‎4、In some countries, students feel comfortable in structured learning situations and are rewarded for accuracy in problem solving. Which dimension is this situation related to?‎ 答案:uncertainty avoidance ‎5、Respect is a perception of the confidence we place in other people’s promises.‎ 答案:错 第6章 单元测试 ‎1、The fact that people set their mind that all African Americans like to eat chicken is an example of __?‎ 答案:√‎ ‎2、Which of the following is not a gender stereotype?‎ 答案:Blonde equals to beauty.‎ ‎3、The statement that women in Finland are paid lesser than their male counterparts in every field for doing the same job, is an example of __ prejudice.‎ 答案:gender ‎4、When an elder-care facility refuses to install Internet technology because of the belief that older people don’t have the energy or ability to learn web navigation, they are acting upon ____ prejudice.‎ 答案:age ‎5、Which of the following statements is not an example statement of colorism?‎ 答案:An employer might run a thorough background check on an applicant of color, while accepting a job applicant from a prospective white employee with no additional documentation.‎ 第7章 单元测试 ‎1、Which of the following styles of clothing may not express the Indian cultural identity?‎ 答案:Kimono ‎2、Which of the following can indicate people’s cultural identity?‎ 答案:All of them ‎3、Which of the following statement concerned with cultural identity is wrong?‎ 答案:Cultural identity is the feeling of not belonging to a certain group.‎ ‎5、Which of the following examples of thoughts does not belong to unexamined cultural identity stage?‎ 答案:“There are a lot of non-Japanese people around me,‎ ‎ and it gets pretty confusing to try and decide who I am.”‎ 第8章 单元测试 ‎1、In the tree-tiered concept of globalization, which one is the base and core?‎ 答案:economic globalization ‎2、Silk Road is an evidence of . 答案:International trade ‎3、The influence on the internal affairs of other countries is generally referred to as “”.‎ 答案:climax ‎4、According to the content we’ve learnt, KungFu Panda is a typical example of “____”‎ 答案:parenting is a difficult and important task ‎5、Which one is not one of the ideas of “Global Citizenship”?‎ 答案:All the people in the world should love each other;‎

