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国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语听说(2)》2023-2024 期末试题及答案(试卷号:1356) Section One (20 points. 2 points each) Directions: Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with the words you hear Write the words on the Answer Sheet. Mari i Your dog i ・ so adorable > Nancy. How old is he? Nancy t Eleveiu Marii Wow. that's pretty (1)________________• Nancyt Yeak I just love him so muck I don't know what Pll do when he's (2)______________________• Mari: Well, you can clone him, you know. Nancyi Clone him? Youf re (3)_____________ , right? Marit Yeaht of course But actually* it is possible* Scientists in Korea hnve cloned a dog. you knowi I saw a (4)____________ of it in Time mAgazine^ Nancyi Really? I've heard of cloned (5)_______________• and mice and rabbits. But not pets like dogs. Andrew: Oh. yeah. (6)___________ it or nott there is a company in California that offers a pet cloning service. For $ 15 ・ 000. you can have an exact copy of your pet. Nancy>Thatso wcird> Actuallyf it kind of scares me. Pretty soon, they'll start cloning people and then. . . Andrrw:Nahe 1 don't think that going to (7)_________________ • I think cloning will be used in positive ways. Nancy i Like what? Andrewt Like saving endangered species- For exiimplts scientists could Mve the giant panda and other animals before they become extincu Marit Oh. ycaht and (8)______________ thing. 1 heard thut scientists will be able to clone body part»• You know* ju«t grow a new heart• or a new tooth. And,r*:Uh-huh ・ Thai's what stem cell research is all (9)________________ ・ which is similar to cloning. A lot of medical problems are going to be solved with that (or sure. Nancyz Well. I'm all for thau Espechlly if it can help us live (10)____________________. Marit Or if they can help your dog live longer> right? Nancy i Right! Section Two (20 points, 2 potnU wh) Part One nivrctlons: You arc going to listen Co five short convcrMthms/paBMges. After each convcrMlioa/pABiage t there Is one question. Choose the best amiwcr to each questiun and write your antwers on the Answer Sheet* Number On。: a ihort tp^fch I L Whnt ceremony in the thort speech nboiit? A< Graduation^ 氏 Wedding* C« Annivcruary《同年纪念). Number Two: an adrmufmewr 12. The gipeiiker is talking nbout • A. a safe depOMtt box K a home improvement lo«n Q ・ car loan Numbfr Thr”: a monologue 13. This woman,■ living in • A< a house with friendu B* ® retirement home ( her M)n fi house Number Four t a than pasiaff 14. In__________ . 37< 8 percent of American women hud jobs A.I960 R 1916 C1M« Number Flrt: a ffcorr iprec/i 15. What it the speaker going to tulle ftbout? A. How were computer* invented? K The hintory of computers. Q The three major u»ea of computers* Part Two Dirvctiont: You urc Kolng U> listen to one convrnuition. Afler the c Which of these is true? A. rhe woman asks xht nian to walk with him. B. Thr woman osks the man if he wants to walk with her. (L The man A$ks the woman if he can walk with hcr> 20. When the woman myn, "Ch. really?* whnt Feeling docA nhc exprena? A. Boredom. EL IntercMh C Shynessu Section Three (30 pointsv 3 points each) Directions: You «re going to listen to a canvcrstttion. After the convenuation there are 10 statcmcnlx • Decide whether the following statements arc true or false. Write your answers (T or F) on the Answer Sheet 2L Mari and Dan know each other very well. 22. Mari likes jazz. 23. Mnri often goes to concerts- 24. Dan like* JjtpBnc^c food very much. 25. Muri doesnf t like American food. 26> Dan likes Indian (ocxL 27. Mari doew't like modern art> 28. Man likes American football. 29. Mari hates basketball very much. 30> Both Mari and Dan likes science fiction. Section Four (30 points. 3 points each) Directions: Listen to the lecture and fill in the blanks to complete the notes. Write yoar answers on the Answer Sheet 1 . Two qudtions the lecturer will answer: A ・ What are the beat (31)____________ going to be? EL How can 1 prepare myself to (32) _____________ one of those good jobs? 0 • History: Last 100 yearst chnnge in US labour markett from a manufacturing economy to a (33) _________ economy L definitions L in 8 manufacturing economy people (34)____________ things* e> g. like making car,, furniture or clothe』 2. in a service economy people (35) ____________ things. e. g ・ they cut your hnir> they fix your sihoest they sell you a computer^* Ill, RciuotiB why the number of manuraclttrinK Jobs hns been nolnx down: A. MUtomAtions foreign (36)__________ i itulblioi: Approxtmntcly (37) tnillion mnnufMCturing jobu hnvc diimppcArcd since 200L |V ・ Hie number of service jobs is gptag to grow by more than (38) _______ million J Mt in the next Un yean I V < I he occupations that will grow the fantcist between the yean 2002 and 2012 are In three categories:health care (39) . personal care and (40) • 试题答案及评分标准 (仅供参考) Section One (20 points, 2 points cMch) L old 2. gone 3. joking 6. Believe 7. happen 8. another Section 1'wo (20 points, 2 points each) IL C 12. A 13. B 16. C 17. B 18. A Section Three (30 pointst 3 points each) 21. F 22. T 23. F 26, F 27. T 28. F Section Four (30 pointsf 3 points each) 3L jobs 32> get 33. service 36. competition 37. 2. 5 38. 20 4. picture 9. about 14. A 19. C 24. F 29. F 34. make 39. computers 5. sheep 10. longer 15. C 20. B 25. T 30. T 35. do 40. services

