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‎《英语电影赏析(山东联盟)》章节测试题与答案 第1章 单元测试 ‎1、Rose comes to the after-deck to commit suicide because _.‎ 答案:she is tired of the life she is living ‎2、Which of the following word could be used to describe Rose’s attitude towards Jack?‎ 答案:Complicated ‎3、How does Jack feel about the love towards Rose?‎ 答案:Self-contemptuous ‎4、Why is Rose arranged to marry Cal?‎ 答案:Because her mother wants her to marry Cal to stay in the upper class.‎ ‎5、Titanic was said to be the most luxurious one ever floating in the ocean, which of the following equipment is ‎ not on board the ship?‎ 答案:Supermarket ‎6、Which of the following is believed to be one of the clues for the film Titanic?‎ 答案:The maiden voyage of Titanic ‎7、There is something in common for Jack and Rose, what is that?‎ 答案:Longing for freedom ‎8、How does Jack feel about his boarding on Titanic?‎ 答案:He feels satisfied.‎ ‎9、How many people are saved from the icy sea water?‎ 答案:Six ‎10、After Rose has been saved, she spots that Cal is looking for her, why doesn’t she come to him?‎ 答案:She decides to live her own life.‎ ‎11、How many causes for the sinking of Titanic have been talked about in this short lecture?‎ 答案:10‎ ‎12、Where does the name Titanic originate from?‎ 答案:Greek mythology.‎ ‎13、The ship could stay afloat with as many as _ watertight compartments flooded?‎ 答案:4‎ ‎14、What is the maximum speed Titanic could reach?‎ 答案:44km per hour.‎ ‎15、Bruce Ismay has been blamed for the reason that _.‎ 答案:he put pressure on Captain Smith to maintain the speed of the ship.‎ ‎16、Since Rose doesn’t love Cal, why is she marrying him?‎ 答案:Rose is forced by her snobbish mother.‎ ‎17、How do you describe Jack’s personality?‎ 答案:Enthusiastic and optimistic.‎ ‎18、In what way does Jack save Rose?‎ 答案:In every way a person can be saved.‎ ‎19、Why does Rose choose Jack in the end?‎ 答案:They share similar tastes and interest, values and outlooks on life. Meanwhile, Rose feels at ease together with Jack.‎ ‎20、Which of the following statements can best describe Cal?‎ 答案:A snobbish and selfish man who attaches so much importance to money that he measures almost everything in money.‎ ‎21、As a narrative technique, what methods are often used to present flashbacks?‎ 答案:Dream sequences and memories.‎ ‎22、In Titanic , what establishes a connection between the past and the present in the film?‎ 答案:A drawing of Rose.‎ ‎23、In what way is the flashback narrative used in Titanic similar to that in Three Billboards?‎ 答案:Its method to present the flashback.‎ ‎24、What do you think of the flashback narrative in Titanic ?‎ 答案:The flashback is as long enough as to go through the whole movie .‎ ‎25、As to the functions of a flashback, which of the following statements is true?‎ 答案:It is to convey to the readers information regarding the character’s background.‎ 第2章 单元测试 ‎1、In the following descriptions of Forrest Gump, which one is not true about him?‎ 答案:He is a smart man.‎ ‎2、Who are the listeners of Forrest Gump’s stories in the film?‎ 答案:Some strangers waiting for the bus.‎ ‎3、Forrest is waiting for the bus to meet whom?‎ 答案:Jenny.‎ ‎4、The film Forrest Gump has competed with which film to win the 67th Oscar Awards?‎ 答案:The Shaw shank Redemption.‎ ‎5、By using which techniques could Forrest Gump meet dead people and shake hands with them?‎ 答案:CGI (Computer Graphic Image).‎ ‎6、The white feather in the film Forrest Gump is interpreted as a/an . 答案:symbolism.‎ ‎7、Who sent Forrest to wait for the school bus when he was young?‎ 答案:His mother.‎ ‎8、What happens to Jenny in the end?‎ 答案:She passed away.‎ ‎9、Which interpretation of the white feather is not true about the film?‎ 答案:The white feather may represent Gump who could ‎ decide the directions and destinations of his life.‎ ‎10、According to Mrs. Gump, death is . 答案:talking to one’s self is an experience we all share ‎11、Which description of Mrs. Gump is not true?‎ 答案:She has a good husband.‎ ‎12、In Mrs. Gump’s eye, Forrest Gump is . 答案:a normal kid ‎13、Which one of the following sentences is not told by Mrs. Gump?‎ 答案:Run, Forrest. Run away.‎ ‎14、The best interpretation for the sentence “Life is a box of chocolates” is . 答案:Life is full of choices and possibilities.‎ ‎15、What’s Forrest Gump’s value towards money?‎ 答案:There is only so much fortune a man really needs and the rest is just for showing off.‎ ‎16、When Forrest Gump was bullied by local kids, what did he do?‎ 答案:He stood still and did nothing.‎ ‎17、On Forrest’s first day to go to school, why did other kids refuse to offer a seat to Forrest?‎ 答案:Because they disliked Forrest.‎ ‎18、Forrest is chosen to the football team to go to college because of _. 答案:his fast running ‎19、What does Forrest respond to President Kennedy’s question “How do you feel to be all- American, sir?”‎ 答案:I gotta pee.‎ ‎20、Which interpretation of the sentence “Stupid is as stupid does” is not true?‎ 答案:Forrest is so stupid that he always does something wrong.‎ ‎21、Who always reminds Forrest to run when he is bullied by other people?‎ 答案:Jenny.‎ ‎22、How could Forrest survive the Vietnam War?‎ 答案:Because of his fast running.‎ ‎23、How long has Forrest run across America?‎ 答案:More than 3 years.‎ ‎24、Who did Forrest miss most during his running across America ?‎ 答案:Jenny.‎ ‎25、The most influential meaning of the long running for Forrest is. 答案:he finally understands mother’s words “You got to put the past behind you before you can move on.”‎ ‎26、Forrest Gump is running across a __-year span of American history.‎ 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。‎ ‎27、Forrest Gump is named after Nathan Bedford who is __.‎ 答案:the Civil War Hero.‎ ‎28、Which answer is not true to the question: Forrest Gump is looked down upon and bullied by local kids because __.‎ 答案:his father has no time to take care of him ‎29、Forrest Gump is awarded the Medal of Honor by whom?‎ 答案:President Johnson.‎ ‎30、Who does together with Forrest Gump to the shrimping boat?‎ 答案:Lieutenant Dan.‎ 第3章 单元测试 ‎1、Mr. Holland’s Opus was an American drama film released in 1995. Who was in the title role of Glenn Holland, a high-school music teacher?‎ 答案:Richard Dreyfuss.‎ ‎2、Glenn Holland was a talented musician and composer who was also a professional musical performer. Why did he accept a teaching position at John F. Kennedy High School?‎ 答案:Because he wanted to enjoy more free time with his young wife, Iris, and compose a piece of orchestral music.‎ ‎3、Mr. Holland’s first days in John F. Kennedy High School was proved to be not successful, for the students’‎ ‎ performance did not meet his expectance. Who help him realize the duty and importance of being a teacher?‎ 答案:The school principal Mrs. Jacobs.‎ ‎4、The news that his wife Iris Holland was pregnant brought happiness to the couple. But unfortunately, his son Cole was born deaf. What is Mr. Holland’ s first reaction to this?‎ 答案:Mr. Holland reacted with hostility to the news that he can never teach the joys of music to his own child.‎ ‎5、Which of the following statements is not true according to your own understanding of the film?‎ 答案:When Mr. Holland retired from school, he wrote his own profound opus—The American Symphony.‎ ‎6、_ is not the most striking cultural marks of Hippies ?‎ 答案:1‎ ‎7、Which of the following is not true about the Hippies of the 1960s in America?‎ 答案:They all wanted to become rock stars.‎ ‎8、Which one is not true about Hippies’ dressing style?‎ 答案:They often went barefoot because they couldn’t afford shoes.‎ ‎9、Which one is not true about Hippies’ life style?‎ 答案:They believed people couldn’t experiment love & sex without guilt and jealousy.‎ ‎10、The peak years of psychedelic rock were 1967’s Summer of Love and 1969’s Woodstock Festival . About these two events, which one is not true?‎ 答案:In Woodstock Festival , many Hippies took drugs, which caused a lot of fighting and violence.‎ ‎11、Which is not about the jobs of a teacher according to Mrs. Jacobs?‎ 答案:To give his students financial support.‎ ‎12、Why does Mrs. Jacobs criticize Mr. Holland in clip 1?‎ 答案:Because he failed to serve as a good compass for his students.‎ ‎13、Mr. Holland teaches his students all but _ in class?‎ 答案:how to compose ‎14、What does Staddler learn in the funeral?‎ 答案:A man should be good at sports, such as football or wrestling.‎ ‎15、Which of the following statements is not true about Mr. Holland?‎ 答案:Mr. Holland is an excellent composer. His music brings him rich and fame.‎ ‎16、Why is the method “play the sunset” so effective for Lang?‎ 答案:Because her hair often reminds her father of the beautiful sunset, which brings confidence to her.‎ ‎17、How many years has Lang been playing clarinet?‎ 答案:About three years.‎ ‎18、In a quarrel with his father, Cole even calls Mr. Holland a (an) __.‎ 答案:In a hospital.‎ ‎19、In clip 4, his wife quarrels with Mr. Holland because he fails to accompany his wife and son to the science fair, so which word can best describe Holland’s relationship with his families?‎ 答案:Strained ‎20、Which of the following in not a good proof to show that Mr. Holland is a good teacher or a good father?‎ 答案:He dreams of composing a symphony that can make him rich and famous.‎ 第4章 单元测试 ‎1、Which movie is not acted by Will Smith?‎ 答案:Avatar.‎ ‎2、The real Christopher Paul Gardner is an American businessman, investor, stockbroker, motivational speaker, author, and philanthropist. What does “philanthropist” mean?‎ 答案:A rich person who gives a lot of money to help poor people.‎ ‎3、At one point, why is Chris forced to stay in a bathroom at a train station with his son?‎ 答案:He doesn’t have money to pay for the rent.‎ ‎4、At the end of the internship, Chris is called into an office. He predicts that he will be____________.‎ 答案:fired by the company ‎5、Who was Tomas Jefferson?‎ 答案:He was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence.‎ ‎6、What can we mainly infer from the title of the movie?‎ 答案:If you want to get happiness, do not ask why, just depend on yourself.‎ ‎7、What does the man who drives a fancy car tell Chris about how to become a stock broker ?‎ 答案:One needs to be good at numbers and be good with people .‎ ‎8、Which one is not the reason that Twistle gives Chris an opportunity to have an interview ?‎ 答案:He wants to get rid of Chris quickly .‎ ‎9、During the internship, Chris does all the things except that________.‎ 答案:The CEO promises to cooperate with Chris ‎10、During the internship, Chris does all the things except that________.‎ 答案:The CEO promises to cooperate with Chris ‎11、Which one is not true about the forth opportunity Chris seizes ?‎ 答案:The CEO promises to cooperate with Chris .‎ ‎12、Chris hurries to the interview immediately from . 答案:the police station ‎13、How many students are there in Chris’ high school class?‎ 答案:12.‎ ‎14、In this part, we can see Chris has demonstrated all the qualities, but__________. 答案:team-playing ‎15、In a job interview, avoiding eye contact is a sign of all the following except for . 答案:×‎ ‎16、Which of the following is not right for a successful job interview?‎ 答案:Answers most questions with short “yes” and “no”.‎ ‎17、Where does the idea of “American Dream” come from?‎ 答案:The Declaration of Independence.‎ ‎18、“The American Dream” means that _ can achieve fame and fortune in the United States through hard work, self-reliance, and sacrifice.‎ 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。‎ ‎19、Which of the following is not the adversity that Chris faces in life?‎ 答案:His strong determination with amazing willpower.‎ ‎20、To win the position, the most important task for Chris to do is to ___. 答案:earn more money ‎21、Chris finally gets the job mainly because of ___.‎ 答案:his diligence 第5章 单元测试 ‎1、Schindler’s List is a 1993 American epic historical drama film directed by . 答案:Steven Spielberg ‎2、The film Schindler’s List is based on the novel Schindler’s Ark by Thomas Keneally, a (an) __ novelist.‎ 答案:A fugitive.‎ ‎3、The film Schindler’s List tells the story about Oskar Schindler, a member of the Nazi party who saved the lives of about _ Jews during the Holocaust.‎ 答案:1,200‎ ‎4、Oskar Schindler, a German industrialist, a German spy and a member of the Nazi party who saved many Jews during the Holocaust by . 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。‎ ‎5、Oskar Schindler was considered as an opportunist because . 答案:he wanted to make fortunes by taking advantage of war ‎6、Oskar Schindler was named Righteous among the Nations ‎ by the _ government.‎ 答案:Israeli ‎7、Poldek Pfefferberg is considered to be one of the persons who help contributing to the making of the film Schindler’s List mainly because__________. 答案:he was the story-teller, telling the story of his savior, Oskar Schindle ‎8、After reading the review of the book Schindler’s Ark and meeting Pfefferberg in 1983, Spielberg expressed enough interest in putting the story into a film. But later he tried to pass the project to other film directors. Why?‎ 答案:Because Spielberg was not sure whether he was good enough to make the film.‎ ‎9、The film director Roman Polanski turned down the Spielberg’s proposal of making the film Schindler’s List since__________________.‎ 答案:he could not accept the truth that his mother was killed at concentration camp ‎10、This film Schindler’s List has achieved a great success. It has won __ Oscar Awards out of twelve nominations.‎ 答案:seven ‎11、Marked by mass deaths of civilians, including the Holocaust and the only use of nuclear weapons in warfare, World War II resulted in millions of death. “Holocaust” here means . 答案:犹太人大屠杀 ‎12、Which country is the number 1 on the list of an estimate of the number of Jews murdered between 1939 and 1945?‎ 答案:Poland ‎13、During World War II, many concentration camps and Ghettos were established in Europe, among them is Auschwitz concentration camp which is located in . 答案:Poland ‎14、During the Second World War, the Nazi party, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, tried to kill all the Jews in Europe. This plan eventually turned to genocide. Genocide here means _.‎ 答案:种族灭绝 ‎15、Some historians attribute the Holocaust to the following reasons except _.‎ 答案:编译失败 ‎16、In the opening scene of the film, we can hear the sound of match striking. Two candles lighted by a match, and whole Jewish family is standing around the dinner table and the lighted candles to _. 答案:observe the Jewish Sabbath (犹太人的安息日)‎ ‎17、In the opening scene of the film, the red flame of the candle stands for all except . 答案:all above ‎18、In the opening scene of the film, the grey smoke rising upward from the candle can be easily associated with the smoke from chimneys of gas chambers in concentration camps, symbolizing all except _ in the concentration camps.‎ 答案:all above ‎19、After the war, Schindler says good bye to the Jews from his factory and starts his fugitive life. How about Amon Göth after the war?‎ 答案:He is captured and hanged.‎ ‎20、At the end of the film, we can see Schindler’s Jews keeping walking, walking from the distance to us. At the ‎ moment, the black-and-white image is changing into colors. The change from black-and-white to colors means all except . 答案:E ‎21、It is often considered that there are two clues for the film Schindler’s List, one is Schindler and his factory, and the other should be . 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。‎ ‎22、At the beginning of the film, Schindler tries to keep in touch with German high officers to_____. 答案:establish his status ‎23、What happens the first day when Helen comes to work for Goeth?‎ 答案:She is beaten.‎ ‎24、She is beaten again just because __.‎ 答案:单级双吸式泵 ‎25、In the film Schindler’s List, Schindler moves his factory from Poland to his hometown in Czechoslovakia for the purpose of . 答案:错 ‎26、“The list is an absolute good. The list is life. All around its margins lies the gulf”, the quote from the film Schindler’s List. The symbolic meaning of “the gulf” is _. 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。‎ ‎27、The war is over, and Schindler gives a speech to the Jews in his factory to depict himself as all except __.‎ 答案:a murderer ‎28、During his speech, Schindler turns to the guards who are holding the guns and says that __.‎ 答案:在……的期间 ‎29、After the war, the workers from Schindler’s factory sign their names on a letter and give the letter to Schindler because the letter _. 答案:8V ‎30、After the war, the Jews give Schindler a ring to __.‎ 答案:向后 ‎31、Spielberg shot the film in black and white and approached it as _, to record the unforgettable history of the past.‎ 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。‎ ‎32、The film is shot in black and white for the reason that the use of black and white __.‎ 答案:can give the audience the feeling of nostalgia ‎33、In the film, there is the bargaining between Schindler and Amon Goeth about buying Jews. Schindler and Amon Goeth are separated by the dark shadow (actually a pillar). The shadow between them shows __. 答案:they are in completely opposite position ‎34、In the film, we can see a train is carrying some women to Auschwitz concentration camp. The white-and-black color, plus the flashing and changing of shadow and light can create an atmosphere of all except . 答案:distrust ‎35、At the beginning of the film Schindler’s List , which one is not the identity of Oscar Schindler?‎ 答案:A fugitive.‎ ‎36、In the end Schindler has become a righteous person, a man of humanity and justice, a man ___. 答案:who risks his life and saves as many Jews as possible in his factory ‎37、The night before the Holocaust, Schindler is riding the horse on the top of the hill with . 答案:his mistress ‎38、When he hears the gunshot faraway from the Ghetto. He stops, and looks down at the unusually chaotic streets below. He feels __. 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。‎ ‎39、Against the black-and-white image, the little girl dressed in red is walking along the street. Which following statement is not right?‎ 答案:The red color seems more beautiful.‎ ‎40、Oscar Schindler changes from a member of the Nazi party, a businessman, a criminal to a righteous person, a man of humanity. What makes his dramatic change?‎ 答案:His personal experience, especially the Holocaust and the Jews he used to employ.‎ ‎41、Ho Feng-Shan was a Chinese __. When he was Consul-general in Vienna, Austria during World War II.‎ 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。‎ ‎42、During the Second World War about 30,000 Jewish ‎ people were given the safe asylum in Shanghai by Chinese people and escaped the atrocities of the Holocaust in Europe. One of them is Ho Fengshan who rescued thousands of Jews in Austria from the Holocaust by . 答案:issuing visas to Shanghai ‎43、The action of Ho Fengshan was recognized after his death, and he was awarded the title “Righteous among the Nations” by the _ government in 2000.‎ 答案:Israeli ‎44、Nicholas Winton was a British humanitarian who organized the rescue of 669 children, most of them Jewish, from _ to Britain just before the WWII.‎ 答案:Czechoslovakia ‎45、Nicholas Winton’s rescue action went unnoticed for half a century until in 1988 _ found a detailed scrapbook in their attic, containing lists of the children, their parents’ names, the names and addresses of the families that adopted these children.‎ 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。‎ ‎46、In 2014, Nicholas Winton was awarded the highest honor of the Czech Republic, the Order of the White Lion by Czech President. He is often called . 答案:British Schindler ‎47、John Rabe was a member of Nazi Party and a German businessman who is best known for his efforts to stop the atrocities of the Japanese army and his work to protect the Chinese civilians during the Nanking Occupation from 1937 to 1938 by __.‎ 答案:Nanking Safety Zone ‎48、There is a film which focuses upon the experiences of a German businessman who used his Nazi Party membership to create a protective International Safety Zone in Nanking, China, helping to save thousands of Chinese from the Nanking Massacre in late 1937 and early 1938. The film is called _. 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。‎ 第6章 单元测试 ‎1、Why does Colonel Ludlow move his families to a remote part of Montana?‎ 答案:Because he is tired of the fact that the American ‎ government betrays the Native Americans.‎ ‎2、Which is not the right statement about Susannah?‎ 答案:She is dependent on Samuel.‎ ‎3、Which of the following is not right for the description of the genre of this film?‎ 答案:Comedy.‎ ‎4、Which is not the typical element for Western films?‎ 答案:Businessmen.‎ ‎5、What is the common theme of the Western?‎ 答案:The conquest of the wilderness in the name of civilization.‎ ‎6、What can we learn from the video clip about the Native Americans in the 19th Century?‎ 答案:They are discriminated and not allowed to enter in most public places.‎ ‎7、Who are Native Americans?‎ 答案:They are different groups of indigenous peoples of ‎ the United States.‎ ‎8、What kind of traditional home do Native Americans live in?‎ 答案:They live in the wikiups made of tree saplings.‎ ‎9、Which of the following is not the reason that most Americans move to the West at the beginning of 19th century?‎ 答案:For better education.‎ ‎10、What does the American government do to civilize the Native Americans?‎ 答案:By running boarding schools to educate the Native American children the western cultures.‎ ‎11、At the beginning of the film, which word is proper to describe the relationship among brothers?‎ 答案:Affection ‎12、Which word is not proper for the description of Samuel’s character?‎ 答案:Mature ‎13、What contributes to the conflicts between Tristan and Alfred?‎ 答案:The fact that Susannah falls in love with Tristan.‎ ‎14、Why do Alfred and Tristan reconcile at the end of the film?‎ 答案:Because blood is blood.‎ ‎15、What can you see about Alfred in this film?‎ 答案:He is mature and cares about everyone around him.‎ ‎16、The bear acts as ___ in this film.‎ 答案:a clue ‎17、Why does Tristan deliberately waken a sleeping bear at the age of twelve?‎ 答案:Because he wants to challenge the bear.‎ ‎18、Why doesn’t Tristan kill the bear when he meets it the second time?‎ 答案:Because he and the bear become one as they have spilled each other’s blood.‎ ‎19、Which is not right for the explanation of the relationship between Tristan and the bear?‎ 答案:Tristan and the bear are in contradiction with each other.‎ ‎20、The image of the bear mentioned in this film exists __.‎ 答案:In everyone’s heart.‎ 第7章 单元测试 ‎1、Where does the story take place?‎ 答案:Austria ‎2、How many children are there in the Von Trapp family?‎ 答案:7‎ ‎3、The identity of Maria in the abbey is a . 答案:postulant nun ‎4、When Maria knows she will be a governess for the family, she feels _. 答案:surprised and reluctant ‎5、What is the purpose of children to play tricks on the ‎ former governesses?‎ 答案:Attracting their father’s attention.‎ ‎6、After the musical festival, Captian Von Trapp is supposed to __ according to the telegram.‎ 答案:which I have looked after ‎7、Why does Captain Von Trapp sing the song Edelweiss in the musical festival?‎ 答案:It stands for the love of motherland.‎ ‎8、The golden age for musical films is . 答案:3 percent ‎9、Which movie is the first “All-Talking, All-Singing, All-Dancing” feature film during 1920s?‎ 答案:The Broadway Melody ‎10、Hollywood released more than _ musical films in 1930.‎ 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。‎ ‎11、During 1960s, the four musical films West Side Story, My Fair Lady, The Sound of Music and Oliver! have won the Oscar Award for __. 答案:在……的期间 ‎12、In 2016, La La Land has won 6 Oscar Awards. The meaning of “La La Land” refers to . 答案:both the city of Los Angeles and the idiom for being out of touch with reality ‎13、This film is adopted from a young Austrian woman’s memoir _. 答案:The Story of the Trapp Family Singers ‎14、In the true story, altogether there are __ children in the Von Trapp family.‎ 答案:a restless young man ‎15、In the real life, Captain Von Trapp is __ to the children.‎ 答案:loving and caring ‎16、Maria was chosen to be the governess for _.‎ 答案:only young Maria ‎17、Instead of the fictional uncle Max, pushy music promoter, the Von Trapp’s priest, the Reverend Franz Wasner, acted as their musical director for over _ years.‎ 答案:more adoptive ‎18、Which one of the following words can best describe ‎ Maria when she finds out the Captain’s love to her?‎ 答案:Startled.‎ ‎19、Which word can not be used to describe Captain von Trapp when the family are caught by the Nazis on their way to flee early that evening?‎ 答案:frightened ‎20、When Mara runs back to the Abbey, what do the other sisters in the abbey think of her?‎ 答案:Undisciplined.‎ ‎21、Why does Captain von Trapp treat the children in the military way at the beginning?‎ 答案:Because the captain doesn’t know anything of parenting.‎ ‎22、When Maria first arrives at the Von Trapp family, the children are hostile to her, but gradually she wins them over with her __ and ___.‎ 答案:talent, resourcefulness

