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2021 国家开放大学电大专科《理工英语 2》期末试题及答案(试卷号:3935) 盗传必究 一•交际用语(共计 10 分,每小 68 2 分) 1 一 5 ■:选择正确的语句完成下列对话.并将答案序号写在答题纸上。 L — How could you say that? _________ I didn't mean to hurt you< A. Tlwit *5 nght. B. 1 won'i regret. C. I'm really sorry. 2. — Welcome to our company. I hope? you will enjoy your work here A. 1 am sure 1 wilt B. I can learn a lot. C. You are very kind. 3. — I'd like to take you to the coffee house on the corner. A. Thank you. You shouldn't do that. Bt Thanks.「d like to go with you. C. Not you canf t say g 4. Excuse me. could you tell me the time? A. You'd better buy a watch. B. ltes three thirty by my wntch. C. Can you see the clock? 5. — Could I use your bike for a moment? A. h9s wclL H. It doesnf I matter. C. By nil means. 二,伺汇与结构(共计 30 分.每小超 2 分) 6—20 题:阅读下面的句于.从 A.H、C 三个选顼中选出一个能堵入空白处的正确选项,并将答 案序号写在答 J■侬上。 6. Mr. Green has lived tn Hangzhou _ A. mince 7. They promiar lh*t thr work would MH lx? (mmhed ____________ next week. Ba froni A> until in C. by K. Hr hnrd tn grt Alons .________ U you dnnwifh him. A. for B. with C nbout 9. I hud io go tu the ri nr mu nn my bcmuw? all the other boy ・ were buny- A. own Bt w” C. fret 10. There、A lot to do. We canft ____________ lo wft»te nny time^ A wail K •Hord C want I L The rricuh g___________ we won the R«mo< A. wh«l & that ( which 12._________nhc comeN or not mukz no diWrrcnce. A ・ Whether B, That C. Whal I3t Hr _ very buny this wcck< Hr_____________________ Crrt nrxt wrrk A. will hei H B. will bri will br C. i»i will br IL Du you think QtriM(io<> is ・ UntANtic plncc for triurisi? 一 I hove_______________ there nuny tirncnt It is quite beAutifuL 'Z «on» B ・ brtn C. went 15. I lc win unable io___________ his Mtnhborn partner o( hin virw|x>mh A ・ move H. convince . C. ch«ngc 16. Wf now__________ him by wrilinH ktirtR. A. keep nway from H. keep on C. keep in touch with 17. Ford Motor Company wn ・ in 1903. It in one of the grratrnt cor compAnios in the world today. A. finded C< founded 博.Would you like to help me _ nome RMB for doliorn? A. cxchanxr 11 found B. tnnnufnctiirr C ・ wtore Every child Don't___________him or her to othrm. A< ciimpnrr K look C. nnalyge 20. He MKin him”" to the ec thr proyrcun. lien i C »Kt you iiiunt rrmcmlwr to wr/ir a hnrd h ・ L Robert i 21 Beni Of course. Kurd hntu nrc irn|M^nam (ar proieciing your head in open enviranmcnia^ Robert i U rny h»t un jiruprrly? lieni_____ 22____ Firm of all* adju*t the Robrrii I wain the hm ta (h crimfonnbly no it doeRn fi fnll afft but I don1! wunt to miike it 以,that it CHUKCM dUtiindort. Wh/il should I (Io? Hrn i You win ndju^t thr i-hin«triip!i prnprrly m fit • round your chick Robrrtt I *€Ce IX)you hove any more infprmAhun fllniut ■帛 tily? Ikn> 23 brrnunr after yriirt ol wmr And tear, ihr rntirc suiip^ninon Hyntem may nerd rrphctng. Rah* n(_____ 24 _ And d(i not mull fhc ■叩乌 ol U hard h«t or rnakr rhunHcw to thr hni1 ■ MU*pcriMon linrnrufi. Otbfrwiwr> il» cKrchvcnrnn will hr impACtrd. Kobcrt t 25 _ Now 1 know how important a hard luit in the high-haurd coQStruclion industry I 26-30 文内 WWfrte 出的倡句是否正砺,正嘛的误的写.并将答案 耳在答题蛾上。 AlmoM! everyone in familiar with video cunfcrcncinK today, anef lor good reawn*. Video canfcrrncing i» convrnienL Video conferencing fiavcn tncuicy. Video conferrnctfix niakrs money. And it is in much easier rhnn it uxed to be. Tcxhiy. ol cour^et video confertncinn has breome an important nirnns lor doing bu»ineBS< There in no longer A need to waste time and money traveling, and the 侑 dvxmd tcchnolG«y can aHrr whai every canforcnctng necch. Audio, web and video together can provide* good solutions for Urge conferences with Q&A irMBionii and private chals. Why in video conferencing MO nuccecisful when other technologictt have come end none? 1t *• because n * • convenient and coM-effective> In Addition to Bavtng timr nnd money• vidr<> n>n(trencing is e lor lesA Btrcsaful thnn n meeting niter A(Liy of airj>ort «ociinty» delayed Hightsi and hotel check-in • etc. Best of alL vide confrrrndng tM not expetMive nowAdaystf Web. video nnd audio conlrrcncmg wrvice providers can quickly get you up and running. often without ^etup (rm ar high ch>n{,& With all thatf 5 availAbk today • thr only que»uon is whether n businrati can »Hnrd not to use user friendly video conferencing. Z6. Ite6»y to use video conferencing in the past. 27. Vidra canfcrcncinii 19 n convemerii wny for doing buMtnrrts. 2& Only video can provide good Molutipnn (or large conferences with Q&A teaiiionK 29. CampArrd to some other formii o( meetings f vidro conferrncing i> much more ■Trewful. 30. Nowadays if you don^t u«e video confrrcncinK tn Mime case^e mnybe ynur buMness will suffer IOASCR to tome decree* 共 20 分,每小题 4 分) 31—35 翻;选择正确的译文,并将答案序号写在答题纸上。 31. Have you menaged to figure out how to use that scanner yet? A. 你能修理好那台扫描仪吗? B. 你有没有弄清楚知何使用那台扫描仪? • C. 你找到那台扫描仪了叫? 32. !< will give youribrlf a ICH U|)whrn you look far ・ job. A ・当你找 T•作的时蚁,它将价你一条腿・ a 当你 M 作的时候,它能助你〜督之力. c.当你 r 作的时侵,它能帽你 9i. 33. Pm involved in two projcctu m prrnent. A. H 前我中请了两个项目・ B. 目前我完成了陶个瑚目・ c. u 前我,与 r 四个攻目. 34. Mnny electric car owncm connidcr the dchntr over chnrxing points « b“ cif R LMH. A ・许-电动市乍主邮认为充电点值吵制・ H.许名电动 T 车主郡为充旭点 4 争伦. C. 许客电动乍年主郡认为牛论充电"点大悚小怪. 35. It i» going to br difficult ta meet thr deadline. A ・很娥在截止 H 期制完成. 很难拇■止日 JW 定下来. C,很加到达■止日期. 试题答案及评分标准 (仅供参考) 一,交际用傅(我计 1。分,督小 18 2 分) 1-5||:»»正•的 18 句完成下列对信•并将答案序号弟在答 U 城上. I. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C 二•圜汇与嬉构(共计 30 分■❸小 81 2 分) 6-2() «:««下面的句子.从 A.B.C 三个逸队中培出一个能说入空白处的正■选项,井将答 *序号胃在答 H 峨上. 6.A 7 ・ C 8. B 9.A 10. B IL B )2. A 13. C IL B 15. B 16. (: 17, C 18. A 19. A 20. C 三•《!读理 11(共 4。分.15 小■! <分) 2I-25 18SM«M«,用所恰・句完成对话■并将答案序号耳在答 H 嫌上. 21. I) 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. E 26-30 ■:文内容判断雄出的用句是否正确,正确的 WWTM.«»的写”F。井将答富 日在答■峨上. 26. F 27. 2H. F 29. F 30. T RS•■俸(共 20 分.每小分) U-35M:逸普正®I 的塔文.并序号耳在着贼峨上・ 31. H 32. H 31 C 34. C 35. A

