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国家开放大学电大专科《国际商务礼仪》2021 期末试题及答案(试卷号:3981) 盗 传必究 第一部分判断期(30 分) llicre are fifteen slatements in this section. Mark the stntemcnts i rue (T) or False ( F) according to what you have learned in this course. 1. Thr first rule of etiquette is that the 01 her person (eels comfortflble. 2. We can gain n level of confidence knowing the basic rules of etiquette* 3. If you are A woman and • mnn wants to open the door for you. try to do it yoursvlf< 4> 1 radinonal etiquette rules state that when walking on a sidewalk• the man always walks on the outside# or curbside* of a wuman> RcpreRrntinK oneself or one1 s company in an unfnniiliar business environment can prc*rnt 5omr chnllcngrs. 6. Good manners allow you to gam pcrsonnl confidence, but play a minor role in genrrnting profits. 7> Negative bchnvior can co?>t a person n promotion• even a job. 8. One of the basic rules of appropriate professional attire is to learn the coq)orare climAiee 9. H you are in a service organuariont consider everyone who comes your way to be a potential cusiomcn l0« Direct eye contnct between professionnh is cnn^idcrcd rude and mnkeH people feci uncomfortnbk. I L Quality manngemeni practices do not recognize that all people are our clients^ 12. ()uT*ide visifora to our companyt of course, are potential clients# but people wnhin our own organization should not be considered our dienic 13. Shaking liand^ 2 a wonderful opportunity to connect with other people IL When you begin a conversation with another person• iry not to tilt your head forward the person. 15. Try to avoid the habit of using possessive pronunn% when describing coworkers, such as my assistant. 笫二部分选择 18 (20 分) I litre are five questions in this section. Each question has one or more than one correct answer. Select the correct unswr or answers. I6t What should men do when shaking hnnds with women? A. Have n firm vertical handshake. B> Turn their knuckles to force the woman to give A curtsy handshnkc. C< Shake hands on an equal basis. D. Shake hands with n woman differently than shaking hands with another man> 17. hi n wrstern rcNtAurnni > lu»w should you do to gel the mtention of the server? A< Call the ncrvcr out loud. B. Snmp yotir finders to the urrvcr. (:. Try to mnkr cyr contocl with thr Herver. D. Nod sliKhtly to the server^ 18f Why do you need to wipe out the word Hforeigner^ from your vocnbulnry? A< Ikruunr il mcflnn Fieri. H K Bemuse it mtfins ^visitors,” C. Hrcmmc if rnejinM "nurfitn. " IX Bcr/iuse it meann Mnot brlonginu> ” 19. 11 you «rr a smokrr and rr/illy nrrd to light up« whrrr can you do A. In the offtce< B ・ In the rmtrgrn. C (^utiidc the buildinR9e L)・ In thr rlcsignated Bmoking nrcn*w 20> At social K»thrnng94 how do you Ktrtrl n convcrsMtlon? A. Exprct people to conic up to you> 11 Look lor a Rroup of propio to join. ( Introduce yourj 6.(F) 7. (T) 8. CT) 9.(T) IO ・ (F>ll.(F) 12. (F) i3.cn 14. (E) 15. (T) 第三 fB 分简述 18(3。分) 根据本保程所学•简述下列问 伺他 6 分 21. 一股来说.在便装 EI,看装比 11*^8 休闲即可.即在正式程度上”降一格通常•首 装风格的 舞度不宜过大.例如.如果平时是西服革 N .打轴带,邢么在便装日.常可以穿休闲 四装,西裤样式 的便装裨子和便装皮韩・ 22 •刀又不能措在盘千边上,应该放在"里,餐刀的尖要放任食物下面•汤勺不爱放在 沥观里. 应放在汤碗下的 23.应该在规定的上娅时间之前十五到二十分钟到办公室.为开始工作做好隹备,利用 这提前的 十几分钟脱大衣、倒水、擦臬子等等.这样.不仅可以技时开始一天的 II 作.也不会对 .其他同事产生干扰. 2<送同事生日礼物有可能会让同事感到不舒履,因为他们会觉得他们也要-在适当的时 候送份 你一份礼物••些机构定了规矩■以遮免这肝的尴嫉.例如,所有的同事一起凄我,共 同绐过生日的同 事准备-个礼物. 25. 先间周围的人.当然很礼貌.在工作场合•例如在公司的会议上.或是与客户会谈时. 还有就 是在人多拥挤的地方.就不用费心去问这个间妙了, F 脆别抽,等一会儿换个地方去抽 就是了. 第四部分实践»(20 分) 26. 要求学生就这一话题两述教材中的观点,并与现实观察做比较,阐述现实与教材内容 的相 同之处和不同之处.在评分时,不要求学生将教材中某一话题的要点全部列出,仅列出与 其观察相关 的要点即可.做到这一步,即可给 12 分。如能时观察到的现实状况加以分析,且 »1 述清晰、逻粗消 楚,见解独到.可戏得更岛分数.这一部分未设字数限制.答题以闸述透切. 语言简嫌为宜.

