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美国总统唐纳德特朗普女儿伊万卡助选演讲稿 ‎   伊万卡特朗普,1981年10月30日生于美国纽约,美国总统唐纳德特朗普的女儿,世界超级名模,美国纽约房地产巨鳄特朗普集团副总裁,连续两年登上美国《福布斯》杂志的全球十大未婚女富豪排行榜榜首,她是美国总统唐纳德特朗普与他第一任妻子所生的孩子。以下是伊万卡为她老爹特朗普竞选总统的助选演讲,情真意切,感人至深,看完之后,真是不得不服她的演讲魅力!  Good evening. Thank you.One year ago, I introduced my father when he declared his candidacy. In his ownway, and through his own sheer force of will, he sacrificed greatly to enterthe political arena as an outsider.   晚上好。谢谢。一年前,当我父亲宣布参选时,我为他进行了介绍演讲。作为一个门外汉,我的父亲用自己的方式,凭借一腔热血,牺牲付出,进入了政坛。   And he prevailed against afield of 16 very talented competitors.For more than a year, Donald Trump hasbeen the people’s champion, and tonight he’s the people’s nominee.   他从16位优秀的候选人中脱颖而出。这一年多以来,唐纳德特朗普一直被大家拥护,而今夜,他成为了民之所择。   Like many of my fellowmillenials, I do not consider myself categorically Republican or Democrat. Morethan party affiliation, I vote on based on what I believe is right, for myfamily and for my country. Sometimes it’s a tough choice. That is not the casethis time. As the ‎ proud daughter of your nominee, I am here to tell you thatthis is the moment and Donald Trump is the person to make America great again.   跟很多千禧年的人一样,我并不认为自己有共和党或民主党的党派之分。抛开党派关系,我投票完全因为我相信它是对的,这是为家庭,更是为国家。很多时候,选择都是艰难的。而这一次并不是。作为候选人的女儿,我十分自豪,此时此刻我在这里就是想告诉大家唐纳德特朗普就是那个能让美国再次伟大的人。   Real change, the kind wehave not seen in decades is only going to come from outside the system. Andit’s only going to come from a man who’s spent his entire life doing whatothers said could not be done. My father is a fighter. When the primaries gottough and they were tough, he did what any great leader does. He dug deeper,worked harder, got better and became stronger.   真正的改变,那种几十年都没为人所见的改变,只会来自于体系外。而它只会来自一个花了一生去做别人认为不可能的事情的人。我的父亲是一个战士。初选的时候很艰难,竞选对手也很强势,他做了一个伟大的领导人该做的事情。他越发努力工作,提升自己,变得更强大。   I have seen him fight forhis family. I have seen him fight for his employees. I have seen him fight forhis company. And now, I am seeing him fight for our country. It’s been thestory of his life and more recently the spirit of his campaign. It’s also aprelude to reaching the goal that ‎ unites us all. When this party and betterstill this country knows what it is like to win again.   他为了我们的家庭奋斗。他也曾为自己的员工奋斗。我也见过他为了自己的公司拼搏。现在,我见证着他为了我们的国家而奋斗。奋斗是他一生的故事,也是他竞选的精神所在。这也是让我们团结在一起的前奏。我们共和党,还有我们国家即将再次尝到胜利的滋味。 ‎

