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2021 国家开放大学电大专科《商务英语阅读》期末试题及答案(试卷号:4050) 盗传必究 Information for the examinees: This examination consists of three sections. They are: Section One: Grammar and Word Practice (40 points) Section Two: Reading Comprehension (40 points) Section Three: Translation (20 points) The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes. Section Onr (•rninmur und Word Prucllcc ( 10 p<»inlw) Pnrt I Qtictllon 1 — 1。.(20 point>) of the wfUftwH brlow b followed hy Ihrcr chnlcvs marked A t B mid ( ( htMmo the one un^wcr that complrlc^ tiiir u-nfencc. (2 rm h> L You iihouhl … any(ippurtuniUvtivntr product Hk 5. Mont prcxiiict fmlurcn rcteult inMdci|iititr product plutiniriM sd drvvlnpTnrnt> A. of B. in C (mtn 6 ・ By HtudyiiiK bumnrm. you can iKrcumc ___________ tn nuirkrtt r* _ how buyers will rspond tu Tnnrkcting RtrAtegiest IH. E biiMtncRM K nbout trnn»forminR businvoex and mtcKratiiiK them with _• 19. Top nrl pobclrut (ormuktr strati-gir*# police* nnd ded^ioik 20. 1( you wnnt to grt ”curn 心 arrvicctt you hfivr to pay n _________________ • Section T**<> Reading Comprehension (40 points) Question 21—30 Rend Ihv rollowlnic pu«Migr umi doc id v whether the folhtMing wtulcnirntu nrr true <>r fuUr. ( I point* rnrh | Marketing M/irkciitiK IM thr procrMs cd pbinning «nd executing ihr conrrptiont pricing,promotion! And distribution oi idw and Acrvicrs 10 ( rente cxchnnKcii thm MHtHfy individuftl nnd orK*niX4itjonnl ob|ccttvrn. MarkrtinK odds viilue in rhe form <4 ultlity• ur thr jxiwcr ol M pro«luci ur ftervicr to NAtmly a ncecL h crcotcM plnce utiliiy hy rtwikinK product» avuil/iblr wherr cuAtomrrR wnnt them, time utility by mnkinK product* •vaildblr whrti c»iRlornir!i wnnl fhrm« nnd po”5inn utility by trnnsferring the ownership of proihicl* HuMnrnA people focused on I he production(4 gnodn froni thr hidunuinl Rcvoluiion unnl thr rnrly twentieth century« and cm thr nelling of 小 MHIA from the 1920# to the )05On« Markelinft received little nttrntian up to that point. Alter 19SO• however. buNincun peoph? rccogiiiird that their mtrfprinrh Involved nol only production nnd selling hut nUo ihc Mfiiiliirtion of cuHforuvrnf Thvy hr«nn to iniplcmrnt the mnrkHinR concept • M huwnm philnuophy tlut involves rop|r btHaii «> implement ihr mnrk< tmn cunecpt t phihmuphy 'HMI inKTiIvrfu I hr proctonicrB. Hvnd the (<»Howin« pmvm 好 and duxmr the hcM Mutrnirnl ( A.虬 nr C) hir cuch qurMiom.(4 IHilntn CNCII ) Factors of Production Tht bnBir r«M>urrrn a buMtru une» tu produce H(XMIB nnd “mw- arr cnilc nnd ptprline»> 丁 2 peni» run hr 11ACcd 10 )X62 whrn John IX Rockefeller nnd Murue B. (Inrk derided to r^tnbliwh u petrolciiiirrrfininK firnu 26. F/irtor« n( procbirtion refer to .A. ruitural rewurcew unci cupiul K Iftbar nnd rntrrprcneuri C. both A and B 27< Thr lnlx>r force itectle EMXOUS nnnuiil drilling coM^ alone run into I he billionN of dollnrA. •run into1 here mcAnw . A. divide Hw re which H whom (L who Section Three TninitlAlinn (20 points) rrunMS they would rather spend more time doing denkwork. assessing and evaluoiing information and mnking deciMnn^ It is interesting thnt only 31 percenl of the sample hrlirvrd that scheduled meeiing^ were an important octivify and only t pcrrrm believed that unscheduled meetrntfA werr imnnrtHnt. 试题答案及评分标准 (仅供参考) Srcthm (>nr Grammar mid Word PrMCticv (10 p<»lnt«) Purl I Viirtlhm* I —1(1. (20 points) Each of the wcnlctKeB lirlnw h followed by three choIccB marked B and G ( hmHc thr (20 polnln) C hredirt IR. internet frchnol<»Kic» 19. miumRUn 20. commiMkm Section I wn Reading Ciimprcbcn^ion Question 21—30 (10 points) Head


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