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2021 国家开放大学电大专科《国际商务礼仪》期末试题及答案(试卷号:3981) 盗传必究 分利酬题(30 分) llicre art fifteen statements in thb section. Mark thr statement% True (13 nr FUIMT (F> according tn what yon hiivr leumed in this cmirse. 1. H yuu arc trying to open the door for <ody rlse< flunk iihtuid and try to position younirH to open the door easily. 2. In term of etiquette< being comfortable mrans hving conHdcni^ 3. A general guide of professional drcM is to wear clothes that shov* yemr prrwnnl style. 4. It IB prafwionnl to drink beverago through ■ Mtraw. 5. Eye contact is n positive mean? of pm|r€tmg cunGdenrt. honrjity• and good intentions 6. A wmpk «milc can not vnhancr your work rnviromncnt hy nhenng a nrgnnve mood, nununng camrirAderiet and reinforcing s.df csieetna 7t Quality management prartiw do not rcrngnuc that A|1 people are our clients. 8. Smnll ulk is more interesting if you use oprtv ended questions that invite marc than one-word resjwnsrs as answers 9. Some people arc uffendrd if you don rrmrmber ihtir names. 10. When yon know you nre going to be introduced to ethers, be sure your right hnnd i5 free. 1 L Coni mon courtesy is genderless. 12. 1( you are at work MfTing behind your dc^k when o vianar comes by ・ you can jusl reach out across your deck to sh/ike your visitor S hand in^tend of walking around your desk. 13. In the business environment• all people should Rtnnd# rccognixe each uthcr. and shake hnnds with rarh other. 14. Negative body langungc can turn people away os quickly aa a !k can engHge them^ 15. When wmeonc i Ute for a meeting, you should hold up tlw meeting until they nrrivr- 第二 IB 分选择 11(20 分) rherr an? five questions in this MKUUCK EMch question hsu one or more than one corrcvt itnswen Select the cormrt answer or answers. 16. Which of the following ore among the general guidelines (or drrss and presentation? A. Avoid clothing that is roo tight. B. Do not mix Myles. C ・ Wear fancy jewelry. D. Drvss differently to »how your perMonility. 17. Wh«t should you do when Kamconr conies Ki your oSce io y。。' A. You have lo Rivr nway yaur prraouw time C ・ Moke sHdtd eye contact with thnt perBon. 1). Shiifdc pnprra or Inlk on ihr tvlcphonr if you QK bu*y ・ How lunu «hicc»nllni> to slut you have knmed In Ihh cuunc« 位呸 2 分 L (T) 2. (T) 3. (F) 4.(F) 5. CD 6. 7.(F) H. (T) 9. (T) 10. ( T) 11. (T) 12. (F) 13. (T) H.(T) 15. (E) 第二部分逸择 BH20 分) There orc five qui>%tion< in Ihh 炒 Hum Each question hw


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