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2021 国家开放大学电大专科《综合英语(3)》期末试题及答案(试卷号:2160)
]• Vovubular> und Structure
Directions:Beneath each of the following sentencesf there arc four choices marked A, Bt C and !) Choos the one
thut best complete the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)
1. All the world is _______________ threc parts-fingrr-feeders# chupstick-feeders# and fork
A. fall into B.-separate from
C. broken up
2. The bear belonged
D. tlivided into
King Henry HI.
LX on
3. She ___________ wnited until they had finished• and then, she brgan to 5pc«k cfllmly
but firmly.
A. peculiarly B. pflthetically
C ・ perfectly D. putirntly
L If one needs a lift over some obstacle that seems iniposstble to get beyond, the other
won11 leave until the obstacle is_______________ .
C. contrasted D. completed
A. corrected B<. conquered
A. temple B. talent
C. target D. length
5. For centuries• people have been amazed by children ol unusual_____________________
6. Scientist discovered how to _______________ atoms decades before the invention of ntoniic
A. split B. break
C. destroy D. tear
7 H< __________ he ho tren xmc very >enou> Accidents
A. utRme H. Admits
「• conniders IX believes
& Sime |k%ip|e in Sanfh Anicncn rtrni.
waited . . • CJimr K watted . . • had come
C hud wnitrd .. • came (X had waifrd .. . h ・ d come
IO. Incoherent like the h|(ht Irani the sun or the 1 讪,bulb.__________________________(rom itn
•ourcc in al! direction^
A. move aw«y 队 moving uway
C. Eovnt iway I), moved *w«y
[I ・ C loic
I nr r«ch numtxrrd blank in tbc follcmlng there arr four chokct marked At
Bt( ■nrf l>- < h
thr Atrho^tr%% 12 . She lookrd very juile hut quite elm. Spcnkinft quickly but in • whtupert >he )3
every one chai the pilot hod fainted and a^krd il any one n( rhe pat^ngrr% knew anythinit /iboul tntichinr^ or •, J < huw
to drive a w. Aher ・ moment eii hmitatinru a man got up and (allowed die ho—,into the pih". cabcru
Moving thr IS • the man took hit MNH ond liMcncd carefully to ihr urgent
infitructionit that were betn^ ・ rn, by radio from the airport 16 . The phne WMA now rlNngrruunly ck)>r U)the ground, but
tn cvrtyotir1* R _ • it woon l>c|tnn io cliinh. J lu- m^n had to nrrlc tliv airport «cvcr«I nmeu in urdrr to herome 18 with
the control*. Bm the 山 mw had not yel pomd. The trrnbb IU mme whrn h< had h> land. Fallowing inRiriictir)n^» iht
mwn Hu=h,d tlie |ilnne toward ilu AirhvhL li “umk violently 2. it fotichwl thr Mrotind nnc. prvMMHKl
13. A. informed B. crtwrrd C inipnrvi! !>• ihMtrurird
H. A. hrnt B. bc*f C. length D. IftMMt
15. A. a«idc H. Iwick C n(l IX fllxilll
16. A. under B. down C. nenr D. bcluw
17. A. rclirf H. pkanurc (' horror IX iruni
18. A. laniiliar B. eloM? C. inthiintc D. untlcfHtoiHl
19. A. ide* H. A((air ( niumrnt 1). mavetnent
20. A urilms B. «o C. while IX A»
H) . Heudin|> Comprehension
Directions: Ench of the p 心 MIE K followed by Mime questions. K(ir cuch question (here
arc faur mi'Kcni miirkni At Bt C and I). Rend Ihr carefull) and chaow the bcM Mnnwtr
In each of the questions Murk ynur answer ttn the ANSWER SHEET. (20 pointM)
Question% 21 25 are based on I he following pamanc.
An you nw^rc that you Actunlly PDMRCRH six 5«n ・c、? Ihr s^xth M B mu^cidfir nenfte ri^pcinsible lor direcring
ynur muscles iniclheently to the exAd extent necessary h>r each Action you perform. For rxM!nple« when you reach
lor an object. the -icnwry nerves linkiriK TIK niu>cle> To rhe hram etep your hand a:the mrrert wren >3 lung. Blender rdh with N grAtny texture like
More th«n hnlf nf 4 p-rwin ■ ■ body IN rurnpoM d oi tnu«iclr ”hrr、・ tn”、l of whirh /ire invaluiHflryin other woniei<
work without connctouB directIPIL Thr voluntary muNclene ihone that wr move consciously to |>erlonn purticulor
uctiunst number mure thftn Gvr hundred. Wurnrn hnvit only 60 tn 7U prfernt murh niiiwdr rnrn for rhrir Inxly rnn%>. I
hiH why nn nverngr womun CMII lift ・■ mucht throw an far. cif hit NB hnrd AM nn i*vrr/igr rum
2L Accardinv to thr selection* thr muscular KCHM- in uncd for ________________ •
A. ihr effil irncy of our muMcIrn
B, thr normnl hrmthing I unction
C dircciinK uur fnu»dcs inrclli|e thr work of only our involiint^ry munclm
22. Intrlhgtfnt uur ol thr mutcle% mtttnit tlut ______________ .
A nnr always knowm what hit> rmiwclm urr doing
It unr |>crformH simpk nctiunn without working
(〉onef • muRrlc* nrc irH«d only io rhr extern necxbwny lor CACK Action they ptrfortn
V). nnr iniprovrn muscuhr action conwrioudy
23. Muirlrt art unique hberM bccnutci they cm .
A> contFACt K stretch
G rrtrwcl IX do ull o( thr ahovr
21. Under a nncni^copci rnusclc ctllw wpprar to be______________
A, textured like wood H, colored like wood
( hfinKilh «nody 15 c nmpOM-d ol
A. vnluntnry mu»ckA B. invulunlary tnu»clcs
C. rnuAclc fibem [). ncnbory ncrve»
26 - JO are baxed an the foUawtnn puaxage.
In 1939 two brothers. Mae and Dick MctJonaldt NUrted n drive in rvMAuranl in San Hrrnndinoe
CaHlornin They cArcfidly 1 ho^c » h“、y comer for thrir locMi 口 rt Vhcy hnd run :heir own bi)Mnc>Mc# kir
yrnm# lirnt n thrater< then n l>Arbecue reAthurAnT• nnd ihrn another dnvr iru Hut in thrir new cipcratroru
they offered n ncwt shortened mcmii French friciit hiimburKers« and M)C!AA9 !O thin small ^election they
added one hew concrpi 1 quick ncrvice. no nr wnHmw,and no tips,
I hrir h/imhurxrr% ftnld (nr (iflrrn rcntiK. Chretr WAS nnnfhcr four rr nt*t I hrir Frcru h ♦ nr* Mnd
hnmburgrrn hnd n rcmArknblc unlfurmity< for thr bruiher# hnd dflcpcd n ^tnrt routine for the prcpurution of
their food. And they in«ti5icd on their cookx* wticking to lheir routine. Thvit nrw dfiverin bcrAtrir incrrdibJy
populnr• parlu uhrly (or lunch. Proph drovr up by thr hundrrdn during thr buny no M)popular vhAl fhc braihrrh had iillowrd Irn cupiev tif thrir rrstnuriint to be (ipcnrtl They
wvrr ctinlrnt with this modest Mircc^w nrHil they met Rxy Kroc,
Krrx- WBW n nnln^man who met I he Mrlk)nahl brothrrn in lt)54. when hr wn» nelhriK milknhakr
mixing tnachmcii< He quickly RAW ibc unique appral at thr brothers f fnm food rmtuiirnntu and bought the
r*ht to franchise othrr mpir< of thrir rr»tAunin!». The .igrrt^nrni struck included fhr right t?.(aliforma l« the bent plnrc to go into bininr*^
30. A> uwed in the ^centu! ^rntrncr of (he third poruffrnpht the word ^urihiue"1 tnenn#
A. hpcctal
B. nnrncdvr
C. finnhcial
I). prcuhur
IV • I runHktlnn
Directh>n«: Pul cnch nf the following ^ciilrnccM Into Enghwh or Chlni^v9 iisini: the word Klvcn In thr
lirmkrl If uny< Write y it didn r I Hike loriK (or the tfriinpc
look to make it to thr rtiriwny^
32. Not only did rich pcuplr ketp pein, they mmlr them do ^IrAngr ihingh for thrir rnlrrtMnmrn!«
33. Inrrvthhly» euLcrctkil m driving the rnoojir out of her t< arm but not before ROWIC of hrr duu-i
hiwl brrfi urvrrcly injurrek
34.《ft 儿个"ftl 以*人们对神审现象 NfMU 迎也方向的认 R 研 WWM 近 4 眼十 开的的•
册. 个 V h # MJtt 的 HM 认为•儿 f W 他 fit frM 女修户生从 3 的恋处於系为时太早
T.谊是他价速个的竹的 fftt. (rrktion^hijO
V. Writing
Dlrvrlhim: For thi* purl >OM arc allowcm|MK|i|(m In nrmulhm gEs. Wrilr ynwr nn^wcr on Ihr ANSWER {25
46.HJ 人类眼窟俊吸挑战.
You run write the composition in thrw punigrM|>ii^f Remember tn uritv it nvutly,
I ・分【20%.每小 18 2 分)
1. D
6. A
2. C
7. B
:k D
8. A
9. C
5. B
II. M 二辞分(瓦% .每小・ Z 分)
II. C 12. C 13. A IL D 15. A
U. I) 17. A IM. A 19. C 20. D
m.JR 三部分(加%.・小・ 2 分)
21. C 22. C 22. D 24. A 25. C
26. B 2L H 28. D 29. A 30. A
4 第四那分 U5X.8 小 0 3 分)
(祚来月八 定要求与所价器左完佥 样.徊 ft W 息.无沿往精俱・«1 3 分,华本符介句
♦ •孙火语佚情供.用 2 分$不&符合何埼 L 有胴显剧携 1«煤.《» 1 分■不料合句 H •句子无法 J
W 罹 FL
】1. P'n^hion de