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202X年9月英语四六级英汉互译模拟题范文三篇 2020年9月英语四六级英汉互译模拟题(1) 《红楼梦》是一部对中国、对世界都有很大影响的长篇小说,作者是清代小说家曹雪芹。它以贾宝玉、林黛玉的爱情悲剧为主线,从中表现了贾、史、王、薛四大家族的兴衰,揭示了封建社会渐趋崩溃的内幕,反映了人们对个性解放与人权平等的要求。贾宝玉,《红楼梦》的中心人物,他养尊处优,却渴望无拘无束的自由生活,鄙视科举(imperial examinations)道路和富贵功名。他爱上了同样有叛逆精神的林黛玉,就注定了悲剧结局。(182字) ☆参考译文: The Dream of the Red Mansions, written by the Qing-dynasty novelist Cao Xueqin, has exerted a great impact on China as well as on the world. The storyline of the novel is the love tragedy between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu, by which the rise and fall of the four families of Jia, Shi, Wang and Xue are unfolded, hidden reasons of the decline of the feudal society were uncovered, and the demand for the freedom of individuality and the equality of human rights was reflected. As a protagonist in the Dream of the Red Mansions, Jia Baoyu led a comfortable and luxurious life, but yearned for an unconstrained life. He disdained promotion through imperial examinations, and the pursuit of fame and fortune. He fell in love with Lin Daiyu, a girl with a rebellious personality, which foretells the doomed tragic ending of their love affair. 2020年9月英语四六级英汉互译模拟题(2) 武术在中国有悠久的历史和广泛的群众基础。武术最初因为军事训练和身体锻炼得到发展,在徒手打斗中士兵用它来保命。现在,武术的军事用途已渐渐不被看重,而是发展成为一门有组织有系统的艺术表演学科的分支,因为它对身体的好处和运动的特征成为主要特点。因此武术在全中国范围内都很受欢迎,男女老少皆宜。当今许多人习武是为了保持健康,自我防卫,修养身心,娱乐和竞赛。(173字) ☆参考译文: Wushu enjoys a long history and great popularity in China. In the past, Wushu was developed for the sake of military training and physical well-being. Wushu was seen as crucial to a soldiers survival in the time of hand-to-hand combat. Today, military function has faded and it has been organized and systematized into a formal branch of study in the performance arts by the Chinese, while its physical welfare and athletic functions become dominant. Hence Wushu is popular among the whole nation of China, practiced by men and women, young and old alike. Today many people practice Wushu to pursue health, defense skills, mental discipline, entertainment and competition. 2020年9月英语四六级英汉互译模拟题(3) 在中国,礼物在上门拜访时是必不可少的,但是它并没有那么复杂。花卉、普通水果以及食品通常就行了。至于酒,你可得弄清楚主人是不是喜欢喝酒。在午饭时间,主人会让你多吃点东西或多喝点酒。如果你不想让他们失望的话,你就可以根据你的情况多来一点。如果你真的是酒足饭饱了,你最好直接谢绝,否则好客的主人会继续往你的碗里添菜。(150字) ☆参考译文: In China, a gift is necessary when visiting a family. But it is not so complex. Usually, flowers, common fruits and food are okay. As for alcohol, you had better check whether the host enjoys it. During lunch time, hosts will ask you to have more food or alcohol. If you do not want to disappoint them, you can have a little more according to your situation. If you are truly full, you had better refuse directly, otherwise, the hospitable hosts will continue to refill your bowl. 点击查看更多:2020年英语四六级模拟卷作文精选范文 查看更多