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2021 国家开放大学电大专科《商务交际英语(1)》期末试题及答案(试卷号:4015) 盗传必究 1. MULTIPLE CHOICE. (10 小■.每小■ 2 分.共 20 分) Choose lhe letter indicating the best choice to complete each sentence or answer each question. b ___________is the process of sending and interpreting message A. franslation B. Plagiarism C Communication 2. Messages sent without words are_______________ communications A. oral K verbal C ・ nonverbal 3. The communication barriers that exist inside the sender or receiver are called A. Internal barricrH B> External barriers Ce Communication barriers 4. A synonym (or_____________is difference. A. minority B. ethnicity C diversity 5. A(n)__________ is an oversimplified belief about a group of people* A> prejudice B. stereotype C etiquette 6. A __________is a formal report that describes a problem and recommends a solution. A. proposal R letter C. memo 7. ________ reportM present informntion vid include little anftly^iA« A. Informal It Inforrnatiafuil C> Formnl 8. A memo canmnts ol a __________・ n body, and notationC»)• A. From hnr B. To line C. heading 9. In n Irttctt i* NOT n ncccMttry pnrtt A. the Riibjrct Iwic 11 the ndcIrvAH C> the daleline 10. A ”心 M 好 that hz Only hud newn whould u»c the _ _ ord A< direct order B> Indirect order ( dirrc t-indircc t onler IL TRUK/FALSE (10 小■.•小■ 2 分.共 20 分) Wrilr a I1 in
pucc pr<»vldrd if thv utatrrnrnt true. Wrilc on !• in lhe Npacr If the «tntvmcnt It GIIM!. Yuur Judgment %liorini« infornintiun. 14. It)ntdirrct order• the mum iden prcccr provtch <1? A. Accurate infurm/ttian. K IntereRting mforrnulHJn. C> Simple informatioru 23. How la mwke cuttomrra return to you? A< Making murker nurveym K rnking nciion* to bell mom (• ProVKlmg qunlity product* and tervice. ZL Why do wr f n A lee niorket turveyi? A. I o lead cuNtomm to return tn uiu K To km»w wlut custi)nicr» «rr dcmNnHifiR* C Tn keep cuNtuinrrn hnppy nnd wntinfted. 25- Whai happens when you keep your clitntji happy? A. Your clients go to competition. B. Your business «rows and improves. Ci Your busincAs stays at the 引 mt? level. Passage Two Nowadays« more nnd more artention is being paid to Mbusincst; ethic%”. Hut what does if mean? What is the importance of ethics in business? Business ethics is not about per5onflhty> though a good pcrsonnlny is voluablc. Ethics 15 the primary element and prrrcqutsitr for successful business. No matter what you do. you should think of business a matter of mTegrity- Nowachy^r the slip in ethics and the ■bscnce of stKrinl responsibility • especially integrity. havr led to a crisis in business, seriously influencing sorinl devrlnpmcnu Evrnlx resulting from a loss of trust arc htring seen now and Then nnd they nffret the society in many unfortunate ways. Most people know the importance of business ethics,but still some people don * t honor them. We often hear medin reports on problems in business• such 心 adding harmful materials to products. These behnviors cause much dnmagc ta t : onMumers< who spend money but do noi get quality commodiiie^t ctRpccially when these commodities do great harm to their health. It is difficult for people to forget the case in which some children consumed unsafe milk powder produced by A frw immornl buxinc^est and their health suffered serious damage as a result People enn't benr thin kind of bchnvior nnd the businesses rcxponMble must be closed down and the related personal be published. 26. What is the primary component for a prosperous buwncxs? A. Good managcmcnte B. Businrsn ethics. C. Reliable credit mw 27. What i> the influence of losing iniegrify? A ・ Hinder social development. K Worsen the company^ reputaTiorv C ・ Reduce peopled trust between each other 28. What is people's attitude towards business ethicM? A. All people p«y attenttun to business ethics, R Most people attach importflnee to it and fulluw ih (:. Lot« of people know importance but still same don' 1 hunor it 29. Which of the following itt-ms is NOT mentioned in this pMMgs? A. The absence of cthirs hai led to a crisis in business world# Mnnuhcturcrn1 immoral behaviors do Httlr harm to conaumenu C. Media is import am for people to know more nbout commodities. 30. Whnt is the authorMttitudr toward immoral behaviors in business? A. Critical. EL Affirmative. C. Indifferent. IV. TRANSLATION. (4 小 IS.每小题 5 分,共 20 分) I mnsliatc thr following sentences into Chinese. 3L The communication process consists of five componentxi the sender, the message« the receiver• the feedback# and the channeL 32. The order of a message drpendi on how you expect thr receiver to react To the message. 33 ・ The closing of a letter cantaining A negniivc message should be polite nnd helpful 34. Before writing a report • you must du some preliminary work. V. WRITING. (20 分) 35. According to the given facts> fornuat a busine^ envelope (10 分) The sender: MM Wnng Fang. Head of Snles Department t Fortune Warehouse Co< kd 122 Financial Rond. Chaoyang Districtt BeijinR. China 100032 I he receivers Mr Jnhnny Kiclmiini MnrkchiiK MnnnKcr < Internationnl Hotiae London 53 SWINM (?oiuge« NW13. Ix>n(lon» U, K. 36. Write ・ memo In ・ tnicHlinnul format according la the following *iluulhm. (IU 分) You nrr line (or nn nppointnicnf with n clirnt# You uho hiivc >omc hcx)k* that arc due al I he library in a few hourn. Write • memo to your »ccrrtnry n ・ kin« if »hr could return the booku for you. 试题答案及评分标准 (仅供参考) L (2 小 HL 僵小珈 2 分,共 20 分) ( hiwm the letter IndlcRtlng the bcM choke to complrlr meh nmtcncr or un^wrr rxich qurnUon 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C C A C B A B C A B IL TRUE/FALSK (10 小■. •小■ 2 分.共 20 分) Write a T in the «p»cc provided If the wtatrnicnt In true. Write un F In the space If the Ktnlrmcnt K fuhr. Your Jiidgnirnt whnuld be bu^cd on y tome prclimirwiry work 任的反习报恢前,必 9!先蛾-检初期 1:作・ V. WRITING. (20 分) 35. AccordIHR tn (hr Kivrn FnctJi, formnl ■ buAlncsB rnvchipe.(】0 分) PF 分保 格式,5 分 内齐,5 分 36. Write n nirnui In n tradltconul furmul Nccording to the followinx tltuullon. (10 分) 评分标席, 格 K •厩 I 帕 3 分 内容,5 分〈清性.存牌) 圳怯及 4 它,2 分

