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英语论文之挖掘牛津英语教材中的生命教育 ‎ 今年7月上海新闻报道了一名年仅19岁的贵州女孩在上海的一网吧卫生间里生下一男婴后离开,导致男婴夭折。这种青少年对生命的漠视令人震惊。近年来,学生因不能承受挫折和学习压力而出走,自我伤害、因水,电,火、交通事故造成的伤亡时有发生,年轻的生命一瞬间被无情的毁灭。一些青少年对生命的理解是那么肤浅,对挫折的心理承受又是那么的脆弱,对安全防患意识又是那么的淡薄。这些现象不得不引起我们每一位教育工作者的高度重视,也在警醒我们:生命教育对广大学生而言,是不可或缺的重要课程。牛津教材蕴涵着巨大的生命教育资源,是帮助学生认识生命、珍惜生命、尊重生命、热爱生命,提高生存技能和生命质量的一个好教材。生命安全是生命教育的重要内容。它包括身体安全和心理安全,培养学生生命保护意识与技能。生命教育要求我们要关注孩子们的生命成长,关心他们的身体健康和心理健康。7B Growing smart, growing strong,谈论的就是how to be smart, how to be strong.如果你晚上watch too much television, play computer games for too long, 你就会 feel tired and fall asleep in class. 让学生总结他们生活中的bad habits 和指导他们应该怎么做in the future. 养成良好的生活习惯和学习习惯 to have sound mind and body.   ‎ ‎ 多年来,我们的传统教育,多是对不畏强暴、见义勇为的宣传,少有避险技能、自救知识的传授。而学生应急避险的意识和能力,是其中不可或缺的重要内容。这种意识和能力不会凭空而降,需要从小教育,点滴培养。 7A Controlling fire 和8B Blind man and eyes in fire drama 都是向学生开展火灾中自救知识的很好的素材。7A中 Fire rules 告诉学生 What should they do and what shouldn’t they do when there is a fire? You mustn’t pack your school bag before you leave the classroom. Walk in an orderly manner. Do not run, etc. 8B Blind man and eyes in fire drama 讲述了a seeing eye dog在火灾中救主人的故事。那么老师可以借机问:What should we do if we are trapped in a fire? 再告诉学生If you cannot get out of the room and are trapped by a smoke filled corridor: Close the door. Close the windows when fire and smoke are coming from outside the windows. Seal the gaps around the door with sheets or clothes, wet the sheets or clothes. Put a wet towel around your nose and mouth if there is smoke in your room. Sit by the window and call for help. Do not jump. If your clothes are on fire, don’t run. Drop and lie down on the floor immediately. Roll on the floor with hands covering your face to put out the fire,‎ ‎ 等等这些常识。当孩子们具备了这些常识,今后碰到火灾,就有可能不会因为不知所措而采取错误的逃生方法失去生命或留下残疾,而是知道该如何逃生,该如何保护自己。7A safety precautions for typhoons,教会孩子在碰到恶劣天气的时候what they should do? They should stay indoor wherever they are and do not leave the building until the signal is lowered and the condition is safe to do so. Stay away from large windows, buildings and objects that are vulnerable to strong wind. And they should lock the window. And they should put flower pots inside the room. 教会学生在保护自身的同时,也应该重视他人的生命安全。7B How did Benjamin Franklin find electricity? He found it when lightning flashed。这时老师通过问学生where shouldn’t we be or what shouldn’t we do when lightning flashes? 教给学生一些避雷的知识。The best thing we can do is to find shelter inside a house. Close all of our windows and doors. Stay away from trees or metal structures,etc.牛津教材为生命教育提供了基本的素材。实际教学时,就要求我们教师要善于发现这些学习材料,进行适当的补充,充实生命教育。我相信我们的学生在提高了意识,掌握了常识,丰富了经验以后在面对火灾、触电、疫情、自然灾害、意外伤害等突发事件的时候一定能沉着冷静,勇敢面对的。     8A Chapter 3 Dealing with ‎ trouble讲述了一名足智多谋的父亲智擒小偷的故事。一直以来我们对学生多是对不畏强暴、见义勇为的宣传。而缺乏应该教会孩子在遇到一些突发事件时首先应该懂得进行自我保护,然后再考虑如何对他人进行帮助。当孩子缺乏这样的教育的时候,在遇到突如其来的事件时,他们表现出来更多的是惊慌失措、流泪无助。随着孩子们渐渐长大,各种各样不同的突发事件就会来到他们的身边,我们不可能因为会碰到问题,怕危险而去把孩子们保护起来甚至将他们真空起来,我们也不能总是当事情发生后去为他们擦眼泪或去责备,所以培养学生应对突发事件的能力就显得尤为重要。早一点给予孩子危机教育,多一些教授孩子避险逃生技能,因为离开了自我保护的支撑,再严密的措施、再精心的呵护,都可能会打折扣,陷入鞭长莫及的窘境。‎ ‎   8A Chapter 3就从侧面给了我们一个机会教会孩子在遇到危机时该如何做。这位父亲没有和小偷发生正面冲突,而是很巧妙的通知了警察。所以当危机发生时,保护自己是正确的选择。在确定自己没有危险的时候,一定要想办法去帮助别人。怎么去援救呢?第一选择:报110。再就是通知大人帮忙。生命教育是帮助学生建立生命与自我、生命与社会、生命与自然的三种和谐关系。保护环境是牛津教材中反复出现的内容,就是要让学生懂得爱护环境,知道人与自然和谐相处的重要性。7A Forests and land. When we are friends of the Earth, forests provide so many useful things for people. People can’t live without forests. 让学生懂得人的生命与自然息息共生。6B Will you be my friend? 中问到 What is a Friend of the Earth? A Friend of the Earth is someone who looks after the environment. But we are ‎ sometimes Friends of the Earth, sometimes enemies of the Earth.6B The earth一文中义正辞严地指出people are cutting down the forests. People are killing animals for food and their skins. People are polluting the land, the water and the air. People are enemies of the Earth when they do such things.文章最后大声呼吁:People must stop doing that. We must save the Earth. 通过教学,让学生感到拯救地球、美化家园是我们义不容辞的责任,意识到破坏环境就是人类自我的毁灭。当我们成为地球的敌人时,环境就会对人类展开报复,对生命的报复。天灾的肆虐就是对人的惩罚。7A more oral practice中有这样的问题问学生What causes a flood? What may happen if there is a flood? What must we do to prevent floods? 让学生意识到flood是天灾的一种,通过放映幻灯片,向学生展示发生洪水时洪水对人生命和财产造成的伤害。When floods happen, they may destroy homes and they carry off soil. More seriously, many people lose their lives in a flood. We must protect our environment and plant more tress to prevent ‎ floods.对学生开展一系列保护自然环境的生命教育,保护环境从人人做起,从小做起,以减少大自然对人类的这种报复和惩罚。教会学生懂得尊重生命的多样性,亲近大自然,爱护人类赖以生存的自然环境。理解地球是人类共同的家园,珍惜水资源和其它自然资源,保护生态环境。倡导科学、文明,保护环境,从珍爱生命开始。在一定意义上,生命教育就是一种道德教育。任何人既要关注、热爱自己的生命,也要关注、热爱他人的生命,还要关注、爱护一切有生命的东西。7A中关于SPCA的内容,就是要让学生从爱护小动物做起。 To teach children to care for animals, to be kind to animals, etc. To teach children that pets need food, water, shelter and love. To teach children that pets are dependent on people for their existence.      在很大程度上,生命教育就是一种情感教育。牛津教材在这方面也有着丰富的内容。内容涉及教会学生学会与人相处,学会关心、学会爱,爱祖国、爱父母、爱老师、爱同学、爱动物、爱身边人。让学生喜欢自己,乐于与同学交往;懂得关心家人、尊敬老人;了解友谊的意义;懂得同情、关心和力所能及地帮助弱者;学习建设性地与他人沟通与交往;培养与他人的合作精神。       6A Festival in China时, 让学生思考: How many traditional festivals do we have in my country? How much do you know about the Dragon Boat festival? 6A Sports and activities,要求学生say something about the Olympic Games in Beijng in 2008.通过一系列问题的启发和思考,激励学生热爱家乡,热爱祖国。7B P26 More oral practice—plan a surprise party for your mother开展母亲节感恩活动。书上列出了5个问题,还可以补充:What’s your mother’s favourite color? What’s your mother’s favourite fruits?‎ ‎ What sports does your mother like? What size shoes does your mother wear? What does your mother want you to be? etc. 让学生了解母亲十月怀胎,体会母亲养育之恩;了解母亲所从事的工作,体会母亲一天的辛劳;学会感谢妈妈,关心妈妈;用自己喜欢的方式回报妈妈的爱。牛津教材中有关生命教育的内容还有很多,我们每一位教师应深入钻研教材,把牛津教材内容作为载体,充分挖掘教材中所蕴含的生命教育因素,紧扣教材,适当补充,合理发挥,寻找生命教育同外语知识教育的结合点。 21世纪的教育是以人为中心的教育,让我们树立“以人为本”的教育理念,努力培养学生健康心理和良好的心态,使每个学生都能反复尝试成功的喜悦,树立起学习的信心,为他们步入社会后的成功做好准备。只有深刻认识到生命的意义,才会有对生命的挚烈追求,活出人生的滋味和精彩。     ‎

