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最新国家开放大学电大《人文英语3》网络核心课形考网考作业及答案 考试说明:2018年秋期电大把《人文英语3》网络核心课纳入到“国开平台”进行考核,它共有五次形考任务。针对该门课 程.本人汇总了该科所有的题,形成一个完整的标准题库,并且以后会不断更新,对考生的复习、作业和考试起着非常重要 的作用,会给您节省大量的时间。做考题时,利用本文档中的查找工具.把考题中的关键字输到查找工具的查找内容框内. 就可迅速查找到该题答案。本文库还有其他网核及教学考一体化答案,敬清查看。 本课程考核采用形成性考核与终结性考试相结合的方式。 behavior. 形成性考核占课程综合成绩的50%.终结性考试占课程综 合成绩的50%。课程考核成绩统一采用百分制,即形成性 考核、终结性考试、课程综合成绩均采用百分制。课程综 合成绩达到60分及以上(及格),可获得本课程相应学分。 单元自测1 一、选择填空,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入 空白处的最佳选项。(每题10分) 题目1 —Do you have much experience with caring lor babies? 选择一项: A. Yes, I do. I often take care of kids in my free time. 题目2 —It's raining so heavily outside. I'm terribly anxious about my son's safety. 选择一项: C. Don't worry about him. He will come back safe and sound. 题目3 Young people 62% of University teaching staff. 选择一项: A. comprise 题目4 We often compare children flowers. 选择一项: B. to 题目5 We consider it necessary Tom should improve his选择一项: B. that 题目】 —How do you feel about your lamily life? 选择一项: B. Not bad. I think it is a good choice to be a full-time mother 题目2 —Ken did badly in his math test. I'm terribly worried about the result. 选择一项: C. Come on. It isn't the end of the world. 题目3 It is said that 2000 factories were closed down during the economic crisis. 选择一项: B. approximately 题目4 He asked me Zhang Hua came to school or not. 选择一项: B. whether 题目5 Lily is a good student except she is a little bit careless. 一项: C. that 题目】 —Our son has picked up some bad habits recently, and I really worried about it. 选择一项: B. Cheer up. I believe he will overcome it. 题目2 —Ken did badly in his math test. I'm terribly worried altouThis movie is the result. 选择一项: C. Come on. It isn't the end of the world. 题目3 The birth rate of the country decreases with years. 选择一项: C. progressively 题目4 This movie is that one. 选择一项: B. as interesting as 题目5 I want to know . 选择一项: C. what his name is 题目1 —How do you feel about your family life? 选择一项: B. Not bad. I think it is a good choice to be a full-time mother. 题目2 一It's raining so heavily outside. I'm terribly anxious about my son's safety. 选择一项: C. Don't worrj- about him. He will come back safe and sound. 题目3 aribm won the first prize of oral English contest, which is beyond his . 选择一项: C. expectation 题目4 that one. 选择一项: B. as interesting as 题目5 Young people 62% of University teaching staff. 选择一项: A. comprise 二、阅读理解:选择题(每题10分) Most couples who get married or decide to live together generally plan to have children. Several years ago, people thought that having big families was common and this was seen as an advantage. That was mainly because children began working at an early age to help provide for the family. But with the changing times and with the cost of living getting higher every single year, having a big family is no longer considered to be a practical option. In fact, more couples consider that they have only one child and some do not have any desire to become parents at all. According to the Australian Institute of Family Studies, by 1986, women aged 40 to 44ars, were considcrabljmorc likely to have given birth to two children than three children (36% vs. 27%) or four or more children (19%). However, taken together, women were still more likely to have had three or more children than to have had two children (46% vs. 36%). In recent years, women were more likely to have had two children than three or more children a trend that was most marked in the most recent period (38% vs. 25% in 1996; 38% vs. 22% in 2006). These days, most families in C. Women Being Likely to Have More Children. Australia have two children. But the number of women 阅读理解:正误判断(每题 10 分) had given birth to a single child increased progressively ft infilopping Yelling At Your Kids Parenting is hard. If you're a parent, I'm sure that I don't need only 8% in 1981 to 13% in 2006. The U.S. Census Bureau states that there arc approximatilyto tell you that our job is a tough one. When you're managing 14 million only children in America today. This compriseschildren, it can be difficult to remember that they arc still 20% of the children's population compared to only 10%learning. If you find you arc yelling at your kids more often around fifty years ago. 操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。 than you want to, here arc some ways that can help you reduce the yelling. I've been working on this for the past few 1. Several years ago, people thought that having big famiiesnonths and I have to say, it's been amazing for both the kids was C A. uncommon and this was seen as an advantage and me. If you arc having an argument with your child, you need to A. common and this was seen as a disadvantagemake sure you both take the lime to really listen. It gives B. common and this was seen as an advantageboth of you time to think and really listen to each other. 2. By 1986, taken together, women were still more likcl; tahich is important. Kids arc more likely to listen to you if you listen to them! children. One of your biggest struggles is to remind yourself of appropriate expectations. You can't expect that your youngest B. more acts as responsibly as your oldest. You should lower what C. no you expect- taking into consideration things like their -age 3. In recent years, women were more likely to have badit can make a big diftcrcncc. A. three or four children B. more children C. fewer children You should do your best to take a moment before yelling and take in a deep breath. It makes a world of diftcrcncc for you. Instead of yelling, you'd better whisper. It can also help 4. According to the passage, we can predict that thediiliisc any situation by making things quieter, not louder. number of lamily with a single child w飒将会增长). Besides, the more time you spend with your kids, the better A. decreased dramaticallyyou'll gel at communicating with them. You're both more B. increased dramaticallylikely to understand each other. C. remained steady If your children aren't listening or it seems they only don't 5. Which of the following may be the best title for thelisten to you, you don't take it personally. You should remind yourself that your kids arc still learning and they're nol going A. Families Having Fewer Children Nowadays.to be perfect. B. Couples Having More Children Nowadays.操作提示:句子正确选择下拉选项框为“T”:句子错误选 择下拉选项框为“F"。 一I'm sorry to hear that your grandmother is ill in hospital. 1. As a parent, you may know that parenting is an ca零 job.选择一*项: 2. Listening to each other is a good way to slop argument between parents and their kidi: 3. Usually younger kids behave less responsibly than elder children. T 4. Parents should lower their expectations for their kfids. 5. Both yelling and whispering can help make things quic F 单元自测2 一、选择填空,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入 空白处的最佳选项。(每题10分) 题目1 —Looking after a baby is not an easy job, is it? 选择一项: C. No, it isn't. 题目2 —Is your grandmother getting well now? 选择一项: A. Yes. she is much better now. 题目3 —Do you mind if I record your lecture? 选择一项: B. Na not at all. 题目4 —I'm sorry to hear that your grandmother is ill in hospita 选择一项: B. It's very kind of you. 题目5 —Linda, what's wrong with your grandmother? 选择一项: B. She hurt her leg. 题目1 B. It's very kind of you. 题目2 —Looking after a baby is not an easy job, is it? 选择一项: C. No, it isn't. er题目3 —Do you mind if 1 record your lecture? 选择一项: B. Na not at all. 题目4 —Linda, what's wrong with your grandmother? 选择一项: B. She hurt her leg. 题目5 —Is your grandmother getting well now? 选择一项: A. Yes, she is much better now. 题目】 —Linda, what's wrong with your grandmother? 选择一项: B. She hurt her leg. 题目2 —I'm sorry to hear that your grandmother is ill in hospital. .选择一项: B. It's very kind of you. 题目3 —Is your grandmother getting well now? 选择一项: A. Yes, she is much better now. 题目4 —Do you mind if I record your lecture? 选择一项: B. No not at all. 题目5 I. What docs the word **decreasingw in Paragraph 2 mcan?A A. It means "falling". 一Looking after a baby is not an easy job, is it? 选择一项: B. It means “rising". C. It means “peaking”. 1. What docs GDP stands for? 二、阅读短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答 A. Government Document Publishing ServidJ. 案。(每题10分) B. Gross domestic product. Demand for Elderly Care Services in China Rising Rapidly C. General domestic product. The number of elderly people aged above 60 increased. 2. What was China s GDP per capita in 20IB? Demand ibr elderly care services in China will continue to A. It was 1,000 U.S. dollars. rise due to the increasing aging population. The number of B. It was 6,000 U.S. dollars. elderly people aged above 60 was over 200 million in 2' I1X. It was 10,000 U.S. dollars. and will be 300 million in 2025 and 400 million in 2034, 3. Why is China* s economic foundation for an elderly society fragile? A according to experts. It will be a tough challenge for China to deal with, duedie Because of its increasing aging population and its low increasing rates of urbanization and a decreasing birthrate. GDP per capita. The Chinese people will be facing a big challenge if w :dh Because when China was classed as an aging society, our not have enough money when we get older.gross domestic product (GDP) per capita is high. The United Nations defines an aging society as one thath&. Because of its decreasing aging population and its high 10 percent of its population at or above the age of 60. GDP per capita. When most developed countries were classed as an aging 5. The passage implies th£t society, their gross domestic product (GDP) per capita sto >dA. Chinese government can do nothing to deal with the at between 5,000 to 10,000 U.S. dollars or above. Howe crchallcngc of the increasing aging population China became an aging society in 2001, and its GDP per B. Chinese people don't need enough money when they get capita was only 1,000 U.S. dollars. It was 6,000 U.S. do lareldcr in 2012. China's economic foundation for an elderly soci( tyC. The Chinese social care network is expected to be is fragile. On Sept. 13.2013, the State Council issued a guideline tocompleted in the near future 单元自测3 speed up the development of China's elderly care services,一、选择填空,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入 hoping to complete a social care network for its elderly by 空白处的最佳选项。(每题10分) 2025. 题目1 操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。 We must keep our classroom 选择一项: A. clean 题目2 There is only one thing that people can't ou, that is your wisdom. 选择一项: B. take away from 题目3 He asked John he could swim. 选择一项: A. if 题目4 You'd better to hospital at once. 选择一项: A. go 题目5 She said she lost a pen. 选择一项: C. had 题目1 We found him in the laboratory. 选择一项: B. working 题目2 John asked me to visit his uncle's larm with him 选择一项: C. whether I would like 题目3 He is worth . 选择一项: B. trusting 题目4 She the children not to make any noise. 选择一项: B. told 题目5 in(fihc is a woman. 选择一项: A. confident young 题目】 We must keep our classroom . 选择一项: A. clean 题目2 There is only one thing that people can't ou, and that is your wisdom. 选择一项: B. take away from 题目3 He asked John he could swim. 选择一项: B. if .题目4 He is worth . 选择一项: C. trusting 题目5 She is a woman. 选择一项: A. confident young 二、阅读理解:正误判断(每题10分) The Wichita Falls Police Department is trying to help curb crime in neighboring communities throughout the city. On Saturday Wichita Falls Police gave a free two-hour presentation to help locals keep their community crime free. More than 20 people showed up at the Mdrtihcr King Center in cast Wichita Falls to be part of the presentation. 1. If you use the ncxtdoor.com site, you have to pay for it. Wichita Falls Police Officer Jeff Hughes said that they阅读理解:选择题(每题10分) wanted to make sure the folks out there were aware they Among the more colorful characters of Leadville's golden were doing everything ttake away the opportunity from bad guy. age were H.A.W. Tabor and his second wife, Elizabeth McCourt, better known as “Baby Doc**. Their history is fast Hughes reminded those in attendance that their homesbecoming one of the legends of the Old West. Horace Austin outside presentation could be an open invitation to crimim Is. Warner Tabor was a school teacher in Vermont. With his first One of the biggest ways to prevent crime, according towife and two children he left Vermont by covered wagon in Hughes is to use CPTED. Also known as Crime Prevent ioii 855 to homestead in Kansas. Perhaps he did not find Through Environmental Design. farming to his liking, or perhaps he was lured by rumors of "The biggest site, that we arc dealing with now, that weaifortunes to be made in Colorado mines. At any rate, a few endorsing fully, is Nextdoor and it's simply justyears later he moved west to the small Colorado mining ncxtdoor.com," camp known as California Gulch, which he later renamed The site is free and helps locals set up a Virtual Commi ni切advillc when he became its leading citizen. "Great that they can interact with from the comfort of their owndeposits of lead arc sure to be found hcrc?, he said. home. As it turned out, it was silver, not lead, that was to make "With www.ncxtdoor.com it all happens in a web based Leadville's fortune and wealth. Tabor knew little about program where if you send something out it gets to thatmining himself, so he opened a general store, which sold group or that person instantly, they will get an alert onhorrerything from boots to salt, flour, and tobaefil was his phone or an email," said Hughes. custom to "grubstake" prospective miners, in other words, According to Hughes, he has already seen a positive im[ acto supply them with food and supplies, or "grub", while they locally from the site and hopes it can continue to expand looked for ore, in return for which he would get a share in Wichita Falls. 操作提示:句子正确选择下拉选项框为“T”:句子错误选the mine if one was discovered. He did this for a number of years, but no one that he aided ever found anything of value. 择下拉选项框为“F”。 Finally one day in the year 1878, so the story goes, two 1. The Wichita Falls Police Department is planning sternerminers came in and asked ft#grub" . Tabor had decided to measures to combat crimdf quit supplying it because he had lost too much money that 1. According to Hughes, one of the biggest ways of crimeway. These were persistent, however, and Tabor was too busy prevention is through environmental desigiLto argue with them." Oh help yourself. One more time won't 2. The biggest site that police arc approving fully ismake any difK;rcncc," He said and went on selling shoes and nextdoor.com. T hats to other customers. The two miners took $]7 worth of 4. The purpose of ncxtdoor.com is to help locals set up arcalpplies, in return for which they gave Tabor a one-third community. F interest in their findings. They picked a barren place on the mountain side and began to dig. After nine days they stru k (a. through the help from his second wife rich vein of silver. Tabor bought the shares of the othertwij If this passage is the first part of an article, who might b< men, and so the mine belonged lo him alone. This mine,introduced in lhe following parB B. Tabor's second wife, Elizabeth McCourt. known as the ''Pittsburgh Mine," made 1 300 00() for T^boA. Tabofs life, in return for his S17 investment. t l单元自测4 Later labor bought the Matchless Mine on another ban m C. Other colorful characters. hillside just outside the town for $117 000. This turned oi be even more fabulous than the Pittsburgh, yielding $35 (00—、选择填空,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入 worth of silver per day at one time. Leadville grew. Tabor空白处的最佳选项。(每题10分) or题目1 became its first mayor, and later became lieutenant goven of the state. - Susan, will you please go and empty that drawer? 操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。 选择一项: PTA. What 就 1. Leadville got its name for the following reasons EXCE 题目2 A. because Tabor became its leading citizen - Ok, Fli fix your computer right now. A. because great deposits of lead is expected to be found - Oh, take your time. there C. because it could bring good fortune to Tabor 2. The word "grubstake" in paragraph 2 meant. A. to supply miners with ibod and supplies 选择一项: B. I'm in no hurry. 题目3 He asked his neighbor to his house. 选择一项: B. to open a general store a share in the mine, if one was discovered 3. Tabor made his first fbrtuneA. A. by supplying two prospective miners and getting in rd a one-third interest in the findings B. because he was persuaded by the two miners to quit supplying C. by buying the shares of the other 4. The underlying reason for Tabor's life career A. purely accidental B. based on the analysis of miner's being very poor and possibility of discovering profitable mining site 题目4 This plant can't be exposed strong sunshine, im选择一项: B. to 题目5 A dictionary may define genetics simply “the science of the study of heredity". 选择一项: C. as 携目1 - May I open the window to let in some fresh air? B. to supply miners with food and supplies and in rctun giM. keep an eye on 选择一项: A. Go ahead! 题目2 - Brand was Jane's brother! he reminded me so much of Jane! 选择一项: A. No wonder 题目3 I have trouble in my homcworic. 选择一项: A. doing 题目4 People foxes clever but sly animals. 选择一项: B. consider...as 题目5 He asked his neighbor to is house. 选择一项: A. keep an eye on 题目1 - How about going to the cinema? 选择一项: C. Sounds like a good idea! 题目2 - Susan, will you please go and empty that drawer? 选择一项: A. What fo? 题目3 I have trouble in my homcworic. 选择一项: A. doing 题目4 A dictionary may define genetics simply "the science of the study of heredity". 选择一项: A. as 题目5 People foxes clever but sly animals. 选择一项: B. consider...as 二、阅读理解:正误判断(每题10分) The law defines youthful o(lenders (age 18 or under) as “delinquent” if they commit oflenscs. As for the same oficnscs, the court would consider an adult as a "criminal". “Status offenders" arc juveniles who commit oflenses appropriate only to juveniles, such as truancy Irom school. Here arc a few ideas to help prevent your children from being a delinquent. Keep your children in school to help prevent delinquency. Minor oflenscs, such as truancy, can lead to more serious oflenscs. Make clear to your children your expectations about their school attendance. Meet with school officials if necessary. Exercise adequate supervision. Juveniles rarely commit serious oficnscs while under the supervision of an adult. Seek the assistance of your local service agencies if you feel you cannot control your children. Allcnd parenting classes, or join a local support group if you arc having trouble understanding how to exercise discipline. Educate your children about the dangers of drugs. Drug offenses and addiction can have serious consequences for your children. Lctyour children know you will not tolerate drug use. Stay informed about drug use trends in children. Get your children involved in after-school recreational activities, sports, community service or other positive activities. Young people with positive outlets for their energy 程学习或者加入当地的帮助团体。 Know who your children's friends arc. Show an interest in your children's social life and peer groups. Peer pressure rjiajiook for potential victims onlinc.C l.Thc court would consider youthful o lenders as M criminals ** if they commit oflenses. F 2.You must meet with school officials to prevent your children from delinquency. F 3.If you cannot control your children, ask for help from local service agencies. T 4.Inform your children that you will not tolerate drug use drug oflcnscs can have serious results for your childreti. 5.Childrcn always involving in positive activities arc more likely to do well in school and avoid the problems of delinquency. T 英译汉(每题10分) 操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。 1. Parents arc too busy to spend time teaching their kids from wrong. B A. 父母不会太忙,所以有时间教导孩子明辨是非。 B. 父母都太忙,没有时间教导孩子明辨是非。 C-父母很忙,但是也抽时间教导孩子明辨是非。 2. Attend parenting classes, or join a local support grou) you arc having trouble understanding how to exercise discipline. A A. 如果在理解如何管教孩子方面有困难,你可以参加父 母课程或者当地的支持团体。 B. 如果你在理解练习纪律方面有困难,可以参加父母课 arc more likely to do wei! in school and avoid the prob of delinquency. have a bad effect on teenagers and young people. Do not allow your children to associate with juvenile delinquents. 操作提示:句子正确选择下拉选项框为“T”:句子错误选 择下拉选项框为“F”。 ertik如果在理解练习管教孩子方面有困难.参加父母课程 学习或者加入当地的帮助团体是有用的。 3. As millions of people have access to the Internet, criminals A. 当成千上万的人们接受网络,犯罪分子就会寻找网上 的潜在受害者。 B. 由于成千上网的人们具备了上网条件,犯罪分子就会 悄悄地物色受害者。 C. 由于成百上千万的人们具备了上网条件,犯罪分子会 在线物色潜在的受害者。 4. Use software that blocks out certain inappropriate websites in case you can't keep an eye anytimcB thA.利用软件画出不良网站的轮廓,这样你就不用时时关 注了。 回由.利用软件阻挡一些不良网站,以免有时你无瑕照看。 C.利用软件剔除不良网站避免不时浏览到。 5. When you arc suspicious of the website, check it out before you pay any money. B A. 当你怀疑的时候,你要检查支付的网站。 B. 当你觉得网站可疑.支付之前要严加核实。 C. 当你怀疑支付的金额时,要留意相关网站。 g晦元自测5 一、选择填空,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入 空白处的最佳选项。(每题10分) 题目1 -I've been using the computer for a long time andccky ifoesn't feel well. 选择一项: A. You'd better stop the work and take a rest. 题目2 -Must I finish the report today? . You can finish it tomorrow. 选择一项: I have no idea to make my speech interesting. C. No, you don't have to 选择一项: 题目3 A. how My suggestion is that Tom to see a doctor at once. 题目1 选择一项: -We've worked for a long time, what about stopping a while A. go to have a rest? 题目4 选择一项: People wear suits on formal occasions. C. That's a good idea. 选择一项: 题目2 B. formal -I've been using the computer for a long time andecky 题目5 doesn't feel well. Parents transmit some of their to their children. 选择一项: 选择一项: A. You'd better stop the work and take a rest. A. characteristics 题目3 题目1 The news came we won the first prize in the -It's rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the wind( wLompctition. 选择一项: 选择一项: A. that B. No, go ahead 题目4 题目2 The company is trying every to improve the quality of -I'm sorry for breaking the cup. products. -Oh, . I've got plenty. 选择一项: 选择一项: B. means A. forget it 题目5 题目3 Nowadays people spend more time exercising to keep . Docs the design the needs of our users? 选择一项: 选择一项: C. fit C. meet 二、翻译(每题10分) 题目4 操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。 He left the company by mutual last September. 1. One's health should never be sacrificed for a need to work 选择一项: hard. B C. consent A.人的身体健康应该永不牺牲努力工作的需要。 题目5 B.人永远不该为了努力工作的需要而牺牲身体健康。 5. Generally speaking, the language used in public speak ngYou'd better C.人的身体健康永远不该为了需要努力工作而被牺牲。 1. Travelling at home and abroad has now become convenient and affordable. C A. 在家和出国的旅游现在己经变得方便和负担得起。 B-家里的和国外的旅游现在已经变得方便和负担得起。 C.现在国内和国外的旅行己变得方便和负担得起。 2. Exercising helps relax your body and has been show i relieve mental stress as well.A A. 锻炼有助于放松身体并且已显示也可以减缓精神压 力。 B. 锻炼帮助身体松懈并且已经被展示来减轻脑力压力。 C. 锻炼有助于身体松弛并已被显露出可以很好地减轻精 神压力。 3. Knowing when and how to relax should be a part of well-balanced lifestyle. C A. 知道什么时候和怎样休息应当是明智生活方式的一部 分。 B. 知道何时和怎样放松应当是匀称的生活方式的一部 分。 C. 知道何时放松和怎样放松版该成为均衡生活的一部 分。 is formal in style, clear and vivid in tone and persuasive purpose. A A. 一般来说,公共演讲中所用的语言文体正式,惟妙惟 肖,具有说服力。 B. —般来说,公共演讲中所用的语言风格正式,语调清 晰生动,说理目的明确。 C. 一般来说,公共演讲中所用的语言风格正式,语调清 晰生动,目的是劝慰别人。 单元自测6 一、选择填空,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入 空白处的最佳选项。(每题10分) 题目1 , the number of private cars will increase sharply in the coming couple of years. 选择一项: A. Undoubtedly 题目2 (Good friends means sharing happiness but also sadness each other. 选择一项: B. with 题目3 The more people you know, knowledge you get. 选择一项: B. the more 题目4 This is an opportunity to the reputation of the company. 选择一项: C. enhance 题目5 listening to the teacher in the lesson. i选择一项: A. pay attention to 题目】 It is an open secret he is not a qualified manager. 选择一项: A. that 题目2 Without your help, I obtained today's success. 选择一项: A. would not have 题目3 It is in the afternoon he got the bad news. 选择一项: C. that 题目4 was not very wise. 选择一项: A. Telling her the truth 题目5 Hardly had the train arrived at the destination when the passengers out in no time. 选择一项: B. dropped 题目1 was not very wise. 选择一项: A. Telling her the truth 题目2 The more people you know, knowledge you 选择一项: B. the more 题目3 Good friends means sharing happiness but also sadness _ each other. 选择一项: A. with 题目4 Hardly had the train arrived at the destination when the passengers out in no time. 选择一项: B. flooded 题目5 , the number of private cars will increase sharply the coming couple of years. 选择一项: A. Undoubtedly 题目】 But the Internet can bring some efleets, too. The most common one, some teenagers arc addicted to computer games on the Internet. 选择一项: A. negative 题目2 We can certainly deliver high-quality education to many students at much cost. 选择一项: C. lower 题目3 I have some courses and software to my Smartphone, and I find they arc very interesting and easy to use. 选择一项: B. downloaded 题目4 No more having to buy expensive textbooks which you will _only use for a year or two and then sell or away. 选择一项: B. give 题目5 we've no money, we can't buy it. 选择一项: A. Since 二、阅读理解:选择题(每题10分) 操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。 Importance of Learning of a Foreign Language iriTherc arc a number of reasons D_ _. Learning another language is important for both work 操作提示:句子正确选择下拉选项框为"T”;句子错误 and iravc!. It is also important for making real connections 选择下拉选项框为"F”。 with other people. Lastly, it can give you a greater English, the Global Language understanding of your own language. Learning a foreign language would B_ English is spoken as a native language by around 377 million people, and as a second language by around 375 million _. If you work in a foreign country, it will benefit youspeakers in the world. Speakers of English as a second immensely if you can speak its language because then youlanguage will soon outnumber those who speak it as a first would be able to work with all dificrcnt types of employ xilanguage. Around 75Qnillion people arc believed to speak and this will give long-term career success. English as a foreign language. English has an official or a Speaking a foreign language gives youE special status in 75 countries with a total population of over _; it enables you to see how other people see the world 2 billion. around them. If you travel or work in a foreign country, t jinThc domination of the English language globally is a sure how much easier everything would be if you could speak ththing. English is the language of international tourism, education, science, local language. It would be easier to find dificrcnt places. aslcommunications, business. for directions, and even order food. computer technology, media and the Internet. 19lh century and American Finally, if you speak a foreign language you will actually British colonialism in the capitalism and technological progress in the 20th century . Other languages open our minds to new ways ofwere undoubtedly the main causes for the spread of English thinking. For example, Eskimos have more words to deser ^throughout the world. From the fifteenth century, the British snow and ice as it is such an important part of their livesbegan to sail all over the world and became explorers, Language is C colonists and imperialists. They look the English language to ..It is how we share our thoughts with the world. Wit loahany places. For the last hundred years, the USA has played a leading role in most parts of the world. The Hollywood language, there would be no way to communicate and express ourselves. The more languages you know, the m( refilm industry also attracted many foreign artists in quest of ways you have to communicate and express yourself Thi:ijiamc and fortune and the number of American films why learning many languages should be important, and w fiyproduced every year soon flooded the market. one language simply won't do. However, the future of English as a global language will A. improve your own first languagedepend very largely on the political, economic, demographic definitely enhance your chances of getting a joband cultural trends in the world. C. what makes us human 1. English is spoken as a second language by around 377 D. why you should learn a foreign languagemillion people in the worltf. E. 阅读理解:正误判断(每题10分) those who speak it as a first language. understanding of a country's culture 2. Speakers ofEnglish as a second language arc more than 2. It is not surprising that 70% of all information stored in 题目1 the internet is in English.F Smartphone makes it simple take a 选择一项: B. for...to Js题目2 Well, that's to say, every coin has two sides, technology. 选择一项: B. so does 题目3 Quizzes arc part of the lecture program to keep students engaged and keep them , for students to be able to check that they understood what was covered. 选择一项: A. thinking 题目4 td> have some courses and software to my Smartphone, and 1 find they arc very interesting and easy to use. 选择一项: B. downloaded 题目5 We can certainly deliver high-quality education to many students at much cost. 选择一项: C. lower 二、阅读理解:判断题(每题10分) A passenger told an air hostess that he needed a cup of water to take his medicine when the plane just took of! She told him that she would bring him the water in ten minutes. The air hostess was kept so busy that she forgot to give him the water. As a result, the passenger was held up to take his 3. The spread of English throughout the world resulted ft jnphoto. British colonialism in the 19th century and American capitalism and technological progress in the 20th ccntilfy. 4. It is definitely predictc倾见)that English will still act a global language in the futuie. 单元自测7 一、选择填空,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入 空白处的最佳选项。(每题10分) 题目1 Smartphone makes it simple us take a photo. 选择一项: A. for...to 题目2 Quizzes arc part of the lecture program to keep students engaged and keep them , fbr students lo be able check that they understood what was covered. 选择一项: A. thinking 题目3 Some universities offer free, non-credit MOOCs to anyone in the world. 选择一项: A. available 题目4 Apple developed its iPad-based textbooks in with major textbook publishers. 选择一项: B. conjunction 题目5 B. so does medicine. Thirty minutes later, when the passenger's ring branyonc in the world. Others charge for courses and provide service sounded, she hurried over to him with a cup of w itccrcdits. The idea is still developing. The Massachusetts waScncrally very sad. She knew that he would write down sharp w( but with a smile she handed it lo him. Ofl' the plane, she opened the booklet, and smiled, for the passenger put it. "On the flight, you asked me whether I needed help or not for twelve times in all. How can I your twelve sincere smiles?" That's right! Who can refuse twelve sincere smiles from a person? 操作提示:句子正确选择下拉选项框为“T”:句子错误选 择下拉选项框为“F”。 l. A passenger wants a cup of water because he is thirsty. F 2. Thc air hostess forgot to give him the water on purpose. F 3. The passenger refused the cup of watFr. 4. The passenger didn't write down any sharp woiils. 5. This passage tells us that a sincere smile is of no Use. 阅读理解:选择题(每题10分) Free Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) A class with hundreds or even thousands of students might sound like a teacher's worst nightmare. But a big idea in higher education these days is Massive Open Online Coun rdfcquircmcnts for these free online courses. Students watch short videos. Then, they take informal, ungraded quizzes after the videos each week for certain weeks. Quizzes arc pari of the lecture program to keep students engaged and r:fifcecp them thinking, for students to be able to check that they understood what was covered. They can repeatedly watch the videos and take the quizzes whenever they want. Students receive homework. They can join online groups to exchange questions and answers about the courses. The teachers hold virtual office hours to answer questions that the students have posted. They also present their own questions and observations. Some supporters claimed that there arc things that we can do better in the online formal. We can certainly deliver high-quality education to many students at much lower cost. 操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。 1. A started its first MOOC in 2012. A. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology B. Harvard University C. A Chinese university 2. Which is not true about the free online coufics? csA- Students can watch short videos. or MOOCs. B. Students may ask the teachers some questions. Some universities offer free, non-crcdit MOOCs available o C. Students must take graded quizzes. but he refused. In the following hours on the plane, each time the air ho passed by the passenger, she would ask him with a smile whether he needed help or not. But the passenger never answered a word. When he was going to get off the plane, the passenger a the air hostess to hand him the passengers* booklet. She Institute of Technology started its first MOOC in 2012. The .tesshool plans to ofler many free, non-credit courses through a project called MITx. Many Chinese universities arc beginning to oftcr free MOOCs now too. Nowadays, MOOCs almost cover every topic, like computer skcdicncc, technology, mechanics, engineering, languages, etc. speaking, there are no formal education 3. They can join online groups . A. to discuss the quizzes B. to exchange questions and answers C. to present their obsenations 4. The teachers hold A to answer questions that the students have posted. A. virtual office hours B. facc-to-facc meetings C. regular seminars 5. What is the attitude of the writer to online counts? A. neutral B. negative C. positive 单元自测8 一、选择填空,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入 空白处的最佳选项。(每题10分) 题目1 Whai are your great strengths? 选择一项: A. 1 am very active in discussion. 题目2 选择一项: A. Yes, it was rich and colorful. 题目3 It is believed lifelong learning is a crucial response to the challenge of the global economy. 选择一项: B. knowledge 题目4 The fact that we arc behind the other classes. 选择一项: C. remains 题目5 Mr. Wang, , is coming up to us. 选择一项: A. our new teacher 题目】 - The advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our lives, and requires us to learn something new every day. I have chosen the online program at OU. 选择一项: B. That is the reason why 题目2 -I often feel lonely when I engage in my online learning. - I join the online course community. 选择一项: A. How do you solve this problem? 题目3 The advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our lives, and requires us to learn every day just to stay current in the workplace. 选择一项: A. something new 题目4 选择一项: B. disadvantage 题目5 the regular classes, you can also attend many dificrcnt seminars and take part in many extracurricular activities. 选择一项: C. Apart from 题目】 - How long have you been graduated from your college? 选择一项: Currently, most universities have reacted to the era of B. I*ve been graduated for five years. lifelong learning by adding new programs and services for 题目2 adults who seek to combine employment with part-time - Did you enjoy your college life? study. Special arrangements have been developed fbr these students but the core activity of the university, providing 选择一项: A. Yes, it was rich and colorful. 题目3 I hope you arc making for continuous education your life. 选择一项: A. room 题目4 teaching to full-time young undergraduates, often goes on much as before. Lifelong learning is both formal and non-fbrmal; and the irboundarics between !acc-to-facc teaching and distance education are increasingly blurred. By making learning possible anytime and anywhere, distance education is a powerful tool for supporting lifelong learning. Technology-based teaching is creating new educational Lifelong learning is both formal and non-fbrmal; and the systems that anyone from anywhere can access. The key boundaries between facc-to-lace teaching and challenge fbr universities is to evolve from a education arc increasingly blurred. tcachcr-ccntcrcd model of education to student-centered 选择一项: model. The challenge fbr governments is that they have to C. distance develop new funding approaches and new quality assessment 题目5 procedures. By making learning possible anytime and anywhere, distan c操作提示:句子正确选择下拉选项框为“T":句子错误选 education is a powerful tool supporting lifelo ig 择下拉选项框为 “F”。 learning. l.Thc term "lifelong learning', describes the need fbr people 选择一项: B. for to continue their education and training in a certain period of their lives. F 二、阅读理解:判断正误(每题10分) 2.The challenges of the global knowledge economy bring the Lifelong Learning & Distance Education needs fbr lifelong learning. T The term 'lifelong learning" is very popular nowadays. It 3.Lifelong learning is non-fbrmal. F universities should make the classroom describes the need fbr people to continue their education ndl.Thc training throughout their lives. Lifelong learning is more a id student-centered. T more important fbr everyone because people are now fac: ng5.To develop a new quality assessment system is a challenge diftcrcnt career choices in changing economics. It is bcliev ed fbr the government. T the lifelong learning is a crucial response to the challenges of global knowledge economy. 一、学生学籍及基本信息管理 二、学籍异动 1.问:什么是开放教育? 5.问:在读期间可以转学吗?具体规定是怎样的? 答:开放教育是将现有的教学资源开放出来,供学习御能呻储源魂;¥幡搬迁等原因,达到转学多 层意思,一是学习资源的共享:二是学习者的自由。 为省内转学和省际转学。 开放教育是相对于封闭教育而言的。普遍认为舟放教育辑梢做洌邹撕理教簿点确认其具有接收条件后 以学生和学习为中心,而不是以教师、学校和教学为中谪核眦徊徼I和溺的眸遨求其填写《中央广播电视 取消和突破种种对学习的限制和障碍。开放教育对/ .学渚的年龄、职业、地区、学习 资历等方面没有太多的限制,凡有志向学习者,具咨一定的茂隙转部膀岫入麝眦大和转出四川电大: 要参加入学考试,均可以申请入学:学生对课程选必和媒体(独眇㈣坦踊:盘生稣我省市州电大确认其具 学习方式、学习进度、时间和地点等方面也可由学生根邮做阳H波敦春并燥翔多中央广播电视大学学生省 此5份审批表交转出教学点确认。 种媒体教材和现代信息技术手段等等。 开放教育的本质是人人亨有终身接受教育的权涮,不他龄理财㈱伽f篆的&向转入教学点确认其具有接 放,更重要的是教育观念、教育资源和教育过程的升席转学书面申请(附身份证复印件),出示本人身份证 2.问:什么是学籍注册?具体包括哪些内容? 大学学生省际转学审批表》5份。学生携身份证原件、争 立惫则盖底欧、《潮安亚播籍和过学学生省际转学审批表》 答:学籍注册是指学生取得中央广播电视大学相 程,是毕业审核、办理毕业证书、学位审核、办理';:函第瞄碧依据。北麟伤谶单2份到转入省教学点勿 分制管理,从学生入学注册起8年内有效。 6.问:申请转学的条件和申办时间? 学籍注册内容包括学生基本信息(姓名、性别、 出生日麟:身伽眦魏族濒设相同专业且能够提供教学 学历层次、文化程度、专业等。 3.问:学籍管理包括哪些具体内容? 答:学籍管理一般来说包括以下几方而的内容: (2)学生须入学注册满一学期,足额缴纳己发 开除学籍或留校查看处分。 学期注册、(样獭蝇研在端期外学后3周内(含第3周) 学、休学、复学、退学、转专业)、档案管理、学生I曲洌理《唯蛆脚翻蹄球扫转学审批表》。 的审核、毕业证的办理等等业务。以上每项业务都在特定阶段、(规1幽岫都后闸蓄有效期仍从入学注册起计 同学要按照规定申请办理相应业务。 (5)学生转学前己获得的符合所修专业教学计戈 4.问:电大开放教育学籍有效期是多长时间? 电大或省级电大考试课程综合成绩及学分仍然有效,并击 答:开放教育学生学籍8年有效,达到学籍有如1娜搽"蛹的跚家的髀腭藤髭要重新进行课程注册,C 自行终止,系统中做“退学”处理。 结性考试成绩按实际成绩记载。 要求。 (6)学生申请转学的同时可以申请转专业, 也曲须隔排碰I*球供颗邮原件o 学生有以下情况之一,不能转学: 答:学生在籍期间发生的姓名、性别,身份证号码, (1)学生申请转入的教学点未开设相同专业, 找开岫同趣改。网嫩阍制咨询教学点。学生需提供 相近而不能提供教学服务。 ⑴如需对姓名(在此仅针对同音字或形近字)、性另 (2)由低学历层次转入高学历层次的学生。 号进行更正,须提供户口本或身份证复印件。 (3)未足额缴纳己发生相关费用的学生。 ⑵除上述情况以外的姓名变更,须提供户口本(含电 10.问:在籍生基本信息可以变更吗? 7.问:申请转专业的条件和申办时间? 县级以上(含县级)公安部门出具的i正明,无法提供材 答:学生因工作变动或不适应本专业的学习等原因,可岫鼬蜘度再制财间更正须提供毕业证复印 在学期开学3周内(含第3周)向学籍所在教学点捉出瞧御业制勇蜡证翔赧卫伟 央广播电视大学学生转专业审批表》3份。学生转七业后,1卷箱有慝耕的做础班资格? 起计算,己经获得的符合转入专业教学计划要求和哮分替曜求的中臾做蛔愀曲学生。 大考试课程成绩及学分仍然有效,并按实际成绩和另分记载。(2)取得教学计划规定的最低牛业总学分。 学生有下列情况之一,不能转专业 (3)学生必须达到最短学习年限。 (1)教学点未开设与学生同一类别、学历层次 但因教学进程不相近儿不能提供教学服务。 和规格的专业4)魄罹碱经翌盅符合要求。 (5)应予开除学籍或留校察看处分期间的学生 (2)入学注册未满一学期的学生。 (6)由本人提出申请,并填写《中央广播电视 (3)应予开除学籍、取消学籍的学生。 12.问:电大一年办理多少次毕业证? 8.问:读书期间我可以申请退学吗?退学以后 答:学生可自愿退学,向所在教学点提出申请, 还能再签学典校每年分别在春季和秋季共两次为符合毕业 倒翊调批峡 骤队幽唳电大安排为准。 (1)学生自愿退学后,学籍即告终止。 13.问:为什么毕业生要拍摄电子(数码)相片? (2)学生自愿退学后,可重新报读中央电大。 被录曜,IO骐舞嫩委规定婉002年起所有国民教育应 电子相片。为了统一规格,在全国范围内,现行毕业生术 中央电大和省级电大免修免考的有关规定进行学分帝顺且必须附有毕业生的统一规格的相片,因此从2002年 三、信息更正 9.问:新生可以更正基本信息吗? 安排拍摄。一般安排在每年的年底举行,具体拍摄时间劣 答:新生基本信息核对、更正工作于新生入库言解圄谢院喋校颂避豚主性剧网站通知学生,拍摄后40 民族、出生日期、身份证号更正须提供户口本、身 分顺假校葡2)入学文化程度及 五、学位申报 14. 问:我想申报学位,需要达到什么条件? 答:(1)本科毕业生学士学位由授予高校授予。毕业生申请学位,须符合《中 华人民共和国学位条例》和《国务院学位委员会关于授予成人高等教育本科毕业生学 士学位暂行规定》及中央电大与学位授予高校共同制定的学士学位授予实施细则的要 (2) 毕业生须在申请毕业同时申请学位。由本人提出申请,经省级电大初审、中 央电大复审、学位授予高校终审。具体事宜,按照中央电大与学位授予高校共同制定 的学士学位授予实施细则执行。 (3) 未通过学位授予高校学位终审者不再补授学士学位。 六、 学历查询 15. 问:开放教育文凭国家是否承认?是否进行电子注册? 答:电大开放教育毕业学生的文凭是国家承认并通过电子注册的,学生可以通过 我国高等教育学历证书查询的唯一网站“中国高等教育学生信息网”进行查询。 七、 证书补办 16. 问:毕业证书遗失了怎么办? 答:1.由学生本人向市、州电大提出申请,填写《中央广播电视大学毕业证明书 申请表》一份,提供身份证复印件一份,蓝底一寸彩色照片两张,并代收办证费80 元。由市、州电大对申请表内容及是否符合补办毕业证明书条件进行核查。 2. 市、州电大每年在春季学期的三月、秋季学期的九月将《中央广播电视大学 毕业证明书申请表》及材料交四川电大学籍科。 3. 四川电大学籍科审查申请表内容是否正确,审查后对材料签字盖章,及时将 《中央广播电视大学毕业证明书申请表》及办证费用交中央电大学籍科办理。 4. 由中央广播电视大学办理毕业证明书。 5. 及时将毕业证明书发放到学生手中。四川电大学籍科做好中开毕业证明书办 理情况登记。查看更多