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特蕾莎·梅的辞职演讲稿 Ever since I first stepped through the door behind me as Prime Minister, I have striven to make the UK a country that works not just for a privileged few but for everyone, and to honour the result of the EU referendum. Theresa May 这次是在唐宁街 10 号 ( 英国首相官邸 ) 门口发表演 讲,first stepped through the door behind me as prime minister 即“作为首相第一次入主唐宁街 10 号”, a privileged few 是一个 固定说法,意思是“享有特权的少数人”。 Back in xx we gave the British people a choice. Against all predictions the British people voted to leave the EU. I feel as certain today as I did three years ago that in a democracy if you give people a choice you have a duty to implement what they decide. I have done my best to do that. I negotiated the terms of our exit and a new relationship with our closest neighbours that protects jobs, our security and our union. I have done everything I can to convince MPs to back that deal. Sadly I have not been able to do so. I tried three times. I believe it was right to persevere even when the odds against suessseemed high. But it is now clear to me that it is in the best interests of the country for a new Prime Minister to lead that effort. So I am today announcing that I will resign as leader of the Conservative and Unionist Party on Friday, June 7, so that a suessor can be chosen. the odds against something 意思是 “某事情不会成功的机率” , 例如: The odds against his winning the race are high. 他赢得 比赛的概率不高。要表达相反的意思可以说 The odds in favor of something; it is in the best interests of XX to do something 是一个固定句式,意思是“做某事对 XX最有利”。 I have agreed with the party chairman, and the chairman of the 1922 Committee, that the process for electing a new leader should begin in the following week. the 1922 Committee 即“1922 委员会”,这是指英国保守党在 国会下议院的议会党团。 I have kept Her Majesty The Queen fully informed of my intentions and I will continue to serve as her Prime Minister until the process has concluded. Her Majesty The Queen 是对女王的尊称,如果尊称国王则是 His Majesty the King It is and will always remain a matter of deep regret to me that I have not been able to deliver Brexit. It will be for my suessor to seek a way forward that honours the result of the referendum. To sueed, he or she will have to find consensus in Parliament where I have not. 最后一句补充完整后是⋯ he or she will have to find consensus in Parliament where I have not found consensus. Such a consensus can only be reached if those on all sides of the debate are willing to promise. For many years, the great humanitarian Sir Nicholas Winton - who saved the lives of hundreds of children by arranging their evacuation from Nazi-oupied Czechoslovakia through Kindertransport - was my constituent in Maidenhead. At another time of political controversy, a few years before his death, he took me to one side at a local event and gave me a piece of advice. Sir Nicholas Winton 是指尼古拉斯·温顿爵士,他在二战前 夕协助捷克斯洛伐克 669 名儿童到英国, 使他们得以避过后来的 __ 。 尼古拉斯·温顿爵士也是特蕾莎在梅登黑德选区 (Maidenhead) 的选民。 Kindertransport 是指二战时的“儿童撤离行动,在二战爆发 前夕,将近一万名犹太儿童通过 Kindertransport 计划被安置在英国。 He said: 'Never forget that promise is not a dirty word. Life depends on promise.' He was right. As we strive to find the promises we need in our politics, whether to deliver Brexit or restore devolved government in Northern Ireland, we must remember what brought us here. restore devolved government in Northern Ireland 是指英 国政府将部分内务权力 (比如和医疗等 ) 下放给北爱尔兰政府。 Because the referendum was not just a call to leave the EU, but for profound change in our country, a call to make the UK a country that truly works for everyone. I am proud of the progress we have made over the last three years. We have pleted the work that David Cameron and George Osborne started. The deficit is almost eliminated, our national debt is falling and we are bringing an end to austerity. My focus has been on ensuring that the good jobs of the future will be created in munities across the whole country - not just in London and the south-east - through our modern industrial strategy. We have helped more people than ever enjoy the security of a job. We are building more homes and helping first-time buyers onto the housing ladderso that young people can enjoy the opportunities their parent did. helping first-time buyers onto the housing ladder 这一 说法很形象,字面意思是“帮助首次购房者爬上楼市的阶梯”,引申 为“帮助首次购房者顺利买房”, ladder 的常见用法还有 work your way up the career / corporate ladder ,例如: Stevens slowly worked his way up the corporate ladder. 史蒂文斯慢慢地在公司晋升的 阶梯上往上爬。 And we are protecting the environment: eliminating plastic waste, tackling climate change and improving air quality. This is what a decent, moderate and patriotic Conservative government, on the mon ground of British politics, can achieve - even as we tackle the biggest peacetime challenge of any government has faced. even as 意思相当于 at the same time as,意思是 “与此同时” 。 I know that the Conservative Party can renew itself in the years ahead, that we can deliver Brexit and serve the British people with policies inspired by our values: security, freedom and opportunity. Those values have guided me throughout my career. But the unique privilege of this office is to use this platform to give a voice to the voiceless. To fight the burning injustices that still scar our society. That is why I put proper funding for mental health at the heart of our NHS long-term plan, it's why I'm ending the postcode lottery for survivors of domestic abuse.It is why the race disparity audit and gender pay reporting are shining a light on inequality so it has nowhere to hide. And it is why I set up the independent public inquiry into the tragedy at Grenfell Tower, to search for the truth so nothing like it can ever happen again, and so the people who lost their lives that night are never forgotten. the burning injustices that still scar our society 这里 用词很形象, burning injustices 即“紧迫的社会不公问题”, scar 原本是指伤疤,这里引申为“对⋯⋯造成伤害”。 特蕾莎在这里连续用了四个 That/It is why ⋯来形成排比,强 调了她任期内政府做的一系列贡献, 读起来非常震撼。 第二个排比句 中提到的 postcode lottery 是指“地域性公共服务差异”,这是英 国的一种公共服务政策, 它规定人们能获得的医疗类型、 所接受的政 府服务类型等,均与其居住地区有关。 It is why the race disparity audit and gender pay reporting are shining a light on inequality so it has nowhere to hide. 这就是为什么种族差异审查以及性别薪酬正将不平等现象公之于众, 这样它才无处藏身。 Shine a light on something 字面意思是“将 光线打在⋯⋯之上” ,这与后面的 nowhere to hide 形成对应, 此外, 它还有引申用法“将⋯⋯公之于众”。 Shine a light on inequality 在这里有一语双关的意味。 Because this country is a union, not just a family of four nations. But a union of people. All of us. Whatever our background, the colour of our skin or who we love, we stand together. And together, we have a great future. 这里对 together 进行了重复,强调了团结的重要性。 Our politics may be under strain, but there is so much that is good about this country. So much to be proud of. So much to be optimistic about. I will shortly leave the job that has been the honour of my life to hold. The second female Prime Minister, but certainly not the last. I do so with no ill will, but with enormous and enduring gratitude to have had the opportunity to serve the country I love. 内容仅供参考

